Exeter Times, 1902-7-31, Page 4:S••
• ;
e iinoisons I3ank
Ala up Capital -- S2,50e,000
eservenna - S2,050,000
' Read, Office, Me street,
distresses, Mastansa
Moller advalicedt gssa, farmer& On tUell'
Naos note with one pr mere endorser.et I' per
Oents Per manna,
Exeter Branoll •
Open every lawful day from 10 a. al.ti 8P. m
SATURISAYS,, 10 a. sa. to 1 p. ni.
assent rates at interest ellowed On deposits,
sexamecats. MANAGSB
Exeter, Dee. 27th, O.
Calendar for July, 1902
ausiDAY 6 13 20 27
7 H 21 28
THEsDAY I 8 15 22 29
%PEONES:DAV „ 2 9 16 23 30
TEDURsDAY... 3 10 17 21 31
FRIDAY 4 11 18 25
SATURDAY 5 12 19 26
General News.
.$ir I'resale Smith's estate will pay
the Ontario Government in death
duties $60,000.
Philip Holt, of •Goderich, has been
tappointed deputy judge of Huron dur-
ing Judge Masson's absence, •
Lor man or beast. Relieves pain, reduces
swelling, allays inflanunatiou, cures cuts,
burns; bruiiff ses, sprains, stjoints, bites of in.
sects, rheumatism, etc. A large bottle for 25
Egrhert, the niclne-year-clson of Mr.
George N.Vardle, Chathiusx, who softer -
ed from lockjaw from a rusty nail, died
on Friday night last.
Must not he confounded with com-
mon cathartic dr purgative pills. Oar-
ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un-
like them in every respect, Oee trial
will prove their superiority.
• The car on the Canadian Pacific
train on the way into Guelph on Fri-
day jumped the track, and a number
•• of the pass nagers were hurt, including
Mrs R. L.DicKinnon, barrister, Guelph,
wbQ had his collar bone broken.
Murray Scott, the two-year-old son
of Mr Andrew and Mrs. Elizabeth
Scott, who reside near Ilderton, stray-
ed across a. field near his parents' home
enThursday last, fell into the fool of
water, and was drowned.
Children are often attacked suddenly by
painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps. Dian-
lioea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera ii-
•tantunt, etc. 'Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild.
Strawberry ii'teprompt and sure cure which
should always he kept in the house.
The dry goodi, house of Runians,
McKee, Carson Co.', of London, have
placed their affairs in the bands of
-Messrs, .Andrew Darling. Toronto. and
G. C., Gibbons, K. C. London, as re-
ceivers fop their creditors, •
The Toronto firemen's benefit fund
for the families of the victirns of re-
cent fire continues to grow. The
grand total to date is $52,290.50. The
-lists will not be closed for another
week, and more gen erous con trilutions
' are anticipated.
Rev. jarues McAllister, a retired
Methodist minister, aged 70 years,
died very suddenly last week at his
farm residence on the Preston Load
near Galt. Decett .zed was in his
nsually bright and buoyant state Sun-
day, but was subject to intermittent
heart trouble for several years past.
Monday, Sept. 15, has been set as
the date for the fall assizes in Middle-
sex. This is also the opening of the
Western Fair, Mr. Justice Lount is
down to take the court. He. was the
crown prosecutor when Gerald Sifton
first appeared for trial and in accord-
ance with the etiquette of the bar,will
refuse to try the case now. Other
arrangements will have to be made
for it.
If you have uneasy sensations in
the stoir nob, a bad taste in the mouth,
headache- rem ember that ten drops
of Poison's Nerviline in sweetened
water is a quick and certain cure.
Nerviline aids digestion, dispels the
gas, makes you comfortable and free
from gas at once. Nerviline is just
splendid for Crathps. Colic, Dysen-
tery, Stomach and Bowel Troubles,
and costs only 23c. Better try it.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Consti-
Tuxes. - At Victoria Hospital, London, on
• July 101 , .elm line Murdock, wife of Richard
Tunk,; Ln em. aged 27 years, 18 days.
CROCKEIL -.Ai ;0 Shaftesbury Avetus, Termi-
te. July 2;r,1.t) Mr. and. Mrs. .For S.
Crocker. .0e.
