Exeter Times, 1901-10-31, Page 5TE EXhTE.E1 TILVILk:AS E. "A bad workman quarrels with, his tools' A maker of trcky shoes,. blames the Re - taller, for over pricing them, at Kt7theY look like. ObservetheMakers' responsible PI -Tc -i on "The Slater Shoe" WOO" ole Lot :4 TO TA TV- fROFt HERROWS TelOttWiTSed A FelWERFUL MODERN FORCE, "When, all is said history And na- ture present to -the common life but one prolalera, and that is the prob- lem of how to liberate the love en- ergy at the heart of things and or- gantze it for the leadership of the whole human Advance. To conseitees- ler and purposely outline a, human evolution and history for the will to love to work by; to se liberate awl motor the love energy that it may run, the whole world maelaieery: to effeet an economy that shall make love the sole producer and distribu- ter; to rem:tenet/ every gain or good or glory tbat love does not bring; to takO 10Ve Os the true religion and sure faith; to follow love as the on - 17 dee guide to truth; to abandon the world to love as its sole author, ity and complete liberty—to all of this is the common life summoned by the principle of its being—the princie pie of its economie and social devel- opment. POULTRY GROWING. . For the Ge3;kgri4 Vitr44er-L.- Tacupator and Ilea ntatehedtek The position ot the farraer with re - geed to poultry is entirely differeat from *bat of the specialist with a Jorge plant, To the farmer sueb informati-m Men Meet 'Week leigethen hie Deelerea as eee ratan jag levee h late, report at I tat, etet Mealy for eletrentee, Pitt foe Their A„ 0, 0nbert., manager of tho etteeheeh ,deitel--White hove in rellIticel le Ao,. experimental farms, is especially di - german. to wnis heeturere-Tbe Strap I rete ; Vasxuera Im.ve given inereaeed at - toe (hiring the past few years to the *racial hatching and rearing of ebickens, which Um been pursued by two methods.; By Ailing' the Incubator and, begin - Wog operations in late VebruarY or arly Yareb. By deferrin notching operatioos bad gt run outside, ale le efeture. Pref. George D. lieros nee gccture on '•The Will of Love,- eo tabled tirrse paragraphs: olilvery power, or force, or ene efsget, When ;dialyzed through and beck again, when reduced from, what it lee= to be to 'what it is, turas cut to be a love power. la physics, loVe is the law of aterectiou. finding the atanities of things, and so ereate tug a plaint or newer. In conecious lite, love is the adhesiva ttt create tive Pro/Jell-ea milting beast. to be . Iwiding Man to mato bringitig feral, 44, hites, a e state, a religion: briPah;g• forth the deeds we ea good and the deeds we call evil. Mt politics, love is democracy; de - =array is the love dream o tho %mime life, yet to be reelize4 through the whole range et our ace theitiee arid ;elation% An termsofeot elal philoeopity. love is 0-5510CitlitiOnt the power of aqsociatiort laaS AilVelY31 Urn in itS afabieation arid effort to- ward e. life etubraeing Away, in which the full bloesorning Ot each ilea- eidual would be freely willed mid tie. USW!. ePiritual necessit,v. In ecoe *nude term% love is co-operation; the elemental Ideal of socialism is that of a world love -organized. in neSential religion. love ia the fellow- ship of eaeh man 413 a, lover with the whole round of human, experience. here Is, indeed, no other kind of power than love power for either the individual or the collective mon to "Viewed from its night NiaN na- ture seems to have conditioned man's on O. program of etruggle and bate, of greed and blood. The survival of the strongest in eeldeli Might and cunning was the story the Older evolutionists had to tell us. But the nesver evolutionists are tel- ling ttS tile IOW story of nature end of Social development. Within the evolution which looks like an, end+ less orgy of blood anl devouriug struggle, within the natural and hu- man monsters that havd' made the earth a scene of anguish and waste, the will of love is soon to have been steadily working toward