Exeter Times, 1902-7-31, Page 54
"A good cause
, makes a strong,' arm."
The Makers know -
ling first that' every
1:iair is worth it,pledge
a fixed value, throug1.
their price on the sole
"The Slater Shoe"
SPACKMAN. General .A.gent,
On board steamer, . Tritonia, July
was tbe good eeed. fecen Which Siam
spsuog these fair Oanatliene of oors,
with their far stretching arins, their
mighty thews and Sinewa and all
their aboending vitality, no page in
Our Nation's story is so riyeting and
dramatic as this.
On tmaring the city one can almost,
imagine himeelf livieg nearly a cens
tury and a half ago, and. seeing the
scene then enacted there. There on
the:shore is Wolfe's cove, where the
British aro te effect a landing. We
can see Wolfe and his company steal,
beg up the farther shore, arid can al-
most hear him muernar "The patliCof
glory lead but to the gave" Thee
behind the city lies the Plains of A.bra-
ham, on which was fought the battle
which was to decide the destiny of
this young nation. We, look at the
towering walls and are ready to agree
with Wolfe that his was almost a
hopeless task. We see further down
on the Beauport shoals the bristling
line of French defencee, the British on
the south shore, on the Isle of Orleans,
and on the banks of the Montmoreney.
The situation must be seen in order to
get an adequate conception of the lin-
mensity of the task.
Point Levis, on the opposite bank
is a large lumber and shipping centre,
and is the terminus of the Grand
Trunk Railway. A short distance up
the riyer is seen the bea,utifui Falls of
Moistmorency. .After passing the
Isle of Orleans we encounter several
large islands, and after a short run,
To THEmon., come to the large quarantine station.
being From this point on, the river grad -
You can imagine that after
on the roa,d for two days, and having
our rest 'nisch broken, we would very
ranch appreciate a good night's sleep,
yet we were up early on the following
morning and down to the dock, to
make our arrangements and sign on.
This being done the balance of the
time before sailing ,was occupied in'
watching the crew complete the load-
ing of the boat. This scene was in-
teresting, and the conversation, if not
intelligible to us was very amusing
at times. The workers seemed to be
in a very angry mood. The majority
of the swearing was done in French. •
But more of the crew and cargo anon.
We weighed anchor at 1,80 p. us., was
towed out into the stream, andliwas
soon on our way down the river'
The contrast between Ontario and
Quebec is very great, probably due to
the inhabitants of each being of differ-
ent nationalities, and having different
methods of colonization. The object
of the Englishman being to carve out
perinanent honse; of the Frenchman,
-a temporary one, his ultimate aim be-
ing. to return to "Gae Paree."
For some distance from Montieal
the land appears to be very level and
quite suitable for fanning purposes.
The old-fashioned stone windmill,
with its lazily flapping fans is quite in
evidence. The farm houses seem to
ite commodious and by the way
easoseiese are invariably white. • This cus-
tom prevails throughout the whole
province, and adds to the charr of
tbe scenery.
After travelling a short distance,
the land becomes. more mountainotis
on either side. The whole of the pro-
vince north of the river, with the ex-
ception of a small strip along the
shore is of the Laurentian region, and
thus is a rocky and hilly country. It
is everywhere well wooded. • The
same country exists on the south side.
Hence there exists the picture of the
cities, towns, villages and little fishing
hamlets lying along the shore, and in
the latter case, almost hidden in the
rocks. Theu the in oun tains) ds 'country
lying behind these and then the dense
growth of forest foiming a back-
ground. for all. Such is the general
toast line.
Toward evening of the first day out
we cast anchor off the town of Sorel,
a beautiful little spot, and while sit-
ting on deck we counted no less than
•seven church spires, capped of course,
with the cross,, and towering high
above all other buildings. By the
way, we might say that this is in-
variably the case. the most noticable
feature on nearing a settement is the
church surmounted. by spire and cross,
and with few exceptions they are the
largest and best buildings, thus be
it voluntarily. or compulsory denotes a
strong religious sentiment ameng
the people.
