Exeter Times, 1902-5-29, Page 7e BLUFF MADE AT SUICIDE XT r.nEll. USED AS eA NE.fiatee! TO s-uconsa. Has Paid. Some IVren. handsomely to Pretend They Have Taken Their Lives. There is living* in. a aharing slab- urb of Manchester,XDnghi1, a man of considereble naeans whoni the most conclasive evidence proved to have committed slaked) more than twelve years ago. About thirty years ago he was sin buelness in London as a wine -merchant, and Wee face to face with rep, the businese, in which he had succeeded his fath- er, having gone wrong through mis- Manageaneut. So bad was the 'con- dition of his affairs that he forged so lne moeey-bills to enable him to stave off liis creditors. Plaving ob- tained the cash, he changed his mind as to what be should do with it, went down to Dover, with a hand- bag a,nd a rug, and boarded a Ca- lais steamer. lie attracted a good deal of attention by his strange, excited manner, and the number of drinks he gulped down before the steamer started ; and hall -a -dozen people abetted were able to accur- ately describe him. But he never reaeh Calais. When the steamer ran in at,that port, a passenger was missing. The vessel was searched high and low, but the bag and rug were all "that could be found, and, no one having seen the merchant leave the 'vessel before starting, it was decided that he had committed stiicide by throwing himself overboard under cover of the darkness. His bag was therefore searched. It contained a little 'personal lP inen a hair -brush and a letter. When thiesletter was opened'by the proper authorities, it was made . manifest that the ruined wine-merehant had committed sui- cide, for it was addressed to his wife as a last farewell, and stated that the writer was going away to end his troubles in the ONLY WAY THEY COULD END. As no body was found no inquest 'was held. The business was wound up, and few persons ever heard of the forgery, as it was not discovered until some weeks after the suicide had been forgotten by the public. To cut a long story short, the un- worthy merchant "doubled -back" on &is track at Dover, add went abroad by another route. With his ill-got- ten capital he set himself up in. business in Frankfort in Geemany. Be prospered, and was duly joined by his wife ; be then sold his busi- ness, and, being assured safety by being nine years dead, returned to his country, where he lives, under an assumed name, ..of course, and a changed exterior, in comparative affluence. •Some years ago, a boatman, near • Maidenhead, England, whilst walk- ing along the towpath espiedea row- boat floating keel apwards. Ile got a boat, went out, righted the drift- er, and identified it as one belong- ing to his employer, which had been let out to a gentleman the evening before and not returned. There was nothing to show how the boat bad capsized. The following day a de- tective came drain to the boat- house. A gentleman was missing from London; it was believed he bad committed suicide, and he bad been traced to Maidenhead. The lsoalanan recognized a photo of the missing man as that of the naan to whom he had let, out the boat he had found capsized the day before. Con- sequently, the river was dragged, but no body was ever found. e The missing man had, however, Written from a local hotel a letter to his wife, in which he said he was going to drown himself, as he was face to face with ruin., he having run his stock -broking business at a • loss for a considerable time. •He in- closed postal Ordee •to the amount of $20, which he said was all he possessed, for he had just previous- ly lost $8,500 odd on the Turf in fruitless efforts to REDRESS HIS FORTUNE. In the light of all the circum- stances no one doubted but that the unfortunate stooldbrolter had com- mitted suicide. His wife was incoar solable, and in the seventh month of her widowhood went to seek com- fort, so she said, of her sister who lived in Italy. Strange to say, she never arrived there, and, despite careful inquiries on the part of the deceased stockbroker's creditors, who had been badly hit his fail- • ure, for years it -remained a mys- tery what had become or the widow. A clue was by chance obtained one •day, and, on the strength of it, •a • pri-vsate inquiry agent was sent out to Buenos Ayres. He arrived just •hi time to express sympathy with the lady in the acettal death of the stockbroker, who had died the day •• previously from fever, after having naade a very nice little