Exeter Times, 1901-10-31, Page 2SECURITY.
Oen tilite
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Sao Fac-Siml
Teat email area as ewe
to take as severe
CARTEgS "'3r4 agE.
pills. row COIMPR.
• gates, might, be heal _ the
step 0 the wetchman on his sof:it:try
beet. ; sileuce butte in air. save 116
'Sente peseerby roited the- 'oteestiett,
"telturen. witae of the niolit ?" ;
The emeients divided them eight
into our parts -the jirst watch fl010
I, 6 to V the eecond from o to 1. the
•third from 12 to a. mei the thurill
t from 2 to O. I speok now .4 the city
!in 'Lig third; wetch. or from 12 to. a
' 1 never weary of nothing :Kum tile
life of the city in th. Mat. evatele
' That is the hour witeit tee eteleo ore o
eloilinet- The lalaoriug nati, Itee Tug nett like those beaettpa diadem, ern,
!quitted the seitnolding anal Vie shop. sellted in liaptistu. This little one
Iare on their way home. It rejoices never smiled. It nevet. will smile.
'me to give them ray seat in the etty •A flower flung on an awielly barren
ear. They eave slued awl Itunimeeed ibeat:h. 0 Ile:teenier Shepherd, fold
i away en /ley. Teeir ice!, at'4,t WtItyy. ,, around you .or shawl oe yeur
the gold wnstl pleetitier of Joseph and his father. .. te-g
he was about to leave eatiann, the He elta:1 i ante to •IIIs throne, there
Thee' ttirf? e10.111,WW41 Ni113 tiV, tog, ,7 t.., -Kit, tighter. fee will he lite for .all Israel and, bleee-
t • J.twoh's isitervieW with Pharaoh, Ja- ' fox. MI the world. As long ,
N% -'1':i.• They are lat tit::,' sitt:. Y. ifb eiweeps throtigie
weft Strite another match. Ah. is it . rthet ealAn abode in Egypt. the prom -
Every- Moral Teacher Stands Guard
or Patrols the Wall.
Mato•ed aeourAing to AO of. trm razi4z01 04 W011111 110t ask t110,t if yott ever heard
ceueae. in the seas Ooe Thoasand Nine tinw
dreol Ont1 One, by Wialoce Vaily,o; Torhe onto, at tbitter me: of a name or I
te t. 01111(1
the Dokosty,ont a ',pit-4;mo, OttaWa.1 . when, tehe meet gO he the oleo_
A despatch froM Wasitingtou spew. 111°12s. 0- -Oh," Y°°, saY, 4"t:11°Y itre
-Itev. Dr. Talmage preached from
the text, Isaiah Kai, 11, "Watchman,
What of the night ?"
When night came dome on Babeion.
Nineveh and Jerusolent, they needed
careful watching. otherwise the in-
coudiary's torch might ho-ve beea
thrust, iato the very heart of the
metropolitan splendor. or eitenaies.
marching from the hills. might have
forced. the gates. Ail uight loog. ort
top of the wail anti in front of the
tl n asured
CURE 510k lik:ACIAGREI,,
'VICIOUS poor. and.therefore they do
not deserve our sympathy Are
they 'vicious ? So much mere need
they ; Your pity. The Christian
poor. God Oelps- theta.
• Pass on through t•he Alley.: Open
the door. "Oh." you say= "It is
locked!" No, ie not locked.- It
hes never been totted. No burglar
would be tempted to go in there t
stoli ArilYthia.lg. Only as broken chat
statute agalitst the :door. Sitteee 11,
teen.. Go in. Striae a, match. Now.
1 !-
those glaring eyeballs. Ile eareltd-
aliat yon soy. Do not ueter
any' iesult, do not utter ens sitsph=
(ion. U you veine your !tie. Whet is.
that red •marie on the Wall? It is
the mark M a murderer's band!
'Look at those two eyes risiiig up
'out of the darkness Itrel 014 frOW,
the straw itt the hornet. .eoming eta -
ward yoe. and its they mile neer
'on your light Leroes out. Strike an-
t- matele Ae.- this it babe.
