Exeter Times, 1901-10-31, Page 7IFOTES AND COMMENTS. The impression that Russia has de- eigns upon Inclie. has, for the present at leest, passed away. In 1894 Gen-, eral Kuropatleine is reported to have mid. to an English, officer : "I sbould llhe to meet the Englislaln Central 'Asia, not to meaeore swords, but to elk hand in hand, on, the broad )ad for the extension of civilization tang the people of Asia." The ate Emperor of Russia desired not •so much to hinder the progress of Eugland in Ladle. as to obtain for Russia a port upon the Persian Gulf, Russia has always realized that as a world power, witInher vast inland empire ana her immense population, she =net hal-0 not one but. several utlets to the °cereals of the world. 1.14$ struggled for centuries to obtain an outlet at Constantinople; and she has just now obtained a. port in the far EaSt. She desires a port upon the Persian, Gulf, has ob- tained from Persia considerable rail- evey privileges, has establisheda. DOW navigation line front Odessa to the Pereien Gulf vend begun a line of atellWay from Julia, to Tabriz and Tellerata She has at pre:cant a road from the Caspian to Teheran, which is said to be very profitable, but froin the Persian Gulf to the Cas - Plan the transportation is by mule (anal, which takes three months e move and costs. $100 in surarear If as much more in winter, Ibis easy to see what ad - to Russia. the construction twaY and a port upon the ulf would be. h pers are discus ng the i from opposite points. some int to allow Russia an out - sort into the Indiaui old be a positive danger to possessions in the East, and eking the ground that it is o grant with a goad grace ssia is bound to have and would be foolish to fight The case for Englanci is put u shell in the following quota - at the close of an elaborate t ele in the "Spectator" ,of Sep - ben' 7 ;--"Would it not be better iearn wisdom from the ease .of tertian', and as WO certainly do n to go to war to prevent Wang a port on the Persian end as Russia is equally cer- go there some day and some n, to let Russia, know while she till in doubt about the mat- ter -Russia. does not feel sure, though it is a, fact, that we shall not go to war to keep her off the Persian Gulf -that we aro quite will- ing that she should breve access to the sea ? Russia -will get to the Persian. Gulf in any case, but under the policy we propose, as opposed to the traditional policy of the Fo- reign Office in dealing with Russia, Russia will get there with our good will, and not as a triumph over us. If we thought it possible that this country would fight about the Per- sian Gulf, it would, we admit, be necessary to show more in detail and at greater length than we have done to -day that Russia on the Per- sian Gulf is not, in fact, a menace to the empire. Knowing, however, that we shall not fight to keep Russia off the Gulf, it is really only necessary to point out that it miist be better for us that Russia should reach her destination with our help than without it. There is no reason hv we should, not be friends with ir; for we shall not fight to pre - her, doing any of the things she to, do. Therefore she may as eke her inevitable course in the of a friend as of an enemy. e sending in a gateway. We that Russia will sooner or want to go through the gate, that we shall not deem it worth to prevent her. That being so, >etter policy, and far more o stand out of the way fore Russia comes charg- h a rude call to stand ell have to stand aside ve are not idiots, ,but • and better to do it nee now than with a on." , _ ......+_.- ld man.1e4voulcl not believe he ar chis rife talk a distance of es by MI aphone. His better ,., Ilan w s in a, Country shop several nules awa,y wher e there was a tele- phone, and the 0 eeptic was also in a, place where ther t was a simnelin- strument, and ozfi being told how to operate it, he VC Diked boldly up and shouted. alaallo a, Sarah!" At that instant lightning struck the tele- phone wire and knocked the man down, and as Ale scrambled to his feet ha exciteellly cried: - "That's tarah; everyincai." it is dignified, now, and b ing down wi aside. We We any way, as it is pleasantei with a good g bad grace late " POOR CI, ZUMPLEIG-H! 