Exeter Times, 1901-12-19, Page 4THil EXETER TINEES
On Saterday, William Cook, of the I
he Mo'sons Bank "
, British Government has purcheeed in 1 uiltt )(
s concessien o o eine o us tp,
ol Dent'- iaration that the tilio p -et, f •h t w h
Cattail°, for the British army 7,567 drew to a warehouse in Goderich, 200
‘VRARTERYD Ira PAIlletellFeliT, ISA ',horses shows how much Canada, has I
Paid Iu
up Cepital 00 5M000' come to the front as a horse•exportine•
Wad, Oface.lalo hoes brought, about $1,000,000 to the
untry 133 the paet few yars. Tilt;
Reserve Feed We sus
JAMES ELLIOT,. Pewee •Ifarnaers of the country, of which by nil Via News al laterast 'to
u. the the greater portion COMPS tO tJns. 0 ill
aroeey edeeaced to goea fermis on. theirt
province, as between 5,000 and 6,000 Times aeauGis nappprae,
("renew with one or more endorser at 7 Per of the horses were purchased here.
thasc 6atifilloa
bushels and 18 lbs of oats An the load, 411'nlicIPAL EL:Sen:LvSS* Nooilfloa'
Hon for • the town -Rowlett and public
awl sit 45 cents. a bushel Mr. COW
sehool trustee hoard willeake Place on
pocketed • the handsome ar0000t of .
$90,25. When anyhodY beats this we XondaYit Dee, SOtheand• the elections A
Week later.. -The school trustees whose
Waste th hear about it. •
terro expires this year, hot wbo are, a
Some time aeo a man named Wil-
soil, and wife ;ore committed, to the course, el\iele for rteelection. are
lineton, W. J. Oarlieg aed P, Frayne.
Home of Refuge, from the township
of Howick, on the order, we under- Ateetetat. MEETING. - The annuel t
tLL Exeter 13rarees 'i prol
The minister of uaou wi
edctill e staud of the Reeve and County Com -
pen everi lawful day frern le a. ra. 3 . ea-- 4 mi.esioner for the district. Subse
D top
Peale t queraly Itir. Wilson died, and Mrs.
VCo Ihhhiae thou
, • at to hwe has Wilson has entered ft, suit for damages
jr. John Speedo,
against the persons who coname
itt a
been lost in British
been hetuel from. i .. , eel.-
him .9n the ground that he did not
Mr. J. W. Doyle, soreeetteee.e.ieLOU- le s come here, and his commit
et, waa therefore improper.
don, has aseurned the proprietorship le -
of the Whadeor Hotel, Stratford. Mr, John Mitchell, a, retired farmer
living in Ilensall, lost five hundred
The annual meeting a theSout,i‘ dollars in en exaeperating eort of
Perth Farmers' Institute will be hf 31
in the town ball, Mitchell, an Jan.
twat. pee a•nnuro.
SleTVIIDASS. lea. m. to e p. m.
tweet reteso interest teamed os deposite.
OliClia."SON& Cal-tal.N.O.:O. la 33131110N.
ce. lath. 'POi.
•ably ask the legislature for a grant -of
about $1,009 with which to statt next
year syeteroatie aid, in fox usiug Libra -
ties iL3 rural: public echcols. • 'The plan
will be to offer $5 to each school board
witicat will undertake to spend $10 or
i 815 altogether on a collection (Si books
Calendar for December, 1901. i for the rise of the children. Tho deL,
SeTairtay ..... ..... 1 $ 15 22 29 , pattment will prepare a list of heat;
Mosesese 2 9 16 ;,J ..lfrom whieh eelection is to he reticle.
