Clinton News-Record, 1984-08-15, Page 18`PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED AT 1:00 P.M.
of Househel4 efftsl;te Will be held for
VIola Tub in Auburn
SM. AUG. 25 AT 10 AM
St'tdio couch; parlor tabes; parlor
rpeleereS 2 rad190 RGA 24" colour TV;
fast,. stool, ' bamboo "tables; coffee
tabs ; card table; pole lamp; mirrors;
pisturee aid fram s; antique hall rack
with $eat; side board; eingerbrsad
clock; coal oil amp: electric heater;
cabf'nof+, 24" electric range;Ever Guido
2 yr. old freezer; Ktalvtnat@r frost free
fridge; washing machines wash board;
wood table with drawer; 6 press back
chairs; table and 4 chairs; vacuum
cleaner; Beaver sewing machine; scales;
dishes; crocks; sad irons; wardrobe;
cedar chest; several trunks; quilt box;
quilts; quilt frames; bedding and linens;
buffalo robe; flower stands; 3 bedroom
suites; spool bed; dresser; wash stands;
lawn chairs; bench vise; crosscut saw;
cans; barrel; antique tools; lawn
mower; snow scoop; 1974 American
Motors Hornet car with 22,000 miles,
sells es is; numerous small Items.
Owner or Auctioneer not responsible
for accidents.
George Powell - Clerk
Brian Rintoul - Auctioneer
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
CLINTON — 482-7898
WED. AUG 15 AT 6 PM: Antiques, etc. for
Hector Tigert Estate, Port Albert, Ont.
THURS. AUG. 16 AT 6 PM: House and
modern appliances, furniture, etc. for Pearl
Koehler Estate, 157 West St., Hensall, Ont.
SAT. AUG. 18 AT 10 AM: Household
effects at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont.
for Mrs. Lillie Neeb of Mitchell, Ont.
WED. AUG 22 AT 6 PM: Household Auction
for Consitt Estate Of Hensall at Hensall
SAT. AUG. 25 AT 10 AM: Furniture, tools,
farm machinery, combine, etc. for David
Livingston, 33/4 miles east of Clinton & 1 mile
WED. AUG 29 AT 10 AM: Some antiques,
furniture, buggies, tractors, farm m4hinery
and approx. 50 acres of land for the4state
of Gordon Troyer, 1'/4 miles north 8'approx.
3 miles west of Hensall, Ont.
Household sale at. Richard Lobb's Auction
Barn, Clinton, Ont.
SAT. SEPT. 1 AT 10 AM: Lobb Bros. Fall
Consignment Machinery Sole at Auction
Yard, Bayfield Rd., Clinton. To consign
phone Fred 482-3409 or Richard 482.7898.
LAT• ;f TO E IP OF:�-1 rAY., IN Tlfl 0004
��� I�R�N�� � T • 1
A 1 elrsoPs ctalming 445,,�61. t the oito stUt1a
are: _requjr. ,d ;to forwon00 -Particft_ or .t ;fbeit -
claifrns•to the enders gnad;aitCar Iji pl+'tllp"31s$
day' tf ►xis ust. 1984, ettor:wffkh d40,041 .e assietf
will be distributed. ,; a ... r -. .:
DONNEU.Y°' t 41,1 fl'HV
Gar erlch; Ontario,
�Sol••itdors for the
• •Esta1t—3),33ar,
late- of the Town of Clinton in the County of
Huron, Inn Keeper, deceased.
ALL, persons having claims against the Estate
of the above-named who died on the 5th day of
June, 1984, are required to file full particulars
thereof with the undersigned on or before the
10th day, of September, 1984, after which date
the assets will be distributed, having' regard only
to the claims of which the undersigned shall then
have notice.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 9th day of
August, 1984.
Box 68,
Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO
Solicitor for the Estate. -33,34,35
TCI T&) � Peri TORS
the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron,
Housewife, deceased.
ALL persons having claims against the Estate
of the above-named who died on the 2nd day of
June, 1984, are required to file full particulars
thereof with theundersigned oh or before the
27th day of August, 1984, after which dote the
assets will be distributed having regard only to
the claims of which the undersigned shalt then
have notice.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day of Ju-
ly, 1984.
