Clinton News Record, 1981-05-21, Page 8PAGE ft—CLINTON WS"RI C©RD., THURSDAY, MAY '1,1981 We reserve the right to limit quantities to nornmi family requirements! KICK in Lao= just rumored LUJAN - Marcors that the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) is operating a revolutionary traiz�ng centre near Lucan has come as a complete surprise to area residents. The suggestion of KKK activity was recently made in the Legislature, by NDP e Breaugh, who Inst later said he had been told that as many es 40 or 50 people could be framing at a Lucan area locatiocl. He said the centre may have been operating for thepasttwomonths. However, Lucan residents were completely surprised by the suggestion of KKK activity in the area and none had heard any sounds of gunfire. Provincial police in Lucan also denied they had any information on the Klan movement in the district. Solicitor -General Roy McMurtry said in the Legislature that he has `-heard'"an Mib ofrth ors" over :the - past few months about such training centres. He has contacted various ppoolice forces and asked the Ontario Police Commission to report to him monthly on KIan activities. in a'n interview Mr. McMurtry added, "Because of our concern abort the Klu Klux Klan, we're not ignoring%� any rumors, we take their activities seriously. We don't believe that they represent a major heat at the moment bit, on the other hand, giventheir destructive history, we're looking at the situation very closely:" Mr. McMurtry noted that despite Mr. Breaugh's rear arks there is no hard evidence. thhat any of the training' centres exist. 'He noted that if police disc(vered soli evidence, "1 e �:upect that we'll know of it very�glile`kly.'t : ; He` said they Klan enjoys ,news ,oelage. and it is possible• that.; some -of. ttie rumors may carie from the. organization 'Ouna ssilYi ietr e.�yl� )r' .0. ucted' h10 ''su Mer 'by peraomret of the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Wingham. District (Huron anti. Perth Counties and Hugon, Minto, Kinloss, Culross and Carrick T:To enships). The survey is being undertaken to obtain data concerning tree andtimber volumes, productivity of these woodlots to provide a base. for future resource manage- mentplannuig. . Woodiota in southern On- tario have a greater siglificance than many peo- ple realize. Nearly 30 per- cent of wood produced in On- tario comes from private lands as opposed to Crown Lands. Woodlots in the Wingham District help supp- ly high value hardwood timber used by the region's important furniture manufacturing and other wood -using industries, with over 10 million board feet of locally -grown timber sawn in the Wingham District last year. Private woodlots in this 'area serve many other important functions such as the regulation of stream levels, protection of crops, soil and buildings from wind damage, enhancement of landscape beauty and habitat for wildlife, all of which are important to the farm community. A staff of thirteen forest inventory personnel will be working throughout the Wingham District from May 19 to September 1, 1981 to complete this survey. These people will be contac- ting local landowners for permission to enter their land to gather information from designated forest areas. As this information is vital to the Ministry's forest resources program, the co- operation of private woodland owners will be greatly appreciated. The head of the survey team is Don Cunningham from the Natural Resources office in Toronto. No stranger to this area, Don worked in the Wingham District for three years after the office first opened at Wingham. Further information con- cerning this survey can be obtained by contacting the Ministry of Natural Resources RRS Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0. Telephone (519) 357-3131, or toll free 1- 800--3003. dS 4 m 2 Primo effective thru Saturday, May 23rd, 191 A good crop of Strawberries is expected this year! Make A&P Your Headquarters for BANNING SUPPLIES! (Limit 5 bags per Family purchase) (Our Regular Price 3.97) COMM VISIT FOL., FRESHNESS !et AINNIE% & SAVINGS .111 *het Ay.