Clinton News Record, 1981-05-21, Page 15a) central huron chronicle This week at CHS CLINTON NEVirSeRR.CORD, THURSDAY„ MAY 21,1$1 NAV 0' secondary school news Track team excels by Phil Cornish CHSS track and field athletes continued to excel at the Huron -Perth meet at Robert's. School in London. Several Central Huron com- petitors will advance to WOSSA to J. W. Little Memorial Stadium this week. In the,midget category Scott illar of Central Huron advanced in three events. Scott won javelin with a throw of 39.35 metres. Finishing second in the shoi put and discus, he threw 13:03 and 42.82 metres respectively. Lori Souch finished the 1,500 metre race in 5:19.6 to place third. Lori won the 3,000 metre run with a time of 11:52.2. Steve ,,Corbett had two third place finished in the junior category. In the 110 metre hurdles Steve timed 18.4 seconds. His time in the 400 metre race was 54.6 seconds. Rick Scrimegeor jumped 1.75 .metres to place second in high jump. Karen Souch was third in the 3,000 metres with a time of 12:01.4. In the senior category Cen- tral Huron also had some ex- cellent results. Ray Taylor leaped 1.79 metres to place third in high jump. Brenda Millar continued her domination of shot putin winning with a toss of 9.89 metres. Brenda Dupee continued to excel in her events. Brenda was victorious in two events and finished se- cond in another. In the 800 metre event she ran 2:33.0 to place second. The 1,500 metre race fell to Brenda as she completed it in 5:19.0. In the 3,000 metre race Brenda won handily with a clocking NFBCdFE INSTANT COFFEE 4110 oz JAR STOUFFERS-3 VARIETIES MEAT PIES FROZEN 10 oz. PKG.129 of 11:55.0. With a total of 28 points in her events Brenda tied for the Senior Girls; in- dividual champions. Congratulations to ° all of these athletes in their perfor- mances and also to the others who did not place as well. All of the previously mentioned track and field athletes now go on to WOSSA in London May 20-21. Our puzzles your headache Bill spent two -elevenths of his pay cheque on food and twice that much on clothes. Bill then had $150 left. How much was his pay cheque? ( Answer to come) Last week's answer Twelve. NESCAFE DECAFFEINATED Upon returning from the long weekend, students were treated to an assembly early Tuesday morning. The five Formal Queen candidates, Val Lobb, Gayle Horton, Judy Carter, Marianne Mommersteeg and Shelley Colquhoun all gave speeches on how active they were in school, future plans, etc. Voting for Formal Queen took place yesterday, but results were not made public: +,+ + The Formal takes place this Saturday evening, May 23. The band is Summer Rain. Tickets are $12.50 a couple, so come out and en- joy the 1981 Formal. +++ For those of you who don't have a date to the Formal but would like to go, there's the all-new CHSS dating ser- vice. Just fill in a card and they'll match you up. with so- meone. +++ The Mitchell soccer teams travelled to Clinton to play our Redmen on Tuesday. Mitchell beat our senior team 2°O while our juniors were victorious 1-0. +++ Yesterday English 550 students received a. film in periods 14 while English 440s got the afternoon off to see their film. +++ The WOSSA track and field meet was held yester- day in London at J. W. Little Memorial Stadium. Some events will take place today (Thursday) as well. +++ Today (Thursday) is the day of the big Roll-a-thon to raise money for students' council. Skating takes place from 1-4 p.m. at the Clinton Arena. +++ Huron -Perth soccer playoffs take place today. Competitors and places were not available at deadline. +++ Tomorrow a canoe safety awareness program will be taught to some phys-ed classes. +++ Don't forget the fourth and , final edition of the CHS' Chronicle will be given away May 28. Amazing facts Between midnight and 8 a.m. any day, it is cheaper to call New York City (27 cents for one minute) than Blyth (30 cents for one minute) from telephones in Clinton. Smile Two 4-11 member received provincial honor certificates last week at the Achievement Day held in Brimfield for completing 12 projects. Left Is Connie Evans of Clinton and on