Exeter Times, 1901-10-31, Page 1TWENTY-XINTH YnAn---No. 14 U RON & MIDI) L ESEX GAZETTE EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1901. IN SEASON0,0,mamor Popular Toilet Good 0. & R Medicinal Jelly Is the best article for chapped skin, chilblahs% chafing. sunburn, and eczema, and is also excellene for use after shaving, try it and be convinced. FOR DeteNDR,UFF. falling hair and all scalp troubles, use our Rose Shampoo. You'll be delighted evith its effects. For fine Toilet Soaps, Perfumery mad Cosmetics, see Willis Powell ; he ean suit yea. Satisfactimaguaranteed. WILLIS POViTELL 'Travelling Agent, Exeter. KIrktOn ••••••••.••••=.•11, BnInere.—Iliss E. A. Shier is on the eick list, —Miss Smythe, of Milbank, spent a week the guest of Miss I. A. Marshall. — Miss Etta, and Nelson Fletcher speut Sunday last, the guesb a friends tet McIntyre's.—illilton tVatr son spent Sunday at Sunshine.—The Kirkton choir furnished the music for the Sunshine anniversary services San- last—Will Elliott, spent Suuday the gest of Joseph White, Winchel- sea,—We are sorry to hear that Clif- ford Shier has taken a turn for the worse,—Everet Doupe and Ohms Ven- ner spent Sunday with N. W, Fletcher. —S. A. Doupe, of Lucien, spent Sun- day at horae.—A, E. Blake leaves for the lumber woods on Monday.—Miss Tress& Stewart aud Miss E. A. Plet- cher spent Sunday the guests of Miss Ca,min, Sunshine, Mrs. John Ca.meron is very low at present —Miss Minnie T. Bell, of Fenton, Midi., for- merly of this place, is holidaying with berconsins, Misses Watson's.—Robt. Davis is on the sick list —Miss Phoebe 'Tufts spent Sunday at home.—Miss Esther Brethour spent Sunday at home.—The Methodist church will hold their re -opening on Sunday Nov- ember 17th and 19th. Rev. Holmes, of Granton, will preach morning and eveniug, and on Tuesday, November 19, a hot fowl supper will be served in the basement of the church. Ad - miss ion 25c. Don't miss it. Mitchell, . --- Bain:et:Se—Mr. Wm. Roy purposes Starting for Scotland in a week or so with the intentions of 'es -pending the McOLA,11T3 coal and wood cooks. . McOLARY'S cast and steel ranges. McOLARY'S Famous Base Burner. GUI EY'S Souvenir Base Burners. GURNEY'S Aerated Oven cooking stoves and Ranges If you need a good stove at bottom prices call on H. BISHOP 86 SON A number of second band stoves. in Lucan is visiting her parents lier for a few days.—Abraham Dearing lost a valuable bores on Saturday. Two Pape*a-80o. We are going to offer two papers for the balance of this year for 31) cent. One of these is Tito Tretns,you 1,..now the value of that. The other is the Weekly Sun, acknowledged to be the best farm. home and market paper in Cariacia. TeU yo ar friends ot this utter. If they want to see a sample of our paper before subscribing ask them to drop us a card giving their mute and address and weevil' send one ; if they want a sample copy of The Suit a card addeessed to Weekly Sun, Toron- to, asking for oue will secure what is n,sked for. Get your friends to sub- scribe now, as the sooner they come in , the more papers they will get for the noney. Send remittances to TUE T.13IES office. .Wlnohelsoa G. ST.ANBURY, B. A., EXETER ONT " Law Offices. Priveto Funds to Loan. Mrs, James Netbercott one of the earliest pioneers of Fullerton town- ship, died at her home near Mitchell. 013 Thursday, Oct. 17, at the advanced age of 82 years. Besides her husband ;she leaves a family of three sons and one daughter to mourn her loss. The sons ave, Richard, of Munro; William, of Science Hill, and John of Listowel ; the daughter is Mrs. R. Beer, of Mun- roe. Other relatives are, Mr. and Mrs. John Hem, Winchelsea ; Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Hern, Winchelsea ; Mr, and Mrs. John Grinney, Science Hill ; Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Grinney, Mt. Pleasant; and Mrst Richard Nethercott, Mt. Pleasant; Mr. and Sfes, Samuel Nether- cott, Mt. Pleasant; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Davey and son, Richard Dashwood ; Ur. and Mrs. Thomas Cornish, Woodham.; Mr. John Johns, Exeter ; Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott, Wood- ham. Mrs. Nethercott was higiily esteemed by a large circle of friends. Cromarty BRIErs.