Trneeneov .,3 10 17 21 31
Wave aesaa.ee . . . 4 11 18 25 Tee rect•nt epeech of the Prinee of
VIVESEATri, 12 19 ',26 Vales in the Beh metropolis has
Faireees V 13 20 27 •een ntost favorably received. It i
SkTrnoxv7 14 21 25- • vident that his Royal iligimees le. ,
„---e-ss4.. pronted much liy his tour threugh the
zi.tetiliarv kingdoms of the Empire. He
t • - •
e ,tualtre; no beees about telling,. the J:32.it-
intp. , peiple in whet way they may pro-
by the example ot these outlying
, section:, a the Empire. Ana if his
essen,me l•teitr had Ito other effect than to point -
:I, edly . call Attention to the fact -ern-
,.... _ . t Phasleed by friends of Canada in the
NOTES ANI) COMMENTS. 1British pries-. that tiermitey takes
--.....,......-. al' good eave in evesy possible isle in
It is eaiii theMel:lite-4st Government .,.(lise...etittes talesman;111 , , , . . 1
eretion tP CPI'
Mitt lager Ow til4,4 ton or Ppohibitiou man territory, it Nviil yield an ample
te it direet vote tlf the ecople„ I return to the 1.:nipiri.. In this tegard
o • to British Slat el...3111;03 have lagged behind,
Wilfrid Leurie will attend the !being etettented to let thcir surplus
CCItIntlit,31 iSt'ItlItiklAieS a Ku- Ett•Ipopulation aritt into foreleen t•ountrles
ward. la Ixiatic re 'at June 'next. Itis ',•. instead tef toteograolute them to go tn
said 12- Will be accorepaultel i.•a body '-et'attatitt, Aoettitila. New Z•: .31111 and
genii of militia.
'the other natione 4-4 the Eumive. to he
* * s. ,.. l'i, SI reltgt h to it. aloe power to the
TlYIliluireill •11,71 re,F,:Hnt a. „Net i. (''11'1-1w of tIle PIIIIIA.-P of Waive if he can
(eat eoe. oee es eessee . e, :hat -the 2,.:* :i: the i 31'0.'4 illg 44 tt telerni n
firet eleireteeret tset 34eles eel el -we
etes Its re- esel csoeht 14 cents :z oima
le a:tee:one :era. meet her eltiontent• .
2,71'44We Lett, areto ties Eittt442,4,7 .31221.ii"pil:1:7111)1!'ifilkt),'"11T,'",
1.3 en trestle. '; ite esetele Ottt aeer the otasent year
• to
Goverptet et bee decidt ti4 (real, 0.14. la'n y, f -2.213.7z, ;
tinue ese`plyhel itee. eel TaltAZISt era Hey, tid.v5le 7,1 ; $' 517oSi z
whale oil st ap to Lainitee wheel. alst•s Mullett. iS,3:11,0 *;l1 Mt'll1"::;. $1.91isS1/
ate ttel ¶'4'4U2t1e• Ken 34.14' t.V;tio 1, 31V1i:j11;1'• ?"'11,"17
ireept-ett.a. et .asee alett the eetzle „ 4•111;e0. Tni.kenquit 14,
16 net 1414 1114.. see in way stew centres 115.:,5 t ; ,Y4r 70/ ; 1"SLII;
but tha :Ilea eoectl the o:ki, ;often ' $2.:Ztes 5•41.421.-lu ;
0 ab,a,:vt,, th:s spawn?. w.nuatnt,13 W.. a:le-Velem ;4'llayealli,
• • kti:d.7t" Brut.selts 43 14,
Ile:141447m cyergvnie,. 6 :; Z ; aerpeo-,
;;VP '• 11i u1
sal - '
granted t3. 13lte on Vainam e
-t"...I "le s*, „
eo,.',„ • lielL'?or,Set;it;
railwaye, te.yirg r. tenets pr e
wales 3 Wete, ese.17.
cents per bet titter Jan 1. 11?e" •
they will base to pay full fare, ae after
that, date the rtila'f4ye Will entirely 4 "4'' 4'ilt il,"" anietoot rev vie-
diecont inue the ieszting of reduced 4;14'111 P':;"v:r." fia.' Public '3°Ic`(•°1
rate 111 1(:. aceeeet chew:von purposes by eech niunieipality in the
Carzaiet to !mints in the United 111Phl" 1 i"11)14111'' Ii122'2* “"Ivrich'
Blillet t. ; $3111 ;
States to ',olive in Canada. The lege I ..5F•4/1,6,1.,t'zis. ;
of trite clergy permits will lie entirely fitanit.y. $2,04,urnl 022
4- Steplesn,
discontinued and Central Passenger ;1'411:'' TlIckil"hhh '53°3;
A Very pretty eyelet took plisse at
Toronto last weela_it !win- the rle:',7
riafee of Mr. Geo Parkinson,
Toronto, to Miss Florence Hill ""
Mary's, Ont,
Igrs. Bessio McGitines, vvidov;*Sli
te Ww. MeGiuties, died Satrir"a7 at
10) tZ bet weett,points id:tirade'. ftotn points e°11111tr'` Ye'ty
Statee, tni 1 flow .1,2,7etts in the United $20.7 Grees, ; Bay, ; Howiek.