Shortly after startingtiti the second
• clay we came to an expaesion of the
river, known as Lake St. Peter, and
after another hour's run we came to
Three Rivers, a city on the north
bank. It is • here that the three
branches of the St. Maurice river
empty into the St. Lavsrence. This is
a very old city and is noted for its
beautiful cathedral. Its mills stretch-
ing along the shore indicate that it is
the centre of a large lumber district.
Atnoon we came in sight of Quebec,
the one time capital of Canada, and
the "Gibraltar of America". How shall
we describe it 'The thought of the
scenes that haye taken place around
its old walls bring us to a realization
that words are too inadequate to do so.
It has been said that Queue is the one
finished city in the world ; and we
believe it was Beecher, who declared
it was a hit of Mediaeval Europe
perched on a rock and dried for keep-
• ing. This giant grey rock is the cen-
• tral milestone of Canadian history.
Around its war scarred heights how
many storms of history have broken
the blood of the stolid English and the
versatile French that blended on that:
dull September morn so long ago
Aching joints
In the fingers, toes, arms, and other
parts of the body, tire joint's that are
inflamed and swollen by rheumatism ---
that acid condition of the blood whieli
affeetS the muscles also.
Sufferers dread to move, espeeisslly
after sitting Or lying lOng, and their
condition is eonnnonly worse in wet
sveather. •
"I suffered dreadfully from rheumatism,
but have been completely cured by llooct's
Sarsaparilla, for widen I am deeply grate-
ful." Mies Enemas :NMI, Prescott, Ont.
"I had an attack of the grip which lett Luc
weisk and helpless end ouffering twin rheu-
matism, I beget, teking Hood's Sarsatat
filla Mid this nil -Mettle tea entirely our
me. have no liesilation in seying it sane
My life." :11. J, 'Pei/ex/am, Trenton, OM
Removes the awes of elicumetism—r,
otitivard applieat!on cam Take it.
ually widens, the little hamlets be-
come more remote and gradually lost
to view, the mountains,in their lonle-
ness and desolation look grander and
more sublime, The coast of New-
foundland and Gaspe gradually dis-
appear from view. We are out in the
Gul, and so Au Revoir, for we are
"Eastward Ho."
Will not be able to write you again
till we reach Glasgow, when we will
try to give you something in regard
to the boat and its crew for our next,
She is an excellent boat and we are
certainly enjoying ourselves.
The Delicious flavor, and
Great Nutritive Proper-.
ties of "
Make it An Excellent Diet
for Invalids and • Con -t=
It can be served in a variety
of ways.
alalt Breakfast Food has become
famous as an article of diet for in-
valids, convalescents, and for all who
suffer from weak digestion Its con-
centrated nutritive properties are
well known to physicians. Malt
Breakfast Food quiets and strengthens
the irritated and weak stomach, and
in a short time will banish the most
obstinate dyspepsia. No other food so
Quickly enriches the blood and builds
up the shattered system. This de-
licious health food for the strong and
weak is sold by every Grocer.
There will not be a province or a
piece of territory in the Dominion
that will not be represented at the ex-
hibition to be held in Toronto this
year, from Monday, Sept. lst to
Saturday. Sept.13th. To mark their
appreciation of this 'evidence of the
country's confidence, the Executive
bave increased the Prize List until
now it is proudly boasted that with
specials, upwards of 837,000 will be
distributed in prizes among the exhib-
itors, six -sevenths of which will find
its way to the agricultural com-
munity. While this large sum prov-
es the magnitude of the exposition,
the enterprise of its managers and the
comprehensiveness of the exhibits,
the fact that $30,000 is to be spent in
the attractions and special features,
the latest inventions as well as the
latest novelties in the atnusement
world, and including 87,000 for MUSiO,
shows that while the a,„eaicultural and
industrial interests of the country are
to be well looked after, the people's
enjoyment will not be neglected.