Act, the third: A troman, waiting
Lox staggering steps old garments.
stuelt into the brolten wintlow paee;
marks of hardship on the face; the
biting of the of bloodless An-
gers; neglect and creelt,v and de-
spair. •Ring the bell and let the
Act the fourth: • `Three graves in
ClEy:kr plAce-graire M the chile
that died. tor leek of medne: grave
of the wite that • died of a brokee
heart, grate M the men that died. ot
dissipation. Oh, what Weston
heath with three graves! _Plenty of
weeds taut no flowers„ Ring the bell
and let the curtain drop.
Act the fifth: A destroyed soul's
eternity; no light, no Musie; blael.
ness ot dareness forever. But I eau -
not look any longer. Woe! 'woel
elose my eyes to this last act, of the
tragedy. Quick, quick! Ring the
tell and 14 the curtain drop.
• 0 young man, in thy youth.
and let thy heart rejoiee in the days
M thy youth, but !mow thou that
for ail these things Gent will bring
,Oige into jeidennent.'"1There is et
way that, seeinetb right to a, man,
but the end thereof is death."'
VE15173E13, 3.
Text of the Isisson, Gen. 1, 15-
26. G•oliden Text, Rs, ace., 12.
Again. we are called to pea% over
litany Most interesting and profitable
items, but we trust that all teach-
: •
era will note at least the followmg
Goats gracious and comforting in-
terview with Jacob at Beersheba. as
180, Abreham 17, so that Joseph's
lile WOS COIOPEtTaXitrely $11Ort, bUt
how much of -blessing for litotisands
tied tens of thenseinds there was in
it, and wbat ausamottet of fellow -
Ship with Christ ! we are here tor
Christ, He will see to it that we
abide His appointed time, then we
shall rest awl shall stand in our lot
at the end of the days (Dim. xii, 13).
24, 25, "God. will surely visit you
and bring you out at this land.”
God had told A,bram that Ihe would,
and Joseph, Bite Abram, believed
God (chapter xv, 14) and took an
ooth ef Ins brethren that when they
went they would take Ids hones
along. This they did as they Ined
promised aud buried them in She-
ebeni (Joshua xxiv, 32). This is the
one thing mentioned of joseph
Heb. xi, 22, " faith Joseph when
he died inade mention of the depert-
ing of the children of Israel and
ffaVO COLOOlandlnellt Ooncerning his
bones." Joseph was sure that how-
ever long the Waiting time might be
the protoises ot •God would be nele
filled. This bo had learned in his
own experience. We are reminded of
Sgun. xxiii, 5. Those who have
like faith with Joseph aud David
eXpect. to NW P-11 the unfulfilled pro-
mises eimeerning Istrael yet literally
fulfilled. See Tea. ix, 6, 7 ;, Jet'. 111.
1?; xxill. 5, 6 ; Ezele. :Xxxvil. 21-
28. and all others according to etas
26. "They eMbalmed him. arid he
was put in coffin in Ngypt." What
a strange ending to this first book
in the Bible lt oegins with life,
but ends with death, but, the Bible
ends with life everywhere on earth
end death deetreyed by the grace ql
our Lora Jestie Christ (Rev. xxii.
xxi. 4, 5). whoebecause of
sin became a, sia Offering, a sacrifice
for sin atel died for our sins. When
tipeetitee tharpetael on ti,u •, , . t oh blesaiug Josepli anti nis two , tee 10 Abeam in Gete eel, en. was
terienee, weeel and the earrendit Possg eo etat toe scarreti nud lotus- sons. his parting words to all bis
' =Os. his death end his burial f a saint in the flUSt of
TI1 I I FAA ; war. looted into by nutternal tender-, name
this earth some other promiees re-
itlielfilled. and as long as the body
wito,ttme they sivk ed ince of that yotiltie woman ever
(;tter 410 ''"11.11. Ulter 110' 15' jQsePh will Peraci've"t"re 'hat' Main unfulfilled.or. ettell as Thess.
tea,„ leave toeoleett fleetly 1x,„,1% vcorti.
hasius. and will certainly requite us ali eo. 1. Vxr, 51, ne. nut
frutp. ti4e ceusiter otei unit eawnttl on that brow rilr n1311,1'. ep the evil whiCh 'we did unto hiemth "
He will colue and fulfill every pro-
', we:try of the bete; oi egoree end „,eg.
r;1Y " 1144.4‘‘' ever wilhi Gnu of the hardest things on arthee.
the whims of cites,: who v.= P dawn on that brow. inn tlie light to Leer le te ee eeteatoteeseeoe. nose
!• pees :eve tee foam of motese or wile :hes gone out. Po not ttriee anotlh ;reeve.
