Exeter Times, 1902-2-13, Page 3Cortulno
Littlq Liver Pills.
Must Soar Signature ct
See PaoSiircile Wrapper Mew.
Tear smell end as Amoy
to take as .„gar.
pAis, 038/MTJEIVIA 011111AVC I NAT
ese awn iez*er, eregetrune. aae-e•
Mr. Stephen Wescott, VereepOre,
N. S., gives the following experience
with Burdock Blood Bitters.
" I was very much t un down in
health •and employed our local physi.
clan who attended me three months;
finally my leg broke out in running
sores with fearful burning. I had
thirteen running sores at one time
from my knee to the top of my foot.
All the medicine I took did me no
good, so I threw it aside and trted
B.B.B. When one-half the bottle
was gone I noticed
a change for the
better and by the
time I had finished
two bottles my leg
was perfectly heal-,
ed and my health
greatly improved,
Do Not Depend on Brain and Nerv
and Muscle.
CA' Watt -
ala In. the, Yen). One "n""d 'in" 1/q11.
(Entered according to Ace oe the parlament le H° w many hours you at mid Wait -
erect ane Teo, by -metal) Halle, et omen), at• ed for business, arid. waited in vain,
' eel nneatment el agriculture, Otta(a.) three persons only know --e(1 ode your
and yourself. In cprinnereial
A desPatch from Washingtoiosays ; wife
_Rey, tr. Tahhcge preached xrcm life you have not hied the promotion
the following text. :---Ilesaline, ad, 10, tiand the increase in salary you an -
"The days of our years are three eiPated• or tie° Pia" You "Peet°
seem., dears arid undo . to occupy in the firm has not been
vacated. From thirty to forty is an,
The seventieth Milestone of life is
here the eSPesiallY hard thne for Ming
Planted as at the end of
journey. A few god beyond it, tors, young lawYerso Y°1 -mg mere
Multitudes ilever reach it, The °limits, young farmers, young me -
eldest. p e r s 0 o of modern times ex, glebooles, young nanisters: of the thirties is for hnet anThe etrug-
ored .it ddo years. A Greek. ee e osd
the name of Stravaride lived to belpful and remunerative recognitioa.
But few old . people know how to
182 years. An EngLishman Of the
152 treat young people withoot patroniz
name of Thomas Parr lived e
years. Before the time of Moses ing them on the one hand or snub -
people' lined 150 years., . and if yOu,, bing them on, the other. Oh, the
go far enough back they line," , voo thirties ! Josepa stood before Pha-
years. . Well, that ee„e heeessai,s,, raoh at thirty. •David, was thirty
because the story ef the world must years. old when he began td aeign ;
it the height of Solomon's temple Was
come down by tradition, and
iteeded long life safely to transmit thirty cubits ; Christ entered , upon
'erations had been short lived, . the i-§ active ministry at thirty years
the news of the past. If the gen-
of age Judas sold him for thirty
spieces of silver. Oh, the thirties
tory would so, often have changed !
lips that it might have got all as- What a word sugges4re of tritile°1
disaster 1'
tray. :But , after Moses began to 1pr
write it ' down and. parchment told Next, I accost the forties. Yotirs
it from century to century it was is 'the decade ef discovery. , I do
not . recessary that people lies so not Mean the. diSCOVery of the out -
long in order to authenticate tbe side, but the discovery of yourself,
events of the past. If in our time Ic''' man knows himself until he is
peeirae lived °did twenty...side .d ears, forty. Ile overestimates or under-
estimatee himself. By that time
that would not affect history, ' since
it is feet in print and is DO longer he has learued what he can do or
what he cannot do. Hethought
dePerident on tradition. Whatever
your age, I will to -day directly ad- he had commercial genius enough
•to become a millionaire, but now he
dress you, and I shall speak to
is eatiseed •to make o comfortable
those who are in the twenties, the living. Now, calm yourself. Thank
thirties, the forties, tbe flf ties the God for •the past and deliberately
sixties, and to those who are in the se your compass for another voy-
seventies and beyond. . .. e YOU have chased enough this -
First, then, I accost those of yeti earee,e„"' ' n: yen have blown enough
who are in the twenties. You are "--
soap bubblese you have seen. the
full of expectatiou. You are ambi-
unsatisfying nature of
tious-that is, if You amount to any-
thing -for swim kind of success, com-
mercial or mechanical or profession- Opea a new chapter with God
al or literary or agricultural and the world. This decade
of the forties ought to eclipse all
its predecessors in worship, in 'use -
If I find some .one.' In the twenties fulness and in happiness., "Forty"
without' any scat of ambition, I feel -
got on die wrong planet. This is ancient . people were forty Years in
tan at his word And lets Min die
right away. ris brain, that geider
the teneneu pf hard work is aetive,
Mon, whether they retire from Secular
Or religioes work, generally rte to
the grave. No well man has a
right to retire. The world was Made
to work. TilCre renmineth a rest
for the peoPle of God, but it is in a
sphere heYOncl the reach of teleecopes.
