Clinton News Record, 1981-05-21, Page 12PAGE 12—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1901 I'm new at this! This is my first attempt at writing for the Vanastra Voice, so I hope that all who read this section will give me all the help, support and understanding I need. Just pick up your phone and call me at 482.9596 if you have any suggestions or informa- tion which' I can use. I'm depending on your help to make this column a success.. • Day Nursery This week the children en- joyed the theme "Victoria Day". They made crafts and pictures of fireworks -and all the things associated _ vlth the Queen's Birthday. Kevin Meade had Itis birthday- on - Thursday May 14th and we hope it was a happy one. Two weeks ago, "Transportation" was talk- ed; about. The children were taken to Goderich Airport to see the various planes and 'even got to sit in a Lear Jet. this was not exciting enough, they then drove dorm to the Goderich Hat- -Willa to view all the boats. Coming up in another cou- ple of weeks, they will enjoy learning all about the "Cir- eus,,, • Biogo Winners of the' regular Tuesday Night Bingo held at theVanastra Recreation Centre at 8 p. . for the week of: May l2th are as follows: first 1 - wealth, Bren- da < l ra; of"Vanastra, .:,861 sewn share-the-*ealth, Mho' Dale X87; re -t wealth, of 'Seaterth; ,� G ° ':of Granton, On The Juda,Ciub,,zwhk b has been held on- Sunday after+ noon at the .'Vanastra Recreation Centro, . has now been` changed„ to Today. evenings from 6:30 to 8 p.m; Ken Maker) I'ts the .in- :wciictor of se elapses. He has his degree' Black Belt from. A.J.A. At present he has a class of 12 students, but he would like to see more. If any kids between the ages of 5 and 14 are in- terested in joining this club, give Mr. Mcllveen a call at 482-7007 for more informa- tion. Quotation 'He has a hard heart who does not love in May'. G. DeLovis. Spring trash plek-up Don't Forget! Thursday May 21st is the annual spring trash pick-up for any articles of furniture or appliances or anything not usually picked - up on a regular garbage day. All articles must be- at the roadside before 1 p.m. Scouts The Vanastra Scout troop are making ready for their camping trip to Benmiller on, the weekend of May 29th, 30th and 31st. 35th wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haskett of °Vanastra celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday May 16th with a party at Heather Gardens with 250 guests attending from Canada, the United States and Great Britain. Guests have been arriving for several weeks and ap- proximately 20 stayed over- • night. . 'Clare Haskett prepared 'their anniversary meal ,con- noting of hors d'oeuvres, then a hot and cold smorgasbord. They were surprised with a band from Seaforth and danced from 9- 1. ,Congratulations and best wishes. to Mr. and Mrs. lioness Club On Tuesday May 19the the Vanastra •and District lioness Club presented a cheque for $500 to the Special Nursery for the Handicap- ped being held in the Vanastra Recreation Centre. The donation will go towards sponsoring a Clinton child. Ladies, don't forget Thursday May 21st is a com- bined ornbined business and dinner meeting this month. Lions Club The Vanastra District Lions Club had their ex- ecutive meeting on Wednes- day May 13th at the home of John Bjerg. The business meeting will be on may 20th at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. On Saturday May 16th, the Lions had a work party to get their float ready for the parade on Saturday May 23rd at the Clinton Klompen Feest. The 2nd Annual Ball Tour- nament dates are June 26, 27 and 28th. Plans are in the making for this event. Watch for more news. Officer School is Tuesday June 2nd at the Valhalla Inn in Kitchener for both the Vanastra and District Lions and Lioness Clubs. Lion Glen McLachlan reports the tickets for the freezer and food plan, in con - unction with the Pizza Train and Coca-Cola are selling well. But - if you don't have any as yet, there are a lot more to be purchased from Lion members and various stores. Besides, for what you pay, you will get it back on your pizza. Klompen Feest Don't forget to join in on the festivities this weekend May 22nd and 23rd at the Clinton Klompen Feest. But- tons, programs, and tickets for the meal can be bought almost anywhere. There are a few of your neighbours scurrying around making ready with little Dutch hats and aprons etc. The Vanastra and District Lions Club will have their float in the parade on Saturday star- ting at 1 p.m. So get out your "Dutch Look" and be there to watch them. ii: The Vanastra Lioness Club made a $500 donation this week to sponsor a child at the special nursery for handicapped children at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Karen McEwing, centre, of the see centre receives the cheque from Lioness Myrna Smith, right, and Betty McLean, left. (James Fitzgerald photo) Personal glimpses here Happy birthday greetings go out to: Lorraine Ducharme on May 12th; Brian Thomas on May 21st; Ron Plumsteel