Exeter Times, 1901-12-19, Page 2Otridl.a BRIGANDS' CRUX issixans SLAIN FORTY InEARS AGO. noraanders of War Slips Co- oFerated in Enforcing Swift Punishment; There have been seggestions that the abduction of Miss Eller. M. Stone by Buigaria& brigands was in reality prompted by the Turkish Govern- ment. arid that the arch conspira.tor was to be found in the Yildiz Kiosk Coneteutinople. That, nowever, In brealdng the animal the greatest ON THE FARM. In:sneer-a snoula be talten in selecting a "net that will riot injure the mouth. OZO well to always She that the nridVee are furnished with bits that will is ` irritate and cause the mouth • 1 ETT,ING POULTRY. There are various metbods of ing fowls—sonte modern and cruel, others ancient and humane, and 'vice versa. ; but of them all we think, the most merciful Owl best is by clisloca- tion of the ueck, and in the bawls of et poulterer this plan. is a, simple and expedient oue. As soon as the is nue at ell likely. melt vertebrae becomes severed the pay well for time, trouble and feed. Of course the Sublime Porte hates capacity to kei pain is annulled. Of Goed care an proper treatment all missionetnes. because, through course there will be severe convun eon maim cattle glad to see you at their schools particularly. they edit- , sious in the body a the bird; but any time whether hungry or not. eate the PeePie tee txte-ifehn the mti means of conveying sensation to You sometimes hear men say 'm"My fears the European powers ioo ut% t ie lain snappe aeura er, cows are dainty ; can get them to to resort to any' openly violent acts, there need be no fear ot the bird end contents itself with petty per- bevin„ece. eau these convulsions cecetions, winch can be construed as are simply - the result of continued coiniug the laws a the eoun- nerve action. The novice who intends try, such as they aro. to 114Opt this plau shouid learn the Even in the greet incteeacre of 1860 e actual operation from an expert , -nee ee a• •• • 4 P • poultryman. Ihe modes operandi agernent, for you verily believe that ea.11y prompted te; the Uovernmera, is :—Take the bird by the lege' in cows, calves or horses can be taught the missionaries were left undisturb- the left band, catching the extreme to eat almost everything that is goo d to br cite haidened and ca Jaime& CH VQING PEED OP COWS. When beginning with any feed that is new to StOCk, begin with a. very small quantity. If purepkius or turnips, cut fiue and sprinkle sprie a little middlings over them before you offer them or a very little salt, Get them and keep them sharp teen eager for their food ; then they will be hearty and bealtny and in condition to re - eat but very little of the best of hay, or perhaps they will eet but very little a their grain feed, muss it over a little and then they will not look at it again." You, always say surely there has been misman- ed. cis far as their lietes 4inti property ends of the wings in the same hand for them, even out of a swill bucket. went. There have been nemerotis to prevent the fowl nuttering ; thert As iteporteet a. goo supp/y of caeee, neverthelees. where Ainerican grIP the bird's head with the first good. wholesome feed it is equally miesiotiaries have been killed by rob- und seeond singers of the ether hand iumortaut to have good eare and ticalar interest. Tbey occurred rear- most, and place the thumb on top and two them "re; P"r-; the palm of the band beiug upper- judicious. laantgemeflt. iv fertY h`ears age, and the n"te.' of the head, the bade of the fowl crime appeels especially juin now bee itg upwards. The legs should be cite it was. eon:ranted in the region bind iteitinst the left hip of the op- 1VtAK AND NERVOUS, .1,.„ Miss Stone was kir:learned. erator and the head laid against the AT1'ACK141/ 1 iistV1.:IaisT7SC4- et nit thigh, uear the twee. The The Rev William W. Mma eria, nits- fowl .,itouhl then be (wieldy and MAGISTRATE DAUPHINE'S D :inmate: of the Ainerivan ilaerd, stile intro, ett,„,let, at, the sawn thus PLORABLE CONDITION. tiened at PhP/fentille.•was returniag etee;ifsg the thumb into tlie neck on July 8. 