Exeter Times, 1901-10-10, Page 8TB.hlX EWIiR 11.1MIE8 8 ENI.fiRT'8 BIG CASH sTORe 611M OR r ROME. ON.; PRICE ONLY. We want you to knoei this store as headquarters for all lines •of ready -t45 -wear goods. Do you know that cash and one price means •a whole lot of satisfaction and quite a saving in money, at least we think so, and so do lots and tots of people who have tried the new •cash and one price idea. $12.00 for men's nen Reglan overcoat. Ring -knows how to make Mews for Ibis is strietlY high elms dress Wen, foe women, for comfort, fot• coat in dark grey cheviot serge. wear, for style. We sell them - A real beauty, under our guarantee, h ',eked by Rings guarantee. $9.0 for wen's fine blue or black Bea- ver overcoats, lovely finish, well tailored and strictly up -to-do. Boots for boys and girls. We sell the celebrated Ahrens WATER GRAM, this is the best weoring $0.90 for our young men's dress over- boot, we have ever found. Every roat. This is a short dark greV pair is atria under guarantee. walking coat, very smart and made expressly for our own trade , Q49. iv.,p,,r, ________, 42 .. for style, fit.ffnielt and appearance. ' •"''' '''''' wotoeu s Inch long auto - Its a winner, mobile coats. in black. just as swell as can be. You'll like them when you see them warn. ot, • $13 50 for our finest ready to -wear men's suit, made front very fine navy clay serge, and faced with serge silk. "0h its a beauty," tzttlored to the King's taste, swell, very swell. $12,00 for a •lovely navy, black, grey or fancy worsted suit. In this range you wilt find goods that melte Ow tailors blush. the finish is so fiee and faultless, $9.75 for inen's tine grey clay twill worsted suits, well. tailored and nunittl througlidni_ Nvitit goad :Iteitest materials. Tilts is a luoneY moving line for yoo, S10.00 for women's 30 Inch long aoto- mobile coats, in dark grey cheviot cloth. This is a lovely coat and right up•to-date. Style, finish, and quality all for $10 e0, 8,50 for women's 3.1 inch long dark automobile coats, all tailor made, correct styles, See this line. $2.50 for your choice tif about one hurt- tclurnediesla,:siensoanud.. rgigitils,j4ateksvaeyte,cit:incizot. to .$14., ft Your tommate oppor- Coats in t his lot it ere priced at S5 this season's ziewest styles." hot good, hottest. eervieeable goods. -""---""-- N • min, . tr lie e or how we lageor anti youths overcoats, reefers got thew, they are hete for you it Mu! Matti. a magnificent lot, all at you want them. at, in mogt eases, prieee veil- much, in your favor. just a quarter of 1 heir 44 tual value. Come ao leer>. 7. Rentem ber.yeur ;tick for nail y $2.50. Don't imagin.: for one moment that we are wit of dre s gods and year race. Our dress goods and furs are talking for them. selves. Come and listen to them. J. 8TEWRRT or loee ri.31, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted. A• • • - • • Far Marriage Licenses, THE MART. tie det,..Norreide*Orelieleiefededote1eirieter.d-r•-r Have Wedding. Rings, Wettlies, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc ('ALL O R. KICKS Seat Goods Watch Repairing' n.Specialt v. • is what the 1,1:siness man owes Iiim- Mrs. Bower, of Hens:Ill, is vis1ting self. friends la Exeter. Mrs. W. J, Heatnan is visiting with It is this business policy of ours friends in London. 'which hi:laces us to claim to be For Iatne back and for der:time- t often the cheapest and con- ments of the kidneys use D:x Kidoey Pills. Sold by C, Lutz. NINTH OF NOVE)100111. - The Oth of Mot -whet; Mug Edd'e birthday, will he a public holiday. There is no intention, so far, to issue any PrOcla- motion fixing another day, RO that the Oth of November will be observed Asa public holiday. A LinnuAL Ova. ---The Tams Wart Family Herald. and Weekly Star, Mon- treal, tor he balance 01001, together with photograveurs of the Duke of York and the Duebess of Cornwall,for only 35 ceute. Two pictures alone are worth the price. This is a softie], offer to increase our subeeription rapidly. Present enbecribera can b tile owe:Ines for 15 gerittz, Woorneat.