My subject net tie:costs those in
the seventiee wed beyond. My word
to them is congratulation. You have
got nearly if not, quite through, You
ha,Ve safely crossed the sea of life
and aro about t�enter ,the harbor
There may be some work for you yet
on a small or a large scale, Bis-
marck of Germany vigorous in the
eighties. The Priine minister of 1?,ng-
land strong at seventy-two. Ilaycin
composing his • oratorio, "The °rear
don, at seventy years or age, leen:-
rates doing somei his best work
at seventy-four. Christian men and
women in all departneents serving
God after becoming septuagenarians
and oetogenarians and nonagenar-
ians prove that there are possibili-
ties of work for the aged, but I
think you wbo are passing the sev-
entiee are 'near being terough.
But the most of you will never
reach the eighties or the seventies or
the sixties or the fifties or elle for -
ti e< Pee Wee passes hit° the iorties
has gone far beyond the average of
human life. Amid the uneertmintice
take God *through Christ Jesus as
your present and eternal eafety, The
longest lire is only a small fragment
of the great eternity. We will all of
us soon bethere.
like saying. "My friend, you have a great word in the Bible. God's
the wilderness; Eel judged Israel'
not the world for you. You are go -
forty years; David and Solomon
ing to 'be 1r1 the way. Have Y011 and Jeboash reigned forty years;
made your choice of poorhouses ? when Joseph, visited his brethren, he
You will never be able to pay for was, forty year . old.
Oh, this
your cradle, .Who is going to settle _mountain top of the' forties! You
0 for your booed ? There it a mistake have now the character you will,
about the fact that you were born probably lave for ali tbn.e and, all
at .all." . eternity. G'od by Ilis grace, some -
But, supposing 'IMO have ambi- times changesa man after the for -
tion, let me say to all the laccrie ties, but after that a Mall never
ties, expect everything through di- changes himself. Tell nee, 0 men
vine manipulation, and then. Yen and women who are in. the .forties
will get all you want and something. your. habits of thought and , life,
better. Are you looking for and I will tell you what you will
'wealth ? Well, remember that . a 0 d forever be. .I might make a mis-
controls the money nearketse the take once in a thousand times, but
harvests, - the droughts; the cater- not more than. in. :that proportion.
pillars, • the locusts, the , evieshine, . My ..sermon next' aecosts the fifties.
the storm, . the land, the; sea, and HoNST queer it looks' when in writ -
you will get 'wealth. Perhaps not leg your age you make first of
that which is stored up in the • the two figures. a "5." This is a de. -
banks, in safe deposits, in United curie -which shows what the other de -
States secen•ities, in houses and codes have been. If a young man has
lands, but your clothing and board sown wild oats and he has lived up
and shelter, and that is about all to this time, he reaps the harvest of it
. you can appropriate anyhow. Yell in the fifties, or if by necessity he
cost the Lord a, great deal. To was compelled to overtoil in honest
W feed • and clothe .and shelter you for directions he is 'called to /settle up
a lifetime requires - a big sum ei with exacting nature s'ometiene dur-
If people would only treat coughs spa money, and if You get nothing more ing the fifties. Molly have it so hard
colds in time with. Dr. Woods Norway than the absolute ,necessities ir
eon in early life that they are octogenara
Pine Syrup, there would be fewer homes get an enormous amount of suPPlY• ians at fifty. Sciaticas and rheuma-
desolate. , . . Expect as muck as you will of any tisms and neuralgias and vertigos
Ine severest coughs and colds, bronchitis kind oe success, if you expect it and insomnias have their playground
and croup, and the first stages of consump- from the Lord you are safe. .De- in the fifties. You have blade so
tion yield readily to this powerful, hues- pend on, any other resoerce and erou madd voyages you ought to be a
healing remedy. . may be badly chagrined, but dee good sailor. So long protected a.nd
'Read what Mrs. Thos. Carter, Northport,
Ont , says: "I caught' a severe cold, which Pend. on God and all will be well. blessed, you ought to have a soul
settled on my throat and lungs, so that I it is a good thing in the crisis of full of doxology. In Bible -times in
could scarcely speak above a whisper.
