Exeter Times, 1901-10-31, Page 8JL
Fon THE R1.7.N'TING fiRotr:ws --This
week ale bellowing persons left, Exeter
cAsHi siii,c0RE for Muskar, !muting grounds:- W .
J. Carling, Win 'Campbell, Chas.
Snell, sr.. Reg. Elliott, Norwich ; and
Rog. Samuel. They will be absent
about ten days.
et. Llennat.Ora'ait.-The Tapes ana
Family Herald and Weekly Star, Mon -
treat, for the balers* of 1901, together
with photograveors of the Duke of
York and the Duchess of Oornwall,for
only 35 cents, Two pictures aloe are
worth the price, This is a special
offer to increase our subscription list
rapidly, Present subscribers can have
the pictures for 15 cents.
fisti OR. MOM,
Furs Tor Men. Furs tor Women. Furs tor Oblicireu.
Dir..:Ct to us from the largest fur manufacturers in the
Dominion. Every far garment we sell carries the makers
guatantee, backed by our guarantee, to be exactly as repre-
sented. That's fair ain't it ?
*35 00 far ladies:* choice Peraian Lamb ge'e and $1.00 each for black fur reek
mei Sable eombinattou caperlue, ruffs trimmed with tails.
eae ;shape, and very swell effect.
vela air Lee :es' Seal and Sable com-
%aviation elPeerlate. New axed natty.
Strictly litfa easS goods.
$15 thl for ladies' SeatnnelThibbet com-
bination capeeine. Large fiin eape
with full storm collar. A. beaoty.
$11 51/ It.n• tulles° Seal and Sable com-
bination caperine. the tieve ripple
cape with Sable storm collar. This
is a very swell arid dressy garments
eei foe 1 OW Seal anti Astrachan
combination caperine, A beauty
for the price. See it.
$1.35 and $1.75 for grey fur oeek. ruffs,
trimmed with tails.
.50 each for black flat nava tures,
full and large, tiaished with ten•
tails each.
Sac each brown fur neck ruffs trininied
with tails,
eavh for grey oplansum neck tuffs
shape4 and trimmed with heads
S3.75 each. for black opuna fur welt
ruffe ehaped avid tri
$10.1111 for a. vneraed with
ery ueat Seal aud Boeh- nende nun Labe
colobinetion caperine. A
caperine. large
.ellax, ;kW' long front with
t 4 mitiases
"SID each for natuad econ neck ruffs,
shaped and trimmed .witb heads
and tails.
a ;oriole onssoobee Bode, $7.90 each for Atietrali 101
ip .riee. A. good looker ;a vtlfr'lli ITL'Imm' W4111
—_ •
nifty Meek fur copeck*.
e, full 5tertru collar. It's
Sable neek
heads and
$9.0it each for &L et ilea neck ruffs,
shaped 114,D11 trioniavoil with heads
and tails,
r n14. -e black fur caperine
kw, front trimmed Fur coats forroe!). fur coats for
women. Ftw mitts for men, fur .
mitts for women. Fur Mitt for
children, fur caps for men, Fur
caps for women, fur caps for child-
$J,99 fTsa Welt faa eaperine, large
fullcape with full roll collar.
We want you to know us as the largest fur dealers in
the county. We can suit you in quantity, in quality, in
values. Come and see our big fur stock.
1osa 0.30, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted.
:4*a-tee:a:ea ae'eaeseastaaaateleetetel.-aeet-a+
To Have
flie Besi Coods
is whatthe business Jrnqa, owes him.
is this business poliey of ours
induces us to claim to be
ce cheapest and. con-
ays the best.
verything in the
west in Note
onglish and German Decorated
French China
Litiaoge and Japanese Ware.
^-,- ^- •
1Fer Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks,
Spectacles, Etc
epairiug aSpecialtv.
•t1 of
Chief Gin was in Mitchell, on Mon -
Miss Ida Anderson, of Coldwater, is
visitinz her cousin, Dr. Anderson.
Advertise your stray animals, farms
for sale, etc., in the Trans.
The demand for 7irkish Scalp Food
is rapidly ham, g. Sold by C.
The directors of the Exeter Fall
Show paid the prize money to the suc-
cessful winners, on Wednesday.
Mr. Geo. Brooks informs us that he,
r one day this week, picked a number of
ripe raspberries off the bushes in his
Use Imperial Hai nic for dand-
ruff, itchiness of th alp, and prema-
ture failing of the -le Sold by C.
i Lutz.
On Saturday last Mr. and. Mrs.