'IN''.11y, pa, thi ' is roast beef," ,.ex- elaineed little Wiillie at dinner on .the er on illg, whon AV'. Ohl1111piaigh was present, cie the gpnest of honor. . "Of • course,S'iTid the fatlier. "What of that?' ;• . lly,. you tt(,Icl ma this morning tA,at yo 1, w , ee e; going . to bring a , . • - . ., 'intitton-hea,a, home for dinner this ,veeeinge" ' , ., ,ccond , Bee e 0,/,,r -"Oh! .Thinens you to •:pee whent:e60.1 clen't boavd. ' ROYAL FATHER-IN-LAV1. THE VENERABLE KING CHRIS- TI.A.N OF DENMARK. He Is Is justly escribed As The "Father -in -Law" of Europe. One of the most remarkable "fam- ily gatherings" ever held in Europe assembled within the walls of Fre- densburg Castle, Copenhagen, recent. ly. Thera the venerable King Chris- tian entertained a number of impe- riot and royal visitors from diffehent parts ot the world, Most Of whent are his own children and their rela- tives by marriage. King Edwerd and Queen. Alexandra, the Czar and Czarina, and their four children, the Dowager Empress of EUS$M, the Queen of Greece, the King of Sweden, ana Norway, the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland were all there. King Christian is not only the oldest sovereign (he was born in 1818), but he may be justly describ- oft n.2 "father-in-law" of Europe. As lather of Queen. AleXandra. the Dowager loloapreee of Russia, the King of Greese. the Crowe Prince of Deutualic (who =rated Princess 1401,11SO, daughter of the late King Charles XV, ef Sweden), and Pince Waldemar, whose Witco wan the Princess Marie of Orleans, the King of Denneeric has links with the chief families who rule the nations of Europe. Although Denmark proper is little more than twice the size of Wales, the King's family are represented by close upon 21,000,000 square miles of the world's territory. Donapert in his wildest dreams could hardly have hoped to aeldeve by compicest what King Christian IX. has ota table& FREDENSBORG CASTLE, where this remealtable' gathering 0 erowned beads and their familees took prime, Is one of ten royal pal- aces. all situated within a, few miles of Copenhagen. Vretiensborg was a, favorite visit- ing place of the late Emperor of Russia. and tbe Empress. Tbe room whiat the Czar used on his last visit is preserved exactly in the sante state as be left it, ineludiag a plain, commonplace writing table, which the Emperor oue day bought at Copenhagen. After his terrible death the late (Moen of Deuinark took a great dislike to the castle, and it was left untenanted for a consider- able time. King Cbriation conducts his home life on methodical, perhaps almost rigid, lines. His imperial and royal guests will rise not later than eight o'clock, and breakfest en familia Walking, cycling, or clriviug will be indulged in until one o'clock, at which hour 'uncle will be partaken of. Then more open-air exercise, probably a. long excursion in a char- a-banc, which the Kiug himself, if he Consumptive People, CAN SECURE RENEWED HEALTH AND STRENGTH The Rich, Red Blood )lade by Dr. . Williams' Pink Pills Gives New Strength to Every Nerve, Fibre and. Organ of the Body. From the Budget, Shelburne, N. S. Among the young ladies of Shel- burne, there is none to -day who More fully bears tho impress of _perfect health than Miss Lilian Durfee. Un- fortunately this was not always the case, as a few years ago Miss Dur - fee became ill, and her friends feared that she was going into decline. A doctor was called in and prescribed, but his medicines did not have the desired. effect. Her strength gradu- ally left her, her appetite, failed, she had frequent headaches, was very pale, and finally grew so weak that a walk- of a few rods would com- pletely fatigue her. The young lady's family