Exeter Times, 1903-2-5, Page 4• Y fitla,, 1)03,. s,• Mos Bank 54 leynet ot Par]iaxnentleen lied Ounce, Montreal. Paid up) — 14,00,400 nd _ ne,e50,040 leaches, hes, in Ontario, Qucbn°, eneerta, Winne colulnbia and Maxtitoba,, I+.xlvrER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a, m to 8 p, in.; except Saturdays, 10 a. M. to i P. int, Verniers Sale Notes cashed or col~ ieeten. Forms supplied on application. Drafts on all points iu the Dominion. trent' " Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of enebange, SAVINGS DEVA.liTMENT, Peposits of$1.00and upwards receiv- od, Interest compounded half yearly, arid. ended to principal June 80th and December 31st, Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. aIogSON & CARLING, N. D. HURDON, sOLICITOB$. MANAGES a Piglet tittles 903. for .1 1 1January Calendaroar . Y SnrNDA'x, ... 4 11. 18 25 MONDAY,. '.1'UBISDAY.... WEDNESDAT . THURsDAY, 1 8 15 22 29 FRIDAY..:.. 2 9 16 23 80 BATURDA'R • 3 10 17 24. 81 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 NINON. Mffl11tZ PERTH THURSDAY, FEB. nTH, T903. NOTES AND COMMENTS. fill the lea 01 interest to Tilney ReadI1ap onlog In two GoUnties The Wise Economize And Make Home Bright, Cozy and Cheerful With Huron On 'Vireduesday last John Hinchley,an employee of the Broadfoot . Box tun niturefactory ,Seaforth, bad the mis- fortune to halve twoof his fingers tak- en off while working at one of the machines. Mrs. Quaid, sr., one of the oldest residents of Dunlop, who is nearing the end of her ninetieth year, the other day threaded a mediam sew- ing needle (not a darning needle) without "specs," and she is still able to do light sew ing with ease. Rev. J. W. Robinson, pastor of Vic- toria street church, Goderich, has been extended an invitation from the official board to remain as pastor for the fourth year. Mr. Robinson how- ever, declined, believing it would be better to move at the end of the con- ference year, NEURALGIA "Iliad been suffering about six mouths with Neuralgia when Istarted takingn Mi!bur s Rheumatic Pills. Theydid me more cod than any medicine I ever used. Mrs. Annie Ryan Sand Point, N. S. It is currently reported upon • what is believed. to be goad authority that the county registrarship is to be filled at last and that the lucky man is Mr, F. S. Scott, auctioneer of Brussels, Mr. Scott has been a zealous party worker, hence the snug berth which in point of salary ranks next to the judgeship. It was stated in political circles day that the Government has decided to call Parliament to meet March 12th. This was probably decided on at a meeting of council on Saturday. Hullett council has purchased the Tempperance hall in Londesboro from the Good Templars paying therefore n7?5. It will be overhauled and fitted , up as a township hall, where all coun- cil meetings will be held and other business relating to the affairs of the township transacted in future. A number of manufacturers of Port- land cement formed a branch of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. 'ren of the fifteen large cement factor- ies doing business in Canada were rep- resented, and the members of the or- ganization hope to secure the entire trade of Canada for home manufactur- ers. Last year American cement to the value of $699,000 came into Cana- da in spite of a duty of 121-2 per cent. The Canadian manufacturers will not • ask that this duty be increased, but will request strict interpretation and enforcement of existing customs laws with regard to undervalutation. A bill has been introduced in the ,state legislature by Dr. •Nottingham o 'hawing, Minn to give the stat, board of registration greater authori- ty in passing upon the qualifications of pleysicans who seek to practise in Michigan. Owing to the high stan- dard of examination before the Ontar- io Medical Council, men who could not stand the test in Ontario, or who slid not want to take the long course demanded in some institutions in Canada, have been flocking into Michigan. The bill would give the board power to compel all Ontario graduates to spend at least a year at a recognized school in Michigan before being allowed to write on the state ex- amination. County Councillor Kerr says in his paper, the Brussels Post : There is little doubt but that the Good Road's movementwili be thoroughly discussed at Huron County' Council in 19o3. The intention is. we believe to invite the reeves of the various municipali- ties in Huron to attend a meeting at Goderich during the June session of the Co. Council and have the question threshed. out. The Government Com- mispioner, Mr.. Campbell, will be invit- ed