Exeter Times, 1901-12-19, Page 6+++4.9•••••••••••••
• afenn• eeehenotannetteeneen a • Task° angrily; "Simon Ought to
*:**:**Te":144111".:**:**:*°:•*.:**K+40*:nno'he;••:et:••.:**7.“:**:41":*•:**:"*"e • * 4** 4 4 * have known that, auci you sheuld
en have stayed,"
"The laudlord's squared. But she
get nh won't leave )ust yet. She's seht,
messifge into the city by band ex-
er, peets some one to come and see her
te 1 believe.
ti038Ph en I "hleggltt, of course!" exclaimed
Ktfidtalte •
.e -both Daunt ;lad Faske, in a breath,
"We must follow liter: gain zulezait-
%* tance by fair means or foul!" cried
• •
i ea
• Odedte*,sd**IleCiet*h-ziti:edSn:**:**:sdoCtuthdie.:÷4.(4•4•4•••••:**":".:ott*:st74 41 t•ht:',40;ni:••:•••:***.1•0•:••:* ; the detective.
ISNISOPsny, O' pnEOED1NG "We naust institute an active search! !•Leave that to me," said Sir Rich-
; "
1 0, liAi'llatS.-Securitigs vanish fta t o -beat up this Frenmard quietlybut I must go back tOch
an's quarters.
1, oud n Aida, emitters,. eite Fasee of 'mow hen anti them, mai the Thacers .121bracihinatmbaelnsd fliTsta.8k. e's surmise was
i the stronearoora of 4„4.tudeteflt, Dtalt&Y lItt has friends. in Seven. Dials; ...
.be02,11,1314 yard is cooed ia e‘e solve they llama. wait a day er two; sir perfectly riglit. F. sinehette had sent
I:Pet il ilee$: ! the loyeteey. There two lays Riehai.o, „itioe 1. u11 have semethihg. for Meggett, ana aleggitt's answer
Waldo. pez•tner. the otiwr nY Inn.r'' to tell Y°u.'. was that. he would eall at the Hotel
eat. an, tone' to the larongeroone-one held by Mr.
•••Don'tz forn* the ecthistabfe;*
, ii -we Queue to . ,.
'who .GaIll.„1.ard. at once.
e, d, asking or Madame
;:hurtees cniet cashier. This ladder were on duty in the Park On the ' 4 "a° arl . • 1 43.-ck
has two children. Bob itaid Jose- low...lee, .
I t Atte oz the ern
a ..5 na., ,...... . Poiret, was shown by sevet a , 1
• phiee. Ile reproe.ches Doh. who 18 start frem that poieito .ertnoing paseagesiato the easement
i pire.tions to the hand ot lIele-"a ea e. ing.aIn 4 .14 I "Why are you bringing tme down.
The Untimely
End of
Must S?..,nicattziFo of
„nee Peoellealle Wtv, _ger renew.
rot s.
T2 F3R u wEss.
If An Ht.
Profes al
be *ant etenbt
nt mire r thieh
1.".-c0:ktol loon
ti.e irrteltnitv of
o;-411.1-.,sict rert ihat
tpla culior:y rms-
„_ c Ttlial'e to kidney tr.. ub:es.
t :t'fa bad:eche, tLen
ioary 4hleultics, thm-
nnie-i attenclea to -
Strengthen and invigorate the kidneys
•..-112,1i2r fail to give quiei.. rdief and cure
MU must obstinate eases.
Rev. M. P. Campbell, printer of tho
Baptist) Churdt. Era,,x, Ont.1 says: " From
tny perconal use of Doan's Ridney Pills,
whica I cot a Siseron's drug wore, Can
L' they are a mozt eseellrnt remedy f (LT
idiney troubles. and I rcer.n.mcud them. to
toZer:rs from !each cartkploinu."
I -
an extra -agitate sanattern with. nse h. .h. ii il t th Albany of the hemee.
, Waldo, for having consumed his ss- in n couPle ot f ahs•
uneasy.asit'ed Meggitt, feeling a little
. ter's dowry to pay his gaMbilng "I hare news, Sir Richard. strange ilere"
. dans. Surtees is stiepeeted of tiitt and unexpected. news. Our ittan is inI
theft. A eesirelt-warrant is 'tnIzeO custody at Dorchester in a charge co 't 'at.avtasii 1 X-ti.g11•AtlatulToaidi 07 e Till' actit ries
ogt egaiest, him Seine i4tWes of Qard^Si121.rPillg on board the Claw- ot Tho stelae*
bonds oaewering to de.,,etiptiofl el bonrg boatand rauchette is in cus- ,
• mtse.44; securities are found in 1418 tody, too, as A eon:agora:tee , The room he entered at length was
puseession. Ile is cenvieted and eat-
there s little nown
. ikagainst her. Ynud‘ ' a =rail Ititchen, ,not usen as such.
