Exeter Times, 1902-2-6, Page 5IPA 114 t3 44it'a not lost-tha friend gets." Rather •give too rrnicht than, to little value! A safe •policy' for Makers; who brand their own price on.- --- "T.he Slater Shoe" -600eyfar woe" T.SPACKMA.1.Y. 0 Local Aaent • fibiiietesseeecogooeoseessioes RE• LOST CII!U.\AIIAT All of Her Crew 814 TWO Went Down With Her. THE FRENCH SHIP CAPSIZED. Greet Damage Done on the Continent - Rome alloociad-.a. Stearn Trawler With Twelve Alen Lost -The storm on This Side of the Atlantic -Loin of Life at Long Island-. Trains Snowbound, London Feb. 4. -The first officer of the Frenel ship 'Clianarat was land- ed at Falmouth yesterday. lIe, with the mate, is the sole survivor of the crew of 22 men of the vessel, which was capsized off TJshant. ' The laiate was picked up from a small boat which had capsized sever- al times, but which he had succeeded VP4-.7111/Vi SVPY 0 in righting each time. He is in a 0• critical conditiThe barque wrecked off the Sally en• Ciubbiug • Islands Sunday everting, which was e supposed to be ft Ger inae vessel, 6 Wens out to have been the Italian. te Rates • 06 We have completed clubbing• to arrangements for 1903. with sev- eral of the leading nevespapers. Owing to the high prices. of • Paper and payment of postage 0 g by newspapers the rateein some r, cases slightly in advance of pre- G vious years. All of tbe follow- 0 • with the exception of the dailies, 2 g will be sent to any address from 5 5 now‘until January lst, 1003, for te amount named. e The rates will g O be as follows: 0 :The Thaes and Daily Globe,$4.25 : a The Times and Weekly Globe e • for. - , $1.60 2 : The 'above includes two hand- 5 sp?en'titearpei tetf 111,1 l'el es -Done e an n depx cueclhl eels-) st ; I wof i tebo rtrhi we a. IRI in y Royal ciail Standardi onsettingas ;•11 03 background, the other a fine pic- 2 - • ture of two farm horses, called 5 O 4'11)4 Frirm Pets." 0 I§ The Times and Weekly Mail and Empire, ...... .... .$1:75 5 Isome pictures her John Innes, in ta The above includes two hand- IS colors, size 14 x 25 inches, entit- ;4, Ied On the edge of the herd," a aud "The Miner's Fare vt ell." it TheTimes and Daily Mail e O and Empire (evening edi- se tion) ... . . .... . . $3.25 a I The Times and Daily Mail e 6 aad Empire (morning la 0. - Prlition) .... • . a ...... $4.25 (V al I be Times and Weekly Sun $1.75 e Es 4g, The Ttnies and Faanly Her- es O aid and Weekly Star.. .81.75 0 : The above inelbdes handsome : O pictures of the Ring and Queen e e and a copy of Gainsborough's fa- 0 : mous picture "The Duchess of 3 ee Devonshire." fa O The Times and Montreal 2 I Herald (dally)........ $1 75 ' TThhee TiTzehenseasnd aLnoandoLuoDndaiolny • • .Advertiser $2.50 e a e Weekly Advertiser....$1.50 e ell The Times and Toronto el) 0111 Daily Star. ...... $2.50 3 The above includes a picture : of King Edward. 9). I The Times and Toronto g Daily News $2.50 ta e The Times and, Farming 62 alb Word a a .. . $1.30 3 3 The Times and Montreal tle . Weekly Witnees....... $1 05 e e 2 The Times and alto:areal s e a Daily Witness... $8.2o as O The Times and Fartuing$1.75 9 , „.„0 The Times and Christian 2 i Guardian.. ... ...... , $2.00 a Any other paper desired can 0_ ile be had at entailing rates. g 2 The Times and Free Press , . 5 morning edition .... , .. a $3,25 La , O 9 sr.( ,, a nd noon or even- ' • i he Thne and weekly edi- u i ng edition ...... ........$2. . . e ton. ,.. , ... ...... ...... $1,75 ea to ' TIMES OraPICE. S el a catatarseaOrnallefilae(00a021)S6000080 arweaxataumumrcnnt;i1c,r Ian Swill outwear , two pairs of ,cornenon rubbers. ,For three years we have proved that with -./itingts egioltlitikonflik you can stub --z° your f o o 'but you cannot stub the rubbers. gemuine roes:AQUI& lire stamp ed'aDIA.g• ° 1111011 the sole of: each rubber with our • copy- " areaae righted name 3TIAD 1,119 do not allow yourself to be cle- • ceived by imitations. Ring's LEATHER TOP the best on the.inarket, 6 -inch, 9 -inch end 12 -inch tops, with Rolled 1 'dge and liecle. They • are ear; ;ed In stook, and your dealer con order them for you,. 