"I have used A vcr' .1 Hair Vigor
for tbirtyyesrs. It i Liegnt for
a hair dressing and for S.• sping,tha.
from splitting at ees ends.
I. A. Gruenenfelder, CsantforksIll...
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair-
splitting is done on y.our
own head, it loses friends.
for you, for every hair of'
your head is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
• sLoo* bottle. Ali dreselsis.
If your druggist cannot simply yeas
etend us one donor end we win ex -peens
You A bottle, De our* and given" name
of your nearest #xreasofaca. Address,
J. C, C10., Lowell, Mau ...
1411110N1 1109Stli [OM 1ft1
up from any sickness, no matter
fill CIO 1108 OT MOM 110 what sort, begin with a little
Times Readers liappoliiil
ill Vine Gentles
Monday. Aug. 4th, is Clinton's Olyic
There is a young lady in Clinton 18
years taf age, who has never yet been;
on a railroad train.
the .bowels, cure constipation, dyspepsia,
bidousuess, sick headache and all afiections of :
the organs of digestion.
Scotts Emulison of cod-liver
It is food, and more than
food: it helps you digest what-
ever food you can bear.
SeOrt A smarm. cNeminye. TORONTO.
50C. and Soca; all druggists.
Miss Hattie Davis and Barry Marsh,
former residents of Clinton, were mar-
ried in Detroit this week. I Dawson Authorities Notify the
Four boys front Dr. Barnardo's Public. Works Department.
Home, London, England, passed up
on the London Huron and Bruce, on'
Monday for different homes in Huron
and Bruce.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
celebrated on Tuesday at Woodbine
Cottage, Ashfield, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Crozier, their eldest
daughter, Ede, being united to Melvin
W. Howell, one of Goderich's well-
known young business men.
Mayor Cameron of Goderich bas
received an intimation from Hon. J.
I. Tarte, Minister of Public Works,
who is now taking a trip up the lakes,
that he will pay a visit to Goderich.
It is not loaosvn just how soon his visit
will occur, but it may be it week or
two yet.
There is fao one article in the line f
medicines that gives so large it return
Lor the motley as a good porous
strengthening plaster, such as Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladona Back-
ache plasters.
Durieg the Jest few months Mr.
Hooper. of Clinton, who represents
the Dominion cf Canada Guarantee
and Accident Insurance Co.. has
paid out over $1,500 for accident and
sick claims alone. Mr. Breeden, who
lost a finger at the factory the other
day, will be entitled to $30 accident
BACKACHE, swelling of the feet and. ankles,
p piling utder eyes, frequent thirst, scanty,
cloudy, highly colored urine and all urinary
troubles lead. to Bright's disease, dropsy, dia
butes etc. Dean'iduey PI11.9 ere 5 sure cure
John ROES, principal of the
school at Edmonton Alberta, son of
Thos Ross, of East Ara.wanosh, Huron
county, is at pteseet visiting among
relatives and friends in this neighbor-
hood. He recently resigned his posi-
tion at Edmonton to accept it position
of superintendent of edneation in the
Yukon territory. The salary is
What might have Leen a serious
accident happened to E. MeBrien, on
Friday, while he was helping R.
Govier, of the base line. Hullett, un-
load his hay. Nr. MeBrien was man-
astrr. the liey fork, when it unexpect-
edly drat psl.. striking him on the
right sitle t ie throat „ one a the
prongs ioilieting a vela- Ugly, gashr
and lust etissieg the jugular vele.
Gettlng Out it news.paper tith a goad
staff of hands is more or less difficult
at an time, hut getting out a paper '
With no other bands than those of the
proprietor himself is a somewhat, try-
ing task. This iswhat one editor in
the county had to 'do last week. His
entire staff went on strike, so we are
told, but he heroically buckled down
to the task of getting out copy and
putting it in type himself, and wes
tally equal to the occasion, for when
the day of publication arrived the
"San" shone just as brightly that day
as any other.
