Exeter Times, 1902-11-6, Page 7' VERY TEN ER 140 Ce ttine a rt Little Ivor ills. ffilust Sear Signottaro Of, See Fee...Simile Wrapper Below. Very etieretanee at: easy to taloa as sugar. ,f , tlE,P.O/Cligo U.Atil trio rn Dintiaissl ro.P Bumisittfs. FeitToRvin,LivOi. LIILEL52%."5 MitdEstipxylegi. BALLCAN SIM - filI2comsaisig , ,conarroarrximunv,un.!iijou,!.. Wats I Ptrear":2",,xxialliteschheee7.7.,... sicic HEADACHE. OH IVIY F1EAD2 HOW IT AcHESI !NERVOUS BILIOUS SI`.313 PER.IODIGAL SPASMoDeo READAMES. headache is not of itself a disease, but is gerierallyeausea by some disorder of the stom- ach., Ryer oil bchvels. Befor't you caate cured you must remove the ca,use. Burdock Blood Bitters will do It for you, It regulates the stomach, liver and bowels, purifies the blood and tones up tho whole us. tem to full health and vigor. , -4 od Sympathy- For 'Humanity eautllully'S'ynifoolized. ferentizeocnorra to zet er the Lari,loi,yrieeltAto.t, lie may be so useless than even the , drela 1,,,41t,voe, tul,113tVieser,,Qt 1„041,,,, e father may order his son out of the tao eepartuahst of 4srionituro, ottavoi home aaci disown hirn and disinherit hire., but the mother will cling and continue to cling to her boyif she A despatch. from,, Chicago says :— thought that thereby she coulcl give Rev. Prank De 'Witt' Talmage preach- her son one more chalice for repent- ed fro111 the, following text :—Isaiali. once, she would sell the clothes out lxvi, 1:3, "As one whom his mothei; of her wardrobe if necessary, she oornfortetb, so will 1 comfort you,' would move out of her floe home The words of iny text, have for and go to work, she would sell hey many of us a -very tender and rover- jewelry ula sr,on hor ,Nrsaxling eat application. The greatest -les- She would go to the ,extent of- giv- sOne Of a, eacrificing and a 'forgving ing up her life if she could only save love have been learned by most of her boy, us from thenow silent lips of our ThUS '1116 tronbled and sorely 015- 01)1istiaa mothers. Though your appointed of earth should, take gi eat. mother may have been dead for ten conifox, Out of the thought that ortwenty years, yet you remember God's love for them is like that of Is though it weee yesterday how a divine mc.ther, They ShoUld bo tenderly she eared for yoU, when you able to look at all worldly things,. Were a little child. You remember whether good or ill, . its did the how she nursed you through that Maori chief, •who though born In .4 long fit of sickness . When you wort about fifteen, and every time she left the room you. would -call , "Mot ber, mother ! Where is mother ?" .and, alas, yeti will remember the dark day when you °allied her out to' ntly let hoe hotly down into the Open grave, when you laid her away to sleep ranong the speieg flowers or when. you •cevered her up under the soft quilt of spotless snow, the pur- est, gentlest, nehlest, most forgiv- ing- and helpful :of human com- panions was forever taken from sewn. side. :Remembering ell this love 011131 devotion we realize the force of the metaphor which Isaiah, the prophet, use when seeking , to show how tenderly. Clod loves and cares for his children, he takes the, gentle, matereal iefluence which has developed our physieal and eaeutal and spieiteml life and says, "As one whom his mother COMIOrtht,11, SO will I comfort you,” • C.C.0=1:0=20. • '411111 Tho Orleirtseer, of DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, The original kidney specifie for the cure of Backache, Diabetes, Bright's Disease and all Urinary Troubles. Don't aeeept something just as good. See you get the genuine : They euro when all others fail. Vot a Care All, beet purely a Kidney Pill. _50a per box, or 3 for eles'5 All dealers or PIE Doan Krnsty Paa, Co: Toronto, Oat. , — t Make Weak Hearts Strong. .Ma.ke Shaky Nerves Firm. THE DIVINE 'BEING shots the love of a Mother ir vainting to be the .coinforter of all young folks who are pre:I:jai:Mg for the great - struggle of lira., ',the mother wants to be the instiiring friend of her boys and girls daring the long years of iminaCurity, when the world at large