Exeter Times, 1903-2-5, Page 1:THIRTIETH YEAR -NO 9
itet4 + e+•i' 3°+.'4i4.++: ee+++4.4.44++++++Aelet•deanel ++++ + +
Clover a:ad Timothy
Seed Wanted
We will pay the highest Market Price
' No., 1. Clever and Timothy
n and "Millet Seed.
Also Hungarian
EXETi B, 0
T., CANADA, A, Tm[ 7RSDAY ORNI 'G, " `C :Y 1.9
nsaii Thatnes.Egan
ANI'iyERE t1tY. - The anniversary
ra 7. Sutherland, Notary anoe, Clow i, an *
cert Qommisslaner,li'rre 1[nsuranoa Agent, and services of the Presbyterian cltureh
/sourer et Marriage Licenses. Legal. i'oouments will be on Sunday and Monclay
to jean o
on real
rates t
Z interest, II
uar $
tl and.d Oth.
carefullydrawn e reasonable rates. money
O „a ttee Post Office mensal bepre ced atMor-
anb�th Rev. Mor -
Baume, -Mrs, Wm, McOloy Was in
Seaforth visiting relatives on Monday,
--Mrs, John Mero and family left here
' Forks, North
n F ,
fori res. the
i ria r f
o a o
n r t mss.
amongt e
- Mrs
Dryer o, to joinif Detroit • Mrs+ 'hero, Presbyterian church, and is a very
Mse P 0. McDanets a-atnee Ramie siting her oaf clever speaker. The Rev. E, D. Me-
Wroxeter,r Laren, formerly from Vancouver, Bb.
is visiting, . Mrs. Henry C., is a, successor to the late Dr. Rob -
Cook and Mrs. 0, (look,-- lMrs. T. Mur- ertson. To attend these services will.
dock and daughter •Missrof Ethel,thweek, no doubt be profitable. '7'he annual
in Zurich the firstp , tea -meeting, which is so well and
visiting Mrs, ghte Campbell, Mrs.
favorably known, will follow on the
Murdock's daughter, -Mr, Copeland, Monday evening, See posters.
organizer far the Canadian Order,of
returned Missionary
dock McKenzie, a re
from Honan, China. and in the even-
ing at 7 o'clock b.Y Rev. E. D. Mc-
Laren D. D. Mr, McKenzie ranks
• Foresters, has been in the village dur-
4.- ing the past week, looking . after the
interests of that order, --Quite` a num-
ber of the me�hbb ers of Hensall Lodge,
• 3 I.O.O.F. attended a meeting
No. 2Z ,
of the sister lodge of Exeter on Tues-
day evening- last, when the Grand
Master was present on that occasion.
-Miss. Ida Peart, who has been at
�: London for some time, is home visit-
ing her parents. -Mr. W. M. Ross and
daughters are visiting relatives and
friends in this section, -Mrs. Harold
and Miss'Kent,: of Winghem, .Mrs.
John Norris and daughter of W inni
Mrs Mur
peg, were the guests of ,
® .g. dock last week -Mr D. A. Cantelon,
Oil'¢ produce merchant, has up
,g. office in the building j u
, a great
fitted an
'¢ est north of the
it Queens hotel. This will be
convenience to' Mr. Cantelon as well.
and customers.
�q,:1,�+;IIg,.N,I,,;II•,II••N+S•�,•II,�i..,i.+€+4•�II•4,•�'�•II..gl' +44.4"144.4.44+4•+++44+4.4.+4444ae to h.is many friends
-Mrs. S. T. Hopper and daughter
--�� Marjorie, of Port 'Hope, arrived here
last week to join Mr. Hopper, who re-
� �=�-�•-- ��m "" """" ceni-i., purchased Mr. Babcock's drug
business -The annual meeting of the
--CHEAP SALE public library membership washheld
GrocerieS andCrockery
Black Tea worth 30c. at .. .. 20c.
Green Tea -worth 80c at.,..
Coffee 12 fibs for.......... 1.00
Green n
Roasted Coffee per pound. ,....... 2 c.
Force 2 for 25c.
Vita, 2 fora' 25c.
Swiss Food 2 for ... • -
Gra a Nuts, 2 for •25c
Grape nts 4 lbs for. 25c.
▪ Good Cerra •` 25c.
Good Raisins, 3 lbs. for
Prunes, 61bs for
Cooking Figs, 7 lbs. for 25c.
3 cans Mackerel for.... 25c
Georgian Bay Herring and Trout,
n Ha
Codfish. and F below
Fancy cups and saucers away
cost" '' " setts at
Dinner setts and Toilet
great reductions.