Take Laxative Bromc Quinibe Tablets. All
dru,e•gists refund the n:eney if Si tails to care
T. w.Grove's signature is on each box. 25e:
Thos. Holloway, of Clinton, is giv.
ing some attention to the cultivation
of a plant, the root of which has a
high value for medical purposes. It is
known as 'ginseng, and sells in this
country at from $0 to $8 per lb,, while
in China, -where it is extensively used
it has a much higher value. It grows
wild in the woods, but requires con-
siderable care in its cultivation, as it
will not thrive unlese protected by
shade. The plants do not -mature until
about six years old. The seeds are
yaluable for propagating, and grow in
the form of a ball, like pop -corn, but,
the chief value is in the root itself,
which when dried, is ground up.
EnsplaTes on Government Telegraph Linn
In the Yulcon Threaten ai Strike. -
Mounted Pollee to Gu..rd the Lino -
The Difficulty Arises Over ilintoter
Torte Disehartiing Men and 1:educing
Wages- w hat NI.. Torte sees,
Ottawa, July 29. --The employes
who were eugaged on the Govern-
ment telegraph line to the Yukon are
going on strike as a result of the ac-
tion of the Minister of Public Works,
Hon. J. • Israel Tarte, in reducing the
number of men and in reducing the
wage. •
At Amon, the disgruntled men are
organizing to iightstagainst the reduc-
tion aud threaten to destroy the
wires if their demands are not com-
plied with. The authorities in the
northern city notified the department
at Ottawa, and the latter, it is un-
derstood, is making arrangements to
detail squads from the Northwest
mounted police to . guard the line.
Trouble of a serious character will,
it is feared, take place. The strikers
contend that they have not been just-
ly treated and that they will take
desperate measures to ensure recOgni-
tion of their claims. The police have
been warad of the plans of the em-
ployes and have taken precautions to
firesei=1•0 peaco.s •
It is understood her that the.
Minister considered that he was jus-
tified in dismissing it number of the
men and in lowering the wages • of the
rest, his explanation being that he
was compelled to reduce the expendi-
ture to a figure that would make it
equal to the amount provided for the
completion and Maintenance of the
line. Ire promised in Parliament at
the last sessien that he would les-
sen the expenditure, which up to that
time, it seas alleged, was extrava-
gant. The aaethod he hits followed
to attain his purpose has made the
line's employe,: very wrathy, as de-
Have no equal as a prompt and posi-
tive cure for sick headache, bilious-
ness, constipation, pain in the side,
and all liver troubles. Carter's Little
Liver Pills, Try them.
The spire of the South Presbyterian
church, Westminster, was struck by
lightning last Snnday afternoon in
the midst of a service. The congre-
gation was considerably disturbed,
one woman fainting away. The
lightning descended the spire, and
then into the groun1 along a water
cure Anaemia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Weakness, Palpitation, Throbbing, Faint
Spells, Dizziness, or any condition arising
from Impoverished blood, Disordered Nerves
or Weak Heart.114.42
john McArthur has now to stand
trial, charged. with the murder of
Gus Ninharn. He has been com-
mitted for trial at the first assizes,
which will be held about the 15th of
September. Before the prisoner was
sent for trial, MacArthur was
asked if he had anything to say. He
replied that he bad nothing to say
hut that he was not guilty, lt is not
known -whether an application for
bail will be made for John MacArthur
or not.
Met ‚t -Da.
Toronto, sit'isr 29. -The Temiskam-
Iing Railway Conamission did not
meet yesterday, but will meet to -day
It being More eonVenient for the
emumissioners. They Will organise,
and likely appoint it secretary. The
fifth commissioner has been appoint-
ed in the person of F. E. Leonard of
London. The otheraret A. E. Amee
of Toronto, president; Edward Gur-
ney, Toronto; D. J. Folger, Kings-
ton. and M. J. G'13rign, aenfrews
raassasuessekesstearaSivals s '.-, sa• • -
A s rear sletzlrir DA w so N.
itings• t "vntirog,11 0 e2,21
. .
IllAdt:•ilv in Liz!1..vt: on.
Kingston, Ont., J uly 20. -Sheriff
Dawson is being sued for $3,200 for
illegal acts m the. late Ontarioelec-
tion in Frontenoc County. Ile is
charged with issuing improper certi-
ficates to outside voters.
Eastern League. Monday -
`Toronto 4, Newark 3.
Montreal 1, jersey City 0.
Buffalo 2, Worcester 8.
Rochester 4, 'Providence 1.
Natio • ni 1. -ague, • o..,tar.
NeW York 2. Brooklyn 0.