—P. L. Hamilton's sale last Tuesday was a success. Jas. drones wielded the ,liarnmer. Mr. Hamilton and family left for Galt on Thursday. They will be missed here.—There was no service here Sunday owing to the dispensing of Sacrament at Roy's church in the morning.—F. R. Hamil- ton is still confined to the house with winter there.—Mr. Harry Chapman rheumatism, Mr. Buckingham who met, with an unfortunate accident has been with Mr. I. Andrew in the last week while enga,ged at appleastore here has secured a situation in packing by falling from a tree. It is the store at Whinchelsea. — Mr. 5, understood his injuries are severe.— A. Miller is busy putting u,p a kitchen The infant child of Mr. Win. Kennedy, and evoodshed. — Donald efcliellar's. of Hibbert, died last week, after a new house is nearing completion and short illness, at the age of three when finished will be one of the finest months.— A beautiful gold headed in this section. cane w ielcle y one o our local clbo f clergymen came to grief on Sunday over the back of one of those unfor- tunate cows which traverse our grano- Ethic pastdre fields.-- Mr. William seer aster is about to ship a few car- klads of -cattle to the Old. Country mar- ket and may possiblytake a trip ac - rose the ocean with them. —We are pleased to be able to state that the in- juries sustained by Harry Chapman on Monday last are not as serious as at Bret thought to. be.—It has been al- leged that one of the teachers in t,he Public School was unnecessarily severe in administering corporal punishment to the son of Rev. Mr. McAalay on Monday. The trustees intend making an investigation of the case.—E. F. Davis has purchased part of the Worth property on Huron Road,—Jno. Brod- 'setae__•erick is agaiff confined to the house . suffering from 'heart trouble.— Fred Biddick and family left town to -day for New York State, where he has se- oured a good situation.—A fire started at the residence of Dr. Anderson Tues- day, but the blaze was luckily noticed by A. Koenig who entered the house andAhrew burningenaterial out of the window, the daniage proving to be • slight.—One of the rooms in the Pub- lic School was closed Friday owing to • the illness of the teacher, Miss "Gerry, which was occasioned b3r the escape of gas from a cdal stove in her sister's residence. Sodom --- Bainee.—Jabez Stacey, wife and son of Petrolea, a,re visiting friends in and around Sodom.--51rs. Jas, Green, of near IIensall, was visiting friends in 'Sodona.—Mrs. Zuefie, of Exeter, was visiting her sister, Nies. Abraham :Dearing lite% week. --;George Smith has, his ere,w house almost completed.—Mr. Alexander andrfamily have moved to the London Road.—Miss Maude Isaac avho has been staying •with her sister Granton EXRTDR LUMBER YARD. • Large stock of Lumber—pine and hemlock, -170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns etc., also shingles. laths and cedar posts. iMoes reasonable.—JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of Main st. BRIEFS.—Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. X. E. Murray, is seriously ill. -- Postmaster 3. Grant is again able to be out after a somewhat serious ill- ness.— Mr. Brooks, of Ilderton, has moved into Mr. Robinson's residence on Charles street. —Information was received. here last week of the death of the two sons, George and Alvin, of A. Hatzkamp, of Stratford, who was tor- rnerly an esteemed townsman of this place The many friends of Mr. and Mrs Halzkainp will sincerely sympa- thize with theta in their sore bereaves ment Elimville RarEPS.—The ' beautiful weather of the -past week has given the farmers a good chance to harvest the root crop which has been an abundant one, and to also finish up the plowing and may it continue so is the wish of many.