Exeter Times, 1902-2-6, Page 4M�is�ns.E14ti.k ABTEBBet BY PELT, Plee skithee CaPfial ' 1246"14 ef et-% e 2,050,000 geed 044100,144eltreal, ZAME$ ELLIOT, Este, Cleeneeee Meneoze 14044' Advancet to. goad furore on their: teern note with. One Or mere eederser at 7 Per atInt.Per rheum% Exeter Branch " Open eVery lawfal day from 10 a. en. to 3p.M SATORDAYe, Ea. m P. In.. wort retes of interest allowed on doesits. OXIOIKSON $; 0.44Lalolgtts.N. 3). HITEDON, MANAGNR nate, Do. nee "e5, Calendar tier FebrilarY1 1902 8um, 2 9 18 23 Mreeneav ,. 8 10 17 24 TUESDAY • ,. • e 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 0 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 ill,rfliElNE1SDAY • • . Ii5suBsere.Y, „. , . geeTneetrA*... THURSDAY, FEBRITARYOTB, 1902 NOTES AND COMMENTS, The convention called by the Tem- perance Aseociation of Oxford county wars held. on Feb. lst, and passed reso- lutions calling on the Ontario Goverra- runt to pees a prohibitory law; also one disapproving a the referendum Offered by Premier Ross. * o If compulsory voting were ever war- ranted by any situation, it would be la such a ease as where a Prohibition few were being submitted to the peo- fele. If such a law were passed with- ont public opinion being behind it, it Weald be a failure, and unless people will vote their attitude can only be gnessed at. o w Dr. Bryce, in his report on smallpox during January. states that over 690 eases occurred during the month, dis- tributed all over the province. The thief counties affected, with the num- ber of centres and cases in each; are: "Cent, five centres, 214 cases; Carleton, ere centres, 120 cases; Stormont and fatengarry, six centres, 49 cases, Pres- cott and Rowel. seven centres. 48 ems; Huron, five centres. 33 cases. • * The Conservative members of the ragislature will tender to J. P. Whit - any a banquet, to be held in Toronto cat Thursday, the 18th inst. Mr. Whitney has accepted the compliment. •Thefunction will be an important one. Mile executive committee of the Con- anrvative Association for Criteria. to- gether with the presidents...end spere- &tries of all the local aesociations, com- prising the provincial association, and the representatives of Toronto in the Elominion House have received invitee times to meet Mr. Whitney as guests. is expected that about 400 guescs will attendee_ • * Premier Ross went to England last tonnmer and was absent some two months on pleasure. For the expenses of this trip he took $1,848.17 out of the public taeasury. It would cost no More to go round the world. But to call any comment on this bill of ex- eMpense "outrageous" let us make one comparison. Mr. Ross' Minister of Itducatien, Mr. Harcourt, reports that ebe average salary of female teachers IfI the schools of Ontario is $251. Thus, it would take the full average salary of a school teaeher for seven and one half years to pay the expense account oiPremier Ross fee two 'months ;bighted. This is doing fairly well for apolitician who used to deny the right otthe late Sir John Macdonald to charge "cab hire.' • • The provincial auction sales of live stpck will be held at Ottawa. on Feb. a and at Goelph on Feb. 20. A large number of entries have been made, thets number considerably in excess of what will be required. As a result olely those animals will be accepted tiliet are in every way the best. Peo- Wevishing to purchase stock can de- nd upon having an opportunity of etposing from stock of individual merit and good breeding. A large getninher of the most prominent breed- eof the province have offered stock sale. The animals to be sold at wt include Shorthorns, Ayrshires, Irshires and Tamworths; at Guelph there will be only representatives of the. beef breeds and. swine. Reduced railway rates will be granted on all railevays. 