and in addressing the Co. 0oun- ell in December he heartily approved of the above mentioned proposal. This matter of modern methods in roadnmaking is rapidly gainicg ground and cannot be any longer ignored by any municipality. Already no less than 97 townships have abolished stat- ute labor and a large number of others will follow suit. Advance steps have been taken during the past few years and old practices much improved upon by the aid or road grading machines and a more practical view of the work taken by pathmasters, but one great difficulty is the want of uniformity. We believe it would pay any township to call all the pathmasters together - for an afternoon's discussion on this subject, What do you think ? D1fiP&OND DYES tVbile there are many ways open to wisp women to economize in the home none are naoi a, simple or profitable than the use of Diamond Dyes. These matchless dyes while they recreate and restore old garments to beauty and usefulness, also renew faded table covers, curtains portiere, afghans and chair coveriugs giving them bright and artistic colors. One trial will con- wince you that Diamond Dyes are home friends. bend your address to. The Wells, Richardson Co„ Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montreal, P, Qe and you will receive post 'paid new Dye Book, 45 samples of Dyed. cloth and full range of Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns, Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Clinton, who win in July next observe the 25th anniversary of bis entering upon the pastorate of Willis church, has during that long period had au average of 16 funerals each year among the mem- bers of his congregation. In one month, when la grippe was at its height, he conducted no less than seven funerals from among his own people. It is freely stater. and we believe correctly that the Ontario Govern- ment has at last mustered -courage enough to fill the long vacant County registrarship, by appointing F, S. Scott, the bailiff of Brussels, to the position, and that Police Magistrate Seager has captured the post of Clerk of the Peace. Both offices had a host of applicants, and to say that either appointment will give satisfaction is a travesty on fact. Charlie Layton and Milward Lloyd, of Tuckersmith, left for Uncle Sam's domains, last week to accept employ- ment at railroading. They are home again, however, the Yankee officials ss the refusing to allow them to cross border, This is the third time in a few months that Alien Labor Act has been put into force against residents of this district. There is supposed to bea somewhat similar law on the statute books of the Dominion, but it remains to all intents and purposes a dead let= ter. Why ? My fangs "An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said 1 had consumption. 1 then .tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly." A. K. Randles, Nokomis, III. You forgot to blly a bot- tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run W1long. , Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. '!~here's a record of sixty years to fall !back on., Throe sines: 2do, enouh for an ordinary cold.; sec., just rigi'ia for bronchitis, bootie• ibr chroniiC colds, and to to 1 eenoen economical and nil 1l J.. 0. £ EE. 00„ Lcitrall, mace. PERMANENT CURE FOR NEU- - RALGIA. —�— Experienced sufferers state that no remedy relieves neuralgia so quickly as a hot application of Poison's Ner- viline. the strongest liniment made. Nerviline is certainly very penetrat- ing and has a powerful influence oyer neuralgic pains, which it destroys al- most at once. Nerviline is highly re- commended for Rheumatism, Lum- bago, Sciatica, and Toothache. Better try a 25c. bottle, its all right. No Pills Like Dr, Hamilton's. HINTS TO FRUIT GRQWERS. As the time for looking after fruit trees is now at hand, and as yo u are re aware of the clauses of the Fruit Marks Act" which•compels shippers t o grade their apples, you see that the fruit trees must be properly pruned and cared far so as to raise the best grade of fruit. Old trees should be scraped clean of all the old bark, so as to remove any insects that may be un- derit. The time to do your pruning is not when you have time and cannot see anything else to do. But take the time, it will pay you. But if you can- not do it yourself get some good prun- er to do it for you, it will not be money lost. as due barrel of good apples is worth two of trash. It must be re- membered that we have to compete with other great fruit growing coun- tries. Now, try to be in the front rank in Western Ontario, by taking proper care of your