Clinton News-Record, 1983-04-13, Page 25CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, Il 983 com n DESSERT EUCHRE of Varna Holl on W ednesdoy Apr 1120 1983 or 12 30 Sponsored by the U C W Everyone welcurnrk . 15 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every !hut cloy 8 p rn Fust reyuloi cord $I LK1 Six cords for $I UO Fifteen regular games three shore rhe wealth Early bird game 145 p in Jackpot $200 00 must go each week Mar BASEMENT BARGAINS good used clothing sole ar Wesley Willis United Church Friday Apr i122at7pm 1315 BINGO every Tuesday evening ar Vonostro Centre R R 5 Cliri run 8 p rn First regular curd SI 00 15 regular 515 games three share the wealth Jackpot $200 00 must go. A,1iriiss,uri is 1est; cled to Ib years and over 2rfar tLOMPEN FEES!. Parade entry forms and applications for booth space are available at Cornpbell s Mens Wear Bail & Mutch Furniture Clinton Municipal Office The Chiropractic Centre and The Clinton News Record Office 12 20ar CLINTON AND DISTRICT Snowmobile Club. annual meeting at the Agricultural Of fire. 8 p.m. Thursday April 14 Everyone welcome. 14 15 THE HON. IONA CAM PAGNOLA. President of the Liberal Party of Canada and Hon. Eugene Whelan. Minister of Agriculture, will speak at the dinner at the Mitchell Communi- ty Centre. Thursday. April 21st Reception 6.30 p.m. Deluxe smorgasbord, 7 30 p rn. Tickets are available from Huron Bruce and Perth Liberal Associations $25.00 each (tax receipt). Tel 482-9004 14 15 SUNDAY APRIL 24 at 7:30 p.m (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE) On tario SI. and Wesley -Willis Joint Thankaffering at Ontario St. Church. Speaker Mr. Arch An- drew '"Christian Family Counselling" and C.H.S.S. Choir. 14.15 STAG F TED VANDYK Saturday, April 16 Admission - °3.00 CARD PARTY at Township Holl Varna on Friday April 15 at 8 30 p tri Ladies please bring sandwiches Final pony of season Sponsored by vurno L O L 15 CON ION PUBLIC HOSPITAL first annual fund raising dinner with celebrity auction Clinron Legion Hall Friday April 29 Cocktails 6 p rn dinner 7 p in t,ckets $ 15 00 per per sort ui,ailatle ay the hospital and fund iaiSing co(Tlnuttee 15 GARAGE SALE Blyth Arena Moy 7 or 10 o rn If you hove onythir,y to donate call Mary Ann Howson 523 9454 Bev Snell 523 9236 or Susan Howson 523 9436 Pick up will be Thursday May 5 14 15 17 THE SPRING Book Fair Sunday April 24 1983 11 00 o m 5 00 p m Concert Hall 888 Yonge Street Toronto Rare and se coed hand books maps prints and related iterns $2 00 en rronce(416)424 2287 150 THE TRI -COUNTY softball an nual meeting will be held April 21 of 8 p.m at the Brussels Morris & Grey Community Cen Cres All rule changes will be made at this meeting I5816 GARAGE SALE two families. 148 Rottenbury 5t West Clin ton on Saturday April 16 at 9 5 p rn 15x DESSERT EUCHRE and Bake Sole at Summerhill Hall on Wednes day. April 27. 1983 at 1 30 p.m Sponsored by Summerhill Ladies Club 15 16 Interested in Suzuki violin lessons for your child age 4 or over? A Huron County Suzuki Group can be formed. For information call: DAVE KEAAP 482- 7340 AFTER 5 P.M. STAG for Jerry Stergstro SATURDAY, APRIL 23 Phone 482-7196 0,524-2369 KLOMPENFEEST KICK OFF DANCE Friday May 13 of rhe Clinton Community Centre Music by the Block Forest Bond from Kitchener 15or IHE HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend rhe Child Health Clinic held or the Health Unit office Huronvrew Clinton on Friday April 15 1983 from 9 30 11 30 a rri for 1 Health Surveillance 2 Anaem,o Screening 3 Immunization 4 Hearing Screening 5 Vision Screening 6 Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 .ears Adult Irn niunizorion will also be uttered at this clinic 15ur HAM SUPPER Sr