Exeter Times, 1901-12-19, Page 8•1' 10. k T► 1111:1111. 100.101.1001.00110111.0.01100..... ONE PR IGF ONLY. a BOItP.ODUGE. A merry merry Christinas, with plenty andto share is our hearty wish to all. We have a large lot of very suitable Xmas prese its, the kinds that are useful as well as orne nenta1. SLOO, $1.3, and $L75 each for three as l:'r ea ty parlor table lamps as you would wish to sees All hand :decorat- ed and beautifully t leaded, $'1.25, $`"1 35 mid $1.50 each for a tawelt line of china berry setts, 13 lecea in each sett, pretty and good. �4.7 eg�uS1.QJtclt for beautiful new Eohetu- ista ,tor algid, glass Eperns, the sweetest &entre piece fir( ,t table that you'll see. • 251; the set for pretty elrina cream and sugars. 25e for very nice 3 piece ehiee. potaidge setts, $0.50 $7.50, $8.00, $3.75 and $1250 a,e.‘ a lovely range of full dinner heti,, r,: the ;Jew browns, greens, blues and pastel elude.. If you want R, din- ner sett we want to eee you. 15' each foe fa,nt•v t3isgne t:hina figttra.s 25( each for ehina figures. ;Se t' It air swelt shaded Bohemian ' fruit ti,. he+?. They're beauties. The choicest and hest in gtviceries and fruits suitable for Xmas, le what we are offering, $1,(X). $2.00 and $2.75 each ler our new cheuile table covers. They are just as pretty as can be. $1,00, $1,50, $2,25, $3.00 and S# 50 each for the choicest lot of French tapestry table ropers that we have ever shown in Exeter. Ol'i, but tars -y are pretty. 08; $1.25, $1,75. $1.90 and e.:2.25. each for a swell lot of white honey comb, and Dia seines bed eprsanie. Correct for Xmas !loxes, 15e, 2a', 30e, 50e, 75e. :and ale each fa or ncy boxes, each coutaizuug ti kfs. Swell goods for Names, 150, 25c, 30c, 50e and (ltl,• each for. cyte !new silk hkfs. 9.11 special for !teas $2.25, S1.15. $3.85. $1.()0, Si 51) and $6.00 for the prettiest lot of fancy toilet FE•tts that we have ever shown. some lnw ely gold treeing and decorat- ne• ie this let. S.se them $1.35 each for aa. nice lot of solid oak screen, filled with art stteens and Preach. tinsels. S2?1 ,ad $2211 foie Bi jsels Assert 'az}' rtaa.idatd turret Gyt'eepere, high gdal'tty y' S1 35 the pair for ladles' 2 strltp,,S wev r kin opera sirtrper. .�. _ ' , $1.7er foe ladies' 4 strap fancy kid opera slippers. Swell goods, correct or Nan to wear. 25e, 40c, rifle and tar ,'.i:'lt far ladle.," new hand purses, they. -1rµ a ltr.•etF° l:,a and ,ire great money savere. 75e, LOU,+$1.25 nod U.5 ! ' wb tor nice fur neck se et•ts trimmed will: tails. $225. A3.7S amt 2+5.wi each for :a swell lot of faun r , a•e, sulfa, shaped and finished with hi.,•ie :and 'ails, Lively presents, ,� .<,, .• �a. . Fumuftis, fur g to tet furrape, cur eaperrnes. for caps and swtrll rete coats for ladies. • ;, ,V, t t>:1aays andS.Ltura;tys excepted. ' Fur ,oats, fin• caps, fur mitts and fur robes for the men. Rare values. surrcdNuts, ares, oranges, lemons, all kinds for Xmas. J. Vit• 8T EWA FST "t.••.4144,+ is a + o J + :"++,..'1a.:4.a ; 'i 7.. THE MART To Have the Best Coods is what the business man owes him - elf. It is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be oftcta the cheapest and con- sequently always the best. We have in stock everything in the Stationery Line -newest in Note Paper. A Complete Lirie of Jardineres, ,3nglish and German Decorated Vases,. French China t imoge and Japanese Ware. • <r ANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRlP- TiONS. JOHN GRIGG, EXETER. For Marriage Licenses, Wea:lciisag Rings, Watches, C1oc104. Jewelry, Spectacles,Eic CALL ON R. 1i1ClaS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Next Wednesday will be Christmas. Friday next will be the shortest day of the year. Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Rosq yesterday (Wednesday) attended the wedding in Clinton, of• their son, Will Ross, to Miss Couch of that town. The early holiday shopper will get the hest of the goods offered for sale. Mrs. Johnston, of London, sister of Mrs. Peter Frayne, died in London last week. Miss Orr, of Detroit, returned toll er home it Exeter North last week owin to illness. The Masons will occupy their new lodge room in Fitton'a new block about 1st January. A son of Mr. James Harvey, of the Mansion House, was enlisted in Lon don for Sonth Africa, Miss Elliott, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Anderson, returned to Mitchell on Friday last. i Mr. Latta; of Trinity Medical Co11eg 1J. Spackman and Mrs. Fowell. Chas. M. Miners, of Elimville, broth. er of Geo. Miners town, has secured a position with R. H. Sweet and will commence duties at the first of the new year. Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, of Sea - forth, occupied the pulpit of the Trivitt, Memorial church on Sunday last, preaching two excellent sermons. "Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck conducted services 'in Seafortb. g e I Toronto, is visiting his aunts. Mrs. E 1 IS itI ST E LLIOT, , igen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM - ';`ANT, of To OM-'oavT,a,fTo onto; also for the PaxZNrx FIRE t;,eURA.VCF CoNteaxv,. of London, England ; e 'wx.i:tv.E LNSQtiAVOE COMPANY, of Eng :and TO ADVERTISERS. The school will close on Friday for The copy for changes must be left the Christmas holidays. according to the law. the children should resume their studies on Jan. 3rd, but as that date falls on Friday, it is hardly likely the schools will re -open before Mon- day, the Gth. • not fitter than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY , DECEMBER 19TH 1901 Locals. '`ally.( 1.'on SALE.- Parlor heater; wood, gourd as new. Apply at Trams Office. Boy W.YTED.-_A good, smart boy with fair education, wanted . to learn the printing business. Apply at TIMES offiee. KESS ! KEYS 1-411 parties having ' keys from our store will kindly bring' them in on Dec. 28th, ate""- . m. as we are going to open the lock 3 present the luc k person son I y' with 't p lee.., and some. parlor suite., Remember the day. R. A joint stock company is being formed in town for the purpose of erecting a large curling .and skating rink.. It will be located north of the Commeecial hotel stables. The build- ing will he commodious, will have a cement floor, and lit by acetylene gas. In the summer it can be used for pub - lie meetings where a very large crowd is expected. George Hillier, who died in Oregon, recently, will he remembered by many. in Exeter, When hying here he re- sided with his mother, in a cottagge near Dyer & Howard's planing mill.. Inhe year 1885 he went to California withthe late N. J. Clarke, with whore he worked on R ranch for a number of years, His mother and ' yours' er brother, Henry, followed.laier. e afterwards left for the luml•ir wopds in Northern California, which occupa- tion he since followed. Decer;sed was an energetic, steady young n.ran, and oon made his mark. 1twas r:ot long before he acquired an interest in a arge lumbar camp, Subsequently be - owing sole owner, and when be died ad become quite wealthy.. lie sae Serest. '141 Tui VARM1xo .PUBLra.