orchard. Perth One of the earliest pioneer settlers of Eima Township has passed away in his 73rd year in the person of Wm. Lockheed. He was born in Gaiston, Aryshire, Scotland, In 1831. Wm. Kellington, of Trowbridge an- other of the few remaining earlier pioneers of the County of Perth, died suddenly, at the age of 66 years. He was born in the township of Albion, County of Peel, in 1827 Mr. A. F. MacLaren,the well known representative of North Perth in the House of Commons, will furnish the funds or will form a company to do so for the erection of a large hotel in Stratford, Ont.The building will be five stories in height, and will front en Ontario street, opposite the Albion Hotel. A pretty wedding took place recent- ly at the residence of Mr. Waiter Mc- Millan, Stratford, the event being the marriage of his daughter, Edith, to John Ratz, a hardware dealer, of Tav- istock. Rev. E. N. Baker performed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. The young couple will take up their residence in Tavistock. GENERAL NEWS Laxa-Liver Pills are a positive cure for sick, headache, bilousness, constipation, dyspepsia, andfill stomach and liver complaints. :Choy 'neither gripe, weaken nor sicken. Price 25c.. at all druggists. Hon. Arthur Sifton has been ap- pointed Chief of the Supreme Oourt of the North West Territories. • RAL.RAIM. FOlt :t L SP1 INt* FOOD, Lisch season's results: at the experl- Mentltl station have further evidence of the value of the rape plant as a source of green feed in this country.. Not only has it proved a most desir- able spring and fall pasture crop, but. a crop that evi11 furnish a large quan- tity .of green feed during such a droughty summer as that of 1901. The plant lived through the mild winter of 1901.1902,`. but the zero weather of the past winter killed all the plants. The rape plant will be one of the first plants available for feed in: the spring. and a large area should be put out, as feed is scarce and high priced. The value of the plant lies in the tact that it will furnish a large amount of green feed in a short period from the time of planting. -The plant resembles the cabbage in texture and color, but the growth is erect and two or three feet tall. Good rich soil is necessary for a large growth, and 'should be put in fine tilth before seed- ing. The plant is proof against frost and may be seeded the last of Febru- ary or early March in Southern Country. Broadcasting will do tor temporary patches, but if the crop is wanted to last through the summer it should be in drills and cultivated. Do not pas- ture too close if continuous growth is desired. For Uroa as ting use three or four poundsIn drills per acre. one to onand one-half pounds will be required.—Home and Farm. • More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. DOCTOR THE HORSES. Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Boland, Man, writes : "MY husband would not be without Ikagyard's Yellow Oil in the house, as he uses it a good deal for doctoring up the horses and considers it splendid." Price 25c. A woman who is weak,•nervous and sleepless, and who has cold . hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength. The death rate in Ontario in 1902 was but 13.6 in a thousand, and it is declared to be one of the lowest if not the lowest death in the world. The death rate in the Province between one year old and -fifty-five was only six in the thousand. After a night with "the boys" their is no bet' ter remedy to clear the head and settle the stomach than Mllburn's Sterling Headache Powders. Price 10c. and 25o. at all dealers. .A. selection is rumored to have al- ready been made to fill the position of the late Judge McDougall, senior judge of York county, and the open- ings occasioned by the removes. Hartley A. Dewarb, the present county crown attorney, is confidently spoken of as senior judge for the county. T. C. Robinette, K. C., as county crown attorney : Judge Morgan, it is stated, will be appointed judge of the Surro- gate Coart. All kinds of Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis Whooping Cough, Pains in the Chest, Wheez inc Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and Asthma yield to the Lung -healing propertiee'of Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25 cents The premiers of the several Canadi- an provinces have been in Ottawa en- deavoring to persuade the Federal government to increase the provincial subsidies. Ten of the deputation were Liberals and three were Conservatives. Liberal sentiments ruledand the gov- ernment was asked to share its "increased revenue" with the provinc- es. In 