Clinton News-Record, 1983-03-16, Page 11Bill l lallahaii, centre, the Grand Knight of the Clinton St. Joseph's Council recently presented cheques of $150 each to Patrick Phillips, left, and Danny Vere, right, to assist them in their studies to become priests. ( Rod Hilts photo) STEP pr gram has good response in Huron The Huron Centre for Children and Youth is pleas- ed with the public response to our parenting program, based on S.T.E.P. Unfor- tunately all available spaces, for the Spring course, have been filled. We are, however, accep- ting names for an an- ticipated fall program. If you are interested in putting SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS SPECIAL SPRING PRICES IN EFFECT Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD GODERICH 524-7345 Clinton Area Representative MICHAEL FALCO ER 153 HIGH STREET CLINTON 482-9441 your name on a waiting list, please call the Centre at 482- 3931. Company attitudes toward the asthma -threatened workers vary. In some cases susceptible workers are retained to perform other jobs, away from the guilty chemicals. At other companies, plant physicians tend to ignore complaints. Some companies invite the researchers into their plants; at others there is considerable resistance to Study warns about asthma causes It's nice to throw out the alarm clock. And stay in bed. But most of us can't. We have livelihods to earn. Life and health sometimes have a direct bearing on the way we earn our livings, says the Ontario Lung Association. Several recent studies GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial -School DRUCLLIIILD, OtlT. 482-9260,565-5341 and 236-4979 10:ot1 - Family Bible School 11:00 - Speaker: Randy Mann PREACHING TUE DOCTRINES ®f GRACE have brought out the connec- tion between asthm , and employment in manuf ing companies that with organic cheanicals.4'' s suggested that a substantial fraction of unexplained asthma may be due to such chemicals in the workplace. Unfortunately, use of the the scientific investigation. There are many causes of asthma other than work- related allergies. House dust, aminal dander and pollen are common ex- amples. Or the cause may be a non -allergenic factor, such as cold air, a viral infection, or vigorous exercise. The stimulus may be a combina- tion of tactors. Asthma is a definite physical disease and not "all in the mind." Over 500,000 adults and children in Canada suffer from this difficult disease. But good news about asthma surfaces, too. The disease can usually be controlled and prevented by excellent medications. To find out more about asthma and other lung diseases, consult your local lung association - the chemicals involved is rapid- "Christmas Seal" people. ly, expanding in the plastics It's a matter of life and industry. breath. ilimmomilluleeleemiteme MONUM NTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUME;'`'T CLEANING & REPAIR PRYDE MEMORIALS GODERICH - CLINTON - EXETER 524-6621 DON DENOMME - AREA REPRESENTATIVE .4ngliean .SP. Paul ;s Anglican fhurc SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1983 Roy Gordon Simmons 8 A M Div 10 00 o m Holy Communion Sunday Sr hnnl Hurl Nursery available during morning wor ship Fveryone WRIcome Christ ian R efermed Christian Reformed Church Churciz rvtes Fellowship Bible Chapel 4\ 162 Maple Street Clinton Speaker- Dave Daley, Arkona 11 a m Sunday School and Family Bible Hour 7 p m Evening Service 7 30 Tuesday, Coffee Hour 8 Cubbies Wed., March 23 at 10 a m. 7 p m. Thurs Awana Club Pentecostal © Calvary Pentecostal Church Pastor Wayne Lester 166 Victoria St Clinton 9.45 A.M. Sunday School 10 45 A.M. Morning Worship LE. WELCOME United 24.1 Prioress St F Clinton PFv APIF VANDEN BERG B D Th M Sunday, Morch 20, 1983 d n m Worship Service 3 p m Worship Service Rev De Hoon Guelph Ont of both services All V,sit rs WelcortiR Wnrrh Frnth70 nt930om 000lobolTv Ontario .Street 1 inited Church MINISTER ORGANIST Norman Pick Louise McGregor 11 a m Public Worship and Church School Wesley -Willis United Church PEOPLE SER I'fN(, GOD THROUGH SER I iW, PEOPLE MINISTER REV JAMES BECHTEL B A BO Organist Miss Catharine Potter Choir Director Mrs Wm Hearn SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1983 11 n m Morning Worship Sermon TOTAL OBEDIENCE iNursery and Sunday School1 HOLMESVILLE 9 dS o m Morning Worship Sermon TOTAL OBEDII If you mention Vanishing Parties to any woman from beyond the Clinton area, she looks at you with raised eyebrows "What are Vanishing Parties?" she will ask. They go back rather a long way into the history of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary. It was in the early 1960's that Donna