111116N, IIPPIEfkfill s 811 UK Nowa at Interest to Times Readers flapoonino in'ttio8c 6OIllit1O8 Perth Miss Bella Fell,, of Steele, has secur- ed a eelmel in Parry Sound, The natural gas test well at St, Marys is nearly 4,200 feet, and. he gas. Mr. T. C. Itord has disposed qt his book and etationery business in Mit- chell to his brother, Mr. W. Hord. Cook Bros., of Hensall, who own the electric light plant at Lucan, have installed a new and more powerful engine at the latter place. If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Pills, Dyspepsia makes yoa nervous, and nervousness makes you dyspeptic; either one ren- ders you miserable, and these little Pills cure both. Clara Swayee, aged 21 years, a do- mestic residing in London, was struck bv a L, E, and A R. R. train Sunday night at the corner of Maitland street, and so severely injured that she suc- cumbed at 4 o'clock Monday morning at the Victoria Hospital. Miss Swayze alighted from a street ear. Shewas proceeding north on Maitland street, and, not being able to see clearly for the driving snow, walked directly 'in front of the engem pulling the 10.30 train from St. Thomas. She was knocked down and her right arta and leg severed. Middlesex Mr. C. Sprowl has purchased the business of W. J. Sprowl, Luca,n, and has taken possession. George Stogclill, of Seaforth, met with a painful a ccident at the furni- ture factory on Monday morning. Mr. Larophier Sr. of the Swamp Line died on Monday at the advanced age of 84. He was one of the pioneers of diddulph and was held in high esteem by his friends and neighbors, Ha-vey Sampson, a, young man from Parkhill, was killed by a falling tree near Adanisville almost instantly on Saturday last. He leaves a widow, and was married only three weeks ago. The Hugh Cunningham farm, lot 4, concession 8, and north half lot 4, on - cession 9, Grey. has been sold to James Liudsay, of the same township. The farm contains 155 acres and the price paid was $9,000. Palpitation of the heart, nervous- ness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, path in the back, and other forms of weakness are re- lieved • by Carter's Iron Pills, made speeielly frNr thP 11:1n0(3., nerve e and amplexion. A. quiet wedding took place on Thurs- day evening last, a. the resi deface of J. W. Williams, Toronto, when Miss Annie Gox don. of that city, daughter of Mr: 'Peter Gnrdon, of Ailsa Craig, was united in marriage to R: J. Rob- inson, of Golden, B.O. Huron D. Johnston, of the G. T. R. station, Goderich, has been appointed station agent at Mahon. T. A. Mills, of Winglaarn, has sold his general store business to a cone- pany, which is under the manage- ment of C. M. Newans, of London. Mr. Joseph Bulger has sold his farm, on the 2nd con. McKillbp, to his neigh- bor, Mr. Thomas McQuade. The farm contains 60 acres, and the price paid was 3,365. Charles Garness has purchased Thomas Proctor's farm, on the 3rd line of Motile, and will leave Bluevale to take possession in _March, The price paid was $4,000. Miss Straughen, who has been as- sistant postmaster at Blyth for the past two years, is resigning her posit- ion this vveck, to become the wife of a popular young HIS.D. Mr. Alex. Elder retired from the firm of Aederson & Elder, Blyth, last week, aed intends to take a well earn- ed holiday, as he has been in business for about thirty years. Gibson Bro. McGillivray intend to raise their barn next summer and put a concrete foundation under it Mr. Wm. Glendenning is also preparing to put a stone wall under his barn. All cases of weak or lame back, backache, rheumatism. will find re- lief by vvearing one of Carter's Smart Weed & Belladonna Backache Phis- tere. Price 25 cents. Try them. Ol a a a A very pretty wedding took place t Mr. David Duncan's, Usborne, on hursday of last week. when Mise elite McLean, sister of Mrs. Duncan, W as married to Mr. Arthur Coady, of sha,wa,. The supplementary meeting of the South Huron Farmer's Inetitute will be held at Bayfield, on Saturday, Feb, 8th eae, Zurich, on Monday, Feb. 101.1,, ant Oreditou on the following day, Tuesday. ' Walter Clark has purchased half of the brick block at the corner Oredi- ton, and purposes starting lausiness in the stand now occupied by E. Foist Other changes are on the tapis to be announeed later. Mr. Sohn E. Sweats has disposed of the Kebt Block in Winghare Mr. A. Dulmage. The price paid was in the ieigh horbood of $3,000. It is Mr, iultnage's intention to rent the rooms George, A.. Mtutdsoe, !wailer of Mrs Wed. i'ushellierg, of 4t)g•:i jilDd ative of Herbert, died In aweon lily, on December 21tii from typheld evert Deceased reeeive'd his etlueatloo. t the Mitchell high school. The annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterian Wornen's Foreign Al iStilen ,y 19 ie in t, Ate rew hurch. Blyth, on Tuesday of last judge Barron gave judgment on the ,T b Jan. in