is sneering at them and laughing at their aria- bitions, as though • they were the mere outgrowths of a foolish: and a visionary brain. She wants: to he the friend of young men and the escieng tvoinen during thase school days *heft they I; eve Dp earning capacity end when they are They sire a Sure Cure for Nervousness,Sleeplessness, Loss of Energy, Brain Fag, After Ef- fects of La Grippe., Palpitation of the Heart, Anmia, General De- bility and troubles arising from a run down system. They regulate the heart's action and invigorate the nerves. This is what they have done for others! They will do the same for you, GREAT ILELIEF. I have taken Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for palpitation of the heart and shattered nerves and for both troubles have found great relief.—Mes, W. Ackert, Ingersoll, Ont. FEELS SPLENDID NOW. Before taking Milburn's Heart and Nave Pills WAS all run clewn, could not ' sleep at night and Was terribly trot•tbled with My heart,. Since taking them 1 feel isplehdid, sleep well at night mid my heart dose nob trouble me at They ave done Erie a :world of good.-hTas:D. Cleied, Hartsville, P.13,1. New Zealaild, mud hut, coeld turn to the Duke of Devonshire wheu he was being shown ohe of the most beauti- ful palaces in, the world and pay. "This palace is not cis beautiful as the nu -melon which my heavenle „earn, ewe you? Remeenbee this, Vather 1105 Vuilded fer me." Tkoagh o'h sinful raen—God longs for your • aud again. and try to Imagine lier love for you. But, yotmg inan, you cannot do that any more then a blind bat 01' it g'rouncl Mole on ful- ly appreciate the colors of a. batter- (ly's wingS or the retleetion of a UpWthop o M order to symbolize God's love,to Yon, a sinful man, who never knew what it was to have ' a mother'n jOVL 1 would tell you that it is a greater love than tne corn - bine(' loves of a, hither, a wife, children, brothers, and sisters and friends, It Is a love so deep that no line eaa fathom it, $o high that no bird's wing can overfly it, so wide that, no inathematician can cir- eumsei'ilie it. And all this love of our earthly mother is only an bawl- tesimal part of the love Which to- day God like a cli'VinO mother, is ready to pour out of lns forgiving heart for you. Can you not grasp even a little of tile infinite sweep of my text, "„As one wheal his mother cornforteth, so will 1 COilifol.1 you.". .Sinful man sitting befoi•e me to- day, are yoa the son of a Christian. mother? 'Whether . she is alive now vr dead. her lo e for vou was or is just as great as. Loyal Young Gra- harn's mother was for him. Are you to -day letting her prayers find a ful- hilment in your life? Are you to- day letting; the love of God nmni- fested in the sacrifice of the Lord •Jesus Christ find a response in year life? Will you, Itere and now, real- iZirig that your mother's love was a symbol of G'od's love for you, sur- render eeour life to the service of him who, like a diyine mother, the troubled Christians may be repentanee more theta you eau °vet clothed in rags, yet they should feel iellg that they ale rich, because God, as to he cleansed through the which they shall be robed in the prepared lor blood of Christ and to be forgiven ther love in God that 1 point. you. them the Wedding garments with for your past sins, It is to the mo- a heavenly motherh , as 1 hv eaenly banquet halls at the Ring's 101)35: tao°111e f ten ,ovewhan willea24,1°111n1 yiin001.11Y01 01°81 marriage. Theng11 theY inaY be alTeCtions shall have ceased and when poor, yet they should feel, like the 1111101113 son going home to his earth- they have 10101103racied away'. ly pctrent that all the treasures of --f• heaven . ' SHALL DE FOREVER THEIRS, $10,000 OFFERED. C3513, like a 'divine mother, 'svants Bonus Will Be Given., by the New ,in their last earthly sickness as well... aswhen lie is . bendhig , over 'them -in A bonus of $10,000 is offered by their cradles. He emits 10 be the the Government of New Zealand to 'comfoeter of the dying iii.V-alicl when an3r person Who, before the ist of he utters the agonizing moan, t',1 January,' 1904, shall invent appli- cahnotstand this pain any lon...