America and Europe have been scour-
ed for all that is best 'in every line of
attraction. Bolossi Iiiralfy, the
greatest master of ,spectacle on earth,
has been secured to produce in hi], its
brilliancy and. gorgeousness his stu-
pendous production "The Orient,"
which was the wonder of London,
Eng., at Olympia for a year, and that
is only one of the really costly features
that have either been engaged or are
being negotiated for. Then there are
the new Dairy Buildings and the New
Art Gallery, which will greatly in-
crease the value of the exhibition as a
factor in the education and elevation
of the people. In the Dairy Building
not only will there be exhibits of
dairy products, utensils, and so on,
but lectures and deMonstrations Will
be given twice daily, in a hall provided
with seating accommodation for 000,
people. Reduced rates will, of course,
be available on all lines of travel,
Is Tots of red and vitalizing blood to
nourish and invig.orate the body. If
your blood is thin and sveteey, use
"Ferrozone." It supplies the necessary
elernepts such as phosphorus and iron
and geickly restores loot stvength and
spirits. Forozone is an unequalled
restorative for the tired the sick and
the run down ; stimulateS appetite,
aids digestion, soothes the nerves,
and makes the system too healthy
for disease to exist. No tonic does so
inuch good in a short a thne as Fer-
r2zone. Get it to -day from any drug-
gist for 50c. per boa., or six boxes for
82 51 By mail from N. C. Poison &
Co., Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Ila,milton'e Pills cut' Consti-
CliN1011'8 ttillgIcINNON COP
Captured Trophy Donated by the
Late. Col. Mackinnon,
There Were Twelve To42110 of Seven lire
Enciv-aingland Was' in Seoend Tlace
Match Was Started rriday,
other Contest This Ordered -The Shoo
• ing Oyer -The Canadians Got Very X, it tl
Stoner Out of Cit' of London. Matt)
I3isley Camp, July 29.—Canad
won. the Maelihmon Cup competitim
yesterday and there is great joy h.
the Canadian hat,
This Match, had- been held on Fri
day, the 18th, when Australia was 1
the lead, but a protest entered on ac
'count of Scotland having taken ove
time ia shooting caused a decisioa t
be reached by the committee • tbe.
there should •bo another contest, an
yesterday was fixed as the date
though the :Sisley meeting closed az
Saturday. •
Seven teams oftwelve men each
competed, the score at the finish be
England 184:0
Scotland... 1317
Natal '
Nev Zealand 1296 •
Rhodesia 1267
Australia did not finish.
Tho prize is a. Challenge cup donat-
ed by the kite Col. Mackinnon, and
• the amount o1. the entrance fees 24
for oath team, loss 25 .per cent, de-
ducted by the association.
Tito distances of the ranges were
800, 900 and 1,000 yards, with ten
shots at each range.
Ata the 800 -yard range the scores
were: Canada, 518; Australia, 504;
New Zealand, 502; Natal 498- Eng-
land, 498; South Rhodesia, 480;
Scotland 478.
At the 000 -yard range: Canada,
479; Australia, 671; England, 475;
New Zealand, 460; Natal, 480; South
Rhoclela, 440, anti Scotland, 480—
the latter the highest.
Canada. made 886 at the 1,000 -
yard range.
Australia had 17 shots to fire when
the time limit was reached, and fin-
ished with an aggregute of 1,197.
The Canadians got very little prize
money out of the City of London
Corporation Cup match.
Lady Weymss presented the princip-
a prizes on Saturday. Two marks-
men from Rhodesia, one • from Trini-
dad and six from Natal figuring ia
the distributions
New Zealand W011 the Belgian Chal-
lenge Cub, the principal prize, in a
• rapid firing competition at GOO yards
with eight shpts. ' The contest, was
opeu td teamof ten volunteers. • With
the cup there' goes a cash prize of
'$100. •
I have used W. T. Strong.'s Pile -
4• kone for external as well as internal
- piles, and get better results than from
_ any other reinedY 1 °brrve used. A.