2.. 0,.‘1 .
Philatielahis .1. St. Louis 9.
Boston s, Detroit 1.
Baltimore 15, Cleveland 5.
Washiugton 12, Chicago 2.
C. £,R. zarniage.
Montreal, July 29. -The gross earn-
ings of the C. P. R. for June were
$3,170,971; working expenses $2,-
333,234: ; net profits $846,737. In
June, 1001, the net profits reached
For the twelve months ending. June
30, the figures tu•e4 Gross earnings
$37,503,054; working eXpenses $23,-
427,142: net profits, $14,085,912.
For the twelve months ending June
30, 11101, there was a net. profit of
The decrease in net wefts for June
over the same period last year is
$274,605. From July 1 'to June 30
there was an increase of $1,976,537.
radar Triad -will -We re-elfiiblrelied on
others within three or four days.
As Mr. Hardy, who attempted to
cross a, swollen stream at Eh=
Springs, was drowned, this Makes
five drownings whieb, have been re-
ported as a result of the floods.
July's nain trial
Toronto. July 29.- The rainfall
during this Month so far is 4.885
inches, the average, for the month of
July dnring the past 00 years being
2,918 inches. • It has rained on 16
of the 28 days of this month. While
the fall has been heavy it is com-
paratively light to those of 40 and
50 years ago. The weatherman at
the Observatory states that pleasant
:summer weather might now be look-
ed for after the heavy rains and
thunderstorms of the past couple of
Garth Opened Up.
Santa Barbara, Cat, Jaly 29. -
Meagre eds ices received from - Los
Alamos, .1.5. mites -north of this place,
report that an moisually severe shock
of earthquake oceuered about 11 o'-
clock Sur day 'tight, doing damage to
the property of the Western Union
Off Company estimated at from
$12,000 to 815,000. ' At 'Harris Sta-
d.ion, on the railroad, a -fissure is re-
ported to have opened, and from it
a stream of water two feet deep a.nd
18 feet wide is now flowing.
On His Last Stags. •
'Port Townsend, Win., July 29. -
Harry DeWindt, the arctic traveler,
who recently completed a remarkable
ney overl aad t hr migh out Nor th-
n Siberia and across the Delving
Sea, arrived here yesterday on the'
steamship Topeka from Skaguay„ ae-
comp an ed by Viscount Do Olin -
champ . Delligratle, George Harding.
and Stephen llastoftayeff. nois on
his way to New York.
. .
Dreu • etl in tho Thames.
Woodstock, July 29.-A. drowning
accident occurred Monday forenoon
in the River Thames in Blandford
ford Township, by which Gladstone
Green, aged 19 years, youngest sou
of the late Aaron Green, East Ox-
ford, lost his life. Green was in
bathing at the time of the occident,
and with him were four companions,
who tried valiantly to save the
th•owning• man. In the attempt
Omen's older brother nearly lost bis
life. as did also one Clark, who was
trying to rescue the younger Green.
5.,2'hto1'3 Wl a mystery.
Toronto, July 29. - The police
cOurt room presented an animated
scene la,st night when the coroner's
jury assembled to continue the inves-
tigation of the circumstances sun.
rouncVn x the Evans' warehouse mys-
tery, as it relates to the death of
CfOrell Whalley, an employe.
The hall dozen witnesses examined
failed to mulse a single statement
that cast a ray of light on the mys-
terious circumstances that surround
the whole affair.
.S. 'Negro as ached.
Pei-WU-eke, July - John
Wise. a negro, wnn comni1i4cd an as -
t. vron John Smith, a
young .ahite woman last Wednesday,
NM:4 lynehsd Iast night. 11 Was cap-
tured near Polar. Ca., Lae, it des-
perate light with a posse. He was
brought back to this place and pos-
itively identified es the ass:tilt-tat Of
Mrs. Smith. rfe \yes then hanged to
a telegraph jsoai and bis 1 uzly was
riddled with bullets.
Spain. Oppo,es the Vatican.
1 Madrid, July 20.-lsremier Sagasta
states that the negotiations with the
Vatican regarding the schools con-
ducted by the religious assoeiations
are progressing very slowly, and that
if they are not finished by October
the Government will take other steps,
"Spain, following the example of the
United States, cannot yield on the
religious .question," said Senor Sa-
T.xas itiverh iteceding.
