Clinton News-Record, 1985-5-29, Page 57Six stand for CPH board
CLINTON - This year the Clinton Public Ball and Falconer Funeral Homes in Clin-
Hospital (ePH) is celebrating "80 Years of ton. Mr. Falconer is well known in Clinton
Caring".As a special feature of the Annual since he was born here 'and has been on the
Corporation; Meeting the Board of Trustees Clinton Planning and Industrial Board for
has decided to hold a dinner at the Clinton the_past nine years.
Legion Hall, Thursday, June 13, prior to the Tfie third is Allan Jewson who retired
Corporation Meeting. from the head of science department at Cen-
The board has invited Rev. Roger W. Mc- tral Huron Secondary School in June of 1984.
Combe, the Board Chairman of Alexandra The fourth is Colin R. Parker who is the
Hospital in Ingersoll to be the guest speaker. Commercial Account Manager at the Bank
Mof Montreal in Clinton. Mr. Parker serves on
minister and is author of The Theology of McCombe is a teacher and Anglican the executive of the Royal Canadian Legion
in Clinton.
Humour published in 1968. He is also a week -The fifth is Clara Riley from Londesboro.
ly contributor to the Ingersoll Times and the Mrs. Riley is a Hulled Township resident
Tillsonburg News under the column and is retired from Huronview Home for the
Aged where she worked for 22 years.
The sixth is John Rosenlund Jr. from Clin-
ton. Mr. Rosenlund is retired from the
federal government and has been very in-
volved with cash crop farming since his
retirement, in Goderich Township. He now
drives a school bus and does part-time work
for Scruton Fuels Ltd.
The board feels it has an excellent selec-
tion of members from the community runn-
ing for election to the board of trustees of the
hospital and knows that it would be well
served by any or all of those running. The
board anticipates that corporation
members will attend this year's meeting
and help it celebrate "80 Years of Caring".
Unorignially Speaking.
Those who have heard Mr. McCombe in
the past have stated his speeches are
stimulating and his messages most in-
spiring. The hospital board hopes that this
ype of involvement for the corporation
Illirmembers will allow them the opportunity to
know their representatives on the board of
trustees better and to further understand
the role of the trustees.
The board is pleased with the interest in
the hospital generated within the communi-
ty and this is shown by the number of people
willing and wanting to run for the board of
trustees of the hospital.
This year, as is the custom every year,
five positions become available for election
to the Board of Trustees of the Clinton
Public Hospital by the corporation
members. Those running for these positions
this year are; Bill Hearn, who is an incum-
bent and has been a very active member of
the Board of Trustees since 1978. Mr. Hearn
is President of Epps Manufacturing in Clin-
ton and has lived in Clinton most of his life.
Mr. Hearn has been vice-chairman of the
board since 1980 and has been on numerous
board committees.
Barbara Howson from Blyth is the second
incumbent running for the Board. 'Mrs.
Howson has lived in Blyth all her life and
represents the community well. She ' was
elected to the Board in 1983 and has become
an involved member of the Board of
Trustees..She has been on several commit-
•tees of the board, serving on them faithfully.
This year the board is losing two of its long
time members, Bob Campbell, who has
been a member of the board since 1961 and
Bill Counter, who has been on the Board
since 1962. The board will miss Mr. .Camp-
bell and Mr. Counter for the expertise they
hold and the endless hours of work they have
put in for the good of the hospital. The com-
munity has been well served by these two
men on the hospital board.
Marny Walden has also resigned from the
board this year and the board is certainly
going to miss her expertise and input and
Wishes her well in her future plans. Mrs.
Walden has been on the board since 1979 and
served. faithfully for those six years.
With 4 these three resignations the board
sought to fill the vacancies with interested
members of the community wishing to serve
on the hospital Board. The nominating com-
mittee has presented six names of in-
terested citizens wishing to stand for elec-
tion tot the board of trustees. The first is
Faye Fear who has been on the board of
trustees of the hospital for five years as the
county representative. She has served well
in her position as county representative and
has .been on numerous committees of the
The second is 'Mike Falconer the owner of
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The Clinton Huronic Rebekah Lodge 306 celebrated its 55th birthday on June 3. Candles
were lit and condensed resumes were read, highlighting the past and present. Over look-
ing the open book style cake, made by Sister Jean Henderson are, (left to right) Sisters
Ethel McPherson, past district deputy president; Marjorie Broadfoot, past district depu-
ty president; Ruth Jenkins, past noble grand; Jean Henderson, past district deputy
president; Kay Wise, District Deputy President and Vera MacDonald, Grand Nobel.
( Anne Narejko photo)
55ih year for
CLINTON - The Huronic Rebekah Lodge
306 celebrated their 55th birthday at their
June 3 meeting. The meeting, chaired by
Noble Grand Vera MacDonald and assisted
by Vice Grand Jean Wyatt, had 57 people
present. There were 40 lodge members and
17 guests on hand for the birthday party and
friendship night.
Guests were from Goderich, Exeter,
Seaforth, Hensel, Hanover and London.
The birthday cake, made by Sister Jean
Henderson, was decorated in the shape of an
open book and candles were lit by past
district deputies of Huronic Lodge after
telling of its history.
A draw was made on a knitted afghan and
cushion made by Noble Grand Vera
MacDonald. It was won by Sister Ruth
Jenkins and drawn by District Deputy
President Kay Wise.
As one of the highlights during the
birthday celebrations, Molly Cox and
Norma Grigg sang two duets accompanied
by Kay Wise on the piano.
A lunch of cake and ice-cream was served
by the group of the month, Sisters Barb
Taylor and Daphne Johnston.