self -realiza- tion in a world without struggle. •='Tho things that are red in toot1.1 and claw devour one another; they that come to power by the sword perish by*the sword; the competitors build the monopolies that destroy their corapetition; the monopolies re- treat before the co-operation secret which they unwittingly divulge. And love remains, with a fair and bound- lessly forgiving earth of exhaustless resources to organize. Black and overwhelming, mighty and all -present as the forces of unlove have been, they perish with the works of their ownhands; one by one they vanish as the mists, while love shines upon golden fields of co-operative oppor- tunity, which. are to be the real the - human history. 'Innen history is seen from within and its 'whole perspective surveyed from the centre of some world cri- sie,-the will to love may be seen 'as tts source, and the ever-increasing leader of the centuries to their goal. "Tyranny is btin misused force. Despotic power has always had- to Misuse the love forces of the comion. life in order to be. No despotism could stand without finding an affin- erViee with those it oppressed and erushed. Caesar, Cromwell and Napoleon each began as a friend and deliverer of the people; the railway xaagnate must heel you over his rail- way; the industrial monopolint must furnish you with products; the church must make you think of your soul. The moment the most despotic pow- er altogether refuses, to be responsi- ble, the moment it no longer listens to a single whisper of the soul of service soniewhere within it, that moment it '-eeascs to be. Whenever the will to love has gone clean out - of the -throne or centre of any kind power, then the power itself . has melted away tvibh the shadows. A pure despotism is but an itujout3e im- agination—the like of it could not exist 'In reality, love has always been law, and no other law has ever been at work; by no other law has the world ever been governed or judged. But our ignorance and lack ter co-op- eration has compelled love to govern ns 'retributively. The tragedies of history are the collisions of the blind will to have with the love will everywhere at work. Indeed, noth- ing so fully enares men in the face as the fact that selfishness cannot per- manently or worthily build any- thing, no inee I er how honored or an- cient its inst !Oti OTIS and customs. Our iustitutions and systems , will ronthaue to Le' turned and -overturn- ed until they hecome the perpetually lluid expressioe „of the cosmic love - until the hens ba nil as a result their ems will batch tter. n eonnection with tile second ethedunless the farmer bas a. brood. Aimee eairioe inasegeepoorioet, barneee 'worst kiud of a coin, bleat/on, f Euretm ilarness *It orgy makes the beraess end.tbe am 4ocip better. IA* mates the temeerseteateielletteeetsitie von- 151 ditto*, to 10.4 Woo **long Ordiutcrily ,41 vknA--ak UA -4 friPERIAL. 'Aeon OIL CO, Give Your Horse a ,443artaco I quince, mid eventually become stand- ards. This wi ' also give fruit I eerier. The earn be done with . the dwarf apple t desired. X e .e tree now have Sneli a Pth• doieg well. tly plum lie chicteos ditt tbe best at the Canadian feriae. In the ease a hen .hatehed chickens the latter were permitted to. remain in their nest for 24 or 00 boors, when,, with the mother hen, they were placed in n slatted coop en 'the grass outae. The ceop., was so. arranged that it eould besecurelY closed at night while ventilation, Was Seeered. Through the slats the alias could run On the grass .outside, whilethe hen re- mained inside. On the fleor of the • imp Was Sand to the depth of two tiebes. On tainug the mother ben from her nest she was givei. food and 'water. She Weilld be more likely to brood the ebtelts contentedly after be- n^ fed than if hungry or 'thirsty. ElOW incincle Greea Oage, DevaY, ate prune, tea- periel Gage. ee Japan plums will grow V. i 1 would surely have the A . Burbank, Wick- sonand fl hurple. These Jap- ans are a acquisition and, ' properc.ly and ripen;(1, their , quality . me better than is i geuerally le • ' d them." ...