— Rev. C. Fletcher, of the Thames Road Presbyterian church occupied the pul- pit here on Sunday eyening last and preached an eloquent sermon.—Rev. Waddell preached on the Kirkton cir- cuit on Sunday last while Rev. Ander- son of Kirkton, preached Harvest Home services on the Sunshine appoint- ment.— Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson, of Freewill, spent Sunday With her mother, Mrs. Brimacouabe. —Miss Zeta Andrew, of Cromarty, spent Sunday under the parental roof.—Mrs. Spicer and daughter Saha, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Urs. B. Spicer,— Lee°. Miners, of Exeter, spent Sunday in the village and at honae.-4&r. and Mrs. S. Andrew spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Johns. eneal I• innal meeting of the Bible Society^ was held in tbe Methodist church. on Tues. Fk.beltery, L. D. b.. D.D. bar:loner Gradu- Dentlatday evening last. There was a, very *Meet Toronto University. s. Teeth extracted without ain or bad effects. Office fine attendence and an exeellent iiretty's Block, ensAIL At Zurich eYerY dress was deliveree by the agent of aday,corantonetng aY5011s. G. J. setae/lend, Notary Palate, ConvePa'ar of London. The Commissioner. Fire Insurance Aleut. and and committees a tPliree$1:41•3733'' ea?' e:11: e the Society, the Rev. Mr. nforelsouse, 'wirer of Marriage Licenses. Legal emu/lents nearl all re-eleeted service of to 10041, 00 "al estate at losv ratesee taterest, praise was' conducted bThe y eir. F. Ruse, Wage at the Peet Onlee. Hensel' president of Carmel chureb.--Mr. OATS WANTRD— Rae, of lidertou, has been spending carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money . I need 10,000 bushels for die next 15 (Jaya tise paet week 9r 60 with hie faMiln oats. elt tensor chop composed of 3 /tarts of '' wilt pay lugltestpriee. Also in exchange for here Ur. itae being eng yed ae. stave cutter there. -31r. David lacksvell, of geed wheat and one part of lift oats.. hundred weightier hundredweight. dee Sam per the township of Hay, while engaged esensett Oatrace1 :.11ills. A. Inteeretera misfortune to elm while the pump was in his band and bad ce.e of his fingers so badly inured that. it will 13alaTe.— Fred floweld, who is in have to be ampidate4.—Mr. and Mrs. the employ of D. Urquhart was mare ried last week at Zurich to Miss Ben, Urquhart, of Chatliain, are here visit - der, daughter of Ur. Bender, shoe ing Mr. Urquhaet'e brother, D. Urqu- merchant there. The newly wedded hart of this place.—Mr. W. Nichols, of cdhple is taking the residence occupied Lohdon necompanied by Ids wife is here visiting his sister, Mrs, D. Vrqu- by D. Mc-Martine—Miss Ethel Troyer ha.rt.— M. and Mrs. Owen Geiger is -rapidly recovering from the serious were recently in 13affalo attehding illness from which she has been con- fined to her bed for a month. the Panest.a.ericae.— 'Miss Alcock. of Exeter was in the village during the Joe Blaney, the genial chief clerk of the Hotel illarendon, Clinton, former. past week renewing_ aequaintaneca— Oonsiderable grain is being brought ly of Hensel', has gone to Isis home in into market.— Mr. John jackson, is Kingston to be present at the wedding of his sister. This is las test eine visiting relatives and friends in Jer- sey, N. Y.—else. Shortt and children, home in six years,—Mrs, F. Rae and of Parkhill are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Miss Sturgeon were in Glint= a few days ago visiting friends.—Miss Smith, •Teelemeistt'r „Sec)! W,111°we„.11311 r,f""1,,,' T.,,MrSt wheels heed nurse in the weeeseaek .4.,,,,. ‘4.2. F.“4 en 4 it-- ...v.r. eaves Ross hospital. is here nursing her brother, who 11" been so seri""s1Y 111 19 n" Ambrase Smith, accountant in the nelsons bank of this place, who is seriously ill, having on Sabbatla morn - lug Jetzt undergone an operation for appendicitis.— Satrel Stamp has pur- ehased from John Zuelle, of Brampton, formerly of Hensall, the dwelling he owns here and which Mr. Steacy has bad leased for some tiree.