Clinton News-Record, 1983-04-13, Page 7300 (10(iur lWn., Ohr'riltltirin‘r and ('rp(lrt5 11 '.,ivr 1000f'y 00 your T1 GENERAL .n, 1111,1• i,i* 'r'lur. i1RE1 E31,i1 k ,mill help yeti lke eve; \, tllittiihli' saving �h,r h ,itr(lli(ti 1., yeti fru 1'S Si,irt ,1t 18AOO0PD it ; .i•: , tr.itin.1 ..if., r,,, l''r•t1,4r011 I,y HRR RIM 6 H a LOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 5 Ontario St. Clinton Open 9 A M9 S 30 9 M WOwo&days O l q.at PO -,ono fl89 9777 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMrNT NFCITSSAEiY CORD, WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 1 By Sherun Stadellanann 1 t,r Blyth Women's I.-.utute held their annual 1:•eetrng in the Memorial f fall un April 7 A workshop for sunple ,uiue repairs will be held in WInghani un April 20 at 1 30 p m. - 4 pan and in Walton un April 21 at 1:30 - 4 p.m. Aii invitation was received to 'Tiger Dunlop WI's 35th anniversary at Carlow Hall on April 13 at 1:30 p.m. There will be a historical meeting in the Memorial Hall April 21 at 8 pan. Keith F1oulston will be the speaker. The new slate of officers was read by Mrs. Wm. Garter. The new president fur 1983-84 Mrs. Lenora Davidson took the chair for the remainder of the meeting Several said they 7 will would like films, bus trips and new members. One new member is joining. A bus trip is being planned for July. A vote was taken for the price of hot meals, it was decided on $6 plus tax. The District Annual will be held in Wingham, May 30. Murray Cardiff will be the guest speaker. George Harrower showed slides on Nutrition. Officers for 1983-1984 are: Past President, Mrs. Evalena Webster; President, Mrs. Lenora Davidson; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Seth Emke; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. (.'has. Johnston; Secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Alex Nethery; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Johnston; Public Relations, isit other Mrs. Chas. Smith; Assistant Public Relations, Mrs. Luella McGowan; Branch Directors, Mrs. Mollie Grant, Mrs. Roy Easom, Mrs. Ruby Philp; District Director, Mrs. Mae Badley; Pianist, Mrs. Ruby Philp. Standing Committee members are: Agriculture and Canadian Industry, Mrs. Chas. Johnston and Mrs. Reg Schultz; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Edgar Howatt and Mrs. Evalena Webster; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Harold Carter and Mrs. Dan McInnes; Education and Cultural Activities, Mrs. Geo Harrower and Mrs. Enid McDonald• Resnhitinn.s Mrs. Seth Emke, Mrs. Jim Howson; Curator, Mrs. Wm. Carter; Tweedsmuir History, Mrs. Wm. Carter and Mrs. Marion Wright; Catering, Mrs. Jim Howson, Mrs. Seth Emke, Mrs. Mac Brooks, Mrs. Marie Button; Cards. Mrs. Alvin Proctor; Auditors, Mr. and Mrs. 5 George Harrower. Those from Blyth who attended the Annual meeting in St. Helen's on April 4 were Mrs. Evalena Webster, Mrs. Lenora Davidson, Mrs. Alex Nethery and Mrs. Wm. Carter. Blyth euchre winners There were 11 tables of euchre played on Monday night with the winners as follows: High Lady, Mrs. John Blake; High Man, Gordon Murray of Walton; Low Lady, Ella Richmond; Low Man, Joe Holmes; Ladies Lone Hands - Marj East; Mens Lone Hands - Donna Powell of Auburn inlaying as a man); Special - Mrs. Jean Scott. a --11--,Meat Specials MAPLE LEAF 375 gr. traPle Lear. KRAFT ;00 gm. CHEEZ WHIZ $2®29LAR I IBBb'S -88 01. TOMATO JUICE .89° TIN ®KRAF i 5110 ml. Gr®c,. ry Specials MIRACLE WHIP $1.15 hit ( ORM (K'S 400 gr. $1069 W TOLE WHEAT COOKIES BAG MAXWELL HOUSE OR NESCAFE 10 oz. INSTANT COFFEE tiALSION'S 1882 STONE MILL WHOLE WHEAT BREAD v'vESTON PLAIN ()R SUGAR DONUTS 4.'9 e79' 9'dozen Prod , ce Specials PR( >I)U(1 OF MEXICO LARGE TOMATES .7941h. 94Ih. RE CRA ES o99 ih. J 'Ay resew(' the — right to limit rluantitie•i. Net • ,.tic in effc•ct'•10: r•.,uiti ti•Uurd.r• April 16, 1983 ®" eerie sear we® mila Lear WIENERS .994pkg. MAPLE LEAF "STORE SLICED" MOCK CHICKEN EOAF$1.941 MAPLE LEAF "STORE SLICED" COOKED HA ,i ! $2®99 MAPLE LEAF 1/2 OR WHOLE FOOTBALL HAM$1®991b. 2.1%. DINNER 1 -HAM $2.790b. CENiTRE SLICES MAPLE LEAF 1/4 BONELESS MAPLE LEAF BONELESS TON -END HAM $2.7%b STORE SLICED MAPLE LEAF i/,'s PICKLED COTTAGE ' OLE$1 $2. 9% DEVON 500 gr. SIDE 91 CON $ i o.?9pkg BONELESS RUMP OR SIRLOIN TIP ASTS $ 991b. LYTH MEAT M KET BLYTH H Open: Monday -Thur,. 8 i.m..b p.m.; ( Iosr'd Friday at 6 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.