:Sundered without cause, to
daze, Tilt. ;Amos.; it. 1. 4V0gagq1 1U'I t 11. wo-ala gt- 3114+41:01y 10 i,•e-hrilt.ely excused by those to whom
with yeum.,-; 1,,:en ;kg thus. out front the !1 Ue atiother Neat in such Plaeo,yee hove shown, only loving loud -
greet, eoutres Inargaili inahlag. las that,- raF`i out end pess tieur thts the fee whom you have in your
the right of Way to the iseswed•ted geitit homes mei the worst, three the .1N -on these men every evi-
p t tat
ertietiiis end IlatTChaints They have -whet watch 01 the whoa..
, .
I et, iilivre clear tie! etreet awl give the street. (/13r l'att. 1e,u1. nOthiug but good will. Jo-
Ceewned their brViAti WA are llow
% '.0rtiuithe third atchhht]4'r,to °,1his fwgivehesl' he had
tiegsttog;t174, 'gIutiiitltT11:W°rStkWatIsiItt01wthem and hiseed them
go ir;ohugvei0,001 tetgrthe0,3behiprai (XIV, 1St and had done all that love
everting, repteete-the pie etas_ " : aud though the wire 1,0 %eau:11174g ,I, eOuld do for thembut thy did not
Sprains, Strain Cuts, Wounds, Ill ,, either end of the tahle, the thilltiren; tee cheerless home t.41„. ul, teet t QUM that he really meant it, at-
" 'I - WO t !ter all. What manner of men are
liettNeen Thatie. feud, v. 10 ee lire; beteg on more ilrla,s;
ITT 1:1", Altvit1,1 STARES! there who caunot trust such a. bro-
. 'Mat contmerciat house that only it
Cords, Rheumatism, Neurelgia, Bronchitis, PleCos of ulltamll,leat,_g t.,
are in full tale. laysi t, of art, littlo while ago pot on a sign 01 Coe . oWn and IIis own received Him not.
Cough and all Painful Swelling:, . catatogue in tan ., , , hut, they Hated Ulm and called Hire
Croup, Sore Threat, Quinsey, 'Whooping' . . 1 (1 . 1,11,1. i 1, colw:t. (4; 33t 1 partnership evil 1 t his N. i1 I ( 1 be !,
• eatieriee Laud dieceee Veit picture% Wrerhod 011 a elltinhier's tithie. There 1,a devil and would not, believe that
The ballroom is resplentleet with the ; will be ntauy a. money till that willl He was their own Messia.h.
rieh apparet of those NV1,1) on either 10. 17. "Joseph wept when they
E BOTTLE, 2See sPrIng a leak. In trie third watch of
OPest Sorest Bram Stiff,Joints, Bites 1.1'1d the solitary irt fousilies
Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Cootractszt A few boure later ond all the
ther ? Do we act like thls toward
the Lord Jesus? castle unto His
Remarkable Finds of Expedition
to Turkestan.
1 Ir. M. A. Stein hae returned to
indite from lenalon after making a.
pretend:Ivy arrangement of the re-
markalle (Mae brought to light -dur-
ing his recent expedition in ebinese
1 ,• his brethrea was enough to xnake
await the eitotal from the ea•elieetre. • 1
mile of the white. glieltuing bottr cis the night pass down tiw streets oi spalte unto him." The treatment of
these cities. anS you hear the elicit
strehe of the balls on the hillierd ! to say
10`011 him 'weep. If his fatfier told them.
. Concert halls aro Iiikti Into 081.- ; clt Ott dice. and the sharp,
Itlutment with the tvto•ble of one .