the action brought by Fred ' vis, ex -mayor, of Mitchell. to unseat. WW1 Campbell, urayor, and Coune, 1 a S. Re Stua,rt, John Blowes, and a Hord, of the same place. The • et tioa of the first named defendants ia ealared illegal on the grounds of thnterest which was proven they leeiek in the litigation resulting in the q1,113.ehing of the by law for the closing ti . of Rowlattd street, Mitchell. Coun- d not appear to reach him, showing *i Hord is sustained cor , as the evideoce hie connectioa with the question. The judgment does not disquahly the un- eikated members from further canal- dieey for the same of6.ce., As a result ot the law suit in the recent in uuieipal election. Alessi's. E. F. Davis, W, .1. tevy and W. R. Davis,. members of the public school board, have reigned 1 beeing to the fact that they furnished attpplies to the stelae!. It is said that certale members of the high school hoard will also be asked to resigp. ipstairs to lodgers. a, Worms affect a child's health too serlouslY element. Semelinies thee cats° eonvulsions cl death It You nusbeet thein to be prssent ve Di, LOW masglit W0101 SyrUfor -which treye the werine without, iteuriee the child. Ice Mo. TO Tekel 4Irvi, IS refired the money if it fails to cure, week; The differeet reports read Weee ighTv eatisfac tory. The contributiotis OPE A C0I1DXNONJi DA -Y fleet' all sourcee this year amounted to fee Bretne Quinine 'Pablo's. All $1,759.50, a, small inceeeSe over the WO'S maturt le on OaCh box. ele eon tri betione jabj year. • verertlarest *Finp,..er A. happy event took place at the The breath et the pleats the Wesel) of life to Wingbam ReetOry, On Wedueeday the esP.S'Ul'aPtiv9. NorwaAt SYr011 to 11 OTeX1111g Of Wit week, when ,iViiss Bella IgitealittayriariggiTIATIrtligAglgia°hM lAcOurdy of that town was Milted in troubles,' whieb, it not attended to, load to con. marriage to George Tervit, jr., of Kin- °notion. eardine, formerly Of Winghaue. Urs, a Gilbert, McGillyray, who bas beeii very ill, is now getting better, While working at the shaper his band slipped and came in contact with the result that the tops of three of the fingers on his right hand were taken off. Mr; joint Ward has disposed of his residence on Victoria square,Seaforth, to Mrs. Nelson of Hrucefield, The price paid was 4,275. Mrs. Nelson in- tends going: to Seaforth to reside. While Mr. Ward goes to Manitoba to live, The Huron County Council made a grant of $1000 towards the proposed hospital at Goderich. The council also granted right of way over the bridge Manning the Maitland River to the Huron. Bruce and Middlesex Electric, Railway, One by one the elder settlers -of Wroxeter are passing away, On Fri- day, ocoured the death of Mrs. George Nicholson, after a long and painful ill- ness, caused by inflammatory therana- tisin. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson moved from the farnto the village about two years ago, Mr. Nicholas Hartung, of the Baby- lon line, Hay, succumbed to Wood poisoning,on Thursday evening last, the 24th inst., reaching the age of about 54 years. The deceased was a resident of this township for many years. He leaves a widow and a fam- ily of Several sone and daughters, eear- ly all grown up. On Sunday, January 191.h, death claimed another victim, in the person of John Maloney, of McKillop. For nearly four months deceased had been a severe sufferer from stomach trouble which was 'the ultimate cause of his death. Mr. Maloney was born in Tip- perary, Ireland, about 68 years ago, and emigrated to this coontry while still a youth. Charles tearniss, of Bluevale, has bought Mr Thomas Proctor's farm, on the 3rd line of Morris, for $4,500 ; the ferm is a, good one and should be cheap at that. Then Thomas Proctor has bought Thos. Scandrett's farm, containing 50 acres, just south of Be]. grave, for $3,700, and Thos. Scandrett has bought James Owen's farm adjoin- ing Belgrave, containing 100 acres, for $3.900. Sudden indeed was the call which . came to yrs. F. C. Rozers, of Brussels, on Tuesday morning of last Week: It appears she had arisen in her usual health and after dressuag was going for a pitcher of water, when without a moments warning, she fell suddenly forward and expired. Deceased was 73 years ot age and had been a well- known and very esteemed resident of Brussels for 25 years, and conducted