Clinton News-Record, 1983-04-13, Page 24Pl yho ' --;e oenin The Huron Country Playhouse boas of cg will be opening at 9 a.m. on Monday, April 18 for subscribers only. This advance opening enables subscribers to have first choice of reserved seats for the forthcoming summer season Main Stage productions: On Golden Pond, California Suite, The Miracle Worker, How the Other H:,lf Loves and South Pacif lc. Box office hours w!. be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday rough Friday until May 16 when tickets go on sale to the general public. As well as being able to select seats for the five Main Stage shows, Playhouse subscribers will also have first opportradty to pu rc; tickets for the three Canadian notesicals at Playhouse II, the most recent addition to the HCP entertainment complex, to the three Sunday concerts ( The Family rown, Moe Koffman and The Nylons), and to the s.s cial children's concert by Sharon, Lois and Brans. Subscriptions to the 1'.". HCP Main Stage season are still available and will remain on sale until July 2. Subscription prices are $40 for adults and $25 for youths 118 years and under) . For further . information, please call the HCP Office at 238-8451 or 238-8387. Did you know??? Rheumatoid arthritis seems to develop in people who have an inherited susceptibility to the disease. Whatever it is which exploits that vulnerability - probably a virus or some other in - 1 fectious agent - starts the trouble by disrupting the body's immune system. Free information about arthritis is available by writing to: The Arthritis Society, 920 Yonge St., Suite 420, Toronto, Ontario. M4W 3J7. LAKE HURON MOVING SYSTEMS UNTIED NITED UNTIED Sy„ettr, •Local A Long Distance ePacking sOverseas eFuliy Insured 'Free Estimates PHONE (S19) 357-3148 • ** **'***i**** * * TRAVEL WITH $-her141000 * * To Beautiful Elgin House Resort * In the Muskokas May 28th 1983 *' 2 * Includes:: 4 DAYS *I each (twin) *i •Deluxe Motorcoach •AII meals at Elgin House •A11 Social activities at Elgin House •Deluxe Accommodation - For Reservations Contact Goderich Clinton Mitchell * Seaforth * Kincardine 524-7622 or 524-4540 482-3383 Cozy Grill 348-8741 Bauer Travel 527-1237 Travel Link 396-3303 41 Af• 41:' 44-4-? DINE OUT WITH US You are invited to feast on the finest foods available with the kind of ser- vice and atmosphere you can tally enjoy. A magnificent dining experience awaits you. Bring friends and fami- ly, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Friday, April 15 CRISP FISH FILLETS With Hollandaise Sauce This delicious meal in- cludes steamed rice, garden fresh vegetables, French bread and butter, crisp lettuce salad with choice of dressing, coffee or tea. Saturday, April 16 ROAST LAMB WITH MINT SAUCE Includes steaming baked potato, fresh vcr,.;etables, lettuce salad with choice of dressing, roll and butter, coffee or tea. Above Specials Served From 5-7:30 p.m. FRIDAY LUNCHEON BUFFET SPECIAL 12.2 om.. 3.95 SundayFvenings BUFFET You'll thoroughly enjoy this feast. Includes eII you can eat salad bar, hot buffet, dessert, coffee or tea. n'FN war ■FNos rn,lay Cai„•tlav '' A p conAaY ' a n•^ RFSFRVATIONS RFOLIF C1Fn s95 WHITE CARN►'yOF H01mesyille Dial 4829228 Alter 'HOW'"s..524.4'133 The president of the Huron County Town and Country Homemakers Bev Brown presents Elaine Baillie, activation consultant with the Ministry of Hea.:th with a basket of Huron County products. Mrs. Baillie was the guest speaker at the Town and Country Homemakers fifth annual meeting. Gold sq Scouts The Gold Squadron went camping this past weekend. The following boys went - Steve