'lanced to t:even. years PennI sery" she will get a light seutenee. 1 dar0 but furnished with some pretence at
vata .losepliine, meets the Alfttlinah! cate with his pals through her. telse
Sir Biel -sant Daunt in love vomforte This was Aituozelle's
utita , say Lantimeelte wM try to corm:aunt-
de One Verde to 'Whom ilob 10St 111.. must. be watched from the moment vate apartment, which she occupied
hnot busy with her lodgers -the
ounzey and sets a detective 1,o watch she leaves the pecursay rison. Some one seuulwhtferoja m °vtehe , ill°1wIneatel If9litTillgerretter
:int :tad Insuchette, Airs. Wnid?'s meet, go dDrc
own to ohester." s 4'
Fenchette was seated there wait -
mho ,ie two are arrested. tor 1 el. w.iii go down to wesmouth anti .1;
"Where is Leon?" •ttelten MeggItt,
Fanchette rapidly ran over all their
eint starving. • t stay there tell the trial is over."
I "That Will do Well. Sir Richard.
CIIAPTER. XXIX We ball get. the straight tip through
11. "et wee greatrprised. tvlien }enchant you 11 see.
ivard Itenchette had loft Paris. The reader is already informedof ath•e,at.'nrP•5: the day she lelt
was as much annoyen when he the ftethen over „
eook Leon and ar's an"e03'ne" '""een•
"A disreputable gzonbling row!
dzeillrd .Joltord lista ht the Alarquis Fanelsette. The pains of the farmer.
eelip through Ids entiee.e. They told and the coorse marked. out to the what could Leon. be thinking of? and
him 'title, and all about M. Leon latter. have also iteen detailed, That 110W. when so Much depended on his
,11-inttioatelte. ot the Prefeeture. who Foshe Avas pretty eight ht his con_ presence? It's most disaserous. most
„tediettn-r it was stout. days. lioataer. nom these plans.
they *r t1 the. twO On the fourteenth morning after the
i CI rhour'rhea trial Vouch .tt I. I She
leoint thought, it iligh tong to lehtve walked to Ilse station at once. and
mcqui:va wt. 14,4 by the lectures will be readily total. Worse than. ruin is immineat,
understoed 'Without hiza my position is untena-
ble --
"You need Leon's help, thea?"
Fanchette said, coldly.
"What's that?" asked Meggitt.
%itts to 1110 f twasre tasto
took a seconiledass te 3,Vaterloo. "something, like 1;nocji.. or imeemea..
el.e ii...parture was. listeterield1W_ gf• Daunt was there watching, and he a oinner Ititchen."
le1 ter from Josephine. in \linen ;she promptly go/lowed her into e second- *-itats, probably," replied. Fair°
111.7; in cellar r
it-o'er:hied hive oi the disappearance erg class atrrizone when the train celiac; ehoete„
Bob. Site hnd heard nothing of lino but. he was cati•ful not to enter into
tic front hint for U0 11'. a. fortuight. "Leon alone can save mo." went
tine let ter :lie had rect•ived the 01 1%(
until be "Is on Meggitt, thinking no more a the
interruption. "lie roust Jot ,nn
2:tc"1474124 aftnr ‘18.it' 11) t.ho ktilitv(ti 111"e' wns sernetning in the sound Iznow" at once where he deposited the
liEdigriteet and it told how he ha of his voice that tuade Vanchntin /erne sums not from the batik, and
waited on the men he wean( start •
as he auswered her simple west allow me to draW On them.
watch. and how he had heard amidst questin oas to how long the train
1U h hohhodoth ow:lolling that, %wow he in getting. to Loudon. and a.Vizbave come to tell mo where they
alight lee usetol to the •cauee he 111,14 she looked at him very Rowdy. Fancitotte shook her head,
Iitsephint. had so notch at 111he. But he spoke as she did, in mall er- "Lem has senteti a m
Hob olso sett' that eM
s ee
the tlarquis were got ng 10 the - that this shvol be her uttachea
of -fact English, and it, was impossi-
Jut then
do's teB1, he also meant to be there am • .
airer whom rate had deserted in I o•
tin the eeme oc another disguise. the Itue du Bac. Leon knows your difficulty; but
he will liOt stir a finger te help you
And that was tile last elle had ,.