life to have a man of large means Canaan every fifty years was by
also had a terrible cough which my friendsback Y P •
ou u It is a great - thing God's command a year of jut:filed.'
thought would send me to my grave. I to have a moneyed institution The people did not work that year.
tried different remedies bite all failed to do stand behind you in your uncleae If property had by misfortune gone
me any good until I took Dr. wooers Nen taking. But it is a mightier thing out of one'S possession, on the -fiftie
way Pine Syrup, esd the contents of, one to bave the God of Heaven and eth year it eame back to him. If he
bettle completely cured me." earth your coadjutor, and
A Terrible Couge
bad fooled it away it was returned
YOU MAY HAVE HIM. without a farthing to pay. If a
PAYMENT OF M.P.'S. tam so glad that I met you while man had been enslaved. he was in
One of the last acts of the NeW You are in the twenties. You are, that year emancipated. • A trumpet
Zealand Parliament before the sesa illesleig out your plans, and all your was sounded loud and clear and
sion closed was to pass a bill in- life in this world and the next for long. and it was the
creaeing the salaries 02 110 own mem- tive bundred million years of your eannaipET OF JUBILEE.
leers. The payment of members of existence will be affected by those
the assembly was raised from £240 Plans. It is about 8 o'clock in the They shook hands, they laugh -
to £300; thoee of •the members of the morning of yeler life, abet you are cd, they congratulated. What a
Legislative Council from £150 to just starting out. Which way are time it was, that fiftieth year! And
E200. In like manner the salary of you going to start ? Oh, the twen- if under Lhe old dispensation it was
the Governor has been raised from ties .t such a glad time, under our new and
£5,000 to £7,000, anci the salaries "Twenty!! is a great word in the more glorious dispensation let all
of Cabinet Ministers have been ma_ Bible. J oseph was sold for twenty who have come to the fifties hear
to -Holly increased. It is rather re- pieces of silver; Samson judged es- the trumpet of jubilee that I now
tied- after a continuous sitting of Hiram ttventy -------- he flying roll My serrnon next accosts the sixties.
thirty hours and by a majority of that Zechariah saw was tweater cu- The begiuning of that decade is more
bits; when the sailors of the ehip startling than any other. ln his
eaereareereaaamereeniereeedaaleetaneone., on which Paul sailed sounded the chronological journey the man rides
Mediterranean sea, it was twenty rather smoothly over the figures 2
rnarkable that the bill was only car- reel twenty years ; Soloin.nn gate blow.