c • , what. they said ho did, to ask
dismount. awl legislators. : Joseph to forgive what he heel al-
eongetrues no, ewept out on te eke. " tables. :et these latices merchant
of tumultuous feeling by tte hetet of 'Princes l ready eo manifestly forgiven, that
brazen iestrunteete. A beiottiful end ; 1 irel of illohillg inwie iiii;e a resPit°'; would be rt. cause for weeplug ; it
overwhelming tithe:: is the eity in ', in tweaking them. All e1o'8"s °II lds brethren were lying to blue con -
the iirst anti second watches of the . 1 eoele are robbed lor this critne--the 1 coming
; in:Teeter of foreign silks and the; their fatber, that would he
111 ht el ...in .dreet pocket 1.-uilicient to make him weep. Let us
1 ley it to heart ; if we have ta-uler
Ilut the clock strikei; 12,, and the , dente" in late-, . ,
The derv; of the I received and do put all our trust in
third wa tell bas begun. The thunder handkerchiefs.,
Tureestan, He saye that some beets The
't, hoe rolled out of the ane Store take *1. hand after the shutters tee precious blood of Christ for out
have for the theif lime been broug,ht to • i
The slightest sound cuts the night .31.re put 11p, :mil the 0010'ns °I 3.,13° , salvation, then such words as John
1 tr IS t - • • t ) et tract • court while away their time while rel, 87 •, i, 12, ;
Relit bearing' on ir..eryday life, home .
\Vail SLUM IS 1141.! Iltn.,:v Al, t t . 1. John R, 12; Isa.
indateries, alai orts of the inhabit- • ttention. The tinklietr of the ', the jury is out. I xliii, 25 ; Acts xiii, 33, 39, should
1.(111r laf the etreet cor in lite etiletance i in the third wateh of the night 1. glee us perfect rest concerning the
ruts o; the villages of Chinese Turk- • 0511 ti he f e dcor The , also.fdrunkenness doeS Os worst. The'. forgivene,s of all our sins and our
etitn. which were abandoried at the ntM t te ite mg- o a ,,,.
10,111 *121,. of the Christian. erae 'The stamp of a horse in the eext tot eitt ; dein :or will bo resit:enable at 8 irelationship to Cod; but how many
eetteee of the people was derived The slamming of a ealoon door. The o'clock in She evening. a little flush-
druid:eta-it. The ; eil at 9, talkative anti garrulous at ; believers, just like the brethren .of
I .J4 seph, are ever questioning their
mainly from Judie. end there cell lee islii'cielfil of 0tiliethseSeam -ehistle five i 10. at 1 1 blasphemous, t 12 ti
ie - - - le 1 rehltionship to God and wondering
no doubt the inhabitants Were miles away. Ohhow suggestive, 1 hat falls off, at 1 the man falls 10 if their sins are really forgiven.
Buddhists. i the floor, asking for more driuk. I
Of epecial intereet were the refwae ney friends, the Stt•ewn through the drinking saloons'il
'his is ungrateful belief and grieves
heal.s which were unearthed near. TII11111 •IVATCII OF THE NIGHT 1 , , . , . ,„.
. of the cite. 1,xtbi,s, husbands, sons' :Lord
the lIoly Spirit and our blessed
eame ruined Ignites, once appareot- i There, are honest meihin.....tsm1.i.r ..ttp , as good as yaa are ,__, .
'' ."'-' I IS. "Behold, we be thy servants."
ly tenautcd by 'village ollicials-khals and tiewn the ',trete. l'''''• l'' .t. "1-'y baps better. In the high circles ;
le„N 11111,1110, 1 ( i
This they said as they fell clown be.
who has been cnrrying•lit
A• , fore his face. This was not gratie
of 130.1 p3111 paper" baskets, containing miseionary, of society it is hushed up.
hundreds of documents beautifulle: scuttle of coal to that ro.or fano- y merchant prince, if he gets noisy and tude for his love, but seeking thus
writtin on wooden tablets, tool care- in that dark place. Dere is an . un- uncontrollable, is taken by his fel- to obtain that favor which he had
fullyr tied and sealed. Owing to the dertaker going up the steps ot a. low revellers, who try to get him to rtlready, freely bestowed upon theiu.