DOW Illademoisello propose to go
lidard of iglu. Suniething terrible
far?" asked Daunt politely. unless you help hint. Ile could es-
capo sone:how, it only he. had ass is -
twist Iwo happenea. The guilty
Is, I)lonsietzr, 1 ani going on to tauee team outside, It must, come
matt:hes (la:Noting dte
ertad ion hnot .Loudon."
ecrueled to do him gt•ievous bodily 1from you "
• En route to Paris, I suppose?" I Yhat can X do?" he said looking
harm. .. ! "Oh, no, Monsieur; 1 shall make up on last; "help hint to escape? It's
' • •YV hat ever happend ei o Bob.
solpe stay. I have friends there." so risity, so uncertain. Tanchette, do
thought Daunt "Imes. have been on
Alt! It eras, no doubt, L'611- you .know where tho money is? I
totiPAIrh'- iesoitt elt,:a- thee Illatlemt!!selle learnt Eng-
lish so perfectly? see you know. For Ileaven's sake
tn me-nume your price."
those beats bow anything odd that
Enhannily 1 cl,p not itneW. Leon
keeps his own counsel."
"As about Augusta Waldo," sug-
gested Meggitt, desirous of stirring
up Panchette's toroth.
"Those Wahloel ITow hete them
all. The mother, with her grand
airs, her preten.slons. She-faughl
If you only knew. But why should I
not tell you-?"
....About Mrs. Waldo?" asked Meg-
gitt astonishment.
Again the noise in the neighboring
cellar. But the pair in. the kitchen
were too full of their own affairs to
pay any heed.
"Listen, monsieur. Do xou re-
member much about your early days
-your childhood? your mother?"
"I was an orphan -from my birth,
they told inc."
"It ores a lie; your father and mo-
ther are both alive. I know it for a.
fact. have had all the let,ters
which prove it. in zny hands. Fool
that I was to pert, 'With them!"
'early morning? 1 11111st cell:stilt site .answered, vaguely,
'1htsi1e," saki hiii• Itiollard at the end "There and elsewhere. But what
:ttf his reliveLions.
brings you" -again she had been
at hiui very closely -"in
Next interning Deunt SuW1 the de- looking
lett Iva and tietail..11 Doh's, disappear- these Parte'.
1,1n1 e :ma circumstances \+:11M1 pre- "Do you know me?" asked. Daunt,
it•with inward zniegivings.
, 'eteled . ,
1 • • I I, • 'a oe after t ho 1 sense fel li i w ' "I recognized you di recta-. I Is aye
steal you at Mr. Waldo's, Sir Rich-
' •• nz e eyed me front in Seven ',pits."
ant Daunt .
' • • W as he? N't hy?"
This was a distinct relief.
If the bloods pure the whole ' "-$4,.. aro trying To 1'.0i'(SS a grim"- i
body Wy-. i cats wrong, ono in a Well you had "Are you, too, going to London?"
iii be health
, some hu sol- -1 1, a cone- ir tion of the the nskedevidently still suspicious.
lithe blood is impure the whole ' c.-.:thier ut Waldo's; and this young "Oh, 110!" -lie saw Fanchate's face
• •. breghten. The meeting then, was hot
system becomes corrupted witii 'il'.'11°w its is °id 81rters Fon:* enitked knowimentioual-“I shan change at Bish-
itnouritios. , Ittelee -ingly.
; "Do your best. eir. 1L's natural opstoke. I am going to stay at a
i3urdock Mood Bitters tri- 1 you kthinild try, but when judge and house near there."
forms impure rhi-gd watery blood :.illry 1i:ix!, gone tigainst a man it Fluschette seemed quite relieved by
into rich pure blood arid 1;uilds up "b`
l- unich uteth in my expteaerice. this announcement, end chatted
Ian. if nto presuming may I ftbtwhat away very pleasantly, about her life
the health.islig" at the 1Valdo's, about. Paris -if she
your n?