A DAUGIITER'S DANGFII fathoms. What mighty things have and 8 and 4 and 5, but the figure 6
• been done in the twenties 1 3eonte gives hi:11 a big jolt. He says: "It
taus founded ,- Rome when he was cannot be that 1 one sixty. Let me
A Chatham Mother Tells how Her twenty- Soine of the Mightiest examine the old family record. I
things for God and eternity Lave guess they made o mistahe
Daughter, who was Troubled 13een dors in the twenties. As long got my namw
e down rong iTn 1110 roll
with Weak Heart Action as you can Put ' the figure 2 before of births," But, no, the older broth -
the other figere that helps describe ers or sisters remember the time of
and run Down System
your age I have high hopes about his advene, and there is sonic' rola-
was, Restored to you. Look out fer Oise, figure 2, tive a year older and another rela-
Watch, its continuance 'with as ineeh tive a year younger, ariu, sure 'en -
Health. earnestness as you ever watched any- °ugh, the fact" is established beyond
thing about that premised you sal- all disputation, Sixty.1 Now your
Every mother who has e (laughter droop" vation or threatened you demon- great danger is the temptation , 'to
ing and fading --pale, weak and listless--; eine, 'what a, critical time -the fold up your faculties and quit. Yon
whose health is not what it ought to bey twenties 1 While they continue you will feel a tendency to remmiscenee,
should read the following statement made deeide your Occupation and the prin- ff you do not look out, you will be -
by Mrs. .7.5. Heath, 39 Riehrtiond Street, ciples by Which you will be guided : gin almost everything with the
Chatham, Orb: you make your most abiding friend- words, "When I was a boy," But
Some time ego' get a boa of Milburnos shipe ; you arrange your, home life; you Ought to xnake the eixties more
s i
Motet end Nervel,ilie et the Omani] Drug you ea your habits.. Lord God Al- meanerable for God and the truth
Store for my daftgliter, who is now 13 inighty, for Jesue Christ's sake have than the fiftice or the forties or the
years of age, itn.d had been afflicted with mercy on all the men and woMen iO thirties. You ought to do More dur-
Weak Dalian, of the heart for a coneiderableing the next ten years than you did
length of time. the twenties 1
Next I aeoost those In the thir- in any thirty years of your life be-
" These pills have done her a world of ties. You are at an age when u yocauso of all :the exPerielice you have
good; restoring strong, healthy action of find what a tough thing it is to get had. You shave coonnitted enough
hor heart, improving her general health recogaized ond established in your mistakes ia life to melee you wiee
and giving her physical strength beyondoctupation or profession. above your janiore• Now, under the
our expectations.
FEB, 16.
Text ,of the Lesson, Acts v., 25-
42. Golden Text, IVIa,tt.
words, "The Lox d briegetle tbe come -
eel of the heathen to naught; die
ineeeth the ecivices of the People QL
Ilene elieee" (I's. Xxxin, 10; Bee Oleo.
Ise,. van .9, 10, for veey strong
Words in tens conneetion„), It is 'a
great eomfort 'to the true believer
.to anow, that they tiatt, war ag•aiest
him ehall be tee nothing and. as. a
thing of naught edict tenet no weapon
fermed against him can prosper (Ina,
liv, 17)..
44 411•144•0•••••••••44. 4•44•44•44,..4. 44.044 41PO4 Q91'40117:
33 g THE: QUEEN a
•":11 It be of God, ye cannot .tir
overthrow rt, lest haply, Ye be Lound t
oven to fight against God." It is ;
written enat "'every Purpose of the •
Lord shall 'be performed,' and The t
Lord of Hosts both .sworn, raying, •
JRemarkable Offer. I
Surely as I have theuget so snail 21t Here is the best offer ever made in this commualty. By a very excellent ae, '44Pe1
conic to pass, and, as I leave purpos• erangement merle with the Family lierald and 'Weekly Star of Moro:reel we ere 401
(,e1, so ellen it stand," and again,
"The eourisel of the Lord seaadetb.
forever, the thoughts of II:is heiert, to •
all generations" ' (Jor, 11, 29; Isa.
*do to oiler Tuei Exam?. LIMES 1111C1 that great 1 molly k s.ner,
t lied Weekly Star. for one year for the small stun of v.7r) aed in-
; elude to each se ',scriber three beautiful premium gaturee, of whieh the felicity- ae
• ing is a brief desceipesee
KING EDWARD VIL-True to It fe, a beautiful portrait size 18 X 40
• •
should not epeak• in the Jeanie of ge. ' . '
• lute be n taken since hs eccession to the throe,and Is the very latest and best 4111
• al inches, on beautiful 1 eavy white satin fen:Med paperfoi framing. 0. ze per •
40. "They cortnnanded that they
Jeetis. With the repetition o this : ° I I t b h d tic • t throeh the FAMILY liEDALD arm ele
,, . / obtainab e. t cannot e e 0. Len, , g , .