yreservative nature of the sand many building from which there clointti es a bed or take him honre, where he falls For 17 years the brethren of Joseph
of these
were in splendid condition bitter cry which indictla
ittes le flat in the entry. De not wake up had enjoyed his fa.vor (xlvii, 08) and
the children. 'They have had dis- loving kindness, yet now they come
grace enough. 6 Do not let them
know it. abjectly before him to obtain that
which had been teeirs fully all these
HUSH IT UP. years. There are Christians who 15
But sometimes it eannot be hushed or 20 or 30 or 40 years ago reedy -
up when the rum touches the brain ed through Christ the forgiveness of
and the man becomes thoroughly sins and were made children of God
frenzied. Such a no came home, and joint heirs with Christ, yet are
Nevin.= been absent foe some time, never sure that they are saved, nev-
and Siring his absence his wife died, er rejoicieg in Rim, but hope some
and she lay in the next room pre- day to be good enough for heaven
pared for the obsequies, and lie werst, if they can only prove faithful. -
in and dragged her by theshocks and 19, 28. "Fear not, for am I in the
shook her out of the shroud and place of God? " What they needed
pitched her out of the window. Oh, was true 'penitence before God,
when rum .touches the brain von tan-.---e-
ae.ainst whom they heti so grievous -
not hush it up! • ly sinned and to whom perhaps they
A great deal of what is called ypeetaLroloyf txmndedu.ntiThewree
Christian work goes for nothing, for EcTi:11 1.:11:11-ci
the simple reason it is not pra.cti-
are sure that
cal. As after the battle of Ante -ell. that was againse
tam a, titan got out of an ambulance 1.s (icobei .fi1 Godi.'4) '. hasc0 vbeele. inn gpus ent a
i wfromay
ivith a bag of tracts, and he went
distributing the tracts, and George (10(1 never proepers, but confessing
an.d io,rs,aking it always bring mercy
'Stuart, one of tbe best Christian
men in this country', said to hm
i: (Pros'. xxviii, 13.).
21, He comforted them and &peke
"What are you distributing tracts kin.dly unto them." Another " fear
for new? There: are 3,000 men
not " and agsurance of continued
bleeding to death. Died up their
care and more kind words and no
wounds, and then distribute the
upbraiding-. How manifestly the
tra.cts.We went more common
spirit of
sense in Christian work„ taking the Chriet was in • J osephfor
bread. of this life in one hand and only the .grettt grace Of God, . such
;the bread of the next lite in the oth- as We read ' of in It. Cor. viii, 9 ;
er han.d. lefo such inapt Work 'as /
f ix, 8 ; I. Tim. 1,, 14, could enable a
that done by the Christian man who . /man te act- as Joseph did . tow,ard
went, into '3 hospital ' with ti *GLS , 'these brethtee. He Of whom Jo-
and, .coming to the bed of a rnai., seph was a wondrous type will: cona-
'whose leg's had been amputated, gave fort .you Emcl speak kindly to you,
him a tract on the sin of dancing. whoever , you may be, if you will
But there is a, man who will not 1.31y come ' to Him, for He is the
Father of mercies and the God of all
reform. Fre saY's' "I won't r°-
f rt (IICori 3)He, re .We
formWellthenhaw natly ns bave the last two of these precioue
rethere in a tragey? I 1011
nets" in this 'book ; others
there are , . ,
-the ink as black and the seals and
string as perfect as if they were only
a few weeks old. As these docu-
ments are in a known Indian script,
their decipherment can be expected
to reveal in a fascinating manner
many of the details of the
P.ound most of the sand -buried
houses were brought to light care-
fully -planned little gardens, with av-
enues of trees, fenced lanes, orchards
and so forth. It was truly astonish-
ing, on clearing away the sand, to
find under the shrivelled hedges heaps
of dried leaves just as they had fall-
en in ages gone by. The gardens
were much the same in charaeter as
those still to be found in Turkestan
• to -day. Tho trees were mostly pop-
lars and peach, mulberry and apri-
cot trees. There is no evidence that
these places were abandoned owing
to any sudden catastrophe, but their
• gradual desertion was evidently due
to the impossibility of continued ir-
rigation causing an advance of the
In the ruined temples were found a
sort of unintentional exhibition of
the fabrics of these remote ages; for
in front of some of the idols were
heaps of torn shreds of eiaporately
worked silks and other fabrics which
had been deposited as votive offer-
Many colossal statues in stucco
were unearthed from the monasteries
and. temples. One of the latter con-
tained in its cloisters over a. hun-
dred statues all over life size. While
as many as possible of these were
• cleared for the purpose of taking
photographs, only a few could be
rescued, as when tbe protecting sand
was removed the great, stuccoes
threatened to collapse owing' to their
inner wooden work having rotted.
destroeizig angel has smitten the
firstborn. Here is a. miniseer of re-
ligion who has been giving the sac-
rament to a dying Mire:thin; Here
is a physiciare passime along in
great haste. Nearly all the lights
rtave gone out in the dwellings, for
it is the third watch of the night.