- , p.m. 523=4551 ( ustom Killing ( tilting and Wrapping By Appointment Phone Miss Jannett Rock was honoured at a bridal shower held at the home of Mrs. Rick Baechler last Sunday afternoon. Relatives and friends of the groom -to -be Jack Holmes presented her with many gifts. Mrs. Ronald Foran is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital in London, where she underwent eye surgery. Home from Florida - some away for two or three months, others for two or three weeks, are: Isobel Fox, Ed and Margaret Brooks, Bill and Mary Manning, Grant and Pat Sparling, Franklin and Anetta Bainton, Charlie and Evelyn Smith, and Bill and Susan Howson. Harvey and Ferne McDowell and Mary Walden spent several weeks recently in Hawaii. Harve returned with several hundred pic- tures; so many look forward to viewing them at future gatherings. Mrs. Edith Logan, in her 100th year, has returned to her King Street home after enjoying four months at Huronview. Shop anti Compare on your next furniture purchase 1a Compare price, seles- tiora ®tad service. `1P®au°ll Haul the best for less, k Clinton at Bali & Match It line FurN hlio gs Ti Aib®rt Street CLINTON 482-9505 Open six days a week 9- 6, Friday till 9 pas. On April 9 registration for Blyth minor softball was held. Julie Young of Blyth was one of the first to sign up. ( Rod Hilts photo) return for a visit The members of Blyth U . C. W . were della :;i ted to have present at their spring Thankoffering service last Sunday evening Rev. Cecil and Sharon Wittich who had ministered here for the ii,.::st 12 years and who are now in charge off three United Churches in and near Listowel. Sharon, the guest speaker, captivated her audience by a visual presentation of the famous portrayal of God's Love as told by St. Paul to the Corinthians. President June Peck express .I appreciation to Sharon and presented her with a gift. Others contributing to the service were: Jean Griffiths and Evalena Webster - worship; ladies' choir - two anthems; Margaret Kai - organ prelude, offertory and choir director. A fellowship hour following the service gave an opportunity for mingling with invited guests Belgrave and Calvin - Brick U.C.W. Lost Heir There were seven tables of Lost Heir played on Wed- nesday night. The winners were: High Lady - Elsie Walsh; Low Lady - Dorothy Daer; High Man - Ken McDougall; Low Man - John Simpson. There will be Lost Heir next week. Everyone is welcome. Council approves building permit By Rod Hilts At the April 4 meeting of Blyth Village council a motion was passed granting Ken Hesselwood of Blyth the go- ahead to construct a car wash in the village pending the decision of the County Planning Department. Mr. Hesselwood is planning to build a two bay car wash on Part Park lot 17, County Road 25, east of the Triple K Restaurant. The problem in the plan is that the lot isn't zoned properly. As it stands now the lot is zoned for a parking area. Mr. Hesselwood has obtained an entrance permit from the County Highways Department and has the approval of the Public Utilities Commission for water and hydro hook- up. "The car wash is a well needed outfit in Blyth and it would be in a good location," said Councillor Lloyd Sippel. Pending the approval of the zone change Mr. Hesselwood hopes to be operati e the car wash by June 1. Larger grant for Centre In other business council passed a motion that they increase their donation to the Blyth Centre for the Arts six percent to $800. eo-vmisinnimirejp YTH I F=RIDAY & SATURDAY, Anil. 15th, 16th 11 iftlmaimmemt t•;'V 1 U'8'!lllfl YOUR HOSTS HAROLD & THELMA LYTI-1 Christian Reformed Church Heir. A. Dickman - Pastor Blyth Christian Reformed Church invite's )(or to Rs worship service's and programs Sunday, April 17, 1983 10 a.m. - -Recognize Jesus in the Breaking of Bread" Luke 24: 13-35 2:30 psii. - -Corruption and Conversion" John 3: 1.21 David Longstaff Ltd. Optician s' Main St. South. SE AFI)RI II Optometrist's and Ophthalmologist's Prescriptions Filled Proinptls SUMMER HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m_ Closed Wednesday & Saturdays ( ()MPLE:TE OPTICAL. SERVICE'. 527-1 303 FRED LAWRENCE Electrical Contractor 11OMF.- 1- •11te1 AND (:OMMF.RCI.tiI, W IHI\(o 1°111104a Al FII UN 526- 7505 LYLE YOUNGBLUT 011,111 \I - H SALES 2t SEUVi(:I-: Your Oil Hpahnq Controctor 171.11.11,(➢`'TAUI(1 P 1I ()N E. 523-9585 WARD UPTIGROVE (.11,t 1�'i' F; li F; i ➢ ,(:(:OU NT.t 011'4' 291-3010 Geo. Burkholder AUTO BODY (:(ll.1.lbl0 -s Huy %ins AREF TOWING lN(; SF;U\ 14:1-, 24 1101 ILO; .