International stock'and Poultry
GE(31;z06 SCOT
Joe Case's Old Stand, Henisall,
amataacamsancermanamessm*.samaitatamantastatiama cam..
Raving decided to go out
business, wewillof the shoe buss ,
out all ' our stock of
r and Rubbers at
Boots Shoe..
Now is the tilne to secure
Harness al -
:A. full stook of
was on hand
li li .
BRIEFS. -Mr. James Broadfoot re-
•cently sold a horse to Hackney Bros.
•for a Targe. figure, -Mr. Gideon Hob -
kirk and family, of Sewall, spent last
Sunday with his parents, + Mr. and Mrs.
- I s
g 'Saturday
t S Y
our school teacher, spent
and Sunday at her•home in /Ebbed. -
'Some of the farmers' along the eefboun-
dary are talking of haying
for the corning summer. If any more
would take it into careful- considera-
tion they would likelykeKerslake and Tho
...Messrs. George
Passmore have material on the ground ound
for building in the spring, the M. T.
am n house.
We Gan
that our stock cd Fall
A. PLEASaNT EvENIYG.-•A moat en-
joyable social evening was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Bell
in 1Hay,on Friday evening last. Guests
were present from Kippers, Hensel'
and Exeter, and all entered fully into
the spirit of the occasion, : the result
being jovialty and good fellowship.
A most tasty ;and sumptuous supper
was served by the worthy hostess in
true old Scotch style and from silver
half a century old. After all had
done justice to the good things an
weekseenxstobe showing mercy up -
oil the people whose wood. and coal
yard is so near empty for you ioyiexi
weet that it will not be heaping
ith coal at $9 per Lon and wood at
$5 per'cord.-Last Monday evening a
load of jolly Forresters at Court
I 0, F. visitd the, Brother
Court at Crediton, who upon the, ap-
pearance of their brother visitors `you
could see a gleam of joy and gladness
, iv d
s quite en
a time the town.wa
at the meeting of the two courts, A,f-
ter the business of the Court was end-
ed. some very nioa little speeches were
delivered by the visiting brethren
after which a ticket of admittance
was handed to the: visitors which ad-
mitted them. to an oyster supper pre-
pared by Mr. C. Beaver by order of
the Forresters of Crediton. Lodge. The
sapper was very daintilly gotten up Lace Curtains at 25 per cent off former low prices.
with all that the: eye could wish for, .
for which too intado sada ',et be said
for the way in which Mr. Heaver gets
of oysters &c. until they looked as if We have Black Worsteds and Fine Tweed Suitings from $2.50 to
other per yard, made to order for $15 to $17 a suit.
they would never want to see an We still have a int of brand new, Ready»to-wear Clothing wkzie'lz su
oyster, Mr. Harry MP. selling at cost price:: •
gave a very nicely worded andinter-In Gents Fine Colored` and White Dress Shirts, we have nice selections,
eating address on the good of the ord. Hate, Caps., Overalls,.Jackets, Hosiery, Uottanades, Shirtin s, late., gill goy
er, then after drinking to the toast of p .
Brethren they 11 'clued in
Mg at our special prices.
6 C
To secure �a,ut.r�Ias.� �e�oc7s '� scar:I�, Ii.�r'gatii
tzlaa'c; to close our .business m E.ct'4'r. We ar
r( e
per cciS ' I all � ���,,
t7 to e t 1
from I .r5l �'� ,
assortments of Pxints,:Fjannelc tcs,: Wrappere tcs, G-si
ice. g
clear at 15 per cent of regular
ke over their co and for
.i a o s I
a we aav° s a
Gadl a o t,
Dress s
regular 600 for 45c.
Black and Blue Ladies' ci�.;. ;'or•tiz Ur lex : "=c•
pashmersi, Lustrea etc, at similrtr reductio ,'
Heavy all -wool Dress Goods, 40 inches wide, f�?r on
per yard,.
• Heavy' Black Frieze Cloth, 58 i Robes' wide 45e' per yard;.
Mercerized Sateens, 25c goods foi20c, 20c go:icis 1. a r;. '
Black Sateen Skirts worth 1.7Z for $L40 a'nd 1,25 for a1.
White Counterpanes, regular $1 for only 75c.
