Exeter Times, 1901-12-19, Page 5(
"A bad workman
quarrels with his
A maker of tricky
shoes, blames the Re -
taller, for over pricing
them, at -Mt they
look like.
Observe the IVIakere
Les_ponsible price on
'The Slater Shoe"
E. J. SPACEMAN. Sole Leta] Ages+
. .
es11.1161 00 • 00 • • IMO** 0
,e We have completed clubbing ee*
0 arrangements for 1001 with sev- ;
eral of the leading newspapers. 0
ae °whit; to the high prices of
pe paper and payment of postage
by newspapers the rates in some 0
ain cases shghtly ia advance of pre-
easTei,i4 years. All of the follow-
* with t he excuption of the dailies,
0 • '
• will be sent to any address from
• now until Janunry It. 1003, for
* amount named. The rates will
be as follows :
a, The Times and Daily Globe,S1.25
• Tne Times 11411 Weekly Globe
for. $1.00
• The above includes two hand-
- • seine pietures-one an excellent
• picture of the Duke and Duchess
of Cornwall in medallion settings
IP with the Royal Standard as a.
background, the other asfine
• tore of twp farm horses, called
0 "The Farm Pets."
The Times and Weekly Mail
4• and Empire $1.75
• The above mclades two hand-
some pictures by John Innes, hi
• colors, size 14 x 25 inches, entit-
• ed "On the edge a the herd,"
* and "The Miner's Farewell."
Tin' Times and Daily Mail
• and EmPire (evening edi-
. ▪ tion) .. . . $3.25
8 The Times ahd -Daily Mail
• and Empire (morning
edition) . . ,"' .... .
The Times au 'Weekly Sim $1.75
• The Times and Family Her-
e ald and Weekly Star...$1.75
• The a.bove includes handsome
• pictures c\f the King and Queen
greitreffill. copy of Gainshorough's
• fa-
mous picture 'The Duchess of
O Devonshire."
* The Times Rad Montreal
'Herald (daily) $L75
• The Times and London Daily
• Advertiser $2.50
I The Tittles and London
The Times and Toronto
Daily Star.. . $2.50
Weekly Advertiser... -$1.50
The above includes a picture
+f King Edward.
he Times and Toronto
' v News. .$2.50
The Tirneb.atted Farming
World. .. $1.80
sr -The Times and Montreel
2 , Weekly Witness $165
10'48 Tte Tittles and Montreal
se Daily Witness.. ....... $3.25
41r,., The Times and Fertning....$1.75
; The Timee , awl Christian
Ai Gnat dint)
51 Anv other paper desb.ed can
lims nd Free Press
The alto
'al morning edition .........3.25
, •
.. .... . . , $1.75
I The Time and "weekly edi-
01 be had at cubbling . rates.
-0 The Timee and noon or even-
t* ing edition
• • • -
eaoei0000sos ceeeeeeeeee•
will outwear
two pairs of
corium:5n rubbers. For three
years we have proved that with
ajP you can stub
"L. your f o o t,
\I but you cannot stub the rubbers.
King's genuine etaa-A,
are starnp.edal'-74°
upon the sole of each rubber
with our copy-
righted name .3r 11•05
ela not allow yourself to be de-
ceived by imitations.
lig'el LEATHER TOP Sr Troy
the best on the market,' 6-nach,
9 -inch and, 12-ipcit tops, with
Rolled E -e anti .1-Icels. They
are ea -1,1,i; din stock, and your
dealer cal: order them for you. „
D. J; IND co., Limited
rave excl., 5ive
ontroi. fit 311.
Applying the Crimes Act.