'rho J. D. ICING:CO., Lthted have ext 'usivo oontrol c,f all berates) Logaro. News has just boon received here that the steam. trawler AnalbY; with! A crew of twelve men, belonging to 1 Hull, has been lost in a. snowstorm off Iceland. After tessing helplessla in the Eng., lish Channel for 65 hours the Dover - Ostend passenger stearrier, Merle gen- riette was towed into ,Oetend yes- terday morning. , The gale is abating. Li view og the severity of the weather, ,the number of casualties thus fay. reported, is comparatively small. • Reports- of damage caused by the wind and snowstorms on the Con- tinent and in Great Britain con- tinue to be received. Carriage and street car traffic in Madrid has been stopped, and railroad trams aro delayed. one of -the towns in •Northern Spain are isolated, and fruit trees have been destroyed, In Switzerland many villages ha.ve been cut off from communication. Telegraphic communication with Italy is interrupted. There is now more snow in Venice than at any time during the past 25 years. 'The River Tiber rose 35 -feet, The lower portion of Rome is flooded, as well as the Forum, the Pantheon and the •Temple of Vesta. The water of the Tiber is now receding. Several more wrecks off the 'Brit- ish and French coasts are reported, and the crews of sonic of these ves- sels have been lost. Numerous ships are overdue. Death anti Disaster to Sailors. • New York, Feb, 4. -The gale which has been sweeping the oasts -�f Long Island and New Jersey for more than 24 hours and. was continuing, thouala with abated force, last night, leas brought death and disaster to sail- ors and their craft, Several fireflies have been washed ashore at the eastern end of Lohg Island. Tho Montreal express, evlach leaves here every night at 7,30, Was taken off. DAMAGE IN NOVA SCOTIA. Many Vessels on Shore -Loss Will Reach a20,000. Halifax, N.S., Feb. 4.- Sunday night's storm, which swept over Nova Scotia, was the most violent experienced M years. The wind reach- ed hurricane force, and the tides were extraordinarily high. An immense amount of damage has been done to shipping along the western coast, but, so far, no loss of life has been reported. , The brig Ora, from Annapolis, for the West Indies, went ashore on Con - don's Point, near Digby, and is bad- ly damaged. The crew was sieved. The masts are out of the vessel, and she is half -full of .water. Several 'other schooners "are also ashore near Digby Gut. Three schooners . are ashore on the Mud Flats at Liverpool, but none of them are badlyinjured. - Great damage was wrought by the storm at Luranburg., andthe fishing fleet has been seriously crippled.' is estimated tbat the damage to shipa peng alone will amount to $20,000. Fifteen schooners, some of them ashore, and others in collision, have been damaged as a result of the gale. The brig Leo is also ashore, and is in a bad position! Several vessels have cargoes of salt, and they are all more or less damaged. The tele - g rar . telephone and electric light r,t r• I et were all interrupted last night ey t: torm, and they are not in king oreer yet. The trains . due hOri: IliSt Light are all behind time., C •PROSPECTS AHEAD. e. admen1 o irreele rel. Several Dims of V! ," Cold Weatiker in Ontarlo- im. b..rvatory,". Forecast.. Toronto, Veh, 4, --The storm is die.' persing or the Gulf of St. Law- rence, hut the outlook is splendid for several clays of severely aced weath- er. The, Observatoyy reported a temperature Of .1.2 degrees at 10 o'elock last nista with the indicate lions that the mermiry would go near to the zero mark during the night, To -day it will be milder, aial to -night. the • zero mark will be again ap- proached, or even touched, while, on kVotincsdny it will be still colder. A mere bagatelle was the anowfall at Toronto, crympared with what Qt- taWa and Quebec had doled out yes- forday and Sunday. In the Ottawa Vallosa fully 20 mates fell, while Cauca bee got fully taro feet 'to shovel areray from the front door, and the end is not yet. There will be some flurries in. different localities in Ontario With- in the next SOW daya itaftway DonioPal:m ErtilWay traffic wits entirely de- moralized yesterday. The express from Montreal, due here at 1,15,narr., did not come el in 11 1.1.