Exeter Times, 1901-12-19, Page 1wEsTr-No: Yvat--No. 21
yapeciat Prices
0 r id
sosit..041ellniftinailitela***&08 cenenetineetenellaanetale ea 01110•a si.•
Mainsail Qromarty
Sellery,14. D S. D.D Efonor,Gradu-
'ate of rorouto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted without_pain or had erects. Office
in Petty's Block, idensall. At Zurich every
Uencia.V.commencing 4ay3Oth.
0. J. Sutherland,. IsTetarY Public, Conveyaie
cer, Commissioner, Fire Insuranee Agent and.
Exeter Pubilo School Hoard. Weeks Then
,gm, . , 0,tee Minutes of Publie School Board buYiug fecan It, N. I owe
You get eatisfactifn everyetime by Only a Pew
meeting held in Town Hall, Monday, Get your Xmas resents el R. N.
Beenne.-The annual meetine of the hers present. 1.rhe iollowl9g is the leest assorted stock of ernieure in the
Law offices. Private Funds to Doan. Dec, loth, at 8 o, oe. with all mein- Rowe's. Re keeps he largest arid
Y. P. Society WAS held in the 'cittarch order of business duly- subnutted and count
Imre on Thursday evening of last sveek approved
Airs. Jas. Perkinson, Of London,: who
Issurer of ft,tarriage Licenses. Degal documents when the following officers were elect- Per Chairman miuutes or previous spent a short tinae with old friends
carefully drawn at reAsonaine rate.s. money ed for the next six months : Pres. J. meeting.
here and in Herman, returned home oia
to 100.11 021 real estate ailow rates of intercst. s. mcilcaith ; p Eine scat . see, J
, Per grounds and saiaitofy
The co-inco
that a' TI d vl t
°Mee aLthe Post Office, Bengal!
Susan McLaren ; Treas., Scott 13'arr.- ventilator had been placed 'n the well
uns aeci'e' that the bride.e
One bund'ed ic'n5 fee(' to cusP9$0 otal. tho Rev. Ur. Oraduston, was at Hensall, covering in accordaice with the wishes!
Hae%'ll Oatmeal Midi the coming week.
D, alieeneer. Sunday evening preaching for Rev. , of the -Saari," of Health. between Biddulpb and McGillivra.y
Eitiaree_oe weoneeoey evening oe Ur, Ilenclerson.--Mr. Gerrie. a stodent Per supplies com. that- the janitor , south o' ( 'landeboye, is to be a con:
loot week at the hem. a 0.30 p. eh. et from. Knox College, Toronto, is expect- had been permitted to substitute ewe erete sub -structure, with a steel super -
the Methodist parsonage, Rev. ed to prea.ch here on Sunday morning, oil foe the salt ordered.
Jewitt pronouncad the words that t in the interests of the College . Per J. Senior and H. Huston thee; "lee. O. NV. Brown. B. 13., preached
fer to the eaarriage of Ur. Alfred iee"°11
nolo we lea ts eat „ ale we oe„ pto.den.'in Missioparo ociaeyt tbe • the betides I...1)e closed, for the entrent it;iniveleary, serpoill in the Listowel
a that Mallen or imeeion vear, Pee. -fith, et 7 p, wt., end that e et loolst eiolren on nunditY,
Seruton, prosperons and reepected loggertit's baby is sof- the usual number of financial State. 1 Irvirie‘ Of ListeWel, taking Mr. Brown'a
MA/Mt er OM, tone. te suss minute tering keen severe attack of broach- ; ments be d • d , • a e a if' ' .
ARVING S'ETTS Coxworth, of the Township of Tucker- kis, -- enanp rt l twitters axe very ; the approachluie annual meeting. • 'rhe aunouncement is made of the
wmg accounts he paid --- 4 bee 1 e
ar ea o la sor, to
4 Advoce,te, printieg repor ;e, $5.25 ; Jas ] take place in Winaeor New Year's Remexuber we pay
Dignan, iron bolt for tree, One ; Toms, ; Day.
peintin stat price for all kinds of
Farm Proch
smith, and recently of the villane of
quiet, Perhaps it is the alien before Per W. J., Carling and H. N. Rowe '4 marriage of Alex. Wright, formerly
n, o
• Spackvaan,hardwarectundries $5.43; Mies Elizebeth C t Wi d
Hensel'. The bride was very Rand. •
H Bits op & So
r time tt. get, a; nke.
ers eor pree
• II
We hese them in ;Inform
lilies f,t'ir men, women and
children from 35r. a pair up-
Felt Stliaate
Men and Woman.