That light in the window is the light
of the watcher, for the medicines
most be administered, and the fever
must be watched, aud the restless
tossing off of the coverlet must, be
resisted, and the ice must be kept
on the bet temples, ara the per-
petual prayer must go up from
hearts some to bF broken.
023. the third watchof- the night !
Mat a stupendous thought, --
whole city at rest 'Weary arin pre-
paring for to-morrowee toil. Hot
brain being cooled off. Rigid. mus-
cles relaxed. Excited nerves sooth-
ed. The white hair of the octo-
genarian in thin drifts across the
pillow. fresh fall ,of flakes on snow
already- fallen. Childhood, with its
dimpled hands thrown out on the
pillow and with every breath taking
in a new store of fun and frolic.
Third watch of the night God's
slumbeeiess eye will look. Let one
great wave of refreshing slumber roll
over the heart of -the great town,
stibmerging, care and anxiety and
worriment and pain., -
There has been rioting in K ishi-
nee', Bessarabia, Austria, Where one
thousand students attacked and
wrecked the house of the Governor,
the headquale:ers of theeptetide 4.11e.)
the office of the, Official Gazette.
The Zer4On is Good dor a
Many Ailments.
The traveller'S best friend Is that
queer little yellow boy moiled Lemon
Ga down to the nearest grocery
and you W111 1111d 111111 dressed in
travelling coat, of white tissue paper,
all ready to Start, with yOu ou your
Journey, and to do Many a. kindly
deed for yell.
In the first place, if you feel'a lit-
tle "out of, sOrts." and as though
you can't, put one foot after another,
squeeze a. little lemon juice into a
glass of fresh water, drink it and
feel refreshed.
Or if you ha.ve 11011330 of genuine
malaria, when every bone itches, and
you have a "brown feeling , in your
raoutit," besides being "so tired" all
the time, squeeze more lemon juice
into fresh evater-enough to make
very sour beverage -and drink freely
of ft ineety 1.1111.09 in the day.
For this little yellow boy is a foe
to a. sour stomach, and always rea-
dy for a. fight against indigestion.
If you have it throbbing beadathe
slice a lemon and rub 'the bits °ter
the brow and the paithi will soon go
away. If your hair is falling out,
rub slices of lemon thoroughly into
the roots and over the scalp, wash-
ing the .head afterward with warm
soft water. Squeeze lemon juice in-
to milk, rub the mixture over the
face and neck every night and you
will rejoice in the fresh glow or your
Mix lemon juice and glycerine, rub
your hands with it at night, and if
you are not too nervous wear laa.ge
old gloves and you will wonder at
their dazzling whiteness.
When a bee stings area wasp sticks
erong into your face touch the
hurt spot with pure lemon juice. If
you have a warner .vexatious corn
rub .10non juice on with untiring
zeal, and bid defiance to mosquitoes
with the touch of your little yelloev
friend. -
A cup of tea is always improved
by slices of fresh Iemon and we all
know how a evell-mixed lemon squash
can revive the weary stet:ea:each. If
you go oci a water voyage you must
certainly take it with you, for • pure
lemon. juice will rout all giddiness
and seasickness.
And the little sour yellow fruit is
as good as a doctor's help to cure
sprains and. bruises, or -6: lady's maid
to remove brown freckles and red
patches and sunburn.
These are only a few el the many
Itindly deeds of friend Lemon., and it
you once try lam as a travelling
companion you will never again go
away without him.
..........."....-404.. .41.4440.0••••••••••vivovvrvirt
)44 VI THE QUEEN and .!
-.THE . . DUCH ES.S. 1
A Re tnarkabk Offer.
• • Here is the best offer ever made in this community. 13y a very excellent ea G,
• Tenement mad. 'ith the Family Herald aed Weekly Stet of Montreal we are
• enabled to offer Tine Exegeo Times and that great Family Faber, the• .
Family Herald and Wreekly Star. for ono year for the small stun of $1.75 end in- =
4), O11Xcle to each Subscriber three beautiful premium ii Lures, of which the follow•
! ing is a brief description,,
ele ELM- EDWARD VII. -True to life, a beautiful portrait size IS x
4fee 24 incite; on beautitul teave. white satin futiehed Reporter fmneing. This porerait. get
e has been taken sine his ftecession to the tlerone, and is the very latest end best lo
obtainable, It Ottl1P0 be had except through the FAIMOY fisnAtb ANn
• Wgr..Itta STAu; each pletare bar. the Kites autograph. Title picture; bes tne
4r greabIllOrit of being the first taken after the Kings aceessiou, Ara has therefore en,
• an Ideturical Value that no ether picture eau pesseate
But, my friends, be net deceived.