, GRAHAM, M. D, London,
" Price 31.00. FOr sale by druggists,
e or by mail on receipt of price.
W. T, STRONG. ' Man u fa attiring
fa Chemist, London, Ontario.
i I
ners tame -sea scam a IsSFotiltillonary
- party at Nicaragua, has been saved
a threugh the representations of Minis-
- ter Cores of that country. A cable -
✓ gram was received at the State De-
o partmont yesterday from Chester
t Donaldson, U.S. Consul at Manasssua,
Nicaragua, da.tad the 26th inst., as
, folio ws :
i "As a. courtesy to the United
States and sympathy for the mother,
the President wiel commute inissell
- Wilson's death sentence.'' a
Two Into 1cp Al' A r.I.CN.1e.
• 1223 A Very Sad liatitiz.nifiZeldvat 1 t rem.
Parry Sound, July 20.—A double
drowning eccident, under very ead
circumstances, occurred last evening
lassscrYtal about o% et] °tewkO Ilmeialresrlf:'Nise.IillikinicIll'brY-
whinh the life of Miss Etta Beatty,
eldest Cesighter..of DOM d Beatty, la
L.S., of this town, and also that of
Frank Cross, 0 young English-
man, whose relatives are in Englend,
were both lost.
The yoeng couple were with a pic-
nic party of Manor Kill flon's family
and were in bathing. Miss Deatty,
although .9rdy a. few ya vas from the
shore, got •out of her depth. Mr.
Cron at once rushed to her assist-
ance, and, it is said. 'Ins eeented twice
to h(tabottiiit
sallo. b
overpowered in his exertions, was
himself drownsd n the attempt to
save her, , Cross was known to
, be an exceptionally good swimmer.
The bodies were shortly afterwards
c'oLoesins Ann resscAL.
Grand Ovation to ths ColoniAl Premiere
in ',laden
Glasgow, July 29.—Richend J.
Seddon, Premier nf New Zealand,
said in 0 speech yesterday that the
colonies have already proved. that
they love the Motherland by sending
their sons to fight ia South Africa.
They wished to go further, and give
the Mother Country trade. preference
over other nations, but too much at-
tention was paid to what continental
countries might think,. What the col-
onies arid Great Britain should do
was to join in common cause to meet
American competition: Shoold this
be done the future need not be fear-
ed, said Mr. Seddon, since the Brit-
ish workmen and manufacturers
were unequalled in. the whole world.
All the colonial Premiers, with the
exception of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the
Prime Minister of Canada, who is in
London. were given a. grand ovation
here yes terdaY . • ,
Mr. Barton, the Prime Minister of
the Commonwealth of Anstralia, in
one of the mamY speeches he 'deliver-
ed in -the, course of the day, warned
his hearers that the British Empire
wns large enough, and that Britons
now might to look to consolidation
rather than to acquisition.
George W. Rpss, Premier of On-
tario, declared in a speech. that the
war in South Africa. was prolonged
to the extent it had been because
there were so few colonial troops in
the field.
Ilritielt Comm Inder Inter -mare on Ile!' 'It
Kingston, .3 am aica, July fn.—The
13ritish cruiser l'sy the arrived here
• yestercfa.y. Her officers report that
On 3 uly 7, when 11 e force of Nicas
guan revolutionists, landed near Blue -
fields by the Colonibian gunboat Gen-
eral Pinzon, had been captured, the
Pistzon steamed away. The Nicara-
guan forts flred at the Pinzon, but
without success.
The coinmander of the Psythe land-
ed and insisted that the captured re-
bels ,be given a fair and impartial
trial, instead ot befog shot without
trial. It was believed that anaong
those captured at that time was Dr.
Wilson, an American, but the officials
of the Psyche could not definitely as-
certain anything regarding his pre -
Bence. Re had not beea trieel up to
the thne the Psyche left last 'week.
Telegraph lines are broken, aead news
is difficult to get: According to of-
ficers of the Psyche the Colombian
Government is helping the Nicaragh-
an .fevolutionists, All was quiet
when the Psyche sailed.
