Exeter Times, 1901-10-17, Page 811. `l' i. 1'MJJS
8TEWfk1 T'8
B10 10 CASH T I
A Linen AL Oz?`i?Elz.— he TtMes ann.
Fttiuily Herald aind Weekly Stat, Mon-
trt rare, for the balance ot 19U1, together 1
with photograveurs of the Duke of
York and the Duchess of Carnwalefor
only Seecente. Two pictures alone .are
worth Abe price., This is a s. peeial;
heeler to inerecese our subscription lief
rapidly. Preeeut subscribers eau have -
the pictures fey 15 tents,
We want you to know this store as headquarters for all lines o
ready-to-wear goods. Do you know that cash and one price means
a whole lot of satisfaction and quite a saving in money, at least we
think so, and so do lots and lots of people who have tried the new
cash and one price idea.
Qver t,
$12.00 for men's neap Raglan
this is strictly a high class dress
coat in dark grey cheviot serge,
A real beatify,
$9,5t) for men's fine blue or black 13ea-
ver overcoats, lovely finish, well
tailored and strictly up -to-do.
$690 for our young men's dress over-
coat. This is a short dark grey
walking coat. very smart and
made expressly for our own trade
for style, fit,finishand appearance.
Its.a winner.
finest ready to -wear
suit, made from very Atte
vy clay serge, :end faced with
verge silk. "Oh its a beauty,"
t:ailore:l to tate King's taste, swell,.
very swell,
$12,00 for a lovely navy, black, grey
or fancy worsted suit, In this
range you will find goods that
snake the tailors blush, the finish
is so tine and faultless,
$9.75 for wen's fine grey clay twill
worsted suits, well tailored d and
trinatned throughout
with good
honest materials. This is a money
saving line for yogi.
King—knows how to
make shoes s firen,
for women, for comfort, foe
wear, for style. We sell them—
under our guarantee, hacked by
k'ing's. guarantee.
Boots for boys and. girl+. We sell
the celebrated Ahrens WATER
GRAIN, this is the hest wearing
boot we have ever found. Every
pair is sold under guarantee-.
$12.00 for women's 42 inch long auto,
mobile coats, in black, just as swell
as eau be. You'll like them when
you see then! worn.
Boys anti youths overcoats. reefer,'
and suits, a magnificent lot, all at
prices very much in Four favor.'
t'ceme and see,
.00 far women's 3ti inch long auto-
mobile coats, in dark grey cheviot,
cloth. This is a. lovely colt and
right up-to-date. Style, finish and
quality alt for $10.ttle.
5,50 for women's .i3 inch long dark
autonaobule coats. all tailor made,
correct styles. See this line.
2.50 for your choice of about one bun.
deed ladies anti girls jackets, "not
this season's
C neNst St leS,
good, honest. ee•rr-ieeabte goods.
..oats in this let v4E•re priced sit S5
to 512.00. Your f,'rtunate oppor-
tunity is how. right away quick..
No never meted. where or how we
got them, they ale here for you if
you want them, at. in most cases,
Rjust a, guars RT Of their Actual value.
ealmeer,ycariep kfornutyS2.50.
Don't imagine for one moment haat we are 04t of the dress
goods and fur race. Our dress goods and furs are talking for them-
selves. Come and listen to them.
J. i
Stores close 0.3e, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted.
.:.,4"144: ..,.;.;..;.;441.44.1**1444:1For Marriage Licenses,
1t11cac1d Wedding Rings,
To Have
the Best Goods
is what the business yuan owes him-
self. •
It is this business policy of ours
lehich induces us to claim to be
often the cheapest and con-
sequently always the best.
We have in stock everything in the
Watcliets. Clocks,
Spectacles, Etc
f:ALL 0g
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
John Charlton, is moving from
Exe ter north to Gidley's cettatge can
4ViI1#aur st.
Nelson Northcott, of Hay Tawnehip-
is moving into the residence vacated
by Robt. Cole.
,Rey. R. efilyard preached kit Male -
hide church Sunday last for his son,
Rev. Mr. Milyard,
T. II. McCallum and daughter, efiss
Btatiorery Line—newest in Note t Edna, visited Toronto during the
Paper Royal party's visit.