C'on'y Furnishings.
up a supper. After all •had partaken
the Exeter re ren ey a
singing "we are all jolly good fellows" F OOTW F. AR -Ail lines in Footwear going at sweeping reductions,
and we are sure that no one will want
to deny it. But the performance did
o things, not stophere for now comes the wait -
r afew hohrs were o the p leas- ers "A umber of our fair ladies who
few hours most pleas-
antly. spent in games and listening who volunteered' to help r lake, the
to selections from the gramaphone occasion a success" proposed "i.1. •t the
of Mr. Bobier of Exeter. About mid- photoes of the waiters be taken by
night a hearty vote;' of appreciation flash light which was done by' our
was tendered Mr, and Mrs. Bell, and town photographer who has started to
after singing "auld Lang' Syne" all do business amongst us. Just see. the
left for home feeling that life was bet- pbotoes when they are developed for
having been there, they are all right. We would like to
ter for
• ask who would not rather be a Forres-
ter than an onlooker.
last week. The receipts for : the year --taea Centralia
gown to be $416.11 and the ex- BRIEFS. - The. Orangemen of this '
BRIEFS, The Quarterly Meeting
services of the Methodist church were
very successful Sunday last. The pas-
tor, Rev. Mr. Hutton, preached to
large congregations both morning and
evening.- The Quarterly Board on
board directors was a Tuesday last gave Rev. Mr, Hutton,
for 1003: R. McMordie, W. 13. following board was elected : Mr. F. aunanimous ion ontorthext for,
pointed f
Reynolds, G. C. Petty, Rev. Dr. Mod Metcalf; president Mr, D, . Mell~inwhichoxp acceptedd rice and esteem, All
, ,.0 1n...d .F -
y r lI_
Dr. MODairmid, Rev, W. J. Doherty ,non, vice-president ; A, D, TP ►
A. Macpherson, W. Mackay and W. secretary ; A. Elder, treasurer ; coon was harmony and prosperity,. and the
Buchanan. G. G Petty was elected. cit, Messrs. Powell, Elder, Herrington, financial returns were never so good
presidept, R. McMordie, vice president .McElroy, Gerry, Moser, °believe, Me- in may year of the past, -The Sunday
W.treasurer J.. C, Stone- Keller, Scott, Mekturchie. Willford, School of the Methodist church is in
limnMackay, tie ,
man ; Canvasser, W. H. Reynolds Wittlauffer, and C. Hamilton. They line working condition, Mr. Rich -
was a ointed'to arrange for addition- decided to advertise in the leading and Hicks is superintendent, Mr. Thos.
al shelving. -Rev. F. E.-Malott preach- daily papers for some good industries. ?Neil, assistant, and a fine staff of tea=
ed in Mitchell recently, the editor of They intend holding a meeting in In- chers, Instead of having a tea, they
iv a sub-
r dollarst
o erfa t
Q n raisedp
in d
v aY
• g - f ton e d a ezi
n- Hal u s tt
os f tr T g
n ani fav- s
i i t d41 , .,
er P,
- ecoid there . Y
then r,
arable account of his sefnioh§ abd bring any eorreepondenee or plans scriptions, that with twenty dollars
style of reaching. -Mr. and Mrs. R. they may have, -before the Council. on hand pays the running expenses
y p er year, They have 150
McLaren, of the London Road, enter- They also speak about aiding some of for i rs roll. -Mrs, Richard'
taineda number of their most. inti- the local industries to ;enlarge their members on the
mate friends and acquaintances on
Friday evening last, January 23rd, the
occasion being their annual Scotch
supper and dance in honor of
Burn's anniversary. -The . balloting
for four new' elders in Carmel church
resulted in the following mentioned
being elected : Wm. Dougall, John
McArthur, Jas. A. Belk and Peter
Moir, sr. -The two rinks of OUT colt
curlers played with Wingham, on Fri-
day evening last, and. had the satisfac-
were s ,
enditure just $7.32 less than that district are making great prepacatioas
amount. The assets of the institution
are worth $914.06. Books' purchased
during the year, 541 ; total number of
books on hand 1310; the number issued
during the year 3165 ; the membership
143. The reports were adopted. The
followin ofit
for holding the glorious twelfth of'
July in this district, - A meeting of
the business men was held in Dr. Min-
t's office on Friday evening, for the
purpose of organizing a board of trade
There was a very good representstto ,
with Reeve Sims in the chair. The
and Winter goods 1S tion of winning by 20 shots. We feel
• quite proud of the account that our
unequalled. See for curlers have been giving of themselves
for several years. -The anniversary
yourself. services of Carmel church will be held
on Sabbath, Feby. 8th, when the .Rev.