—Mrs. John White and her daughter. Miss, M. V. White, were in the village on Tuesday last calling on friends,— Miss Jean Dick who is training as a nurse in the St. Catharines hospital, and who has been quite ill during the past month or so, arrived home this week aid in- tends remaining until she has become stronger and able to resume her stuclies,—On Tuesday evening last a number of the members of Brucetield Lodge of the I. O. O. F., drays down to our local lodge, bringing witli them a candidate for membership, who was et the request of the visiting brethren initiated by the Hensel" lodge, after which a pleasant social bour was spent in the lodge room.—Quarterly service was held ne the Methodist church on Sabbath morning last. The service was very largely attended litid a large number united with the church as a result of the recent Crossley and Hun- ter revival services.—The annual Har- vest Home service was held in St. Paul's church on Sabbath last when two services were held, the Rev. Do- herty preaching his farewell sermon in the morning, and the Rey. Ur. Weaver, of Athabasca in the evening. The church was very nicely decorated for the occasion and the musical part of the services were of a special char- acter and well sustained by the choir. The attendance was good,—The con- tractors for our new cement vealk are now engaged on the Main st. between Carlisle's block and the school house, and when that stretch is completed 011 Main st. from end to end will be of cement and extending a distance of three-quarters of a mile in addition to this a large number dour side and back streets are being laid with ce- Tnckersnuth. The deceased. was 79 I ment, so that Hensall will be noted years of age and has been a respected for its extent of One *walks. —On Friday resident in this vicinity for a number last our popular young townsman, Mr, of years. A widow and a family of Ambrose Smith, the efficient account- grown up sons and daughters are left ant in the Molsons Bank was taken to mourn his denaise.—De. Ross, who very seriously ill and continued to had just returned from the Old Conn. grow much worse. The following day try, has entered into partnership with his sufferings being intense, so much Dr. Bethune. The Canada Furniture so that it was seen that nothing but Manufacturers are enlarging the an operation could evidently save bie present factory here by an addition life, and Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, being. to the east and north sides.—Mr. Wal - telephoned for performed an opera- ter Morphy, of Brampton, is tha tion during the early part of Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Pickard, morning, assisted. by Dr. Ferguson., of of Goderich street. this place,and Dr. Campbell, of Zurich. The operation was very successfully 1.-.-111.-••-. Tuckersmith performed under the light of a 100 -- candle power from the electric light, The action of 'Miss Walker vs. Wm and the patient thus far is doing as Brotelfoot has been' decided in favor of well as can be expected ; seeing that it the latter. Miss VValker resides at St was one of the most critical cases of ' , , • Thomas, but she formerly resided in appendicitis that the doctor has eVer been called upon to treat. Mr. Smith s father, the Rev.*Mr. Smith, of Forest, was wired for on Saturd4 evening, and driving a distance of ,10 miles mana,ged to arrive here before the operation was performed. It is need- less to say that it Was an anxious time for the father and sister, the latter acting in the capacity of professional nurse, and that all our citizens were anxiously concerned for Mr. Smith, who is so well and favorably known, and who is a young man of excel:Mort- ally fine ability.—Dr. and Mrs. Ste- wart, of Battle Creek, Mich., were here part of last week and this, visiting Mr. Stewart's many relatives and friends. rs, Stewart is a daughter of John eith's.--Our council are having• the bble stones, disturbed by the letting down of the new cement walk, icely relaid.