- 10 last Zight, The 0 .T.n, ?yam-, trail treat, dee at 7.25 aim, pulled la at 3,20 pea. Other traaie were . la VAVOIXT ati VTTr lltacnxms,q -Scro u le Payson, Tee re Old, 1g WW1 oz What i manually inherited IS not ocrofula but tier scrofinous dieposition, This le senerallY and Wetly indicated by cutaneous eruptions; sometimes by Pale- ness, nervousness And general debilitY, The disease afflicted Mrs. X. T. Snyder, Union $t., Troy, Ohio, what she was eighteen years old, manife'sting Itself by a bunci, in her neck, wince caused great pain was lanced, and beearne a runnieg SOM It afflicted the daughter of Mrs, J. R. Tooes, Parker City, Ind., when 13 years old, and' develeped so rapidly that when was 18 she had elevenaunning sorra on her neck and about her ears, Theta sufferers were not benefited by prefrealonal treatment, but, as they vaun- tarv sita were completely cured by floors Sarsaparilla This peculiar raetlicine positively cor- rects the scrofulous disposition and ratla gaily aOd pernia.oently cures the disease, also delayed. Seyeral trains were, cancalled owing to the bad condition of tho road. 31 ONTREAT. OND ft It SNOW. Two Beet nave Banco, nod it Vylil Take Days to Clean. Montreal, Feb. 4. -.-Montreal is Struggling to extricate iteelf from the worst storm of the season. It began with Saturday's downfall of soft, damp snow, and developed into a regular old-fashioned, midwinter snowstorm. The snow stopped falling yesterday morning, but • a strong wind kept drifting what had already fallen. The snowfall was, altogether, nearly two feet. As there had been heavy drifting with the wind, the streetswere soon ren- dered in a very had shape, and the street car service was badly crippled lir spite of all that could be -done. The temperature, fortunately, did not fall very low yesterday, there being merely o. variation between 21 and 29 degrees recorded at the Cita Hall Observatory. At 3 o'clock yesterday morning, the temperature was 25 above, and, at 11 o'olock, above, and still falling, the velocity of the wind varying from 42 to 46 miles an hour. Owing to the hea- vy drifting, it, was impossible to • 'do much towards ameliorating the con- dition of the streets yesterday. Some 1,200 men were engaged. ,and set to work, and a few single sleighs, but while the •snow continues to drive, it was impossible to do much good. It is hoped that it will be possible to empty 600 sleighs to -day and a few days will soon make a big irapressio.n on the huge banks of snow along the sides of the trackad streets. St. John, N.D.. Roofs Bloom Off. St. John, N.B., Feb. 4.- Sunday night's storm was the worst in years. Great damage was done to property in the city. The York Cotton. Mills, at the east "ead of the city, lost its roof, and suffered other damage. The opera house roof is gone, scenery auditorium and lobby badly damag- ed. The 13aker Company was obliged to abandon its performance • until temporary repairs are made. Jones' brewery, the Court House, water- works building, MOA.vity's and many private residences suffered by the storm. The wind was froni the south- east and 60 miles an hour, The Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns are Popular • With All Ladies. The Manufacturers Send Full Range of Designs to Any Address. Mrs, Morton F. Paling. Winnipeg, Man. writes as follows : "The three mat and rugpatterns ordered from • you are received. They are lovely and far ahead of offer designs I have seen. I shall show thernto my friends, many of vvhom are _desixous of mak- ing up rugs for their homes. Many thanks for your prompt attention to my order. I use your celebrated •Diamond Dyes and, find them the hest." • Ladies .who havensots yet received "sheets of new designs of the Diamond .Dye Mat and Rug Patterns, will do well to send a Postal Card with ad- dress to tbe Wells "es Ric.barclson Co„ Linaited,•200 Mountain St., Montreal, P. Q. All designs mailed free to any part of Caneda and Newfoundland. General News. Rev. Mr. Hincks, of Toronto, said in his sermon Sunday that he would like to see a prayer meeting once a year for editors. • If he had been in Ham- ilton Feb. 1st., he would have beard a very earnest prayer not only for editors, but 'reporters and all the other printer men.