• IVI:eou'x Life Spared,
Washington, July 29.—The lite of
Dr, Rtissell .Wilnon of 1Vhe.011to, who
()enable (asteria always boars the Signature
' of Chas. H. Fletcher,
V.'hen Baby was siek, we gave her eastorici,
When she was a Child, she cried for CastOtiC,
'Chen she became Miss, She clues to Castore,
whenalie had Child rcii,slit gave them Casteria.
:At, Now York Monday Daniel Cash
62 years old, was killed by a bolt.
At Pittsburg, Fa., Monday a.
thunder and lightning storm caused
throe deaths and much property dam-
age. The killed are: Mrs. Kate
Walsh. or Eureka street, San Fran-
cisco Imperiatona; Costello Matteo.
Mrs. Walsh died from sheets caused
by lightning.
- Killed on the Track.
• Vaudreuil, Que., July 29.—A very
Sad accident happened yesterday
morning about 11 o'clock, when Mr.
Lueger 'Valois, one of 'the oldest and
most respected citizene of Van drenii,
was killed. 1 e is suppoied that Mr.
Valois was crossing the G. T. R.
bridge and ha1 reached fhe east end
when a westbound freight ti•ala
struck and instaatly killed him. An
easthoend passenger train was asses -
Mg the bridge, and it is supposed he
was trying to keep out of the way
of the passenger train when the
freight struck him. The body was
picked up by the freight train crew
and bsought to the station, where an
inquest was held, yesterday after -
General !•:tole Into Cape Town and Fooled
1.:1rze • row.1 WhJ, Wanted 3',
Dom...net rote.
Cepa Town, July 2S.--Clensea1 De -
wet re ()esti that he emild 't,vade
fri.nii ns snecesefully as he did en-
emies by arriving here unexpectedly
this aftereoen and upsetting all the
elaborate p'ans prepared for his re-
ception, lie etrolled through the
streets, cstoually nodding to his ae-
qua:Marian and occasionally " to a
former • opponent. .Arrasgements
were eels' iy made by Afrikanders to
ent ert a' n ths famous leatier to -night
at a senti-Se-ivute dinner, tickets to
which already stand at nye guineas
($26.25. premium).
A striking contrast to Dewet's re-
turn was the scene Sunday when
Generals Botha and Delarey tat -tended
church. The building was packed,
inanity with w o 'nen and the SerViee
WaS scarcely concluded when these
Cape Town admirers stormed the
pew in which the generals sat. With
difficulty they retreated to the ves-
try. The congregation followed, and
•Generals 'Botha. and Blaray were lift-
ed to the Vestry table. Th pastor
of the church warmly remonstrated,
whereupon it number of tht;se present
Seized the geusrals and carried them
to carriages, where another demon-
stration ensued.
TRACI' NoT 10 kr wIrli HI 31.
An EX -Convict In Fresno, Cal., Shot rive
lien and Escaped.
Fresno, Cal., July 29.—At Porter-
ville, jamas Mcainney, an ex -con-
vict, shot five mon and escaped into
the country in a stolen rig. McKin-
ney first shot out 'the lights Of a so:-
1.0ea. and then» ia tryine t_e sleet
Liver Pills
'hat's what you need; sonie4,
thing to cure your bilious-
ness and give you a good
digestion. .Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative. HC:
It Ail
• slant,oie Waist:100n Or heard 5besot-lad
l? e er Itch blitcl: 7 Theo use •
INJ ,.ti(1?1 OH AM'S DYE fgro,Pirg
1)40511/0 MI P..1-1ALI. 5 Ce..lOoSo04.
DEC We H1 --- 1 Cies' Gt. West
hate .0' 1,0Sjs
No., Clarence -square, corner Spadina ayenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes
a specialty a Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc,
PAIvATE DIStASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method 'without
pain and all baxl after effects. ,
DJseases ofilWomen—Painfult profrse or suppressed menstruation,
leeration, leucorrhoea and all displapements of the womb.