We have a few lines of ove
eho es far linen and children t
be cleared out ati half their
regular value.
.11 keys belonging to the Par -
Suite to be rammed on
., 28, at 2 p. rice
H Sweet
BRIM Affix Padden, four year
old. son of George Padden, of this
amen, who has been a cripple from
14/ befit taken by lus nether
& iiient to the Sick Children's
•• Toronto. --On Monday even-
, '
the young men of the Metho-
tregation met and formed an
*mon with the following °ill-
esident, Wilbert ; becre-
rev Hawkey •, Treasurer, M.
; Chaplain. hey. Mr. Cobble-
lhoir leader, NV. E. Watson ;
Niirman ; and an
rommittee of Mask's. A.
f. liptigrove, O. Griffith. The
Butter,zarion is affiliated with the Ep-
"nis aanague of the church and will
da ondity in each montle-The
fat ti' 8. Young Men's evening the
1110,niver..itry secvices of the Parkhill
MethodieteChurch were conducted on
Sunday, when Rev. 13Cugh W. Locke,
of Leamington. preached morning
and evening. -Mr. Royce has signified
his intentioti of not being a catilidate
/or the Mayoralty for the year 1992,
And Mr, D. N. MacLeod has consented
e to be nominated for the position. "
Mr. MacLeod is an resident.
aralive Bream -Quinine Tablets cure a cola
ero day. No cure, No pay, Price 25 cents
lhorter and Shorter
Grows the Time to Xmas.
Santa Claus will find a
plen.did line of goods at our store
to choose from. In his choice of
"pi esents he has taken comfort and
tisefulness into consideration.
' Men's heavy plaids and
=tree, val • kit 50c.
A better -line .-Wbol fleeced, in
• all sizes at 75 cents.
An 'all wool line, very fine
et $a.00
Boys' underwear at 40 cents.
Large range of fancy, hand-
' kerchiefs.
Neiv raisins end currants 3
lbs for 25 cents, Figs 5 cents.
'Filberts 20 cents a, lb.
Shelled walonts 40 .cents.
eanuts 15 cents.
CANDIES : Royal mixed 3
lbs for 25 cents ; Canadian mixed.
creams 2 lbs for 25 cents ; Peer-
less mixed 20 cents- a lb ; also
Horehound, • I-Iumbugs,, Coffee
Peanuts, Cocoanut Perfections,
C,hocolates, Bon Bons, &c. -
Our motto
somely attired. After t,lie niarria
cetaitiony had been dilly performecI
the very happy couple repa,ired to
the storot. that the folio
40. -
their Pew noina on Queen St., WhwIl ENSTElt 14UBitlatYAItD
1 • '
t fitted up foe the reception of his bride. memo uot ep heroical; r ter Willow" Per J, Senior and H. Huston that , tor will deliver a special sermon, sub -
who la very highly respected, and has sign shingle% laths and cetlar_po4s. s pct.;
I been an active member of the Metho• ;raelateliatle.-JAS wit LP, Yam ° the iwinciRliIrs-114P"t be Aceeilted" ijeet eSoegs of Jesue " d • •
$ One Dollar $
Will buy more goods and seen
greater value at the
Market Depot
Than elsewhere, whether .expended
1.$10.50 ; J. Grine school auPPlie3 ; he) in Main St. Methodist cburch on
• 34/ Lel 5 ccanrprt3' Leave sunk or Lumber-ttne and lien -dock. Spackinan, brooms 57.1e. Smiday next. In the morning the pas -
P • i Stvecial Christinite seryices will. he
4. st church and a, member of the choir 4 I lit" . Fer J. erool•" ood W. %revel -bit -I' . ing 'there will he a special song service
i au n ie elan -
for inany yeitrs. We unite With the
nutty friends of the newly married Bniens.--Snow for Xmas I That is that; the school be re -opened Mouday, i by the their. Everybody welcome.