Dr. McLaren will preach in the. morn-
ing and the Rev. Murdock McKenzie,
of. Henan, China, in the evening. The
services on each occasion promise to
be of a most interesting character. -
Miss Edith Hawkshaw and Miss Jennie
Hodgins visited Mies Blanche Petty
last week. -Miss Mary Alair attended
the wedding last: week in London of
Miss Stark,- of London, formerly of
Wingham, to: Mr. A. A. Martin, of
the N, i�v, T. -The Misses ' Stoneman
S eafortlz .
Large stook of Lumber -pine and hemlock,
170000 feet of hemlookin,n$er for barns,,_ are visiting friends in St. Marys,- have another break with his traction
a e to be replaced by a new one, -Miss
To _QUASE A. BT -Ln W --'•Kr• Sohn` BRIEFS, -Mr, D. -Miller and Miss L, Nancy Stinson is visiting friends on
Beattie, of Seaforth, has begun ,pro Kirkby, of letanshard, were visitors at the Thames Road, this week. -Mrs.
ceedings at Osgoode Hall to preoena Beaver Sros.last week -D. McNichol Fred Taylor and children are visiting
on a technicality the submresxon had a. wood tree' last Saturday. -Mr. in Mitchell this week, at the old
by-law in Seaforth to bonus a. woollen andMrs, A. Hackney, jr„ were tender- home,
mill to the extent of $10,000. The by- ed a reception at his father's last week
law provides for the issue of deben-
plants. -
, Kirk -ton
BRIEFS.- Mr. F. P. Johnson has
purchased from Mr. Joseph Kirk, the
property he now inmates. The price'
is about $400, which is very reason-
able.; Mr, Kirk will, build a house in
Woodham during the coming sum -
rimer. -Mr. Howard Steele, of Mexico,
is visiting old time friends in the vil-
lage. Mr. Steele, although still a
Canadian at heart, :likes the land of
his adoption, and itis safe to say that
Hicks entertained' the Methodist
church choir to an oyster supper, on
Friday night of last week. A very
enjoyable time was spent by all. -Mr.
Baird, of Assa., N. W. T. vas the
guest of Mr. Luther Hicks for a few
days last week
.BRIEFS. -The Epworth League held
a very interesting debate recently on
"Marriage vs Single Life" which re-
sulted in favor of the married life. Mr,
John McNaughton was leader of the
affirmative, while Normae Mitchell
led the negative. -Mr. G. H. Windsor
In rockervware
One only Dinner Set, Ti pieces, very best ware. in light
green and gilt (a beauty) gilt warranted not to rub off.
Former price $11.50 for only $8.50.
One only Toilet Set, 10 pieces, best quality,inj light blue
and heavy stippled gilt, cheap at 5,50,, for $4.50..
inestquality China Tea Sett for only 7,00, worth 811.
Beautiful decorated Pekin 'teapots for 300 and 35c.
Lovely Table Setts in Clear and Wine 'Colored Carved
Glass, nicely finished with gilt for $1.50 per set.
FLOUR $1.7F.,► Per Cwt.
Remember only Cane Week more to secure goods:' at these Special
Prices for cash. •
We take this opportunity to thank' our customers for their liberal pat-
ronage during the past year.
We would kindly request those bavimg accounts unsettled to call and
settle before lst of February next,
Campbell,, .returned home Monday. -
Mr. John I. Hoffman of Dashwood,
and Mr. John Shepherd of Hensall,
were in town on Saturday. -Mr, John
Torrance of Clinton, was in town last
week. -Miss- Clara Rader of Sarepta,
visited. with Miss Victoria Johnston,;
this ,week, Mr, and Mrs, Moses oa-
g'er arevisiting friends in Michigan. -
and Mr, - Sidney Bossenberry of St.
Joseph, were Zurich visitors' on Sun-
day, Mr.Emil Hendrick of the Saub1e
Line had a brick bee on Saturday,
Emil intends building a dwelling next
spring.-llrtr; andMrs. Dallis Kraft of
Stephen visited friends in town last
Monday. -
he has prospered in; that State. We and W. R,EIliott intend banking their
were all tileasedlte sgehirn again, and barns the coming spring. -Our rural
our wishes 'f Is that he may telephone is progressing favorably and
still continue t�.i*osper,-Mrs. S. G. quite a number are having the line
Tuft is e{�' s . aously indisposed at connected with their dwelling. There
time of writing Mr.'R, A. Bryans, is a possibility of havin abranch from
who for the pasl3e`ten years has carried, the town line south ups to the school.
on the tailoring business in the village - house, which might beg*; ofitably , ex
u - the business here and tended to the Orediton•'inead.-A .,p" --
has givenp
has purchased a gents' furnishing son would most naturally think from
business in Petrolia. We are sorry the number of oyster suppers, and the
to lose Bert tro, the place, but our price per head, and,'the ' number of
wishes are thatprosperity may be gallons eaten that he .o stet; beds
his in his undertaking. - Mr, John were about exhfaust''t}., .-Tere;..s{eerie',
, Hanna has had the misfortune to to be a good opening a ;first -mass
tailor and violinrsf�' e e...: ;,lis W. H.