-�--- W. J. Seaman will 1 we a ear of
A Complete Line of Samson Brand Porth Cement in on
Jardineres,Friday. Order eaarl.
Ralph McIntyre, of De roit was in
.anglish and German Decorated town this week visiting his mother,
Vases, Mrs,McIntyre, Exeter north,
French China Rey Mr, TenEyck has returned to
and Japanese Ware. town after several weeks' absence, ow-
Limogeing to the death of his father.
Mr. Bennett, lately of Zurien, but
now of Lucan, has been appointed
FANCY GOnJS OF ALL QESCR[F-deader of the Lucan Brass Band.
TIONS. J. P. Clarke. who has been visiting
I in and around. Exeter for some weeks s
JOHN G R I G G leaves on Friday for his home in Win-
EXETER. Thos. Willis is moving into the resi_
!deuce occupied by T. Ha❑dfotd, the
batter going into his own new resi-
- _ dente.
While in London during the Duke's
visit,Baker, Wm . o€ Centralia, had
> rIOrT,
l.i+i' . ' �, led L.�,�
-I▪ gen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE CoX- f his pockets picked to the extent of
?ANY, of Toronl;o ; also for the PaoeNis FIRE over $100,
NsURANCE Corri'ANIe, of London,'England ;
of EngTwo a
faV "" it V ECOMPANY,w e (lets
Et.T,4 Cv t:V�O 3 0
and I son Brand Porti
Brunswick Plastjr'
-EngIi.. S
English Stock Food i
s the, best and
The copy for changes must be left cheapest food on the market, its repu-
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual ,cation is now completely established.
advestisemente accepted up to noon Sold by C. Lutz.
Wednesday of each. week.
` The chattels ofh
t elate James'
of Elimville, were sold by auction on
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17TH, 1901 Wednesday, the receipts amounting to
upwards of $1300,
�DLrA�L�c All Royal'i'emplars are requested to
be present at the regular meeting on
Monday evening, as important busi-
Fon SALE C 3»si'.—A butcher de- Hess will be transacted.
sa le livery cart, nearly.new. Apply to ,L. Rev. J. S.. Henderson, of Hensall,
g DAY, Exeter. ppreached in the Presbyterian church
Bo:W_vTBn,—A good, smart boy Sunday morning last, se, S. J. A."Boy d
with fair education, wanted to learn.accupyin�, the pulpit in the evening.
the printing business. Apply at Mr. Martin spent the week.at Toronto
office. and the Pan-American.
Sunday last Mr. Hicks, son, of Robt.
Geo. Miners spent Sunday at his Hicks,. of Usborne occupied theul
home at Eliniv#1g
le. pit of Main st. church, preaching two
F. Ruse. of Toronto, fonmerly of eloquent, practical and well thought -
Exeter, has been engaged as precentor out sermons. He is a youngman
of'Carmel church, Hensel],at a salary with a bright and prosperous future.
of $200 per annum, and will go there. No. 6 Company 33rd Batt. havere-
to reside, turned home from the great review in,
Among the Western Ontario prize Toronto, and report havingspent a
winners a the Pan-American. Horse pleasant andprofitable time. The 33rd
Show were the following : horses,
English sire, stallion, three years or
over -1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, Bawden
& McDonald, Exeter, Ont. Brood
mare, to be shown with foal at foot by
registered sire gist prize, Bawden &
McDonald, Exeter, Ont.
Aoung Tuckersrnto ith man named
y pay • Garners had. p y $20.95 in.
the .police court in Clinton recently
for exercising his funny disposition by
throwing cigar sparks in the face of a
driven eslsy Nottcausin
Horse byW
the horse to rn awv y, damaging the
buggyancl throwing theoccnpauts out,
he latter, fortunately escaped serious
n jury,
O en Sound Sam -
cement and New
iris, at Heaman's
was among the finest battalions on the
ground, and the Exeter Company was
especially highly complimented by the
Inspector upon their uniformity in
size, their march, and general profi-
ciency. They were among the many
other battalions who lined the streets
of the city along the route of royal
parade, and part of their duty was to
prevent people crossing the street.