- Hamilton Times, Itainist he admitted that there is very little prayer offered fon the press. Per- haps theysthink le is powerfulenougb, or beyond redemption. John Eeddy, managaging director • of the St. Thomas Times, has been appointed. manager of the Atlas Loan Company,' of thnt eity. CATARRHAL POISONS AND • rimy, REMEDY. The poisonous secretions- from Ca- tarrh are dangerous • -because • they ;aka tbe stomach and-. bowels, giving rise to an unhealthy condition of these organs, • Ca,tareb is the source of much- ,sillhealth and was considered praati- eally incorrible 'until it was demon - :or if -•.(1 to the satisfaction ofthe med- ical profession • that by the use of Oatarrhozone any case of nasal or throat trouble can be pernianently awl quickly oared. Catarrhozooe by iu unusual merit has enlisted the sup., port and endorsement of the most prominent ,medical authorities, who 1 freely- state that any one giving ib ' trial is euro to receive pernoinent ben- efit, Soldter $1. Ssnall size 25e. At , druggists or Polson & Con Kingston, ' Ont. -ObIldron Cry for ASTOR] SittiOrder, Limn Connity 11 St. Thomas, rob. 4.-1olice Sergt,' W. Armstrong received a telephone message from Parkhill 'stating that • dils teneyear-old niece, the daughter of Samuel Payson, farmer, McGilli- vray Township, about seven. miles 'from Parkhill, had been caught in a meting machine and killed. The de - eased was also a niece of jrunee Armstrong, M.O.R. brakemen., AS SIJRE AS YOU ARE BORN 4,.......W... . ( • Putnam'' Coen 'Marne'. in, curvs all kinds of come rind vri OS in n, 1.1fort lime Cum s pail 11('ShlY il$ WO I es pr o ill pi i y, c t i las radically as well no quickly. The greatesi corn raiser on the Nori b A merit:an Cc rainent. just, ttela pier druggists ir ihiN isn't; 50. Dr•uggiets all sell it., If yon ere et a 0 iettenee from a dr ttg etore aend twee - 1 y -five cents to N.' C. Poison AL Co., Kington. and get it peer paid. Tiros, Harvey of he 2tel on. of Hay. bas clisposed of his farm ef 150 acres to John Rowe, of Stephen ; price $9,000. John. Rowe Sold his farm or 150 not ea to Albert Brown- for $8000. Fitn111 values are remainiog firm in this section of ()warns a.lanaasucon.admeanecmasarrervo...e.....Inta.., ernrwer 1,M1.7^,` ai• . easSas- zarintnrar. OIL O. • dinner time, any time's good e Mae to use ECOA fi/ They dive a fin that's rich and bra - tient. .No odor. Many styles. Sold everywhere. • Overdue Darras Safe. Victoria, B.O., Feb. 4. -News has been received of the safety of the overdue British barque Helverdale, which is 63 days out from Manila. for Royal Roads, She was sighted on SaturdXy by the steamer Glenesk off Cape Flattery. A. Little, Tot Burned. Belleville, Feb. 4. -Bessie Thomas of Compton, five years old, had sonie burning sulphur drop on her dress yesterday morning and was so badly burned that she may die. 51200 I. rofl a nar. Quebec, Feb. 4. -The bar of the Chateau Frontenac was entered yes- terday morning and $200 extri- cated. • KICK A 06 Kick a dog and he bites you. He bites you and you kick him. The more you kick the more he bites -and the more he bites the more you kick. Each makes the other worse. A thin body makes thin blood. Thin blood makes a • thin body. Each makes the other worse.. If there is going to be a change the .help must • come from outside. Scott's Emulsion is the right help. It breaks up such a combination. First it sets the stomach right Th it en en- riches • the blood. • That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh. • A strong body makes rich blood and rich blood makes a strong body. Each makes the other better. This is the way Scott's Emulsion puts the thin body on its feet. NOW it can get along by itself. No need of medicine. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the I'Vlapper of every bottle, Send for free samphe • SCOTT & BOWNE, TORONTO CANADA Soc. and p. all druggists P at 1 y The Different Branches ofI3usiness to be Carried on by the Huron Pork Packing and Cold Storage Co., limited. Al the meeting of the directors held , Clinton, on Monday, Jan, 20thssorne, I• three propositions were Wade to the directors from outside eapitaliets* the •opetated helow heiug ie one taken up, It is coofidently halo ved that the stock will be rapidly taken op, and work, on the plant commericed there at an early da.te As the, Dominion Goveroinent has subsidized steamship lines in order to Pince cold storage plant on these ves- sels and the Provincial Government authorize Counties to vote Money to aid in the erection of these buiidings ; matter is well worthy the careful consideration of investors. With a promise of $10,000.00 for storage spare the conning season •rind even 5 ceuts per head on each fowl handled it will make for the first year the rtice sum of $60,000.00 as a divich rid on an barest - went of $1500,000,00. It is confidently believed by financier s that thie is eqoal to anything o limed to investors and as our government Larks it there is no doubt of its solidity. The company have accepted W. R, Belden's plans for the erection of build- ings for handling the different lines of tea m produce. This will include a poultry finishing station eqnipped on plans after the style of that in use by a leading Kan- sas city packing house, No industry connected with the farm is more pro- fitable than the raising of poultry, that is, where farmers have facilities for finishing them properly. ' At this plant all poultry will be received alive, .1 properly killed, dressed and crated, then shipped_ to the citiee and Great Britain. Besides handling fowl for tbe fernier the building will be equip- ped similar to the above referred to Pricking House, where 1.100,000 broil- ers are grown and marketed annually under a system entirely new to On- tario. Along with the handling of poultry a modern cold storage building will be erected with a capacity for handling all the butter and apples Huron coun-1 ty and the tributary townships can I produce. Fanners have year after year lost so heavily in apples that many have con- cluded that it cloes not pay to grow them, .Although almost everything1 has been done by transport companies that can be done, vet they cannot do all, and this part must be done at home if sve wish to reap the benefits from a system of shipping the Govern- ment has done so nnieh to foster, It ' has been estimated that, in 1900 Huron county lost in apples alone over $100,-1 000 by not having a cold storage sta- 'Hoe:. This station will • send packers ' througheut the country to its own Shareholders ; tbey Will properly grade and pack the apples; Markleer each barrel eXactly as they call for. When the apples are delivered at the station, farmers will be paid a set price for each grade, the opples sent to ,our storage station and as the winter ed, vances will be shipped wherever they can be sold to the most advantageous prices, Farmers need no argUrilellta to con viece them Of the benefits they will receive by having their apples handled in this manner. It is •simply what, wg have long desired but ,hither to -have not been able to reach any def Mite actio, With an outfit of build togs for saving our produce, situated in the centre of so fertile a distsiet as Clip t.011 is, a sugar beet factory cannot surpass if eyen equal it. Each line it will handle will give us an increase in the price we now receive. After a deputation from this district visiting the counties where beets are .nrown they concluded it would be much more profitable to save those produets we already raise than to enter a field that is fast filling up awl which costs not $100,000 but $500,000 to build a plant and equip it. It is confidently believed a like increase in price can be made in apples, butter and poultry, as that ac- complished by haridliog 'hogs. The estimated cost of these buildings when fully equipped is $75,000 with it ea,- wit:Fr for making en annual turn -over of 541,000,000 worth of farm products. These buildings will be situated in Clinton winds will be easily accessable to unless living along the various branches of 'railway leading to Kincar- dine, Goderich, Exeter, Stratford and Brussels. , Already over $20,000 worth of stock has been sold and as farmers in eener- al desire to make use of these buildings the coming seas etn ;.t is confidently be- lieved every dollar of stock will be sold in aim months. This is undoubt- edly what should be done, thereby saving interest and other charges caused by using borrowed money. If every dollar of stock is taken up by tha time the buildings are completed there can be no doubt of a six per year. Mr.dividend being paid the first Mr. Belden, who has been connected with this line of business for some years, is a practical farmer and on the. acceptance byhim of tne position of head of the organizing staff of the above company, he has resigned his position as director of the Farmer's Pork Fa.ctory at Palmerston. He en- ters this work in a practical manner by stibscribing.liberally. Having the utmost faith in the buiness he will devote his entire time in making this Oompany a strong corporation. "Christmas Box" Full of Wonderful Things 25 kargikagxgri,IgtTrw.l&ilinig Experimen ts, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuses, 100 Funny Conundrums, Book of Love, Game of Letters, Magic Writing, 324 Jolly Jokes, Receipe for Moustache Grower, 100 MoneY Mak- ing Secrets. 