on May 23rd. Trevor Plumsteel on May 24th and Darryl Dixon on May 26th.. A happy 35th wedding an- niversary to Joe and Clare Haskett on May 16th. Jim Ryan's sister, Marilyn Angel, returned to her home on the East Coast this past Monday after her 11/2 week visit. Wayne Ferguson and family went to Hope Bay near Wiarton, Ontario for the weekend to visit Jan's parents, who have just returned from Florida for the winter. Jim Thomas and family spent the weekend at the Old Homestead near Bayfield. Ken Mcllveen and family were camping at their trailer in Wildwood park, The slowdown in the economy isn't bothering the Bayfield Boats Ltd., at Vanastra, as the company has tmdertaken a major expansion plan and is building a 210 by 60 foot addition to their plant. The MAO addition is being built by MF builders of Exeter and should be ready by mid- July. Here Frank Mousseau of Hensall checks his footing alignment strings. (James Fitzgerald photo) Guide, Scouting, Cub news Guides Reminder! Mother and daughter banquet is Monday June 1st at 6:30 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Plates are. $4 each or a fami- ly of three is $10. Please have all your monies and informa- tion slips in by May 20th so that the food can be bought. This week the girls went out to do their trails and all passed. Badges were given out for: first aid, Allison Jeacock; Heather Brownridge, Terri Evans, Teresa Raithby; laundress, Teresa Raithby, collectors, Terri Evans, Teresa Mor- rison, Kathy Low; pet keepers, Allison Jeacock; public speaking, Shelly Bonte-Gelok; health, Tina Jeffery and baker Teresa Raithby. Cubs Please - The Cub Pack desperately needs tents for their Huron -District Camp in Benmiller on May 29th, 30th and 31st. Call Jim or Meryl Thomas at 482-9467. All monies for the camp fee must be in by May 25th so that they can buy the groceries for the weekend. Parents should not take their kids to camp before 6 on Friday evening andthen pick them up at 3 on Sunday the 31st. Mothers of the boys are asked to come to the Monday night meeting on the 25th to find out what to pack and. make sure they are dressed in full uniform for Friday evening. Brownies On Tuesday May 12th, Shelly Stone received her golden hand which is the last requirement before she flies up to Guides. ' The Vanastra Brownies are busy with enrollment and getting ready for their fly -up to Guides as well as the mother and daughter os� IN HURON COUNTY "THINKING OF REAL ESTATE, THINK STEVE BUCHANAN" SPECIALIZING IN THE SALE OF FARMS FOR FARMERS 26 THE SQUARE GOBIR/CH CALL S24-4700 EiiNGs 524-9097 =.FFICE f id banquet on Monday June 1st at 6:30 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. The same information goes for the Brownies as what is reported in the Vananstra Guides. just outside Bayfield. Jeff and Linda Dixon had weekend visitors on both sides of the family. Mrs. Marie Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kellane. Beverley Vail had her son Greg home from Toronto over the long weekend. Many families had various visitors in and out over the Victoria Holiday. Others were out busily making ready for summer by ready- ing their pools or painting their house or vehicles or finishing off their patios and flowerbeds. Others enjoyed firework displays and the relaxation of their weekend. Nursery school ending Nursery School Well, the year is just about over for the Vanastra • Nursery School. The children will be getting ex- cited with Graduation Day being held on Tuesday May 26th. Parents will be invited to watch as their little ones receive diplomas and con- tinue on into kindergarten this fall. Afterwards, they will have a barbecue. The kindergarten children from Vanastra Public School will be invited over for a treat. reJ Then, on , Thrix'§day May 28th the leaders and parents will be taking the youngsters on a trip to see Storybook Gardens in London. Karate Club The Karate Club held at the Vanastra Recreation Christian Church Rev. Peter Mantel had his sermon this week on "Living -working by faith". John Greydanus was the organist. In the afternoon they had a service at 3:30 at Heather Gardens. Sunday May 31st is the last Sunday School and they will have a special program. The Action Committee will meet on Monday, May 25th at 8'p.m. This year, there will be another S. W.I.M. team com- ing for six weeks at the end of June. Centre is half way through its 10 -week course. At pre- sent, there are 14 to 15 students from all over study- ing the basic self-defense of the Martial Arts.. This is the third course that has been run and at the end of each course the students receive a certificate saying they have had this 10 -week course. From here they can join a regular club like the John Pierson Karate School in Goderich. The • instructor, Ron Tyndall, has his first degree Black Belt. He received his Black Belt about 11/2 years ago in Hamilton, Ontario under 4th degree Black Belts: Principal reminds all that year ending soon Public school news John A. Ross, principal would like to remind