, couple, in Whiling there long /vitae we all hope for. -Our merchants Jan. Oth, '02.
and and hesiness men in genertel are feel- Per -- that the supplies required , Geo, Bdien. the young Centro. in me (xi .JV Be= Sin . .
, eDutinupa eiippinces terouge nee._ nig the thrill of a booming Xrnas by the Principal be procured by the : fitriner who was taken with sinalipaiiita * wel,Nrj,)13Mglae, of Serautort, Penn.,
. Mrs fleoron leicl, a Bay city. midi. ; trade, lull are all gooti-netured these Sopplies corn.. in Londort last roonth upon his return secretary of the Canadit Beet Sugar
i io iieve visiting h" parents sit„ anti day'. --Mi and ;we. John Bloomfield Ver J. Senior lind Ie, ese Rowe thee, `:, from Br.trulon, Mare, Where he went to , Company, wan in Clinton last week in
•latrs. F. n'oleinen,-Sacrainentar seta iirts
. of Mooresville, spent. Tuesday the scrubbings of the sehool be under hell) take in the between was diecharga. the interest.; of the Com any which
BRITTS.--Tho Q. 0. F 4if Woe;
" ham, have iniftitited inost of the yowl,'
men of this neighborhood into th
tysteriee of Fin estry Th
rusteee have re-engaged Wm. Hydet
ts teacher for neNt year. -- Miss Jo
h31una Keine• lied the miefortune te
.sIip on the ceiler steps a few days ng
nd dislocate ber shoulder.- Invite
t1ovs are Ont for the wedding of Mr
Fmk Gunning and Miss Taylor o
Christmas daya-Mre. Sintberhy bad ;
wood Wean Titowily and, go* a, fine
lot of cut.
e a a es wete Iii.14 in Carmel Presbyter- with his brother. George. i- ( mined the eupervision ot the Janttor, .Li it ed from the isolation hospital Thurte: intends building a. factory at Ender: at
% Ian .1 131 oil Feeley afternoon oe met on 'Monday lien and tra,uszteleda the need dittes be the Fleeter, .3.1iiisuun A1a-F. liaaluif reroverad from the at- a, cost Sditatele, The inaeltigeneent; say
, lest weele alien gene ;4, mentier oar. large amount ef businese, and closed ;neer and Christi -nee hoticlays and that ..; tack.
, gely the resole of the late Crossley up affairs for next year. le there to I tdie two mlwitble be a SUCh ite rnity be i one toly I let week no iiu% creov ttillwayt •wiEilitlewreevteratcattiTrienswirne:nachsuira,erst:
O aud Ifuntin• rolval services) imited be ;7411 eleetim thj''''' Kell' 14 -; 8c11:‘,1,(;10'41etePlied wise IV' the bpards ulid Qt ; formerly of Ushoiew. Wai attendiw, 10 111
o i aleLennate evil° sva9 recently inducted ant .75.itei.s. '.1.4. 1.4 IN'. W, Per IL Huston. and W. .1 ta li
• i
' seranedi was preached hy Ow Rev. Mr. wIS11 tPaciterti anal inipils ae very. Hi 1-. ',Janitor. ....,,,Ir..rng ;toliii6e(,f tihpe,.:,ttit tabnids astnitgv?tnii,,g ioteackill I of the province ilS show the best, results
like to get about, five hundred mires of
with the (+main The prepateitory closes os; FridaY oi thls wve.";•- ''''• 'es. 1;9 1 due notice shalt be given tbe ; hi duties ii,s freight iirookoon toe on i in beet growing'. The coinpar.y would
i Gwen, who is int ;dale and ple.asing Frank. Rivers, of Soinbra. le an an ex- 4 ensuing year be two hundred and fifty receiving severe litany. 11114 ti aid i Der
spinec crop in this dieirict far next, season
1 j to thi, eltargee of Kippen. and Hills Kerr is on the sloe get Roe week.- ;that the salary of tile Juane for the back stieuk the Qua or hi.,
!speaker and gam an excellent seemoe tended visit with friends in this dollars and that his duties shall include was summoned and it wee tumid no 4:'lla will c'allIvallt '1) 1)17 four dollars
suited to the occasion. On Sabbath ' vieiniten He is recuperating after a , the heating mad rooYeYaore of all bones were broken. Ile w after. 13 id
;frieigeht 1. It between Clinton and
tan, delivered cq E Wen. Tile
n will be fifty teats per ton. so
Young spent Tile& ay in London, no hiugs of the school.