18(12, to that city Irani and tenidiug the head suddenly back- DeSpite Tiredical Treat-x.11=e, Ile Be- C°1"entin°1)!e° where he,3/441 heeh 'nerds, eo tliat the neck is dislocated cozen Weaker and Weaker, Until etatind the r'untual ineetat of the Just below the junction with the 331issio41. Ile Iva''s in it wa.gg"n, there ile,td. ann. death ediately ensues. being no railroads in th.vo days. and iteuth,r w•iv to h Id the WO the He Could Scarcely Sign Bis Name. etas accompanied hy his wife and disioe„tien helug. the sante, is as Me. names Dauphine, of East milY arid twe or three native Ill" l'OPOW:d :-.411:1NO the fowl with its' Bridgewater, or as he is better tetelauts. lireast, restieg ti e left band, the known as ee-Councilior liauprone At noon of that day Mr. Meriain Lead env... tee ri et. with rcrs has been e. sick man for the oast rceelieo the town of liesnienili, witere veti ,ndit; Jahn, A tots out, „f tee three etetree Ills health gradually lie had Itmelteon and then ein left heed .1 a 'rev do • wen/ l'ersetilt .him. until by degrees be teas jelirney. The cintotre' was infinde/etrode from the right. to. one smacks &treed ta give tiP d"iue" 411 kinds el ed with ledge:eds. nue elr. Merhon ne veep ee ineneenee, wnerany pro.. worn. Ile .cousulted a physician end bad often treverial :•,:.dilAy dl rat 'done; a taw! “pcp:. int the erse took a 10,1.01 quantity of mediciue. hod no fear metwitlistivaling 1110 r; wolution If not the ret'itiOnS =1St but it did hint good aral be grad - feet that bar.os (1,t ruhivrs ley.; been iesatiteli.ed, anal the auwe etrone molly grew weaker and. weaker. Ills even in the. vicinity. ii;erea.c.e4 ju ,;;•1;•,-;rjr.y,, Tii;,0 wings dittiee tie a magistrate neeessitated The September issue, of the Ms- tneade be tied.. a:-.; their fittepieg 'his dente; raven writing, and being eionery Herald of lefill Lae a erallam:iteutralisee the etfort. end wheu tied .f, an excellent peetuall in his days .o aeeetint of etba.t followed, written by i the weight of the fowl heirs the ", good health ft. :came very hard to Mr, Crane. of AdriiiiinVen Mr C"." enieretor. The bird should he held Irizu when his hand shook so much •*They were informed el narger. _ !by the feet a mond or two directly ilie could scarcely keep it steady to this isolated Iffethaminedan cone, eays : :after the verticel column is broken. ,enough. to sign his name. His daugh- tions of the Government. _Mundy. The natives raise good .. „e to, Several suspicious persons—aritied and the wines vo be allowed: free:ter, seeing his deplorable conditioo, WHEN A WORKMAN' IS 130111%.T, croPe: of wheat, barleen cotton and ' darsNESE CATARRN CURE CURES. temaniaetteamPlctelPIN7"tii"1")'• 40 must be baptized in n. -Govern- other articles widell My require, hie ex iring At:brand. do envoi:eh ont Greioti for Bad Teeth Not Bad fps* Oped Teeth' Sozoclont 25c 2 Solo"dont Teeth Powder 25c large Liquid and Powder eee which God forbid ; but you must obey' my orders without murmur- ,r_tip,1 EXTENT OP SoCIALISX, wbich.bas few means of ex- pression, every attempt at really. -Aerenocriee. 07-eeetcoinixeixt. sfrgeteleleshpeedecwhith9ulltt inenli.eregardoy,ispiobbaemblfr I you skonoifwysottbi eatskitisr hinlet llable, anti lesvaaysdpaineek not realized even in Gerrnerer, gamm'' though the socialists now cast vex- te ORANGE . of iso, waally eenne million and a half voees in the empire. In the matter of suicides. GermanY favil C t, ha.s long 'been ,known for its terrible The Dawson CeirrimisSrion 00.1 Lgh records,. Saxouy hae the highest, M flavor, 25, 30, 40 HALL & RUCKEL, Montreal RUMEN OF OMANI, MERE MACHINE IN TBE BANDS OF GovNEtENT- - The Working People Are Enectue- aged as a Class Bat Net as Individuate. To an English observer nothing is ntore striking than the attitude of the German Governmeat toward the working population of the empire. Its leaders, from the Emperor down, are unequalled for the lively intelli- gence with which they recognize con- ditions and for the promptitude with which they net. It is perfectly plain Ain -Safra beealiere that town mu- Plata "Ma." That's evolution. ,—..... floes wthitelmi ttillinetintabit°ubit,QmPteolo.liesartiuh:rne-Y pies soonuethlritrhatratnnteavi°nusrablirgitchelesatan- SCOMINT TF".1" —r the Soot the comet fore the iudustrial classes Must he ing to the Sahara. and is therefore fo -,g . hi 2ii0 14444tieiv°411.3."41111417,51:731V111.:;b'ilek 144:alit trained, protected, and encouraged. faverably eituated for the eXteaSIPP. ' ;"+- t rl "' 'lel One