sorrowfully observed that, she was steadily failing, and feared that consu.mption, would claim her as a victim. One day a friend urged that she should give Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a trial, but the idea at first was not favorably en- tertained; it seemed hopeless to ex- pect that any medicine would help her after the doctor's treatment had failed. However, this good friend still urged, and finally prevailed. By the time the third box was used, there was an unmistakable improve- ment in Mist Durfeo's condition. Cheered by this, the pills were con- tinued, and in the .course of a 'few weeks the former invalid, whose strength was taxed by the slightest exertion, was almost restored to -health. The use of the pills was still continued and a few weeks more found Miss Durfee again enjoying perfect health. To a reporter who interviewed her, she said: -"I believe that Dr: Wil - liens' Pink Pills saved my life, and I earnestly recommend them to all Who fear that consumption has laid its grasp upon them." ' That the facts related above are not in any way.-exaggetated, is born out by the following statement from Robt. G. Irwin, Esq., the well known stipendary magisirate for the municipality, who says: -"I distinct- ly remember the pale face of Miss Lilian Durfee and the regrets of Mende as they expressed, their con- viction that she 'would soon be com- pelled to say farewell to earth. Miss Thule°, howeve„ carries the unmis- takable credentials of good health, and frequently expresses her indebt-. edness to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Pale' and anaemic girls, or young people with consumptive tendencies, will find renewed, health and. 'bOdily vigor through the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pith Pills. These Pills are an unfailing, cure for all diseases due to a watery condition of the blood, or shattered nerves. Sold by all dealers in medicine' or sent postpaid on receipt of 50c a box, or $2,50 for sie boxes, by- adciree.sing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Crood for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth Seasecdont 25c, Sozodont Tooth Powder 25. Lttrge Liquid and Powder 7.1c. AU stores or by man for•the price. Sample for the postage, ec. HALL 8a RUCKEL, Montreal. Should, feel equal to the exereion, may drive, as His Majesty is an ex- cellent whip. The younger members will in all likelihood organize lawn tennis matches, a. game much favoreci by the Present Czar. At eeven the royal visitors will sit down to dinner In the "Dome Room," the 'tersest and handsomest apartment in the castle. It can eeat seventy-five guests. The floor Is. or was up to quite reeently, covered swelitietlfarnomiintnler Gez aTru. gs'ldshrutig' estas pre - 1 t probably later eelJourn to the "Garden Apartment" for coffee. At ten o'clelek tea. will be ready for those who care for it, and by short- ly after eleven every ono will have retired. KING CHRISTIAN attributes his excellent health in ids advanced age to the early hours aod regular habits he has always adopt- ed. His rational, careful living was thing his father insieted upon. When the Ito Queen Louise mar- rie4 Prince Christian Of .fa'illleswig- Holstein-Sontierburg-Glucksberg there was no apparent liaeliltood of the bridegroom over becoming a, reigning sovereign. Gossips of the time thought that the handsome bride "might have done better." She was, however, deeply attached to the Prince, despite his poverty. So poor indeed, wore they that the Princess had to adopt all the housewifely de- vices of a lower station to Mahe the slender income suffice. It is untrue, however, that the Prince acted as drawing inastera. story whiali has Some credence. The late Queen Victoria, on the engagement of the Prince of Wales to the Danish beauty, sena over for te photograph of the Princess' bou- doir, thinking in her kindly way that the bride would probably like a. room in her new home furnished in