Box 68,
Clinton, Ontario.
Solicitor for the
Executor. -32,33,34
36. Announcements, notices
Stanley Township
Landfill Site
Closed Mdndesys'from then on
38. Auction sale
Real Estate Auction Sane
Of valuable commercial property, 122 King St. Hensall Ont., former
Pro Hardware Store
Thurs., Aug. 23/84 ail' p.m. Sharp
REAL ESTATE consists of Ig. 2 storey brick building, with partial basement.
Wood flooring on both levels, main floor includes trip fluorescent' lighting,
14' x 8' Mezzanine with one way glass window, ig, built in safe and 3 air
conditioners. Store is heated with oil forced air furnace. .Lg. attached
garage with double overhead door onto King St..,, and single over head door
at rear, also semi att. small barn. This store and garage ore situated on a.4ot
approx. 61' x 76', parts of lots 1, 2, and 7. Petty Survey Plan No..1, Village of
.Hensall, county of Huron, Province of Ontario. '
Ideal for one or easily divided into four businesses. This property will be
sold as one lot, subject to o reasonable reserve bid.
For information contact:'
Norm Whiting Auctioneer
Exeter 235-1964 or 235-1931
Two tractors, self propelled combine, Hay and Straw, machinery, Bean equipment,
cars, van, motorcycles, snowmobiles, tools, household effects, to be held 33/4 miles
east of Clinton on Highway 8 and one mile north forDavld Livingston.
Gleaner A2 bean spacial w/cab, grain head and pickup, Leyland 344 diesel on good rub-
ber, John Deere H for parts, Nuffield Universal 3 tractor, 4 row Mauer bean puller, In-
nes bean wlndrowor w/cross conveyor 320 or 570 model, Ford 130 three furrow x 14"
mounted plow, John Deere, 3 furrow mounted plow, 1HC throe furrow trail. plow, Taul
10 ft. cultivator, Bolons 1050 riding tractor (needs motor), 10 ft. land packer, John
Deere wagon with flat rack, Tomen 280 gravity bin on old -Chew truck, JM 230 gravity
bin extension on truck axle wagon, American 80 Inch double auger snowblower, 10 ft.
chain harrow, 10 ft. land packer, 3 drum land roller, 3 section drag harrows, six section
diamond harrows w/polo, pilo of scrap, John Deere 7 ft. semi Mount hay mower, Innes
7 ft. pickup. MOTORCYCLES: 1973 Honda 350, 1979 Suzuki 230, 1978 CAN AM TNT 250,
Suzuki DS100 for parts, 3 Skidoo snowmobiles, 1973 Chow van as Is, 1974 Ford Comet 2
door as Is, 1972 Chov Nova 4 door as is, small water trough, Old 3 PT hitch sprayer, 2
old 2 wheel trailers, wheelbarrow, heat lamps, quantity of used lumber, 28 ft.
aluminum extension ladder, platform scale, pig feeder, garden tiller, 4 rolls of snow
fence, 3 speed man's bike, man's bike, approx. 500 bales of straw, approx. 200 boles
of hay, 2 gas push lawnmowers.
TOOLS: DoWalt 740 10" radial arm saw on stand, Forney 225 electric weldor, portable
air compressor, Acetylene torch, shop vac, assortment of bolts, come along, disc
sander, 2 lig saws, electric drill, hand tools, mitre saw, quantity of steel posts, hand
saws, 21 place % Inch socket set.
HOUSEHOLD & MISCELLANEOUS: 3 lawn windmills, 3 lanterns, cement lawn ornaments,
Holntzman upright piano, piano bench, antique bonnet chest, fridge, electric stove,
clothes washer, round dining w/splitting centro pedestal and 5 leaves, combination
sideboard' and china cabinet w/glass door, 3 matching press back chairs, 2 matching
press back chairs w/matching arm chair, plus other chairs, 2 gun cabinets w/glass
doors, 2 small parlour tables, small cord organ, antique wooden bookcase w/wooden
doors, old fiat to wall cupboard, washstand, chesterfield, pony saddle and some
harness plus other Hems.