�� ;-Produc California, (BIER ESH APES STRAWBERRIES pint Excellent in Salads & Dips Product of California Butter Smooth AVOCADOS 310o Dole or Chiquita, Golden Ripe Large. Size BANANAS 2"88? Canada Fancy, Product of Chile Granny Smith APPLES Ib 88,e PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, GREEN, TENDER CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, PRIDE OF THE ONTARIO GROWERS 3-111 BAG McIntosh Apples 1.28 Fresh Broccoli bch 98¢ LEMONADE, GRAPE COCKTAIL, TROPICAL FRUIT PUNCH ' 6441OZ BOTTLE J.B. Fruit Drinks 99¢ T.V. TIME $OZ PKG PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, Use with Salads & Seafoods Fresh Lemons 5for99? PRODUCT OF U.S.A. — BUNCH GREEN ONIONS OR Popping Corn 79fe Radishes 8 -oz pkg 3 for 99¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, CRISP, FRESH CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, SWEET, GREEN Head • Lettuce each 785e Peppers 3 for 1.00 Product of California, Tender, Sweet FRESH BUNCH CARROTS —^ Canada No. 1 Grade, Product of Florida Tender, Golden, Sweet CORN oN- ¢ THE—COB for PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, WHITE, SEEDLESS, JUMBO -® SWEET, SEEDLESS, SIZE 138'a Grapefruit 5 for 1■99 Navel Oranges each ],p¢ CANADA EXTRA FANCY, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET, PRODUCT OF B.C. OR WASHINGTON SEEDLESS, SIZE 88's, LARGE NAVEL Oranges 12 for L99 Apples Red or lden lb 68¢ DeNeiGoof CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF AUSTRALIA & U.S.A. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, LARGE, SEEDLESS Pears Anjou or Bose lb88,r Cucumbers eack88? Canada No. 1 Grade Product of Florida, Rips Tray of 18 --17.50 FIRM REQ129 41NfH POiTOMATOES '�- � GERANIUMS 98¢ Martins or A&P, Reconstituted APPLE JUICE 48 -fl -oz tin (Our Regular Price 93c) Granny (Our Reg. Price 1.79 SAVE 40c) BUTTER TARTS Pkg of 10 (Our Regular Price Price 2.99 — SAVE 500 GOODHOST g ICED TEA 'MIX SAVE ..up to, 96? ALL POPULAR CANADIAN BRANDS (IGARETIES Regular or King Size, 20's or 25's 11111.1.1.1 (Limit 2 cartons per family, with minimum 510.00 purchase excluding this product.) (Our Regular Price up to 9.35) Assorted Colours SCOTTIES 200 shNts FACIAL TISSUE .40111111h//p,� Fonda, White, 9 -inch Size PAPER PLATES of °emir 110 You'll do better with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE from A&P Maxi., Size .• (Our Reg. Price 1.39 — SAVE 40c) om 159STAYFREE PADS pkg 10 f CHAMPION, ASSORTED VARIETIES, DOG FOOD ASSORTED TYPES 225 ml PLASTIC BOTTLE Dr. Ballardsb-ortin3for1.00 Tame Creme Rinse 1.79 VAPONA COMPARE TO 250 ml BOTTLE — OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.99 BONUS PACK • 450. ml PLASTIC BOTTLE Insect Strips 1O0g pkg 319 Halo Shampoo BEEF, LIVER OR CHICKEN 25.5.OZ TIN 1.49 MELITTA 6 cup size Pep Dog Food 2 for 89¢ Coffee Maker 29,95 SYLVANIA, 60 WATT DELUXE, 24T QUART SIZE Bug Light pkgof2 1.49 Foam Cooler each 2.49 ' ARM A HAMMER EEZY-OU Washing Soda 1.5kgbcx 1.69 .Ice CubeTray ea. r No. 1 Grad, Sunflower, Creamed BEEMAID HONEY 500 g 49 container ---i SAVE 501 (Our Regular Price 199) No Sugar Added — In Pear Juice A&P PEARS til-fl.oz tin L(3. litre 99r box 1.99) (Our Regular Price 4.59) 6 litre box 139 PREM__EONMEAi ORANGE PEKOE, TEA BAGS PRIMO, HOME STYLE Flowerdale pkg of 100 2.99 Tomato Sauce 14 0. oa. for 89 fe KELLOGG'S NORTHERN GOLD, PALANDA, MARINATED IN VEGETABLE OIL 6.FL,OZ TIN HONGranola Bars 275gpkg 1.49 EANUT Artichoke Hearts C89? SUNMIX oa. Orange Flavour Crystals 1pk3g. 1.19 "FREEZE DRIED", INSTANT Maxim Coffee 4 -oz jar 3-49 SOFT MARGARINE Blue Bonnet A&P, CHOICE 14.FLOZ TIN Whole Beets ler 1■00 BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS PKG OF 4 ROLLS Lady Scott Tissue 1■39 PRIMO 2 -Ib tub1.89 Lasagna VIII Contains Rich Brazilian Coffees 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 1O -oz jar (Our Regular Prise 4.99) SAVE 1.00 Y NABOB TRADITION COFFEE nmo���� 500 g pkg 89? Regular, Fine or Extra Fine Grind 1-1b vat pac bag 79 SAVE 70¢ (Our Regular Price 3.49)