To _ ship of Hallett
1'.• the Members of 6n1.1r11, Inhahitanls and
R,u,•p.cver-, of the Corporation
n1 the Township of Ilullett
65• have ,x.m,ined the e r> lidatcd balance sheet of the Corporation of the
township of I lullet1 as at Ih•e,inber 31, 1984 and the consolidated statement
et ' 'le•rat ions for the year then ended. Our examination was mode in aceord-
n:•e with generally arrepted auditing standards, and accordingly included
•.u,1, tests and other procedures as we considered necessary In the circum-
In our opinion, those consolidated financial statements present fairly the
tiu.uniol ps,sit inn of t)u' Corporation of the Township of Hullett a4 at
hot ember 11, 1984 and the results of its operations for the year then ended
in ae ,,rd,turr with the n,count my principles prescribed for Ontario
Mro,. ioal ii fess applied on a hasis consistent with that of the preceding
.cis : April 24,1985 Lfl•I�41 / !/ �" �]6h-�lit�
• . horst, Vudden d Bender .
I iron C...: 946 ' Chartered Accountants
Cut, •.tri, ted
T..•,•1 io. of vahlo
1',.e, ' !,.)rye,. ref eivable
s re:,• Iv.t1Je
Ili t
1. 1:
Towns•.h ip of Thillett
Consolidated Balance Sheet
D,•• ember 11 , 1984
r..• . 11;11,11 i, I. ..
.. t. r r• t l i .. i 1 i t;,.
158,,'14 •
5 ',60,7:6 . 514.486
$ 560,776
5 916,486
• :foes note•. ,n, .s iettglal part of this (loan. (al statement
Townshlp of Hullett
Notes to the.Financial Statements
December 31, 1984
Accounting policies
a)• Basis of consolidation
The consolidated balance Sher[ and statement of operations reflect the assets
and liabilities and sources of Financing and expenditures of the township revenue
fund, capital fund 'and recreation committee, the Auburn Community Hall Board and
the Blyth 1Tistrirt Fire Area Board. Except to the extent of disclosure of revenue
received or receivable required to pay requisitions, the operations of the school.
boards and county are nut consolidated.
b) Basis of accounting
Sources of financing and expenditure are reported on the accrual basis of
aer,,,nt Ing. The act'rual basis of accounting recognizes revenues as they become
available and measurable; expenditures are recognized as they are incurred and
measurable as a, result of receipt of goods'and services and the creation of a
legal obligation to pay. The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of
fixed assets are not reported for municipal purposes. Instead fixed assets are
expensed in accordance with the method of financing.
operations of silsa,1 hoards and county
As stated in note 1 a) the consolidated statement of operations discloses
revenue levied by the township requited to pay school hoard and county requisitions.
'Intal revenue and requisition and the resulting over levies are as follows:
school hoards
'laxation revenue 412,128
Province of Ontario Brants -
Requisitions 411,770
Over levies, beginning of year' .7
Over levies, end of year . PS 365
$ 252
1. Trost funds
Trust fund,' administered by thfe municipality amounting to. $ 2,200. 1198): $2,200,)
'.ave not been included in the consolidated balance sheet nor have their operations
been fn,lolled in the consolidated statement of operations.
Muni. (.pal land balance at the end of the year
Fuad balances of $67,020. arr available to offset' taxation and user rates fur 1985.
Reserve, .nn1 reserve funds
The total balance of reserves and reserve 'funds of $)97,064.
made up of the following: 1484
ser .t'.ide for working, capital by Council 718,850
rt aside Inc loans under the Ontario
Home Renewal Plan by legislation
(1983: 5159,470.) is
158,214 150,620
$ 39_x-064 $ 359 470
1. ro' term liabilities
The most, ipallty Is•.i, nt i ngentl y liable for long term liabilities with respect
to t tl,• drainage loans recoverable from property owner: and pnvrthle to the
Pt„vin e of (Inc.7riu as loan instalments become rine. The total anent outstanding
emher 11, 1984 is 6740,507. (1981: 5748,913.) and is: not recorded on
the ,onen1, 1.1.1 balance ':beet.
T.,w,'..'.c.p..,r H,cllert
s e It a ..I. . 1„,• her II,
e e I r et ,•a' i..1 .,r
r + , r {r s
c .,. .r test
(' .1.1., . , '- ,1'.c
rt't1, , '49 $ '119, I65 5 '56,675
the aeen.spanving notes are an Integra! part of this (inan'lal statement
Applied lo,:
'tomtit 'nprrat inns
Genf cal vnvrrrIMAMI
Prune, tion to pers.,s, and property
I rtnspnrt at inn spry i. es
1•, ,r„nc.,•6tal sPrvi. es
Health servir.s
nal and fee -I Iv service s••It ion and rulrnral seryl, es
Plaselnv and development
Riad Ind bridge , nnat ne 1 1 ,n
Muni, r pal drat°••
A.arhave •Ilspr. 11 site
Arena laud
Fire tru'k
appropriations to reserves and rmyerVP funds
Nisi. teal Fund Balances
At 1he l.nd nl the Year
To he used to offset taxation or
user charges
Total applications during the year
1984 1914 1981
Buq,.rt Actual Actual
72,079 65,617 61,871
81,196 64,111 '",'91'
279,200 740,961 256,'72
9,600 11,95' 9,156
1,300 2,979 .1,658
1,600 1,1.0 866
)5,200 27,099 )4,941
9,000 4,111 5,904
78,900 98,610 1464500
65,600 66,118 44,491
25,000 25,460 -
16,800 17,994 21,202
-LL62". 67.1020 41181
$ 694,769 $ 708,165 $ 156,610