-• On Wednesday of week, J. G. Stanbury, barristei this plat wits merried at, 1Vnithy Idiss Enstwood, daughter of Dr. IS wot d tilat linen. After a sl lenea moon they will return to Exeter Sio In day evetaiug, and n reside it the •residence formerly occupied by Mrs. H. Samwell. We joie many friends in extending congratulatioos aid weleianing the young bride to tto% n, he R. Pickard Co.,We Beg to Remind You /. • Exeter Hensall That we are at the Old Reliable stand to do business same ag e. er and are showing; the most complete stack we have ever had in Our mantle trade this season has been exceptionally good. The secret of our' great success in this line is that list our coats fit. They axe made up in the latest style,the work- Dity GOODS, MANTLES, manstip is & 1 and prices are strictly in favor of the buyer, Our whole stock was purchased direct from the mannfactur- READY-MXIDE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, tida ers for spot cash, , of , to ast- Primate Smoot. Boa.ma.--Miznites of meeting held in the town ball etouday. Sept, 3utio Abeent, R. N. Rowe. The followinp; is the order of business duly submitted and approved :-Per II. Bus ton and J. Senier, that minutes of meetings of July 15th, and 2,1st, and Sept, Oth, be confirmed ; per Hus- ton and J. Senior, that the following' prepayments be approved :-G, 'Vesper labor. etc. S2.50 ; Joe. Moore, rep, to pump, $2; O. W Welsh, painting con- tract, $71; Geo, Ford, gravel. Wet Also that the following sobraitted aceortuts Ii. paid I -E. Follick, stIndries: 47i :J. eirewart, $329- Per ":1% 8en" lottand W. J. Carling. that the balance of orepaid fees by Miss Broderick, be refunded on ; per NV. J. Carling and H. Huston, thatOthe Principal be granted two days to attend the civic and military reception of their Rival Highnesses. the Duke and Duchess of York. at Toronto, NV. Trevethick dis- senting ; per NV. J, Carling, Adjourn - went. J. Galoo. Seey, PRESBYTERY.' or HURON. -The Pres- bytery of Huron met at Broeefield on the Sib inst. 'rho Rev. J. Hanailton of Goderich. moderator. Rev. Mr. mos - grove presented the Financial Com- mittees estimate of Presbytery expen- ses for the present year, awl it was de- ided to ask a rate of 12 cents per fano ily ft•out congregatiotts. The matter ut missionary meetings was left to Sessions to make their own arrange- ments. Messrs. Shaw anti McNeil were appointed to address the Womens F. M, S. at its next meeting Myth. A. unanimous call from the congrega- tions of happen and Hills Green, to the Rev. G. ri McLennan, of reinuowas sustained and ordered to be forwarded to Guelph Presbytery for Mr. McLen- nan's consideration. The call promises a stipend of $800, with Manse, glebe, and foue weeks' holidays. Rev. air. Sawers cod meesrs. Bell and Gostin were appointed Or support the call be- fore Goelph Presbytery. Arrange- ments were wade for tor. eteLennan's induction, (providing he accepts the call,) Mr. McNeil to preitelorir. Sewers to address the congregation and Mr. Musgrave the minister. with Mr Ma - In as an alternate. A petition frotn he Board of management of Carmel lie deeds of Regerville cemetery hurch. Hensall, asking leave to unify segnent e otawrays, the best. ,.. ___-...... Miss Smile Hawkshaw bar returned We ha' in stock everything in the tome from Detroit to reride with b er father, John liawkshaw. Stationery Line -newest in Note ' -to trt Ellerington who visited his home in Lutulry and friends here, returned to Tortnto on Monday. T. 13. `at. big and sisters, Misses oinglish awl German