Dallas, Texas, July 20. -During the
last 24 hours the aspect of the flood
situation in Texas has grown bright-
er. The heavy rains have ceased
throughout the greater portion of
the State, and the water has begun
to recede in all the rivers and creeks.
If the fair weather continales some of
the Texas railroads -will begin regu-
lasttrains. on. time ,tseclitEe .while. re -
You can main your bae-
as aoft as A glove
and as tough as who by
uslati EUREKA Han.
tie os 011. You chn
lengthen its llfo-make it
last twits as long ha it
ordinarily would.
makes *poor looking har-
ness like now. Made of
pure, howy bodied oil, es-
pecially preptited to with-
stand the weather.
Sole everywhere
In CAI:A.-Ali 1012014
/ads lig nation. 0. cenattf.
NO Ankle Sltotterod.
Toronto, July 29.-Thornas
Son of 440 West Queen street, was
last night, suffering from. a badly 1111111111,11111,51.11111111111 3W
admitted to the 'General Hospital
shattered tinkle, caused by it bullet,
fired by someone unknown. About 9
o'clock he was visiting his brother,
who lives in the rear of 27 Dim
street. He and his brother were
standing iu front of the house, the
former in the aet of lighting his pipe,
when he svas struck in the ankle by
the ball. Ile was assisted into the
house and a physician summoned.
Later he was taken to the hospital.
A. Searett was made through the lanes
and yards inthe neighborhood of
Henderson's home, Init. no person
could be located who had been asing
it revolver.
Killed Gn the Tritolt.
Ottawa. ,July 29. -An old woman,
Kate Kinnear, who was a well-known
character throughout the Ottawa val-
ley, was killed by the G.T.R. train
known as the "Mocassin," about two
miles west of Corn.wall junction,
Saturday evening at 8 o'elock, She
was walking along the tracks
Worse Than =everted.
Jersey's kat Election Weis,
Camden, N. 3., July '29 prim-
ary eleetions fot• delegates to. the
courention of the First Coogression-
al district of New Jersey Was held
yesterday. The polls were open from
5 pan. to 8 p.m., ,and the three hours
were marked with serious, lighting.
One man Was killed in this city and
Joe Goddard, the well-known hea-
vyweight pugilist of Philadelphia,
was probably fatally shot while elec-
tioneering in Penseatken township ;
another man was dangepously stab-
bed in this city and . a fourth Dada
received stab wounds at Dog Cor-
ners,. near Xerchantsille.
vre i t. rams 1- 0 n ;49.
New York, July 29. -Two freight
trains on the West Shore collided :,at
Harrington. Park, N. J., yesterday.
E. W. Randall; firelnan of ono of the
-locomotives, was killed. Engineer W,.
F. Miller' was bruised about the head
and body,and a brakeman had his
atm broken.
aine's Celery
It Purifies the Blood and
Multiplies- the Number of
Vital Red Corpuscle s,
Feed the Nerves and
Tissues and Give true
Physical •Strength.
Weak nerves, exhausted tissue,
thin blood, impared digestion and
sleepless nights, accolint for much ot
the present existing summer misery
and suffering.
Dear reader, if you are unfortunate-
ly numbered amongst the sickly and
weak mortals ot to -day, itiis now time
to awake to a true realization of your
danger. The weakening and depress-
ing hot weather will only add to your
misery if you are careless and in-
There is absolute relief and a posi-
tive cure for you in Paine's Celery
Compound. This wonder working
medicine is successfully conquering
such troubles as yours every day. It
is it fact verified by able physicians
and thousands of testimonials that
Paine's Celery Compound makes new,
pure blood, builds up the nervous
system regulates digestion, whets the
appetite and gives vigor and strsngth
to combat the discomforts of tbe heat-
ed term. Mrs. E. Wilcox, Creemore,
Ont., says:
"For years I have suffered from con-
stant sick headache and nervousness;
at times I have been so bad that I
have been unable to sleep two hours a
night for weeks. I have tried many
medicines and doctored a great deal,
but never received a hundredth pai.t
of the value from them that I obtain -
from Paine's Celery Compound. Af-
ter using three bottles I can sleep
well, my headaches have ceased, and
I feel healthier and fresher tls I
have done for years."