the right is Kathy Finlayfon of Kippen. (James Fitzgerald photo) Sign on a funeral parlor: "Pay now go later-." +++ The only way anyone can be sure of bringing home money from the track is to pick pockets rather than horses. INSTANT COFFEE 8JAR oz. its 39 FOR AN INSTANT CHOC. DRINK NESTLES QUIK wzE :2.49 ENCORE INSTANT COFFEE 8 oz. JAR '4.89 FREEZE DRIED OR DECAFFEINATED TASTERS CHOICE 9INSTANT . oz. $5. JAR• ZEHRS FANCY NESTER REGULAR OR TROPICAL BLEND CAMPBELLS SOUP CREAM OF MUSHROOM 10 FL %s1 DIMPFLMEIR CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE EGGS DOZEN APPLE STRUDEL 12 OZ. SIZE PEPSI COLA DIET PEPSI OR MOUNTAIN. DEW 750 ml. BOTTLE ICED TEA MIX 2S4IZozE. $2 99, TOMATO JUICE 89° 48 11. oz. TIN GREEN GIANT LAUNDRY DETERGENT HALF PRICE! OUR REG. 1.65 ZEHRS PLAIN OR SALTED SODA SUNLIGHT CRACKERS LITBOX6 1,69450. 99f FANCY KERNEL CORN, CREAM STYLE CORN GIANT PEAS, SUMMER SWEET PEAS, OR KITCHEN SLICED GREEN OR WAX BEANS 12 li. oz. or 14 /I, oz. TINS ?/89° ZEHRS CHEESE MILD, MEDIUM OR 'OLD CHEDDAR OR OLD NIPPY PROCESS ., '2.59 3 VARIETIES 450 g DARE BISCUITS _ _ 4 FRWT ERS DRUNK FLAVOURS 22 0=. WYLCRYSTALS��.89 BEEF. IRISH OR TURKEY -CHICKEN 4LARK STEWS24 °Z..'1.59 PRODUCT OF CANADA CANADA NO. 1 GRADE SCOTTIES -4 COLOURS VELVET CAKE & PASTRY FLOUR FACIAL TISSUES ROBIN HOOD 9s 3654° X3.59 CLUB HOUSE MANZANILLA OLIVES 250 ml. 125 PURINA PROTEIN PLUS DOG FOOD 2 Kg. '2.39 ALL FOR DISHWASHERS DETERGENT 1.4 K9. '2.99 KOTEX REG. OR DEODORANT LIGHT DAYS 3" 199. FLEX CONDITIONER OR SHAMPOO_ _ _ 4so m�.2. S79 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED BAN ROLL-ON 5o NEILSON SMALL CCURD-2•/. HEE COTTAGE SES '1.19 FRESH ASPARAGUS PRODUCT OF U.R.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE BLUEWATER BOSTON BLUE FISH FRIES FROZEN 990 8 oz. PKG. BLUEWATER MINCED COD FISH IL CHIPS F71.7 99° Hensall may get tractor Hensall council discussed the purchase of a new small tractor at their May meeting Works superintendent Don Towton reported the tractor is needed primarily for snow removal, and would be used to plow snow from, sidewalks. The existing tractor was purchased in 1962, and is in need of repair. Reeve Paul Neilands said a new machine should be purchased, as the old tractor could not be relied upon during a heavy snow fall. Councillor Cecil Pepper reminded council about $3,500 was 'budgeted for ren- tal of a tractor, but sug- gested the purchase or ren- tal be discussed when the new budget is set in June. Building inspector Her- man Van Wieren said he was asked by Robert Erb of Hen- sall about building permits for a garage to be moved on- to his property. Erb plans to move the garage from the Agri -press offices and set it up on blocks on his own pro - .1 Winds said he could pro- bably be granted a six- month temporary permit, but that council eshould,in- vestigate the use and suitability of the non- perinanent garage with the county planning depart- ment. Neilands said he didn't want to hold up Erb's plans, butErb may have to move or get rid of the garage if it is not approved by the plan- ners. Property committee chair- man Minnie Noakes said council should be looking at repairs to the roof of the town hall building. Neilands suggested tenders be called if the work can be arranged under the new budget. He also sug- gested blinds rather than paint, be used to block the upstairs windows in the hall. Noakes said since the space wasn't being used upstairs, blinds would be ex- pensive for simply blanking the windows. Councillors agreed but suggested a neutral paint color or cloths behind the windows rather than the white paint being used. The upstairs of the hall is used only as storage space. An Ontario Municipal Board hearing on Hensall's proposed annexation into Hay Township is scheduled for June 8. Neilands said council had resolved some objections raised to the annexation and said he hoped the village would get OMB approval. Council authorized lawyer Dan Murphy to act on behalf of the village at the public meetings. In other business: A first advance subsidy of $8,760 for road maintenance was received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communication. 