Decorated ; u eek. They will visit the Pan-Ameri- Mary and Ida. are in Toronto this Vases, eau before retorting. ch China i The H ty Fire Insurance Co. owing and Japanese Ware. • . . to three laage fires, Iry lightning, clur- ing Oet otter, have decided to make an daesessment this year, of 5 per cent. • to t ..olOS OF .ALL DES OR1F- t On the oecaeion of the non* - ., y ,vf, TIONS. i tins year, the Managers of Caven Pres- t,' byterian church, have decided to dis- i pense with the wood tea meeting, and o„ , ar, = a IN Gailta 1 1 instead, ask for a subscription in the iti shape of a thank -offering, which will be added to the church fund.s Pape-. A Completes Lite° of Jardineres, geanted. James Dolgatty applied to be received as a Catechist with the view of taking up tnissionary work. After due examination his application was granted. The congregation of Bay - livid obtained leave to bait] a, new church on a different site and to nee their oid property for elm reh purposes. A long contort -nee on the spiritual aspect of the Century Fund, was held and sessions recommended to consider the services suggested by the General Assentitiy. The next meeting vas ap- pointed te be held at Blyth wid the Presbytery adjourned. • on, T000vroa-The33tal batt. which ill take part In the military review Tiro before IL R. II. the Doke Cornwall and York on Thursday, Irtiaiy, left to mobilize in wont°. The regiment will parade in 11 strength. viz.: 1 lieutemin t -colonel emalors, 1 adiutnoO, 1 medical oticer, 1 'quarter mastte . tie.," master, 9 cap - table, 0 lientenmee , 2nd lieutenants. 33 staff and regime:- sergeants -315 total rank anal flit. i2 total all rank with load, The lieutenant -colonel ; adjutant and two majors will b mounted. The dress will be in review` order. ThetExeter company left here on Tuesday morning to join the other companies at Clinton. It was under command of Capt. Rance, anti all told numbered 41 members, and comprised the finest loeki....e company that, has ever left this .t .'_tion, a body of 11}Pri alike creditable tel the town and the reginietit. Reeicies NV. Aloore, bugler. the Exeter company was comTmseel itt followe ; -Capt. Rance ; 14, Lieut., S. .1. A. Boyd:.2nd Lieut., W. J. Heaman; Setgeant, P. Bonthron Sergeant - Maj, n', J. T. 4Vestcott, ; Geo. Reichert, 11. Ellwortby, T. eleTaggart, NV. Cor- nish, N. ease, T. Bastell, S. Sanders, Jno. Taylor, F. Sweet, W. Anderson, E. Vale, J. Coleman, E. Harness, B. 13racIfield, J. Bartner, 3 Harness,Dr. A, R. • Kinsman, .Ino. Triebner, I? Case, W. Yager, B. Hodgson, E. Oar, roll, W. Fragile, P. ,Higgins A. Camp- bell, E. Dilatlon, W. Dinnen, Ed, Hooper, Percy Broevning. W. Beavers, . Davis, T. fad:Ley. Joe. Yellow, Jno. Charlton, I.I. Huston, W. ,Willis. Geo. Eacrette accompanied the band, e - - . Joh n Zeiler, Of Dashwood, showed • Stephen Powell, in his fruit gardeos, in it:ST di WT. ' some vs Y r choice specimens of fruit, tet .. !among which was an apple of the ton re- ole wssesnx Amulet:see CONC" • glori mundi variety, measuring 4O in. i. -a .,: 'rooter.; :deo for the Ponce= Fins in circumference and the same in dia- . 5t"' t f orravv, of Tiondori. England:1 meter, and weighed two potmds. We 5 e, t.: • : .". 4-3'.7 ttAN'OS GOINtrAMY' t.g Eng ' would like to hear of any thatean beat i this. TO ADVERTISERS, , At a special meeting of the Qaarter- -- ' lv Board of James t. church, caned to . ., T she copy ..".. r thareve must be left', ems'der the inviting or a Pastor to a n .v,lati r 'ha i Tuesday noon. Casual i succeed Rev. C. W. Brown, who has t.e ti had an invitation to Mitchell, it wits attriatienientaccepted up o noon WS•tint.:111,T. Of each week. . decided to invite Rev. R. Hobbs. of _ se Winghann to become pastor of James Ti latel %AV OCTOBER lara, 1001 Le0CeilS.0 - -a. I tl".. ,!:,1,,E CHEAP.