---If yot keep cows for milk, butter or cheese, and are fattening calves,,ccattle or hogs, er poultry- for market or'' c eggs, it eays to fed English Stock Foo; ,,It is is ir=-heapest food ,on the market. `twv 0, Luiz, Exeter: c rent work and done h Pat1:4, N', Bowe's,"a 3 years of. age, , S. PIS EXETER XIP 110. via HENSALL ENSALL A BIG LISTSPECIAL PRICES Below we give a big list of specially low prices for high-class goods suitable for gifts and for the t.11t•lstmas trade generally. In some rase~ the quantifies are not large an( at the prig's marked evil! -,zo quick. t'( me car v and - tire first choice, Commencing Thi M ratua We Shall Sell BIG 25 CENT. ff EWE MiNER Sw4eet fancy biscuits, 3 ahs for.,,.25e vane Chocolates and C t'e:trua, reg, 20e lb 3 ahs for 25e , packages Sweet Chocolates for....25r 3 Il,s line cleaned OurranN for. ,..250 2 boxes Granose Wheat Biscuits for.25e 9 Itis good Rice for. ... ... . . .....25e 3 las finest se eoied 1 usit,s foe. ,...25e 2 lbs the+ice Mixed. Nuts for.- Good, ru•. Good, size Messina Pr.a:ngt's, p. r tto7,1; iE• #i lbs goad Cooking Figs foe 25e 2 hottc•s tine Mixed Pickles for25e Finest gtrality Leu:on5, large size, special p'r• duz .... , .. , 25c. Taylor's Perfumes We carry a large stook of the above • • named rrrnnuractueet'e celebrated odors at Sar; Sae, 5Or, (Jac, and a..•. They make lovely Chrial.inits preeetw:y, A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY ` W YEAR To our many customers,. CARL.IIVG BROS. LADIES' KID GLOVES Special at Sue and 1.70. Big Clean-up in M.Eu's Gio7hing • SOFA'`-USHION COVERS 1 SS 111 Ieuz 1 ul Silk Embroidered. . Sati nuta Metes !witty :l -www,,,! wt•,ttb .._tr laiel t cal colet5, at 123, 15 to 2,25. and line!, regal.er !rice :„0, special •.... , .... ........... (io•,Iy :lieu's i•rtli ba'k grey frr)ze Aw'eitowt . 144.c• 1'414111 iir,ec,gS �? l OLOJlah sleeve iinings. tegulur 10.04 coat for .... .. . `V 10 only bons 3 ]r tit suits, well lined andhr ai•lrtl. r;�:•ei b!!;: . ', . I'„� rx rimier;!, rer,ttiar 3.75 suit for.. . "4T Ladies' Jackets RDA Coats rbcs' au tw t•ut, latest style, silk lined cams. atgni1;n' l+s :e 19.tD4„ .. , ....... tdit•s' tte•ww' style silt: It ua' 1 i', w'9°a+, 1,,A• ata.t' 1prii,` 7 S. for 5 11(1105' Wait .I vlr, t cgn'.nr 5.2.1 rir11, for ...,-..00 0....00... .,,..... (zl';NT'$ CHRISTMAS TIES A beautiful ,asp:wrrta'ient just at,9,5 salad 571e. CUTLERY Silver Knives, .h . Psi r a, Spoon.. --great valuer?. } urnitu e Eiipo. OLD STAND. We. carry a barge, well assorted stock of up-to-date fur - 1 lI fu1. �niture, good values, your ]Honey's worth, and guarantee satisfaction, !loth as to price 11n(1 quality. 1,AD11,>' 11I$ i1 5' ANO 130 YS' LEG (•� �!], pp jr pp j� til2.01,I !Soya la g lu g tat, L9'! 1 lGUl1 U la� t.l•ll acrd 't5. !!saes leggin„ s ;at l.tl1 ! and all Kinds of Kewoir!no. and l.,,a. !..1(!105 le�ginrs:tt iun•I VA {'►A {TA �{T lTA �,,A A O {TA to, AU { STA {;A {T,► {7i •lit {fA {Tj T �Lk'lr..ry� {T � .•- .- ys .,w r,_,A.Sw...,. M .0 �Tqk-.gl...,i,w .ear ► t 1r A► AM,.. T.V►.H� ��.f74•44 ,,,$kji.{..Ai moi. fa>10ai4"Iia,�L>! Iki,al0". *1R ��j ����►�Ir>.R�nItP'!A>1>111f4F.,� •`;1'`A• rsy TufXratca Silit specials -- 111 shades .t. ilr pure Silk TalYeta- nish, 25 inches wide ilw. :'4 for so , jtSno6idi � sig ,{T� ii v 66 111 :011r furs 6' ,te, (.h nherSetts-Speci;tl at 2;50. 3,00, a.. From now until the end of the month special :T� 1.00 and 5.00. ege.ateil* . prices shall prevail in our fur department. Rather f ` .-.