rhe aimed Christ rime festival of the
Sunday school or the Evangelical
church will he held on Monday night,
Dee. 25th. An excellent programme
' being prepared. Besides the usutd
exercise there will he it cantata given
entitled. "Joseph and his brothers,'
Mr. John Holtz, tailor, who
moved to Shipka a short time ago,
has returned and started business
'min in his old stand. -The oldest
son of Mr. Chive Stephen bad Ids leg
imitated last week by Drs. Rollins
a McLaughlin, -Miss Clare Brunner,
has been working in Pittsburg,
Pa., is home to spend her Christinas
Allea Cratg
BRIEFS. - Warden Campbell mud
Conncillor Bradley have been appoint-
ed a committee with power to settle
with R, J. Robinson for the damage to
his horse and lig caused by defective
planking on the counter bridge, ivest of
the village. -John Alexanuer is con-
fined to the holrie with a very sore
knee. He eaught cold in his knee
while putting In .sonle piping a
couple of week.; ago, and it, hes since
developadento neflaintnattore-A col-
lection in aid of the Sick Children's
hospital was taken among the school
children lase week, and. they were suc-
cessful haraising $7.50 -The blind hero,
Trooper atulloy, delivered his lecture
here in the Methodist church a short
time ago. Rev. S. Knott acted as
Beenes,-The anniversary service of
the Methodist SundaySchool Granton,
will be held on Dec. 22. Services
morning and evening, conducted by
the pastor, Rev. J. E. Holmes. The
Sunday School entertaintnenb will be
held on Friday Dec. 27. -Robert Ford
left on Tuesday to accept a position in
Brampton in G. T. R. office -R,. Ray-
eraft has been notified that his tender
for the Granton and Metropolitan mad
service has been accepted. -Rev. Mr. ,
Gilmour attended a. meeting of the
Presbytery in Stratford last week. -
Miss Jennie Fraser, of Ailsa Craig, has
been engaged as Principal in Granton
public school for the ensuing year. -
Walter Squire is borne on a visit to
his father, Thos. Squire,of this village.
Mr. Squire has been in Montana, U. S.
A., for some pact.
morning communion service waS ad-
lminietered by the pastor, in theorem
ing the mai Thanksgiving emit*
WW s held when the pulpit was occupi-
ed by the Her. Ma Cranston of Cco•
marty, who Wag 11180 recently induct-
ed to the charge at Ce•omarty. His
sermon was much enjoyed, being both
well prepared and well delivered, and
the cougregation of Carmel church
will he plemed to here ball the neWly
inducted ministere of Kippen and
Cromarty,with thein again wben it is
their pleasure to coma -Miss Croys-
dine was in London last week renew-
ing acimeantances, - Wedding bells
181.1.' once more tinging in the village
and vicinity. -The George Joynt spent
last week in Parkb111.-The friends of
Mie Wm. johnston, of Fansyille, will
regret to learn that he is very serious- wish them a pleasant trip,- Weather
ly ill. -The Foresters of Court Ivy has been very cola during this week
Green Lodge are getting a very hand- but we like it better: than man and
some street lamp with emblems. -On mud.