the style she had been accustomed to. Great was the dismay at Copen- hagen on the receipt of this message, for the accommodation in the house had never allowed Princess Alex- andra such a luxury as a room to herself 1. The geniAl and unassuming nature of the aged King is well known. De- spite his venerable age, he may be seen on most line days walking =- attended, save by n. huge boar hound, through tho streets of his capital, making little purchases at the shops and chatting in a most unaffected way with people ho may ineet, and theta are often persons of VERY HUMBLE STATION. e One morning he entered Into eon- versation. with an old courtier, whom he eventually invited to par- take of refreshments. The two ad- journed to a. near -by restaurant ; but when the time came to pay, the King found that he had no money, and had to borrow the necessary wherewithal from a, friend who op- portunely entered the restaurant. Another morning the King espled a number of men congregated ox the esplanade. They were laborers oa strike for a reduction of hours and an . increase of wages. On his ap- proach the malcontents recognized His Majesty, and their spokestman explained the situation to him. The King was not entirely synapathetic. He argued the various points of the dispute with them for over an hour, pointing out thatothe manufacturers of Copenbageu were not so prosper- ous as the workmen appeared to im- agine, and that tegrant the strik- ers' demands would mean the deal- ing of a serious blow to the indus- tries of Deninark. The mc1 were not convinced, but they expressed their thanks for the adviee-which they did -not intend to adopt -tender- ed them by His Majesty in such a kindly and well-meaning way. Hg Majesty was greatly attached to the late Qdben Louise.. One morn- ing during her illness it was remark- ed that His Majesty looked fatigued. He admitted that he was. It ap- peared that the King had been in to inquire how The Queen was. Her Majesty complained that she could not sleep, and asked the King to allow her to rest against Inc arm. In this way she at last feu into a deep sleep, and fax fear of awakening her platting remained in this tir- ing position for several liours. , King Christian is more than popu- lar with his people. They are de- voted to him. This: is all the more remarkable when it is remembered that Denmark is probably the most socialistic country in Europe. • HIS PREFERENCE. "Sportleigh' is bound to be in style, isn't her?" "Oh yes! He'd rather be in style than out of debt!" At the great fur maakat at Leipzig there are yearly sold 6,000. bear skins, 51,000 of sable, 66,000 of otter, and • 60,000 of ermine. Very Dear to alim.---Leeturer: "What is' dearer to a man than his wife?" Benedict: "Her dresses." 22,000 dogs are kept for imating M the United Kingaom. Of these nearly 16,000 are foxhounds. Virst Boarder --What is the e act Meaning of "viands?'' SURGERY IN T.euz Scn:TDAZT. How Electricity Was Developed in the Resert. Good surgeons are often rano of great ingenuity, and there Are num- erous eteee$ on record of important and wholly satisfactory results AO- complished with rude appliances. A writer \elm was with the British army in the Soudan, gives, in a, New York paper, this illustration, of a, clever adaptation of litlettlIS to a. du. sired end :- After the battle of Omdurman we brought back to Abadiele one hun- dred auci twenty-one woundeal officers and men. Of this number there were , twenty-one cues of which an :tea comae diagnosis could not he made , by ordinary surgical means. By the belp of the Itontgen rays. however. we (bond the bullet or proved its absence in twenty out of twenty-one eases, the remairling, case being so ill with a severe wound in the lung that it was not' considered justifiable to examine hine at the time. 0! Course we lead, no eteto,ne engine to generate electricity for us, and the desert beat had dissolved our specially prepared candles into their Necessity, however, Is