Dublin, Dec. 17. -Large numbers of
constabulary have been drafted to
important points in Maw() and Ros-
common, and a proclamati an, plac-
ing both counties under the Crimes
Act, Is expected to be issued imme-
diately. The influx of eatra, police-
men is unprecedented since the •days
of Oapt. Boycot t. Natioualist mem-
bers of Parliament and United Trisle
Leaguers leave been most active in
Ilayo and Roscommon recently,
preachiug forcible resistance to the
authorities. Dublin's reception of
Messrs. Redmond, McHugh and
O'Donnell, on their return from the
United States, will take the form
of a. torchlight procession and ad-
dresses. at the _Mansion House.
Truly a Narrow Vacant,.
Brockville, Dee. 17. -Mrs. Henry
Warren and her two daughters nar-
rowly escaped being run over by
train an the Brockville and westport
Railway last night. They were driv-
ing along the road which crosses; the
railway Unck just east of Newborn.
They were on the crossing before
they noticed the train. and jumped
from the rig just in time to eave
themselves. The horse had a leg cut
off, and the cutter was deraolished.
Two 3Sen Ron Down.
.Detroit 1Iieb, Dec. 17. --Two men
were killed and another was severely
injured at Delray, a suburb of De-
troit, early yesterday, by a Lake
Sleaze) passenger train. The dead:
Charles de Rosier, Ecorse; Fred
Weisner, Delray, injured; Ernest Hen-
selrean, leg broken and head put.
Reowerais In Caledetela, Dakota, en Friday
Iite. nab, the wife of Da Wih itteavnieg. ui
it A011.
A xt.rie4ex-On Suntiv. nee. 15. the Wife
Lir. 11. A. .anch r en, Exeter. et a Kin.
erleeta-DanENs-On WrdneAlay. Dee. 1711
by the Ittv. Mr, Stout, of Eirliton. Mr. Frank
caws,af Usho ue, to Mirts Lottionlekenq.
Mo NI k 11 11-11; t cn Dee. iTh, A lex...1fon-
; ,114 3 e. s, uc tole. teal taidays.
Is . t Die. 11, 3(1. at
1 4e, 11 3 Ii.b street,
, rtd, in bis ;7•12
IL is tut:1101W ti.at Santa Claus has
relenstal his teindeers and now lime; 1
flying machine, It is to be hoped tit at
n otioneCgte.7s wrong with the neer of
t be tint la
Mr. Ifitizoilli, et' Springbut st Simi,
Fat m, Hey, ea I t kti c 11 .1i It is nt. for
Shorthorn steer and let for two-year-
old heifer at the Fat Stock show at
Guelph this week,
:1,The other day Willie in, son of Wil -
11 e in Northcott, of the Townehip a
li ay, while getting in a wagon, his
foot slipped, and lie fell on the edge
of the NN agon box, fracturine several
Of his ribs.
A Kingston malt dropped dead al a
result of his exertions in shovelling
5110W off the sidewalk in la mit of his
retadence, but there ale a good many
Exeierites who +sill never die front
the Fkime cause.
Ills, Deo, Stephensom of Constance,
who was the gnest of her Deice, Mrs.
M. J. White, for a few days, left, 1'or
London on Friday last to visit her
brother, 1.1,1r. Will .1. Clark, who eon --
dupes quite ill.
Wm. Hawksbaw %vim last week
walked IMO the cella& through an
open trap door in his hotel, has suffer-
ed considerably during the week, the
shock to his system proving ereater
than at first realized
I he Invite i ions are out tor the wed-
ding of Miss Lillie McKeown to W.E.
Doupe, of Woodburn, the interesting
event to take place Christmas Day.
Two more of Olinton's fair ladies will
be borne away.
Mr EL S. Etherington, formerly of
Usborne, who has been attending the
Ontario College of Pharmacy in To-
ronto, has been successful in passing
the junior examinations. and is at
present visiting bis parents,
. The directors wish to announce that
cluestionspertaining to the welfare of
the cemetery Will be discussed on nom-
ination night, during the hour of nom-
inations from 7.30 to 8.30. The direc-
tors hope. those interested will be pres-
ent during that hour. .
One of London's old citizens passed
to his reveal d on Thursday rnorninglast
in the person of Mr. Jabez Harwood.