1887 a deputation came to Ottawa on a similar mission. It was composed entirely of Liberals, and after demanding a revolution in the policy of the nay, it asked the late Sir John A, Macdonald to divide up hie "increased taxation." Hon. W. S. Fielding, and . Hon. A. G. Blair. were with the subsidy hunters of 1887. Under their benign influence since 1896, the " increased tax- ation" of 1897, has been trans- formed into the "increased rev- enue" of the present day. Under Conservative rule, in 1887, $25,228.456 was taxes ; under Liberal rule $43,389,- 111 collected last year in the same manner was "increased revenue:" This is just another sample of Hon. W, S. lfielding's " chaff." Another old settler passed to his last resting place last week in the person of Mr. David Mahon of Mit- chell in his 79613 year. Mr. Mahon was a farmer in Kirkton up to about. seven years ago when he retired from active life and went to Mitchell to live. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. He leaves behind to mourn his loss a wife, one son from Dakota, and a daughter: .REVOLUTION IN NEWFOUND- LAND Since the introduction into New- foundland of the new 'abater Remedy "Oatarrhozone," the treatment of ca- tarrhal diseases h as been entirely revo- lutionized. The old-time snuff and internal medicine has been cast aside andeveryone is inhaling Oatarrho- zone ; it clears the head and throat in two minutes, and, is very agreeable and pleasant to use. Catarrhozone is a wonderful cure, for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, .Asthma, Bronehttis, Lung Troubles and Deafness. It relieves quickly and cures permanently. We advise our readers to try Catarrho- zonn Price $1.00, trial size 25c. Druggists, or Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butter- nut Pills. Points of Excellence That Make WELLS, MORMON & GO'S IMPROVED BUTTER GOLOR. The Most Perfect Color. that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. Stade by IMP*IRUL OXix Co. Wells, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color never turns a reddish .or- bricky tinge ; butter colored by it al- ways retains the lovely June tint. Itis the only color that is chemical- ly pure and harmless. Leading experts vouch for its whole- someness and freedom from taste or smell. Its keeping dualities are perfect ; it never becomes rancid or sour. It is the strongest color made, there- fore the most economical. Wells, Richardson & Oo's Improved Butter Color is reliable at all seasons, because it never varies in purity or quality. FIXED DATES .iso-• Routine is 'exceedingly strong in Russia,: Themes a clay in June upon which, says tradition, it become safe to bathe in the rivers, after the winter freeze. No matter ni'ow warm the water maybe on that'day, then is the time to take the first swim.. Other dates fixed are mentioned in •'Ivan at Home," by Herbert Barry, • Of course the statements do 'not apply to all Russians, but to the average peasant only. No man dare touch an apple before the sixth of August, however ripe the fruit may really be before that day. He does not believe it is fit to eat. The village sportsman, although he may have observed the blackcocks fighting amongst themselves unusual- ly early, owing to the warmth of the spring, cannot make up his' Mind to shoot them before the appointed day bas arrived. - No traveller will start on a journey on either a Monday or a Friday. Although the . delay is strongly against his own interests, the fisher- man will not cast his nets before a certain day, whether the season be late or early. No lamb is supposed to be able to reach the age of mutton should it have been born before the day named in the peasant's calendar. And •so on' through all the common events in their daily life does this attachment to fixed dates hedge in a Russian's, existence. THE . DIRECTORS' MEETING SOUTH PERTH AGRICiJLTunA.L SOCIETY MATTERS At the directors meeting held last Wednesday after the regular annual meeting. of the South Perth Argicul- tural Society, Mr. Carman was re- appointed secretary and Mr, Box treasurer, The following honorary directors were named ; Jos. Meighen, R. S. Graham, _ A. Mennie, Wm. Mossip, D. McVannell, jr., John Murray, Avonton; W. J. Roger, Mothewell ; D, M. Cole • Lake- side; and R Sterritt, West Nissouri. A finance committee composed of the following was appointed, Presi- dent Porter, T. 0. Robson and P. S Armstrong. The fair will be held e d this year on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept, 29 and 30, The repairs and improvments Com. mittee is constituted as follows ; P. S. Armstrong, T. 0. Robson,pearin A g,1I.S_ , R. S. Graham, Sec. Garman. It was decided to hold a seed and spring horse fairs an,1,. the tollowing committee will take the arrangements in hand : Pres. Wm, Porter, .