Tuesday evening last, skating was en- (From another source.)
jived for the first tune this season. Bitinere-Mr. and Mts. J. Heist aud
The ice was in fine condition and there Mrs. Win. Heist. of Reid City, Mich.
was quite a. large attendance. -Mrs, are hohdaying nt their sisters, :Urn
AR:Paean, of Bay City, Mich., who Matthew Finkbeiner. - Mrs, Michel
was here visiting her sister, Mrs, Oestroicher is very ill at present. -
Sheffer, returned home this week,- We are glad to report that Miss Lydia
Mrs, George Sproat, of Tuckersmith, Finkbeiner, who has been ili for some
\vas in the yillags on Monday. -Ma weeks is able to be around again. -
We are pleased to see Mr. Gottfred
Oestreicher in our village on Monday
last. -Ala Mike Beaver jr, * is min of
the busiest young men la town at
BRIEFS -Mr. Dave Gardner and Mrs
F. A. Edwards spent Sunday at Mr
Gardner's home in Clinton. A'.
E. Erwin attended the funeral on Sun-
day of Miss • Bessie Beacom, third
daughter of Mr. John Beacom of Lon-
don Tp, to Mount Pleasant cemetery.
London. -Mr. • Wm, Weston arrived
home this week from the Soo, -where
he spent the summer. -The Methodist
Christmas entertainment comes off on
the 20th of this month: Good pro-
g•ramme.-The date of the Presbyter-
ian entertaininent is Christmas night.
First-class programme. -The English
entertainment will be held on the 27th
of this month. AlsO splendid pro-
gramme. -The members of the 1. Oi F.
intend holding thew annual hall and
supper about the first week in Janu-
ary. ----'Wedding bells are ringing in
town this week, -Mr. Jas. Donaldson
arrived home from Bruce Mines last,
week. jim don't intend to go back
Isn't half as hard neither is it half as
painful as before the introduction of
.Pntnitin's Painless Corn and
Wart Extractor. In twenty four
Always the Best" hours the corn is removed. Pretty
and small feet are well assured on
EAypas "nos
. you use Putnam's - others. are not
everybody, but it can't be done unless!
warty ,so good. Pnlatates is the, best,
serious attack of liPhold fever. -j. G. water required for the various Rath- wards removed to the hosnan Lon-
don, wing:4' he Is progressing fay:witty
that lite termer will net $3...40 per ton
for We c 0. Mr. D. A.. Forrester,
Imeineee. - 'ter. R. W. Knowles Per H. Huston and IV. J. Carling we° toe ea ,ented to act iie agent for
preached gospel sermons in the in- that the engagement of help and sup- the COMIrtn -, as ready to make con-
terests of tlie Superannuation Valid plies for the scrubbing of the school be tracts. The seed will lie fornished by
last Sunday in the M. E. church. left with the Supplies corn, the Campany at fifteen cents per
ere . s no a arge urns ; on i e• Per II, Huston and R. N. Rowe that pound which will be deducted from
countia of tbe weather, hilt the full 1 the inspeetoral visit, of the Board ne , James Tone, Mctin at., on Ow tee.- the first sbipmene of beets to the fac.
amount asked for Wall subscribed, - nide Thursday, Dec. 10th at, 0 a, ru. casion of tiwir Golden Wedding, tory. As a starter, Messrs. Forrester
NV. L. Lewis has disposed of ilis 'Mao Per W. J. Carling adeouea next Ball were born in Cornwall, Eng. and Weir Irive Revved ini tinVotO WO"
and 3)71 1.0 Mr. D. Oeetreicher, who has to Friday. Dec. 27th at 7.30 p. m, and emu.. l.: Canada, in the "forties." tyillere acres to the crop towards malt -
sold his farm and is retiring to vil- J. Grupo, Seel., They welt. wearied in Bowinanville in ug up the quantity aeeeci for : -Why
Iage lsre.-Remeinber the entertftin- ISZil, 11,),- ll.w. .11r, tiernett. They could not hxeter obtain similar on-
ment and cantata. in the Evangelic:d made their hien. ;n the township of fano me,
church on Obristurts eve, 'a'ent will Darlington, near Blwinqaville, linlill ..
miss a treat, if you, fail- to attend.- 1353, when they moved to the 5th eon.