- ances to successfully save golcl irom had °given th.em. a land for . which er," as \veilas the 'comforter es ,the black sands ha New /01103113 1d. --t is a they did not, labor, cities which - little' child who is sittine for the condition, of the offer that, the 1117011- they had ' not built and vineyards first -time in her Sunday cfass. Ali, tion shall, inits main features; dif- and olive yea•cls Willa, 1110::: hIld not in ohr last hour we need a mo- -Tel:' fren1 all machinery and appli- planted (verse la). Yet they had tiler's ' love , as well as does the ances at present in uSe for the sav- alres.c133- had occasion to: say Many scheolhoy who romps into the hall-'`thg a g°1°, whether co.erse or finetheles in their brief history, "0 way calling, , -to the coo11. emery, it shall be readily transportable Lord our God, other lords beside is true because of all times when a i e frbm place to place, and shall be Thee leave had dominion over us" That which Daniel where is mother'?" Ano this 5131310inother chiefly longs to be by enable of utilizing local Water for (esa male a 3), side of 'her child it is when that.' ehe all its leg-Weer:len. s. The invention must be capable of .111 whone hand thy breath is and , had to say to 13elshazzar, "Tbe God child' is dying. , - 1 treating not less than thirty cubic ' whose are all thy ways ha,st thou When the eldest son of Queen Ale'. -I yaras 'au hour of black sand, or any not i glorified." (Dan. v, 28), might incase Of Wales hati hundreds cif or 'four- inches, and it inus•t be cap- gentiles as well as Jews, anti how coarser material; up to a diameter . d • be truthfully said to Many other entirely dependent upon others for pe to be the comforter' ef his children Zealand Government. S LESSOR INTERNA.TIONAL ,LE;F.,S017, NOV, 9. Text of the Les e on, j o sh. 14-25. 'Crolden Text, Josh . 15. 113, 15, As for ine and my house, we will. serve the 'Lord, • ,I06111.11, having lived a hundred and ten years and being conscious that the time had eonie for him to go: the way of all the earth, gather- ed the tribee of lsra.el anti reminded them that not one thing had failed ,of all the go°d. things which the Lord had spoken concerning -them (chapter exiv, 20; xxiii,, la), Ile, called for the elders, the heads of tribes, the jadges and °Dicers to presnt themselves before God at Shoehorn, and there he rehearsed un- to theim the story 'of God's deal 11156 withthem and entreated. them to foar the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and. truth, tellifg thcni, that whatever they might decide he was determineC1. tha3, lie and his house would $et -VC 1110 Lord, It was ifl order that they and all -that they 'had might serve Him that lie had brought, them forth from the land of Egypt, the house of bondage (rex. iii„ 12; x, 26). If we have been redeemed by the Precious blood of Christ., it is in order' that we limy with humility and gladness serve the living and. true God while we wait for Els Son from 'Heaven (1 • i, 9, 10; Acts ax, 19; ps. c, 2). 'Our Lord tanglit 1 -lis diseiples that as He was among them as one that, servoth the way of eervice is t he way of true greatness (Luke xxii, 24-27), ancl that by love we aye to serve one another (eal, v., 18). 16-18. God forbid that we should forsake the -1..,deci to serve other gods. We also will serve the Lerd for He is 01.31' God. They certainly had every reason to serve Him only ‚and truly, for, as they said, He hact 'brought their fathers out of the bandage of Egypt and preserved them and brought them to that land, and Joshua had just reinindecl them that the Lord financial' support. The struggle of train:ea and most skillful nurses able of treatinoasuch material pro- nnany seem to forget that it is God lila even untie; :the best conaillen0. ivho aa,ve answered to lilt:ably where triere nof more than alone who giveth us life and breath is a hard one, but that strugelt... does not commence, as some the01110 suppose, when -the yoting man stands with a diploma in.. !land on the graduating clay from school or col- lege. It commences away back in trio "early teens." It commences with the yeung. girl's failure who is trying for the prize in the school- room. It commences with the dis- appointments of the play -ground. it commences with those little youth- SVU hill 511(1143' her call. But day and, night, ' for a value in gold of 6 cents per cubic , and all things, and 311 W110111 ' we t113 03 long weeks, -the mother of the I Yard, not less than $0 per cent. of live and move and have ohr being Duke of Clarence never left his side, !the gold 'contained in the material (Acts XVii, 25, 25). 