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb
CLINTON 482-7818
Owner: David Livingston
CLINTON 482.7355
Large Auction Sale
Antiques, furniture,
appliances, PrelNutl frtdgst for camper,
dirt• bike, truck tapilisr, etc. to be. held
at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn,, Clinton,
Ont. for Mrs. Lillie Neeb of Mitchell,
Ont. plus additions.
Sat., Aug. 18010 ®,m,
1951 RM80 Suzuki dirt bike - as Is, In
good condition; Truck topper - 36" high
with rear door; Propane fridge for
camper; Electrohome floor model 26"..
colour Y.V.; Viscount upright freezer -
12 cubic ft., 3 years; old; Viscount
Harvest Gold square model fridge; -.
Kelvinator square model fridge;
Enterprise 30 inch electric stove;
Simplicity automatic washer - 3 years
old; Simplicity automatic, clothes dryer;
Three good three piece bedroom suites
w/box springs & mattresses; nine piece
dining room suite; modern maple
kitchen table w/leaf; chesterfield &
matching choir; davenport couch &
matching chair; recliner chair; sectional
corner chesterfield; spooled bed;
wringer washer; china cabinet vs /glass
on three sides; pole lamp; old blanket
box from Scotland; floor lamp; 4
wooden folding chairs - like new; odd
tables; upholstered chairs; 4 old clocks;
4 antique oil lamps; 4 shoulder jugs:
several crocks; table lamps; 20" fan;
electric oven; electric heater; cast iron
frying . pans; 2 antique flourbins;
homemade table saw; old platform
scale; 2 gas push lawnmowers; electric:.
lawnmower; jig saw; 5 new L78 x 15
tires; 2 copper boilers; Quebec heater;
sump pump; sausage press; 2 meat
grinders; Skil saw; electric sander; draw
knife; meat saw; several hand saws;
antique rope winder; small iron kettle;
large offering small hand tools; misc.
items; plus our usual large offering of
dishes, glassware, etc. ,
Plan to attend this good large sale.
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb
CLINTON 482-7898
Antiques, furniture, appliances etc. to
be at the Hensall, Arena, Hensall,
Ont. for the Estate of Roy Consitt.
Westinghouse frost free square model
fridge; Beatty 24" electric stove, nine
piece dining suite; Eiectrohome floor
model colour TV 6 years old; Philips
float model hi fi; wringer washer;
Iniodern,round khtiiien table w/2 leaves
and four matching chairs; matching
chesterfield and chair; large pine
blanket box; antique bedroom suite
w/high back bedwashstand and dresser
w/large mirror, antique bonnet chest
w/mustache pulls, small antique five
drawer jewellery chest w/porcelain
pulls. antique dresser w/oval mirror,
small four drawer chest, antique, oil
lamp, Pillar mantel clock, small parlor
table, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, six
matching dining chairs, chesterfield,
buffet, oval parlor' table, Victorian side
chair, Singer treadle sewing machine,
card table, end table, steel bed w/mat-
tress, wooden bed w/mattress, small
table w/dresser, four matching wooden
chairs, chrome table and 2 chairs, 'drop
front secretary desk, vacuum cleaner,
floor polisher, electric heater, 2 hall
trees, floor lamp,' table lamps, swag
lamp. brass candlestick holder, 2 toilet
pitchers, cuckoo clock, swivel rocker,
platform rocker, radio, oval braided
rug, magazine rack, small tin cupboard,
Medicine Hat 3 gal crock, old steel lawn
swing, clothes hamper, some bedding,
small appliances, dishes and glassware,
knick knacks, pots and pans, Lawn Boy
lawnmower, 1/4 Inch drill, 2 stepladders,
hand and garden tools plus other Items.