Belleville, July 29. -Mr. James
Johnson, the well-known Canadian
journalist, was quite severely injured
at the time of his accident in Lon-
don. Advices from him state that
he had been confined to his bed for
five weeks and was not at the time
of writing able to leave it. •
Lally Lauri lee Neeeption.
London, July 29. -Lady Laurier,
wife of Sir Wilfrid. Laurier, Preroim
of Canada, held a large reseption,
followed by a dance, at, Islotel Cecil,
last evening, in behalf of the mem-
bers of the Canadian Governmeo t in
Ile Didn't Loop the Loop.
London, July 20. -The Americo n
bicyclist, Diavoio, sustained a nasty
fall while performing the feat ot loop_
ing-the-loop at the Aquarium yester-
day. He was much bruised, but he
will reappear to -morrow.
A BothschIld Suicides.
Chicago, July 29.-A. M. Botts-
chils1, until two months ago the hearl
of the State street department sic. e
firm of A. M. Rothschild as Co., ED111-
roitted suicide yesterday.
at. 'Vincent Agthlit Alstrinett.
Kingston, Island of St. Vince n
July 20. -The Soufriere volcano he
been . slightly in eruption twice sin
last Monday.
During tho hot season the blood gots over.
heated the draM on the system is aevere and
the alopetite is often lost. Burdock Blood
Bitters purifies and invigorates the blood.
tones up the system and restores the lest appe-
Exeter, JUNE 305)3,1901.
Wheat rer bushel
Oats.... II••••••••
Chickens per lb
0.1 Ma
Dried Apples.. ...
Pork live weight
s'S:S7,.sailelz•SI'..ts sit,. a
I 10 I 1110
sinaitatilig thabocland:ilegula-
tilig the Stomachs anithowels of'
opana4orphino noaThitemil,
714:1,er .tladaYeTZBIRMR
**, •Teed -
ffatonon, Tom
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tiOn, Sour Stom.ach,D1a1111,Pca.
!less and Loss OF SUER
Tee Simile Signature of
"..^.7,2{691120.:G -011.1,9S1
°uteri& Is put up In one -alio bottles only. It7
Is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to pelt.
you anything elso on tho plea or promise that it: •
Is "Sad as good" and "will answer every pus-,
posan nes- See that you get 0 -A -2 -T -0 -R -I -A.
The fax.6?ff
, tae.44,
is on.
of *
London, Huron and Brucc.
GOING NOI1TH- Passenger.
London, depart 8.15 A, M. 440r, M.
Centralia. .... 8.1 580
'Exeter 9 3C 6.0
Benson 9.41 6.15
Hippen 9.50 6.25
'13rucefield 9.58 0.33
Clinton 10.15 6.55
Wingham, arrive 11.10 8.00
G mem bourn- Passenger
NV:Ingham, depart .. . 6.63 A. M. 3.15 P. nr.
Olin tc a 7a _
Brueefield . 8 05 4.49
Ki peen 8.15 4.57
Hansel! .22 502
Exeter 8.30 5.10
Centralia 8.46 5.25
• Londe° . arrive . • . '6.12
a""Piqiheriand Pules LMTEn.
Ron 111
We are giving excellent sa
lisfaction in flour .5ince re-
modelling our mill ,
Dry Soft Wood Wantetl
&Minn aild GliOPOill
DOH FrOifintri.
Rotor 1011 Esloie
Apply V
E. C. Kessei,
•••11,111111•111111......... ANIMMOI.A.IMINV-V.um•••••••••.••••
Toronto Exhibition
i'*tua DA V. 61tirT. 1ST, TO SA =MAT, SErr.13, 1902
$3g,000 iti Pre mitirras
$30,000 for Attractions
TUE BacsiTuRoEs di. 017R OWEI01:73 COUNTRY
aced rates on every line of travel
Con t your Station Agent regarding
Fare to Toronto and back.
75 to 80
-.42 to 44
...52 to. 55
-70 to 75
...15 to lo
13 to 13
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liew Idea
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om an9
THIS is the cheapest and best
A Fasbion Magazine now be-
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Send Five Cents To -day l'
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YOU Money,
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Now is. a good time to place an order for a Windmill.
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