—Miss Martha Hunter isCin Buffalo Visiting her sister and attending . the Pan-American.. — A coinnaunica.nts class is being formed in CJarmelechurch for any to attend who were prepared at the recent re- vival services conducted by Crossley and Hunter.—We were without elec- tric light this week owing to a break.' —Mr. McMartin, of London, • was in the village last week visiting . friends. —Mr. Joseph Case has Moved into his new,dwelling rooms at the rear and breach of promise cases, but this is one above his store, and Mr. Robertson, that turned out otherwise. Miss of T'ackersrnith, will very shortly Walker has not only failed. in getting move into the dwelling he , recently case.—Mr, and any of Mr. Broadfoot's money, but purchased from Mr. has had to ,pay all laer own costs of Mrs. 'Wm. Thomson, of Chicago, who Ii litigation, which was no small were here visiting Mrs. G. S. Thom- gehi Mr. Thomson's mother, have re- sum, •turned home.-- Mr. George McKay, and staff are busily engaged en the The Ontario • Government has in - erection of Mr. W. J. Millar's fine new earriage and blacksmith shop which IA atialtating considerable notice being tee, ate best food on the market:— Oats We 'inputting a pump in his well, had the able to go ont for elsore walk.—Mr. Henry NN elsh's new wire fence zuelzee a fine appearance. Sexemith. BRIEFS—Mrs. Henderson and daugh- ter, of St. Thomas are at present visit- ing at William Armstrong's of this place.— We are glad to note that George O'Brien is still improving in health and will soon be aisle to get around again.—T. N. Northeott held his auction sale on Thursday last. There was a fair attendance and things sold fairly well.—Prayer meet- ings are held in the chinch on Wed- nesday evenings. All are welcome. —Miss Lelia Ross receutly visited Mrs. T. N. Northeott. Mr. Amos Wildfong recently received the sad intelligence of the death of his father who died suddenly while on it visit to friends in Michigan. Ma and Urs, Wildfong have the sympathy of their nutty friends here. Soafo rth. en_ BRI.—Miss Grace Stephens is now convalescent after a three week's illness.—Mrs. Boatels, left on Saturday for her home in Toronto after spend- ing a 'few days in town.— Mee. Ed. Peters (nee Miss Pauchard) will hold her post -nuptial reception ab her home on, Jarvis-st., ou Monday and Tuesday.—Mrs. Geo Hart was called to Pickering on Tuesday on account of the earious illness of her nephew, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jepson who are well known Isere. — Mr. 'Carmichael has returned to his home ill Seattle, Wash., after a brief visit to his moth- er. He came to town last week with his brother William who was buried in the Martla,nd Bank Cemetery, on Saturday of last week:— The funeral of the late Andrew Archibald took place Wednesdityeet two o'clock from his residence on the 5th concession Tuckersteith, and Mr. Broadfoot is it proeperous young farmer in the said township of. Tuckersmith. The case was commenced in December, 1899, and was brought to recover $5,000 damages for breach of promise of mar- riage. The chief defence to the action was that the plaintiff had, by it letter written by her to the. defendant in August, 1899, released and exonerated him from the promise of marriage. When the case was first tried at St, Thomas the plaintiff denied that she ever wrote the letter, and through the sympathy of the jury:secured a verdict. The defendant appealed the case and the judges at Toronto decided unani- mously thiet she, did write the letter, and so it new trial was ordered. When the case came on again for trial at St. Thomas, the plaintiff had it postnoned on the ground that her mother was sick and could not attend court as a witness. The defendant's solicitor, J. M. Bei, of Seaforth, then succeeded in having the place of trial changed from St. Thomas to London, and plaintiff, gave notice of trial for the last assizes in London, but as she did not proceed to trial with the et/se, Mr. Best made an application in Taronto to dismiss the action and was success- ful, and the case is now at an end. Generally the plaintiff fares well in structed the Interior Construction Company to at once remove the natur- al gas pipe line from, the bed of the the first building in course of erection, Detroit river. This ends the export, of built a ernisent throughout.