Elliott has now a largecoi3signment
of horses ready for the west. -Mrs. S.
McCoy has returned from a pleasant.
visit with relatives in Wisconsin.
While on her journey she experienced
a railway wreck, „hut came out • with-
out any personaI,ishap.
also shingles. laths and cedar posts. rices a engine, which will mean another
reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard a East side of Farquhar large outlay, and possibly may have
main b M'
tures to the amount of $10,000 for the on their arrival home from their Lucan
to of loaning that sum to John honeymoon tour, -The oyster supper
a . complete
Dick, of Toronto, to aid... him or such held by the Templets was--
BRIEFS.--The`C. O. F, assembly an he form' to extend his success. There were plenty of oysters en last week proved in every partici"-
for woollen manufac- to which the large crowd did Justice, lar to be a success. The attendance
or their 4 -
spleniiti program was rendered .af- being something like one hundred and
tures in Seaforth. The mills are upon ter supper. The commt tee are to be seven couples,whtle the music furnish
the lands known as the Van;Esmond congratulated on their efficient work. ed bythe London Harpers was A. I.
woollen mills property. If :carried ,, _ There a continuous flow of music
the bylaw is to take ef ect on March 5, p'ullarton until 8 a. m. when- all departed for
and one o`f •the grounds for setting it _�;_• their several homes, well pleased and
aside is that the date should hav'ebeen BRIEFS. -Mr. R. H. Pomeroy has looking forward to when the same or
in the financial year in which it wasbeen appointed caretaker of the Meth- der will give another:such entertain-
odist church and school room, and Mr.. went. -Mr, George Garbett, who was
John Wilson of the town hall. -Miss dangerously ill the first of the az eek,
Eva Glazier, of Wiarton,who has been has improved somewhat. -The annual
visiting her sister, Mrs. Stewart, re meeting of the Conservative Associa-
turned home on Friday. - We are tion of North Middlesex will be held
sorry to state that Ms. (Rev,) NCedP+hae 8 in the Town Hall,. Ailsa Craig, Tues -
en, of Fingal, who formerly live day, Feb. 10th at 10.80 a. m for] the
is seriously, ill. -The Methodist church election of ofiieat other bfor] the,
bore is now lighted with gasolene, A large attendance is requested. Mr
which makes it much brighter than A, W. Wright willeadflress the meet-
the coal oil lamps did. - Miss Clara ing.=Messrs, Geo. Bawden and S. Gib -
Frances entertained the members of son have been awarded the contract
the Baptist choir at her residence Inst for the erection of a
a b and the latter a
Vennor is preparing to: build, passed, when it would take effect.
Merchants Bank
REST.;:.. ,.,
THOS uT v'snP • Superintendent et Branches
Csneral Manager
e current rates - allowed on
Interest at l�lost' favorable
accounts and Deposit Receipts
•n a Bank...
• Savings, ' available in china, Japan and
Letters of Credit issued
other' foreign countries.
E. F. IIEntiEN,
O N' Q N N A R t 0.
erection brick store and
Monday evening. dwelling premises for, Mr. A. Sceli,
tailor, on the premises now occupied
Hurondale by J. O. Taylor and Dr. Sutton. -At
the recent midwinter examinations of
SCIIooL REPORT. --The following is Toronto Conservatory of Music, held
the correct report in ordeC. oJsbo �e,, last weak,- Mrs. Mc`1'urlc,' having corn -
of the pupils of S. S. No. 1,
V class, Reginald Case+ Frank Blatch-
ford, Albert Etherington; sr. TV.,
NellisMoir, Elwin White, Eddie Oke;
Inter, IV., Lena' Blatchford, Victoria
Ferguson. Roy Blatchford ; jr. TV.