ungodly and rebellious COMMarld WEEIMY ST..8.1t; each picture hears the iseng s DeleograPh. 'this picture has the 4*
ee great merit of being the first taken after the Ring's accresion, end has therefore p
they are beaten and let go. LLOW • •Nn. hietorical value that no other picture can possess. 40
the devil tes
ing which every tongue snall Yet, • othQUVEN ALEICA NDRA.-An. exquisitely beautiful picture of the rereark- 4set,
hu,that name at whieli n t
every knee shall yet tam and concern- w
confess that J esus Christ is Lord, • • some
beautiful and go c 1 Queen A.lexandra, also taken sbice ehe King's esee.seion •
to throne. It is the seme size as that of the King, the two fortning a hewn p
• e pair of pietieres that alone would sell for many times the subseription price II
to the glory ee God tbe leather! p of paper and pictures. • .--'
(Phil. ii,, 10„ U) dpesus told His • t '
• ale portrait of the King aed Consert taken at the second or succeeding sin le,
inge can have one fraction of tne value of the first. The e go down to history.
disciples that they NVOilld be deliveien
ed up to the coemeils and be scourged t THE DUCHESS 012 DEVONSHIRE. -The Renew/led Gainsborough Plc. ,
and brought edere governere and 41 ture. Sold at auction sale in Lonclou twenty-tive yeare ago for 210,590,
kinge for leis sake (Moen. x, 17,18). , 44 stolen by clever thieves, hiaden for over tweuty-four years tt:iyi delivered to its
41"Rejoicing :,
, that they were 4)
counted worthy to suffer shame for I , owner on payment of een,000 reward and since sold toMe. J,Inerpont Morgan for
His name.” 'What a glorious reality I .`" $75,P6ss in 131.1et' is
is the Lord Jesus to thole who can * their subscribers. The picture is 22,x21 in ten eoloure, and is reproduced line for
• clevei stroke of enterpriee, the publisbers of the Family Herald have eccuraed for
the history of one of the premium pictures, whiob, by n
take such treatment, not only with- yee linecolourfor colour with the original. Copies of the reproduotion are now sold
! ei in New York City, Montreal and Toronto for ;en each, and this is the picture le
pain physically, but full of joy Family Herald sub.scrihere are going to get absolutely free together with the Z.
• of the King. and Queen.
veardly-how great is the grace of p Is that not bie value? Call at 'Tap Tates Office and see samples 1
Gocl! They were already tastehg ea
311 every house they ceased not to
in,- • Pictures
0 • THE -MIES on-FicE. i
that which Paul' was afterwavd told • of theee beeutiful picteiree. .•
concerning the great things he must 0
0 Yowls° tvaii c DID EXETER. Tarns for Ole locel news, and you want th. IP
su,Ter for Christ's sake (chapter ix 'w
• great paper the Faintly Berate for tes al pages ef general news end fannly
_ reading. Its agricultural pages alone are worth many time,s the subscr:ption
16). , de price.
teach and preach Jesus Christ." .
or send your subscription to
42. "And daily in the temple an • d
Thus they obeyed God rather than *444444.".".***4'4'e".4"."*.terenefe*-0004000040.40•0,0"+641
25. "leehold, tbe men whore ye put man and et ere ready for the next
in prison ais standing in the temple beating or- imprisonment for -so do -
and teaching the people." This was
the message which was brought to
the high priest, council and senate
of the children of Israel as they
waited to receive the prisoners whoin
they had arrested the evening before.
Multitudes of ellen and women were
believing, and multitudes of sick
and demon possessed people not only
in Jerusalem, but also from the
cities roundabout, were bealed. The
work was going so grandly that the
high priest and Sadducces simply
could not stand it and so put. the
apostles in prison. God, w hese
they were and -whom they sere ed.
sent ari angel by night and releosed
thorn from prison and sent them to
the temple to continue their made -
try, and theee they are foued -teach-
ing, instead of itt the prison under
the power of the authorities. They
belonged. to God.
aecumulated light of your past, ea-
" They are n eplendie temetly, end to any 'PEN YEARS AGO perinea:titan; go to Work for God afi
ono suffeeleg Prem. Weakness, Or heart arid you thought all that was necessarY mover before. W11011, A Mall ill the
terve trouble I cordially rationaneod for suecess was to put, on your sleet- sixties folds tip his energies and feels
t,lien's .1' ter the Sign of phe ysieinor clen tist Pc has - done enough , it is the devil
' Millmense rtestrtindNeivaPll15 are 001, or attorney rer broker or agent and of indolence to which be is surveil -
/1"01 el' 3 fox' 4°'45*. 2frj 92 di'llg°Sthe You 'wetliel hare plenty Iaf 'business; 'tiering', and God generally takes Jilin
big whenever Gocl might see fit to
let it come. As Peter and John
said, they could not help doing it;
like Jeremiah, when tempted to
speak no more in. I -lie name, they
had such' a burning ere within them
hat they were weary if they did not
speak; or, like Elihu, they felt that
they would burst if they did not
speak (Acts iv, 20; Jen xx, 9; Job.
xxxii, 1S-20).