He had been a resident of London for
+lathy years., About a year ago Mr.
Harwood took ill and has gradually
sank. Deceased was a brother of the
late Mr. Barwood, of Exeter.
Mie. (Rev.) Geo. Jack SOn, of London,
has many friends here, who will re-
gret to hear that She has not recover-
ed from the effects of an accident she
sustainedsone tithe ago, in the
breeking of her leg, while on a visit
to her son, at Union, Mrs: Jackson
has been reinoVedto her holne in Lon-
don. ' • .. -
Mrs. Martha'Manning.Whe has been
an invalid for many months was on
SnturdiSy 'last comfortably Wrapped
up, an impaovised bed made for her in
a cab and she Was driven to Lucan
when she was put on the train for
Guelph, where she will visit with her
sister, Mrs. S. Peart. .'Mrs. manning
stoodthe journey. fairly ' Well. She
was acconipan ied by AerS.:John Mani 0.•
ing and S: Horn.
• a
Losse-seOneer atteut Dee. 4th, 1001,
beteen Winehelsea fand Exeter, a
pn rse contain i rig'N1,, dollars. The
finder will be suits bk rewarded by
leaving same with ,I.IGI,,,,iones, Win-
clielsea. • '
Win.-WsSocahina Syrup has been used Ler
over 114'..,y years by mil lion4.0e mothers for their
children while teethieg, vvith perfect Met:CAP.
It soothes the child, 8oftena the gemsallays al
ouroi. wind colic. and is the beat remedy
for Diarrheas,. It is pleasant to the taete. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bAttle, Its value is iticslculable. Be
sure and islse ll,rs Winslow's Soothing
syrup . for no other kind.
remote settlements in Nor Lb Siberia
to have reindeer arid clogs in 1 earli-
ness for the atse of the explorer. De
Wiat's companions otithe journey
will he Viconite De 0 incluimp and
George Harding.
?Children Oi-y for
heumatism w. G. Rrlin Vound Dead In a Hen Coop
No other disease makes one feel so old,
It stiffens the Joints, produces lameness.
and makes every motion painful.
It Is sornetiraes oo bad as wholly to clisa-
ble, and it should never be neglected.
M. J. 1,41cDonald. Trenton. Ont„ had it
after a severe attacit of the grip; Mrs.
Rattle Turner, Bolivar, No., had it so
severely she could nut itft anything and
could scarcely get up or down stairs; W.
K.Shepard, Sandy Hook, Conn., was lalci
up with ft. was cold even In July, and .
could not dress himself.
According to testimonials voluntarily I
given, these sufferers were permanently
relieved. as otherv have been, by
Hoods Slrsaparitla
what orreet$ the acidity ot the blood
'41ivb rheumatism depends and builds
up the whole 'tern.
tietspli cure causilestlea. P2Icc25
Delivers Much Heralded Speeoh
on Monday Night.
oared 'rhet Government of Great
Dritaln Would Not Ufa neeradatd or
Abased in ng Recognizithe Itziled
Hoer Government roe the Purpose of
Malting Peace -Noble Lord Strosigl
tamed Chamberlain,
Chesterfield. Eng-, Pea. 17,- Lord
oeeliery'g icing expected and 10.11011
raided speech. delivered here la4
gilt. was received with mach entlin-
asia by all innuense crowd. It von
mrdiy be Fuld to have thrown tei
light along the pathway of the Lite
eral party.
Ileeolveil into its ciente:its, tin;
speech merely :said: •-tlest togetaer."
The speaker himself coulee -eta! 1.1uxt
lie did not pretend to say how thiei
cohesion :Adult) he taeconutlielied.
Tho tenor of the foriner Premier's
speech was that the Ministry NUS
wrong, hut the Liberals shatuld be
very careful how they t.riell to set it
concerning the Goverrunent'a eau -
duet of the wur. Lord Hoseliery was
6eVere and scornful.