— The an- gas from the Ess ez field to Detroit. JOHN WHITE St , Woodham Orangemen will hold an. r er on the eve.nin of Nov- iiiON, iiiiIII,E8R,PERI 4. branch ee the Dereinten Bank ee. gi er g. PP g about to be opened at Winghale A. THE pot , . gulled county constable in place of . Market De E. Gibson is to he Manager. fill the licws 01 iltorost to 1 . , , D McLeod of Ba.yfield has been ap- Berleitnir.y Mr D. Macdonaidt who removed to i FIA.ROA-IN So 'Mos Readers flappenmg in titeso Gountlos FL ivisou of the Town Line, ' atWt:ies:usttollree: word bwgaIns is raentiall' Mr, Peter koehter has reniaa Mr. it. , l'aut110.40'ne• Sipple's farm in Hay, for a term off R Readat.on al gone to Galt where si h . ea you. neay dependupon Tartitne' tem i 4 fun range of dinner and tea setts. A. AND GLASSWARE. Hay. After spending three months in i Manitoba and Dakota with frieude,hae 1 cam . : The norajarY assizes will be held at couducted by Isis son Georg e --Crowe and Plate% euesueee I toilet Setts, celored cups and saucers Glassware of every kind. esseseases Years. he has an intere ,l's a elloe ficelerich on Monday, :sloe. 4th. before arty Correspondent. Judge Meredith, Mr, James A. Donald. cow:4111er, of i Alex. IlleFalls, at Liman, purchased 'Nauseant has given up farming and BOOTS AND SHOES. an interest in the livery stable of Ulu: tvweilillifeetnartleerereta,ueplawotheloaRstteueyd, rvidoafy wlarze.rellt .salotolelpiriel:rtworr%uvtser:04131f):0114s.ble."1"" aus, Hodgin% of that place. Mr. Jas. Elliott, of Turnburry sold his fares, lot 11, con. 5, to Ma jas. Andrew Tayloe, of Clinton, who lost DRESS GOODS. 4. new and coals re faxeeetiabeyrItalencsiudreanutc, ohcaesrespeattnieleds,wgietti, plete stock of New and Fashionable McTavish for a. handsome sum, who has been confined to her room for fee fitted with artificial feet, Goods. Um. Samuel Smith. of St. Joseph, ting $7,000 from them. He has been the past five weeks with lo jaw d LTNDERWEAR foe every one cheap. on 'reclay last. . Taman, had the misfortune to 1 Blyth, son of Rev. Mr. Thorueen..eaof k ter s Little Liver Pills are entirely un- moMpucsettillaotrtliee ocralipleQs•LIgnadevew4. 06)aurt: with New and Fresh Groceries, Cerined like them in every reepeet. One trial Goods, 13est Vinegar for pickliug pure Sehool yard on Tuesday. will i(z.rmaborneir_sweepaeartinorgittyo other articles usually kept in a. first - poses, Coill Oil, Hardware, and all his wrist while playing in the Public Frank Bossepberry, of Zurich, had oct, :6.4, at qatan 004a e he h rp class General Store, g'otictplacee one the misfortune to have his horse's leg . broken while driving down a hill on ' of Jas, _Wallis, Goderich _ Tosynship, when bis daeglater, Currie E., was the Goshen line, on Monday. united in marriage to John Garrett, a Londesboro', GROCERIES. Our stock is replete Alex. Allen, for several years turn- key at the Perth County jail in Strat- ford, has resigned his position, the resignation to take effect at once. Word was received from Michigan that elle Daniel Wildfong an old and respected resident of Hay township had. died suddenly while on a visit to friends. Mrs. R. Service, and her son. Mr. Richard Service, St. Marys, left on Tuesday for Los Angeles, California, where they inteud to make their future home. Mrs, Ilodgins. of Saintsbury, who recently underwent an operetion at the residence of her niece, Mrs, W. 3. Smith, and who for some time was not expeeted to live is now recovering. Mr. Peter Cole recently purchaeed the late Thos. Cook's farm of 120 acres in Goderich, township, the price paid Is somewhere in the neighborhood of $3000, at