Andrews United Church Boyfield Sot Apr 16 from 5 p 111 Adults $5 00 children 12 arid under $I 00 15 TWIN PIANO CONCERTS fearur ing Jaynes Anognoson and Leslie Kieron ar Blyth Memorial Hall on Sunday April 17 ar 2 p m Tickets $8 Phone 523 9300 15ar SOFT PEDALLING The hit one mon musical comedy starring Richard Greenblatt comes to Blyth Memorial Hall on Wednes day April 20 at 8 P M Tickets $8 Phone 523 9300 15ar SONG -FEST Londesboro United Church SUN., APR. 17/'33 7a3® pm With the Snell Family, Popp Bros. Quartet, 6ondesboro & Clinton! Jr. Choir, Ken Scott, Gloria WIIbee, Hullett School Band. Adults: 63,00 Grade School: 61 ,00 OPEN RECEPTION for Cathy and Kevan Broome, newlyweds (nee Cathy Carter) SEAL®RTH LEGION HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1983 One-man co es to Richard Greenblatt, diree- tor of the 1'°2 Blyth Summer Festival smash Country Hearts brings Soft Pedall- ing, his hit one-man musical to Blyth Memorial Hall, Wednesday, April 20 at 8 p.111. Who is Robert Goldblum anyway'' Is he really just a struggling young musician trying to keep body and soul together while dealing with his boring job as a rehearsal pianist, or is he Composer- inan, a mild-mannered superhero able to leap whole octaves to a single bar' Then again, maybe he's a Rock Star, weary of the fast pace and the bright lights; or a hairy , whiskey -breathed Country and Western singer, crooning down-home Nashville songs. Or is he in fact Canada's hottest new ical entry an the Musical Olyni- Dic& shooting for an un- precedented four gold medals iff he can only wrap up the arduous Minute Waltz event. Soft Pedalling, currently on a cross -Canada tour, has amassed rave reviews since it was first presented at the 1981 Toronto Theatre Festival. The Ottawa Citizen called it "Sheer brillance." "Watch this roan!" The Toronto Star said. "Richard Greenblatt is an engaging, frenetic very talented per- former. Soft Pedalling is the final performance in the Blyth Centre for the Arts Theatre series. Reserved seat tickets are available at the box of- fice, 523-9300. All seats are $8. Popular cabaret performer feature Orchestra London Canada will be joined by popular songstress and actress Patricia Leavens in an evening's romp through the Cabarets of Europe on Saturday, April 16 at North Street United Church, Goderich. Miss Leavens is well known for her outstanding singing and acting abilities. She has delighted Western Ontario audiences for years with her leading roles in such shows as Carousel, Brigadoon, Music Man, Show Boat, Mame and The Merry Widow. Patricia Leavens' varied and large repertorie enables her to perform a wide range of roles from Opera to Broadway and from Leider to Cabaret. She has ap- peared with Orchestra London Canada, Theatre London, Purple Patches, Octoberfest, and the Kit- chener -Waterloo Symphony in recent years. Joining Miss Leavens will be Orchestra London's Associate Conductor, Brian CLINTON' EECR /STREET 4 :2-7030 THS WEEKEND::,PRit 1N-16-17 FRI::, Ago SARI ; L AQP SAY BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M./FIRST SHOW AT 8:00 CHARD PRYOR JACKIE GLEASON (.,;x:.::'30 :;'>+.•.t;•':%i;�'. sAhTHEr::,; Jackson. Mr. Jackson is well known for his buoyant style and lively audience rapport. Concurrent with his term as Associate Conductor of Orchestra London Canada, Brian Jackson is Music Director of the Kingston Symphony Orchestra. Be sure not to miss this final concert of Orchestra London's 1982-83 Goderich season. Tickets are available by calling 524-8335. Orc Lo FINAL CONC/E"T '82 & '83 SEASON S' t rd y ® AHi 1 6t estra 8:15 , M, h Street L feted Church GOK`T ICQ$ Conductor: Brian Jackson Soloist: at Leavens Sponsored by the 'iiI ERICH ROTARY