Ho was particularly sarcast1c. at
the expense of tile explanation, of the
Earl of Ihilsbury, the Lord Chancel-
lor, that only n -sort of warfare"
WaS ItoW going on, ttnti he strongly
condemned the scandalous amerepre-
sentations by which the Government
had precipitated the, /ast general
Lord Itosebery strongly blamed the
Government. for the tact lessnesa,
which had produced unparalleled ill -
will 1 award Great Britain in every
EUropeati population, and Which he
attributed largely to the provocative
oratory of Mr, Chamberlain, the Co-
lonial Secretary,
Whilst he was emphatic on the ne-
cessity of vigorously prosecutque the
war, and iu expressing the .fullest
confidence in Lord Kitchener, Lord
Rosebery said lie thought the Gov-
ernment should be prepared to lis-
ten to peace overtures, and contend-
ed there was nothing degrading or
abasing in recognizing the ,exiled
I3oer Government for the purpose of
making peace.
Lord Rosebery said so sane, Boer
now hoped for anything but annexa-,
tion, and for many reasons it was
urgent that the war should be end-
ed. The Boer should not be unne-
cessarily humiliated. To the Boers
swearing allegiance, he would give
the largest possible anineSty and
the fullest civil rights.
Scornfully rejecting the idea that
such an Empirt as Britain could not
provide an alternative Government
to the existing ministry, he said
if that were trite the nation was
more fitted to control a cabbage
'den than an empire.
In conclusion, amid lona` cheers,
Lord Rosebery declared his services
were at the disposal of the country
In anything he could do to further
the policy he had just expbunda.
Lord Rosebery spoke for almost
two hours, and was received
throughout with the greatest en-
No Magill:a Eireot.
London, Dec. 3.7.7 -The Times, in, an
editorial on Lord Rosebery's speech,
says it is worthy of his high reputa-
tion as a patriot and statesmareand
that it is an utterance which rises
"avith rare completeness to the level
'of a great occasion, but that it will
not produce any magical effect in
the domain of. British. politics.
Want Kitchener Recalled.
London, Dec. 17. ---The arra voin.ent
on foot to secure the recall of Lord
, Kitchener has been noiseless but
persistent, and has lately been suf-
ficiently well Isnewn to cause much
irritation to his friends and admir-
ers, who include a majorityof the
English people. It is not likely
to succeed, though, because a ram-
surably better feeling in regard to
his doings in South -Africa has lately
been developing, the stock market
pointing the way.
No More Boer 'Orders.
1,011(1011, Dec. 17.--T1te value of ,
Ci °len ny ' s exports to South Africa
(latrine 1 he past year was 0701,800, '
nettinst .11,1,1 50,200 in 1889, thus
showing a shrinkage of £454900. A
si fi co nt vtnl e of this decrease is
that. 4:1 :19,9:;0 , or nearly one-third,
‘,11;:s el.,%,,'`osives and veeapons.
P ? o Route.
Paris, rec. 1.7. --Harry De Windt,
the ex1,101 er, who is to attOriapt no
o veri an1 t148 11'0111 Paris to New
York, 111,s c omple to a the prepara-
tions for his expedition, aaid will
start for Siberia Dec. 10. The Rus-
sian Government is a.Ctively aesist-
ing him, auct has telegraphed to the
at Dutten Early on Sundav-nrether-
lind. aw'o Revolver
Dutton, Dee. I7. -At about eight
o'clock Sunday morning' William+ G.
Urlin was found dead in a ben coop
in the rear of his resideate. The
cipsunnseances v. -ere sech that Dr.
Ling, coroner, deeined it neceseary
to hold an uteneet. which was ('Pea -
ed. yesterday 1:turtling.