— A butcher de- trying to extinguish the flames, Mrs, 1, " ivirey core, ry new. Apply to . L. i Taylor and Mrs. Nicholson were pain - Dent, Exetet (fully burned. The firemen bad. little Dor W es, .-A good, smart; boy trouble. in putting out the flames. wi‘b I.:dr ed 3t,,,a, on, wanted, to learn Mts. Taylov was formerly a resident of • Exeter, John Northcott has related his farm in the 2nti con. Hay, to Harry Dining for next year. His son, Nelson North- cott, who has been working the farm for some time, intends holding a sale of his chettels.on Thursday, Oct. 24th, when he will move to Exeter, having prizes. rented Roble Cole's house on Andrew *English Stock Food is the best and street. tanest :lefood. on the market, its repo- . . Tbe directors cit the cemetery are tation is now completely established. most anxious to complete the sea - Sold by 0. Lutz. eon's work by placing a drain along The Royal Templars held an °Pell the south and east sides of the eeme- meeting in their hall on Monday even- tery, which they believe would help to ing, till-ot ea a pleasant time was speremedy the wet coaditions of the cem hy all listditti to a plendid program etery during spring and fall. In order ndered by •ers of the order. to raise tiae necessary- funds for that , t the conciu, t the program re- purpose they have concluded to give a trriente Ivor rved. concert on Friday evening, the lsb of ing Master Willie, November. The eoncert will be good; narrowly escaped the tickets will be low; the cause is ) was riding a bicy- certainly a good, and we hope the maer fell ander a general public will respond heartily, tal trampled upon It might be mentioned that one half him, but strange to ef the proeeede of the concert will be, *eyed beyond a se v- appropriated to the Public Literary. -. • . '.. , which is much in need of fluids et. church for the ensiling conference year. Fire resulting trona the explosion of a hanging lamp caused the loss of $100 at the boarding house of Mrs. Donald Taylor, London, Sunday evening. I e ;nen-Ling liatoness. Apply at Times: oneee, - we S. Deeete clP Detroit, spent Sun- ( -1,137 ibi i rig, ell a iiawkshaves, Mr -4. Doe -el .t., net de an exhibit nf her handiwork it 31 ltdeeton fair, Fri- day, end won a large number . of N. D. Hordon and Dr. Sweet are spending a few clays at Port Frank. Miss Ethel Farmer regrets the loss of her Indian pony, which died. in the pasture field the other day. We were shown a potato grown itt Mr. Wm. Howard's garden which eclipses anything we have seen, yet. It weighed 2i lbs, good weight. Mrs. John Kerslake, Loudon road, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Henry Rundle, Thames Road, left Tuesday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Rowe, Michigan. - Mr. and Mrs. Dr. H. F. McDonald, of Hollandale, Wis„ were guests of Mrs. McDonald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, Exeter North, Before returning home they will Visit, friends in London and also the i Pen- man Exposition. ' Arne Ladies long length grey vicuna coat, large pearl buttons, semi loose back, very natty garment-, special at 5.25 Ladies extea heavy frieze. coats, stitched, large pearl buttons, can in blue and black, a snap 5.25 Ladies fine blaek Beavercoa.t, long length, silk lined, a beauty for Ladies' extra, long box. black bell sleeve coats in blacks, very nobby, at $10,75 and i3,41 We also have a nice lot of children's and Misses uP-to- date garments. Call and see our stock. WE MAKE AND TRIM YOUR SUIT FOR $6,00, FIT GUA.RANTEED, Groceries. 