c • re a se • lettet, awanoeh,
le residence of her deughtt
hompeon McCauley, i.oudoP' fr°1"
an illness of several weeks' dur4t1""
after which Mre. Magiunes inhved t°
London. Interment took plitce lit' St"
A sensation was caueed 10. St" Malls
at ten o"vlock on TnesdaY -"ght• wilun
a tramp who gave hie ealle as 6.-e°'
Jobpsen Nthe IrnigihallY
front Stevensville, letentanaregare
leg that he was the cause oie`he b.pl&rva'
eel/ up to Night Constable a';',,age/
ing down of the fine bank 140. (.1 .311.
Win. Bartle, eitnated three re`
f Mitchell town, on the StrateSlt"
vita, on Friday monism last. Tit
arti awl touts -Ws were totally con-
euttual Aeked "why he did
emit a thing ite teplied that he sup-
pesed he was chwilt.
Vey. Mr. Howson, of elbnon. Is 114
with pneumonia.
,Mex. has pinches( d the
Ila) field t•ftM" Mill ACM JCWPtt.
TIWIP iS f•011:C talk a the aseesesor,
Mr. UM, leaving Myth and goiug out
The (Teton Rifle Club has received
from the Government ten rifles and
50U0 rounds of ammunition.
Trooper W ianiTook, of St. Helen's,
Weet Hui on, Ontario, died of enteric'.
fever ae Thabanchu, South Arrive.
D. Alton, of Ashfieid bad his collar
bone Woken by a tree falling on Man
while "working in the bush on Satur-
The Hon. Mr. Garrow was elected in
West Huron by a majority of 500. -St.
Marys Argus. Mr, (*arrow's majority
was only 205.
nieeettrig a the Stephen awl 1 -shortie
Branch Agricultural Society will be -
held tn. the Town Hall, Exeter, on
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1902, at 2 o'clock
p. in., for the purpose a electiug pres-
ident, vice-president and directors for
the ensuing year. All members and
ieterested parties are cordially invited
to attend. RICH, COATES. FITS.: A. G.
DYeat, Sec.-Treas,
way the other day. He had received WitEaT Goys L`P.--Very encourag-
the amount, on mortgage and giving ing reports have been received hy the
to his wife as the best custodian, silo dealers in town regarding the price of
pined it, in a stove as the least lieely grain in Chicago. Wheat. is to
go up. The public are beguruung to
deal tIt it. anti leo one man is able iit
the present to corner it. Com is fol-
lowing closely at about We and Is like-
ly to go mach higher. Oats are not
likelY to go much higher. The top
notch seems to have been reached in
that grain, Those who sold. their
tool; place ou moneay. last, chotou wnobweatitelAriloiegr Itnhetteis:ie:rlireCra.:6,1c,,ttajltri:
Many years ago Mr, Monteith cosi-
dueted a, saw and carding. mill on a ces„,..e, ee.e. Atom this
branch of the 'Maitland rirer "4"4
llith concession of hullett.
price is 75e.
t me oi toe year the wiee ehopper
eeee in the Kippen section until bgy the bulk, if she Q..
queutly be carried on the same bust- eef.a-p‘bs
moved to Clinton some seyee "e of her Purehases for •90istula's
eight yeare aeo after wto-•i .1 took It is 114:08u3;e she is wise that she tloa,
/ /0, In the stores she the pleb; of '
laiFreeeelas:eP.,;:iyel!freeozNiri'st:alentitgl.g holieay uoveltlea She also finds it.
easy, to get, attention. She le not
v'ves ' •
"fib t el. to ether with their
faneIe. 411" II pinsited and bolded in a crowd of him -
A '<1 severa 4. ten. two o ir, reds 0.1. eager eleventh hour shopperr,.
Yaughtere being at heme. and site escapes all the physical ex- •
Ws -a Minule ennueinp. a AV. PICK' 114111Sti011 that nuset always follow such
ard CetninurF's naiiiinerr establish- football tactics'. She is sure et lintling
MOW, Seafortle etiffered a very fftvere what she wante, of having It 411101T41
and painful accident on eaturiaT or engraved or retouched, if neceesaree
Silo was washing and of having it, delivered at, GIMP.