-,-,------ CANAL', ' LO Pnan. rArna era Appear 'nen 4fore` titan es , spring are farraers giving en ion to the deems of the reed pea. as a soilbag axid hay crop. There are nutuer varieties of the field pea. M cultivation. The cut shows a, blue kind AS grown in thiS ' country -In the Dominion the acreage of field peas is aleaut the same ati t that of winter wheat. The field pea is sown in early ' spring at the proper time for seeding grain, using trom 0 to le bushel* of orpid Liver tettraes responsible for diftleuet di- . that 15. DYSPEPSIA, Zit is, beaded*, dizziness, constIpatlop, t fits of despondency, t fears of linagieary evils. coudeee Je distre”i efri .27 c.0GOE,,,,, the tiOntlaeel et,0111n. r• • .."P:1 in the mouth, e. - »» 040 life of the suf. .. s»s, tpd liver In • t . rsa 12ta St, VAS a great sufferer. In eer teeth year la it and paifls, as4344berlsi 'oci's Sarsaparilla =la tai t.11 Um digestive Orgelln. dyspepsia, end ere pennanent vigor me to the Wimie system. MONEY TO LOAN. Sntherland butes Co. LIB We litaveruniimited Private hautsfer invest- 'pp '01.10"013"1->T,, : D To R (.154,sit went upon farm or village property at lowest "`• retes of iuterest. DICKSON .4 CARLING Peeeter. ONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of Private funds to In43res4 F, GLAABIAln loan on faxm. and village properties at low rates 1 ()TIBER TINE/ER ELfivi Barrister xi St. Exeter. AIEDicAx, DRARi,1 gil‘ • . 15' L'.'%40wroimxi l'onity Maim ) 5113»,Oillee-Orcdtao • T (3.„1 1.1 . orwanfete vletotio. xoviridtr fafrixgvierr.suidenee. Dominion labera. I DICKS London, and fart= 00150 NOOTH— Paaseoger. Loudon. depa . 8.15 a. at. 4.401a 1» Centralia ' S.1 550 Exeter 9 tr. es Beeson 9.11 6.15 Kipper% Ona Brucetteld .. ant 0.33 Clinton - ......., ..... . 10,15 6.55 Wingloaro..AVVINV.,11.10 SA OING SAWA.. Passenger Wingloani, depart ..- . 518, aItt, ins has. Clinton . ,. .. .... . 7,474.25 Brueetiela .. .... .„.... 8.05 4.49 4.67 502 544 5,2,5 542 117.$ AND CIILIC'EnNe IN' COOPS ON' GRASS. ing house, wbieb permits of Lis being ndepentlent of outside temperature. lae will bay° to content himself with /embitter and outside brooder. Ells outside brooder is placed on the rap- idly growing grass, and with proper are and food the '''oung chicks will be foiled to maize famous progress. At the experimental farms when the bens became broody they were set in wooden boxes placed In vacant pens In a house. The wooden nest boxes con- tained no bottoms and bad a binged door in front. The nests were made of dry lawn clippings, which Were mind to answer the purpose much bet- ter than cut straw. Grain, grit and drink water were constantly before the sitters. On being made the nests Were tboroughly dusted with a disin- fecting powder, and so were the sitters before being put on the nests. It wart found beneficial to place two or three china. eggs In the nests as arranged and allow the broody hens to sit on them for a day or two. The sitters having proved reliable, the china, eggs, were removed and replaced by the valuable ones. in the morning the doors of the neSt boxes, which bad been closed from the previous day, were opened and the sitters allowed' opportunity to get out for food, water and a short run. In early spring, when the weather Is likely to be cold, the sitter should return to her nest inside or ten minutes. Tbe foregoing details are all important in the successful hatching of chickens by hens. Late April and May hen hatched se af Cod Liver Oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and When - appetite fails, it re- . . stores it. When food is a burden, itlifts the burden. When youlose flesh,it brings the pi -limpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food-. But wha.t is the use of food, when you hate it, and can't di- gest it? Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is thefood that makes you forget your stom.ach. If you have not tried It, send for free sample, Its agreeable taste will surggenTnr AIL.ROWN E. Chemists. Toronto. 5Oc.sand 61.00 ; all druggists. Intnint of;a„ Pella The Cr011 is ready to cut. for ha Y when nearly ripe, Tito yellowing of the Iva vines and pods marks the $11.10101 , . proper time for vatting. purtant it Is to haTh carlY 01,04 Analyses show the peas to be arefully bro is well known to all either food titan 'wheat, bran, xperieneed del's. The ratiaus field pea is en exeellent seen adopted were stale bread crumbs, fol. in g crop for late spring and early lowed by stale bread soaked In milk suraraer us..„ furnishing a large am - nil squeezed dry; this for a. day or mint of succulent forage which. is two. When graoulated oatmeal was relished by cattle. It deserves wider given. Crusbed corn was not given ure cultivation. II after eight 41ayS, and whole wheat was not fed. until the twelfth or four- Iresecure leountlatIon. Nothing eau be built on falsehood. No institution, no ollicial reputation, no work can fail eventnally to suffer, when the dawn of truth reveals that aso by misstating facts, exaggers and overdrawing de - eentis day. 4.8 the chicks great a mash composed of Shorts, cornmeal, tale bread and a small quantity of prepared meat was mixed with boiling skimmilk, allowed to cool and was giv- en three or four times per +lay. hIllk riptions. And yet so many work and water were both furnished fer I on the hien of booming by extravet. drink. gent atatements, which. mislead for a time, and then react with destruce tion of confidence in n.11 concerned. now Lentz to Grow the Same Plants, Beaus may often be grown for ten yenrs in succession upon lbe same ntl and peas even longer, but egg- pinets Wive been foutal to deteriorate after the third year, and tomatoea, melons mei most other vegetable fruit 'quiets need new laud frequently, If not i,very year. FRUIT FOR CANADA - treat to enent on lire Acres to Get Bost Mend ts. Canadian fruit tree expert, who was asked what tress were best to plant two acres with fruit trees for private use, gave the following sen- sible reply, which, may be of rand- terial aSsiStance to others similarly interested. **The VarietieS I shall nanie, are se- leeted from the older and well -tried al at. The =tear productions n.eed .her trial, and It is a question whether we are really getting much choice qualitx ia our new sorts, on the whole. Size, productiveness, and appearance have been tree dominant features aimed at. "Beginning with apples and as- suming that a succession is desired, I would name Summer Rose, Early Harvest, Primate, Sweet Bough, 'Willie me' Favorite, Gravenstein, Richard's Graft, Summer Pippin, Westfield, Seek -no -Further., Fanaeuse, Mouse, Grimes* Golden, Wagener, Rhode Island Greening, Northern Spy, Esopus Spitzenburg, Porter, Jonathan, Yellow Bellflower, and Newtown Pippin. This I regard as the best list af twenty sorts that cans be named from standard varie- ties, and you will make no raistake in selecting from it. If confined to a dozen sorts, would select Early Harvest, Primate, Sweet Bough; Wil - lianas' Favorite, Richard's Graft, Gravenstein, Fameuse, Grimes' Gol- den, Wa.gener. Rhode Island Green- ing, Esopus, Spitzenburg and New- town Pippin. But 1 would try and find room for most of the others by using Paradise stocks. Some of these do • nicely on these dwarf stocks, making very handsome little trees that take up much less room and begin to bear at once, with good' culture. If I could have only two varieties, they would be the Esopus Spitzenburg and Newtown Pippht, Ana if I had to wait a few years for them to bear, I would buy the apples of somebody, somewhere, in the meantime, if I could, even at the adVaneed price demanded. The difference between a good apple and a bad one is verte great. "As to pears, submit the fol- lowing list rom which to select, viz: Madeline I lin o der o od, Wilder's Early, Tyson , Summer, Doyenne, Dar !lett, Clapp' s Favorilte, ' Sekel, I3ose, Anjou, White Doyenne, Dana's Hovey, Josephine de Mathias, and Winter Neils. TX necessity.' re- quired, Dloodgood, 'Madeline, Tyson, , a,nd Howell might be left out. But I I would have some on the quince stock and save the whole list,. as pears can be grown much closer Limn ap- ples. And if desired, the dwarfs eafi be planted rather deeply, so that the pear may take root 'above the IT IS WM YOU MED. •••••••0•••••••••1•••••• Paine's Ce4e:y Compound. Cured Mr. 3. 