DESCR1P- E Bobiet, T. B. Carling, L. H. Dickson
f and Miss L. Hardy visited the Pan -
j American.
It is to be hoped the senseless and
1 G 9 often destructive Hollow'e'en practice
sometimes indulged in, will not be
perpetrated on Thursday; it is time
ibis sort of thing stopped.
Quarterly meeting services wall he
held in fames St church nextSunday.
Love Feast at 9.15 a. m. Preaching
- service at 10.30, followed by the ad-
ministration of the Sacrament.
Ageu or the WEsrEEN ASSURANCE Co11/1
SANT, of Toronto; also for the ?Emirs Frnz
iktstfua-wc Coz1PAN-r, of London, England
t:181./RANCJE Compaxr, of Eng
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
. advestisemente accepted up to noon was at work veneering Mr. Fred Dui -
Wednesday of each week. enroth's house in Milverton, the scaf-
fold gave way precipitating him to
the ground, fracturing one of his legs
THURSDAY OCTOBER 316T, 1001 1ahove the ankle.
Mr. Robt, Roy, of Russeldale, - in -
ends going to Scotland in about two
'weeks. Mr. Andrew Taylor a former
Boy W`..arrao.-A good, smart boy resident of this locality, but now of
with tau, ed ucation, wanted to learn Downie ,has disposed of his farm prop -
the a printing business. Apply at erty and will accompany Mr. Roy,
Tn�s office. A. pretty wedding was celebrated at
IGS FOR SALE -For sal cheap the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kemp, near
fon wing articles. ew lumber Mitchell,Monday evening at six o'clock
wa on, 1 wagon box, cultivator, 1 when their eldest daughter, Miss Ber-
l -al. .,-2 seWing , niaChiall new ; tha, was united in holy wedlock to
1 phew, 2 wag plows, 1 4eugy, 1 cut- Mr. Thos. Alfreds, of Brantford, for
ter, secon hand.
, Apply to W. G. merly of Stratford.
BTSSETT. ''., A Steel Range Company have es-
„,.., a tablished a temporary branch in St.
Mar s They did not remain long in
this section, the local stove dealers
being too much for them. Comaet- have to be appointed in his stead.
ition in Exeter in this line is too keen Several names are mentioned, among
for the travelling range men. whom are B. Brown, Wm. Lewis, 0,
Fred Sweet, in playing at foot -ball Zwicker, 5, Brown and others.
on the school grounds on Tuesday of Dr. Herbert Hutton, son of Rev. Mr.
last week was knocked down and had Hutton, of Centralia, and who took
his collar bone slightly wrenched, and charge of Dr. Amos' practice here dur-
While oat shooting on Saturday he
was climbiak up over a log when the ing the summer, had his leg broken in
Toronto on ,Saturday, , in a game of
bone broke, .11.e is now laid up ,bta he
Two small boys of A. E. Hodgert, on
Saturday last, sawed. two cords of
wood milking two cuts in each stick,
and split, the same, besides piling it in
the woodshed. What two boys can
Recently as Mr, Eckardt Seigner
PROPERTY eilAl•IGES, -R. N. Rowe
bas purchased the residence on Huron
st., belonging toA. E. Bennett, who
recently moved to London. J. E.
Atkinson, having moved to the rest -
deuce vacated by Air. Rowe. Jas
Beverley moves to the house lately oc-
copied by Mr. Atkinson. Mr. Reddy.
of Exeter North. has moved to the
residence formerly occupied by A.
Tib: WZAT:1214. -Tice weather clue-
ing the past two weeks has been Sum -
warn. and the sky clout-11es%
with a light. balmy air. Sueh weatb»
er ft this time of the pear cannot be
remewbeed by the oldest inbabitauts.
WbUe appreciated by the poblic at
large. the Merchants are beginuing to
tire of it. on account of the bad effect
n business. Fall and winter goods,
which shonld have moved some time
ago, are selling slowly. The weather
prophets say eve are to have many
more emelt fine days%
Tax PaNneo.-There is much to be
emit in favor of pitying the taxes iti
t w o installments. When the: whole
mamma. is to be paid at one time arid.
in November or December, it strains
the purse at a Vitae when wood, coal
i'leal whiter clothing iltre being bought,
and preparatiou being -ovate ler win-
ter. If one payment were niade in
sae% July. it would make the taxes
scarcely felt by many, and would save
the corporation the interest yearly
pelt). open sinus borrowed for short
tertaa to pay current accounts.