Disease germs cannot lurk in the -
.-The conviction Was erroneuus for had only knowill-and many other
system when B.B.B. is used. ret•sous that I know we shall soon things, till Dishopstoke wee reached.
be able to prove." ! There Daunt got out, as •he had
Min Effie McDonald, Liscomb Mills, oii you are so positive there may said; but his first care was to filed
Guy Co., N.S., writes: "'I have found be something in it; yet I am doubt.- and make himself known to the 1
.B.13. an excellent remedy for purifying eui, I tun free to confThess.w
case guard. "Fondant% you must be dreaming;
13hat wild nonsense is this?"
the blood and eurirg sick headache. ; 'elf the lady io•the carrrage I have I
had. tried many remedies, but none of
I was all so clear."
'•You tole me yott thought. you left gets out at. any station short of "It is as you say your mother is
them did mo much good. 13 1313 has knew' this fellow in Seven Dials'?" Waterloo, wire J'or me to neaske, ' eller,
alive, and ...e far as I know your fa-
made me so well that I feel like it new "1 did; and 1 do still; although I Scotland Yard. Alighted at-' no names, although they go by different
woman and I am constantly recommend- don't quite see how it can be my you understand?" Such a quesLion, friends_,held. as IL believeare bandy
Ing it to my friends." man. lie was tlf te Frenchman, accompanied by half -a -sovereign, '
Tim CONVICT WFNT PISIIING 1 who '' ' • • . could only be answered in one wav. no‘alliee.1::, natile-thil 1110 mY 111°tiler's
,...... ,,..: -,,,,,.i,,,,,,,,,,t, semi, year, • •
'' ' ... ' • "For some sort of bank -forgery or 1 There was another train a quarter •'Weldo. • That proud, conceited
Croat 'changes have taken place in swindlinge supposed to have been in of an hour later wnich Daunt meant
women! Mon Dieu! W3i3r did I,
the management of prisons, With- several Irreoch prisons? but more re- to take; but before he started he humble her-?"
in the recollection. of ,niany people a cently he has ban going into the best sent a lengthy telegram to Fa.slte: ,
prison was ft very freo-and-easy of Society as a. Cuban Cutlet or Niue Tanchate was thinking more of
"She left by the 8.55 this morning: herself titan of .the startlin.g surprise
p1 cc who•e the inmates -conversed gels de Ojo Az erdetravelled with her as far as Bishop -
at pleasure, and on occasions enjoy- "Meg•gett's frienn, whose name was stoke, hut for good reasons have lett
ed the advantages of open-air ex- mentioned at the trial?" . the train. She is due aWa
t terloo at
torsions. Indeed, tabolition of "The aT
Sile; and I hitve been hunt - '
LOC. neve someeone there to meet
this free -tool -easy life under the pro- !lag lora up ever since." and follow her. I shall arrive ett
verbial "netv broom" opened in a °I. begin to se.ci your line. Sir Rich- 2.10." • -
somewhat humorous fashion The ard. Do you liappen to bare found Easke came un to Sir Richard
first prison visited h:,7 the new ILK out tinything ab•mt the Prench mold,
When he reached town.
:Inspector of Prisons, lay on' the c
.... It's all righ1. ri‘wo or my men are
western seaboard Of f..--lcotland.. Ar- "She is nothieg more than a, crea.- at her heel,. come with me te
ture of 'the Marquis," ' Scotland Yard ---one of them will re -
rived at the grim portals, hoinquir-
ed of the •solitary warder as to
whether the governor Was within.
sir," said the warder.
1111 av: fishing." "Oh, in(lood," Said
the hisPeetor• "Won, 111 see 2.110 plain, that. :Meanwhile. they have
P' isoners." "There's only one, sir," caogoit, poor Bob, ;Anal am most. an -
returned .tlio warder. ''Very 11 eltxions cuid unhapi)y about, him. 11'
let me see him." "Him ! Tl s Out. may be ".12. 11102.1!
stir."Out '? Tbe prisoner out
1 Ii, he escaped ?" "Oh., no, sir; he's
with the governor at the fishing,
:arrying the bag.'' The inspector's
,report was •the death -blow of free-
dom. for prisoners). And now •no
Innger upon sunny river banke may
be 'descried a genial governor sharing
a well -stocked lueelleon-basket with
.22 luekless Dill Sykes.
"11 it. wasn't for our finding the -turn there with news of her when
bonds in 'the old mart's deed-leox Ithe.
re's any to tell."
should 'begin to smell o. ritt." T...ley
I had not, long to wait. With-
- arhope we Ann yet be nble to ex- Su half an. hour they heard. that. Ean-
(Stet te lied gone straight from the,
station Lo the llotel Gaillerd. .