'This should be It' was her royal hand that smooth- 1 16 be recovered by the 1111.0112110 No enough to lead any one to wish to ad the sheets. It was het arra that !bonus to be paid until the faivention serve such a benefactor; but we lifted the fevered head. It was her :has been continuously worked for cann.ot serve Hini. till WO, are re - lips that gcrhe'the hist- kiss. as the • not less than six raonths, ,and it 'deemed, for, although He has cre- inainortal spirit, sped iron,: the pane- 'shall during that period have treat- ated uS, sin has separated us from racked form. Yes, the mother, the :ecl not less than 100,000 cubic Him, and. the carnal mind. being at true earthly mother, wants to be the 'yards of material, working three enmity with God, cannot please God last comforter by the ,secle of her dy- shifts, a clay. ie onus i ing child. It was in order to satis- !paid on the certificate of an ollicer ful sorrows tend trials which the boy-- fy this motel -nal deeire that Princess that not less than twenty' persons and girl COD tell lae no other beit Alice, the daughter of Queen Vic- i other than the applicant for the mother. Yes, theeenother's ceinfort toria, disobeyed the ordersof theibonus are successfully working the which is given to the young folks is physicians, ancl butt:ling' over the bed invention. Any person who receives an all important comfort, it is that was reeking with the cliplither- (the bonus shall not be allowed to such A necessary comfort that many take out patent rights in New Zea - of us, whea we were young, often - could not go to sleep because :of our wceping, until we heard her foot moving acreas eel. bedroom floor, and felt her gentle hand upea our check and heard 'her soft' voice saying, "Never mind, my boy 1 qt, out will all rightI will maw loves to hover around. the Queen Regent of Spain, the Dowager come ' . mat_ deathbed of his childrea, beet -Lase he Queen of Portugal, and the ex - speak to your papa about the . le i 011 i can: there nrove to us that "it is not Queen of Naples, wereaall so wedded. itic germs, kissed her hay girl fare- well 'semi at'the &IMO time pressed her own lips against the leot lips of death. Princess Alice Int& down her life on aceennit of TITAT MATERNAL T.c.1SS. Cod, like the divine mother, spe- land for , his pin.ven t ion . MARRIAGES BY PROXY: Marriage by prox-y is still tolerat- ed in the Court life of Europe. The ter, anCl 1. know 113 all. of death to die, nor all of life to what you want." God pity the man live," and that death can be swal- who 'never had the gentle influence 'lowed bp in. victory. He can prove of *a comforting mother during the days at childhood or 'of young manhood I God pity the. boy who never knew the holy joy of having his tears wiped away by a mother's hand after lie had beeu hart upon THE BALL GROUND I Gqd, as the divine mother., to- day vants to be the companiou and the comfortieg feiend and 'saviour of all the boys and girls and the young folks. AS Christ once turned and rebuked his disciples, who tried It to those who have acceeted his love and his sacrifice for these sins, is held 10 1)31 Mira dig,. for a spm - as .Tohn Siincon peoyed 11 to his ster Princess of the blood, who it children when. he himself was dying, In imagination, the departing saint raised hienselt ancle looking. back, cried cetite "Who are you?" "Sor- row!" "Il'ho are you?" "Sigh - Kings and reigning Sovereigns ,are regarded as too impOrtant to be married elsewheve tha.n 'their own dominions. On the 