26-28. -Behold, ye have filled Je-
rusalem with your doctrine and in-
tend to bring this mau's blood taper.
us." The higheariest reminds there
that they .hail Veen forbidden to
teach be the name of Jesus and then
adds this word -unintentionally giv-
ing good testimuny to their zeal. but
evidently forgetting that the people
had cried, "His blood be on us and
on our children" (Matt. xxvii, 25).
29-32. "We ought to obey God
rather than men." 'thus replied
Peter and again recoesed them to ,
their faces of being the murderevs of I
Jesus, whom God. raisedefrom the
•dead and exalted with His right
hand to be a Prince and a Saviour
to give repentance and forgiveness of
sins even to such as they were. That
it is not possible to please God and
to please the world lying in the
wicked one is seen. in. Gal. i, 10 ;
Luke xvi, 13; Jas. -iv, 4. These
apostles were in ccinscious partuer-
ship with the Holy Spirit, who was
in them, and He, the Spirit, was the
speaker through their lips, even as
Jesus had said, "It is not ye that
speak, but the Spirit of your Father
which speaketh in you" (Matt. x,
20). ,
33. ; "When they heard that, • they
were cut to the heart and took
counsel to slay them." Not s only
was the blood of Jesus upon them,
brt they were ready to bring -upon
themselves the blood of the apostles
also. Before they killed Jesus they
desired to kill Laza•rue, whom Jesus
raised from the dead (John ail, 10).
The truth of Gowhen not meekly
received makes manifest that "the
carnal mind is eimilty against God"
(Rein. viii, 7)1'
34, 85. "Ye men of Tared, take
heed to yourselves what ye intend to
do as touching these men." The
apostles, being sent out of the coun-
cil for a little while, Gamaliel,
learned and honorable niember,
whose feet Saul of Tarsus had been
educated (chapter xxii, 3), thus be-
gins to acldrees his brethren. He
seems to have had something of the
spirit of Joseph and Nicodenrus, who
also were at one tilne membere of
the council (Mark xv,,, 48; John vii,
50), We do not know that he ever
received Jesus as the Christ, but
from the wisdom and spirit of this
a,ddress a.od on the supposition that
Saul evould seek the welfare of his
-Leacher we may hope that he did.
36,37. "Before these daye rose up
Theudas, boasting himself to be
somebody." lie quotes two cases of
deceivers who for a time had quite a
following, but in each case the lead-
ers Perished, a,nd their followers were
dispersed. The "mark of a deceiver
is that "he boasts himself to be
somebody," while a true follower of
the Lord seeks to gloriey God only,
The antichrist shall do according to
his own. 'will and shall exalt himself
and magnify himeelf (Dan. xi, 36),
but the Lord Jesus Christ sought
neither His own Will nor Hie own
glory (jam vi, 88; viii, 50) and
Paul, the great apostle, determined
to know nothing but "Jesue Christ
and Him Crucified," his mottoes be-
ing "Not I, but Christ," "Not 1,
but the grace 01 Gods' Cor. ti, el;
xv, 1.0; Gal, ii, 20),
38. "If this counsel or Die work
be of men it will come to naugidess
He May have 1:Membered these
Hon. joseple Chamberlain Says
Ilia War Will be Pressed. to
Its Conclusion. '
Discussing the progress of the
South African War in his Birming-
ham, England, speech, Hon. Joseph
Chamberlain said
: -
When you hear wild and wilful
-talk about negotiations which are to
be casually undertaken in some pub-
lic house on the continent, when you
are told even by the highest author-
ity in this country 'that proclania-
tions solemnly adopted at the sug-
gestion of or with the subsequent ap-
proval of Colonial Governments are
to be recalled in presence of the en-
emy, when you are advised to oiler
or to accept terms of peace, which,
in the words. of that calm and reso-
lute speech which Was made by Lord
Milner two days ago -terms of peace
which, in his words, would preserve
the political dualism in Africa in
substante although not in form -
then I say to you remember that you
do not standalone, that you have
allies, and that you are not entitled
to make peace unless It is upon
terms which will be satisfactory to
those allies, who have sent 'of their
best to fight, and to die ne a common
cause. Meanwhile, gentlemen, the
war goes ore -slowly, no doubt, but
inevitably -
There has been a, great improve-
ment in the situation during the re-
cess. I can give no better instance
of it than by informing you than the
railways in the Transvaal arid the
Orange River Colony are new work-
ing almost as in normal thins. In
the 12 months between June 1900,
and June, 1901, there were 284. in-
terruptions of the line; the line was
blown up; trains were stopped or fir-
ed into -very often when they con-
tained wounded men and women and
children. But during the last th,ree
months there has not been a single
interruption. Meanwhile, every day,
a larger area is being cleared of the
enemy, tend being protected by that
iron girdle of blockhouses whiffle Lord
E.Utchener has devised, and which are
inexorably barring out the Boars
from the territory we have occupied-.