the mother of invention, and we had recourse to a unique method. The pulley of a. attaell dynamo was connected by means of a leather strap with the rear wheel of a tandem bicycle. Having c,arefully adjusteol the cir- cuit with the storage buttery, and also with the volt -rooter and am- ineter, a warrant officer took his position on the seat of the bleyele and commenced pedaling. ltben fit - ton volts and fourteen amperea were registered, the switch close to the handle Of the bicycle wes opened and the charging of the battery be- gun. As the resistance became greater senSation as of riding up -hill was experieueed by the Mall Olt the seat, and the services of o eteetulditional orderly were requisitioned for the front seat of the tandem,. As this bicycle practice owl gen- erally indulged in in a 'temperature of 110 tier:gees in the shade, the or- derlies were not sorry tvhon, at the end of half an hour, the switch was turned off and the machine brought to a, standstill. AFTER A LAPSE OF MANY YEARS A LETTER COMES TO LIGHT WHICH SHOWS T'Ffr. UN- DOUBTED PERMANENCY OE CURES BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Das. Edward Patterson, of Con- boyville, the Writer, -Her High Opinion of Dodd's Kidney Pills - Her Advice to Others. Conboyville, Ont., Oct. 21.-(Spe- cialo-airs. Edward Patterson, . of this town, is one of those who can testify to the laeting; nature of cures by Dodd's Kidney Pitts, tne reat Canadian remedy for all allectiona of the Kidneys. Mrs. Edward Patterson, accordilig to her oWn statement, is to -day in splendict health. leei rheumatism has 'earlier, and ' althougli it is ten yeers since then, it. has never re- turned beyond a slight tuucrt ta eolti weather, which a Dodd's leidney I -'ill or two immediately drives asvay This proves what has always been claimed -that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure permanently. Their ellects aro lasting -in feet they do. not merely relieve -they cure. Here Is Mrs. Pat- terson'e letter ':- ' "It is many years, perhaps ten Or twelve, since I started ttalting Dodd's, Kidney Pills, and then it was . not for Rheumatism that I took 'them. I was feeling miserable, did not know what ailed me. and while read- ing a paper. I saw the testimony of some one who had been cured by Dodd's Kidney ,Pills, who had beea feeling just' as I was, I got le box and found they helped me. I found also that niy Rheumatism teas not nearly as lead, for I had suffered for many years especially in cold weath- ers I have used dozens of bottles of medicines and ointnisets, but it always r eturned 'until. I 'used Dodd's ; Kidney Pills, and now I seldom have I a touch of it. I occasiohally get a ;box, perhaps two a year. I never hear anyone complain of Rheumatism but I advise them to try Dodd's kidney falls. 4 - CURING Tkel BLUES. i Just Tern 'Up the Corners �k Your IA well known doctor of Minneapo- ' lis,. who, . has made a specialty of nervous diseases, has found a new remedy for the blues." As no drugs , are administered, he has felt safe in experimentingwith), at least a half hundred melancholy patients, and now declares Manse I thoroughly satisfied with the, good ,esults of His treatment. Ills presceiption 'reads something like this: ','If you keep the corners of your mouth tureed Up you can't .feel blue." The directions for talting Are, "Smile, keep on smiling,' don't stop smiling." It sounds ri- diculous, doesn't it? Welty. juat try turning up the cornet's of your Mouth, regardless of your moo& and see how it makes you feel; then draw the coroers of your mouth down and note the effect, and you will be willing to declare "there's Something in it." The doctor treats his nervous Par- tidnt$ to medicine when necessary, but where the case is one of purely melencholy without bodily ill, he simply recommends the sraile cure. He bus the patient rean in his of- fice and smile; if it isn't the genuine article, it must at least be an Up - Ward curvature of the