which figure it is a cheap propheerrteyi Ts no one article in the lino c,f medicines tisat gives so large a return for the money as a. good porous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back- aehe Plasters. The Clinton New Era says ;—We un- derstand that an effort is being made to organize a. conapany to carry on the the creamery business here svith, suffi- cient capital to pay cash for every- thing required. In St. Marys, on Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, in the R. 0. Church a quiet but very pretty wedding took place, the contracting parties being Miss Maggie Egan, of St. Mares, and Mr. Jean Le - mere, of Tilbury. The request of the citizens of Goder- ich that the Toronto Orange lodges participate in tbe 12th of July demon- stration at that place neat year is ren- dered impossible on account of the Grand Trunk refusing to give special rates. At Ailsa Craig, on the 17th inst., Miss Pearl Ellis, was united in mar- riage to Mr. D. Mollard, of Grand Bend. Miss Ellis is a native of Lucan and for many years resided in Hensel'. Her many friends hope that she may enjoy a long and happy married life. Mr. Alex. Forsyth slipped into the pan of boiling brine at the Wingham Salt Works on Saturday and sustain- ed 9. scalded foot. The skin flu %bout the heel and a,nkle is literally cooked and will come off. It is a very painful sore and will take some time to heal. Mr. Forsyth had only recently moved to Wingham from Brussels. John McKinnon, of Lome was sent down for it term a ninety days at hard labor by Squire J. R. McComb,on Saturday. On the same day McKin- non attacked his parents, using abusive language and striking his father with a chair. Shortly afterwards he wag' arrested and taken before the Lucan Justice of the peace. The committee of the Turnberry A griceltural Society, that waited on the ditectors of Ea,stWawanosh Socie- ties with it view to the union of the societies, was -cordially received and the proposarlevorably regarded. J. A. Morton 4e, s appointed to draft an agreement --embodying the basis of union, and this will be subrnitted to the directors of both societies. Mr. Alexander Douglas, of Hendren, Minn., who has been on an eastern visit to Toronto and the Pan -Ana, has come this way to visit bus brothers and families as well as old friends in Stanley and Ray. Mr. Douglas will be remembered as it prOsperons resi- dent of Blake, who went west some fifteen years ago and invested in a large tract of land which has turned out remunerative beyond expectation. He has retired from active life. Mr. Will Pearson, of Winghain, walked to Teeswater on Saturday in one hour and forty minutes, a dis- tance of nine miles. This walk was in consequence of a bet some weeks ago that the distance could not be walked in four and a half hours. That fell through and some one else said that it could be done in two hours. Last ;week fifty dollars was put up by par- ties, tha b Pearson could walk' the dis- tance in one hour and forty-five minutes, Preparations were made, and he started off at about six miles Lor the first hour. Toward. the laet he became pretty tired until for ;',10 last mile it was a bargain to keei mov- ing. The road, of course, bad land the wind pretty high and partly- ageinst him. He won by elneeleirve minutes e` Mrs. Henry Young, who has been highly esteemed resident of Clinton, for at least 21 years, aud of Goderich township for about 40 prior to that. has gone to Seeforth to reside with lier son James. The treasurer of Blyth fair informs us that the gate receipts fox this year, although the morning of the day was very wet, reached the handsome sum of $687.37 ; we doubt if any fair in the COUnty can equal this. George Brenner, a. son of John Breu- per, a, former resident of Zurieb. and Miss Martha Albrecht, eldest daughter , On Tizesda.y evening as Lloyd, son of of .A.clam Albrecht. of the 14th con, S. Moffatt, of Varna, was out shooting were married at Detroit on Tuesday. squirrels, he met with