'other hancl, about. to blossom forth' into a full- fledged Queen or Empress, to travel abroad.. in quest of a consort: In order to meet this, difficulty the Royal or Imperial. bricleg,room dele- 11.2.V '' Then stretching his ha,nds gates' one of the principal noblee of upward, the dying saint cried out the realm, who goes through the re - again: .And who are you?" "Joy." ligsous and civil portion of the ."And who are you?" "'Gladness!" wedding ceremony in the: capital of to crottal away the young people Then., with a, seraphic sinile, the "dy- the brifie'e country en behalf of MS fro33a his side, and said, ''Suffei.. 1110 ing Christian again cried out: master, making the rhsponses for lit•tle children to come unto me, and "Farewell, Sorrow. Farewell, Sigh- hill and tendering his hand, as. well 311em notfor of such is the ing. Farewell, ..Morta1 lifc. Wel- as. the ring,. at the prescribe'd ,points forbi, kingdom of heaven," so to -clay ,111. come, Joy. Welcome, Gladne6s. of the'. ceremony. Ile then, accom- bids the children . conle unto him, Welcome, Eternal 110111.011. 11 .0.11 pardeseher to his master's dominions, and ela.mber up intohis, lap, and earthly,rnother would long to be the nestle as little lambs against the comforter of her dying; boy, surely warm, loving heart of the G ood...TesuS' longs to be beside hit believe Shepherd. ,Christ to-cluy longs to ing and trusting ehildren o.t .their be the diteine fidend of the boy departure, to tell them of the laope swinging the hat, and of the girl and. the joy and the transcendent dressino• the doll, cis well as the triumph which await their heavenly translation. Yes, pernaps you are one of those unfortunates who never knew a mo - loves your children with a. 10116 1)1011. ther's leve. Though her affections intense ilian that 331111.11 fill.s your were so intense, that your coming heaet If you have not made your was her meat and drink, her hope.by children understand this, if you day and ,, her prayer by night, yet have never -sought to impart, to hardly Ned Y u come into the world tient- the' sweet Sellowship and holy when. she PO,SSOd CVO y. She really joy which can bind their hearts • to him, you have been. dereliet in your *duty, and you have not really' 1.011 81.1.1111013 them, - to, Christ's service. Teach theni how tenderly God. loves them, and! they will learn to love, diviee friend. of the young men and women in the school and college.. Do you realise, 011 3.110111ey, that C,' ad acting as her c'aief consort. THE RULING PASSION. (Rom viii, '7, 8). As freely as God. by His own power redeemed Israel from Egypt that they might serve Him, so freely He redeems eveny one who will let I-Iim that all such may serve Him and walk in newness of life for their own 'highest ha,ppiness as well. as for His glory (Rom. ill, 24; vi, 4, 6, IA. 13, 16). 19-21. the Neople said unto Joshua, Nay; but we will serve the Lord. Joshua in teply to their assurance that they woeld serve the Lord re- minds them that they must be sin- cere, for the Lord is both holy an.d jealous. Holy is the only word that is used of God three times in one vocsraue, 171, 3; Rev. 11..11 tiwroo, pb1:ticielga 115137, requires a. holy people (Lev. xix, 2; Pet. i, 15, 16),..a people willing. to be. Wholly Hist,' separated unto Himself alone, that He may do His utmost for them and be magnified in them. God is called jealous in just sovea different places (Ex. xx, 5; *XXIV, 14; Deut -iv, 24; v, vi, 15; Josh. xxiv, 19; Nah. 2), theugh His jealousy is spoken of in other passages. The thought implied, is simply that He desires to possess fully that which is Mis for the highest good. of the posse8- Blom he delights to give and to bless, but IIe is hindered by our half. heartedness -and lack of confidence in After living for ten years in Want end poverty, that her fortune of $1,500 might not be wasted, and drawing a weekly dole of one dollar from the city: poor fund. at Pater- son, New Jersey, Mother' Bridget Costello is dead. The savings she hoarded so greedily tvill, go, accor.