cornerseef the mouth. and the better feelings fallow inevitably. The treatnients are fol- lowed up regularly, and the patients all testify to their good effect. It takes considerable persuasion to in - due e some of them to aPPier the cure, and, of course, the greater number of patients are women, for when a man is blue he is bound to be bine in spite of everything. but a woman more easily persuaded to try to find a cure. The doctor declares that if persons will only draw down the corners their mous and uee steireeient will power they can aettially shed teats. On the other band, if they will per- sistently keep the comers of the mouth turned up pleasant thoughts will chase away the gloomy fore- bodiugs. His discovery grew out of an experience in his own home. Ms wife was of a. nervous and rather morbid temperament, and when in despondent mood he would cede, her to "mile a little," until the saying came to be a household Iola). But it brought abut good results, and then came the inspiration to try the same cure on others. Tee doctor has not patented his remedy, and it is free to all who choose to take advantage of it. W ea you leave used all t t Tea you now have, get a Fa:Stage of You will And it a delightful ohmage a Lead Packages, 23, ett„ eft and 60c. APPLES Pand(DULTRY Pctatcor ehostnute herProduce/ BUTTER EGGSroe • Urn hare ACV C13.0 et an sy coleareenoaa %eta we THE DAWSON DOMAISSION CO" Limitetif TORONT% The world grime 151 million acres of wheat. 115 million acres of rye, and lleto 311111140:4 acres of maize. 4.01,1m••••••••• Dearness Cannot ba Cure: heleeelopellearfesse oa they eaenet ;tee diseaeed peri!ierateftis:,e* 7,,Ep. 4%18914aso Zigai tgAi 1)i; • 49 • 44 • IVe 0144 eb Y,1!+ifi'Att)!A ithamed tande of the nineene firing et tes; feet hearing. and whee .- febrile c : deafness ie tbe rent. end unlese .; be inflame roatginfrag?Iginiti31,,,Vigi;u1‘atly,17.4"rigl etroyea forever; Moe eeeee Oet lar V.11 arc, cuteed by 0 turrh. within 23 eethittg' bet, an Ia. flained condition of the nielecoue sonata We win give One Hundred Daaarefor any case of be:lancet (catboat by eat rrlo that cen net be mired by liana Catarra Cure. Seed tor circulars. free. • F, J. CHENEY z CO., Teleolo, 0. Sold by DruggIstst.75e. Balla Fa,m1,y Pita Are the best. .6.0••••••••••••• ge rg tscsks.M. If yananf r. Cr:taaa Sa'tr,:r-ecie **047.4a -.,7r,. .s:. noes.. st.1 Sea Vst si.fls„7.ec gas g ewe, eteseerveee Mee aieve.e.Wee "zhwtillast fcv Cara aro4 Ra 4:4Wo,lewfa I 1.4:774 etreeteeereerget2 coairiamENT GONE WRONG. "This pie is excellent," Said the minister, who had been invited out. to tee, and Mrs. Bjeukins, being a church member, had to swallow iter pride and say: "Yes, I got it tet, the baker's." ,131.7.:C2COMI. C. 0. racirAraLS .e.r. Co. Dear Sire, -I have greet faith in aLTNARD'S LINIMENT, as last year I cured a, horse of Riug-bone, with Dr. It. Wilsen.e: the elmfrieen Journal five bottles. ,ef Healfh. New reewritew -"Jo.pariese It blistered the horse but in a letterril C,ire has kWith lin; highest en. month there was no ring -bone and 110 eon em lit of the Medical Profemeon fez, tee lameneeon y reason that ever wins eueh eneereemeet, s. aral proven -value. It is mealy DANIEL MURCHISONal.peedie for cetera in its vas; ue forms." Four Falls, N. B. e Japarteae Catarrh Cure is sold by all drug. gists. e coma nr...1 1;4 31,b Fore tt. &vary pocoy e.octl.cencatta.olgieu. re:44:0 4,t5'a.lz1, re:e.Sre tla cf. roaeicV .7.144uP^m exr_ttaco"'Isiorenar:;c:mPlar4rFiA, tr. ou'llocalZo..44-mc.r.lra me ate Iltiesi of1'I4e, atii$:TL,EN,13AtN1!0e11iftrir?f:74:117;anigrAClltilfart vi4x'e01E1%1,SeyeetVit1,1iV1rgiTiigty.4n%. r1,ek.yA.,Carar:4tor5Wtg thgy2wlv,o;c701ag114 :JO r:7.10 DIn5or15.sil:1ta ant ROYOU elan,17.1tly free. rntrielete ts elzmnqs!-17 nIstrtIle-..-.araueentiree;rcareeecta aerqrtteattu. wIttes tatrotwe Etl 4'.4104 2lt4la00PC.7 ar...C,aDataµlver..