CLU TICKETS clealluble ut the door for this concert and for the '83-'84 season. STANLEY TOWNSHIP RALE REGISTRATION For AV Age Groups Cent ;et: MARY LOU Mc6REGOR 482-7539 50th Wedding Anniversary OPEN HOUSE for,,, Jim and Madeline Murray Sunday, April 24th, 1983 2 pm -6 pm At the home of James Murray, Varna Rest Wishes Onl New Jet erg Bell Ringers 'AT:ST0 ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CLINTON SUN®AY, ARIL 17 AT 7:30 PM Also featuring Charles WierrIlt at the church organ. Tickets available et the church door or from any member of the Madeleine Lame Aexilietry. St. Joseph's - St, Michael's Parish ATCE Staeoloy Town 1 recreation CE t the Hens 11 re SATURN AY, A IL 116 !+'t 'c6PT1yrci 9 prnVli onnt iskey =a-Ck r12. Cri Li LE - LUNCH P t OV I ESA Fla^ri TIC6LETS PH ' -ASE 4 2-7539 ke Huron Rr gao� eh& Asseci'1 ' 'f Inc, ANCE Saturday, April 16 Inerldge Ch + let, Hens 11 AMONG 9 tM-1 AM TO "Spirit" ° S . PER PE [' S MOST - LUNCH IitdCLUDE TRAIL Mr.INTEi1ANCE OIPMET 75 ROYAL BANK 19091983 CLINTON Steve Fraser and staff extend an invitation to everyone to join us for our TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 e BRANCH OPENS 9 AM • FIRST 150 ADULTS RECEIVE COMMEMORATIVE SOUVENIR • CAKE CUTTING CEREMONY 10 AM * DOOR PRIZES ® REFRESHMENTS FOR ALL Everyone Welcome THE I®lVfdT ROD S -II MAOR linimmoir PLUS 2 FEATURE OMMi HANDMADE FIl.MS PRESENTS ,rx).rrl HAPPY HOUR With W' duced Prices 8:30-9:30 pm He gave ilk hod) 1Qt save their ,ouis. SPECIAL ADMISSION FOR APRIL: Adults '3.00: Children ender 12 F Highway No. 8 West, CLINTON The H rd Times Menu ...take advantage f our cry fo.,d prices still in effect. Thursday, Friday( and Saturday April 14th, 1 Sth and 16th I? de with "RADIUS" "No cover cli1;:,roe" ITE CAR T o Holtresville Dial 482-9228 After Hours 52:4.4133 ***APO*** at the Goderich Township Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 30 ®wising 9 pm -1 am to 6 6 6 40 ®40 40 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 6 0 6 6 40 6 0 1 6 I 6 0 1 1 1 6 6 1 6 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 11 1_1 1. 1 11_11,11 1 i1 Pe THE TRE S84 7 8t t j KTiE SOUFIRE GODERICS 6 6 ii.4 siloselso,siIssfi 1 WED.-THURS. 0 LAST 2 6 DAYS FOR "STAR TREX" SUPER BOWL falf M[nAG[Alr B aI'allled SOMME FUME! a15. COUPLE - BUFFET LUNCH FOR TICKETS PH^o; NE 452-32:5 Drive-in 666666666®666******** 66 FM. -SAT. -SUN. P B®3H OFFICE • ■ OPENS lbPICHILDREN.M. 1 111-1 1 1-1' 1 1 1 1' f1 1 1 1;1 1.6 1' 1> F E:E 0 6 6 6 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 1111I8I11I1I III1111I 1' MUSTOM 7:30 1I:\I;\15I-1;ON(r HIGH ROAD 16 CHINA ADUl1 oCCDCjoo,Im,,n itviry.8 0®4irrlch Bt Coe. Rd -b 5B4,9981 STARTS FRIDAY FRI.-SAT. 7:00 & 9:95 S%JN.-THUS. 7:30 5 ACADEi.,..:,if A :,r ARO N ,-ia,Ia ATI PAUL NEWMAN THE VERDICT NS NEXT WEEK Wednesdays, April 20th • 11 , II 1,1 11 -4 1 1 I IU ET "T" SHIRT CONTIiST 11 V , ', 01114pni9 2N FEATURE CHEECH & C1 ONG ee®6®®*essesseeesesere O *0 s e e e 6 ®e a ®0 0*** 6 6 6 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 6 6 0 6 6 6 e 6 s Treat the f 'wily; to commercial - free movi •_$ durin:fl April , Ind May and saves We now have over 80 different titles (new ones arrive every month) - such as Star Wars - On G Iden Pond - Chariots of Fire - various Disney Movies - at these sp:. eial prices ocserni:--h4 rentals MONDAY -FRIDAY ®w 95 APR(! Neff MAY per nlgh4, Prigel ONLY ®Incledes 5 ulnen EXTRA DISCS WITH RENTAL j 9.95 weekend rontais SATURDAY -MONDAY AM APRIL AND MAY ONLY 995 des EXTRA DISCS 4 ulnen WITH RENTAL 3/9.92 WE ONLY HAVE 2 VIDEODISC PLAYERS FOR ENT RESERVE YOUR NIGHT NOW! Gt i` r { I V tES T.V. & A ' PLIANCE CENTRE "We Jo our very own service" i0 HURON ST. CLINTON 482-9414 0