Mabel White, Bert White, Garnneet
Case ; sr. III., Mabel McTaggart,
nie .Dougall, „Lilly Oke ; sr. It, Edna
White, Carrie Oke, Harry Dougall
jr. II., George Blatchford ; sr., part I.,
Jennie Strang, Gordon Oke, Cecil
Down ; jr, part L,. Hey White, Jaynes
Dougall, Ira Moir. -
M. .O]3Tox, 'eacher,,
Brenner of Grand Bend,
Bruce B
Complete Referendum Returns
The official returns.. of the referen-
dums vote on the Liquor Act, as pub-
lished:in this week's Gazette are: -
For the Liquor Act 199,749
.t)_gainst 103,542
Total majority for 90,207
Total vote polled ..........:...303,291
Total namee'on lists. , 590,934
r. Campbell le
for Chicago to visit his brother who is
very ill. -Miss Ethel Rennie who has
been visiting her sister at Dashwood
for the past few weeks returned home
Sunday. - Miss Ida Sipple returned
home from Detroit, Saturday. -Mr,
Harry Oalfa,e of Dashwood, visited in
town on Saturday, -Mr. John Kraft
of Dashwood,,is working in P.Bender's
shop. -Mr. Lammre,of Hensall, was in
town on. busineeenenn Monday. -Mie
Harry Eilher of .Crediton, visited. hie
brother Chris, lasteiv'ee " ` rs.'J, Ora
whoebas.been visiting tier, dzughter,
Mrs`.'"SSrnith of Detroit, returned' home.
Briday.-Mr. George McErcep.,'
Iiensall, caller an,friends here last
aursday The if f,��I�I meeting of
tTie W. 0, 1. was held Monday
afternoon at the home of Mrs Wil-
liams. -Miss Bender of Dashwood
visited. at 11r. P, Bender's last week. -
Mr, Fred Demuth has engaged with
Hess & Deichert's lumber camp as
rook and saw filer. -Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Hamaker of Dashwood, and. Mr.
and;Mrs: John Shafer, spent Sunday
at l(ippen,--,L,ast week's thaw has left
the roads in a very bad state and busi-
cess is rattier dull in consequence,-
pleted the regairedcourse in voice cul-
ture, and passed final examination, 'Wirt Jutown, Morils who
iil oast,been
receivedved graduates'of A. T. C 14I g
visit to Sebringville, Berlin and Mon-
- Creditor'
Bt1IEFs,-Mr. Hill late of Parkhill
has purchased the property lately oc-
cupied byeinSeii ner and intends open-
ing: op a paint shop in oer midst -
Mr, N. Cress late of Dashwood has.
opened up photograph gallery over
Mr, C. Beaver"sast'¢me. So now we. may
expect to soon see all the pretty fates
on pasteboard.. -The weather of this
treat --Stanley township rs about to
lose its treasurer, Mr. John Reid, who
has held that posi tion for 22 conseetive
years, He has decided to retire. -Mr,
Zeute still continues very low. -Mrs.
;John:Schlucbter returned from a visit
to BadAxe and other parts of Michigan
Mrs. Schluchter will return to. her
home in Dakota in the near fixture,--
Miss 1thel Murdock of Hensall who
has been visiting her sister. Mrs. (Dr.)
�=i=ii!_•• .,
Genuine CastOila always bears the Signature
01 Chas. di. Fletcrber.
When Eaby wasieiek, we gave her Casten,.
When she was 'Child, she cried for Castoric.
When she -bet -mite wias., _'.:c clung to Castoffs,
When she had Chiidren.she gave them Castoria.
This month in
: .
Fancy e g
A Iarge assortment
to select from.
W. W. Tei' man. •
tele*-'cfa tat Tailor-.
Poisons accumulate accumulate in the blood. and
spread every moment to all, parts of
the body. The brain becomes congest-
ed, nerves .irritate, and the result is
that. awful - headache. `
Ferrozone is nature's o,wn remedy
for headaches ; it is a blood. strength-
ener and purifier of uncommon merit,
a lasting potent tonic, and the great-
est invigorant and health - maker
known. Headaches never bother
people that take Ferrozane after- each
meal. Buy abox-from your druggist
for 50c, By mail from Polson & Co,,
Kingston; Ont. -
Dr. Hamilton's Pills ` Cure Liver
Complaint. -
Children Cry for
u � a
International Stock F'oods
5oc and $3.75 per Package.
International Poultry Food.
2 5c and 5oc per Package
International Heave Cues
5oc per Package
International b ,
Gall Cure
2.5c and 5oc per Package -
International Healing
25c and Sac per package
Herbageum and Hersees
Stock Food
25c end 50c per: Package
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