°Palen 13,01712.s. -9a, m, to 8 p, m. Sunday 1 to 3p. nn
out-ol The ll'aucie of a ills r-
er, wounded the latter slightly. lie
then wend a
t to a livery stable and 1•
the point of. a revolver secured a riA
g. ...,...n.,
gezi for the Weseems AssoneXcis Cose
As he was driving oft a constable, a ?ANY, of Tor0uto; also for the Peceerix Emir
deputy end several citizens tried to '
. usenet:ex inserentex, of Lohdon. Engisial •
ss, reassess leststsemis Corneas's, of Ere
arrest Wm. 110 opened fire, wound- and
ing four ot the party.
Wm. Lynn, whose abdomen and. legs
t° Ilk Ny° "lids' '' I Ira lis .7. TI, EINEMIEL:71.Aiiii. TOltONTO WTI -
Waco filled w i t h b ii cesh ot , Succumbed
McKinney also filled the right area ..La vesneney, en en 0 so lemon useren
of Cleo rgo Barr011 0, a printer, with ity. CD:tee-0 cent OL. 0131., .
shot, and sen t a . bullet into • the
mouth of Depu is' Constable Tomp- I '%2 . B.R.0 \\ NN (7..1%1th.i.D., Lliab..00
kipsand a load of elicit into the arm L.' • P. ii, Orittillit to Victoria niiversity
of W. D. West. ' IneKinney is llieaderl ' °II" ".`i "nide n (' e` 1)
for Fresno CollnlY and it i;5 believed t°17' Exeter'
be will malse for the raoteitein)4. He
has a shotgun, a rifle and a revolv-
er, and he said before leaving that
''Tracey wouldn't bo in • it with
Hit a 3:111111.01.
. Brougham, .1 aly 2;1.—D uring a ter-
rific thander- and hall atom.- that
passed over here .Stitelay great, dam-
age was do e te erops. bann of
llobt. :Pugh of ! "en -Major . Was struck
by . light 1111gnn! 1111' end knocked
in and 111..2 0 d: the barn svas
not burn (1. ' '1 • se:Ina at Glen -
Mot or was a eo .dur.ng Sun- -
day st hetil. , tower was badly
shatterid, 1t1l 11 114 emin4 down
through. 1 he chaise, aed out of the
\ rind ow.' A i• !(.` feature was
the Out that. elide tlae chureh was
fairly rell flh1c1 not a person was
3<illcd, but two childivii were badly
brwly olliut
Duluth, July 29.—Jame8 Taylor,
master of the tug Abbott of the local
branch of the Great Lakes Towing
Company, Sunday night shot Georgn
Wilson, engineer of the tug Reber, at
West Superior. Two shots were fired,
and Wilson is 'expected to die, Cap-
tain Taylor, who is ander arrest,
claims that Wilson and Others were
engaged in throwing stones nt bis
boat, and that he warned them not
to. repeat it, but they did not heed
his warning.
• STOP TEE C01.1011
LaxativeBrome-Quinine Tablets euro a old
iii one day. No cure. No pay. Price 25 cts.
,FA Medicine
A 1,1/racife
are not one of the wonders of
the world. They are not the
discovery of some marvellous
man, made in some mysterious
land. They do not drive Doc-
tors to despair, and Undertakers
into insolvency. THEY ARE
MON AILIVIENTS which never
should be neglected.
An unsurpassed nerve tonic)
A blood maker and purifier
A gentle but effective laxative
Not a cathartio
50 Tablei.s,, 25 Cents
BREMEN 21795
that bas shown his ability to sire ex-
treme speed. There is no standard -
bred horse that lives that is Taren-
tum's superior in breeding. There is
no better boned horse with size, style
and substance. He is a natural born
trotter and can go fast. Tarentum
has produced out of less than ten
colts in his own vicinity, two that has
shown trials it less than 2.10. He has
produced out of common mares, colts )
that can show without special train- '
mg their ability to go better than 2.40.