her millinery store up to the time of her death. John Oesele who died last week was one of the earliest settlers of Hay Township, his parents being the first settlers on the Bronson line. Mr. Oesch was born in WaterlooCounty on the 51h of March, 1828, and moved to Hay in the spring of 1849. On the 181.h day of February, 1855, he was united in marriage toBarbara Gascho, who died ou the lath dayof Novem- ber, 1875. A faniily of nine children, two sons and seven daughters were born to therm, all of win= are living Mrs. Kiblenof Bratnpton,a former esteemed resident of Zurich, died last week. Her death took place on Sa- turday evening, the 25th ult., at the family residence, Brampton, at the age of 43 years, 2 months and 20 days. The deceased was daughter of the late Absolom Fried, founder of Dash- wood (Friedsburg) and is survived by husband, five sons, three daughters, three brothers and lour sisters, to mourn her early demise. For . the past four years her life has been one of sickness more or less severe, which she bore with Christian fortitude and patience. Her remains were interred in the Bronsori line cemetery. 1 -7Th YOUR. FAITH vn" e as strong as ours if you try hil Consumption Cur e agnuadranufescu i: csort orrefundronYN money, and we send you free trial bottle it you write for it. SHILOH'S costs 25 cents and will cure Con- sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all nun Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and taus prevent serious results. n has been doing these things for 50 years. S. C. War..r.s & Co., Toronto, Can. Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects the Stomach. „ London, Huron and Brucc. Corsa NoRTH— •------'— Passenger. London, depart 8.15 A, iti. 4 40. zi. Ventralin ..... .... 9,1 5.50 Rioter 9C 6. Hensel .......... 9,14 6.105 • Kippen a oxolVtvict.titrisi:014117:IiittriE.s.dr:113.4a;rret.: .. ... .. 1081:7;0 A .pAa.z ,' s 686386:.!(t55epr . 31 . Bruoefield Clinton Itjjaaregeld 1.4r 4,25 Began8 06 4.49 Exeter . . ......... 88.I5125 564..051027 fr:omnit,iroarll.satrive... 89.4746 5.25 6.12 Used in $ Renard's I ellow Oil -mares Sore throe, .oarsetio.•-, QuifISY, Pain itt the Oh-. Olv,U11, 14(1 Used externally cures then rinvi,on. smo Johlts. Contracted Cords, Sprains, swain-, Itnrnt,Scoldg. Cuts and Bites, of Insects. Dizzy? Then your liver isn't actin well. You suffer from bilious- ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. maitio.t, Want your monstaehe or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then nee BU 5 CK1NGHAM S DYEtfirlitsitrs ER ty$.� tindwa. 0, R. R. HALL. A dOofOAKIH. H• eitAnnEet Ar TWEED. nailWay Traille Completely Isloolted by tlu . Ottawa, Feb. 4.—The blizzard which raged all day Sunday and up to a late hour yesterday morning title completely blocked railway tra- fdc. The 0.P.R. train which left Toronto at 10 o'clock Sunday night lead,not arrived late last night, and It is reported to be somewhere be- tween Tweed and Peterboro. The 0.P.11. train which left Ottawa at 11. o'clocic Sunday night. is stalled at Tweed. On board is Hon, J. I. Tarte, 'who is on his way to atteud the launchent of the new steamer Montreal at the Bertram shipyards and the banquet fixed for last even- ing. The Canada, Atlantic, which pulled, out froil Montreal at four o'clock Sunclay aftereoon for Ottawa only reached here at 7.80 yesterday morning-. It should have got here at 10 o'clock Sunday right. Two Trains Wracked. • St, Thonias, Feb. 4.—The storm played havoc with railway traffic on all thn lines -entering the city, including the M.0.11. and Wabash, C.P.R. and L. E. & D.R.R. No. 1 Michigan Central, due here at yesterd4 morning, ran oft the track owing to it broken rail at Spring- field. at noon; and although • both engines and the entire train left the track no ene Was injured, The en- gine of the passenger train on the L.E. & due here at 1 p.m., jumped the track within a mile of the city, and at 4 p.m. a train had to go out and bring in the' passen- gers. NOVEL TEMPERANCE WORK. , Gin. Booth Expects to Have Co -Operation Of .aloonista Itt • leendoe, Feb.. 4.-4t it mass meet.