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb
CLINTON 482-7898
. of
August 18th
9:30 A.M. SHARP°'
Brindley Auctions
13 mi. N.E. of Goderich
519 -S29 -762S
39. Educational
FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train
at home for 205 top. paying full and part time
jobs, Granton Institute 265A. Adelaide Street
West Toronto. Call (416)977-3929 today.-22tf
40. Lost & Found
LOST between Goderich and Holmesville, my
wallet with drivers licence and other personal
papers. A reward will be given. Phone John
Adam 527.0422 around 5:30 p.m. -33
42. Death notice
At Parkwood Hospital on Wednesday, August 8,,
1984 Robert T. Scott of Bayfield. Beloved hus-
band of Mrs. Florence (Schaus) Scott. Father. of
Robert Scott•and his wife Christine of Dymchurch,
England and Martha and her husband Gary Boug
of Waterloo: Grandfather of Jeremy Scott, Scott
Boug and Robert Boug. Brother of Mrs. Gertrude
Hancock of London. No visitation. .Cremation
Woodland Crematorium. Rev. Douglas Pitts of-
' ficiated at a memorial service at Trinity Anglican
Church, Bayfield on Monday, August 13 at 2 p.rn.
Rev. Thomas L. Ristine, D.D. of Trinity Lutheran
Church, London assisted.
At Alexandra Marine and 'General Hospital on
Saturday, . August 11, 1984, Amy Gould of
Goderich in her 83rd year, Beloved wife of Earl
Cooper. Dear rhother of Phyllis (Mrs. Arthur.
Sawyer) of Florida and Sandra (Mrs. Norman
Leddy) of Goderich. Sister of George Gould of
London, Mrs. Irene Slater of : Manitoba, Mrs.
Pearl Quinn of Toronto and Mrs. Vera Crich of
Clinton. Loving grandmother of four ,grand-
children and three great-grandchildren.
Predeceased by one brother and one sister.
Friends called at the Stiles Funeral Home, 77
Montreal Street, Goderich, where a service and
committal were held in the chapel on Monday at
2 p.rn. Interment Clinton Cemetery.
At Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, August 10,
1984, Flora (Hess) Wilson, formerly of Exeter and
° .Stephen Twp. Beloved wife of the late Gordon
Wilson in her 86th year. Mother of Harry Wilson
of Centralia, Also survived by 1 • sister Celia
Howald of Morrisburg. Friends called• at the
Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter after 7
p.m. Saturday evening, Funeral service was held
at the Funeral Home Monday, August 13 at 2
p.m. Interment Exeter Cemetery with Rev. James
Forsythe officiating.
in H4jiillien.
At �4ltfxandrtl .K o,9' �. �Ir„r+�,l
Maitday, Apqust dUhr 1. Mal(rlo0r R000
Arttw�t n . God,orlc , l hist 9 x WIf.
of tbo Iatp for L. Boyce ,Dslar;r�ttiifl f Hopi
(Mrs. Gportitt Scilwciriz , of $arnjtr� [ (Mrs.
Stove, Shonfitici) of Ottawxt of IgIn . co of
Godorl ,hs,S.1'tar of M,oraorat ` :1rm,trong cis
vi r of
oi` sif>11�'�onshlp i44 .nf1 b ,9ft.'�11'!��!i . �
grnndehildron 'and two great. lrandchildr.,n.
Prodeceassld by, two sister'. and five•brothers.
Fritlnds callfed"at thin StJtps fdrlsiral Homo, 77
Mantreol Street, Gods rich. A servic..was held in
the .chopel on Wadnepday, August 8th at 3;30
p.m. In$ermont Maltiond' C91110-ry.
At Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, August
8, 1984, Gordon M. Lawson of Clinton, In his 81st
year. Beloved husband o Grace (Siong) Lawson.
Dear father of Frank and Marie. Lawson of Lon-
don. Also survived by 2 grandchildren and 2
great-grandchildren. Predeceased by 1 brother
Harold Lawson, Friends were received at the
Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East,
Clinton on Thursday from 2.4 and 7-9 p.m.
Funeral and committal services were held on Fri-
day, August 10, 1984 commencing et 2 p.m'. with
Rev. R.N. Pick officiating. Interment Clinton
43. Births,
Mark Ross passed away in Huronview,'Clinton on
Thursday, August 9, 1984. Mark Ross Sproat
formerly of Tuckersmith Twp, (R.R, 4, Seaforth)
in his 75th year, Brother of Isabel Sproat,
Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, Predeceas-
ed by his parents William and Jennie (Robinson)
Sproat, 1 brother Fronk and ,1 sister Clare (Mrs.
