Clinton News-Record, 1985-6-12, Page 66This yyear,l visited Bali, the Jeweled island in Indonesia, in search of its fabled coffee. l was pleased with the coffee, - but l was astounded by a new drink called Green Sands. It's actually Heineken beer that has been de-alcoholized and mixed with lemonade. Green Sands tastes, in effect, like a shandy, but the Canadian government won't allow Heine- ken to call it one because they (the gov't) define a shandy as a drink containing at least 50% beer. The gouts news is that while Green Sands contains less than .05% alcohol, II tastes like a"lime-n-lager" typically served in a British ub-- but without the hangover potential. Returningto Canada, I initiated negotiations that led to TE INSIDER'S REPORT SECURING GREEN SANDS FROM HEINEKEN EXCLUSIVELY FOR CANADA. When Jun White, Director of Unique Products, tasted Green Sands he said: "There's no question as my nand that Green Stands will be THE SUMMER DRINK OF 1985:' Until July 13, The Insider's Report special introduc- tory price is only $2.99 fur 6-pak (six 330 mL cans). We've ordered uver 200,000 6 -packs, but this may not be enough CO fill repeat orders. YOU'RE GOING TO LAVE THIS DRINIC IF YOU ENJOY BEER, LEMONADE, A SHANDY, OR A LIMN -LAGER. Available only at: L LS, NF, Z SI. STOP THE PRESSEN!! We just received notice of production problems from Heineken in Holland which is producing our Green Sands (the first order ever to be shipped to North America). Asa result, It was loaded late on the good ship "Arctic Ranger" and will not be on our shelves until at least June 19. Please be patient: This product is worth waiting for:!! THE TRAINERS cnth, have as roust/ him 4,fleading Canada's ruuthastra�)) by hi. woods dna: a untta• spelling. d have just confronted him with than Ji i Laafla,n 0144) he LL,.Lit., rtae that it '.+ totally unfounded. D -i -m, FOR THE PRICE OF A The only thing; harder than properly. spelling Alphonse 1)imptlmeter's last name is duplicating his breads. Frankly, it's next to impossible! Alphonse is Canada's undisputed master baker. His breads are so good, in tact, that they're shipped weekly from Ontario to FLORIDA, where shippers Crave them!! Prohahly, Alphon,e's hest known item is his schinkenhrot, literally "bread tor ham,.' Loblaw, sell, over 10,000 1 -Ib loaves every week! This is a wholesome, delicious, whole -wheat -and rye'bread rade with.. s sourdough starter and spring water. Until July 13, we have an outstanding proposition; regularly, schinkenhrot is a "hest -seller" at 99 cents for a 1-1b. loaf; but to introduce this tine bread into new hones, we've asked Alphonse to hake us A SPECIAL 2 -POUND LOAF AND WE ARE SELLING IT FOR LOBLAW S REGULAR PRICE OF A 1 -POUND LOAF - ONLY 99 cents!! IMPOSSIBLE - BUT TRUE!! Available: L, LS, NE, Z. THE PRICE YOU'VE BEEN WING FOR I'rn sure Wu know the Westvale line ot frozen fruit cont. rnrrated beverage bases - th{• tnichrt, nal Raspberry vena,,n is sensatiinal. Niw there are two new flavours • Blueberry and Strawberry. West. ale's trims are grown to rhe Fraser Walley of B.C. Within hours of being picked, the berries are c rushed and the Juice is concentrated .and canned. Elsewhere you pay up to $1.39. However, because we placed Westvale's largest ever order, we have the price you've been waiting for!! Until July 13, The Insider's Report has Westvale's Raspberry, Strawberry and Blueberry 250 mL cans of frozen beverage bases foronly 98 cents each. Available: L, LS, Z. COI-1()IIZED ZEDW T '! r.ES Fcts pi„g lr ir.iler rh,u rhe .ort „t um.akine, de-,alc„holcrd Kula began over i,000 se.ir, n,.'uil:c\'t III 8,.rn.innine conun,uidersy,ave theirtrop,de•alcohulcrd rnr, irrr,uni,a1'ls .,, r hev w„ul.l see 1 l.ennib:il's rlephnnrs coniine over the Alp, not pink rlrplm,ant,. ,kip.ihr.i,l 1 ,90 tear, It) the Rlunr zux•y,ud, o1 l)t'rm.tn wine maker Carl Jung. l 'sing J s ac mum 1,n ,o r,,. )int; ole Vel,,pr,l ,i (echntttu ! inn remove the .mlcohol from Iii, trim sRhine vaur,o ila,'utrent„cin ,any 01 the k+uu(rt,coI iirorttute.Tutday, you Kay up to $3.95 in C)ntano gourmet stores for a 680 NI/U(1110 bottle of this fine de- aIct nh_edwine. But tint ilJuly'L, were having a ()ee-But-lr's'Orcat-To'Bc'Jiing- A,un Sade. Your choice: CC:arl Jung's Red or White De-alcoholized Wine only 52.41) - von save up to a $ l•.46 on every hurtle. NI',1. ECJ' L . 'r Ti'NARY BAR -B- R , One day, members ot the Insider's Report Team were sitter around brainstorming potential new products and someone said, "Wouldn't it be great to buy side ribs already marinated in President's Choice Gourmet ar-b-s Sauce; then all you would have to do is spread the ribs over the coals, haste them with sauce from the package and have a great meal in minutes!!” When the "hrnmmms" subsided, we phoned our Resident Rib Expert, Bernd Mense, and .asked whether such a product could he developed. Atter several months ot resting, Bernd developed what 1 think is a fantastic, time -saving, summertime treat: Fresh Pork Ribs - you- choice, Fresh Side Spareribs or Fresh loin Country -style Spareribs - packed in my President's Choice Gourmet Bar -B -Q Sauce. Either way, you pay only $4.39/kg, or $1.99/16. Available: L, LS, NF, Z., Sl. lnoodentally, Lohlaws and Zehrs have reduced the price on fresh pork >ide spareribs and ouuntry-style ribs to only 54.3).'kg. or 51.9'4, lb until July lila! Sold only as packaged. PH 0 9 .. We honestly believe there isn't a better commercial chocolatt7 chip tooktt• in North Amertt,i than TIIE PRESIDENT'S CHO19:E"a, Rased on the current nate cit ,ales, there may soon norbe , etter selling one either. By our estimates, we'll sell 'almost 50,000,000 President's Choice Chocolate Chip Cookies in Canada this year!! W-hy don't you ger your share - a 400 g hag only costs $1.99. Available: L, LS, NF, Z, Si. Jokingly, Haid ro lin White that, these cookies are so addictive that hetore long, talk, will start raking theta on rlieir holidays. Jim suggested that, this being the case, we should start a photo contest - and award three cases tit cookies to the Insider why phonographs a hag of then, in what Jim considers to be the most out-of-the-way place. 1t yyni can ger a shot ot .your husband, wife, paramour, etc., holding a hag in.tronr of the Sphinx, you Just aught have a winner!! Send your photos,, before August 1, to Jim White, Insider's Report, 22 St. (;lair Ave. E., Toronto, M4T 2S5. Chances of winning depend on the numher of entries received. Further derails in-store: 6 7.W.69Y U;NY,W .00100 W " 5 iia Code: L - Loblaws LS - Loblaws Superstores NF - No Frills Z - Zehrs SI - Selected Independents.