%1411 523-9474 BURKE ELECTRICLid 11 ( uric, i, trr. 9, ti ,I.rh i• t„ •ill O(tpn h (lays a wept, (ihllt(1ll \%V --It'' :11 Incur poratina T1 u Nrryflold 13 ,rglo Tho lllylh standard WANT ADS WORK 482-3443 Or 482-7741 GENERAL (,orlon Elliott ;19 ;21-4,22 LIFE R. John Elliott 519-;23-4123 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. !NM RftN(F IN Al I BRAN( HFS 1 clahlished 1910 Rl YTH, ONTARIO NOM 1HO 519-S2.3-4481 I IVF'TO(K MORTAI ITY INSLIRAN( 1 H.T. DALE 'I -I'll(. i A\la ,'I N1F'1"I(. U11(:F; CLINTON PHONE 482-3320 or 527-0284 obert Worse!! Plumbing Heating Sales & Service Box 68 Auburn 526-7597 IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE! FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Tues. to Sot. 9:30-6:00 p.wv. Frl. till 9 p.m. Closed Mondays. Main SL, Dublin 345-2250 The decision to increase the donation was made after council heard a presentation from Lynda Lentz and Sheila Richards, the fund raising committee for the 1983 theatre season. In their presentation the ladies thanked council for their co-operation with the theatre in the past and requested that council continue to support them. "We're not asking council to increase their donation we're just asking that you don't cut us off," said Mrs. Lentz. According to Mrs. Richards the Blyth Centre for the Arts is one of the few in Canada that is operating in the black. She also said that the Blyth Centre for the Arts is unique in another way. "The theatre such as the one in Blyth produces Canadian identities unlike the ones in Toronto," said Mrs. Richards. Councillor Albert Wasson noted that the good at- mosphere between the cpuncil and the Centre for the Arts may keep the ball rolling in the future. Council will review the donation at a later date when they receive some information on the legal case against Stahle-Weisher contractors. ]interest on Tax Arrears Council agreed on a penalty rate of 15 per cent per annum on tax arrears for 1983. The interest rate of 18 per cent established in 1982 ex- pired on March 31. The motion to adopt the new rate was made by Albert Wasson and seconded by Lloyd Sippel. Supple ii:eantary Levy paid The Blyth and District Fire Area Board has been required to put a down payment on the new fire truck. The partial levy. is $20,'itI' with Blyth's sre being 19 per cent or $3,800. The new truck is estimated to cost $67,000 and delivery is expected in July. 011RP application Council decided to send in an application for a grant, of $29,000 from the Ontario Home Renewal Program ( OHRP). The program offers home owners a maximum loan of $7,500 for home repairs. To date council has $3,11,1 of loan money on hand. Mr. Paul Yanchus of Blyth has applied for a loan of $7,500 for work to be done on the old station house on Dinsley Street. His loan will be considered pending the outcome of the council's loan application. Fire damaLes dalton home By Betty McCall The house owned by Mrs. Francis Saur in the village was badly damaged when fire broke out on Friday night around 10 p.m. Firemen were on the scene from Brussels, Blyth and Ethel. The fire had got quite a start in the clothes dryer by the time Mrs. Saur smell- ed smoke and sounded the alarm. Mrs. Saur had been living in the former Roy Bennett house till only a few weeks ago when she moved over to the house formerly owned by the late Mrs. Broadfoot. XXX There were nine tables of euchre in play on Tuesday evening in the Walton Community Hall. Prize winners were: high lady, Shirley Verstrop; low, Alice Stevens; high man, Emerson Mitchell; low, Bert Deer; lucky card for lady, Vera McDonald; men, Bill McLellan. Hostesses were Marion Godkin, Margaret Shor- treed, Marjory Rock and Vera McDonald. There will be another euchre party on April 19 with Marjorie Humphries, Helen Craig, ,Judy Weisbrod and Leona McDonald in charge. WT Entertain For Birthday Party Tuesday afternoon the Walton Women's Institute entertained at the Callendar Nursing Home in Brussels for those with birthdays in Apnl Many of the residents gathered to hear the music supplied by Mildred Traviss at the piano and Phyllis Mit- chell with her violin. A lively sing song was led by Margaret Short reed. Everyone was served a cupcake and tea by Maxine Marks and Leona McDonald. Tuan to page R