31,1Pgahltrtill,01,Z1vallh ' She is sure that. it will each its tha-
ne glsnme..,("sPloti,ed% ar4.4,13" ottuw, tinatiou in time mei that she Mill MA
(311 Ar tg.le Illtrt ivoireF, we.re he warded by any of the many reeit-
Eevarely burned. Iler brother, thins that overtatee the unfortunete
wa3 Iirvsent tile time. was also bane who post ..,pones her shopping until the
iv binned in Ws 0We:won; to Pot out rush eets in. Probably out of every leo
the fleeeee. Mies Ciiiiiininess had the shoppers, at least pe, wet acknowledge
Ant'olite in a dish, 'Mille there ft that, this is true, hut it, is quite sai 47+ tO
/31111) at the npun,,Ite eiiie of the reotn, say that 90 out, of 95 will be found
hut thS; ,geds0,1ines, 1ortued, a where the turmoil and scrimmages ure
gas, wulen meanie igtntell from titiekeet about cote week from date.
lamp, and filled the room with fire.
Another of the ola residents of Ile settens' .4tY» Preteens' LweeSEs.
Brucefieki, in the person of Mrs. Mar- A large portion of the December
garet Fraser, passed away on Sunday session of the Perth County Council,
last. Mrs. Fraser was born in the held lest week, was taken up in (Rs -
town of iuverneee, Scotland, in the cussing bass kerte and podia's' 11,4.3,1.044.
veer 1815. Her maiden name was Mc- The licenses were finelly fixed fol -
Pherson]. At the itge of 25 years she lows: -For two horses $40, for nue
US$ 111111'40 to Mr. Alexander Fraser, bone $:30, lor einsh cart e4o, and for
and it few yearss after t,hey, with at a packman 840. In addition, the pen -
Toting family, emigrated to Canada in alty for an infraction V as fixed at not
the year 1856, and settled in the 0t33111-1 more than 875 and not less than $25,
t7 or Waterloo, where Mr. Fraser half to go to the haformant. The fol.
died in 1869. Shortly ti.fterwards Airs. , lowing motion by Messrs. Kemp anti
Fraser renmved to Goderich township Merryfield was also carried ;"That the
with her family, where she iesided an- Warden name one County constable
til her death, in each rounicipelity to look after
The lith annual inceting of the Do- hawkers and pedlars who do business
without license and have the law en- .
forced ; and that the stud constable re-
ceive the sum of 25 dollars for etzch
conviction secured under said by-law,
llud in case of e. prosecution without
secuting a conviction the officer shall
be paid all necessary expenses so in-
curred, less constable's tees." The
whole result of the Council's action in
this matter of hawkers and peelers
will be embodied in n by-law to be ,
lie, Hensall ; Treas., P. 111eGregor, brought up at the January session.
Robert Fanetou has leased his farm
on the Mill road, adjoining Egmond-
ville, to Wra, Hawes, of Leadbury, Itt
g_ri..ed rentalt
A.ssocuition forms ot annual and time w t wowarKisbli *238, Towns.
-clergy perniits are not to be honored TOO dates for the atinvel show of
the Huron Pet Stock and Poultry
Association will be held on Dee. SIst,
Jnnuary ist, and 2nd,
Ow to be searched by burglars. The
good woman, however, overlooked the
possibility of fire heing ;started in the
stove, which le jost what hoppenecl,
and in ft twinlaing the mousy had
disitpreared, It even make a
go I blaze.
By the death of A. Monteith. whieh
by tic ket agents 212 Canada.
• • its
A st4ten,ent preptued by Mr, G. B.
Kirkpatrick, Ontario Director of Sur-
veys, and izsued by the Department
of Crown lands'shows that out of the
total eetimatedarea of the province of .