who follows public discussion of of a railroad into the desert, mu, Conjurer (pointing to a, large cab- Tho Pr4Sen ll'ellu4e'"(m o' ''''alt';' ''''''' Rtheeiowstuobaj,ect,is fvouroiougestiayuce,impiltstnhae Satearaliei: 0321,5t71010 fseeathaaraboniresiotpliee, ell: 1411,4elotw)—"IiNleowt,otadfleisbiteeludy gzun cuiezieling, One, is 1-0' per 10,000 of inhabiteelte. with the attitude of insensibility to- oasis being watered by a perennitil trick. I would ask wiy laily in the ,Terly,ierwekaitr:01n0e,colored convicte to ev- rate of enicide of any country in the , Tt "7 eobtcbtx6 to8ell inear 1°t-s.n°14 world. Barker gives its annual rate i - ol. ... . A poor d Irishman with an eh' I Begland's pri as 81,1 per e00,000 inhabitants, and ; was that of the ;entire empire as 14.3. and bonteeed cornet, matting per 100,000 of compared with a rate in the United ii,ight hideous one evening hi, a quiet of Ireland. 66 Pei States of only $.5 per 100,000, while Edinburgh square. A smart young England shows 6.9. About 11,000 "guardian of the Peace" stePPeditland c'illY 5S in to him and in a very pereitiPtorY persons kill themselves every yearin the German, empire, and these belong ten° sald;--"Ceree' ee):11e' my man/ to the working classes. :You must stop that or accompany ;me." "Wid all the pleasure in Ordy 80,331 British suntects oat of RAILROAD IN THE 1)E$1Mr. :kik, sor, replied Pat. "What are the 700,000 who died during last g°i The Locomotive Ievades the S4- 11' to sizigr 1'7 year had anything tle o ave w by ill. tiara South a West Algeria. I A girl named plain "Mere," atheri illioard's Liniment Bellew enralgia The railroad which France extended birth dropped"the "r when she grew some years ago, through, western ; n up and became Miss May. As she i , lli Algeria, from the seaport of Oran to began to shine in a social way she Orange trees are usually Plant the town of Ain -Safra, on the south, changed the "y" to "e" and signed to, the acre. This ie" aletalikee ern border of that COlooy, is now her letters "Mae." About a year age muoaer ortrees on an aer beiug steadily pushed southward in- ego she Was merried, end now be pine wrest. to the desert. The road WAS built to hes droPPed the ae" and it"S /net' of sweet no Orange .51a. Speciej ices in kite awe beerece Inne have 6, zoo, zn5and tee eizee, *litett. Tor6,rat0. sOZO)UT T0(;' PoPulation is 90 inleo_onalas. that 100.000. of Scot - e same nueenor, an instant. but as an implement to Ti'e railroad, therefore. hes been, again the Jody will hove vanished ittrinVithWe 1,/, r MeltertsTag:. 4,titoolT--,:ibilriii(bi,z ward the individual desires or hopes stream whit% flows cast to the 'Wady corapany to fitep an the stage and I • carve a way for Germany to intlus- pesbed eastward along the valley of without leaving a trace behinde, rertssrnetWeer nie.whres.. Werirrd.,s cre,ts s tchla,f: 1 wiii thczi, , Ihx.warctorotrao0vor Flitetrz ImIxt Imo to. of the workman. As a num the Nereus, whose waters atitti straight stand In this cupboard. workman is not to Le considered for south into the Sahara. close the tioor. When 1 open it pellienset minims Idren Irtiiie.t.linslustt trial end comutercial greatue.1.;s, to the stream that gives life to Ain- Gentleman in fio.oldut sweaLatlals,iddeotIonn 1414Fuvictv,,A,tag9g4gkh,l,wg„,V,,.....44, . colonies, and a vast, navy, he is very Safrw having reached the Wady wifek-^"I say. . precious. indeed. Everything.; is Namus track -laying has been extended favor and step up." done, therefore. that can be done to southward through its valley. Sta-j Immo this implement keener, bright- tions liexe been established at the, Hence the military setvice teeches stop. Six more stations will be es- ' the young man explicit obedience to tablished. along the route. authority, makes hina a perfect ser- The road is to push some hundreds ; Toronto Traveller. + England. It 'as establiehed the Munielpality. ily university college maintained by a er, and inure ealcient. The individual Arab towns of Tint, Moghrtir ani A Well -Known is uothing. the worloautu everything. Djemeu bou Resg, where an trains , erning power, and teaches him to *runt. which Is now in the poseession inn tAinatil's Untrupt tures ilillk England has forty-two Mist:lona Taut in dui bands ot the great gov- of miles southwest to the oasis