For siring high stepping action for
road and carriage purposes, Taren-
tum is the ideal sire of Canada,
Write for testimon leis as to his siring
abilities and. tabu's ted pedigree. Will
stand at his own st able, Egmondville,
Friday and. Saturday, Russeldale,
Monday; Woodhain, Tuesday noon ;
St Marys, Tuesday night; Mitchell,
Wednesday night,
•• Egmonclville.
Per 8.8. No. 0, Hairtevnashio. Duties to
commence et the mid of the present vacation.
Male or female, holding a second elass main.
clue of qualification. Apply perstinally Wilh
recommendation to the trustees, Sons( Bev,
The unaersigned hos for Selo on lot 16, eon.
2, Hay, a pure brpd.Shonthorn Durham Bull. 15
months olchroon oolor and eligible for regis-
tration. got by stook Of extra quality noW 321
my' poSSessioin
.1740. ETPUR, Heim% Ont.
Ni!"ill also keep a pure:bred Berkshire bear for
1] (.- .
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
commissioners, solicitois for the Molsons
Bank, Etc,
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest
(Successor to Elliott & Gladrisan)
Barrister, Vioitor, lictaly Public,
Convse,yancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farm and village
oroperties at Lowest rates of interest
D. 8. D. D 5.,.1Conor Graduate
of Toronto Oniversiny. Dentist.
eetit extrae,ed without pain or
bad after effects. Office in Fan -
son's block, West side of Main
MA.. ANDERSON, (D. D. 2.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work. crowns, al-
luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for palnless extrac.
Office one door smith of Carling Bro's store
Exeter, Ont.
1 EXETER—We offer for sale on reasonable
Iterms, tha 1 very desirable residential pronerty
known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated
cm Lot Ne• 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter.
There is erected upon the land, a comfortable
and commodious briez dwelling, also the
necessary outhouses. The house is in good re-
pair and has 0 ropres. The let contains an acre
of land (105 38 excellently adapted for garden
ing Or fruit growing. There is &plentiful sup-
ply of hard Flald soft water. The property is up
to date„end the terms easy, for particulars ap-
ply to Diercsox & CARL/NG barristers Exeter,
or to A. E. HOOPER, Rew P. 0., Penua, IT. §
A., proprietor.
of Cards
One Pack, "May I. O. U. Home," One Pak
"Escort" One pack, "Flirtati2n" One Pacsi
"Efold-to light." One Peek, Our Sofa •Ine
Holds. Two.- Sample of 21 other styles, vat"
book full of notions. Send 5c silver for postage
VIT ANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity
must be unquestionable) to take charge of
distribution depot and office to be openedin
Canada to further business interests of an old.
established manufacturing concern. Salary
5150 per month and extra. profits, Applicant
must have $1500 to t 2000 cash anci good stand-
ing. Address, &meats a Box nes, Pleiades
plain, Pa.
The farm cm Lot 3, con. 1. Hay township. is
for sale or can be rented. For further par-
ticulars apply to A. HoLtaxn. Exeter.
Of Esther Stevens, late of the village
of Exeter, in the county of Huron,
widow, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S.
0. 1807,0hapter IA that all persons having
claims against the Estate of the said. Esther
Stevens who died on or about the 141311 day of
19U2, are required to send on or before the
20111 day of Au eust, 1902, by post prepaid to J.
0. Staribury. Meter, P. O.. Solicitor, for the
Executors of the said Esther Stevens, their
names, addre:ses and ocoupations, with par-
ticulars of their claims, and a statement of
their accounts, and the natnre of the se.
curities, (if any held by them And notiee
Is hereby given that alter the last mentioned
date the scud axeoutors will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said deceased
anlong those entitled thereto, having
rogard only to the claims of which notice
Shall have been given as above reonired ; and
the said executors shall not be Diable for the
said assets nor any part thereof to any per-
son or persons of whose 0120010 notice shalt not
have boon received by them at the date of such
.f. G. SUNBURY, Exeter, Ont.