Deceaskel was -18 years old, and
was at one tine a Itnlubur of the
firm of Lrlin wia-, carried on
a general store la this place. lie
waS OUt of emitioyment for a few
weeks, and, it is said to ha' 1 -
rouse despot:tient. No,1..7.:v eras
Seen of hint by 1.E 1,w:a fe:,:stiy after
Saturday evenizez, .r tns raodY
was found in the heti
A peculiar eircunastztvee hs that
o two bullets were kna.d of the
riey,lit ear. Samephysivialis say
that. a mon could not shoot hint -
self 1511,0. 1)81218' rettatilodile f„tetf;
ip that 194 :=•4tav,s not burned,
ndieating tiett the 8,:80tS pot
tot at. (lose • ta:d 149 melts
were heard, although the fand2r
were up all night .
A reVoiVer Letunging to Albert.
Hvrt,k.1, liOs iwoUter-tn-lalt. Waft
Close by where. the loitay waS Lying
'When 141111111, Titrop chambers
;mil two te‘. ra, whet/
eeasect-leaces at wife alai fuer clad -
the revolvt.r was ftenal. "lite de- 1.
dren. A. P. who !seise; the
Queieen Dove, is e. Prathe,..
T1,0 fn,inet w‘e. Les+, eVo ?a,
ing Itei,Dre t'avoner Ling of /0"'tiV,..ta.
CO21I117 Cr,own Atf ta1111;f1C
Was pro-eut to (-tit the Crowii.
C. St. Clair Leitclit of 1)(t088, 808
urid W. I., :11-i.awi; of SI
T0281,.1:4:3•% 14or -S“er
bearill4 the evideue.• Of Allele
wl.n fiamr.4 1,
gm -A ,,,v.a••', 45:11 neva 7101t.
tN` • kaiwev-ve-
yosznao,rteli 11.-1e8e Won
an in-Ara:al, ft:I,1011001 aoi. bie or
*lie dere:iv-ed.
A24,4.148844 4.4,14^ONAA.
C2110s:4 A11:IC1ill ON Peittatr.tne to th
! 11,e. 17..--Tlie curious mad nue
aecouln able attache 081 pcdoitrians
in the Arocta of Met at night have
. nov. rts,,mtzurd 8481 acute ',hese.
For come than Ita•-t an onlinewn in-
dividual has stabbed unotlending wo-
Men. Under voVer nf darktegig, until
it bream,. thtiKa row, for ;my female
to 1 e aeotit utter eightieth Over ll0
were iteetred, more or less 83 piously.
Within the hot few ,its GP" at-
tacks en women have l'eaeetl, and
Inca have been Oto
Alt entraordheue: thing about the
myetery is that emu(' 23I rvelonaly
sharp instrument must be need. he-
eatwe the men "vett the etrimg
and he41111y nee,- do not eaten to
kuow that they ie.,. wounded itritil
t‘zeVurai Il1it1111021 alit or I n t lack.
They notice the loqs of blood, and
then lind that they 11;;Ve been etab-
bed in I hew or filer phrees.
A. sailor who had been thus 41 tttUlt-
• eaught his aesailaut, end enumily
threelied him, only to end. niter he
had let 121111 go. 1 hat he hall been
thrice stabbed.
'flle I101iVe have been ieinforeed,
end several Ilerlin detectives have
arrived here but the misareant has
not yet been discovered,
Altogether it is computed that
over 80 persons have been stabbed. I
I Thal Cough
Hangs Oft
You have used all
sorts of cough reme-
dies but it does not _
yield; it is too deep I
seated. It may wear I
i itself out in time, but
it is more liable to
produce la grippe,
pneumonia or a seri-
ous throat affection.