(1.2 ing to the law, to the fund from tvhiCh, she selfiShly drew, and her 8,e„,ve up her see you. °nee in years of self-denial end en the en - awhile, •rvith tt, longing to find out, richment of paapers. "Mother' Cos- someLhing about the height. and 10110, who was seventY Years Old, depth, of a Mother's love, you May Was a, recluSe, who enjo3red being go to some gray lutired old lady and alone to 1 ondle her bank books and say! "a'ell me something about my crisp new' billS Much better than any coMpany. lionor. and trust luni as they lcitie, mother. You knoW lier well and honor and trust you. • tvere 11e1 bridesinaicl when she Was Tho Divihe Being is like a motlier, married." Then that gray haired too iii wanting to be the forgiving lade will go oVer all the past. She comforter of Lilt wbo have gone astray'. When. .a man does wrong and persists in. doing wrong, nearly all the world will tarn against. him. 13ot though nearly tin the laumen race:Will 'turn against a sinner, as a rule, there is. one haman being, if she is alive, who will never cease to reach after the prodigal. That per- son, its you, all knew' before speak her name, is the sinnees mother. Tbe young malt may Sin. not only sevea' times, but rramts SEVEN: ; Ile may be 80 worthless la the eyes of the world th at- All his...old, Meads her eon is net, worth 'being saVed, lobk at: your mother'e pietare agetin will. tell you What a gentle, lo \Ping face your mother had. She will tell you how hee eyes lighted up when yoll Wore first placed in her arms and she looked at yoti and said: "ItIer 'baby, my baby, my little ba- by! aqd bless my babyl'' Then that geay halted lady Will tell you how your mother'S et reng th never came back" again after' you .Were born. THEY TOOK HEIL SOUTH, hoping that the ounny skies would -make. her strong Agatn, hut only the warm snoshine of tha4 eternal city to which she Went ever worked may cOme to, that mother and say her cure, As the- oNd lady talliS yele aeSes NV• .STREN:ffii TO t'IC:iiir"'WENagiti:45 V-• ENRITIWEICE00.V>IREg" el; THE CONSTITUTIPP1-. a., ph , --artir,,uotr§l L11 BRITAIN'y AMERICA lffl PriltiCIISTB *Chew Debility of system causes neural- gla, and whatever tends to produce enfeeblements induces it. This affec- tion is undeniably due to lack of vitality, and its 'very exi$teuce iS eviaence of aeficietit strength, Remedial measures should there- fore be directed to improve the whole system, for when strettgtia return$ to the system, the neuralgic condition of the nerves will disappear. his now is supplied by Sr. JAMES "WAVERS; they seldom fail to relieve; their effect is a general building up of the system. ST. JAMES NVSSERES help stomach, digest food and send, the nutriment through the blood, and this is tile honest way to get health and strength; the kind that lasts, develops au breeds the energy which. aecoi. plishes much. "S tele tile WaSe Te tever v all es. They Euro a retz.edy "without a 'peer, without a tiva1.3v Xtl, cases o net -Eagle -la they have pro- ved a noble and trtmally," ^00 33r, EletrIels Boyle; senIelle, Ireland. Stjarnes Wafers are qat a secret remedy :to the 717111717OU3 doctors re- Cattalnenarsg them to their patients we mail the formula ulion 7VglieSe, where dealers are not selling the wafers, they 505 31351116 upon r5. ceipt of inace at tbe Canadian branch,: st. James Wafers Ca, 1728 Price lo Canada: $1.00 ; Sbe bottles for $5.00 St, Catherind St.. Reatreel. 200@joevete.0e0EseatgheeiaSsorie • • r • • 2. FOR THE HOME g . • Recipes for the KItchera tle te Hygiene and Other Notes el, fur the Housekeeper. o tBegille@d4)e-30.SOED08•0800$1100 KITCHEN HELPS. If you are planning a. new house, 130 S3121 '(0 arrange everything in the kitchen aa conveniently as possible, even if the parlor is not as elabor- ately furnished or decorated as you Nvould like. The kitchen is , the workroom of the house, the room in which the average housekeeper sPelids the most of her time,, and it should be pleasantly located tuld welt lighted, for nothing is more die -- agreeable than a dark, gloomy kit- chen. Of course. its ax•rangement must be left to the individual taste, for every woman who has kept