Clinton News-Record, 1983-03-09, Page 130tld the 16th By M Lena LAI) Spring must be here. We have been watching the Canadian Geese land on our pond the last few days and every morning there are more. If the arrival of lambs is a sign of sprang, at arrived in full force a week ago Sun- day wheraGerry and Jo -Anne Lobb became the proud owners of a set of quads followed in an hour by their fourth set of triplets. The barn is a noisy place with 34 baaing babies. It is a hectic time for sheep owners, but it will soon be over. Grace Forbes was hostess for the March meeting of the S.S. No. 4 Community Club. Past President Marlene Forbes was in charge of the meeting. Since so many members were vacationing in the south only eight members answered roll call with their spring project. The secretary report was given by Faye Oakes and the treasurer's report was read by Marlene Forbes. Volunteers for the Township Card Party on March 16 were decided and the tickets for The Happy Hooker Ball No. 2 on April 9, were handed out. Plans were made for the Annual Potluck Supper to be held at the Township Com- munity Centre on Tuesday March.22. Everyone is to br- ing food, dishes and cutlery. Eating time is 7:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday after- noon, March 30 at the home of Linda Jones. Note change of regular date. There will be a quilt to work on. The after- noon was spent quilting a crib quilt for Grace. Folk you know Murray and Marlene Forbes spent a few days visiting at Omemee with Mike and Sylvia and their new son Shawn. The Don Lobb family has been busy travelling to Toronto. Don was guest speaker at the annual Soil and Crop Improvement Association held in Toronto recently. The family attend- ed the 50th Wedding An- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Allen. They were treated to a dinner and even- ing at the Royal York where Mr. and Mrs. Allen spent their wedding night. Con- grat1lations on this special occasion from the communi- ty. Stephen Lobb was home from Western University on the Spring break. Alison Lobb was in C ; cago last week attending a Com- modities Marketing Seminar. Murray, Marlene Forbes and their family, Don Forbes and his family attended the christening of Vickie Lynn, daughter of Victor and Mary Lynn Iacobellis, in Stratford February 27. The reception was held at the Stratford Country Club. Marilyn Forbes and Suzanne Mclllwain spent a week in the Barbados where they 'met several local peo- ple who like they just don't appreciate the beautiful spr- ing weather we were having. Go s f y G urmets me :rt Goofy Gourmets Hoknesville 1 4-H On Feb. 28 the Goofy gourmets went to the Deli and Dutch Cheese House in Seaforth. They were told about the different types of meats and cheeses. Members went to Lana Jones house where they started the meeting with the 4-H pledge. All five members were present. Group 1 cooked Dutch Peach Kut- chen and group 2 made the deli sandwiches and Potato pancakes. Everything was tasted and the group gave their opinions. By Lori Forbes KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION ©4 Wirt U CENTENNIAL SCT L Brucefleld • WEDNESDAY,® MARCH 30, 1983 Porwnts orp ockprl to hrir g h,rth rwrtifrcntws Coll Sehonl (482 33.01 for on oppnwtmpnt Arnold th'c:.r randapeaI YO ETTE L'1.1NTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1983 - PAGE 13 RE REGULAR & ALL 'BEEF Maple Leaf Wieners OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.69 1 lb vac pac MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS, PURE PORK & ALL BEEF 1 linGolden Fry.�FSausages SLICED, 16 VARIETIES INCL MAC & CHEESE Maple Leaf Cooked Meats..9 500 g pkg SLICED, REGULAR, THICK OR HINT OF MAPLE 29 Maple Leaf Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF, RISKET, VAC PAC ed eef 505/229 MAPLE LEAF, KOLBASSA, REGULAR OR EEF SALAMI, E s. Y -TO SE I'VE, HALVES OR QUARTERS, VAC PAC S 1 iOKIE, GARLIC SAUSAGE, PEPPERONI, SUMMER OR POLISH Majle Leaf 25Sausage Ha'� _' �� /kg Ib StjcI;s r. APLE,LE. `,.F am St a s 175 g vac pac .9 PLE LEAF 500 roll 9 VA I l L AVARI r � �a ii Deli Chu i_ns 250 >ql size N1, KOLBASSA & JAGDWU:•iST 250 g size SLICE • REGULAR, BEEF, GARLIC & THICK laple Lei.f RoITgn 50iI: g vac pac 1.9 PLE LE \,F, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC 43 /kg /1 COIL Ma r le Leaf ��00 �� Kol As a a ® Ib a7: tt oils e OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.59 Mrs PLE LEAF ologrta Chunks MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 8 VAR I Cooke{-' Meats 500 g vac pac CL PICKLE & PIMENTO 375 g vac pac SLICED aple Leaf . Cooied Ham. I. 1-U MAPLE LEAF, READY -TO -SERVE, PICNiC STYLE rk oul ers MAPLE LEF, REY-TO-SERVE, HALVES s Ciuntiy 1/4,o Kitchen ,m rodiNT 84 411,1V %114/ joyiiid am we la ma NI UN MI 00 !ITH THIS COUPON 'r the purchase price of a Maple Leaf, ready -to -serve Country Kitchen Ham L 'mil onp coupon per ham purchase Vand until March 191h 1983 VC IN3TORES WITH DEU LARGE lb Maple Leaf 35.0 7,59 1 Bologna Ib EYE OF ROUND Maple Lead f1009 99 MAC & CHEESE DUTCH, CHICKEN, DELICIA & PORK & BACON M pie Leaf 42Ilio fjg Meat Loaves ® Ib MAPLE LEAF ITALIAN M : arella Pastrami si a lb Cheese COIL. MAPLE LEAF Polish Sausage 37.716 lb, �r FINE, COARSE & CREAMY Ma le Leaf di- Liverwur .tisC moo 29 Ma le Leaf 64 Ib COIi y Cheeses .r