You need something
that will give you
strength and build
up the body
i will do this when everything 1
I else fails. There is no doubt I
1 about it, It nourishes,
= healthy, not only to throw
strencithens, builds up and
makes the body strong and 1
1 off this hard cough, but to
; for* the system against
1 further attacks. if you are
j run down or emaciated you
,7„ an ciAl`'''ts•
1 nourishing food medicine°
' should eCtiailliy take this
coTr BOWNE, Tl)R0':`1170 CANADA
eeelt'e have Unlimited private feeds for invests
or village property at lowest
of interest.
oxozsoN. CARLING
They g1514 1k4t
Vtik 474 =4142.
loot No oeete
311PE• RI
uron and Erueo
000.r !8811'
p• er ,,
Lunderi.degtaet • . -. .. 5.21.4,. ilk!: t CAP. 81
fhl CA• IA
It g. asi
lieneell . -a %is CIA
Itieven , . teat eer,
Brie:theta - • ...... 9.•',.S .15,38
Clinton . leaf/ .0 55
whighanaaerive - • - 11-20 $.0.4
OING,tAL Tit- Pa.--'4enger
Whig/tam. tb,petl. . 0 .7.73 a, si. ;tor. !.
' Heueetieli ...... • •.. . !.- ., i 4,19
It Vegketa - ..,r, 1.57
Den,all ............. . r....ts 502
Centralia' ..... .... i•.-01 7.',.)-4
1.4.431041.O1V:Ve . 1'0'; G.12
oi .(1 4, Wn.
tgbilk Or Stephen, in 1118 t':21118'14 of
Unton, Fat laer, deceased,
48T018 ile given tter..i.) 80 (11:41-
811tri,. all hav
0212)8),41 qi,(0 ef 114, ^.1_ .3 otleielt ,
11,11241a-4 44 c*-*Aloi( 18,.1' ,!,1.ay 4.-xf •
1,4 ..111, at- rt, CETA CI IAA eat C'J 42
1,1,,,Oa's:;s3'.4‘.4141e.;joite tr., 11'..,t1- ,
14 14.11. sla2,8 1,,neat
to alp-. .44n4LjAi‘.-1A-;14;:3V 801 45' 8)4-
9 210 41'8cei216 10, veal: nt 4.1.
;1144 t 8110,-, O' 411:1-Aru, a eta
tee retitle 114: 14110. -Ike 4041,,n ^ !!.71 8„y
1.2.0 ;I nen 'e 1, hereby give. in 13,,,
n.tlatant 11 61,414..., 8)4*-
5ai4441 10 411,11,1.1118' MO. #
At A.- -aid de ,ra-vail annteg the 3,...84I4e, 3), 11
111:11111, eavira 414,5)40 4831)1 le the 4 t
Lirla *1444l4''-1 84 1441.4. tern given 14; I
rt•Audevtl, and the Atetainr-Itat;;:. ,e1
Any A.4Y,A0 1414. 1;145 1,,
811884-8.1. 80 ;tea Icerein or errata,- e
1L1j112 er canna, twelve ehati 1108 •31124" La VII, 1 4), "
erelved at the flow 41 math 811-i'fiht1110!..
Stiticitor tow loisat421.1Jiior:tTi-trel.:,,
eel) the 27111, d;ty 1 Ntaenitte.
.114ve a Imre auto/vat of private funds 401. •
J crest.
a farm and villageproperties at low
Frates •
1$arrt.,ter :Main Exeter.
•ST.41..,NDING iN T1" IS
• . LOGS,
VERel A • Ttinity eiVer
111.:',8 8
k. 64.,'.00fle 1,421 '155
ata.' trt:',v, C tneT. 8'021Exeter;
Darri.i;tere.fio!;icitors. Illtrar;e‘•. Cerive•
ncri.etc.ev., ter 40 s
otiP244 u lowest rates et' fmterest,
OFFICE:-SaSelli ST11:1".T." EENTFataTe:
. eeetaiso, 11, .4. 1.. 81. zoltInMal
W. (11,4 1.Y,Mett.,X
(Succeesor to Elliott taz Glad tettij
?lister, SoIdtr, Nctaq Pao,
Conveyancer, Etc,
ey to Ifwata tat Farm mei viiilge
014-1,41tSr!.. 148 rat e5. tsc hetet. 1
11 I7.121AN. 9 t18. ANZA"
1111,, 4.17- • 4,,
P. S.10. 14..,,.S„.rk-
ADAM 4-W37:4.14.81 3;.35.7+
ba81,01ter 4ifxt-1, GY•i'e a Fan-
L).A. ANDE123014. (1). U. L.D.$
Ircoe ('U Tow t'f• V21liVkiir1147
COM VA' 61 PS 4,'Vatfir.-
'21.":4 1A44 A -
!, 1 11 ‘!