,TerOilta000 acres there are no less than A. new theory of longevity has nestle
851883,925 acres still unsurveyed, its appearance. "A mail bas a deffnite
In other words of the total area of On- number a waking. hours allotted to
tam :13 per cent. is surveyed and 07 I him," $ays the originator of the idea,
per cent. unsurveyed. The figures , 'and the fewer lie uses up the longer
give an impressive idea of the almost will his life last. 11 therefore he is
.Goderich. $441. t Chiffon. Se00 ; Sea -
forth. $200 ; Wingbant. 82C0.
e70 Myth.. 8108 t
Brussels,: 8151 ; Exeter, 8227 ; Hensel],
81111 ; Wroxeter. $51, This ntakes 13
total of s•ada170.
unexplored area remaining in Ontario.
It must not be supposed that the sur-
veyed area. is all settled. A great part
Which is duly surveyed and mapped case of the negroes as an illustration.
out is not occupied. The blue book The chances are, says London Tit -
shows that only 22,803,578 acres, or 17 Bits, that the only truth in tins theory
per cent. of Ontario, have been sold or is the well-recognized fact that less
leased. This lea.ves 103,130.422 acres, than eight hours' sleep is not su15 •
or 83 per cent. of Ontario4 still undis-
posed of, and in the possession of the
content to sleep for most of his days,
there 18 110 reason why he should not
live for 200 years." lie adduces the
cient for most mortals, and that those
who habitu illy take less shorten their
lives by so doing.
0 •
Our telegraphic columns contain
news of Signor Marcoei's success in CATARRH IS A GERM DISEASE.
telegraphing across the Atlantic 'with-
out wires, Of course, the success is Science armed with a microscope,
but a beginning. It- looks as if the bas established it a fact, and this con-
wav would'open up to tbeaniosabotendl „Ohietioti renders absolute the practice
less and revolutionary possibilities. dr treating Asthma, Catarrh, and
With communication by sea and land Bronchitis. ley stomach drugging.
to the remotest parts of the earth, sprays, snuffs, &e. Such treatments
without wires, all parts of the world are an utter Whire because. they can -
will be brought very closely together. not penetrate the delicate air cells of
Undersea cables will be needless, over-
land wires will disappear along with
the ugly telegraph posts. Newspap-
ers will extend and individualize their
telegraphic matter from Great Britain
and the rest of the world. Ships at
sea will publish daily newspapers with
the saute tiews that is being read in
the I..ondon Times or New York
Apparently one will not need
to live far into the twentieth century
.to witness marvels that will surpass
the lungs, or permeate the air passag-
es of the Lose and bronchial tubes
where the germs of Catarrh have their
stronghold. Catarrhozone is the only
certain remedy. It is inhaled through
the mouth and after spreading
through all the respieatory organs is
exhaled through the nostrils. Ca.tarr-
hozone kills the germs, heals the in-
flamed tissues, elears the head and
throat in two minutes, and cures 1138
few hours. Nothing is so effective,
hi wonder and usefulness those of the Pleasant and simple as Caterrhozoiee.
boasted nineteenth.
Two 321 on tb s' treatment $1 00. Small
size, 15e. Druggists or N. C. Poison
• & Co., Kingston, Ont.
Sir John Carlixtg, of London, has
had a phenominal public record. He
has been ifl active public life for over
half a, century. He was born on a
Middlesex farm, withiu sight of the
city of latedon, He was elected a pub-
lic school trastee for the city in 1850 ;
was elected a member of the city coun-
cil in 1351 and a member of the old
parlieutent of Canada in 1857 and held
"iiis seat almost con tiunously utiI 1898,
evbere he was appointed to the Doswell -
ion Senate. He served in the Domin-
ion and Provincial houses from 1807
until 1872 and was Secretary and Min-
ister of Aericultere i the Ontario
Csevernutent. In 1872 he had to re-
sigo his seat in the Legisletate to re-
tain his seat in the Dominion Parlia-
ment, the deal posit ions haviog then
been ttholished. He was appointed
layetintester Oetaeral 31 1.882 aud
a in it tit al in jet et* ef A event:leen e in 1885,
esetinuing to that position mail 1392.
wese twice defeated.. lett ou each
otcasion his successor was unseated
and t, the bye elections be gained the
seat, lio was created a E. C. al. G.
in 1893, There are few, if eny,
men in Cenada who have 'eojoye)1. sse
tense and zo succeesful a publie cat sae.
ildren Cry for
lost an upright mai eeteemed citizen.
Miss Grace Bowden, who returned
to Blyth from Toronto, suffering from
blood poisoning, WO are pleased. to
say is now much improved.