Lippincott, Chris Watt, Rod Freeman, Michael Hallam. Bronze Squadron spent part of their meeting at Clinton Public School and Community Park discussing the safety of playground equipment. The Bronze Squadron also work • , on their first aid and survival kits. We also worked on our citizenship. The Silver Squadron worked on reviewing their knots. The gold Squadron worked on map orienteering and ex- ploring badge. Cubs The following boys received their Black s€ .:r - ron go camping Toby St. Louis, Greg Crawford; Red star - Scott and Michael McClenghan, Jason Carter. The following boys received badges - Collector badge - Michael McClenghan, Steven Smith; Woodsman - Mark Walker; Carpenter - Mark Walker; Cyclist - Mark Walker; Musician - Andrew Walker; House Orderly - Andrew Walker; Gardener - Steven Morley; Pet Keeper - Chris Hoggarth. Beavers "B" thank the Clinton Fire Department for our tour and ride on truck. Cubs and Scouts will be out getting pledges for our planting of trees. We will be planting trees April 30, 1983. Our district will be planting trees on this ..iy. 10, HURON -BRUCE PROVINCIAL U ;ERAL ASSOCIATION -ANNUAL MEETINGA DMNE F.. ., WEDNESDAY, APEOL 27, 1983 ROYAL CANADOAN LEGOON LAM TON ST., KONCARDONE 6:15 P.M. SOCOAL HOUR 7:15 P.M. DON NER GUEST SPE .ICER BETE S LEASER OF THE OPPOSOTOOON TOCOCETS AVAfLASLE: PORT ELG0N 832-2612 ICINCARDOINE 396-3396 WOSEGHAMil 357-2636 CLINTON) 482-9822 CLOSED SATURDAY We are having a dance April 23, 1983. Tickets available from leaders. Place: Clinton Legion. Price of Tickets: $6.00 a person. James Medd and Pleasure Pack is the band. Guiding News At Pathfinders Anne Beane is instructing Emergency First Aid. Guides went to the OPP station. We thank Constable Martin for the tour. After- wards we went to Pepi's Pizza for s 1.l,per. We thank our drivers. Brownies afternoon had a games night. At Brownies evening Julie Hallam and Kim Dixon did the opening. Members worked on Golden bar and Golden :r hand. Test night April 19, two badges per night. it using Severa4 off the :: lyth ladies complaint of the practice of not a few gentiemmn who are in the habit of lounging in front of our hotels during the Sabbath. It is no doubt sagreeable to la 'es on their way to church, and is again disgusting to meet a crowd stationed upon the steps at the church door. Don't you think so, ye whom the cap fits. - from The Huron Ex,•ositor, Al r.. 29, 1879. OPEN SUNDAY: LONDON ADELAIDE STORE 685 Adelaide North 7 hours iF, APRIL 1 ALL 1st qua OFF Alexanlom everyday price or Alexanidn comparable book price. til pert roe! ler is t n s arra room. FOR BEST SELECTION...SHOT+ EARL'! and bring along your room measurements -at these prices they'll go iostl Special Sunday Hours 'hot This Sale Only 10 to 5 68.3 Adelaide Nord 100404 ...• Cash budget or i !!/1•i1 L'<<_i,rfon news Brian Atkistati On April 9 the Clinton Legion Lad! . Arbil Bialy District Darts. A •t=tall of l teams played dams at the : - <r is Legion. Thetearer from Kincardine took first place and the Clin- ton team placed seventh. Rosemary Armstrong, Sports Officer, would like to thank all who helped to make this event such a success. Special thanks to the men who set up the boards, the ladies who made and served Co_ ell CLINTON NEWS -RECO the food and the scorek urs. Last week at Thursday Night Mixed Darts high cou- ple was taken by &Arley Wood of Blyth and Al Penrnae of Goderich. Ladies' .,high score was Brenda Atkinson with °.1. George Yeats took men's high score with an im- pressive 171. Well done George! Low couple of the evening was Mary Elliott and Darrell Wood of Blyth. This