fortune by cattle -rearing. • Scotland Yard eas on its records the case of a tieket-of-lea,ve man, who, to avoid having to report him- • self to the police from time to time, and to wipe out the stain on his history, "committed suicide" by drowning himself in the river near Greenwich; "because/2 he alleged in rs, letter he wrote to a friend, "he iwas desperate at the way he had lp e been hounded down by the police lvex- since he left prison." :ears later, an inspector bf Prio- rs, who had a very long memory r. -laces, met, at a friend's house, a man, posing as an American of means, Whose face seemed strangely famiillar, and naore strangely aug- geAed a certain prison to the In- spector's Mind. Much thought strengthened the recollection ; photo- graphs at Seothuld Yard were bunted through, and then the Ameri- can was identified as the ex -convict suicide. The Man had, however, been put on the ?siert by some re- marks made by Ltie lnspector, and taken himself off before the police could inquire uf him how it came about that a deed ex-ctneviet pos- wooed a 'banking account" running into thonsands, and las known at Meet of thelFfest hot,in Europe.— Priibeison'S 14Eltiji. WORDS 01' HOPE, TO ALL who SUFFER FROM RUN DOWN SYSTEM, THE, Txxp TO OUT BAY, Kr, F. W. 7;104924 Gil/VS the (111 tion, The aim of our farmers la gro forage erops is to produce fro given area as largo a quantity possible of tte digestible nutrien a palatable term, The time at a forage crop is harvested ma feet the crop in three way, viz the quantity of material harve e in the composition of the crop, in the palatability of the fiddea d a general rule it has been found 11 the greatest amount of dry ea is seemed where forage crops ar lowed to fully mature and r o Tee only exception is in, the ea , clovers and other legumes, wher d leaves rattle off and are lost, e a before or during the process of bag, n it does not follow' that wb. pleat increases in yield of dry • ter that its nutritive value has portionately increased. It is f possible that changes in texture composition. of dry substance 1 soffset the greater yield. The $ matter of mature grass contains • larger proportion of crude fibre t the immature. The plant harcice texture and lose, in both palate ty and digestibility. It is theref usually advisable to begin cutd hay early, anwhere there is al crop to be gathered work should gin early in order enat it shall completed before the grass seeds rine enotigh to shell train the he of ahe late cut grass. Chem analysis has shown that plants richer in protein in the earlier sta of growth than when fully grown nearly mature. The chief diffici. with which our feeders have to c tend, is the lack of protein in rations made up of our comae feeding. etuffs, and they should r ognizo the tact that by cutting ea they can get two crops' of highly trogenon's fodder, where they only got ono by late cutting. CUTTING THE rintsT CROP even before the head; are fu grown will tend 'to cause a vigor° new growth and in this way a go crop of rowan is secured. The two crops are more valuab especially for feeding dairy co than one mature crop on account the increasecl proportion of prote The early cut hay seems more pa table to stock, and weight weight, more satisfactory. t other hand by late cutting we mare a considerable larger quanti 01 carbo -hydrates, which are vale ble for feeding, and of crude Lb which is of low feeding valtie. For the dairy cows and shee grass should be cut early, since the animals do not relish hay that woody and lacking in aroma, as the case with late ' cut hay. F horses and fattening cattle lat cutting is allowable, as these anima subsist mostly on concentrated foo and hay serves more for -Riling," a horsemen say. .In tests made b Professors Sanborn and Henry i fattening steers with early and lift cut hay, it was found that late cu hay gave the best results. If cuttin is delayed too long the 'stems of th grass become tough and stringy an the seeds scatter frora the heads Such hay has little aroma and lack Palatability if not nutrients. Thoug au -indefinite quantity-, the aroma o grass has real value in renderin bay more palatable. When the su dissipates the dew from the dyin grass in the meadow, we detect th esca.ping aroma, because the dew ha rising, carries some of it into the air. This is one reason why hay should not remain scattered over the field at night. Green colored, sweet smelling hay is really the best, and prudent farmers will not over- look such seemingly small points as preserving the aroma and preventing bleaching. F. W. HODSON, Live Stock Conamissioner. Some ee- Whig EU a as ts in which y sted, and s. As that atter e al- ipen. SO of e the ither C UT - en mat- pro- ruite and may dry ban s in bili - ore, ting arge be - be are ads ical are gee or thy on.