-.K. •:, than carry our stock over into the new month l�'(`• ; ' , , Optai re l,t;tutiftrlly Dressed !Jolla at 10,2.5 are willing to make big price sacrifices now while .fl` moi), 51);u d 1.00. , everybody is thinking of new furs for the holiday `'A ..A RR et. we cic tntnencc'. this fur' event this 'Thur, day morning ;jA.; °' +- `" ... by selling:- e. I3e:uaufui pieces of Fancy Crockery {'A ',ti at 10, 13, '25, 5t) and 1.00, ,11 , Ladies' black astrachan jackets, satin lined through- �`��'•�, Ay... 1 '. ont, good glossy curls, the reg. $23 to $30 kiud for ' ,. 00 'I` .. -^-~" vive Lndies' Electric Seal crapes, best quality, litic•rl with `i ' ��Men's Fancy Suspenders beauties at �'� heavy fancy silk lining, regular price 35.00, for.. . � %�y -' iia and a0c, al,Ladies' Combination Electric Seal and Persian Larub r� �/> Caperine, regular 13.00, for.... .. ci• / �t> {V i1� Lndies' (,ombinatiun. Electric Seal and Astrachan it : ,Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. special Caperines, regular 3.00 line, for . + � ,i.' t led. at t a and ladies, plain and initial- .�{lY>. t led. at 25, 30, 50, 75, 85 and 1.00. {. ?dens Grey Coats, best linings, astrachan collars, -f 8* 50 �t> regular 22.509, for 1 'i' ; OA •Forney Linen Handkerchiefs, Lace. ses {►A ► {=: G.::.T.►T'.r.l ♦{TAar TINA{TA{TA�f{A{TAYTA•S j insertion and embroidery trimmed at .. A ♦ {s st LTi {ri �v , 1-2 15c, IS 20 and �1 k > il> �i> 7 ry> l �a'sri n� i1 fiiti iii 3j. i a 7�? t i'�..r. A :i :ic 10 ' 7 > > .,2 1 1 ♦ 1 �4� 1 ar-: Dinner Setts We have jilit opened up three large crates of new din- nerware which came direct to us from one of the largest and best makers in England, the shapes and decorations are' the latest and prices are right. No middlemen's profits. Bleached Table Linen at 20, 75 and 1.00. White Bed Spreads at 05c, 1,50, 2.00 to 3.50. Fine enameled fancy hand decorated, 97 -piece dinner setts, 1 150, w beautifully gilded, special at a.�a 50 Men's Umbrellas -Spacial at 1, 25, nr _�� ., �.. Dinner Setts, beautiful vaitiety of colorings and splendidly 50 gilded, special -at , Fine enameled, very latest design, 07 -piece dinner setts in beauti- q '-- G fill new shadings and new gilt tracings, special at i 0 o ents Lined Rids -Special at 1,00, 1.25 and I.50. Fancy Lamps We got a benefit. Regular 1.75 Fancy Decorated Lamps for 2.25 3.50 •• 5;25 " 6.50 1.25 1.50 2.50 3.50 5.50 big snap Mahe above lamps and are giving our customers Dress Goods Lovely Fanny Dress and Suit Ends at 2,50, 0.00, 3.50, 5 00 and 5.00. Waist Silk Lengths Beautifulood r r. g eat 1,50, 1.75, ..,00, 2,n0 a.titl'a,nd a.fl0 the iitten ec1 to Funeral Directors.Or- OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Beverley liStOli; - n Messrs. Curling tilos. secured as num' ber of first prizes for their fancy low' at the winter fair in Guelph lana week. ,It, N, Rowe has, without doubt, the Lest undertaking outfit outside the i city and Ins prices ere as low its any. W, J. Roy, late of the firer et Jones !toy, of \Vincbelsea, has purchased 1 the general store business of W. 1S. IDoupe, of Woodburn. i Dix Kidney Pills -a tire relief for !lame back, iuxnbago' nit an kidney and urinary derang its. Sold by , .J, Linea, Exeter. The building conninttee has pur- chased the corner tot, north of Mr. Mc - Gee's on the square as the site of the new church at Baytieid. If some of our subscribers could Dish us with a copy of the TIME_ June Otb, also 01 Dec. 50, 100 b 0f would be pleased to have them. 1 we ELECTION OP O2EICEns.