'f-Alt-ot Turnorun -- The following
etter from the Itespector of Pablic
Libraries. speaks for itself as to the
coodition ot the Exeter Public Lib-
“I inVegied Exeter Piiiiiii Library on the
nth (kt . and ani pleased to report ci. very
fivoli."-Ire"CATA,7041?; g()MlkiViet
two emuntettious roor84 in tbe town Han. The
Municipal Council 1,0 very liberal and hove an
excellent. Library 11,.:ard Ache are enthusiastic
in their worl: arid [10xioui to comply' with the
ie:. Of their department They have
been very indefatigable iii their efforts to
make the Library a. aucceis. DurIne the lust
3,car they Psued ilill books to ifta readers.
.0.. tvw beatii liave been roelassided. and mini
dilapidated buelts. which in their ioresent
state are unfit for eirmilation, will be tiestreir.
ed. or /tot mifffilent value resbountl.”
niversary of the eaven. Presbyterian
chimes held last Sabbath 'teas one of
the most successful in the history a the.
church. The sermons morning and
evening were delivered by Rev. Mr.
'holey, of St. Helens, and were
forcible, instructive and listened to by
the large congregations at both ser-
t'- with much pleasure -and profit,
The choir 4,1 the church rendered ex-
cellent Ult,1:51C At ball services. A
pecial .collection ,vas asked for and
responded to with the handsome sum
01 $103. There was no ;tunnel tea,
Hoesoatso TUE Baava.-Last eveek
the Wardens of the Royal Cenadlitu
Humane Association presented J Clyde
White, of Windsor. with a handsome
bronze medal for conspicuous bravery
in easing the life of Esther Murray. at
Grand Bend on August 5th but. The
circumstances of the rescue were wide-
ly published at the time, but, can be
briefly recalled here :- Esther Murray,
of Avonton, Perth Co., together with
her mother and several other ladies,
who were campers at the Bend, went
bathing on August 5th. Esther got
beyond her depth, and went down.
Two of the others who went to the
rescue also got beyond their depth,
and were powerless. Cries for help
were raised, but no person seemed
equal to the occasion, until J. C.
White appeared upon the scene.
Without hesitate*,,, be sprang into the
water with his el oiling on and rescued
all three, in Estella's. case having to
dive three times iur her. The Hu-
mane society considered the act a
worthy one, and have presented .the
medal, which is a handsome one.
Matthew Parkinson. of Toronto, a for-
mer resident of Usborne township,
was awarded the association's parch-
ment testimonial for resuscitating
Esther Murray, after she had been
taken out, of the water by,Mr. White.
Miss Annie tic0Ced, of Merton, is Y
. . . .
visiting friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Manning, of
Clinton, spent, Thursday last in town.
Dignan, who has been seriously
ill wall typhoid fever for some time,
has sufficiently recovered to be able to
r take a drive.
English Stock Food is the hest and
cheapest food on the mateget, its repu-
tation is tow completely' Ntablished
scaai) c Lutz;
Exeter ti 01.5411
Grocery Bargains.
25 lbs Eedpaths coffee sugar for 1.00
3 lbs good fresh sweet biscuits for 5o
7 lbs good rice for 25c
7 lbs good green Rio coffee- for 50e
4 lbs best uncolored 'Japan tea for L00
cakes good toilet soap for 05o
5 lbs good selected valencia raisins fox 25e
. G. Stanbury was in Godericb,
Tuesday, transacting business.
Joseph Snell, of Dashwood, was in
town on Wednesday, ou business:
Mrs. Butts and •ter daughter, Mrs.
Dinsdale, of near Kippen, visited
frierds in town this week.
S. M. Sanders, of Stephen, and Mr.
and Mrs. -Harvey, of Hay, visited the
Pan-Axnerican the past week.
It is said the price of park may drop
before the end of the winter. That is
encouraging, though not entirely satit-
-The marriage of Miss Lovina, M.
Ort, will take place to -day (Thursday)
at the residence of the bride's parents,
to Mr. Alfrecl J. lrfelick. near Zurich.
Hollowe'en is conaing. Have you
taken any precautions against the
visits of the boys yet ? v-ou'd better
get a gait on if you want to keep your
gate on. •
For the King's Birthday the Grand
Trunk Railway will issue tickets at
single fare, good going on Nov.
8th and 9tb, valid to return leaving
destination on or before Nov. llth,
Owing to the death .of John Jacob
Either, of Crediton, a postmaster will
is improving fa,vorably. foot ball. He is captain of Trinity
M d.' I C 11
e ica o ege.
Dress Goode.