of , CT ured of Catarrii etecietiett out world's total :o. Nottinghtun is the richest, t rely implicitly upon it. And during of tbe Preneb. Several post offices ; very moment of his subsequent life have already been established in After foht the workman treads %pathway plain- oneen on the way to Tuat. Until ly marked out for him by the In- within a few yearn only a few finitely numerous rules and vegeta- Europeau travellers had. penetrated Years' Suffering. Bcsvare of Ointments for C Oa cantata Mercury en will timely do.troy the hone:men—had just passed through ea.ction .so as to permit the blood to /advised him to try Dr. Williams' Ench articles shoult1 never be used to r. R. E. Fleming, the well-known ndripu. alcripi ion i from replies tole ellestele I t t i the sight and the etrangn questions lie of the Place. 'rile vilianers• alarmed ai :drain to the head and neck. This 'Pink Pills, and after tl. bit of coax- ment church and obtain a certificate; eluding an aburelaut supply en vege- lar Toronto roproictrativo 0,.t Alc,c,n1 l_t_ylg & d xtuagergrY,Iy.Q(112,n511t0„;. 1/0:1,,, and actions of the horsemen,blood en- great importance, for if the Aug be was induced to try them. he muet be confirmed to religion- in a tables. Prance ie thus using a new Pilliiiiiirliiglili.:14glitirititstnitiletettreertt"eratl:/th gir tftrtitt'Xititta.m.d.",:meney , be not thoroughly drained 1 There was no noticeable change - in G overnment church ; if he inarrien railronel to establish its influence in 0: deavored to dissuade Mr. eleriareo from the body the flesh will present!,his coutliteon until he had started the same povcer iseues the Periniesion parts of the northern Salrera to It severe am] most Women tblo typo ter cigh co9tai us no mercury, ana to , train proceeding: but. as there were 'z'il. dark altiniarence. which is une; taking tbe third box. Prom that others willing to sten. they amire- pletteant, and detracts from its value ton the improvement was rapid. lie /tended no dengue. They had gen°;,iii, the market. The blood is drained I grew stronger every day, his slime - but a. few miles when eve mounted ifrom the carcass, but the juiciness of .t.ite Increased, the weariness and las- '3111•GAN1)8 ATTACI1) TIII-L• the ileeh is retained. This method et _, situcle departed from his limbs, • "rhe Cover/meet guards ran on . dislocation is the one most adonteu i soino of the lustre of his youth re - the first up/icor:ince of the roblers. in this country, and is without doubt , This left there. defetweless, except ho the cleanest and most humane. There turned to his eye, and by the time ,:five boxes were used. Mr. Dauphine fur as they might boin by thoir :is a knack in the operation, but it is numbere or any demonstration of re-' the one that is easily acunired., est %fienit a new man. The weight of years sist ;Ince to intimidate the bandits. 1pecially if the operator have a strong i d 1430 burden of sickness bay° "(lieu of the rubbers, dismounting., ietnet. Teo emelt strength is lint :relied from his shoulders, his hande seized the horses of Mr. Mori:inns :are now steady and his pen can run !needed t- • th • he d will col i off in waggon, which was in the van. Mr. ;the operatert, }tenth Such a. thing' Merium drew his revolver and warn- 'will not mein however, if the inn ed the man, who insiontlY droPPed 4gei•s be. opened eirectly the neck ' the bridle, while the driver. an enein i-•toeni, whea the ofieration is pro- i getic Museulman, whipped up his perth performed the head and melt horses to escape. They sprang fere:can be felt more then an inch npart,1 ward, and Mr. Menem, thinking es- everything but the skin being se- ! cape certain, turnod and remarked to vered. hie wife. "rimier. God, my pistol has saved us."the robbers, however, soon commenced iirIng in (mice sue.. yitonum (IF THle COUNTRY 130Y1 cession at the wagon. A ball at , Math is mettle of the temptations ' length struck one of the hurses and of city life, he reeled and fell. but, country life is by no means the quiet., innocent pastoral "The brigands still firing, Mr. Mer- thon some persons appear to iaru, fearing for his wife and family, ethher it is. Trashy and demoralizing got up and was in the net of alight- reading is sown broadcast in one kg when he fell pierced by two balls way or another ; the "hired mato" in his right side. (inc of the two who has scen something, of the world robbers then sPrang forward einl . fills the ears of his yotethful listeners stamped on his face and head." with tales that -would horrify the This brutal murder aroused great . careful parent, and take it all commotion, and the entire machinerY around Satan is about as busy in of diplomatic influence was moved to . the country as in the city ; more so avenge it. The Turkish Government ,seenethnes. It: is the citizens of the acted with what for it was ProluPt- countre- towns who need awakening nese and made many arrests. Al- to the vital necessity of making due though Mr. Crane in his report men- provieion for the recreation of the teemed only two robbers, yet three boys before it is too late. There were sentenced to death, in October, may be no saloons in the town or 1662. Their names were Balsam, village, but there are always idle Mamizan and laaleem, and their loafers, whose conversation is the execution expiated the death of M. reverse of edifying and whose in- Meriam. fluence is bed. Boys rob orchards, ANOTHER MISSIONARY SLAIN. damage property, and get into va- In March of the same year Jackson rious kinds of mischief Localise their G. Coiling, a inissionar3r, at Adana, exuberance of youthful spirits must in Asia Minor, was killed by robbers Dud a. vent somehow, somewhere, and near Alexandretta. On March 24 ,if there are no legitimate channels Coiling was journeying from Adaua for, it will overflow, where it hap - to Aleppo, when he was set upon by pens to do so carreing mischief highwaymen in the mountains above along with it. The boy who is eon- .Alexa.ndretta. and shot in the. side. Two days later he died in Alexan- dretta, where he was taken by his servants, the robbers having escap- ed. A rather picturesque incident is connected With this murder. It chanced that at the time there were one American and two Italian gun- boats in the harbor at Atexandretta. The American commander was in- tensely aroused over the affair, and sent a peremptory demand to the lo- cal officials that the murderers be. caught and punished. He did . not get much satisfaction out oe -them, and decided on more stringent inea- tented to stay at home night after night, read, study, or play games with his brothel's and sisters, and go to bed at 9 o'clock is the exceptional boy. He may do all this from ne- cessity if parental discipline is Orin enough, but he will usually slip out at the first opportunity if he is a real human boy and not a bookworm an invalid or a prig. -- DAIRY AND STOCK. As a manure spreader the sheep beats any modern contrivance, 'When an animal is °LT its feed there is something wrong with its diges- tive apparatus, and often a, rest will The Italian commander syrapathiz- pat it in good shape once nmre. od with him entirer,,dand -he -wo laid There is no tonic like good, healthy out a plan of action which speedily hanger. If the appetite becomes brought the governor of the province eloyed remove the animal from the to his senses. . sight of feed. and. let, it get good and They wasted no further tune on hungry. If nothing serious is the argument. They simply cleared ship matter it will come around affer its for action and trained their guns OW 1,ati011S in a short time. ' the .tOwn. Then they waited. In ,a Not many years ago farriers very short time a man named Ah- thought, that it made ,tattle "tengh". mod was arrested, and on Septcm- to stand. out through the eold, days ber 25 he was. OXecuted. There has ef winter, .shiVering froM head', to always' been more or leSs of -a sus- foot. They did not seem to know picion that ;Maned was only an an:, that cold takes off a large share ,of fortunate scapegoat, and that the animal heat -Which they canoget dnly real murderer escaped ; but With the. from food, and the more they are ex - American and Italian guns staring posed the more food they vrill need: him in the face, the Paella did not folks know better now, ot,..if want to take any chances. So tre rthey don't, there's a society with a .put Ahmed to death, ,and the chances llong name that stad s ready to ai.'e that .Ahmed deserved the fate, ,teach them. Whether be_ki_l_leid Loll:111g not. The 'condition or senSitiveness of a horse's mouth, whether a work