Nelson Govenlock). Visitation at the Box Funeral
Home, 47 High Street, Seaforth after 7 p.m. Sun-
day evening until Monday wherefuneral service
was held at 11 a.m. Interment Maitland Bank
49.4 acres cash crop farm, four tractors, bean equipment, farm machinery, 2 horse
drawn buggies and cutters, some furniture and antiques etc. to be held for the Estate
of Gordon Troyer, 11/4 miles north and approx. 21/2 miles west of Hensall, Ont.
PROPERTY: known as north part lot 23, concession 5 Hay Township, consisting of 49.4
acres more or less, 11/4 mules north and approx. 31/2 miles west of Hensall, Ont. This is a
corner property with access from two sides. Thera Is a well with a windmill pumping
system. Located in the hg,prt of a good cash crop area. Terms on property 10% down
day of sale, balance duo Dec. 1, 1984. Being offered subject to a reserve bid and condi-
tions. For Information phone Auctioneer Richard Lobb 402.7898 or Sandra Funk at 236-
4751 in the evening.
TRACTORS: Cockshutt 1855 diesel tractor w/tab, Turbo, heater, cover under shift dual
external hydraulics. 18.4 x 38 snap on duals; Cockshutt 1650 diesel tractor hydra power'
drive external hyd., 12,x 38 bolt on duals; Oliver 77 gas tractor w/Charlynn hyd. pump,
good rubber wide row crop front end and 4 row stuffier; Oliver 550 diesel tractor
w/power adjusting rear wheels, Ford 100 V8 lapsed pickup for parts.
MACHINERY: 2 Innes 520 bean windrowers w/cross conveyors, Mauer 4 row bean puller;
Potter 3415 13 ft. rotary hoe one year old; Kongskllds 4 row rowcrop cultivator
w/shields; INC No. 43 181/2 ft. vibra shank trail wing cultivator w/harrow., Cockshutt 4
furrow x 16" bottom semi mount plow w/spring reset bottoms and spring coulters;
Cockshutt 3 furrow x 14-16 semi amount w/add on furrow w/cushion trip bottom; John
Deere 1240 four row plata planter w/Insecticides; John Doers 494A four row corn
planter, IHC No. 10 sixteen run seed drill on rubber; 2 good gravity bins on John Deers
wagons w/oxtendod tongues; taut 10 ft. cultivator, Gram 9 toth chisel plow; 13 ft.
land packer, throe drum roller; old gravity bin on wagon; Kewannee 14 ft. trail wheel
disc.; 18 ft. trail pony harrow, Sanderum 11 ft. cultivator w/2 tins extensions;
Kongskllds 11 ft. cultivator w/4 tins fold up wing extension w/finger harrows, walk-
ing plow; 2 horse drawn buggies; 2 cutters, odd pieces of horse harness, 15 steel posts,
30 ft. Aluminum !adder, small quantity of strap.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Washstand, coffee tables, small antique spool bed, 2 dressers, 6
matching chairs, cookstovs, chesterfield, telephone table, meat grinder, playpen, bed
lamp, B A W TV, copper boiler, day bed, oil stove, bed, feather tick etc.
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb 4827898
Frank and Sharon are pleased to announce the
birth of their son Peter Anthony, .born August 6,
1984 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London weighing 8
lbs. 9 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs,
C. Goulding, Vanastra, Mrs. N. Gonie, Orlllia
and Mr. C. Arts, Peterborough.-33nx
Albert and Karen are pleased to announce the
birth of their daughter, Danielle Nicole,
weighing 8 Ib. 6 oz. on July 31, 1984 at Clinton
Public Hospital. A sister for Timothy- Proud
grandparents are Akin and Phyllis Wise and
John and Hilda Wubs.-33nx
Gary and Faye are pleased to announce the birth
of their daughter, Stassi Nichole, born August 2,
1984 in Clinton Hospital. A sister for Kevin and
Kelli. Proud grandparents are Doug and Betty
Farquhar, Clinton and Alan and Audrey MacKay,
44. Engagements
Joyce Burbine, and Bill Burbine of Goderich are.
pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage
of their daughter, Joni Marie, to Mr. Timothy
William Dobson', son of Mr, and Mrs, Willigm
Dobson, of Clinton. The wedding will take place
in Wesley, Willis United Church, Clinton on Satur-
day, August 25, 1984 at 4:00 p.m. -33 -
Mr. and Mrs. William Tugwell of Clinton and Mr.
and Mrs, Gerold Von Aaken of Bayfield are
pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage
of their children Mamie and Harold. The wed-
ding will take place Saturday, August 25; 1984 at
3 p.m. in St. Joseph's Cotholic Church, Clinton.