New tweed dress goods, all latest shades, splendid
line for
50 inch ladies` Oath dress goods, all new shades, a
snap for
New debeize 'loth dress goods, very popular, 141
wool and great goods to wear, in all shades, a snap for 50
New 'plain and filmy Mar dress goods are the lat-
est weaves and makes at 50, 75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1-75,
That we are at the Old Reliable stand to do lousiness same as
efer, and are sheaving the most complete stock we have ever
had in
') 00 and
Our dress goods stock is most complete. We will be
pleased to show you the laOst ideas.
We are constantly receiving novelties and just now are
showing some very new things, You are welcome at all
times to visit our show rooms and get posted on styles, we
always have the latest.
Special Bargains in
.Ordered Clothin
Men's fine black worsted suits, good linings and
trimmings, regular price 20 00 for 15.00
Men's fine blue and black serge suits, good linings
Men's tlikket—suits to order, special at 12.00, 14.00 and
and trimmings, regular 18.00 suits for
We Pay Highest Prices na. ani Kinds of farm produce.
......•••••••••••••••,.. ,niiimat•401*.••••••••.,
Direct importers.
Thos. Maker, of Londonawas instown
sister, Mrs Bennet, in London,
Mrs. L. H. Dickson,is visiting her
W. H. Levett was in London yester- Mrs, George Bawden of Lucan, visit.
day bTnasiitneus.sas,
H Buckingham has secured a ed friends in town on Wednesday.
daye on business. lo London an Tues- .
tion with Jones & Roy, at. Winchelsea.
For lame back anc1,4or derange- Miss Bernard, of London, and Miss
Pills. Sold by 0, Lifiz:4 I Central hotel.
naents of the kidneys /*Fix Kidney O'Neil. of Ilderton, are guests at the
There are about seven sr inmates in 1 Wm. Snell has disposed of his grey
the House of Refuge at present, mostcarriage team to Thos. Maker, of Lon -
of whom are enjoying good health. don, for a good sum.
Between 5,000 and 0,000 deer reenses Miss Annie Sanders is visiting
have been issued by the provincial friends in London, where she will re -
department, which is a large increase main for ab
out a month.
over former years.
. Mr. Bert Piper, who has been -work-
All the best stock raisers use Eng-
ing in Grand Rapids, Mich., returned
home Wednesday night.
e would specially draw your attention to our MANTLES.
In these we are showing the best we have ever handled, for style,
quality and price. Our $5 Mantle is a daisy, All other lines up
to -date.
4$ Emporiu.
During hot weather we are inclined to look for co
spot and most comfortable seat possible. We would su
when. you Want comfort and can get the same at small
you would be wise to
Our Rattan Chairs, prices ranging from $2,
upwards. Also complete stock in a lines, in latest desig
Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage t
call on us before purchasing elsewhere.
Funeral Directors.
everley dt Huston,
A woman has succeeded in going i eseeesessessu
ES .
over Niagara Falls in a barrel,LILL OUR GRADUATGET POSITIONS
She e
was meet() travelling' in hoops,
Building For
If you have entered for
a business course in the
Federated Business with
schools at. Londop, Toron-
to Hamilton. Ottawa, Sar-
nia, Berlin, Galt. St. Catharines. then you are
building for business and building on a sure
foundation. All commercial subjects - all
taught by expert, and. experienced teachers.
Handsome year book and all particulars on
application to
Forest GM Business 6011606,1%
LONDON, 01,7T.
j. W, WESTERVELT, Principal.
Tfl L011(1011
lish Stock Food. for es and young
pigs, because they fin at it pays to
use it. Sold by 0. i z
There is only facie occasional word
dropped regarding municipal politics.
There is scarcely enough to give the
drift of the tide. Some claim to be
dissatisfied with the past year's record,
but most have not thought much
about it yet.
Albert Penwarden, who has been
engaged ia Port Huron for sometime,
is again in charge of his farm an the
R. 5, Lana has completed the apple
shipping for this seasop. He reports • .
the apples n fair quality and prices D allll MC NS
e v. r. ennedy, of Auburn,
preached morning and evening in
Main-st cherch last Sunday, • Mr. Mil -
yard taking anniversary services for
, bin].
Pr -int More and
(Later News than any
other London or Toronto
paper circulated in this
The many friends of Mrs. Sonthcott nounty.