Solicitor for the Executors.
Dated July 231902
Of George Adam Geiser, late of the
Townshio of Stenhen, in the County
of Huron, retired farmer deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant, to R. :s. 0.,
1807, Chap.120, that all persons having clahne
against the estate of the said G. A. Geiser,
Who died on or about the 7111 day of April,
1002, aro required to send on or before the 161311
deg of August, A. 3.,1002, bypest prepaid to .7.
G. Stenhursr, Excitor, P.O. Solicitorfor the Pio
°miters of (ho stud deceaSed: their names ad-
dresses and ocoupatkons, with nkrticulars ef
thoi cihiis ansi a statemeet of th0jt acconhte
and the nature of the socerittes (if any) hold
by than. And notice is hereby siren that
after the last mentioned date the said esemee
tors will proceed to distribute the assets of
the said deceased 00031 111080 entitled there-
to, having regard only to the olaims of whicli
notiee shall have been given as above required,
and the said exectiters shall not be liable for
the Said assets nor any part thereof to any
.•perSen or persons of whose cdaims notice shell
not have been vecelyed by them at the date of
I Z. G. dmAilatral, Exeter, Chit,
Solieiter for the Xxecatora
Dated July 23s1., 1202.
Two second hand Upright
Pianos and one Square Piano
for sale clicap.
New Pianos and Organs
always in stock,
Our experience in the Sewing"
Machine I3osiness, (12 years) is a.
atia-antee of our goods, Wu‘
carry in stock the best the market
affords, Needles and Repairs for
all kinds of machines aiways in
stock. Music in Sheet and Book
Call and See us,
It will Pay- You.
Do you Want a uggy?
• We have the finest stock in town.
All the latest styles, in the newest
• Our prices are low as can be found
for first-class material and workman-
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
•headquarters For
• Dyspepsia. Cure
• Blood and. r:erve Tonle '
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Sidney Pills
Kidney Mixture .
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
• Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
Chilblain Lotion.
Try any of these greparatinns and
ful healing and curing properties.
A Full line of Patent Medicines on
you will be astonishe at their wonder -
Dominiou Laboratorll•
We have unlimited private funds for invest-
ment upon farm or -village property at 1owea4,
rates of interest.
I have a large amount of private funds to
loan on foam ard village proyerties at kw ra
of interest.
)3arrister Main St. Exeter -
and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and you
win get by return mail a GOLDEN 130X O'
GOODS that will bring you in Mortic Mobiny
in one month than anytnieg else in ameriea...
W. Keeney, E. T.
Toinneith, N
Yon can save money time and feed by keep-
ing your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive
better and lceep healthy-. Make the hog co01!
fortable and he will Put on flesh. Yokk can des
so with al'Verv little ex -pence by erecting Peol
lees Patent) The BleVated Moveable Pigs Bed.
Simple of coastniction, make it sturserves.
Send $2,00 in registered letter for felon right
certificate end plan of coil struetion te
• aolul PERLER, l(IXOtOr, 0111.
Patentrapplied for.
"Christmas 1E3ox"
Full of V1/4 onderful Things
im Portraits of Actresqes, 26 PopularSongs
•U. Magic Tele elope and l?ietures, 50 Ames-
ing ExporinsentO. LOVO`ill VUZZI O. 20 RObl./SOS, 100
Funny Cearinclrains, Book of Lore, Game
Letters, Magid Writing, 324 Jolly Jokes
laseeiot for moestaelle Grower.100 Meney Mak-
jegSeerets, 1CO Tei et and CoolcieglleceineS, 255
Selections for Autograph Albums, 10 arbael
Love Letters, How to Tell Fertutes, Dictionary
of Dreams. Guide to Flirtatien, Slagle Age
Table, Lovers Telegraph, tind Our new Cat. or
Xmas Tot's, Books tied Ncitienti. all by malt
FREE, for 50 eilver toesayenoeta no.
w,EY, T.
gyormoath N,