was our last regular night, playoffs start April 14. WE 11 NESDAY, APRIL 13, 1 WE NUM, APRIL 27 AND TR(i;RSFAY, AP It 28 AT 8 P.M. 80TH ` IGRTS o �2. CAL 482-3330 By Stephanie Levesque The pro•':•'rty committee of Huron County council has a new name, one which is hoped will reflect the agricultural diversity of the county. The committee will now be known as the Agriculture and Property committee. The name change was ap- proved by Huron County council at its March 31 meeting. Howick Township Reeve William Newton commented that the name change was one of the suggestions com- ing from the annual meeting of agricultural organizations and the property committee. "It was their (agricultural groups) suggestion that one s new e of the committees have agriculture in it," said Reeve Newton. A resolution from the agricultural groups re- questing the 1.'.1 level of staffing at the Clinton office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) was also approved by county council. Since 1.. :t , the OMAF of- fice is less one secretary, one home economist and one ex- tension assistant. Agricultural representative Don Pullen said the naming of a rural organization assis- tant is "hopefully immi- nent". The resolution is to be for= warded to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Dennis Timbrell. McTeer in Listowel LISTOWEL - Maureen McTeer will be in Listowel on April 19. The wife of former prime minister Joe Clark will be autographing copies of her bestselling book, Residen- ces, at The Book Shop on Main Street from 2 to 3 p.m. Residences, details to homes of Canada's leaders: the prime minister's 24 Sussex Drive; Stornoway, home of the leader of the postition; and the prime minister's country home on Harrington Lake. Ms. McTeeer who presently resides in Stor- noway has occupied in all three residences. Engagement CARTER • LITTLE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little, of Goderich, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Carolyn Roseanne, to Mr. Christopher E. Carter, son of Judge and Mrs, F.G. Carter, of Goderich, Ontario. The wedding will take place Saturday, April 16th, 1983 at 4 p.m. in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. "Education is what you remember after you have forgotten everything you learned in school" Reserve now for a Special Evening out. Main Street, Bayfield 565-261 1 SI CE STARTING WORK ON OUR FIRST STO i 011`,1 oNLY� r �r 1\ACE IN A a. ckic e`ticc� E IN WATERLOO BACK IN 1973, k 3 -Stripe Rugby Pants 1 Regular $28.00 Pietro Rugby Pangs Regular $27 00 Rugby Shorts S drflerenl colours Regular 821 00 1499 Rugby Pants 35 different colours Regular S38 00 2699 Stripe Shorts C)IO1r5 • -�d OYaI Regular 825 00 RugbyShirts1 Regular 526.00 x -Caliber GT Saes 7-11 Regular 579 99 460 and W460 Mens Sizes 6-13 Women's Sizes 6-10 Re ular $9 _ Crime Sizes 5-13 Regular 539 99 29 Stan '$flush Sizes 6-13 P^nular $49 99 Lady Snaith Sizes 5-10 Regula- `4999 • 9 rti NIk/ I3QJLN`• 6,5 Seattle SrzPS 6 I 1 Regular 932 99 High Point Saes 7-12 Regular 524 99 �COf1VERSE rn z z Tuba Socha Regular S2 7.5 pr Defender 150 50 aru4 an fief .fine Sizes 7 11 Raqular 539 99 Canvas Alii Star -O,, ord and HI ',7P5 5 ,1 While Quantities Last Shorts 12 r4e9„fa, 9 +' (VI So/dtor Villa, o a an Lady Sugar Melanoma Alan's Sires 7 13 Woman's Sire', 810 Regular 544 99 29 SUNCOAST MAILt Hilet zl ev 88 t Sa 1'1 + Open fe CI u , t M 5 :.RICH ONTARIO Mon. -Fri. 9:3e cam to V:� p� r Saturday 9:89 era 90 6:409 pray W1 IU'fO T1I UM 3Ut NO 7311Vddt1 ONV S3OHS SWOdS M3L1 Chariot and Lady Chariot Mor- s Si7Ps ' +1 WnmPr, Ragl/lar 5Ae 90 p0pf 0