11 be pleased now e as
to k 'thats
sufficiently recovered. from her severe
4th concession. of Usborne. Mr- Pen -illness as to be able to take a short
warden has been in hard luck of late, driv.e. ,
'his wife haying, flied some time ago
and lately hie barn was burned.- Rev. G, Long, of Ffediall, preached
. quite.acCeptably in James st. church
The inspectors in the various dis- on Sunday, Rev. Brown 'preaching an-
tricts are are now collecting samples of niversary sermons on the Kippen cir-
the sugar beets planted this year for cuit.
experimental purposes, and forward-
ing them to Guelph, where they will
services s uwnildlaybernobretrin gi n
be analyzed by Prof. Shuttleworth as Ma,in
rapidly as they arrive. Have any Love Feast in the morning- -at Ian
been grown in this section? , oclock ancl. Sacrament after the usual
mornine service- The '
pastor in
Wingham, although only forty no - '
arge. e
perienced bad weather this fall, as the
miles from Exeter, must have ex- '
Jacobtei. • etteEnidiebder.,tliine
fui&neliratIMObfelgreo MlaEtexe
foaming clipping from a Wingbarn
paper would indicate: -The muddy , Crediton, on Tuesday. Deceased was
season has arrived,' and the fair sex 1 postmaster of the village for many
h A their atietice sorely tried at , Years and also a general merchant, up
, at einc e of this'
• Year REE on receipt
1 of $1.50 for 1902. Address
all. communications to
.)Ccntrc I
Wo deal in "Genuine” Business Ecia-
cattoll. therefore our graduates are.
properly prepared for the best positions,'
blany leading 'business colleges employ
our graduates as teachers. Surely this is
proof of superiority, No student ha
ever left our college enssatistied. Do no
decide to_:.attend any college until yoix
have renewed our catalogue. Writo for
one. Enter this mouth if possible.
by13(rii.tLisuletz,Seven ir, tures for s
Pan-Arnerican visitors d good 't..-z
comoclations at Fulton's, (formerly o
Farquhar, Usbo ) . 39() Michig.%-
five blocks from ot.
Winan's Cough B cam is the
remedy in the m et for Con'.
Colds, and Brorigh' dcretnro. ubsloed, bes,%',.
billy good for ee
-Lutz. Sole agen or Dix -ung Sy
use 'Dix
Lutz.lVhma taking a
Cure, it gives sur. elief. Sold
Mr. D. new, teach:r in S. Sa o,5, .
Hibbert has re-engaged for ne Kt year
at a handsome increase. oasal say, ,
The News Ptg. and Bargains -7.- Bar gains„
.. i
Pub. Co., London. _The balance of our surnmd,r goods ati, : ;'" 1
redaced prices. s e eee t,
SICSINSIIAMT44121413153.( cratimsnommosr...scraccreaspa•
- -
Laclies' OxfOrds
Worth $1.40 for 1'4.15,
" $.75for '$1.40 i
" $2.00 for $1.50.
2.25 for $1.75.
Fall Clothilief
th c i Si t n in tr in to to a few months ago. when he dispos- se Oxf Ards
keep their shoes and skirts out of the . ed of the business to Mr. Kerr. Mr.
mud, It is provoking for even a man Eilber was a native of Pennsylvania.
to ha,ye to tramp in mud across the but was one of the pioneers of Cred-
street ; but if he had a skirt to protect iton, and was highly respected by a
to he would soon have the street 1 large circle of friends. He was taken
suddenly ill a few weeks ago, from
cleaned. It WO uld probably create a
sensation for the street commissioner ; cancer, and gradually grew worse un-
tn lia,ve the crossings cleaned buChe titils Sunday flight. nHi ge hletaNvYehse an hisfamily •spirit of . tookfour vi ilid. receive inany 'thanks,
soindscrvi:induseixwasdfaalitherof H. s besides a
wH. Eilber,
STOVE VOR SA1.331.- Parlor heater; Ms P. P. for South Huron; . .
-wood, good as mew. Apply at TIMES i
OISTERNL-- Ring the rings to Children Pry for
build all sizes' of r.'cement cisterns
yfroonnew5alitts tiapitseet ciliiitneadirmoneter--f
free:sweat,' Exe g ATORIA
IS not only a luxury at this
time of the year but it is an ab
solute necessity. Health de
rnands it. Let us show you a
ffne line of Worsted and Tweed
Suitings, and Overcoatings. We
endeavor to do at all times the
veryfinest work at prices away
• Sizes & to 1€.
" ~ $1.00 nil-‘ 80e.
" $1.25 for '1.05.
. ,
Also some women's butaeried at 1
duced prices.
These goods are all new and up..f
date. No old styles. All this ye,'..::
Coal ..tict SCCIalt• es. fit -gain,
Rernena be the place.
W. W. Taillan•
Grieve's oldstancl, opposita post office. Treble's old stand,