There will be to -night thousands
tvho will not sleep at all. •Go •ep
that dark alley, and be cautiotts
where you tread lest, you fall over
the prostrate form of a drunkard ly-
ing on his own doorstep. Look
about you, leet yoti feel the garrot-
er's hug. Look through Otte broken
wmdow pane and see tviutt you can
see. You say. "Nothing." 'rhea
lieten. What is it ? ``Sloci help
us e" No footlights but tragedy
ghastlier and mightier tlian Ristori
or Edwin Booth ever enacted. No
light, no flee, no bread, no hope.
Shivering in the cold, the 37 have had
e (WREN .A.TeFtetaNDRA.-An. exquisitely beautiful pietere of tbe reetarle, • .
%We beautiful and.goe Q1101.1 Alexateirre, aleo token Sittoo 'tbe Mae% aeee11.5jon, 4i
to 'the throne, it, the atone Wee 'ea thee Of the. the; two forming a heed. •-e
eorne p511 01 pietures that alone would sell for meny Woo: the sobeeripeion Mee; sot;
et paper mid pleturee.
ho portrait ef the Xing AMA Coneert Velma at the decont1 or sueeeediug
tinge Ma have one fraction a tne value of the Ont. The .e go down to history.
TER INICEMS. BRVONSIIIRE,--The Renowned Octinshorough
ture. Sold atauction sale in Lention twenty-five yews ago. for
Stolen b7. elever thieves. hiddeu for over e'wenty-four year. and delivered to its •.
owner on peyinent of v.:},00p reward and eince eeld ton. rierpont Morgan fer •
. This, 10 brief, is the history of ono of the .pretnium pictures, Which, by a
clove), stroke of eritarprise. the publishers of elle lihnitly Herald heve iteeared for ; 41
their .subscribers. The Picture 11 SUSS in ten colours, arid is reproduced lino for ,0
iine,celour .for olour with the original. Copies of the reproduction are now sold *-
In New York City, Montreal and Toronto for $12 eacb, and this is the picture /
Family Herald subscribers are going to get absolut,ely free together With the. w -
Pictures of the King end 1I12.9e11.
IS that not big value? Call at Tua Tams Office and see .saraples •
eit thee° bertutiful pictures. ,t
TOR 'want Tan Bice -rote Tome. for the local 11019$, and yo3. want that,
great paper the Family Herald for A's 21 pages of general news and family
stiiiliafet Its l'entieultutel PeatiO 3310003310 wertb many times the sebecriptier!
price. - s,
Briog or send your: subscription to
IS*4•004S 40 Set 0******0 *440 4444.40
4!' -41cX
Eo other eleeewit &O en:velem 23P30111; men a$ Vaeleocele. Ali it interaree with
e nutrition of the sexual, argues it produces =buttons, loss 01 51112(3.1 terteige the
urine, decay of the organs. pains in the taloa acbing in tee back. %terve:Amara eles.
pondency, bashfulnese, palpitation of (ise heart. constipation, or.d. 11 Grua) runlet! te
these result(' in complete iotPtin o etootiood. Vent:mode of yonee ane middle.
eeed men are treelike witittiteteture. If yen have reesen to teeiere oil are
afil,cled with lt, don't aegloo it 11 will rule yore Don't tot deetere exp.ri zent
on yen by cutting, mini:teeing or teerina O. Our DIsrvrr Method Treatment
diesolves the stricture tissue hence it. disappears and can never return W imre
Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time, The treatmen UM' be
taker, at hones privately, Send for our Free Illustrated Book on varicooeic.
Stricture and Oilect. We euurgkatee to Cure or No Pay.
A11 sexual complaints aifect Wetmore:Ins, hence the kidneyn 331013 great source
of dleease. aVel yo*1 aching. or weakness over the entail of the back, tendency, to
urinate frequently, deposit In urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in
the meriting. Dann neglect your kidneys. Our New Metnod Treatment
te guaranteed to care any disease; of theae organs) or no pay.
irrar-Dro Names T.Teed Without Written Consent.
.0. W. Rowe, of Tackaree littch., eityst-I teed
earicacele in the secondary stage and two
strictures of 8 years standing. I was operated
on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only
got temporary relief. I was finally advised to
try the lkteNv hiethodi Treatment of Dra.