- the On ee- rly ni- can lly US od le, ws, of in. or he se- ty re p, SO is is Or er Is d, 11 1 g hrs. Harriet A. Farr, Fenwick Ont., Tells How Site Obtain- ed a Cure After Suffering • for Two Years. s Thousands throughout this coin try sutler seriously 'arena general de bility—the result , of iimpo verishe blood and shattered nerves. TO a such the story of Mrs. Harriet Part widow of the late Rev. Richard Fail Ystiwick, Oet., a lady well know throughout the INiagaisa district • Will pot the means of renewe • health. Mrs, li'arr saes :—"lieor eouple of years prior to 1899 we a great sufferer from a run dow systole. My digestion was bad ; had' little or no appetite and wa in a very Poor statol. i suffered feel heart palpitation and a feelins g o co nthee al exhaustion. Do eters treatment failed to benefit me and -gradually grew worse until / wa finally unable to do the least work. I then began using Dr. Williams' Pielk Pills, and from the very first I noted an insprcaement in my con- dition. The severity of my trouble gradually lessened and by the time I had taken eight boxes I was again enjoying the best of health despite my sixty years. I believe that Dr. WilliamPink Pills saved my life anel would strongly urge "ail-sufTerers to give thern a trial, believing they, will be of great benefit." When your blood is poor and watery, when your nerves are un- strung, whenayou suffer train lein,d- aches and dizziness, when you are pgle, languid and ccunpIetely run • down, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will promptly restore your health by re- newing and enriching the blood. They are a prompt and certain euro for all troubles having their origin in a poor and watery condition ef the blood. But only the genuine cure and these bear the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrcipper around ev- ery box. Solk by all dealers i medicine or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six 'boxes for $2.50,, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medi., eine Co., Brockville, Ont. PEARLS OF TRUTH. The busy have no time tor tears.— Byron. Fame is the perfume 'of heroic deeds.—Socrates. What frenzy dictates jealousy be- lieves.—Gay. Strong' reasons make strong ac- tions. --Shakespeare. Whatever makes man a .slaVe takes half his worth away.—Pope. . There is little influence where there is not great sympathy.—S. I. Prime. Maxims .are the condensed good sense of nations.—Sir J. Mackintosh. Great talkers are like leaky ves- sels; everything ruris out of them.— C. Simmone. • It is only reaeon that teaches sil- ence; the heart teaches us to speak. Richter. A judicious silence is always bet- ter than' truth spoken without chars ity.—De Sales. Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds and the holiday of fools. — Chesterfield. Waste of time is the most eitrava- gent and costly of all expenses. -- Tbeophrastus. The world is full of hopeful analo- gies and handsome, dubious eggs called possibilities.—George Eliot. • Mr. Faxgone: "My dear friends am in despair. That girl's heart is as hard as steel. I can make 110 1131- p/session on it." Friend: "You don't go at in the right way. Try diamonds. They are harder than steel." Airs. De Fetid: "The latest fashion is to have the piano built. into the wall." Mr. De Fadd (wearily): "Well, that's :sensible! Let's wall up ours." •BABY'S BIRTHRIGHT Is• Health and Happiness.—How Mothers Can Keep Their Lit- tle Ones Well. Health is the birthright of all lit- tle ones. It is a mother's duty to see that her baby enjoys it. Moth- er's greatest aid in guarding child- ren's health is Baby's Own Tablets— a medicine which can be given with perfect safety to the youngest baby. Among the many mothers who have proved the value of this medicine is Mrs. J. W. Booth, Bar River, Ont. She says :—"My baby suffered great- ly from sore mouth and bad stomach. Several doctors presceibed Lor her, but nothingseemed to bene- fit her in the least till I began giv- ing her Baby' e Own Tablets, and then in a short time my little one .was' fully restored to health. I would not be without the