-71Calt1=Irkt,LCIcAY, Iivro O nfreavesee-weenseraie-atateeeee e • ' "ntQ. Oat. lt StiftlaTieN atEaltaNG Go.. nexelle To aneceerasse.4searee. eliesesearets L-2/.41`tr51,=',.aawiViitt-34ZUM:21r4Vat!iiigraera,!1"3; ernanatregerree-reacerre---- KNEW lifErt. MAN. He was deeperretely in love with her but laclied the courage to pro - paw. "Vas line," sae said. as :dee bent over bis hand, "inclieretee that you. have a long Rio before yoe, this one italleatee a, good heart: tido 01:0 5111 artietie temper:anent and this 0. Viet you lac% courege." Ileing 0, doll tend stabloora brute, elevoys reedy to prove other peorde he popped. The value of furrieture in. the 334 ith Wee is a little over 1300 rail- lion-. sterling. The .steepest rallway in the world i5 up Yee:noble. Otte gradient Gl fet in 100. Japanese Catarrh Cure NOT ONLY awn RELIEF, BUT PERMANENTLY ONES QATAR:R Vatartli Vent t.,:1,1tt Ca' rrrh and eoId umwria of ra tell It% Jeir.nese TWO E 4:4717 in ttto hes, to ,t Limit tr., tette. Note 'w• • t every ult,tor tunn eat.dtl.:ar Am 5'1 cl'tr'3eiflr aitAl wnin2 11:r•Y )7 en1IttaVe'llly tto'rni.o ti ous reeedeacatt caw C std. r In it, we +all s..e 1 a t.ial garn.ity, e'en: I .r weelti treatment, free. 41 .t 0;0 cnj }Iv:I:CIO:0 you Cral St tree - • van at yaw 417114 fir aefeaar 84 e:ait tattle, or we nil! to Ovate mot.11 1140 41T111. ZI;c3:47,o rut mangi for pastas., etc,, en 8.415118 and it yds be nu:riot/a asitnttley‘c.rrettrielTA ntLtilBlonttam: Address, The Griffiths sfi Maelleraon Latticed, Toaou o, Vara. GENTS WANTED FOR, 01.I11 Vooka °IAN of Wileane mettira tyged Preeldear„,' else cur *err e Family ILtires. A2busne„ • te. -Our a ow arid ouf ;ernes Cal A ..T2 iirc:328 ±1 10) mean '.1l or wriZe tar ai3ra and re' t itthga Vrigge, X•er:30. ts Reel; arse Publiseelea flaeotetiatentettnit VINGS AND LOAN etecke end debeet drawina c of hiterel end tekivre .1 reek ; sirs° peertent! lee for Envestreen unequal:All; reIz.ble agenti are'cra Wri e t the Clamp:erre eddreee Tcrae - ..r.ANTED-RELIADIS etMeT T as er travelLrig ezente, 01 r pert vane Liberel tei a on inesan, Ves fXpeartes gy,3•4414 Aleph, new. aTONt1 ee WELL 40...undix'st 0:eateat baireetles. Terce net. A. NY-ANTE:1-e: PEE DA1, ala thenen ar ladles -mit c nom tit employ acente pot:aloe ;emendate *ale pee year and expetses; re usb'e firm; tont referenees•'excarience unneeetearee A, O'KEEFEtaddrelsOD Treth Oiflc, Termite. owe cf the oldest end moo reliable thnnlitt Car:wire SVO,Vw er cearniesleci. le neive teratory. Oartit free. Poltein Nursere Toronto, 01311 - (PIM ROYAL VICTORIA LIFE INefalt. A.N1•11(1). invite epplteatione for esener in C.IStIleta at inesere unrepr000nted; teyersot Valuab.e tev:Ito :tel are avaelable te, suitable eppueentat 05, etienee not, indiseentann, Apply euperInttndent el Afenclea. 0 Kilo; 'Street It eor,Toreree. EDUCATIONAL. „. CExT/I.A.I. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 101t. ONTO. Twe:ve 'l\ acher. thie cove* merle elehry typewoiSna machines, remorn courgo, tborough worn invitee correspond. epee frOin &iq ere•03 perties, . Address W. D. Shaw, larineipal. 117.1.P WANTED. WeerrED-PARTIER no DO leNITTINta for us at home. We furnish yarn en END0R$20 BY 711E MEDICAL P1,10FESSION.intobine, Easy work. so d pny. Send tame ter earticueers. Standard Mae Coe Depti 9, aoronto,ont. .1.75511115.1.1=521.134=0,0134-= 1.5C1. THOUGHTFUL. "Say. looss," he began, "I don' Wit lit no money, I only ask yer pass me inter dat lunch joint buy mo sijuaro meal." "Poor maul" exclaimetl thropist. "I can't do 1 Among able-bodied men the yearly next man you ask may, dea,ths are ten per 1,000 for civil- f eesin tablet in case yo, fans. but only 6 per 1.000 for sol- yourself." The Baldwin Arctic Expedition is diem, end 8 per 1,000 for sailors in taking 20 balloons to carry ineneages the navy. . s • Lim . ed Cures Colds, et homewards when the wino blows ' south. They will release these Ines- For over veiny Years Mind sages automatically. Stop • 11*, Cowls anal works off the Cad. Lastatiwe 13romo-Quinine Tablets mire a cold In one day. No ure, No lay. Price '25 calla. 