'That 1)1 12.10 has two exits," ceded
ltdde• Was 7152 2.11(1 in a 1,bese-
hold where grace was said at the
tette semi -occasionally. J.P.,r envios-
itv got. the better of her, and she
asked the mistress of the bouse why
hey d i dn. t obScrao the rite regu-
skdd the, lady wi
` le surprise, '‘We say gra.ce 02113-
haA-L1 :.nme reason to be
r1.1. de lleV01' 111e0113 of giving
when we 'have, only roast
1)00.1s1e1111 or sonic, :,imple
o thnt; but wile/lover we
0 or solnelhirP' really ilia,
eay 11)s port%
will let me know how X may hen
hilirk"Wleo.' •
is he to leave* DMethealer.
Faocaette did not answer.
How can assist him hest? 13)
sending there to watch.? What did
Leon say?" •
"I care not;- nor whether be Is re-
leased at all. I Shall not mix my
self more with that false traitor as
, I do not wish to See
him again. I shall go back."
“To Paris; • I was happy there;
contented with. my tot, .1 might
have settled in life; a good boueei
mat would have married me, when
Lean, that devil, reappeared, arm lur-
ed nee away. But it is all over now,
fle had better keep away. If he or
you, Monsieur, seek to trouble me -
take care. You comprehend?"
"What will you do?"
• “Wbat lies in my. power to bring
eau both to justice. I eon, you
know; you are both in my power.
and unless I am left tranquil I atill
sold you both to tee
• "If it is to bo war between us,
ranch -ate, arm you do 5100121 bent .on
iniechief, there is another if not 0.
stronger reason for flailing Leon to
escape -we ean "manage you, not,
his power is gone, and
bavo other protectors and. friends,"
As she spoke a step was heard de -
mending, the stairs. It was 0. waiter
from the IIotel Gaillard, with a
card, which he handed to Venetian(/'
" J °Haul hero in England, im-
possible! There, Mr, ldeggitt. did I
not tell you I had friends?"
"Who is this man?" asked Meggitt,
"A. countryman of mine, a rich re-
spectable Parisian, who will escort um
home. Co, Monsieur: I have nothing
more to say to you."
"Where Can I see you again, here
or in Paris?" • •
nnext Limo you see hint.
replied Fauchotte„
nagekigly, "
As she showed Bifeggitt out AL Jo-
liau was shown _
3F,AS I,TO DrvoacE LAWS.
Very little Conjugal 'Unhappiness
in Newf oundland.
Xolvfountiland is the only British
possession where a divorce is unpro-
curable. The colony bas no divorce
laws and, recognizes no interference
with tho marriage relation. lit the
Australian colonies divorce is recog-
nized as it necessity to the Constitu-
tional machinery, and while the laws
are rigid, •still evidence of infidelity
will accomplish its attainment. la
South Africa also the Courts are
Clothed with power to dissolve the
marriage vows for adequate reasons,
and the aid of this convenience 18
frequently called 'upon.
Newfoundland refuses to recognize
divorces. This attitude is clue to the
predominance of the Irish Catholic
element ill the population.
Truth to tell, there is very little
need for a divorce law. Did •it ex-
ist there, would doubtless be many
persons availing themselves of it,
but as it does not they do without,
and aro none the worse Off. Tho
colony's whole population consists
of but 200,000 persons, and while it,
would be absurd to contend that
there is no conjugal infelicity it is
quite correct to maintain that the
percentage of marital dereliction is
smaller than in probably any other
country in the world, barriag
Cut oil from the American contin-
ent, the old-time virtue flourishes
more vigorously •than in the com-
munities brought into closer touch
with the advanced modern thought
which finds expression in making
marriage a civil contract, to be
broken at the will of either or for
With the exception of St. • John's,
which has 30,000 people, there is not
another town on the isltual with
more than 2,000 or 8,000 people,
and the greatemajority of the places
are merely fishing •villages, inhabit-
ed'by the hardy •coast-folle who for
generations have followed the one
• Not among a peopleolilte than 'who
aza, face to face with death ae an al-
most daily incident in their exist-
ence, would aa, divorce mill fiadtmat-
alai, nor would a demand come
from•theui for such an accessory to
the existing legal. institutions. '
The nearest approach to • divorce
which is recognized here le a. judicial
peps:ration' .01 man and wife, for
drunkeimesa, • desertiou, 111 treat -
meat or the MN. The lufsbczncl is al-
most invarirtbfy,in. fftult, and is con-
demned to inty thewife a weekly
share of his earnings, on Penalty of
impris.onment, the indge fixing, the
althaony. OE course Oils arrange-
ment implies no peinlission for eitla
or to, marry again. Strange to .say,
though infidelity as a, ground for
such sepaeatioit, it is rarel?ir pleaded,
there being 'only two instances in
'ten years, . and the by wrortged hus-
bands against „ereing- -wives,. Proof
of it eeleastis the husbend from any
r'obligationto support the. Wire and
gi.ves him custody of his children..