The bachelors of Seaforth have
issued invitations for a grand dancing
party, in Cardiao's hala on the even-
ing of Friday, the 271.h inst.
Duncan Anderson,who cut his throat
with an old tobacco knife over two
weeks ago, died at his residence in
East Wawanosh on Sunday night.
While going down the steps at his
bome, the other day, Mr. Philip
Rauch, of Zurich, slipped on the ice,
and in the fall be fraetured two of his
Another old and respected resident
of Morris, in the person of John Bow-
man, departed tbis life on Friday last.
Be had reached the good age of 84
"1 was very poorly and could
hardly get about the house. I was
tired out all the time. Then I tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only
' took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well e '--- Mrs. N. S. Swin-
ney, Princeton, mo.
Tired when, you go to
bed, tired *hen you get
up, tired all the time.
Why? Your blood is im-
pure, that's the reason.
_You are living on the
border line of nerve ex-
haustion. Take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla and be
ciuiclay cured. 5,11=:
Anleyour doct or what lao thinks of Aysie$ •
SarsAparilla.. rck.1 imows all abontthis rand
old family 141011101004 trODOW 21.(1VICO and
WI) wI3(• .1 0 4 Ysln Ccl., Lowell, Mass.
Burglars entered the store of Messrs.
Anderson & Elder, Blyth, the other
night, and helped themselves liberally
to overcoats, underwear, socks and
silk handkerchiefs.
Goderich will be represented in 3 -he
Comedian contingent now being re-
cruited for service in South Africa, in
the person of Arthur 0. Yule. He
was taken on the force atLondon.
A" of
1 44 4)1)1 44
Similaling litTood 4tKIRegula-
tug the.31 arhs mulDowels of
0 AuMforgbine Tor liineral,
cer owic,
ADA ora-
Roaltr14 -
Airin Sod #
aloha Sap,
tratorrita rtgra;
A perfec t Remedy for Cons tip
amt., Sour tomach,Dlarrhoea,
ogss and LOSS OF SIEEe
Crete:tie is re ep tenel714 tottlo valet It
-.^.3 sold 2a hale. Doe': 81111).r.e.143.t8 rat
Toe .aeyttite. slza sa ee, ft:. se remise teat it
is ",but as getao ma "will rearer (eery Fes
Teat Oat roe est taleVeT-0.11,44.
. 4
1111111013 Draught Horse Breeders So-
ciety was heItl in the Rattenbury
House, Clinton, on Wednesday, Dec.
lltb. The. standard of resignation
Was raised five erosses to take effect,
on Dee. ist, 1002. The election of
officers resulted as follows, including
the same old stall of directors which
indieates that the management is sat-
isfactorily handled :- President, D,
Macintosh, Brueefield ; Vice, S. Smil-
Brucefield ; Seey, J.. Mitchell, Gode-
rich ; council -J, eleDerinid,Lucknow; VE'rrataels' Leen
ch' -
Jas Henderson, Belton ; John Avery, cube letterbas been prepared and will
Clinton • Thos. Green, Dublin ; C. E. be forwarded immediately to the ;
Masore 'Brucefield ; John Watt, liar- thousand or so veterans whose claims
lock ; John Ketchen, Brucefield ; Johtt for land grants have been approved by ,
Busch, Sebriugville ; A. Innes,Olinton; the Department of Crown 1,ands. The'
D. M. 00IP, Lakeside'Dr. J. E. Black- letter informs the recipient that "for
well, Clintot ; Wm., Sinclair, Chisel- services rendered Canada and the
burst ; Geo. Stanhury, Clinton. empire he is entitled to a location of
160 acres in this Province,. and this let-
ter is to intimate to him that he nuay
proceed to select the same." A certifi-
cate is enclosed, which on presentas
567.780. . tion to a,ny Crown Lands agent yogi
enable him to select his land at .any
The final returns of the census will time during tvvo years following the
not be a.vailable foe a monto yet. date of his certificate. The agent, will
There are returns yet to be received issue a receipt giving particulars of
from remote places. the lot, which will be held -by the lo -
11'e cold snap promised by catee pending the issuance of formal
papers by the department. There is
also furnished, a list of townships
availa.ble for settlentent under the •tct.