Matt. lina Mrs Morlock ere left on of tishorne, just eaet of Exenv. They '
Fritlity last for Atmore., Ille where
they will attend the svedding of their
daughter, Martha on Xmas. eve. We
Usborno Council,
fior.,DEN WEDDING, - There wee a,
very plateant nunily gain -Ting yeeter-
day at the residence of Mr. and Mrs,
George Petty, the enterpriSing proprie-
tor of the Yorkshire Packing House,
has been suffering for several weeks
from a, very severe attack of rbeuina-
tistn,-Mr. W. D. Foss, baker and present, for particulars see correspote
confectioner, has a number of very dence next week. -At the last meeting
handsome wedding cakes on exhibition of the quarterly board. of the evatigeli-
a, returned missionary from Africa, ciced that the pastor, Rev. J. G. Litt,
in his window. -The Bev. Mr. Ehnes, cal church it was unanimously de -
(on eccomat of ill health) preaehed in be requested to conduct the services
the Methodist church on Sabbath' Sunday evenings in said church in the
evening last on the subject of missions, Englisielanguage.whieh services com-
giving a full account of how the menced last Sunday evening and was
sionary work is carried on in the well attended.- Mr. Solomon Beaver,
"dark continent," the native of the who has been working in Detroit, is
country, the character, life and hab- spending his holidays under the paean -
its of the natives, etc. The reverend tal roof.
gentleman is a most fluent, eloquent
and pleasing speaker, and although Britieh Troop Olt Liniment is without excep-
he spoke for nearly two hours he re- finned's', "Cieseiregifive:31 sreerTsed4re=1:
ceted the closest interest and atten- Bites, Stings or'Inseets, etc. 'A largo bottle
teen of the large congregation assent- 2.5 cents.
bled, an a his address cannot fail to
awaken deeper interesb in the great
inissionann work of the church. -Mr.
Saunders, a student of .Knox College
-conducted service in St. Paul's church'
on Sunday morning lest with mach
acceptance. -Mr. E. Ryckman, a near
Chiseihurst, unloaded a. fine new trac-
tion engine on Monday last. -Mrs. J.
McArthur was in London this week. -
Our merchants are making fine dis-
plays of Xmas goods -Mr. William
Bela CaT,R, agent at Hanover, ac-
companied. by his wife, visited his
'Parents Mr, and Mrs. James Bell, the
first part of this week -Our 'Tillage
choirs are getting up fine new a.nthems
for Xmas, and the Sabbath schools
tare getting up fiue entertainthents.
TOWNSHIP Cotnecie -The council
met pursuant to acbourroment in 1p.
hall, Liman, Dec. 2nd, 1001. The
Reeve and all the members present.
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid: -Geo. Ryan, $3.00; Alf.
Hodgins, 9.00; Geo. Carter, 50e,; John
Ryan, 4..00; B. E. Abbott, 1,00; John
Hodgins, 4.60; W. H. Sceli, 89.47; Jas.
Whalen, 54.66; J. 13. Phinn, 3.71; R.
Guilfeyle, 5.00; Chris Guilfoyle, 50c.;
Wm, Brownlee, 1.50 • A. Gunning.
1.00; John Fulton, 19.50; Wm. Brook*
2.75; Thus. Toohey, 3.00; VVrn. Mc-
Logahlin, 1.00; John Ryan, 2.90; A.
Davis. 5.25; Jos. Kelly. 4.10; G. E.
Phinn, 10.85; Jos. Armitag,c, 1t(i0; S. 1901, to provide polling boathis and
D. Hodgins. , m. mpson, 'appoint deputy returning °facers, as
15.00; M. Armitage, 4.00; Jas. McGee, read a qcst and second time be new
5.00; Ed. Sullivan, 1,50; Geo. Ilodgirm, read a third time and finally passed,
9.00; John AlcFalls 7.00; Win. Atkin- Carried. .
son, 1.50; W. R4vington, 4.50; W. Armstrong-- Levitt- That council
Connor, 1.50f John Fulton, 17.00; Jas, adjourn to meet at can of Reeve, -
Exeter Municipal Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, Dec 16th. Absent,
councillor Muir.
Minutes of the previous meeting
read and confirmed.