parents that before long, the school year ends. Any parents wishing to keep in contact with their child's teacher may feel free to do so to keep up with his or her progress. Also, now that the weather is warming up, children want to spend more and more time near the water, whether fishing or swimm- ing or just fooling around. Please take a few minutes to point out the dangers of swimming in an unsupervis- ed area or in waters that are unfamiliar. On Monday May llth, a reading test was given to the grade six classes in both Vanastra Public and Clinton Public Schools. On Tuesday May 19th, a grammar test was given to the grade six classes at Vanastra and Clinton Public Schools and on Monday, May 25th, they will receive a mathematics test. Good Luck to all! Next Thursday, May 28, the Energy Conservation tour will be at the Vanastra Public School, while on Tractors Equipment CLINTON FORD TRACTOR SALES/SERVICE *Ford Tractors and Farm Equipment *Ford Lawn Equipment Riding Mowers, Tillers Snowblowers *Amens Lawn and Gor- don Equlm.nt *Pressure Washois •*Portable Heaters *Scorpion Snowmobiles HIGHWAY NO. S WEST 482-3903 Thursday, June 2nd, person- nel from the Huron County Health Unit and the Huron County Board of Education will be on hand to conduct a pre -kindergarten screening. Recreation Centre The Vanastra Recreation Centre will be holding a Fitness Ontario Leadership Course (F.O.L.C.) on May 23rd and 24th, then again on June 13th and 14th. Basically the course will show you how to run these type of courses. Interested parties should call Cindy at the Recreation Centre to find out all the par- ticulars. Hey Kids! Have you forgotten about Kid's Activi- ty Night held every Thursday evening from 6:30 -8 p.m.? You can use the ex- ercise room to get those muscles in shape, play volleyball or basketball in the gym, go fora swim in the pool and relax in the sauna. If more of you do not come out, Cindy is afraid she will have to cancel this wor- thwhile evening. No Interest Charges at Nulty Gully No interest charge!' for 12 months will be offered as a special incentive to all purchasers of new motorcycles Randy Collins of Hully Gully an- nounced today. Collins, who negotiated the deal with a local bank believes he is the only motorcycle dealer in the area to go interest free on all new purchases. The program means you can take one year to pay by making 12 equal prin• cipal only' payments. "Consumer response is expected to be fantastic, particularly when people are faced with weekly increases in interest,'" Collins said. "We expect to sell about 5250,000 worth of new motorcycles in a very short time to interest free purchasers." Hully Gully has built a reputa- tion on extremely competitive prices, backed up with an ex- cellent service deportment. Now, with the added benefits of not having to pay interest, motorcy- cle sales are expected to surge ahead. Collins refused to comment, on how long the bank would allow him to offer interest free purchases... but, for the moment, anyone who is even remotely in- terested in buying a motorcycle should contact him immediately. me 2 -hp tiller from John Deere. A Ictal work saver for family® size gardens ANN SUMO The John Deere 216 Tiller tilts, cultivates and breaks sod better than most tillers in rt" class. Tlllsa 16 -inch path, ud-s 10 7 inches deep. Features lull •width control bar and optional tine extension kr! See us toesl for a demonstration Pick your horsepower... pick your price! Four power sizes in the 200 Series to choose from: 10 -hp 210, 12 -hp 212, 14 -hp 214, and 16 -hp 216. All have 4 -speed transaxle and variable speed drive that lets you change speeds without clutching. Color -coded controls. Triple -safety starting. Sturdy footrests. Engines are fully enclosed for quieter ride. Lawn Sweepers -y-inin ` erre.. t'clwn Sweepers are available in widths of 31 or 38 inches. Tow one behind your lawn tractor or rider to save hours of raking time. Heavy-duty hampers provide non-stick cleanout: Don't Be Caught Short! PROPANE FILLING STATION OPEN DAILY 8, TO 5 SAT. 8 TO 12 The grounds around the church got a facelift this past Saturday when five volunteers came over from Hamilton including some Vietnamese neighbours cleaned up. The ladies of the. church provided a lunch for all. Walk -Behind Owers • Choose from either self propelled or push -type models — all are easy to operate and built to last. DISTRICT CO.OP HENSALL BRUCEFIEL® 236-4393 2624002 482-9823 Introducing the Sales Staff at Vincent's in Seaforth .61 Ship your livestock with FRANK VOOGEL • DASHWOOD Shipper To United Co-operatives Of Ontario Livestock Department, Toronto Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyards CALL DASHWOOD 238-2707 OR BAYFIELD 565-2636 by 7:30 A.M. For ' Prompt Service Also Western Stockers & Feeders Available cut quick and easy with a nylon -line trimmer Ken Coleman Sales Manager Pete Vandeborne Jerry Fuhr N W17FAWRiV(I EW (UTI illiE 7 i fi International Harvester Seaforth 5274120 M Short Linea Blyth 523-4244 88esitslr 235-1115