an accident The will reside in Hay Township. which will keep hins from handling a, On 'Wednesday, Sept. 25tIa. el, the gun for a while.. In crossing a fence residence of the bride's aunt Mrs, I the gm was diecharged and the ball Saunders, of Winnipeg, Miss tlaggie Penetrated at the base of the thumb. S. Stowe, eldest daughter of Mr. Hen- A quiet but happy event was the re, Stowe cf Goderich, was united in marriage of two young people on Wed - marriage to Mr. Sam. Carter, of Pilot nesday evening at 7 p. ire The cere- Moundlate, of Goderich, Ontario. =nee was , performed at the home of the bride's father, E. Rathweli, Gode- rich Township, when his daughter, Miss Winnie, became the happy wife of Wm. Foster, Stanley. J IP Ross. Have no equal as 11. prompt and posis tive cure for Sick, headache, bilious- ess, constipation, pain in the side, and al) liver troubles. Carter's Little LiverePille. Ty them - The directors of the South Perth Agricultural Society met recently when the Anzuscial statement was pre* sented showing a substantial balance after meeting all obligations. On Tuesday, Oct. 15, David Duch - anise, son of C. Ducharme, was mar- ried to Miss Geoffeol, of Stanley. The roouisman was the bride's brother, John, while the bride was attended by Miss Annie Plante, Rey. Morris Mines, sou of ex -Reeve Elutes of Hay,has eeterned home from South Africa,. • tre event out as a nate- stem*, to the blacks about 3years ago and was successful, but owing to the malarial climate affecting his health was obligedea return home to recuper- THE KING OF CORN CURES ate, Father Prudhomme and N. M. Can- ls Putnern's Painless Corn Extractor, tin, of St. Joseph, returned froni Otto,- I crowned by years of success. regal 1m - wit on Toesday m -ening, :accompanied cause =approached and =approach-- by the Deputy Minister of Public Wile, holding sway in this continent Works, who came for the purpose of il3winr to its superiority, Putnam% looking over the ground at St. Jo-enh in connection with proposed clod: for I Pain ess Corn ant Wart Extractor. bsynlaNb. yo.aiellodIrsnonggksct90%, Kingston, Ont, or sent by mail vshich the government passed $5,000 at last session. on receipt of 2,5 cents. • A Londeshoro' correspondent writes: Word was received here by Court Pride of West, No. 31, 0. 0. Fe, that 73ro. A. Shettler, Dashwood, and for- merly of the 12th eon, Hallett, had died on Sunday nightie of last sveek. The Court was requested to attend the , M funeral. but owing to the distance it was impossible to attend. He has been , a, member for over 15 years. The sympathy of the Brethren is ex-, Having just opened up business we are prepared to supply all kinds tended to the widow and family. And so Blyth is to have a flour mill Pumps, FITTINGS, WATER TROUGHS, WATER TANKS, F.ANN1NG Anus, &c. MG par special attention to all kinds PWI-1.1e PlulVmebdthg. oattything in the line of Wood- work, and REPAIRING of any des - AND WORK OFF THID COLD. cription. harlton & Keddy. • STOP THE COUGH in one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 cents. North Town Hall. Exeter. NEW STEAM Works again in it tew months. The matter was submitted to the property owners a few days ago, and there was no un- certain sound about the vote, there be- ing 155 votes for the by-law, and only 5 against. Mr. Beeze, of St. Marys, is the lucky man to get the loan of $6,000 for 15 years without interest and ex- emption from taxes (except school tax) for 10 years. He puts up a mill with a capacity of 100 bbls per day. Laxative Brame -Quinine Tablets cure a cold III•1201••••• tar Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. und SA SON BRAND •PORTLAND CEMENT Is good cement. We have just received another car. !aster o ans For the best work. New Brunswick Plaster of Paris is always used, We sell it at very close prices. Fall Goods Lanterns; X Cut Saws, Axes, Cow Ties, RedgcediX Gut Saw lianclies„ Stove Beards, Coal prices. Hods, Oilcloth Binding, Ete. Scranton coal always kept in stock.