-T.. O. Robson,, Pearn, Bonis and Henderson. The board then adjourned. ,e,• DIED LogAN.--At his residence lot 5, con. 5, Stanley, on Saturday, Jan.+#1st,1903, James Logan, aged 75 years 411105. STANCOMBE.---lin. Exeter on Saturday Jan, 81st James Stancnmbe, in the 70th year of his age. LEVETT—In Georgetown, on Jany.• 26, Mrs, Wm. Levitt, formerly of Gran- ton, aged 90 years, DxartNs-- In Osborne, on Feby. 2nd, Jean, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Dickens, aged 3 weeks. SovTBcoTT-In Toronto, on Feby, 1st, Charles Southcott, (a former resi- dent of Exeter), aged 73 years and 2 months. What is Castoria, is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and. SoothingSyrups. It contains neither Opiwn, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.. Its guarantee � yt is thirty ears' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria euros Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic.. Castoria~ relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and. Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates: the Stomach and Bowels of Wants and Children,.giving healthy ttnd natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's s Panacea—The Mother's . Friend. Cori isto a. "Castoria is au excellent ,medicine fo. children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their ehiidren. DR. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass, Castoria,. . children ,adapted to c ISwell k Castoria 1 sow p that.I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription. known to ine." . n. A. ARCHER, M. D. Broof.J' n, N. Y THE FAG -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER., THE GENT) R COMPAN TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. IffiSKOML:4;'s,nli.en:,9i'"��..'b tiaLt�. e.".,.nen ._ L.e drat. Jen innnjEl "Au Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound.. of Cure." Why not cure that cough of yours now ? Do not let it A go on and get worse..A bottle of one of our cwt g Cou h Medicines will cure you. We carry a large as— sortment of Cough Medicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get some . oil our remedies. . • 4314o-wilitig'S Dr'ug S(tofe Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neura]g1 a,. and Gout are all completely cured by Mil-` burn's Rheumatic Pills, the great specifier rheumatic remedy. Price : 500 a box at dealers. At this time of the year 'when sore throat. pain inthe ohest, rheumatic pains and aches, are so prevalent, it would be wise to keep on, hand a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is a. perfect medicine chest. Price 25o. SICK HEADACHE. Mrs. Joseph Wordwortb, Ohio, U. S., sayer "I have been troubled with sick hoodoo he tor over aear. Lately I started taking Laza- Liver Pills and they did me a world of good aoting without pain or gripicg." GRIPPE HEADACHE Mrs. c. Appleton. Whitewood, N. W. iT.. writes: "nailburn's Sterling Headache Powders have given me great relief from the terrible pains of La Grippe in my head and.through my book." Price 10oand 25o., all dealers, n .,..n ; ...... ro:', oaktetaEiSrore.ritiKoVo'Z ,i".c.t%t.. id ne Day Take lLe 'dive Zromi ill g T b et ,fir' L Seven Million bogies sold in past li 2 months. This sivature9 mi..i Cures Grip in Two Days. on every nneeneeneenan ©„ 25c 3an .raT,•. r.. With GoNidense We Direct You To o The Neu r Failinu e tlealth-Builder• Paine's Celery Compound Quickly Elevates the Constitu- tional Condition of all Rundown and Sick People. In the winter season when many people, especially women and children are confined in close and stuffy apart- ments which Iack proper ventilating facilties, the • blood becomes watery, pale, sluggish and impure ; the nervous system is impaired, the brain is tired, insomnia begins its terrible work, and a general collapse of the whole system ensues. ' Our object at this time is to suggest the true means of succor and help for pale, languid, nervous, irritable and weakened women and children Thou- sands of such nerveless and frail vic- tims will soon be cut down it help :is delayed and time lost. Paine's Celery Compound is the "life-line"—the sure and tried rescuer that saves and blesses when all othe means fail. Paine's Celery Oompou is doing the same Heaven blessed wo. to -day for sufferers that it has so ell done in the past. It quickly furnis es the new, pure and fresh blood wh ch is the foundation of true health n it promotes cellgrowtb, builds up fie h bone and tissue, and elevates the co stitutional condition of every si person, and defends them from ger and `bacterial dangers. Try Paine's Celery Compound, dear reader, and your efforts will be fully and happily rewarded. .