111011 GLAD •faellaeaSIISla hitta.Wirtrf,Oter SOoTnIxo Srizur has been mod by wale= er anothers for the.r children while teething. Itsoothes the child, toftt II? the g."nr, al.ars pain. 50018 wind wild:regulates the stomach and bowels, and tha heat remedy for Diarylrea. ti'nenty•S ye cents a bottle. Sold by caugotte throughout the world. Ifo sure ant bah for "z11+4. W1.1,SLON a Sooxnuta svietera To cross the Atlantic in four days a steamer must be 935 feet long, 87 "I have found out one thing about my husband," said the bride who wide, and driven at 30 knots by had been married before, "that sur - 110,000 horse -power. She would prises itie greatly." beton. 1,700 tons of coal a day. I -Ter friend moved up a little near- er so that they could -whisper, and Millard's Liniment Cures Distemper. asked: "What is it?" "Ills salary is just as he told me it was." as big .6•410.0.•••••••••••••110111 THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. 9 GRATEFUL-00MFORTING. BREAKFAST -SUPPER. ple2.112C12.....MAIsilWarr.b<0.1,9a1p*Ilail • In North Italy the ratio of child- ren attending school is .11$ per cent. of the population, in Central Italy it is only 6i, while no more than 4* is the proportion iro. Sicily. Minarn's Liniment lutes garnet In Cows. Each of the people of the British Isles averages 300 days work a. year allowing rest on Sundays, and 18 days of illness and holidays. 3,607 vessels • passed through the Suez Canal in 189e. Of these 2,660 were merchant ships, 736 .mail steamers, and the rest warships, or ships in ballast. Minard's liniment Cures Diphtheria. The biggest gorilla ever kilted has just been brought to Hamburg. It is seven feet high, and weigh& be fore stuffing thirty-five stone. TO (TRU A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al druggists refund the money if it fans to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 00. AT THE HOSPITAL.' "To be sure," said the kindly min- ister to the man who had lost 'both his legs in a railway accident, "you have been seriously injured, but you must be grateful that your life is sP`a'Yrced‘s,'''' said the sufferer, trying to look cheerful, '7 can't kick." • ADVICE TO A YOUNG HUSEAND. Dan't start out by giving your wit o advloe, but bring her home a packet of Your wife is very forgetful, isn't she?" "Yes, but not nearly so foie getful as I'd like her to be. Shel forever remembering that she's stili wearing her last summer's hat." W P. C. 1099 CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTIVIENT2 For all shin aliments, 3. 0. Calvert At Co.. alenethester, Englans Gents8Suits ned or Dyed ; also Ladies' 'Wear of all kinds, nod liouso nanrinrs of ovary description. GOLD MEDALIST DYERS. BRITISH AinnetateaN DYBINCI. COY. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa dc Quebec. Instrtonnonts, Dreams, uniforms no, EVERY TOWN CAN RAVE A BAND Lowest prices over quoted. Fine catalogue 500illustratiens, nulled free. Write us for any thing in 'Music er Unocal Rustrumeratq. WHALE! ROYCE 86 CO. Limited, Toronto, One, and Winnipeg, Man arid Sheet Iletal Werke ROOFINO ROOM°. SLATE, it Black Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS'. eVee supply eublicanaltedi Schools, Torontoh RafIng)velt, Coal Tar, eto. now:Isamu (See ow yOlty Butte- , Ingo, Toronto, done by our firm). Masa Callings, Cor., niece, cto. Estimates furnished for ork coMplete or 51 materials shipped to any part of the country, Phone 1961 13. DUTHIE A sonaedaiaide anitimerlta, Verona. Dortmlinion Una Stowilships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Lose pool. Portland to Livorpool. VM Quetta: ette:Cdmizn:Ptietnit3;4."00, urimnot, h fotr 41srligetliatmenaellF4ogrtpSateltrehrier °BanPloGlinsi" aancdc4ritmatIrl'otlial arc euedships, Special attention has been Oxen tO tb Second Saloon and ThIrd.Claas teeensmeastien, ete rata of pamage and all eartlotalltra, apply to anyaf magi 77 State St., Boston. Montreal and 7?ert51n