driving them into distriets in which
our troops, I hope, will be able to
find them.
It would be almost impertinent in
me to praise Lord Kitehener, Lord
Kitchener doee not draft sensational
despatches. I daresay we all wieh
sometimes that he wrote DI greater
length; but he keeps his own coun-
sels, and 1 think his eountrymen ap-
preciate a groat man When they have
found him. They recognize the stern
resolution, the well -thought-out plai
by which lie is Successfully tioading
with the most ditlicult task that lute
ever fallen in modern Wiles to any
nation to accomplish. We are proud
of the general; we are proud of the
Arany. To compare any other army
to it is to pay the higheat comple-
mentin our power, We are protect of
theirheroic courage. I think We are
prouder still of the enclurauce-the
cheerful endurance -Which they have
shown under the hardships of tine
exceptional caliellaign, and we are
prouder of the unwavering humanity
that, even AA', great coat to theinseltr-
ee they have denetithtly shown to 'the
troepe opPoSed to thein and to the
civil pciPulation Which hart been at
their nierey,
Iferou ever contracted any Blood Disease you ire never safe unless the virus or
3.....zson has bee.n eradtcated f roM the system. At times you see alarming symptoms,
but live in hopes no serious results will follow. Have you any. of the following
symptos? Sore throat, ulcers on the tongue or in the mouth, hair falling out, ach-
ingpli.‘s itchiness of the skin sores or blotches on tile body, eyes red and smart,
dyspeotic stoat irk, sexual weakness -indications of the secondary stage. Don't
trust is luck, Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment -mercury and
otash-which only stippresses the symptoms for a time may to break ort again when
zzzppy in domestic life. Don't let quacks experimenter], you. Our NEW METHOD.
TE.EATMENT is guaraateed to cure you. Our guaranteen are backed
1.35r bats Lc bond that the dist-ase will never return. Thousands of patients
have been al-eady cured by our NEW METROD TREATMENT for over 2o yeare
and no return of the, disease. No experiment, no risk --not a "patch tip," but a pose.
tive cure. The worst cr.ses solicited.
L 7-1
°UV! NEW Alfrg-INID TIZEATIllirMT will cure you, and make a man
of yen. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that
all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so
that nervousness bashfuluesu oxid despondency disappear; the eyes become bright,
the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, arm the moral, physical and sex-
ual systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system.
The various organs become natural and manly. Ton feei yourself a man and know
marriage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult es confidentially
and free of charge. Dou.'t let (pecks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned,
dollars. WE Vrtier. CIIRE TO1-1 OR NO PAY.
tHLADDER DISEASES, and all e-Iceases peculiar to men and women. Gores Cuaraii"
pipI Are you a victim? Have you lost 'hope? Are you contemplating
, marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Bare yott any weak.
...Jill nese? Otir New Method Treatment will cure you. Consultaties
free. No matter who has treatedyou write for All honest opinion Free 62 Charge.
Charges reasonable. itiamitsFree.-"Th'e Golden Monitor" [illustrated) on Diseases qf
men "Diseases of Women" "The Wages Of Shu." "Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet."