Wtied and Lina Cochrane attended the an- nual Hospital Auxiliaries Association convention an Toronto. At this convention numerous sessions are held to help auxiliaries with gift shop management, meeting procedures, and money- rriaking schemes. It was in the last named group that vanishing parties were described This idea was brought to the Clinton Aux- iliary, and immediately adopted. Vanishing parties have been going on since that time, and have raised a great deal of money for Clin- ton Public Hospital. Between 1972 and 1982 $8,060 was rais- ed. And why are they named Vanishing Parties? A party - luncheon, card party. or whatever the hostess prefers - is held for 12 women, who each donate $1 to the Aux- CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARC ies in Clintongo diary. Each one oft the original 12 then has a party for eight, who each donate $1 Each of the eight then has a party for four friends who in turn donate $1. And then the parties vanish! Mathematicians can figure out the combinations - nearly $511 can be raised. This year Margaret Caldwell, who is convener of vanishing parties, reported that the first party was held in Ontario Street United Church, and already $376 has been raised for Clinton Hospital. The president, Esther Wright, presided at the regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary, held on March 7 in the new board room of the hospital. Reporting for the geriatrics and hairdressing committee Dawna Westlake mentioned that 11 volunteers had helped with 14 patients receiving hairdressing ser- vices. A Valentine party was held with the aid of two volunteers at which part of Mr. McMillan's drama class entertained the patients. Marg Coventry, Gift Shop convener, reported that a successful work meeting had been held at which soft toys, canvas log carriers, place You ®re Invited to the Special Gospel Meeting at Joseph Street Gospel Hall Commencing March 6th Sunday at 8 p.m. 1983 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday at 8 p.m. Speakers Bill Metcalf Sarnia Dori Nicolson Woodville For by grace are ye saved through faith; end that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any clean should boast. Eph. 2: 8,9. No Collections mats, and aprons had been made to help supply the gift shop. She stated also that 10 diabetic cookbouits had been sold; more are on order. Joyce Hilderley, Penny Sale convener-, gave out to the mem t rs penny sale PorE clusivaand Unusual Celts The Arbor 4 1 AI;,rrt 5t Clinton 482 18-6 We B&&y and Sell used Pocketbooks! HORSY £ MOM' 15 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM -11 PM NOTABLE QUOTES BLESSED BS THE NATION mrhose God Is the Lord; and the people shorn he hath chosen for his awn inheritance. (Psalm 33:12) And nay people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet Besting places. (Isaiah 32:181 Notable Quotes Society 555 KTNINVOE DRIVE LONDON, ONTARIO NLG 1P1 16, 1983— PAGE 11 ack in history cards fur nulaaberang. She said that each year about 12,000 tickets are sold. The price for a card with 25 tickets - 25 cents - has re- mained the same ever since the penny sale began, over 25 years ago. Inflation has not touched this one facet of life in Clinton. However this year the pen- ny sale committee faces problem. Where is the sale to be held? Suggestions from the public would be welcom- ed- We represent many Trost Companies. We ire often able to arrange for the highest Interest being of- fered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. 'Subject to change Ganser©Kneci Insunce Or 1kers Inca EXETER CLINTON GRAND BEND. G+>3QI;P CP$ 235-2420 482-9747 238-8484 524-2118 r tf`L '�i�l • r. .dl.�!•L ro Nilllf �w Litt & falconer FUNERAL HOME LIMITED I"t HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 MISS ELEANOR PL4JMSTE€L of Bluewater Rest Home Zurich and formerly of Clinton died on Tuesday, March 8, 1983. The funeral service was held on Friday, March 11, 1983. MRS PEARL CUMMINGS of Clinton died on Thursday March 10 1983. The funeral service was held on Monday, March 14 1983 MR JAMES "LEE" McCONNELL died on Monday, March 14, 1983 The funeral service will be held on Thursday, March 17, 1983 at 2 P.M. ®®®®MIME ®® NEE ENS ate tIV ®®®®®®®®®®Met1®®® 41 THURSDAY MARC 17 SURP E ONE DAY ONLY: AM TO IN MANY SEAFORTH ST Extra Special Discounts! Special Prizes! Surprises Galore! FOR FURTHER DETAILS see the Individual advertisements of Seatorth businesses in this edition! Y01,1 WON'T W4t1T TO MISS OUT IPI Tiff FUN THURSDA ONLY PM RES r°r spm, a ...r, ✓. Alb wtvm- Si,r,„v ,,r 1,y (nnln,lh p,nro ass Imprnva,..' ma -0 eMia UM MOD UMKM EMO MED MEnmi fiMO ®OSMmeMa M53 EM® t ■