6 t tit A.
4A, -;4•A',4"' ' 4`1"
N GT icE 1.() ('inii)11.01 -z
(q fivotge Mier late t .1 t 84.2811.
0itip of 1."tsl,t.11 P. in the 11401;.”.:
retired fat uteri du( vam 41.
NOTICF, 1,.Lerchv elect: purz•sast to t`1,1
ter 1•29 it S. 0. mil:. 8). *1 all t 114211.81
eltini ngainst the 1.;,-lutt. 11.e k 241 titorite
Monteith. u di; ;I en or sibuit 'the :0:14 day of
NoventlgT, 11.11 , I, art, I'( ituircilto me 4 an
or before the 2\111 day ef it et itelivr.
pe,,t, pro aid. 10.1 21. Slatibtary. Esau r, the,
solieher tar the Executors ulcer
till"1.5114-1114 occupations, particular,. 0?
their e1111119.441111,1Pell1.4 of their accolade. end
die nallire OP the sreta01i114. lir 014-1 kild ty
thon. And 110111V is het Ow given 81041 after
the last Mentioned dale, 1he said exceutors
wilt ;Tetrad to dl -tribute tee reeete ea the
eaid deceased among tbe earths entitled there.
to, lowing regard onlyto the ,claitus of attic,'
melee 8 hall bave ken girt 24 as above regain d
tool the ford bxccutors 1.1a411 nal le liable for
son or pen•one of alma. claim or eaiins notice
*lie said team. CT any 74311 11481801, tonne Tee.
3181221 5)02 have been received at the time of
rut 11 distributicn.
.1. :,-T,INfs'CRY.
Solieixtisrtfre'r, 11;"e*Execulo
Dated the 411; day of Detember,191:1.
Exeter, Dee, ISth, 1931.
Wheat per bushel
Turkeys ...
Chickens aerie
Pork live weight - • . 25.110 to 852a
For Infants and Children.
Ro fat- te7e
le es
(„ae; mama
Came unto the premises of the undersigned,
lot 18. con. 9. Usborneon or about Oct. 25th
two-year old steer. The owner is requested to
prove property, pay expenses and take the
animal away.
The Council of the Conntyof Huron will
meet in the, council chami
ber n the town of
Goderich, on Tuesday the 3rd, day of December
next at 3 o'clock p. m.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated at Goderich, this 202h. day of Novem-
ber, 1901.
W ANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity
" must be unquestionable) to take charge of
distribution depot and office to be opened in
Canada to further business interests of an old
established marufactoring concern. Salary
$150 per month and extra profits. Applicant
must have 81500 to $2000 cash and good stand-
ing. Address, Supt„ P. 0. Box 1151, Philadel-
phia, Pa.
Tile Bestol Weehliok!
51 lemma+ 0.14C-
4211-18 12101 A
tie 8211t-14 -;aa0atc 1 8,41483
; ; 'I A t41 4 ^AAii :V,
4441!4t° ; A1A. 11. 84 lot,1 ^,
(i; 01) lENT.
vaN,,,t:;« I ile.;.11.,te.1;111010exclliiir;,,3. itt E•Stli r.
for bri+lt leer!: e• 11L.1(... "21
Alain .isto. :9 Iv ft et, three rtcro,-. atel
t tour ta;41 oh litee-ed,
Ike t hatil Um. The
tql tut+ Acirvg,;italt.CL1(4111••.1.4
22-8 22.", 4- edniohls rarelaptra ter a taerilinn
aceta iaseeczty 21.0"l te of.