John Charlton,, who was one of the
number, came in for rounds of cheers
from the crowd and congratulations
from the Officers for the able manner -
in which he held back a smart aleck
who seemed determined to break
through the ranks.
Pickard Co Beg to Remind You
NET,'OLENT 00N0EnT.-- wish Our mantle trade this season has been exceptionally
tl KRe end our readers of„, be concert
to tit. place on Friday evening, the ggOOCt. The secret Of our great success in this Line is that
1 "
eettleser \ and pow, Literary funds,
tint of November in aid of the Exeter our Coats fit The are made u . in the latest St�'le,the work -
Boat coffee•~ should receive the waren mane kip is A. and prices are strictly ill favor cif the buyer.
support .,f the general public, The , Our whole stock was purchased direct from the manufactur-
ers e1'sfspot
Ladies long length grev vicuna coat, large pearl
buttons, semi loose back, very natty garment, special at 5.25
i ,-allies extra heavy frieze coats, stitched, largo
du•ectoie t f the cemetery wi.h to row -
view tha se:ison's work by praying some
Lunch r• golfed drains in the cemetery.
and Ile. ere relying on.t'kte concert y for
the necessary :cry funds for that purpose.
The beet musical talent of Exeter in-
thud l it rtiees every eft*art to lneke the
t.alrCt . t .a selectee,
Cox - La /az:m=3. _,- Air, Chas.
(':wn, painter of our town stole quiet-
le- aaer".. the line Tuesday and brought
hone with hint a life partner in the
person of Miss Laura F. Lindent#eld,
daughter of Alts. Chas. Lindeneeld, of
Dashwood, Ont. The wedding took
place at the home of A. E, Lindenfield,
contractor, brother of the bride, De -
mit, Mich. The Detroit German band
serenaded. the happy couple after the
ceremony was performed. A large
number of guests were pi•eeent auele
happy time was spent in music. stag-
ing, games, etc.. after which all sat
down to a sumptuous supper. The
bride was beautiful and beeomingly
attired in Ladies' Cloth and carried in
her r #land as hunch of carnations. ;Clic,
bridesmaid wore a white organdie and
e terieel in her hand a tittuelt of pi&,.
carnations, The groomsman was Mr.
l3. Seyler, druggist of Detroit. The
happy couple left on the S.05 train for
Exeter, arriving on the 0 p. to, train.
were c
They e e mst at the depot by the
gronut's brother. and were escorted to
the hove of the groom's parents,where
nunaberof friends and relatives greeted
them. The presents were costly and
numerous itacladtug a fine oak writing
(lest: front the grootat.'s father, The
presents were from Detroit, Dash-
wood. Zurich and Exeter.
STA:MIM'X'---EAST�UD- -- We clip
the following from the -- Whitby Ga-
zette ;---Qn "Wednesday morning, Oct.
Oth, the home of Dr. and Mrs, W. 0.
Eastwood was filled with guests as-
sembled to witness the marriage of
their youngest daughter, Margaret
Octavio. to J, George Stuart Stanbury,
B. A., a popular young lawyer of
Exeter. The Rev. A. H. Wright tied
the matrimonial knot under an arch of
myrtle and white clematis. The draw-
ing rooms and dining room were taste-
fully decorated with the clematis vine
and asparagus fern, brightened up
with autumn tinged maple leaves,
Mountain .ash berries and gladioli.
The bride, who was given away by her
father, looked charming in a beautiful
gown at' white silk, en train, the
bodice of which was dair.tly trimmed
with silk organdie and chif-
fon and wore the usual veil and orange
blossoms. She carried a shower
baguet of white roses and looked as
fair a. bride as ever the sun shone on.