Tablets in the house, and would adviSe all mothers to use them when their children are ailing." Baby's Own Tablets are used in thousands of homes in Canada and always with beneficial results. They contain absolutely no opiate, or other harmful drug. ; are mild, but sure in their action and pleasant to take. The very hest medicine for all troubles of the stomach and bowels, curing colic, indigestion, constipa- tion diarrhoea and simple fever. They give relief in teething troubles, dispel worms, proanote healthful sleep and cure all the minor ailments of children. Price 25 cads a box at all ciruggitets, or sent bit niail post paid, by writing direct to The Dr, Williams' Median e lo, Brockville, Ont., Or Schenectady, N.Y. Pother: ``f spoke to the young man you wish to raarry to -day, Nate, and 1 must confess that 1 Was not faVorably impreesed. He eems utterly lacking in will power!" Rolm "True, but hie lathet has enotmous will power, and he is an only son, and I think I eian simply the doMee- tee want14 • JAPAN'S LITTLE JOKE. There is humor, as well as secrecy, in diplomacy, and an excellent story is recalled by the treaty with Japan. Years ago the Emperor of Japan sent an embassy to France to ar- range witb the French Government about the opening of eel -tate ports which were to be de- clared free for the trade of the . Republic. The Ja- panese Government had con- ssented to throw open three ports to be chosen by France in exchange for three French ports, and the Foreign Minister in Paris, who need not be named, made his selection in confer- ence with- the Embassy from Tokio. Ile chose the ports of Yokohama, Yeddo, and Han Yang. The Em- bassy bowed and left—with a smile, we may be sure, A few days elapsed, and the Enabastay called again on the Foreign Minister, to inform him. that Japan had selected the three ports of Havre, Marseilles and Southamp- ton. There was a titter in the For- eign office, and the Minister forgot the importance of the business in his merriment. When he could stop laughing he explained to the Japan- ese Minister that Southampton was in England, "We are Perfectly aware of it," said the minister, "and Han Yang is in Corea." A lady was looking for her hue - band, and inquired anxiously of a housemaid: "Do you happen to know anything of your master's Whereabouts?" "I'm not sure, ma'am," replied the eareful domes- tic, "but I think they're in the Wash." "There is too much system, in thie school business," growled ToMmy, "Just because I snickered a little the Monitor turned me over to the principal, and the principal turned me over to pa." Was that all?" "No. Pa turned me over his ktiee," t••••••motm One cent wise One dollar foolish To use any but the best 011 11 I•A Peculiar feature Q1 th? rial RHEN*.011lANQE5. publication ixa Frame Is that i mecliately a sensationrime is committed, all author is eeretnis- stoned to write a stre7 on the facts, long before these have' beet: established by a 'verdiet. A man is at present •leing in Lyons prison on a charge of Wholesale murder, and although he Was arrested only six weeks ago, and will•not be tried for istacmuczs several months, the third part of bis biography as "Tile Murderer of IrsE-MrtTSIM Women" has already aiPpeared. 'The career of 13rierre, tbe killer of his AI tor the ocsir.,m mar 207 gVe children, i8 appearing weekly also, and these are only two out of a long list of up-to-date feuilletons Published.in penny parts. • HERBERT FROCK, The Herbert frock develops beauti- hilly in linen or colored or white piaue. Then again, it does well in serge, or in any of the lightly wov- en goods of spring. The wide col- lar on this little double-breasted costume' is its most attractive fea- ture. The use of the ruffle is op- tional. Narrow braid might be used to decorate the collar and cuffs with good fabric, or a dark shade of cot- ton, the shield and small collar may be of white pique to give a dainty touch., Quantities of material required.