or The 'Rossi' "0j)kir-J '5e5 21 per f,000, driving.ani.rnal, has roach to do with mar .4isns .';‘-4 1,7 C rrie! it f USaWinCSS . A. herd mouthed ani- slinht serhios ie7,ets 10 per 1. ,(i00- natal is listia41,7,7 Made so from abu'S-0. as rapidly as ever. Ile attributes his cure to the ministration of a g d wife and Dr. Williams' ]?ink P°11°1s. Mr. Dauphine is 73 years of age, but feels as young and vigorous as he did years ugo, end is ever ready to praise in the warmest terms the health -giving ;polities of Dr. 1Villiams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the friend "of the weak and ailing. They surpaes all other medicines in their tonic, strengthening qualities, and make weak and aespondent people bright, active atid healthy. These pills are sold by all dealers in medi- cine, or can. be had by mail, post- paid, at 50 cents per box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. 1ViIliams Medicine Co., Brock- ville Ont ANTS ON "HORSEBACK" F.renich Explorer Tells of the Ants of Siam. Not long ago a French explorer, M. Charles Meissen in tra.velling through Siam, observed a species of small grey ants which were new to him. These ants were much engaged in travelling ; they lived in damp places and went in troops. and stands sponsor for the ceremony; five •yr.ars ago, scarcely any and, when he dies, he is buried under European influence had penetrated. Government supervision. He must not say what he thinks freely, as the Englishman relieves his mind in Hyde Park, or the American assails the administration Iron the political stump, for if he talks too much about bow he is being govereee he is linety to be clapped in jail as a dis- turber of the peace. He may not even spend his money wholly as he pleases. instead of allowing a man to have his wages and to do what he pleases with them, giving biro the self-discipline of learning to save and plan against, the rainy day, the Ger- man Government says to its work- inen : "You must be frugal whether you want to or not." Consequently tens of thousauds of workmen must buy little cards, paste stamps ou them for every week, and turn them Germany nOur ltaS 9 cities of over a, quarter of a. million each, Berlin. menthe ate ot. re -ommende L. to A friend with 1,a64,000 is the largest of tiargrefee°1"="41T44//rge:;tee".‘ aratrItto4 these, and Nuremburc with 261,000 porsontioltbied with this most annoAng dig. the smallest. wee Japanese Catarh Cure relieves cold in tho head in one minute, antl is anselutely guaran. teed to cure taty ease ef catarrh of the nose or tbroot. eald by Olidruggists. Price, ie ante A. free eampte will tar Pont to aye ntts n — troubled with cot arrb. Encloie 5cent:eosin, Cr. J. G. Jardine, Canada's Come xnissioner, Tells an Interesting Story of the Splendid Results trill." Obtained. by the Use of a Cana - POSITION OF 1900. — studied the marriage service a long Limited, let Church st., Toronto. 0 Ileggie—"The bride must have Teo Gritlithe and MaclrharEcn Co., Tom— "What snakes you so 94 Reggie—"When the —c. AN Ec):ifo OF TEE GREAT Ex- Addrov4 dian Remedy. oillelating clergyman faltere prompted him.' Toronto, Dec. 2.—(Special)—The ye:km whkh became woroo each whaler in ;ermine% acting direcity ueen t 0 spite of the hundreds of deletes I spet muenne Furtive tho eyfitoue In b catarrh olacc7filists and in ny run %tag, whim I/Mr:Catarrh Cure boo Mira yen got tits only elthrded tentnorars roiet. tried .Tapen- ;ne. It le t,kouintrwnal.y.ora made I oso Catarrh Cure about vier ago, and suma Ohio, by P. Cheney 6: Co..To completing thin tr.:tomcat luwo mitten tea free. /sestet:einem of my tumor tr iuble. A, few veld by_Druggbits, priers perbet I:rarely rills are the boot. gainet every 100 in the country. iltiS English peopwle litve• oin 41:0;:o, CANADA AT PARIS, over to the police at the end of Paris last year sgreat World's Exposition held .si- in every year. These cards a,w very mow vi tors from all parts of the globe as - INSURE THE WORICATAN . sembled in the gay French capital. against sickness ansi accident, and Canada. was well represented, both secures his relief 'during old age, so as an exhibitor among the nations that if anything befalls a workman rued as a visitor, many of our best he does not become a charge on the people having attended. State or on the