21 lbs Redpaths Extra Standard granulated sugar for r lbs good selected valencia, raisins for 3 lbs fine sweet biscuits for 95c Flamaelfe Riankets f3r 150. Fur Bargains. .00 25 25 'We are showing the finest lot of caperines ever brought into Exeter, The latest styles at $3.25, $5.75, $7,50, $9.00, $10.50 and $15,00. Trade in this line is booming. You axe sure of getting the very latest,when you leave your orders with us, we , are continually opening up the latest novelties Yon are welcome to visit our w rooms at any time ANOMINZ01.....0.0b1.410•.".M.....4.6.44111. coamodrom We pay highest prices prices for Butter, Eggs, Thied Apples, Poultry, and all kind.; of farm produce. T E le ie Direct importers. .0.2020.1.616.31.0101b10.11.1111.121$01.11110M161151011110211110191.110% AISMIM111.01111111111tlet Starlit hair on Friday. Mrs. (Deo Elosnoto is slightly ill. Willis Powell spent Sunday irt Mit- chell. Mrs, R. Sedan is visiting her moth er Mrs, Geo. &unwell, J, P. Clarke this week again visited antoug friends in town. ds in W. W. 'Zemin and Will Brooks at - Miss Jennie Handford is attending tended the Biyth faie this week. London J3usinees College. Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Martin leave foe :Ifiss Lucy Doupe, ofIrirkton, called Remo° and Toronto Ibis morning on friends in town on Monday. Czar Rollins, of Exeter, is engaged with J. L. Weester.-St. MarysArgus, Mrs, Bradt, or Parkhill, is Vfeiting John. Snell took Second prize with her son, stint Bradt -Exeter nerth• is-pitcer in the races at Parkhill Fair. Will Dignan who has been ill wit' - When teking .a cold use *Dix Cold, the fever for some weeks is, Makin, Clare, it gives sure relief. Sold by c. 1113, Lutz. Me, Cook, of Hamilton,' is taking 4. Hastinge, who so severely. cue his charge of Mr. A, Hasling's barber aim last week, is able to go around. s'anP at Preso". again. or Tarkleb. Scalp n Rev. .J. S. Henderson, of Hensall, is opidly - easing. Sold by I will preach 12 Coven Chureh next Sun- Lutz. 50 iota day nina. Miss Ida NIar-a, of Lacan, left eirs. P. L. Bishop, after as pleasant' Saturday for ILLITItit MI where she wil visit with friends here, left this eweek i•Ittend the Normal College', to erit•it in Toronto. ; Use Imperial flair Temie foe de 17t1 J. Webster, and wife visited friers Frank Dennis of Clinton spent Sun- neat teriet -11 on finnan y. day in town. Miss Ballard, visited friends Miss EN'a Browning visited friend •• Woodhani (seer Stott:eV. Hansell on Sunday. 1 Chas Wilson itini fitfully have moved ; ruff, itellinitss of the et_Nt.IP, and fi'0111 Greed Bend, and are oceupvin," ture falling of the hair. Said by O. one A Ciotti.' , Me would specialty draw your attention to our MANT4ES. In these we are showing the best we have ever handled for style quality and price. Our $5 INfantlei$ a daisy, All other lines np-- to-date. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. CARLING 13.ROS.„. Fur,. giture Empori LI During hot weather we are inclined to look for coolest spot and most comfortable seat possible. We would suggesf. when you want comfort and can get the same at small cost you would be wise to CALL AND INSPECT" Our Rattan Chairs,. prices ranging from $2.00., upwards. Also complete stock in all lines, in latest desigus.v"' Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call on us before purchasing elsewhere. Funeral Directors. OPERA. HOUSE BLOOM Bev 1.1 List of Fall kairs, Howick, -Gorrie--Oct. 12, 1 Ashfield, Dungannon -Oct. 10 IL 1 Winan's Cougl 13,tisam the best remedy in e narket for Coughs. Colds, and Br t titic troables, espec- ially good f rem Sold by. C. Lutz. aelea ant for ix Lung • t rup, SUMMER HELPS TO CURE CA- TARRII AND BRONCHITIS. --- Sunshine, evenness of temperature, outdoor life together. with freedom fro recurrence of colds which winter excites, is a, great tram to victims of Catarrh, Bronchitis and Hay Fever, Fortify these blessielgs by- the wonder- ful, eertztin and protopt Catarrhozone treattnent. It .cores altvays, but quickest summer. Doctors approve of it, druggists