house a few years has her own ideas as to what she likes in her kitchen; still, there are a few general rules that will apply to all of there. When the kitchen is used only for cooking, and separate rdoms have been provided for dining room and laundry, it should be a small room. Have the sink and woodbox close to the stove, so the trips back and forth while replenishing the fire and washing the dishes will be as short as possible. There should be a door opening . into the dining room, . an- other into the pantry, and. a third into the cellar stab -way. An ar- rangement which one housekeeper finds very convenient is a, cupboard built in the partition, with door opening into the kitchen and anoth.- er into the dining room. The cup - INVOLVED. 13UT CC)NNECTED. Alice—"What is Villdietiveness, Marie ?" Itlarie—"Well, it is the Way you nevee will forgive that g•reat-aunt whom 3701.1 never satv for not leaving you her diamonid breech which you have only heard talked abota." 22-24. The Lord our Clod WM WO serve, and His voice will we 'obey. Nearing their fa•m protestation of a great determination to serve the Lord, Joshua, further tells them that in taking this stand they must un- derstand that they are taking a stand against theenselsres, and they mist 11.21111. with their whole heart to God by gutting away all strange gods, from among them, 'We all needb this teaching so much, for we are inclined to take sidee with our- selvee against *Ood, We are apt to say as Simon Voter •Sald to our Lord whoa He first spoke. of Els sufferings and of His death on . the cross, "Be it far from. thee (pity thyself) Lord; these shall not be un- to Thee," tut our Lord imenediate- ly taught Simon and the other. dis- ciples that all who would follow Him -must deny self and bear the cross (gatt. xvi., 22, 24). DISAPPOINTED DUCE:8, The absence of water, owing to the great drought, led a night gf clucks Cebar, New South Wales, to make (3. ¶t1 mistake. They were seen to deScend on to the shiny sur- face of .a galVanized iron roof, and, Make desperate effortS 10 sWima The best preventive remedy known is really to go barefooted; but since this is not considered ethical 0117-. 11186(1 life, we will give a few 111.133.- ple remedies which may be of some value for the afflicted. 1. Place on the corn a. piece of cold, moist linen folded several times, wrap it ,up in dry linen, then go to bed. With this treatment the hard epidermis swells up, and after six or eight hours the outer cover- ing Of the corn can be renaoved with a dull lcnife. When this treatment has been followed for three or four days, a sm.all needle-like growth (the corn) can be extracted without pain or bleeding. 13y washing the feet often in cold water the tender place Will heal rapidly. After getting rid of this corn it is well. to wear shoes which are neither too large nor too small, so as to avoid excessive pres- sure eebr Motion. eioollf the linen a crust of bread soaked in vinegar may be ass: - plied. 3. The best application is to soai. a whole onion twenty-four hours in vinegar, then apply one of the lay- ers of the onion to the corn and keep it in place by a, bandage through the night. After repeating this procedure a few times, the corn can be removed without any trou- ble. 13y either of these simple ap- plications this troublesome agent can be removed without any danger of blood poison, and, "free of charge." 4 The Alexandra Palace covers -*even . acres of land, and the whole estate 143 acres. "I really shall have to leave this hotel," said the weary man. to the proprietor. "There is a baby in the next room to mine, and he cries all hoard reaches from the ceiling half night." "I don't see why you should way to the floor. Below this are complain," said the proprietor. HIS drawers, - some opening into one room anchsenne into the other. The kitchen floor has been the sub- ject of much anxious thought. Car- pets are out of place, and oil cloth is expensive and not very durable. The best finish is either paint or all. Paint can be purchased already mix- ed in almost any color you may se- lect. Apply