Reception at 9 p.m. in Varna, Ont. -33
ye been into
c�elples3 e b�ul tlha ►t ow'
hpwtohe p.
When you are at cottage). you be a .
long, way away from hoapitala and' doctors.
The, person who known what (0 d4,• who
knows first aid, can somethnea :save a lite,,
can give immediate help that wiit,lre It 111
an injury healing faster, and can prevent an
action that could make the accident or in-
juryaworse, such as moving an'inju ed per-
son unnecessarily.
For instance, an unconscious on may
die unless he is properly cared for. ,Shock -
can kill if it is not prevented or controlled.
The healing time for a fracture can be
shortened by as much as a week If the frac-
ture is properly immobilized immediately • ,
Even in a minor accident, the • first aid"
trained person can ease_ pain and cap offer
reassurance to'someone who is injured and. "
The best first .aid advice begins: ;take :a.
deep breath and stay calm. Then you •set,
about making sure the accident won't get
worse. That can mean a number of things:
switching off an engine, dousing a fire, en-
suring that nothing is going to fall on the vic-
tim, controlling panic, dealing with excited
bystanders who want to help and don't know
-'' how. It may mean moving the victim as
quickly and carefully as circumstances Per-
mit if that is necessary to get him out of
Next you assess injuries, apply first aid
and arrange transportation to medical help
if it's needed.
St. John teaches First Aid with an em-
phasis on safety and accident prevention,
and it's an approach you can adopt.
Give a little thought to the potential for ac-
cident at your cottage, and discuss it with
your family. There's nothing frightening
about this. You probably haves safety pro-
gram at work that includes pointing out
hazards. You consider them so that you can
avoid them, which means you're avoiding
accidents and injuries.
Then you should also be sure everyone
knows what to •do if an. accident happens.
Know where your. equipment and first aid
supplies are, andknow how to use them.
Also you should know where and how to
reach medical help, and be able to tell them
elearly how to find you.
The goal of First Aid training is to save
Wes, promote healing and prevent damage
from getting worse. St. John Ambulance can
• supply you with information and with Safety
Oriented First Aid training.
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, •
Ellen Sillib, who passed away one year ago,
August the 28th, 1983.
Days of sadness still come o'er us
Tears in silence often flow
For memory keeps you near us
For we always thinkof you.
Sadly missed bq husband Harvey and family.
47. Card of thanks
A sincere thank you .to friends, neighbours and
relatives for cordsofsympathy, floral tributes,
donations, for food sent to the house and other'
expressions of sympathy in the foss of a dear
husband Gord. A special. thank you to Rev, Pick
and the Beattie Funeral Home for their help, also
the Legion Ladies for ,the lovely lunch. Your
thoughtfulness will always be remembered.