-The elec- tion of officers itt,the Sons of England B. S., on Wednesday eyening last, Dec. llth, resulted as follows :-,Pres„ Win. Sweet. V. S. ; Past. Pres., R. N. Rowe ; Vice Pres., R. N. Disney Chap., ;hos. ilartnoll ; Sec'y, J. Sen- ior ; Treas., I3. Spacknran ; Committee sten, 0. Dinney, Ww, Pugsley, N. D, 1lurdon, \Vn,. Dearing, Wm, Vale and Thos. "Seaman ; Inner guard, Rd Crocker ; Cuter guard, Bro. Speck - man Trustees, .f, Spackman; fur - Pugsley and W. H. Dearing; Auditors, N. D. Hurdon, R. N. Rowe and Geo. Davis; Oartaker, R. Crockere; idedical doctor, Dr, Amos, Night of meeting 3rd Monday ice each month. Visiting beet hreu .welcome. Ladies Slippers -Special at 75 •1,00 1.25 and 1,`50, ----�'�• Men's new shape overc oat scarfs - Special at 25 and 50.;, Fancy Chenille :Table Covers at 1.00 1.50 and 1 00. Lace Curtains --Special at. 75c., 1.00, 1:25,. 1,50, 1.75, 2,00, 2.30, 3.00;' 13.50, 4.00 and 5.00. Towel Specials at 10, 15, 20, 25, 35 and '50. WE PAY H I C HEST PRICES FOR ALL Ki111 DS OF PRODUCE. Chew plREGI IMPORTER ' 'he R. PICg9: .1 p11M0/:41.11•01.....11 SPECIALS YOUNG MEN Getting ready for Success in 1002 now? in the resolve Doss college nheir mea of largo teaching erperi wsw encs and practical e,,bili ww ill f ally equip younng. mon and woment lath century ausincss Book-keeping, S=i' .' kF+; raptly, typewriting penmanship and bush��� a practice. Resolve to enter for the new termi - 1902 andmakc success in business yours, 4441 Forest Gita Business Go1160;,1 Y. M. L. A. BUILDING, LONDoly, ONT. J. 5V, WESTERVELT, Principal. + 1hler Term aueas Amoy, Mum 611. Central r ,i rs giovennly too nse ukdSonTndRo,fTaaFFnOdRuDhianOteNs- ducatiotw fouumr egddbaustcnsoasrcoobohgoenas bfyshbuasbsiesetwe can turn them out. it pays to got.a thorough prcparation. Eight applies. tions have recently been received- from other business colleges who wish to get, our graduates as teachers; but wo have not one to ,end. Surely this show the class of work we do. Clot our catalogut., W. T. ELLIOTT,. Principal. A meeting fcr the purpose of or- ganizing a hockey tearrefor the coming season will be held in th4Town Hall on Friday evening at 7.30o‘'clea e�"" -J Mr. James Fulton, of Walton, has sold his farm, containing 78 acres, to '"" Mr. Louis Williamson, and purchased the 100 acre farm of Mr. Enos Crier, Mr. Hutton, son of Rev. 13, L. Hut- ton, of Centralia, returned borne 'from' Toronto last week, where, he has spent several months' in the hospital.:: While playing football last fall with the •Uni If, you , want Or an versity.team of that city, rte bustttinecl - limb t but , a suit Seo our oveacoat, call and spec,' a fracture to one of his ,tnkles The Ior:y, and has . since been broken `and' reset sib times. The last` operation too ' place; three weeks ago, -Blue w Worsted and serge suits, worth $[8.00 for $r4. oo. Tweed' suits '.north $17.00 for $ r..3.00, Overcoats with yohe worth X2.00 for O $18 •00" Y Overcoats worth $ 18,0o for 15.00. Pan'ting merle to, of der fox $3 ,, 00P, $ .00 and .00. 4 $5 A good' fit guar nteed. Goods bought he • . i e will LG cut free of charge, . • ams * ali lrieve's aid stand, opposite post offie • was se u ptO�-od hnsatisfac- Cold Damp Weather brie brings in its trait Grippe,.Geld Catarrh, etc., "which are Often the fore-!' runners of ('he dread disease Consemptson �l'1?•.(�Llllllile Tabu prevent and cure all fo len nils ems of throat antic ctiorts, :and counteract the effect.: of exposure of all keens Orifi-QiuWue, s; Tablets will prevent yore' f laking Cold 'es - if used after exposure--� ci icy 'jrealc tip' and cure a cold'in a day A .tablet ttsei +1tt 043,111 make "you pright. • All irnggist5 stw11 thef�r. 25 a e, et' bo1K.., y.,