•. Sale Register • Hoven AND Lon.—In Exeter, on Andrew street, the property of the late Duncan Macgregor will be sold on Saturday, Feby. loth, 1903, at 2. p. m„ at F. W. Gladman's office, Exeter. John Gill, Auctioneer. naneranannemeneen C 0 A ,.a.aa• You may not be able to get enough coal or wood to keep you warm this winter but you can dress warm in our SUiTS AND OVERCOATS Suits that fit and suit .the pocket, .JO NS' Opposite Post Office, Exeter CALIFORNIA — OREGON EXOUR- SION Every day in the year the Chicago, Union Paeiiis and Northwestern Line runs through first class Pullman and To - Slee , g Cars to points in Cal - . i rnla and .Oregon. Three through ains daily. The route of the famo s 'Overland Limited," Personally co ducted excursions from Oihcago t San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and other Pacific Coast points, leaving Chicago on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. .Lowest .rates. Choice of routes. Fnest scenery. Maps, illustrated folders etc,' furnished. free. Rates quoted, Address. R. H. Bennett,, General Agent, 2 East Ki street, Toronto, Ont. Nen SICK WITH WORMS. Mrs, J. D. Mayo, South Stukely, P. Q., wrote the following: "One of my children took sick with worms, and after trying everything with- out getting relief we prooured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup which acted promptly and effect - Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's. Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus, F I m eentsof . Kinds II� We are agents for the celebrated— Maxwell elebrated Maxwell Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Ray Loaders, Etc. Anyone wishing a paper or magazine • Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows and at, the t in office fe or subslist cription please P Grinders. Toronto Air Motor Windmills Binder Twine in season. EXETER, TIMES ()PriaLi'.. 'TIMES C 1.14 les We have completed clubbing ar.- rangements for 1903 with several. of the leading newspapers. All of • the following with the exception of the - dailies, will be sent to any address from now until January lst,1904, for amount named. The rates will be as follows : The TIMES and Family Herald and Weekly Star from now to January, 1904, for $1.75• "Purit'y" and "Alone"—two beauti- ful pictures—are given to all subscrib- ers for the above price. See sample pictures at this office. The Tarns and -the Weekly Globe for $1,60 rhe Trains and. Montreal Witness from now to Jan. 1st, 1904, for$1,6Cr The Tntms and Weekly Mail aria Empire from now to Jan. 1st 1904, for $1.75• The above includes a choice of two handsome pictures entitled "The Doc- tor" and "Contentment". Samples of which may be seen at this office, The Tarns and Daily Mail and Empire, morning edition, for one year for $4,25 - The Tarns and Daily Mail and Empire, evening edition, for one year for $3.25•. he TIMES and the Presbyterian for one year for • $2.25, e TrnrEs and The n eekly Sun from now to Jan. 1st, 1904 for. . $1.75• The Trnrns and London Daily Ad- vertiser for one year for $2.50 - The TIMns : and London Weekly Advertiser for one year for $1.50 The TlaxEs and Toronto Daily Globe for one year for $4.25. The above includes a beautiful cal- endar in colors, that is easily wortla. fifty cents. The TIMES and Toronto Daily Star for 2,50~, The TIMES and Toronto Daily News for 2.5G' The Trans and Farming World for 1.85• The TIMES and Farming for .1.75.. The TIMES and Christian Guar& lin for 2.00e The TrMxs and Free Press, room- ing edition, for..... ....... . 3.25 The TIMES and Free Press, noon or evening edition, for..... 2,75. The Tains and Free Press, week- ly edition, for. - 1.75. NOTE—Our list is not yet complete on. Huron and Briucc. BuggAp��.,�ci, : 9�'Y aggon-ii, a anidl'3 Cutters GozNallozexrr i'asseriger. London depart 5.15 A, i 4.40 r, gra.. We are agents for the McLaughlin Cutters and Tiuggies;and for the oentmalia.:..., _" "" 9.3 5.60, Centralia 9,80 Chatham Heneall 9.5o4 015 IKippon Cruceflold ....., ..... 9.68 0.83 linton 10.16 6.55 Wingham arrive 11,10 8.00 A. Full Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and 'Ringers. GoxxasorrrziW- Pasaonger• Olinghain, depart ..:, . 6,53 A. m, 8,15 B. to. intru 7.47 4,26 Drtmcefield 8.05 4.49 SISSETT a JOHNS pg,,,F,,,,,.....,::r,:*::.::......:.::::ii.,22g.856.025,1046'5.26:• One Door South of the.Central Hotel.rsr: s,1a. Wagons.