13eechinor, of Shiloh, Ont., of Rheuma- tism and Sciatica. It Matters Not How Serious You Troubles Are, The Great Com- pound Will Permanently Cure You, 0.••••••••w• Autumn months bring rapid weather eininges disaetrons to all who suffer float rheumatism. Pains and tortures increase seven -fold. and death reaps his harvest from the ranks of rheuma- tics at this season. If yon are a sufferer from any form of rheumatism, cast aside the medi- cines that you have too long experi- mented. with and test the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound, that great specifiefor rheumatism that has work- ei such marvellous in all parts of our Dominion. Mr. Beeclunor pernien- ently cured after five years of suffer- ing, urges the afflicted to use the remedy that saved his life. Be says: "For five years I suffered from .sci- atica and rheumatism, at times being so had that conld not walk or put my hand to my mouth. If I attempted to do env work would be crippled for weeks. took medical treatment, patent. medicines, Turkish and mineral baths, but all failed to meet my case. tried Paine's Celery , Compound, and after using six bottles feel like a new .men, and can do a hard day's work and feel tone the worse for it. have also gained in weight, and can trnly say I am permanently cured." The body -of the old man found dead at the corner of Brooklyn avenue and Abbott street-, Detroit, early Taesday morning has been identified as that of Louis Von Guenten, an old watchmak- er, who had lived in Methane On., for many years. Von Galen ten had many aequaintances in Detroit, and visited there quite frequently. Constipation Does your head ache? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia, 23c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a betotiu1 brown or rich black? Then use - he BUCKINGHAM'S DYE tgfr s kers 50 OM 0F DRUGOISTe, On la, P. HALL A CO., 1511130/5, ...Kipper* ••,-.•......... ata ileusau tett Exeter 8.35 cent:alio, .. 2.46 937 DIARRIED ReheNthe Abliite'XInT-- At Detroit on Tuen5tt6o 4114 inst.. Mr. Geo, lireuner. to Mite Martha Albietlit. both former reeldents ist Hay Township, wiirrznu-RIA.KIteUER.-...i.t the rettdeace of the brides parents, .Mr ad Mts. Aartin Heercher. Bronson lice, on Wednesday even- ing..Oct. 23, by the flee C. n. intinliatner. of Monett, 61r. Edward Sweitzer. of ntreniton. to Miss Adelina gam -cher. of May Ton nship. Bletnirtre, at the residence et the brides parcuts. lir. and 61r.s. Inapt ltruee. on Wednesday evettittantlnata Mlis Mare A. Bruce and eir. nautuel Mar- riott, of ifiatishaed, (10t1.11 -1,10.1114-111 SA. Marva al alto rest. deuce of the brides parents. Mr. toot Mrs. Wm nearta Vnetineolny evenion Get. na alias Eine Morn and Mr. Bert (nand, of St. :Marna, DIED si.31rive. on Sunday, Oct. %Ili. thewant eon of et, te. Ilex. viurE%-tuSt. Mann. ountioday. Get- feth, lnel. Annie Wbite, relict of the late David White. eget 55si12 montlet Crediten, on lite 270 inst., &Alta aricob Either. tined 71 nears, 9 months ann days. S11I:X/4ER nal Pashwood. 