Miss Jeannette. Combe, B. A., of Clin-
ton, becomingly attired in blue silk,.
wears bridesmaid, while the happy
groom was supported through the sup-
posedly. trying ordeal by W. M. Mar-
tin, B. A., of Exeter. After the cere-
mony the guests sat down to atruly
saunptuons dejeuner at which all the
del fairies of the seaaou were served in
great profusion. The popularity of
the bide was attested by the great
number of valuable and useful pres-
ents bestowed upon her, the groom's
gift being a beautiful gold watch.
Her going away costume was of blue
broadcloth, the Eton coat opening
over a blouse of white silk. Mr. and
Mrs. Stanbury left on the afternoon
train to visit the Pau -American and
other points of interest before taking
up their residence at Exeter. A host
of friends extend to the young couple
the best wishes for -a long and happy
married life.
When taking a old use Dix Cold
Cure, it gives surer ief. Sold by 0.
Messrs. Will Res- and John Crooks.
ot Clinton, spent Suulay in town with
The demand fa i •eish Scalp' Food
is rapidly lucre Sold by 0.
Lutz. 50c bottle..
The Centralia creamery has closed
down for the winter season, but will
open in the spring.
Henry Volland has rented his farm
on the Bronsonlineto Nelson Denom
for a term of years.
Me. Fred Gould, of Exeter, has
taken a situation with W. Pickard &
Co., Seaforth, as tailor
For lame back and r derange-
ments of the kidneys Kidney
Pills. Sold by 0, Lt
Use Imperial Hair Toni for dand-
ruff, itchiness of the scalp, d prema-
ture falling. of
the hair. So 'd byC.
The barn of Mr.Patrick Nangle, Con.
7, Biddulph, containing the whole
season's crop was totally destroyed
by fire Tuesday evening, The fire
was of incendiary origin.
On Wednesdayafternoon tat the
Roman Catholic moon hurch near Lucan,
Bridget, the youngest daughter of Mr.
John Barry, was united in marriage
to Cornelius Toohey of .Cadervale.
Mr. Harry Ward and Miss Bertie
Westman, of Granton were : married
on Tuesday, Oct. lst. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Mr. Hol-
mes at the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George West-
George Otto Sinkins, aged 19, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Sinkins of'Me-
dina, died last Sunday night of typh
oid fever, in a cottage hospital at
Rapid City, Manitoba. The young
man went out in August on one of the
farm ers';excursio ns.
The death occurred at Devizes, Mon-
day, morning, of Hannah Miles, wife
of Mr. Edward Miles, of the 14th .con
cession, London Township.. Mrs.
Miles was a highly respected resident
of` the township' and was very popular
with a large number of . `friends. De-
ceased was a native of England, and
was thirty-three years of age.
pearl batons, came in blue and black;, a, snap
Ladies fi ne black Beaver coat, long length, silk
lined, a beauty for
Ladies' extra. long box black bell sleeve coats in
blacks, very nobby, at $10.75 and
We also have a nice lot of children's and Misses
date girments. Call and see Our stock.
That we- aro at the Old Reliable stand to do business same as
L o'er; and are showing the most complete stock we have ever
had; in
e would specially draw your attention to our MANTLES.
In these we are showing tate best we have ever handled, for style,
Our Mantle is a daisy. All other lines up -
417(117e. to-date� hath
up -to -
21 lbs: Redpaths Extra Standard granulated sugar for
5 lbs good selected valeuciRa, raisins for
3 lbs fine sweat biscuits for
950 Flannel ette
20 -
During loot weather we;are zllc'lilaed to look for coolest
nke • - $.. s '- e R" would est
foract " spot and most comfortable -eat Ita.slhl ., c oaa
_._.e...._ when you want comfort and can get the same at small cost
you would be Wise to
Fur Bargains
We aro showing the finest lot of ezperine
into Exetel'. The latest styles at $3.25, $5,75,
$10.50 and $15.00.
All...,ll....., AND INSPECT
ar brought prices ranging "•�• ,
50. $0.00, Our Rattan Chairs, prices ranging from F 2 0i3
upwards. Also complete stock in all lines, in latest designs
Intending purchasers will hint it to their advantage to
call 011 us before purohasiug; elsewhere.
