Clinton News-Record, 1983-02-16, Page 5Porn gr protest a • a o bum p®<<:,e of mail frown people in Huron -Bruce and the sur- rounding area, opposed to any airing of erotic or por- nographic material on Licensed television- I would like to thank you for writing and making this effort to register your views on a sub- ject which concerns all of us. 1 alai also encouraged that many wrote to the CRTC and to the 1Vlinister of Com- munications, who jointly have responsibility for ad- ministering public policy relating to television. I have no difficulty at all in opposing emphatically any use of licensed television sale Canada to show por- nographic material. The CRTC has issued a press release indicating that a would like to see the televi- sion industry adopt volun- tary standards for its pro- gramming to prevent such abuses. One reason they give for preferring this course is that they claim not to have any mandate to prohibit material in advance, while, after broadcast, when the harm has been done, it is for the courts to rule on ques- tions of obscenity and of community standards. The CRTC also believes, however, that the current judicial definition of obscenity is not appropriate for television. I feel that the CRTC does not go far enough in recognizing its power to ensure that material such as the Playboy network offers in the United States is kept off licensed television in Canada. For years, the question of community stanon.rds has been a troublesome one in Canada. We are caught between a respect for the in- dividual's right to make his own decisions on matters of taste and morality, and a respect for the moral stan- dards of our heritage and of the majority. In the present case, there is no moral dilemma. Pay TV licenses are issued under the federal government's authority and clearly fall within the sphere of community decisions. To prohibit the airing of erotic or irnograp': 'c material is to assert a col,I rcurtity stan- dard. It is not to take away any in of i vidual right, for there is no individual right to decide how the public televi- sion band will be used. If any individual right could be said to exist in such a matter, it would be the right to remain free from exposure to public programailing of a hurtful or offensive type. It is clear that the CRTC has a mandate and a respon- sibility to protect in- dividuals. It is not an easy ressonsibility, for whenever a public body has the is ;ewer to make value judgements affecting the community, it has the capacity to make bad ones. Yet the CRTC exists to make just this kind of judge- ment. This power was given to a commission so that such decisions would not be sub- ject to political pressures of a ,o artisan nature. I would like to see the Ci•;TC fulfill its responsibili- ty to the community. If any ins, i vidual right could be said to exist in respect to the kind of programming aired on television, it is a right of im- munity, not a right of prerogative. That is, the in- .;vidual might need protec- tion from programrning which could harm him among his fellow citizens. This is what immunity would involve. But if a right to be immune from some kinds of broadcasting exists, certain- ly no prerogative exists by which an individual or group may claim a right to view a certain kind of programm- ing. Our rights as individuals are, in matters of this com- munity nature, freedoms from, not freedoms for any particular course of action. As the controversy sur- rounding the question of Pay Television programming continues, I shall continue to argue for a prohibition of such material on any Cana- dian licensed television channel. My preference would be to see the CRTC act as its mandate dictates. to take a firm decision on this matter in line with views it has already expressed op- posing pornography on television. If the CRT(' will not take the decision itself, Parliament may have to act, and 1 shall push for Parliamentary action if it. proves necessary. I hope that it does not. You may rest assured that 1 shall make both the Minister of Communications and the CRT(' aware of the degree of support from our part of the country for a ban on pornographic programm- ing. Yours sincerely, Murray Cardiff, MI' Huron-RIuce UJNTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1983 PAGE . Prices "M effect till closing time Saturdat, Fehr,uary 19. We reser‘(' fh right to limit guantities.. ICA - ASSORTED POTATO CHIPS 200 G. PKG. ALLEN'S - PURE APPLE JUICE 48 FL. OZ. WHITE SWAN -ASSORTED ATROOM TISSUE 4 ROLL PACKAGE T—BONE STEAK 7023/Kg. 3 2 ® /Ib. IGA - FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 FL. OZ. 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