Land guides will be furnished with ap-
The liquidator of The J. E. Crealy
Daily Co.. Limited, bas sold the com-
pany's factory at Clinton, to Mr, John
.8. McGregor, butter m a n ufa et urea
who sbortly remove to Clinton to
make it his home.
The Governor-general has received
the following cable from Mr: Cham-
berlain: "London, Dec. 10th. -Re-
gret to inform you that Richard Took
is dangerously ill with enteric fever,
Dec. 8. Hie mother. is Mts. Took, of
St. Helen's, Huron Co., Qntario," .
•The result of the union meeting of
Smith's Hill and A amen Presbyterian
congregations last Wesley for the
purpose of calling a' nuinieter resulted
as follows Turner, of Appleton.
Ont.. receleed 35 votes, Mr. Wilson, of
the London Presbytery, 82.
One of the old residents of West
Wawa nosh, passed away on Tuesday,
Dec. 3rd, in his 774.h year, Wesley
Fatrier. The deeeased bad been ailing
for abont six mon the, finally dying of
heart fail u re. Ile leaves a vvi fe, two
S03311 end one -daughter to InOVIT'll hi
• Zinialee hot el 111 33 and t.beas, at
13russels, were burred last week. iee-
ing frame 113 I orild sled frill of any
and stt aw, in 1,wo hours t bete W80 110 -
thing left, The cindeis oere blown
to the neighboring gs, but the
firemen worked witb e
thenl, There iS eonee -1e:4nel:ere
cletis h of Nies. a a re Pelee° 0c.
Revised tettuns issued by the cen-
sus Bureau give the population of
Montreal within municipal litaits at
Probs arrived in this v.icinity anlime.
The lowest registration on Monday
was clooe upou 5 degrees above zero.
In accordance with a new rule on plicants, at the expense of the depart -
the Grand Trunk, the arid amok- merit, through whom the claims may
ing car nnist henceforward be the be int..; tit d. eldia4413. 11'
last car in the train and in the rear of of pi a g 11 e lettere Pe 13 1
the passenger care, wliereas fortnerlY lots has been simplified by proving
they were always in ttdvance of the
passep ger coaches. notcle by the applicant or hts represete
Western glean dealers put up the tative, corroborative by the land guide
price of oats so high When they heard mud sworn to before the Crown Leads
that the War Office wanted half a roil- agent, without -cost. It is pointed (Olt
lion bushels from Canada that the In conclusion, that only one cleim
British military authorities have with- may be vegIsteted In each squat
drawn the order. and are securing the*
supply in New Zealand and .Australia.
The question of atousernents at the
that affidavits to this effect may be
end that reduced railway tales
wherever granted for act ue I set.
tlers will be a.vailaelle for epplirants
fall fairs came up receritly at the pro- under this act, on 803.01 I11 tart ih
vincial winter fair at Guelph. The erl e from he Buren u of Celt eti;att tote
consensus of opinion We 9 that such at-
tractions have been carried too far :
that too mutat horse -racing and. skirt
dancing were not legitimate attrac:
tions for our exhibitions. A good pro-
posal was made when it was suggest-
ed ('.bat athletics be 'substituted.
YOUR_ FAITH Nsytiri,;4e,a,:
oars if you try
1, tire agnu,d1ra'TIleisa cst01retotr°nrgfuNvnd
, nioney, And we send 'you.
f ree tri a I 'bottle if .you write for it.
sati,ofus costs 24, cents and will cure eon-
snmption, Pneumonia, lironcidtis and. all
tees; eseuetes, will cure a coils% or cald
1411 fa a day, and tins prevent serious results.
,,,,,,,,,,A nthet resid vn,,,,, (Tin/ on, y.p8_ i It. LISwbECT,C1„.11.0(1a0 i I .1cgoi..1:1 e..rloertoll.nitiog, scfaons.60 years.
t 0 rda y . Mrs. Ettn e was a, Illl t i ye of . Katifs ctover ttoot Tea c eeTec
CI i n t on, a tid livedc
, t bet e ;ill her life, tbe "e
over sixty years She vr it's well if, n OWI)
Itri I <110e and (It) ts1 l'tt t1 WO run n, ,...=;.... --:;.- -,.y...;.c..---.--,..:.;;;..t;
anti hr,re her ng nfillet 1011 ich 9 init. 0
(lief. a r d 9 ope of a g tni'lpus bereaflo rUsed. hiternally Iligyaril`S TellOw Oilcures °N L -V E ii Y.. 8'-• X
-Shp 1::;',-'"i,llyt,e .st,ns to (4 0)130 her Sox:, Tniottt, iiioare
sen4s, .QuIrn,v, Pain l'iri 'he
"1..51.' . ‘. .