— The size for two years will require two and threeefourths yards of goods .thirty-six inches wide, or one and One-half yards of goods fifty- four inches wide. The size for four years will require three and one- fourth yards of goods thirty-six in- ches wide, or one and tlusec-fourths yards of goods fifty-four inches wide. ••••••••••••+••••••••••••••1 TWO LETTERS, THEY PROVE THE PERMAN- ENCY OF CURES BY DODDS KIDNEY PILLS, Over Six Years Have Gone- by, • • and. This Cure Still Stands • —Only One of Many Such Cases. • St. Mary's Ferry, N. B., May 19. —(Special) --ate. Thomas Harrison of this place has addressed two signifi- cant letters to The Dodds Medicine Co., Toronto. The First One. St. Mary's Ferry, Dec. 18, 1895, Gentlemen: I feel it my duty to you and to the public at large -to tell what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for me. About one year ago I began to suffer with severe pains over the re- gion of my kidneYs, followed by a very lethargic feeling-. When I lay down it was torture to get up again. This state continued for` some time, and all the while I was still getting weaker and losing flesh rapidly. My appetite was very much im- paired, and at last I was 'obliged to eall in a physician. He gave my sufferings a very learn- ed name, and doctored rne for some time, but I got no better. „ I called in several other physicians, but it was all no use; any sufferings got worse all the time until I began to despair of life. A friend advised me to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. I was very- skeptical but was prevailed on to coraraence a treatment; the first box made me feel some better. I passed a stone that had formed in the bladder. I continued the use of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills until I had used three boxes, and now believe that I have a radical and complete cure, as it ie six months since I used any of the Pills, and have had no symptoms or return of the malady. I know that my cure is due to Dodd's Kidney Pills, as I used no other medicine after commencing their use. * Yours truly, THOMAS HARRISON. The Second One. St. Mary's Ferry, N.B., Mar. 21, 1902. Gentlemen: • What 1 said in 1895 I can at this moment most emphatically substan- tiate, I have never heel the slightest symptom of a return of mit' old trou, blo. Yours truly, THOMAS HARRISON. • Five pounds of oats give a horse as Match nOuritshmenh as ten pOlIndS of hay. MInard's Llniffieut Cures Our us, etc, Ethelr "Did you notice Captain Dash'tie to -night?" Mary: "Yes, but it is his moustache that always tickles me." totittatittotmato,tt Attift•*111tittomMoommimitimeliMplitleintal PAGE METAL GATES ere So low Aberrig to use wooden ones. Light, ,,arid yet striggoelinooglitets4- port a heavy men on the And 'while he OWittge aroniad this envie without cattail* tffeni t� Seg. %toy are teat in napeerance, Will bit a libithee. Will riot Sag nor get rickety mO'ilie supplied With latehinwhiettallOW thenI to beepefli . , - -------B"--• ,,... e'd either *a -and atheelf destine, The Only geod festal Ott that is low oneee.la in prise for getitital farm perPOlide, We also make Perin and Ornamente Nile°, Poultry Hotting, Halle and; etselee. The rest wIrtf.iiite,Co.,LIMlioti, Wslkoeshlo, ant 1 , r Coylon, Tea la the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sole only ln lead ;packets. • Black, oxed and Grcen. 'apan tea. drinkers try 44Selade Green ItolttLYMVALta.,,,,26:411trIGMTIEILIO • TO MAKE AMENDS. A good story is told of a certain Scotch. magistrate, Who, on rising one morning, found that -he ha,d overslept 'himself, and hdd but a few minutes in which to keep a most important appointment. • . Making a hurried toilet, ho rushed from the house, and bailed a passing cab. , "Drive me;" he saii to the driver, "to the Courts of justice with all possible .speed. On no account de- lay an instant:" Faithful to his iastructions, the driver urged his steed to its very utmost. Faster and faster they went until, after an exciting drive, he de- posited his fare at his destination in time for the appointment, but not before he had damaged a passing ve- hicle in bis mad career. The magistrate, on, alighting, hand, ed him his fare, with the addition of a substantial tip, and then, to the anan's astonishment, pressed forty shillings into his hand, at the shale time saying: Here's forty shillings, my man; you will be brought before me 'to- morrow for furious drivieg, and I shall Jane you that amounts" ANOTHER CALIFORNIA EXCURe SION. - The Wabash Railroad Company is again in the field with another cheap excursion to Los Angeles and San Francisco; the round trip will be less than the one-way first-class fare tickets. On sale May 26th to June 7th, 1902. Good to return any time within 60 days. Choice of routes going and returning west . of Chicago or St. Louis. All tickets should read via Detroit, and over the Wabash, the short and true route from Canada to California. Full particulars of this wonderful trip from any agent or J. A. Rich.