Armstrong -Evans- That the fol-
lowing taxes be refunded: Stephen &
Ilsborne Agricultural Society, $17.00 ;
Dyer & Howard, partial refund, $18:60
W. Johns, refund dog tax, $1.00 ; J.
Rendle, do., $1.00 • re Hardy, do., 1.00;
Mrs. Sutton, refund taxes, 5.95.- Car-
Levett -Armstrong- That the fel-
lawing accounts he passed and orders
drawn on Treasurer for same: -
Win. Davis, labor, 75e ; D. Braund,
rent, North -End fire hall, • 2,00 ; H.
Spackman, glass and witty, North end
fire hall, 1.75; Wm. Kunz, repairing
snow plow etc., 2.30; H. Bishop &
Son, shovel, 85c J. Russell, mis-
cellaneous account. 3,90; James
Creech, charity to Mrs. SattOn, 8.00;
S. Sanders, salary, 55.00; Geo. H. Bis-
sett, balaws. salary, 25,00 ; salary
Secy., Board of Health, 5.00 ; Dr.
Amos salary M. H. O., 5.00; E. J.
SpackMan, materiel for flag, 64c, ; L.
Hardy, lumber, 7.20 ; J. White & Sons
ptintipg, 8506; Dickson & Carling
75.82; „lainee Ceencle postage, 50c;
Wm. H. Dearing, allowance for tile,
22.00 ; James Creech, for Use of horse,
10.00 --Carried.
. Evans--Levett--That by-law NU.
Lankin, 3.50; A. Webb, 1.00; E. . Dins-
more, 50e.; D.' White, 1,00; Jos. Mc- ,
GEO. H. lanseee it
Gee, 4,60; D. Wiestnifin, 45,,00. Jas,
V\I nails, 3.35; Ch m. Alt,Roherts, 0.37; D. - -
Craw ro rd. 11 00; 11', W, Farncornbe, Worms atrect o child's heanh WO ,,,e,teo.dv
lao0. The council i,c1,journed to meet
again 00 Monday. llitia inst., at 10 a.
m, W. D. STAN LEY, Clerk..
negtect. 8omenmo they c else convitsions
and derail. it you :inspect them to -be present,
g13.fl' LOW'S Pleasant Worni 3,..rup, whits,
neatroys rhe wotulti. without injuring the
Price 25e.
Council met at Township Hell Dee,
1.0th. All the members were present,
occupied this farm tor thirty years,
law minutes of the previous meet, In the fall of ISM they removed to
ing were read, approved and signed by their present resideuce in Exeter. Mr. W k
the reeve.
Tom in bie eighty-secana ani Mrs,
Tbe expenses of the Bleed of Health Tom in bee sixty-eigth you, and UM' or s
for 1001, amounting. to $21.59 was
ordered to be paid to the clerk for dis-
The taxes being all collected and
paid, over to the Treasurer, the tollee-
tor returned his roll, and was paid his
salary. .
100 copiesef the minutes og proceed-
ings of council were ordered to be
printed for distribution.
Accounts amounting to $031.62 were
passed and orders iseued in payment,.
Council then adjourned to meetfrom a nephew in NewYork, and a
Dec. 80th., after nomination meeting.1 . purse a gold with the following. ad -
thechildren are .1. bigin, Inspector
of Patine Schools for west Huron ;
Jemes K..„ Deceased ; Mrs. Da SweetH
Exeter ; 'Gregory IL, Principe' or aving jnst opened up business we
poblic schools, vanc„„cec looney are prepared to supply all kinds
and Mary at home, und Frank W. PUMPS,
cutter for the most prominent tailor-
ing firm in Toledo. nee- were the WATER TROUGHS,
recipients of many useful and eccepti. WATER. TANKS,
Able preeents, from their children, FANNING MILLS,&c.
grandchild rem reletivee and friends, eel_ u Aii Es i NG
including a, George III guinea, 1773, '
We pay special attention to all kiwis
F. MO EY, Clerk dross:-
There will likely be sleighing for
Absolutely pure boing powder sold
by 0. Lutz, Exeter/
Wilbert Fulton, of Manistigne,
Mich., is visiting Ed. Stewart.
P. S. Inspector 3. E. Tom spent the
forepart of this week in town.