-1'i'';t'':1f'' 1;'!1';A1frSf1('“7;°;1T:t)i:(l(I;;1:13r1cf'7-
• T,v,10JtiSrs:b25ce1
• n -1.3roS,, CiintOrt.. ' I313 es of Insects.
gell wn ted e very s. 11014'.. 341,
l'tianu cl ring 0o,„ T...,nochN1 On ht
The donth of Mis. W. 3. Cert inst.
SI. Peel. Meat., oecurred at that, et,
ria•t week. Deceased had been in Seel-
eate health tar a -number of years, but,
the Mimed ie eati.t.:e of death 31.1',
tumors on the brain. Be:, maiden
T1 me vv:18 M;Itzgie Foster, formerly of
SeAfortli. She It 302'l of t wo
children. Mr. C;,teling synts ;t forms!.
resident of Exeter, and is a eon of alas.
S. Tait of this place.
12, N.6
ose, Curo. 40
°a at all
'BY 34 .
Leave it to your foot t
judge the kind of shoe you
ought to wear.
A shoe that fits right should
feel right the first time you
put it on.
If it is made right it ought
to keep its shape till it is worn
"Sovereign Shoes" are
made right they fit right
they look right, they are
sell for right prices,
$3..�o, $3.50 and $4..00 per
- pair.
Little"' getris' sizes, too.
Stamped on the sole,
"Sovereign Shoe."
Tito Klieg of Rangels
Tbink before you Buy
"Beech's flapper Thertaglet""
e • - . a
# . When buying a range think before you buy 'mid then' ytni Nyin,.rp. ,
buy a elappy Thought. In buying a Happy Thought yoy \/)
have the -unstinted recommendation of 150,000 previous happy Oile
P44 purchasers. Range building is a
0 SUCK St, specialty with use -it's not • a side W
apeo------- - lee issue -we leave no room for improve-
4.,meut in our .consttuctida,..of the V
Happy Thought. etre -0 .sr, otil4'
They are manufactured by .
CO., Lb:lilted; 13ramtford.
Write for an Illustrated Pamphlet.
SOU) 31T
,1. 11 1-4:A N , E:r
Maladies of '1131s , •, '4 1 instantly
to Polson'-' Nivt1 1,,, ;,1,1? if von suf-
rot). ((4L.- 141vee3.,11,11 r gives in.
n,rtti 141 1411. froorse ,,„
,11 hour Lite cult: 40 ,1..311,;e1e. A large
.15e bottle of Nerviline in the
house wil1 save doctor bills, and a vast
ttmount of suffering every year.
rake Lai,:ative -Rots° Quisaie Tablets, A.11
druggists-refl.-1n 101)0 010,013'13it fails to cure
ID, W. Grove's '1,311. .,UVJ tt on each box.. 2fio,
me treat 14 olly l'I
tile pine )44 the '8(03' '4) lifo to
. , ,
n e; E,,,„. -,,, t110 GollS1.1113PI.IVO. No ‘‘o+.1st, nQ Syrup cup_
talcs the pine 311 -01 a id earns e oug hi, colds,
. bronchitis. tali rseness. snd ii,11 throat an cl long
1 fgg's...,1E4.4 rouliles, wniei,, if not, Wit:int-lea lo, :loafl to
Mr. S'mOn ,WeLeod, of 1)arkbill,wan
appointedlcountyrepresentatiVe ob thes
Victotia Flo*pital Trust, London, for
the Year 1002, at the closing. sesSton of
the tiounty Council, batur,day,
Your Torigale
If it's coated your stomach
is bad, your liVer is out Of,
order. .Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys-
pepsia, make your liver
Easy to take, easy to opc;ate-
25c. All druggists.
Want yourinoustaelo or. beard IAA:Cali
1Aft,IVII4 93 TIOU 144 4S0
t` he
3U0/kiNGHAMS DYE whiskers
, .
314-,,, cr b3U3131, 0 on 13. P; 08.14 tIms$P.w.n, 41.14.