- ing- held :in Exeter Hall last night, General Beall, the leader of the Salvation Army, inaugurated aspe- cial temperance campaign, as a fea- ture of the work of the Salvation Army during the present year. Gen- eral Booth said he relied confidently. upon the co-operation of saloon keepers in the ,work, through their indicating habitual drunkards, inso- much as the supplying 'of habitual drunkards with liquor endangered the publican's license, and that he intended to complete a drunkards' directory in each town and. fellow the habitual drunkards home and re- form them there. GOOD REALM 18 Lt4POSS1nLII Without regul r action of the lv.wels. L-xtt- Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cure cons-tipu. tion, dysnepsta, bilionsness, sick hentinene, and all a,troctions oi the. organs of dig .stion. Price 25 re•tts. Ati druggists. Mrs. (Rev.) Down returned to her home in Caenborne, on Satardey last after a pleasant visit of tt tooptili with her parents, Mr. and Airs. U. Tom, ungs 41 .n4L "An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said 1 bad consumption. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly." A. K. Randles, Nokomis, III. You forgot to buy a bot- tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing; it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Three sizes: 25c, enouch for an ordinary cold; 50e.,just right for -bronchitis, hoarse. nese, hard colds, etc.; $1, most economical for chronic cases and to 'keep on hand. C. ATER 00., Lowell, Mass. 1.A FREE PATTERN 1 scriber. Only 50 cents a year. (your own Su selection) to every b- Mes CALLS MA tINL A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A. gem; beautiful calmed pintas; latest fashions; dressmaking ecoriontter ;fangs, work ;•household hints'; fiction, eto,, Sub- scribe to -day, or, send se. for latest copy. Lady agents Wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, tip -to - date, EConomical and Absolutely PerfecttPittIng Paper Patterns.. Ms CALL BAZARo AliffERNS All Seams Allowed and Perforations show the BOMB and Sewing Lines. Only to end 15 cents eath—none higher, 'Aek for them, Sold in nearly °Very city and town,'or by mail from THE MoCALL CO., 113-115417 West 31st St, NEW Yeke, ADVERT1SLP IN T}I1 TIM IT PAYS ohildre/1 ea tor Mart of Me City or Waterbury, noun,* "tamest Entirely Wiped out-eosit Over 86,000,00. Waterbury, Opnn., Feb, d,— The City of eVateebnry stends devastated by fire. T110 IOSS, fICCOrdIllg to the estimates oe the most conedrvative bueiness and insurance men, will run I between $4,000,000 and $0,000,000, With all this' property loss there lia,$ been, strange qo say, no loss ot life end but few eepieleuts have beet e'e' eorded. The city's heart, teeing in a tri, augle, bounded oil the • north by Exchange place, nu the west by Bank street, on the south by'Grand street, a,nd on the east by South Main, has nearly beewiped .out. The first fire, which begae. about 6.20 Sunday night in the big store of the Reid & Hughes Dry Goods' Company on Bank ..-street, was not considered under control until about $8,000„000 worth of 1)ropert3r had been destroyed. About the time the firemen supposed they had the first fire under control a disastrous fire broke out in another quarter of the city near the City Hall and the Po- lic e Startionn Tho fire iits entirety burned over four acres of the city's choicest bu- siness section. Anaong the promin- ent buildings totally destroyed are the block occupied by the Reid er. nughes Dry Goods Company, the entire plant of the Waterbury Am- erican, the Masonie Temple; the two leading hotels of the city, the Sco- vil and Franklin Houses,. the cloth- ing Stores of J ones, Morgan & Com- pany, and J. B. Mullings, the Ham - son -Seltzer Furnitive Company, the New England Engineering Company. the Sapaline-Hoffman Company, the W. L. Douglas Shoe Company, an -& -&• Pitzmaurise, the, Johnson Block, occupied by Cannon & Webs- • ter, Perschels Turkish Bath and the Salvation Army. Workingman's Home, Jean Jacques' $40,000 block on Grand street, the Best Fur- niture Company, and scores of oth- ers. In all about 100 houses 'are burned out. The property loss may be estimated at between $2,000,000 to $2,500,000, and the loss on. stock, etc., at as much more. H. Derwin, a well-known profes- sional hall player, a member of Pro- tection Hose Company, was found partly frozen. on the roof of a block ndjoeing Conlon's departmen- tal store. He is unconscious and his condition is serious. slontte Embarras,:etl. , New York, Feb. 4.