4 complaint was received about a sign erected at the corner of Brock and King Streets. Van Weiren said a building permit was not issued for the sign and coun- cil approval was not obtain- ed. The sign is said to block vision along the road. Since coiuncil controls the land it was built on, they will decide the future of the sign. Council was advised of an upcoming meeting of a new municipal association. The association will be named at the conference in Toronto, August 23 to 26. Hensall was advised of the increase in the Huron County board of education levy. The total increases from $162,009 to $183,173. This represents an increase of approximate- ly 11 mills, the equivalent of ' $33 an assessment of $3,000. Snide Wife to electrician arriv- ing home at three a.m.: "Well! Wire you in- sulate?" "Watts it to you? I'm ohm, ain't I?" Kinettes entertain..... • from page 13 sent from the club ex- pressing our opinion that an entrance ramp and washroom facilities in the new addition would be very beneficial for seniors. A letter was read con- taining a brochure and in- formation for the 1981 simmer season of the Blyth Centre for the Arts. Discussion regarding a bus to one of the performances will take place at the next meeting on May 20. The hospital euchre party sponsored by the club at the Legion on April 28 was quite successful. High prize winners were: Doris Batkin and Jean Johns and the low prize winners were Lloyd Makins and Evelyn Hudie. Frank Thompson won the prize for most lone hands. Two hundred and fifteen dollars was realized from door receipts and donations. GLAD -FOR THE FREEZER SMALL BAGS 25's 69' GLAD -FOR THE FREEZER MEDIUM BAGS 20's 890 LARGE BAGS ,O. 790 J.B.BRAND PURE FROM CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE 32 ". 59 WELCHS FROZEN CONCENTRATED GRAPE JUICE_ 12 ca. 99' WESTONS SOUR DOUGH ENGLISH MUFFINS_ of s_59# BIRDSEYE FROZEN CONCENTRATED AWAKE ORANGE ____4,2;_79° GREEN CABBAGE LOCALLY GROWN FLORIDA GROWN Ib. Q -GUARD POOL CHEMICALS GRANDMA MARTIN -2 VARIETIES CREPES •FROZEN 225 g. '1.89 GRANDMA MARTIN SHRIMP CREPES FROZEN 225 g '2. 19 BRICK, FARMERS OR COLBY BADEN CHEESE .12.1-_ "1.89 BADEN CHEESE LIMBURGER 14oa_1.39 AEROSOL CREAM TOPPING TOP WIP 225 g. 51.15 NEILSON FUDGESTIKSICLES OR FROSTSICLES _ _ of"� X1,39 WESTON CHOCOLATE SWISS ROLLS. (7i 89¢ STP CAR CARE PRODUCTS BRICKMAN'S COUNTRY GARDENS OPEN HOUSE SPECIALS CONTINUE PERENNIALS REG, 1.50 PER POT STABILIZED TABLETS OR POWDER CHLORINE Q Kg._ 19.95 CALCIUM ;11.99 Q -GUARD ph DOWN _ 3.5 Kg- ;5.95 II -GUARD ALGAECIDE 4 LITRE $6,49 Q -GUARD 4, MURIATIC ACIDLITRE '3.99 AVAILABLE ONLY IN WILLOW WEST MALL GUELPH, ORANGEVILLE, BOLTON, UXBRIDGE, ANCASTER. FERGUS. LISTOWEL, PORT ELGIN. ALLISTON, KINCARDINE AND WINGHAM NOW 3 FOR $4,00 UNLESS OTHERWISE MARKED SPIKES ONL1 REG. 1.50 Y $ • o 0 STP . 250 ml. GAS TREATMENT_ _ 109 SON OF A GUN_m1- _'1.59 STP ENGINE DEGREASER 450 g. 199 STP RAR MOON LIQUID 2, 455 ml. #239 9 P CHROME POLISH 2_� .11, 09 FLANNEL BACK -VINYL TOP TABLECLOTH >R�o.: 3, 99 ALL 1 O C OFF NURSERY STOCK 1 10" HANGING BASKETS 11.95 REG. UP TO'13.00 NOW FuschMa, Impatiens, Ivy Geraniums, etc, BOX PLA -NTS ,.ow854 MOW, w O.l.A. aARR0TS78# 2 Ib. BAG LEVEE ea. 6'S? 661P 8 aa. 2 990 A E1{TOA FARCY R ir1:7.�. 68� Ib.r.N.A. jS 0O ANDES DOZEN IN PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH SPINACH NOT AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES POUND CHERRY OR CHOC, CHIP CAKE 12 Oz. $159 60% OR 100% WHOLE WHEAT OR FRESHCRACKED WHEAT BREAD 24 oz. LOAF 79 # WE RESERVE THE RfOHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REG. 90' & '1.00 SPECIALS IM EFFECT UNTIL SUNDAY, MAY 31 HOW TO GET HERE No. 23 to Uolow,ol Krl¢knxon'e Cato:fry Qmr K labors To Mllvarlon • Pooled. 1 • War/burg WE APE PLEASED TO 5E4MY iI ii:; : Hwy, too. l; GODERITH.HURON RD. OPEN WED., OURMANAetteP IS: PAY HURb URS., FRI., EVENINGS No. i Hwy. 1witassitartlawnwataus 6 • Mtlehnll$ebrlopvIlls To To London 81. Marys We welcome BUS TOURS OF All I�' STra/cord RA. SEBRINGVILLE 393-6223 KINDS Hove your club or group call to-doy to set up a tour.