1t0 'toilet and Cooking Receipes, 255 .Seleolions for Autograph Albums, 10 Model .I.ove Letters, Row to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary of Dreams. Guide to Flirtation, Magic Age Table, Lover's Telegraph, and our new Cat. or Xmas To' s, Books ard Notions. all by mail FRE E. for Sc, silver to pay. postage, KINNEY; T MEDICAL Yarmouth,N.3. MONEY TO LOAN We have 'unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest rates of interest. • 1. DICESON& CARLING Exeter. riONEY TO LOAN. . 1 have a large amount of private funds to i I oan on. fai m and village properties atlow rat of interest. F, W. GLADMAN. Barrister Main St. Exeter, FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS As OLD AND 'WELL -TRW) REMEDY. -Mrs Winslow' s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while' teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain. cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup and ask for no other kind. 2111121411721,161110 FARMER'S SONS WANTED Icis h practical Course on Veterinary Work at Home; Three Month's study during spare time will qualify to pass examination. Graduates will bo offered permanent positions at 8600 a year in our various branches ; splendid opportunity for young men to secure a thorough Veterinary Course and good position. Write at once for particulars. Address. HEAD OFFIC El VET- ERINAILY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION, LON- DON, ONT. IA For Infants and. Children.. See fsa ;lens dreamt is a /11 itte44„. miry mama • FOR SALE—BRICK RE- SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE OF LAND IN EXETER -We offer for sale en reasonable terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot Ivo- 86, south of Enron Street, Exeter. There is erected. upon the land, a conifortahle and eommodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The beliSe is in good re- pair and has 9 rochor. The lot contains an acre df land and is excellently adapted for garden rug or fruit growing' There is a plentiful sup. ply of hard and soft water, The properey is up to date, and the tonne eaeir. for partioulars ap • plY to Dimcsort ARLING berristers ES:ei er, or to A. E. Efooimn. ltew P. p„ Penna, U. S A., proprietor. FOR SALE:— House and lot on M sin Street, Exeter, two story meek cottage, frame stable and about half an sore of land, commodious dwelling, centrally located, Bath and furnace, good out houses, good welt end cistern. A. splendid property at a reasonablo prim. For fun par ticttlara aPPlY to J. G.STANBURY,,narrister 'Exeter, or to the Iluaresearrem, inchelsese TRAYED Staved from the premises of the undersign - ori, 801, con., Stephen, op or atrtalt th0 Mit of Statuary, a 810101 etcor, riehtg 3 years old, With white huni logs. Information as to his where natens wel be rewarded, Joseen Amy, Crediton P 0 IE. , 13 VERSIT • sit.y flice-Cr.cd . RONTO UN Tslnhty Unive W.B.ROWNINO. . 'AI. 0. ZJ • 5, Graduate Victoria ,niveraity cnice sue residence. Dominion Labora- tory, Exeter. 11 Ge I . D ICKSON•• & CARLING, Barristers.. Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons )3ank, Etc. Money to Loan at lovvest rates of interest. OFFICE: -MAIN STREET, EXETER. .11. CARLING, B. A. D. H. DICKSON p. W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, liotary Public, Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER ••••••••••90•10.......