—It is estimat- ed that the fire at Waterbury, Conn.,, will cost the leading insurance com- panies of this city about $1,500,000. Practically every company of im- portance is affected, and some are embarrassed by reason of the fact that they had records in buildings that were destroyed by fire. UXBRITIQE FIRE SWEPT. • The Henry Block Entirely Destroyed Monday Morning Early, Uxbridge, Ont., Feb. 4.—The build- ing known as the Henry blocleown- ed by N. Garland of Toronto, and occupied by C. S. Botsford, as a general store, was completely ' des- troyed. by fire yesterday morning. A blinding snowstorm, which has been raging for the past 24 hours, prov- ed of no little service in saving the adjoining buildings. Botsford's stock, valued at "about twelve thousand dollars, is a total loss, partly covered by insurance. Other losers by the fire are Moore . & Smith, agents of the Massey - Rallis Co., and T. T. Thomson, dea- ler in farm machinery, The Browns, Combe Co., McGuire & Low, and J. A. Bichexcls had their plata glass windows broken by heat. The Bell Telephone Co., the Postoffice and M. 11. Crosby are also losers, by reason of removal. vox; SIDNICIPAL REFERENDUM. Chicago League Secures One-Eourth of Voters of Cook County. Chicago, 'Feb. 4.—The Referendum League hab won its first big victory. Itt all likelihood the following ques- tionwill be. submitted to a vote of the peeple. at 'the spring election: "For ownership by the city of all street railways within the corporate limits. • "For ownership by the city of the gas and electric lighting plants, said plants to furnish' light, heat and power for public and private use. "For the nomination of all candi- dates for city offices by direct vote of the voters at primary elections to he held for that purpose." Borne alof t on a plank and draped about with flags, the. great. Referen- dum Leagete petition was carried into the office of the Elections Commis- sioners just 25 minutes before the hour of midnight 5aturday-25 min- utes before the time for filing for the spring election expired. ' • , It took sevenneen to carry the pe- tition up the stairt of the City Hall. With the petition came a dec1are- 1 tion that it eontained over 100,000 1 names, more than the required one-: fourth of the registered veto cif Cook County, I'm bulk 1 he referendum doe-. tenant is half as high as a man. It is bound round with stout ropes and. now reposes in a. vault in the offices of the commissioners, Prohibition En Perth ' Stratford, Feb. 4.—A prohibition convention was held bore yesterday.. Oxi account of the heavy snowstorm the attendance was, conseotiently, small, It was decided to forut a branch of the Dominion Alliance for North Perth, and committees to no- minate officers, etc., were appoint - Last night a public meeting was held in the City Hall. Yell Party reet. Pickering, Orit., Feb, Oliver Crevier, it Frenchman from Mont4 real, fell about forty feet, from the new temporary bridge on the Grand Trunk yesterday afternoon. Ire sus- tained seVcre injuries about the head. "a"t1iattaertiAriettra•tatt "ta ri • \\\\,„..NN - What is age\ Castoria is for Infants and, Children., Castoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, DroPs and Soothing Syrups, It contains neither Opimn, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions or Mothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures 3Diarrhoaa and.Wind Colic. CaStorla relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, Castoria assimilates .the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels ofiltdants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend, Castoria, e0astoria is nit excellent medicine fo. children.' Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." . Dit. G, C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass, Castoria. ot Castoria Is so well adopted to children that 1 recommend it as soperior to any pre- scription known to me," , H. A. AliCHSR,14. D. Brook.lyn, N, THE FAC -.!SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMPANY., TT MURRAY =RECT. NEW YORK CITY. '4"WFBMWDIFIMAWEA...7tHIWPrEtV!..75KOI117,17,1W., eget etraee.