employer—who. in- The interests of the Dominion were deed, pays part of the premium kr looked after by a. very capable and the insurance. This has made Pov- intelligent company of patriotic Can- erty almost unknown, and, consider- ed from the point of view of a finan- cial. and Government eAterprise, it nos been vast and successful beyond praise. One in- every twenty • per- sons in the empire has been support- ed at some time by these insurance funds, In 1897 there was a reserve fund of over $202,500,000, and the arnouut of insurance paid to the sick was over $26,000,600, to those who bad suffered accidents over $15,000,- 000, and to the aged and feeble over $14,000,000. Moreover, . there are To his surprise he notice among many other aid and pension systems, them from time to time an occasion- . both State and private, Many work- . al ant, w was. the others, and moved at a much swifter rate, and each of these large ants. Monsieur Meissen saw, always carried one of the grey ants on its back. us i y h' watch -their movements closely. Ile soon saw that while the main body of grey ants was always ' on foot, they were accoixtpanied by at least one of their own sort mounted on nue of these larger ants. He mounted and detached himself now his family, knowing that, whatever and then from the line, rode rapidly happens, the funds will support. He to the' head, came swiftly back to depends absolutely' upon the great, the rear, and seemed to be the coni- powerful, dim. Government . above islander' of the expedition. , hiin to take care of him and shield The explorer was satisfied; from his , . him from harm. lie ii not especially observation., thet sans species of ant interested in employs a larger aut—possibly a ORGANIZING -4 Tf IADE UNIONS, drone or the same species, though he had 00 means of proving. thfs_a8 , we though sometimes ha does indulge in the fury of a strike. He, buys lottery employ horses to ride upon ; though scarcely „lore than wie ant in each ticketS regularly from the lottery, whiph is also a '6 overnment enter - Colony seems to be provided with a prise, and, nearly all that is left mount. ' goes for boor and cheap shows. Thus It, i,s lutown that some ants main - supported and relieved of responsi- tain others in their service as ser- --------------------- cmder that the Ger- vants ' or. slaves, Certain Warrior ants of South America confine their own• physical efforts to raiding and phindering, while all -Ube ordinary offices of life are performed,,for them by servants,. The little, grey ants of Siam appear . to be a andre 'r, 1 s triona race, . though, they appreciate the convenience of.liavin a "Man ee hor,seba.ck" among theni.O., men even being compelled to insure in a death fund, so that their inns eral expenses may be paid and they may be laid away in the little green cemetery with cast-iron. crosses, per- haps containing their tintype at the head of their graves. • And so year after year the work- man goes on sticking stamps—and the police, see that he nover• fails in this respect—having no responsibility for the future nor for the welfare of 'Within the past 60 years. the speed of steamships's' hes risen from SI - knots to' inaxinitIM of: 86 °knots. On an averoge, ineechant, ships have trebled. ill length. doubled in width, and increased 10 -fold in clisplae,emelil and 20 -fold in engine -power. Sixteen' ,Ilritish esebioes have 111- carucasoi' $256';'00(1;:f:i. lailmiCriVAIWIM•Mba1.0.10...14.111114.. We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best. Matthias Foley, OU City, Ont. .Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N. S. adieus, among whom. one of the Chas. Whooten, Mulgrave, N. S. most conspicuous was Mr. J. G. N. B. Pierre Landry, sear., Poltemouche, Jardine, of 805 Crawford street, -Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B. this city. Mr. Jardine's duties as Commieeioner entailed a vast amount of hard work which made great demands on. his physical health -and strength. czmomet=elmestiractrmazwewmairencenoc.sonrerastsseszal 110 is authority for the statement Australia. has 6,100 enurches, 210 that he found Dodd's Ieldney Pens, every 10,000 of her population. that best known of Canadian medi- fer eines, invaluable as a tonic during these trYing times. He says,- "They Take TLenx<attitrttoEitroCineoLiVtiNniOneNETaEbtet. relieve backeche instantly and tone druggists refund the money 11 it, fails to cure. up the system generally as nothing E. W. Groves signature ea each box. sse. CIS{) seems' to do." aimed Dodd's Kidney Pills to While in Paris Mr. Jardine intro- There are in Great Britain to 141 000 4 1,760,000 female set.