1,,r0222e11 here never adv&tnce thiS Plea,
pl'eforring toftdure private grief
to creating a., piri:)lie
She had given. Meggittl -
"Gracious God!" he cried at last.
"It is past belief; and my father -
quick! -What is his name?"
"inuide; nue or tho partners at the
"Mr. Dandy!" exclaimed Meggitt.
"This explains all
"It's the truth, -Monsieur, exactly'
the truth. Ask Madame 'Waldo. She
will not dare deny you." •
Meggitt rose • from his seat, and
strode up and clown the room with-
out speaking.
“ls is cruel, Mranious; but I will
be even with. her yet. 13tit there--,"
he said, nsaitering his rage, "all that
must, ketp, As to Leon, yea say he
Hoarseness, Dry Throat, Sore Throat, Bronchial Trouloies, Coughs, Colds and
Asthma, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed arid Turpentine is a Cure oir
Proven Merit.
There aro inore.iniaisters, singers arid public speakers using Dr. Chase's Syrup of 'Linseed and 'Turpentine
than any o thee similar :preparation, because it, is 311212. 1) suited to the -ii ,nce 5.13y ta, dug a dose of this
araLionn before going on the platform they feel certain o'f Creedam fi;On.1 dry -throat, hoarseness and throat
riLaLiob, then widell there can be nothing 31.102 e clu.barrassing to a. singer OF spealzert. '
'Besides the annoyance of throat irri La (1011 public speakers 100111, tf:o bo especitilly susceptible to bronchial
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hoine a bottle 9.f Dr. Chase's •Syrup Linseed_ and `I'urpeitt,ine, wliiOh is beyond all doubt the niost thor-
oughly enecti ve 'tree tenent for bronchial a.nd lUng t roubles 1111,1 is to be o'6tained.
1.1)r. Chase's Syrup of LiaSeed alld ',Purpen tille aids ext)ectoral.ion, clea:t>s the ''t.ltrog,t; anti air passages, soot.11-
(1.11..d quiets' 1110 u.arves ('3. (210 coligniiig. and 2. horougt11.17 alr i1'o : 1111 br?...p1211i1121 tr.oul)les. rrhere
sere other propel-eel/tons of 1.1 121111)1 'and 1.'urpen1.ine put, up in itaitation c;,V 1":t1'. ive sure ',hut tti
trait and Signaljore of ".1)t% •A, 112 01111521 aCC 04 L110 2.01.(10 ;1);211 13117, 2!t cowls 11 bottle' fatal).
.2.111105 as mach, '60 cents. At all dealers, 01. ri.:Chat,1,11S"0-4, 1.3at CS & CO., l0.1'011(,0,,
A bircl-cago "Stet eoets ,$4.00 nntst
be an elegant affair, .1.111 orders for
sno12 cages are occasionally given by
wealthy j)ersons .whose lovr.:.for birds
cq,uals their 10-21•0 of tile artistic and
their ability to pa,y. Sucli a cage as
1.11t51 11,itS ordered some, year9 ago by
11,1 vs. Mackay, the wife of the well-
known mil 11 o n ai ; • it was niade of
silver -wire and rare 10001121,2, and de-
signed by an areldtect. Orders for
cages costing $200 have been given
from time to ° time 1)32 511011 nntabfe
person.s ' as Lord DulIerin. In his
case the cage was a silver pap;oda.
r.l'hesc cages are usually rnore roomy
tha,n the ordinaty canary prison
that you sco 121 sa many places, and
it is w.erthy 01 11010 that artists 11 112
('11133 21 oe.no•t the only pe'•o
1l0 11ce ,1na ile cosig]'01
Structures for 2.1lt4 pets ora
)2ry, I: ,Lter lc.nowt 1,11o/r,ene-,1
s Jelin Lu.bbocly -who is
of No 11210 and .espet''.ally of
*>,,," F
* THE UE and
4• #.• in r0110
• ;iv
ti. o
1 A Remarkable
i er. ...
•• 424"