Grace Lowson and family. -33x •
DOW ••
I would like to thank everyone for attending the
surprise shower at Marie Heffron's, the
neighbour shower held at Lillian Appleby's and
the family shower held at Linda Bird's. Thankyou
for all the lovely and useful gifts received and
the good time enjoyed. Ft, special thanks to
everyone who helped plan the • showers and
prepared the food. • It will always be
remembered, Joyce (Gordon) Dow, -33
We would like to thank our friends, neighbours
and relatives for the lovely gifts and cards and
for sharing with us our 25th Anniversary. Special
thanks to our family who gave us an evening we
will long remember. John and Barb Jewitt. -33
Thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for
cards, gifts, visits and inquiries While 1 wasa pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Jim
Turner. -33
I want to thank the Doctors of Clinton Hospital
and nursing staff for their fine care, Father Pluto
for his visits, gifts of masses, cards, flowers and
gifts. Your kindness and concern is deeply ap-
preciated. Margaret E. Dale, -33x
Sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for
cards, flowers ond'visits while I was a patient in
Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Baker, Dr,;,
Flowers and the excellent T.L.C. from the nursing
staff, my family and all the kind neighbours who
visited me, Londesboro Women's Institute, Hap-
py Gang Seniors, Cheerio Club, Dora Shobbrook
for all her help, White Rose Restaurant and
friends who visited me since I came home. You'
kindness will always be remembered. Mrs. Vi
Burns -33
I would like to express my sincere thanks to
everyone who sent cards, flowers and gifts and
who visited me while in hospital. Your thoughtful
kindness Is very much appreciated. A special
thanks to Dr. Watts, Dr. Salsbury and all the
great girls on second floor who nursed me back
to health. Raymond Garon.-33
My sincere thanks to all my relatives, friends and
neighbors for their get well wishes, visits,
flowers and gifts while in Clinton hospital and
since returning home, for all the phone inquiries
made on my behalf. Special thanks to Dr. Watts,
Dr. Newland pnd the nursing staff on first floor
also to Rev. Pick. Anne Lowson, -33
Staying power
Before cutting cattails or bullrushes for •
flower arrangements, spray them with
hairspray. Spray once again after- cutting
and hang them upside down for about two:
weeks, says Clothing and Textile Specialist
Margaret Loewen of the rural organizations
and services branch of the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food. -
47. Card of thanks
We would like to thank the Blyth Industrial
Hockey Team, Radford Const. for the use of their
loader and sending a driver, 'Mannings Building
Supp. for the use of their truck. Special thanks to
Ken Shortreed and all the neighbours and friends
that helped in the bush on Aug. 4/84. Your kind-
ness, will always be remembered. Gill and
family.=33nx -
Mr. and Mrs. Les Saunders, parents-in-law to
Eugene, would like to thank all his relatives,
friends, associates and neighbours for their help
and kindnesses shown to our daughter, Gillian,
and ourselves. Our visit has been short, but not
.uneventful. . We shall always remember with
pride the logging crews, the donators , of
transport and equipment, who so kindly helped',
out on Saturday, the fourth of August. Something
special occurred. that Saturday morning. To all
those we know by name and countless others
whose names we are unaware of, we express
our sincere thanks. God bless you ail. -33
The families of the late Barbara Ann Hymers
wish to express our Sincere thanks and heartfelt
gratitude to our relatives, friends and neighbors
for floral tributes, memorial contributions and
for food sent to our homes. A special thanks to
first and second floor nurses, Dr. Newland, Rev.
Pick and Ball and Falconer Funeral Home for
their services and for the many sympathy cords
and letters during our recent bereavement. It
was all very much appreciated, The Hymers and
Layton families. -33
We would like to thank everyone who visited;
sent flowers, cards, gifts while we were in Clin
ton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett and
the nurses: Koren and Danielle Wubs.-33x
The nieces and nephews of the late Russell Col-
clough wish to thank friends and neighbors for
flowers, donations and cards and for the kind-
shown to our uncle. Special thanks to Rev.
Pick and Ball and Falconer Funeral Home, Your
kindness will long be remembered. -33
I would like to thank my relatives, neighbours,
Sears employees, and my many friends, for your
prayers, visits, cards, letters, phone calls, gifts,
and baskets of fruit. All these lo ely : stures
helped to shorten my long stay in Lon': niver-
sity Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. L. r' . e, Dr.
R. Passi and his Team, all the nurse o were
so kind to me, also my V.O.N. nurse Sue. Doris
Patterson. -33x '
The family of the late Ella Fairservice wishes to
express sincere thanks and appreciation for the
many expressions of sympathy and beautiful
floral tributes and cards received during our re-
cent bereavement. The Fairservice family. --33
The family of the late Abraham van Eendenburg
wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation
to their relatives, friends and neighbours for the
mpny floral arrangements, charitable donations,
expressions of sympathy, beautiful cards and
food brought into the home. Special thartks to Dr.
Herren, Dr, Watts, nurses at Clinton Hospital,
Rev. Dick ?Nynia, Rev, James VI'sser, the
pallbearers, ladies of the Clinton Christian
Reformed Church who served the lunch after the
funeral and Ball and Falconer Funeral Home for
their kind help. Your kindness will always be
remembered. -33x