- ardson, District Passenger Agent, corner King and Yonge streets. To- ronto. The total length of tbe military tunnels in the Rock of Gibraltar is sixty-two miles. i'illuard's Liniment Rd len s Neuralgia, A balloon without passengers sent up from Paris reached a height, measured bye self -registering instru- ments, of 10e miles. Six was the previous record. • Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder . is better than other soap powders, as it also acts as a disinfectant. In Great Britain there are only .53 books in public libraries to. each 100 of the population. France has 129, and Denmark 412. BOSTON, EXCURSION VIA WEST SHORE. The event of the season will be the cheap excursion. front Buffalo or Sus- pension Bridge to Boston and return by regular trains of the West Shore Railroad. Tickets only ten dollars ($10.00), good going May 28rd, and valid for return until and including June 2nd. See West. Shore Agents foe tickets and further information, 08 address H. Parry, General Agent, 877 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Of 12,000 million letters written in a year by the world at large, 8,000 rainior,. are in English, 1,200 million in German, and only 1,000 million in French. MInares Liolinent Cures 11 andruff; There are 25G railway stations within six miles of St. Paul's Ca- thedral: Paris has only 87. stops the boosev, toit* *arise ell' She Cold. Lakailve Bromo-Quinine Tablets eure a cold in ono day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 23eents, HOW GRAND VIZIERS DIE, 01 the latest two hundred Grand VizierS of the Sultan of Turkey not More than twenty-four have died natnrally, One hundred of them were poi.ncd, and thirty-six of the othere Were either beheaded ot drowned in the Bosphorus. Of the remaining forty the cause of death cannot be traced, but from the si once of Turkish historiane on the Subject their end Was evidently not happy, One of theViziere Was only. four helms in office, and artether on- ctapied the position for' only ten minutes, being strangled at the end o oult tim0, leer 14/4 3iEd fl:33 4311EirseEme„ Providing we have your order at once, naming quantity required each month, we will guara.irse to supply you with gpod sound Demons of good quality, the month of May $3.00 .per box, during June $8.25 per box, during July $8M pee box no matter how much price advances. Ship them au you want them, one or more boxes at a time, This offer only open for few days, The Dawson Commission 001 Limited Toronto, t/trit tf.14+1,14-14,44**+++,1-14-1e.1,14.104.6144.14.14-1444.4+4-104,4011-14, Neel- Suiphurcts. + Odorless. Every Stick— + A Match * Every Match— +, A Lighter 4. ()Geo oe 0 ee THIS 0 rttiew..."enmnstt Every f3:7 body ask - for 6 6 Eddy's e Might" arieur it ate ea The fineet matcheshi the World, matte from Boft Gorky pine, and ecnoclalte Bratabl* for domestic quo— put up in ineatelleling hoxes,asecoloci orders each box containing about 500 matehes-- three boxes in a pack, age. ' For Gale by Alf First Glasse Dealers. 0 -0 0 etDoe PAINT 00e00 @ ea 006a000606000096 has stood the test of years and Ell stood it just as a paint should tand that has proved itself the * best of all the paints. It is stal fiat say's Paint and no other,"for, no other has Saab a record for durability, eco- nomy, beauty, elasticity, easy to work, beautiful M tone, and at the proper price for the best paiht. s • Drop us a card an ask for a BOOKLET "K" FREE. showing how scree homes are 0 painted. r. RAimAy Saab. 1342 t IMONTREAL Paint Makers 0 PAINTS] A 000 Geseoeletelio Ireitind produces 140 million yards of linen a year, to England's 45 • TO CURE A. COLO TN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Brom°, Quinine Tablets. 4.1 druggists refund tho money if it fails to cute. E. W. Grove's eigne_ture is on each ben. 25e. For every 28 gallons of refined paraffin burnt in our lamps 100 gal - of crude .oil have been pumped from an average depth of 500 feet. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentlemen,—I have used MIN - ARD 'S LINIMENT 0.g my vessel and in my family for years, and for every day ills a.nd accidents of life I consider it has no equal. I would not start on a, voyage without it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R.DESJARDIN. Sche. "Storke,," St. Andre, Ka. mouraska. Miss Thinue: What's this I hear about Jack putting his arm around you?" "Miss leatte: "He didn't do anything of the kind." Miss Thinne. "Well, as far round, then„ as he could." For Over Sixty Years Mae. Wnistose's Secants° Smarr bee been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. nsoothes the child, Fattens the gums, allays pain, cures wind toileregulates the stomach and bowels, and is the be.st remedy for Diarrbeesa. Twenty -Svc cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout Oho world, Be cure and a* for "Mae. Wousnow'sSeorzuso Synur." It.•••••••••ft The rate of increase in the English population between 1881. and 1891 was only 11,7 per cent. --the lowest of the century. • Minaret Llnlrueut far sale everywhere London gas costs 45 pence a thou- sand feet, that of Manchester 80 I pence, of Paris 70, and of New York 100 pence. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury as mercury 'will surely destroy the sense or smell and completely derange the whole system when enteringit through the mucous surreces. Such articles Phould never be used except on prescriptions from repntablenhysician a as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you eau possibly deri vo from thomi fial's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by J. Cheney tfc Coe To- ledo, 0., contains no nioreury, and is taken in- ternally, acting directly. upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu I110. It ie tekoniriternaliy.afid Made in Toledo Ohio, by IB. J. Cheney et Co. Testimonials free. gold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Hall's Fatnily PIRA are the best. Rangoon grows faster than any, British city, Its average veto of in- crease is '3,1 per cont. a year, PULs 18 THE ONLY cAullnLfUoiTl. Consump, that and all throat and lung troubles. One dose gives rellefi One bottle often delete A ME BAB PLE BOTTLE to every reader of this paper. Pon -mo is for sale by all druggists at $acep per large bottle—as cents for small (size, or ft May be ordered direet from THE Put•mo Co., TOILONTOs ONT. )1100E)PHOT,IGR41,_, J. 1-JONILS r968 aAV 6/Pet tee Tonomto W P C 1129 THE MOOT POPULAR DEHTIFRIOE. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Preeervos the teeth. Sweetens the breath. Strengthens the gums. TO °RINTERS FOR SALE.—Two 2-rsvOlittlen Canmban Presses, bed 40x50 inches. EPleilftla order. Price 31,600 each. Terme easy. - S. FRANK WILSON, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto Dominion Line steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston_ to Liver- pool. Portland to Literpool. Via Queens - are atnidehips. Speolal attactiou has been given to Own. lame and fast Steamships, Superior *comic odet je for all cleanse of passengers. Saloons and Ratios Second Saloon anal Third-01sta accommodation. rates oiressage sod alI particulars, apply to say ago)* of the Company, or Richards, halls Qo D. Torrance &Oa. 77 State St.. Yaston. Montreal and vertasate RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED We want at once trustworthy men and women lei every locality, local or traveling, to introduce a new discovery and keep our show cards and advertfarAg commission or salarY, $6.s.00 per Death and matter tacked up in conspiouous plaeos throngbout tia town and country. Steady employment year rimed; Expenses, not to exceed $2.5e per day. write for eaniclabwr- roetoae box 337, INTERNATIONLL MEDICINE GO., LONDON ONT. OLE:(kNING 414 wAgam4 01JTInfa SUITS Clan be done perfectly by our firenoh Process. Istylit BRITISH AMERMAN Pr0 00. MONTREAL, TORONTO, OTTAWA k QIIEBECA DS' , Instruments, prunes, uniforms, Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN NAVE A BANE Lowest prices over quoted, Pine catalogue 500fijustretionamailed free., Wri te Its for anyi thing in Itinsie or flualettli Instruments. WHAIEY ROYCE 004 Limiter/ Toronto, Ont. and Winnipeg, Man •11•1142021:2416.0•15100•Our neben. Ill EDEN 111[8 tbtlicre- 8a nc°ainh- • 6 — • safe seems- . Coupons Attached, •ity with a', 1.0120.11(MOVICIMISIMMINNOMMMIRMItt profitable, rettrn for the . rateney * invested. They are iestted ixi sums of $3.00 and upwards .. for terms of Ono, two, three, four or five years, and inter- est at the rate of .. . . FOUR PER CENT, PER ANNUM Accrues from the date cse ** which the money 18 received by the Company s Write for further informa .. tires. THE CANADA PERMANEMT: .. tuid WESTERN CANADA . '' oPP1OMI, q•„,,....,„„,,:i..., I sasitititeg COEVORATION .7,3 l'OEONTO atatatt. A l'A '"AA,.',A. 1 •