13, & it. The enlarged veinedisappeared in
six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in
eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality
returned so 1 was a man tit every respect.
recommeudyou doctors velth ruy whole heart."
are found in chapters xv, xxl, xxvi
X13, VI.
Act first of the tragedy: le young 22, 23. "And Josephiv
led an hun-
mn estarting off from home; parents dred and ten years.' tee verse
and sisters weeping to have hem go; 26. Since he was Wfi
hen he rst
wagon rising 03-01 the hill; farewei stood before Pharaoh (eli, 46), he
kiss fluag back. Mpg the bell and had 80 years of proeperity in E -
let .tlie curtain fall. gypt ; enough to make him forget
ct the second: The marriage the few 304.31,of slavery and impris-
no food for tWenty-f our horn's, 01,1 3.11 full organ, Ipright lighte; loe onnient, aed, we know that 'the euf-
Bay, "WhY (eon' te.they beg ?" They white veil trailMg through_ the ferings oE this- present time are not
ee, be 9()t501114n.u, You p1 4.3101 511r1 congratulation and worthy to be compared with the
"Why do Let they delie.er tbameeelves exc.) aelatioe of, "How well se, glory that awetits us (Rom. viii,„
61e4. to , th 1 almshouse ?' ' 3(0.. 3001 ! " 18). eracoh lived 147 years, , tsa,ac
In Sumatrathe wind decides the
length of time a widow should re-
main single. Just after her hus-
band's deata he plants a flagstaff
at• her door, upon which a flag is
raised. While the flag remains un -
torn by the wind the etiquette of
Sumatra, forbids her to marry; but
at the first rent, however tiny, she
can lay aside her weeds, assume her
most bewitceeine• smile, and accept
the first man who -presents hinaself.
A smoke helmet, of German origin,
is likely to be widely used bef fire. -
men on burning- premises in future,
In appearanbe it somewhat resembles
a diver's dress. Air is conveyed by a
fire -engine. By its means two men
penetra,ted 'dense clouds of smoke at
a warehouse fire in Back Goree, Liv-
erpool, recently, and were successful
in discovering the seat of the fire.
thus greatly' facilitatbag the opera -
Units of the brigade.,
- --
etal 91 Britain's.21,000 first-
riseons 1tggregn tes 14 mil -
're the next 23S,000 bring
tall ions, •,
l3e1ore Treatmett. After Treatment.
We treat and cure Nervous Debility. Lost letanbood, Varicocele, stricture, Syple
1119, Gleet, Weak Parts, Gonorrhrea and Unnatural Discharges, Consultation Pres.
Books Pres. Write tor Question List for Ulnae Treatment,
Drs. Koilind.1 v 810 worm 14,8 SHELBY STREET,
ittil6U119 DETROIT, MiCH.
ftliZttlatRAVAMTVIC&Kgatr--ZNZI 1_,„05-M-11; ;
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera,
Cramps, Colic, Cholera Infanturn,'
Cholera- Morbus, Summer COM
plaint and. all Fluxes of the
Harmless,.Reliabe, Effectual, and
Should be in every home. -
family for the last nine years and
would not be without it."
Mr. F. Churchill, Cornell, Ont.,
writes : "We ' have,, used Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Willi Straw-(
berry in the home and always find
it a sure remedy for dysentery."
•Mrs. Jones, Northwood, Ont.,
writes: "My baby, eight months
old, was very bad with dysentery.;
We gave her Dr. Fowler's Extract
°Mild Strawberry and it saved
her life,. We have used it in our
Mrs. W. Varner, New Germanye
N.S, writes: "1 have great con- e
Hence in Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry for 'various dis-
eases in old and young. My little
boy had a severe attack of sumn.,,,r
complaint and I could get; nothing.
to help him until 1 g-aire him Straw-
berry. The action of this remedy
was wonderful and soon had hint
perfectly well.
inillion tons of salt, worth $3,-
500,000 are made annually in the
13ritish Isles.
fit the last ipb years, 10 million
acres of waste British land have been
enclosed, but these could not row bo
seld for the cosi, of their reclaiming.
7 -Te WaS spirited a way, you say e
said Gildersleeve to St erline woe eh, ;
That wes about ie. They 1401 241111
drunl and carried In.m off.