- duced Dodd's Kidney Pills to Mr. M''. MvaelintSser vents. Dupuis, the esteemed and populars Secretary of the Canadian- Commis -1 sion, who was feeling under thel Minard's Liniment Cures 11 Baru! weather, with the very happiest J0_1 00 per cent 01 mngush people can i 1 sults to that, gentlemen, , only 27, per cent. in Spain, kidneys, Dodd'S Kidney Dills prove wril-o.. By healing anti s 1 i 1"1 a ring the . 'and but 16 per cent. in Russia. absolutely the velar best tonic Itnown to meilicsel science to -day, and both Mr. Jardine and Mr. Dupuis were mi d Dar IR ijihrt for sale MPhil greatly pleased to find that their 'ft.—, - .-1.--li. own fair country, so distinguished — in many other ways, was through The eight million heads of British this great tonic remedy earning in families- pay 'yearly On an 'average Europe a glorious reputation in $6.5 each to the tax -collector. medical lines. - Very few Canadians are aware of ' THE PAD6T NUTRITiOUS. -..,„,„, R % 1 the world wide reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills and many who have been abroad seem surprised at being able to purchase their So.vori Le medi- cine almost, any wheie in the civiliz- ed world. , The . sui 'Here, on my knees. man Workman goes smooth-browed Place this ring upon your finger. my El KFAsT_stjoFEFI. and Simple-minded to his Sunday 'lava goes out to You- " '111-0 Co- • - - joyments ? These enjoyments are all of the present and of the senses ma- terial, for he takes no thought of die morrow. If the German ''vorkman,does begin. to ,toonstclelf,itis .condition, he 'Cios one ; two thiogs--he''eithei; bcchnies.• .socialist or 1i c m a siiicicic. So socrial4sm,..'thougb, 'held e dewn., by 'baud's of steel, is rampant,esidrywhere in . Gerialp.115.7., EVC),1 , L10 ,Eroperor, with characteristic frankness once sad, to his troops at Potsdam yOu, thorp. is one foe, and that is my foe, Considering the eXisting socialist difficulties, it may be neces- sary forrnb tO pOtinnatO yo0 to , shoot .,doWn yOnr. oiwnretattyes... brothers; and p eels In the -streets, .GRATieFlett-COalleORTieltt. "' • • 11, ,• , ``My love is as entiine 111 the blush en your check.'' "Bother • eons Itnier 1 6 loot -tone et cmergY, an the love 1 mean .the ring." • ounce of. batter ,2S1, tons., A Pe5 02,--,L4n„ 4,4.47 te..4 rit enn tworrencers. .04.104113M101.1•11011,010•11.000•0“.. THE MOST I, optttA ef".4&,,X.415;77* CII.Et1.3E-Z204120 nZr CloSZE2 ' CD WIDM. Matti= tho tooth. Sweeten strengthens Ow Et 1110.11.MaNtillaleka. ns t rum ontn, Drum% liralfgovrt EVERY TOWN CAN DIAVED,n Lowest prices over (mated, Else „catalogue seeillustratisns, mailed frce. tu.zx.i us for aus thing in 31este er nuAlcat bustrinuent.r. WHALEY ROYCE it 000., Limited, Toronto, Ont, and Winnipeg, elan - Y—O-UR OVERCOATS and faded Suits would look better dyed o of ours in your town, write direct .t.leutfeal,,n BErrisH ANIERIOAN DVEINS C C APPED liA .Ruh With 4ILEADINE hefop t Two or throe eipielitatt will :curb 06 worst .0ase. t 'hone 25o. Druggiras, or dine Co., Toronto. Dominion Line Stearnsittipa ::::.,..a to4,iverpooj. 'Beaton to Lit.r• Large and Fart Steanaln It, Superior nom pool. PortlaitEl, to ,Ltrernool, Via QUOEIA:roorz, ex ter all classes oi pwaengerg. ,ieen.l.a *re cauttisimpn. Special. 4t,eution has beat Waite MIZI Beeond Saloon and Third-Olasii acconnxiodation, Foe rates of passage axid all nartieulars, appir to roar agent ot the Oonipant, or Riehafr7dsatMatne185 tt..0B0o'eton. D'Iltgtarnees?it'43Torti • 14 a c or a 1 .4, .14+0:9 alooi 19 4;4 ÷ • 99: e a T (:importaii 1st Sidergtior nti — sid to tie) man or vaman witIVo -5epc,:=311; • ricootrit is Ott) security eV he:: dipesilesi. 11 ibm aeposit is wit?1 Canada's' PITIlliO? :Company saPety cmerition. A ficantdary considerationlpt4ento off iuterest tho deposit:al: i"eecitre, 1151-111 • a.sc, very attae Ivo. 411 • cheerftilly a•nd pronv,,,''iy ppit-;:t ' .s1 TINE CANADA° WERMAiM wEstaRn EtAllAnA :AJORTImpla Toronto Str,e,61;, TiYtOP