00 Sunday evettion, Oen :nth. obtain Shetler, at the ege of tl year...4 months aitd ten days. _ PERFECT CURE FOR, 13RON- CIIITIS. LEGAL. CARLI Barristers. Wining's. Notaries. (onveyance Conintissionere. nolicitora far tekou 1$,Talc.vta, nircney toireati at lowest rates el interest. %Trois ;-i4I s'rnEE'r, 11. C.4131111f0, n.sn la Et, PICIanois GL.A.DIV scessur to Elliott 3 1,n4ntau) Burbtor, QIitO Notary .ConveyanQer, Etc, liatiney to loan on Farm and village erties at Lowest rates .of interest, OE MAIN STREET EXETER This disease earl be treated only by a, remedy carried to the affected parts along witb the air breathed, for name intended these organs for the passage of air alone. and spraysatomizers and internal medicines utterly fail. But Catarrhozone doesn't fail, for it goes wherever the air breathed goes, and its healing antiseptic vapor is sure to reach every allected part. Catarr- hozone is inhaled at the mouth and after passing through every air cell of the breathing organs is slowly exhaled through the nostrils. Catarrhozone protects and heels the inflamm ed sur- ces, relieves congestion, allays in- fta and perfectly cures ail bronchial affections. Price SI. Small size 25c„ at druggists or Poison & Co„ R.-iugston, Ont. lp raw, • TO COREA COLD TN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tabet,. lets .M1 drugalsts refund the money if it 1&Ie toeuEo Grove's signature is ou each box. San FOR OVER FIFTY mats As ULU AIM WELL-TRIEP ItEIVED7.--ArrS Wineoties Soothing Syrup hat been used for over fifty years bymillions of mothers for their childrea while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays pain. cures -wind colic. and is the best remedy for Dlarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. 33e sure and ask for Mrs Winslove's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Exeter, Ocr 30th, 1001. . 61 10 Go 33 to 31 ...40 to 42 -GC to 0.5 -II to 15 11 to 11 8 to 8 5 to 5 .0 o 5 7t0 7 16 to 17 Wheat per. busbel Oats Barley-. -*- Peas Butter Eggs Turkeys Geese Chickens per lb Ducks wool. Dried Apples:. .. . to 6 Pork; live -weight 57.00 to 87 CO Children Cry for CASTOR IA. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The fac- simile Of signature • of '1. A4: 474,702. WANTED Responsible Mantig,,r (integrity unquestion- able) to take charge se* distributing depot and office to be opened in ("amide. to further busi- ness interests of old e tablished manufaetur- ing concern, Salary $.50 per month, and ex- tra profits, Applicata, must have 8140 to e2000 cash, and good. stand 'g. Addrese, Supt., P. 0. Box 1151, Philadelphia, 'Pa. ARM FOR SAL F E In the township, of Usborne, lot B. and south half of D, concession 8, Usborne, containing 150 acres, 20 acres of hardwood bush, thi co acres of young orchard, two dwellings, brick and frame, now bank barn, 51x68, with power wind mill, pig. sheep, hen and drive house. This i farm is n a first class stets of cultivation, eon- yenient to church and school For terms and particulars apply on the premises, or to SAMUEL PLewr, Morden P. 0. Ont. FORSALE---BRICK RE- SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE OF LAND IN EXOTER-We offer for sale en reasonable terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated oh Lot No. 86, south .of Huron Street, Exeter. There is ereeted upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick 'dwelling, ids() the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and hos 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre Of land and is excellently adapted for garden in or fruit growing, There is a plentirtil sup- ply of hard and soft water. The property is up to date, and the terms easy, for partioulars 55 - ply to DlorcsoN & GAELING"baxristers Exeter, or to A. E. Rouen?, Rew P. 0„ Penne, U. S. A., proprietor. DFST.41, - ElTRER STANDING OR IN THo LOGS, APPIY t''E. 0, litessely KINSALAN, L. 11.6. AND DU. A. R. EINSAIAN. D. S. D. D. 5., lionor Graduate of Torciato Voinensity. Dentist. / Teeth extracted without pain or tad after etfects. Office in Pate Knee Meet, West nide of Mau et, Eatter D.A. ANDERSON. (D. D. S. DENTIST. Bever Graduate at tbe Toronto Iteiveteite;• sod itoyal College of Dental Surgeoes of Ontario, with boncre Mo nangraduate .of Chicago taboo) of nieetnelic 11/ail faith bonorable nantloo. Even thitrn 'mown to the Denial l'refennen done in this otitee. Bridge worn, crowns, al,i! Inutunun, gold er;d VOIcallite VAX". Oil done in the ccatest =mar possible. A perfectln lt toneless unaesthetic d foi yell/tete eetree. den. Otnce tine dour icnlh of Canilug Bro"nstete ! W.A.TNIZLOO IltrrOAT.i ElitE INSVItan C 1 80, nattonlion t it della, fiE AD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT 01.10 Company Iles bete over 'Nettie -el -4i ;cars in successful operWien in Wenern vuletitnand continues 10 imsnreagaieSt IOSS dee pee W. nire.Merehanaiso Mat aliments nail all other descriptioas of it emetic property. Intending Insurers have iLc co lion of instal Pe en the rromiumNoten tart reettne Dunes Ibe post teit scars Otis company has inuetin, A Pol lel es. coverine property to tho atm net 01 ,5 »U zed ride mimes alone $.711.,,nata A ssista.. te 170,100.0 0 consisting of Cash in 1 ton Government 1 teensit and theamasses- sed 114,2011m noes on band tool In force. .n Mton. n1.11.. inesideta; u 'tenon scerttary ,31.111: rm.% Inevecter . MIAS. t‘tnt for Exeter end vicinite. FARM FOR SALE. The inalersitated otrers Lot 16, con, 5. Town- ship Stephen, for sale, at a reasonable price. There is situated on the premises a dwelling, good tank barn, orcnard, is well fenced and drainedaand flint -class clay for the manufac- ture of either brick or tile. For particulars apply to 48-jy-3m JACOB SWEITZER, orediton P.O. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Vanson's briek block and dwelling,in Exeter, for sale. Tbe brick block is well situated. on Meml. street, is 70x55 feet, three storeys. and contains four staresl offices end hells, allleased. This is the best business stand in town. The dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains 10 rooms, is admirably adapted for a boarding house. The property must be disposed of. Terms easy, apply to D. L. Vanson, Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres of good clay land in ;the Township of Ray, in the county of Huron, lot 7, con. 12. Good 'buildings, consisting of frame house, bank barn, driving shed, and all out- side buildings necessitry. All clear with the exception of I acres of timber. Your acres of valuable fruit orchard. Well fenced and under - drained, and under a high state of cultivation well watered with a beautiful sprlivbrook. School and churches very convenient. The property is 1 1-2 miles north of Daslawood. a very beautiful locality, Must be sold for the proprietor's health has failed. Apply to GEO. DIETETACH Dastwood, Ont. :Bargainsitt FOIMMA.X., R11TE1a. Olr As we„are anxious to clean out our stock of Bicycles we have decided to offer the balance of our stock At Cost for Cash, Our 'Wheels are all high grade with the best fittings and ;nos o em oug a Special Low Prices, If you are in need of a wheel call and see what we offer you. Exeter Roller Mills Flour 'bolesand ttal, Mill feed on baud. Qualit rst-elass,. PR/CRS RIGRT. R517) Wt1fT Wil NT au. RtnnusT PUICES PAID. Wood Wanted, J• Cobbledick & Son TWEEDS Cost Price. FOR THB NEXT 15 DAYS, — oca Assqrtnieut ANTINGS ene tbese lines at once 1 -INS, Tic Preolor- Wagools Wagons. We are agents for the celebrated Walkerville Wagons Our Pianos and Organs,Sew- ing Machines &c., are of the best makes and prices reasonable. Music and .Music Books al- ways in stock. Also all kinds of sinall. musical instruments on sale. MARTIN. THE BEST MADE, F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. CRE3DITOIN Roller Mills MMIMIIMIPM.11•101•10111•MINIMINIIII Our mill has been remodell- ed with the Gyrator System and people tell us they now make better bread than bak- er's when using our flour, Gristinu ailci Glloppillo Don Promptill. H. SViEITZER. BROWNING 'S fug s(tote ileadoilarters For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and NervelTonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any :of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and eurmg properties. Al Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Laboratoru- It has been proposed that a Fat Stock thove be held in Clinton during the week preceding Christmas.