Trade in this line is booming, You. aie sure of getting
the very latest when you leave your orders with us, we. are
continually opening up the latest novelties You are welcome
to visit our show Isw a ;-at any time
We pay highest prices pri.aes for Butter, Eggs, l)rit
.Apples, Poultry, and all land of farm produce.
Direct Importers.
Harry Dena nin; left last week for
Toronto to further pursue his studies.
Fred Treble, left last week for Los
Angeles, California, to seek his for-
Richard Hodgins, of Luckier has im-
proved, and is able to walk about tiie'l
village, although carrying his arms in
Mrs. (Dr.) Holloway has returned to
her home in Wingham, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. Wen. Welsh, who
will visit her for a time.
All the best stock raieers use .Eng-
lish Stock Foo • calves and young
pigs, because th find that it pays to
use it. Sold bY r 'utz.
The school boys and a team of town
boys played a game of foot hall on the
school grounds on Tuesday. The
game resulted in a tie, 2-2,
Are yon going to the Pan American?
Visitors can se :ire good accommoda-
tion at errs. 0 per's, (formerly of
Exeter,l at 429 i Ave., Buffalo.
Up to date R. S, Lang has shipped
from several points where he is buying
some eighty carloads of apples or
15,000 barrels. Most of these have
been consigned to the Old Country.
According to the assessor's returns,
the population of Stratford decreased
this year 3(7, being now 10,451. Ac-
cording to the census returns, popul-
ation is 9'959, which is 492 less than
the assessor's figures.
While returning from London, Sa-
turday evening Mrs. F. J. Knight lost
her pocket book in the train. It fell -
off her lap onto the fleor, and nd She did
not miss it until she was on her way
Home. It contained $20.
Mrs. J. P.Monday Ross on o attended
the funeral in Loudon of the late Dr.
White, of that city, who died in the
hospital at Denver, CoL, of typhoid
fever, last week. Mr. White was a
promising young man of 26 years, and
was on his way to England to take .a
course in the hospitals there.
In Toronto during the Royal visit, a
couple of mottoes, because of their
location, " are worth"mentioning. AA
West End firm of Undertakers had
strung across the entrance to their
shop the word(, "We. Welcome You,"
while aueen street saloon was bright-
ly rigged out with flags, and over its
bar•ronm these hearty words : "Wel-,
come to the Duke."
James Eaton, of. Toronto, died on
Saturday, in his 69th year. . Mr.
Eaton had been aninvalid, confined
to his bed for the last five years. "He
was born at Ballamena, Antrim
county, Ireland, and came to Canada
in 1860. He had been in the drygoods
business in St. Marys, London and
Toronto, and retired because of ill -
Mr: George 1ledcteu, or last
was married at Dashwoo , ited
uesday to Afiss Matilda Ithoderniel,
Mr, David Schnell, near Zurich, had
his loss satisfactorily settled by the
Hay Insurance Co. and receives the
full amount of his insurance of $1650.
Mr. C. Eilber took first prize with
his roadster at Bayfield fair and third
in the speed contests, while Mr. E.
Bossenberry, took first in the speed
event. The Zurich sports usually
cone out right when style and speed
is considered.
Among those visited Toronto during
the royal visit, we have )earned of the
following persons :—Req. W. Martin
and Mrs. Martin, T. B. Carling and the
Misses Carling, R. E. Pickard, P.
Roa'cliff. A. E. Deavitt, Mr. and Mrs,
M. J. Whiite, Wm NorthcottW. R
Hawkshaw, Z. E. Hodgen, Mr,, and
Mrs. Stanhury, miss M. W hite,Mr. and
Jos Mrs. Cobble .
4.. Funeral Directors
Be Prepared ° f&ril
A man who goes;
into businee We with
little or vet know
ledge of business ;
methods invites fan-
ny(. No anal catty work without the
tools. Business tools are the know-
ledge of businese affairs. A rourse in
the Federated Business Colleges of On-
tario with sc•liools at Loudon, Toronto,
Hamilton, Ottawa, Sarnia, Berlin, '
Galt, Guelph, ,St. Catharines. New
ter,:. opens Sept. 3rd.