Trams ea4„apty to I:. L. lqa.man. Exeter,
Flour wboltreale lrall
/4011 feed constantly Pri
Inch bigbe.Et price will le
Wood !Naiad,
irmiKr.iry 4.4;%"1: FIT.
Cobbledick a Son
o Price.
T .V.ViS.
Do you Want a Wier?
'We Incur the 10t.0.4 t-0,(1,. it: town.
Ail lite blest .•,,,tylet.. in the newest
Our le icas 4, !owes elm be found
for ilt:$ -014”..s nano la! w Timms-
BEFOE R"i"()I. lit'Y
sinExt.r. w 1'in AN AVIZE ('14') N1' IN ---
1.2 11'-. dint '4t ty 514 -itable reslatnlielproperty '
knenn a••• 'I l.el1leal t1 114:1C11 r lIt McM1cut
:44mi- stowed `.
I, X 1.1 kit- NI c I ihr ttr 4.ale en rt room -ilia. R
71.ere 1. C111,1*(11 Uri 11 MO la1111. a cut:for:01e ,
on Lot Ne.....•' 0ut + 1 . liecter.
Two Doors South Town II
told ctu n.t dicta. tit( k Cuellitv. oti.o tLe
necreans 8 eilaaece., She lau-viain grata se-
enir and Lae viatica '1!..' tc,t veritable an acre ,
of land abut 1.., cscollently adapted for garden
Ing or fruit get 'lying. There is a plentiful sup.
ply of herd tit d relit water., The prop( rty 14 21)3,,
to date. aud the t urns co,.y. for particulars ap.
ply to DieliSt•N 8:, teraimao bsrristers Eeett r.
or 10 13. E. ale( i re, Itcw P. 0.. Peuna, 1.7..S.
A., 81038212021'r.
Roller Mills
Ret RCili Billie 4M our m=emodell_
Ked with the Gyrator System
ar Buy or Sell a Farm,
Buy or Sell Town
Borrow or Lend
Collections Made,
Your Life Insured,
Go to the Old Cuon-
try, by the Allan
Office over R Spaeltraan's Hardware
to. Cash paid for Raw Furs.
The Choicest
Xmas Cift
Would be one of our
Pianos and Organs
It would be a thing of beauty
and a joy for ever. A lasting
present that would ever bring the
greatest pleasure to the recipient.
Then our Sewing Machines,
WCStern flflv6rtiso1 !Book and Sheet Music as well as
- our smaller musical goods Come
The Leading Weekly in
Western Ontario
Fa rni liorne
A serni-inanthly publication -one of the best
America -is sent to any address
in 'Canada or the United
States for
75c. A YEAR
Send f :A, Circular containing terms for
Plubs, also our list 'of premiums,
Loindon ()titan°
in for second place,
Buy your children's sleighs,
from us,
Wishing all a merry Christmas.
IVIilbcrft's Sterling Headache Powders eon"
tain neither morphine nor opinin. TheY
promptly etre Sick-Headathe, Neuralgia,
Headache, Headache of Grippe, Headache of
delicate Italics and Ileaclache irom any cause
whatei,er, Piece 10c and 25o.
Withont regular action of the bowels, Laxa-
Liver_Pills regula t,o the bowels, cure constipe-
Um, dyspepsia, biliousness, ick -bad, and
'all afrectious of th. orgtuls of digestion, Price
25e. .511 druggists,
andl people tell us they now
make better bread than bak-
er's when using- our flour.
Origin and Main'
Done FromptIll.
fag atote
fleaclowters For
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve;Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Sarsaparilla '
Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
Chilblain Lotion,
Try auy :of these preparatints and
you will be astoaisbed at their wonder.
fill healing and curing properties,
Ai Full line of Patent Medicines on
Donniort Lot oi