two coats giving the first plenty of time to 'dry before putting on the second. $0.1210' Who have tried painted floors have com- plained that the paint does not wear well. This is due to the way it has been cleaned. It is not necessary to use aacrubbing brush, boiling wa- ter, lye'nor salsoda. Pleat the wa- ter until luke warm, dissolve a little powdered borax 111 it, and enough good soap to make a suds. The mop should be be of soft flannel or knit, -underwear. The borax makes the cleaning eaay without injuriug the paint. If oiled floors are pre- ferred to painted ones, get a gallon of linseed oil and a large brush. Heat 5, quart of oil at a time, and apply it almoSt boiling. Two or three coats are necessary, and the floor should be thoroughly clean Mid dry before you login. work. 25. So Joehua, made a covenant with the people that day. Verse and also verge 1 stye •tlia,t ±1 was done tele Shoehorn, mid as Shechem Was a city el refuge (xX, ' 7) and signifies "shottider" it is all suggeStive 01 this --that we must find ia the Lord our constant refuge fiktin self and si11 and in our coescioue wealmestt dwell between Ilis shoulders and let the Govern - meat of all our affairs and .of our- selves also be upon His shoulder (Ps. xlvi, 7, 11 Deut. xxxiii, 12; Isa. ix, 6, 7), The Stone that Wit- nessed and heard it all (verse V) is also suggestive. of the Sterie 'bf axviii, 16, Bs.. exviii, 221 HOW TO CURE CORNS. When the feet are pressed into tight fitting shoes --high heels make the pressure greater-- by adding friction we have a needle-like poiat foemecl intim skin; and the greater the pres- sure the deeper the point Will grow, father and mother have him in the same room with them, ancl they haven't said 0 word." DR. wqous Wif PINE SYRUP Stops the irritating cough, loos-. ens the phlegm, soothes the in- flamed tissfies Of the lungs and bronchial tubes., and produce8 a quick and peril:18116'a cure in all eases' of Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Asthma., Iloarsghliss, Sore Throat and the Dist stade of consumption. Mrs. Norma Swanston, Cargill, Ont., writes: take grekti pleasuie in recom- mending Dr. Weed's Nor-tve4 Vine Syrup. I had a very bad cold, could not sleep at night for the coughing-, and bad pains in my ehesb and lungs. I only used half a bottle of Dr. Wood's llarway Pine Syrup and was perfectly well again." Priem 25 eente oi bottle. :OA! VOW -111PAr RS. • f 316 The Leading Specialists of Ainerice. 25 Years in Detroit. Bank Security. Nine out of every ten hien have been guilty of transgression against nature in their youth. Nature never excuses, no riatter no* young,-dioughtless or ignorant 110 inay be. The punishment anti stifferine corresponds with the crinie. The only escanefront its ruinous resting; is proPer scientific treattneet to counteract its effects. The DRAINS, either -by nightly losses, or secretly through the urine, 111051 5(1 Stopped—the NDISVES must be built up and invigorated, the blood must bepurified, the SBXUAI., ORGANS most be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be nourished. Our New Method Treatment provides an these requirements. Tinder its inetteace the brain becomes active; the blosud.purified so that ail pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves became strong as meet, so tliat itervons- nessi baslifultieSs and despondency disappear; tile eyes become bright, the face full and dear, energy returns to the body, add the tdoral, physical lad sexual sys-, tents are invigorated; an drains cease. -0,0 mere vital waste from the systetti. The The various organs become natUrat atet wanly. We ttrelte all the afflicted to call and Cot:Suit us confidentially and tree of charge. Cures Gegattanteed itfle no Pay. We treat and cure: Varicoeole, Ellood Dieleatich, Stricettre, Glieset,,Enalisteionis. Urindury raine,ii!lporrna.0.torria000., Vona:Cu. teal DIAdheliteii, Mane* And Bladd.r Disteiscrt. aossusTATtos met. 13001Vit 148031111. If tiduble to call, write for a t.TSSTION PLANE for Nettie Vreattnent. . . DRS KENNEDY 451, KERGAN 148 8111MUIT ST., DETROIT, ltictit, K YC„kk& PC.,