•••••••••,•.. •••••%•*•••••••••••••••144...il•ta. DENTAL usTnLor, L. D. S. AND H itDR. A.R. ISINESVIAN, L. D. S.D. D S., Honor Graduate of Torouto University. Dentist. bad after effeets, Office in Fan - Teeth extraceed without path or son's block. West side of Math I treat. Exeter* ANDUSON. (D. 0, S.L. DS t DENTIST. — • Honor Graduate of the Toronto Lid varsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetics Dentis1r3 (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession donein this office. Bridge work. crowns, a- luminum, gold and vulteatite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for paireess extrac- tion. Offlee one door south of Carling Bro's store Mxeter, Ont. F°R. SALE. A blacksmith slam and dwelling aod 4 acre of land in the village of Wineheisea. A good opportunity for any person wishing to procure, a good backsmitle business told two sett or tools Also good briek house eontaining rooms, A frame kitchen with three rooms, also a wood shed and simmer kitehen. God suable and hog pen. For further marimbas apply to Rierreansoer & „EASON Winelenes, Ont, 8tote floaciquarterb For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonle Stomach and Liver Pills Irou Blood Pills • Liver and Kidney l',111 Kidney Mixt lig P Sciatica Retnt'dy • Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Di rrbo a Mix - Lure • Olailblaio Lotion. Try any :of these preparations and you will he astonished at their n, under - fol healing and curing properties. A' Full line of Patent Medicines on band. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS ANO SUPPLIES IN. BROWNING - Dominion, •Labor Pianos and Or ans. At popular prices. and easy terms of payment. We sell the celebrated Heintz man & Co. Pianos, (the Art Pianos of Canada.) The choice of Royalty for their tour cf Can- ada.. If you •want something cheap- er we can show you pianos of other makes 'uhich will he no dis grace to the most elegant parlor,, In sewing machines we carry the New Williams, B.aymond and White, also needles and • supplies for all machines. The latest sheet music alw,ays in stock. Ca.11 and see.. S. MARTIN Exer MI [Ole illleiltr IF You YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm, .1Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrow. or Lend Money, Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon- try, by the Allan, Line, ON THE UNDERSIGNED, JOHN .SPACK194.40 Office over E. Spackman's Hardware Exeter. . ea, Cash paid for Raw Furs. FARM FOR SALE. Being; composed of lot 20,S. T. A , Usborne, containing 100 acres, and lot Si 2.3. can. 3, Un - borne. On lot 20 there is erected it first class; brick dwelling, kitchen and woodshed com- plete ; bank barns, L-shaped, 35x85 and 35x50 finished up to date for horses, cattle and hogs with power .vvincl mill, crusher, nuiper, and &water process complete; cement silo attached; also drive and implement house.This is a first ()lass property, 'in a high state of culti- vation, well fenced and watered., and plough- ing done, within one and a half miles of the town of Exeter, one mile from school. Lot 231s also in a high state of cultivation, woll watered, 25 acres under grass, and well suited for either farming or grangt and avid be sold separately or togetherto stut purchaser. If not sold privately on or before the 1st. Feby., 1902, it crab° sold by nubile auction on the 141h Feby. For terms and particulars eerily on the premises to J. S. Harvey. Exeter, Is. 0. or to Thomas Cameron, auct Fattruhar. A ca OD 11VVI `6TM Fansores talcie hie* and dwelling, in Exeter, for sale. The brick blook is well situated, on Main street, is 70x65 feet, three storeys, and contains four stores, offices and heath, all leased. This is tho best business stand in tOwn. The dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains10 rooms, is admirably adapted for 'a boarding house. The property must be disposed of. Tema easy, apply to R. L. Fanson. Exeter, Ont. oba,..rometoammtra CUT THIS MIT and send it te Us with 6 'cent.% in sliver and you will gabs, return man a GOLDION BOX OF GOODS that will bring eon in Mom; Moiler In one 'month than anethieg else Amerida. •A. W. lInt•niv, If. T. ' 6 Yarrnouta, N, 5 Pack Q of Cards Pree. one p,01.,, "May L O U. I-lome," Ono Pa-, "Escort" One pack, "Flirtation". One Pack, ntionnto lights One Pack, "Oar Sofa Just fields Two.' Semple 'gel other styles, vita hook full of notious. Send &silver for leatege, W. =NISI% E, T, _ • Yarreciuth, N . . "l/ YOifeos mean take Ortpkfaatnitte If you, want to ?eel fine take Ortp4aatnt have been tieing Gr/po. intone 4untftfldU dia n ntectletnOi" d *g 104 Otr,