All sent Free sealed.
No medicine sent C. O. D. rie names on boxes or envelopes. Everything
coniidential. Question list and Cost of Treatment, FREE, for Home Cure.
We are proud, also, of our Admin-
istrator, proud of Lord Milner, the
great public servant whose labors no
man. can over-estimate, who, clay and
night, is working out the great
scheme for the esgeneration of the
new colonies, who finds men -I do
it know whether he knows of them
-mean enough in this country to
take the opportunity to blacken his
charaeter, to call for his recall, to
attribute to him motives of the most
unworthy character. Gentlemen, he
has his reward in the regard and ap-
proval of the vast majority of his
fellow citizens; he has it itt the con-
fidence of the Government., the con-
fidence of 'his Sovereign.; and he will
not flinch, he will not turn out of
his way, because a number of ill-
bred curs are barkitig at his heels.
We are proud of hin3., we are proud
of the band of skilful and zealous
Men's Backs.
TOO much. rush anti
brietlet work and worry La
to the 'bitof the average
businees man. Kidneys
can't Stand it; they fell to
filter the poisons from.the-
blood properly. Urinary
trouble,general languor and.
pain in the back are the
natural -reeults. A man,
ettle can't attend to business
properly if bis back aches
-no use trying. ,
Only one sure remedy that never fails.
and patriotic colleagues with whore
he is working. As in the nuntary Take a hint from business men who halt
d h •
operations, progress, and Civil Gov-
ernment follows close upon their
heels. When pears has been proclaim-
ed we shall end an administration
already in our hands. 'Phe industry
in the two colonies is revining. The
refugees are returning in great mune
bers to their leornee and their work. ma backache." Ceteitens C. rTLEET, aen,leV
in agricultural implements, Orillia, Ont.
Doan's Kidney tilis cure backache, lame
or weak bale, Brightni disease, diabetes,
aropsye gravel, gediment in tele urine, too
frequent risings at night, rheumatism, anal
weakness of the killheys itt childrett sola
'Id people. Remember Ube name, Doan%
refase all others. The Dome Kidoen
'11103., Toronto, Ont,
"I have taken Dotales Kidney Pills, whieht
I procured at the Medical Hall here, for
rheumatism and. paine in the small a my
bank, With whiela I have been afflicted for
the pest six yeers. They did me so renal
good that 1 heartily recominenci them as
an excellen t medicine for rhenneetic troubles
Large schemes ot development are
being devised, and preparation is be-
ing made for the re -settlement of the
land -for the 'resumption of agricul-
tural operation., That is not all.
The obsolete and corrupt legislation
of the Transvaal Government has
been reviewed. We have wiped the
slate clean. That is nothing, Any
schoolboy can do that. But we have
written on the elate that we have
cleaned the priociples of jest arid
honest government under whieh, itt
the filien•e, the tevo races may live
in mutual reepect, enloying eqUal
rights and equal liberties, end in
which that vast population at na-
tives, for which we have become re-
sponsible, may receive duo proecc-
ti on and contiaer ati on . el en tlemea,
We aro to Meet Parliament itt a l'etv
daye. I hope arid belie•ve that the
temper crt Parliament, will be the
twiner of the nation. This is not
the time for weak-koeed exhortation
or comisele or fear. We have only to
imitate the DIA gnificent consianey
and resOlutiele of the people of this
(solitary and the stercly patriotisia of
dolonice arid we shall achieve a
LAv .F4work While you sleep withouh
" a gripe or pain, oaring
n Begs, Oengtipiltion, Sick bead -
.1 u. el ache ama ayspapsiWzna rrialce
you feel better ttt the moreitig0
Price 25e. at all clrioreiste,
that we have Made., width will con-
flriu forever our dominion it Seeele
Africa, and 'will cement the unity oi
the Empire,
The nest practleat quick -fire, the
Gatiing gull, was perfected 11:1 1361.
Gee de Smytaa---"Those boots of
youre Squeak Media ly. Pevhape
they're not paid flit ohtiny--
''That's all. rIoneeeee, If there le
unything in that, Why d'in't My coat
and vest and my troneere end My,
mettle: that wen eustify the saeriecee hat squeak boo ese