Mrs. Chas. Knight has returned
from visiting her son George, at lider -
Messrs. Than, McDonald and Fred
Penhale have returned home from
Wm Greenway, of Crystal City,
Man., is visiting old friends in Exeter
and Centralia. ,
Mr. Frank Tom, of Toledo, was
home at the celebration or the golden
wedding of his parents.
Adolphus Evans returned home Sat -
day night from Manitoba where he
spent the summer. '
A. fuassortm .1.ne m
of perfumes sui-t,
able for Xmas 'esents at C. Lutz's
Drug Stare, ExAtIr.
Miss Winnie Taylor is home from
Detroit, and will spend the holiday
seasme with her inothe.r, Mrs. Thos. 1
A barn belonging to Henry Essery, I
of Stephen Tp, was destroyed by fire
last week, Cause unknown. Insured
in the Hay Township Co. .
Thos Weester has moved to his new
house in Exeter North, while Mrs
Levy has moved into the house on
Carlhig street, vacated by Mr Webster.
The service at James Stchurch
next Sunday' morning will he appro-
priate to the Christmas season and
will be conducted by the pastor. In SKATES.
the evening Mr. Chu. Down, a can-
didate for the ministry will preach,
The offerings for the day will be on be-
half of the Superatmuatiou Fund,
audgrandebit ren. assemble at your home og eription.
this tbefittiethanuiversary of your Weddin e
Day. We thank ourlfeayetay Father for th-
many blessings he has bestowed upon you dure
ingyourlives. and that in .Efis goodness, R-
hos permitted you to celebrate tins, your go] North Town all, Exeter,
don wedding in the full enjoyment of all your
physical and mental powers. We pray that
you may belong 8pared to 01111 other. and to
accept this purse and eontent8 as a slight to-
ken or our 0 -Ito.= and love to ou. We wish e Cf
u8 in your atonal good W
health. e ask you to ChM rn ry or
We do abything in the line of Wood-
work, and REPAIRING of any des -
pleasure and yautude tint we your children
Chariton 14k Keddy.
00 Year, and rn pleasant retu ens of your wed- cAsToRIA
ft Merry Ohristina,9 and ya nappy XON4
ding day. 0
ca. Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory.
.0.nr• ie0.,ZATRI
Boys pocket knives i and 2 blades, to to 2 5c
Ladies' pocket knives t and 2 blades, 15 to 50c
Men's pocket knives 1 and 2 blades, 1:5 to 75c
lazors, W. &-B. 13okers, Etc., 75 to $T.5o
Scissors and shears (guaranted) 20 to 95c
Carvers, Rogers and Wostenholm, $1.00 to $1,75 per pr
Table cutlery, all makes, $1 00 to $.3.00
Celluloid knives with silver forks, $1.90 and $2.00 per sett
Bread saws, reg 25c, at 15 and 20C
Bread, cake and parinfr knives, special 25c per sett
Plated tea dessert andtablespoons 65c per doz and up
Raisin seeders and food choppers 65c to $r 40
We have made arrangements with
the postal authorities, where'iy Tan
Timms will be delivered orsday
as usual to our many subscribere Along
the Exeter -St. Marys mail route. In-
stead of leaving Exeter by stage the
papers will be sent to St. Marys via
London in a special bag and delivered
along, the route by the mail carrier on
trip in the aft room from St.
Marrs, This arrangement will be al-
mostequal to the former one, when
the stage left Exeter in the morning,
and for which we ar6 indebted to a
considerable extent, to the personal
efforts of postmaster 0144stie.
Spring.skatee N. P. -and polished.
Hockey skates "
Get our special Xina.:s :)ric(-s
Hockey stix 15 to 35c
Hockey Pucks and -skate
XInas prices on
Carpet Sweepers.
No need of being without one.
i iigtat.,gr$eg3,7$;325rt'$
$3,75 at
A 00
Bissels, reg $3.00 at $2.65
Etnpress, reg $2.75 at $24.5
These are special prices for
Xmas buyers
Ha rd‘vare and. St °VON*
.A.cittnge yolv rit'w fur; for cionleth'n--;'