Forest Gat Bninoss 60116 06,
J. W, WEsetetvraer, Principal.
The Huron County Convention of
the Woman's Temperance Union,
was held in the Presbyterian church,
Seafortb, on Tuesday and Wednesday
of last week. The following officers
were appointed for the ensuing year :
—President, Mrs. Elford, Holmesvilie;
Vice-president, Miss Fisher, Wing -
ham ; Cor -secretary, Mrs. E. P. Paulin
Dashwood ; Rec-Secretary, Mrs, Ken-
nedy, Wingham ; Rev. Mr. Leckie
was re -appointed missionary to the
lumber camps at Muskoka. He ad-
dressed the afternoon and evening ses-
sions on Wednesday to considerable
length as to the progress the society
is making. On Wednesday evening
a program was rendered.
William' Hawkshaw, of the Com-
mercial, attendedthe funeral of the
of the lateClarke Wallace,who
died at Woodbridge last week. Mr.
Hawkshaw was the only representa-
tive from Huron County at the funeral
The funeral took place' Saturday at 8
p, m., and was attended byfriends
of Mr, Wallace, and by representa-
tives of the Orange Order from all
parts of the country. About 3,000
brethren were present. The services
were conducted by the Orange Order
throughout, the.chief parts • being as-
signed by Rev. William Walsh,. of
Brampton, grand chaplain of. British.
America ; Rev. H. C. Dixon, of Toron-
to, grand chaplain of Ontario West.
ands'. S. Sproule, M. P., Markdale,
deputy grand master,; who by the
death of Mr. Wallace becomes grand
master of British America. The 're-
mains were first removed from Mr.
Wallace's late residence to the church
and thence to the grave, services be-
ing held at all three places by the
order. The floral wreaths and bou-
quets were so numerous and exten-
sive that
xtensive-that two waggons had to be , em-
ployed to .convey them. The . wag-
gons preceded the hearse.
dilil news
Prints Moro Euid
Later New than any
other London or Toronto
raper circulated in this
Balance of this
Veer -FREE on receipt
of $1.50 fpr 1002. Address
all communications to
-The News Ptg and
Pub. Co., London.
Seventy-five per rent. of the new
students from outside of Stratford
who were enrolled at the opening of
our Fall Term, came from nearer other
business colleges than ours, and stud-
ents were enrolled from places in
which other business colleges are locat-
ed. They wanted the best business
and sh'xtbaud training and carne here
for it. Our graduates get employment
immediately on leaving college. Nine
of our students have recently taken
positions as teachers in business col.
leges. Write for our catalogue. En-
ter now if possible.
Fail.: Clothin -
is not only a luxury at this ,
the -r
time of but '
e ycat t It is an ab
solute necessity. Health lth de- i
mands it. Let trse show you a
lineof' Worsted, finexs and Tweed
Suitin s and Overcoatin s. We
g, g
endeavor .to doattimesall
veryfinest work at ,1?.rices.
British Seer Mixtaires fora,salaa.-
by 0. Lutz.
Pan-American vi..a. ors find good ac-
coniodations at Fid n's, (formerly of
Farquhar, Usborne, • 390 Michigan,'
five blocks from depot.
Wivan's Cough Balsam is thebest
remedy in the ;m. yet for Coughs,
Colds, and Bronc c troubles, espec-
iallye ren. Sold
good for
'ill by
fo ix LungS u
Lutz. Sole ag y p,,,
Mr. Alex. Parsons who forinerly re-
sided here but moved to a farm near
Clinton, has purchased Mrs. Haakie's
property, near the front road school.
Bargains Bargains
The balance of our summer goods at
reduced prices.
Ladies' Oxfords
Worth. ,15.
140 for � 0 � 1
" $1.75 for $1:40,
$2.00 for $1.50.
$2:25 for $1.75.
Sizes 8 to 1.0. ,.
1.00. for 80e.
1.25 for $1:05:
Also krone women's buttoned re
Theseoods are all new and up -to-
date, No old styles,' All this year>s,
Cali and Seciire a Borgairi.
Remember the place.
Grieve's old stand, opposite post, office. Treble's old stand,