- eeee alruarnowasaa. • Plitherl and hues LnfirrE ARE PREPARED TO PUROHASe JLM THER TIM ER 9 BITtlElt STANDING OR IN THF LOGS, Apply te E. O. Kessei9 FOREMAN, EXETER, ()NT. THE PAIN OF SORE FEET. ••••••=44M CR E 01[2.1911 oiler iUs We are giving excellent sai tisfaction. in flour Einep,.re- mod ellin gr• our mill Seft Wood Wanted. Gristinu anti Choppillu DOH Front!". H. WEITZEL Just about the most tantalizing of all pains come from sore feet, To get relief bathe the feet in warm water and then rub them with Poison's Nen. viline, It penetrates through the pores of the skin, takes out the sore - nese, reduces swellings, invigorates lation, and prevents the feet from be - the tired muscles, tones up the circu- u ers coming sore again. Nerviline is a pro- tection and safe -guard against the pains and aches or the entire family. and cures rheumatism. neuralgia, toothache, Sze. 25 cents. It has Saved Thousands From the Grave. Paine's Celery Compound The Great Disease Banieher is Now Recommended by Able Physi- cians and its Virtues Ex- tolled by Prominent Clergymen. Siekly children; weary women, and tired, brokendown men find in Paine's :ielery Compound health, strength and happiness. For all the diseases which,are really the result of weaken- ed nerves, such as dyspepsia, head- ache, sleeplessness, rheumatism and kidney and liver troubles, Paine's Celery Compound is the only remedy that absolutely cures. It has done more good for humanity than any other medical discovery of the past fifty years, and well deserves the hearty and grateful praise of the thousands whom it has snatched from ehe•jaws of death, Rev. John S. Michaud, Bishop ot Burlington, Nt., one of the most pro- .d'iinent priests of the Roman Catholic Church in America, writes as follows I I have been asked. why I recom- mend Paine's Celery Compound, and I desire to put OD record frankly my reasoils for this indorsement, hopieg that •iny words may inspire those lenders who need health and strength with faith to try Paline's Celery. Com- pound and prove to thernselves its "..°1At,th: " the Fanny Allen Hoepital, an lustitution in -which I am deeply in- terested, Paine's Celery Compound has betel used suctessfully. The SIS- IATS of Mercy at Mount se. Marys Academy on Mayfield Ave., rely upon. Paine's Celery Compound as a tonic and strengthenet. In my Own house- hoid ope Of 'the doinesties has taken Paine's Celery Compound for liver ecoiable of long staigliug, and eays, -It has dote • mole good than any other medicine." Several priests have .,poken to me in praise of this remedy, and I believe it, has the confidence of iny associates. Even did I not know twin persenal obeervation of the worth of Paine's Celei()u y nwound, I should feel like patieing ti.lot. the siutplo reasou that it is pi eptued by the Wells & Ricbarclson 00., a iirua Nthoee merithexe I have Lnown foe Nearlya quarter of ft century., aud to whom 1 beve peefece confidence." Dr' tish Troop Oil Liniment is witholit exnop thin the itita eifeetive remedy err Cutv, eVoiindfetraOpee107al e•pli,stag:ftroota, 410beoeto Cutters! Do -you Want &Cutter?, We have the Aped.' stock in town:. All the latest styles, in the newest colors. Our prices are low as can be found for first-class material and workman, - ship. BEFORE YOU BUY ' 011 1,1_. ft N Co 6EE - iJ usseii Two Doors South Tow n Hall. ,FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS, A Avlarrti A .4e4trt Tx, rtt A •fii./ 1111A VT" J' A NT (NG S A C flC3 -1.Ve e%aell lo, T' tJ'ea Ili e a- once. 0.11.:.;`4 S, Thc, Ilettniontible Manager dotegriof must be unquesti(,nable) to take charge Ili distribution depot and office to bo oDened Id ()anode. to further business interests of 1itt o established mannfacrurinis concern. SnIars' 5160 per mon t h ti,td extra profits , A .pplictue.t. must have Sitio lit2000 cash anti good st ing. Address, sept, b% 0. Box 1151, Pldladel phia, Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE"' TRADE MARKS _ DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. , • Anyone sending a stretch and description mng tauckly ascertain OUP ()pillion free ,whether an invention la probably patentable. Cettantinien- Hogs strietlY oehlidential. Handbook on Patente, sent free. °mere aeoiree err seenting,patents. Patents taket through Munn Se ce. rscswe specfainetiml, notthOut charge, in the ScieutifiC A haudsonseTy illustrated weekly, rereest oulatiOn of any sciantido Ionrnal. TOMS', $8 a air I fear mottle, $1. Sold by rim neesdatiets. UNN & CO 3810roadway, New 'fork ur.,th office, '425 steivatairezto, le.