recommend it, people ' ston, STRATFORD, Our. Seventy-five per rent, of new students front outside of 5 afford, who were enrolled at the op . of our Fall Term, carne from neare other business colleges than ours, and s tud- ents were enrolled from place , in which other business colleges are I veer ed. They wanted the best hue 'tress • and shorthand training and came 1, ere for it. Oar graduates get employm immediately ou leaving college. N , ot our students have recently tak positions as teachers iu business co leges. Write for our catalogue. En- ter now if possible. W. 3. ELLIOTTt Principal. • British Seven who have used it go wild over it, You • try teititriliozoet., then wonder where your Catarrh hes gone to. It cures. Do you know any other reinedy that does ? dealers, 25e, eind 51.00 by (1. Lutz. • .„.OLL, The ri. ,lt V 0 ',' '4 *^0 Oppar.figlito,, Hour. I, te it, ,-,:s Grasp ii end success is , W .„%tt, g yours. This is the upper- Ke,e) i tune hour to take 0 \tyyto • 11055 ertUrge in She Feder- ./ oted Business Colleges of Mark., "o ith schools at London, 'Toronto. nonillion, Ot (AVM. Sarnia. ' Berlin, Gott, Guelph, St. Cothorineg, Business c. : i Men nil over the provinH, tosttf to the thorouglniess of teaching in tat e -n) colleges. 1 i Forest 614 BII8i11688 Goileoe es 031 -., n / u z. . . , street. - I Later CPI1STh: retteras from relnot The Annittersary services of ' Chisel- I distriets wilt increase the popular -4)1i 'meet Presbyterian church will be coo- of the Dominion to about • five endive ducted by the Rev. Mr., Cranston, of lialf millions. It is void Ontat•io veil Cironiarty, on Oct. 20th. • have a large share of the increase. - Are you goin to t " Pau .A.mericatir . An interesting and happy. even Visitors can seen. od acconimoda- took place on Wednesday, 4it. 25tI tion at errs. 0 Exeter,) at 420 . out AV F, Ruse, of Toronto, paid a flying visit to toner this week. 'Ne under stand he is an applicant for the vacant precentorship. Of Cannel church, Hen - 11 • ixtares for sale - Pan-American visi ors find gootrae- five blocks from repotnt refie6t comodations at Fill n's. (formerly of Farquhar, "Mho elkse 390 Michigan, , George O'Brien, of the Township of Hay, on Saturday returned balm a trip to the Northwest, and has since been sick with) yphoid fever. TMs. Fraser, of Stanley, recei.ved, word hy It legrato nn Wednesday that his brother, Won A. Frazer, died at Alberquerque, New. Mee barrister- and formerly of Ewer aged 43 years, on Oct: 2 He:w garafiains. Bortvaint I. . 9 t......, Y. M. C . A. 13UILDING, i i LONDON", OW .1, NV, VEST.411,17BLT, Principal The.balance of out sunaloer goods at reduced 'r (formerly of at, West itleGillivata- ab reeidena, • Bartalo. o r. NA m. Fraser; when mile daughter, Miss ,Tanet, was milted it marriage to Mr. John Dixon 4th con McGill iviety. What might have nvoved tl. f a L.'t 1 i „, a.ccideot °mitred lo Will Davie, / • • .A.t the Kirktcoa fair on Friday, B, 5, Salntsbury, on O'hairsclay laet.ide t•-ae - O'Neil carried off the red ticket for tbrerinnet clover at IX Qui'gneY's 'rad single carriage horse; Win Snell lst while engaged Unhitching he horses ao s. e...-.” each for a team of carriage and road- frcim the tank one of them lticked hitt] it. au utioth'i no, 1 ster hoeses. - iia the bowels Fortunately he was vdrn 12 23 A nuinber from heretare in Toronto too neat, the horses to get a very is not only a luxury at this irne 0 1 e year but it is an ab- solute necessity, --Health. de- . this week, the occasion being the visit severe kick. He was brocietlit. to his of the Doke and Duchess to that; city. home on Sunday and is able to be A much larger number will ro doubt visit London on Saturday, on a similar mission. Robt Cole held nreale of a portion of %is 'elvittels on Saturday. He has loved his family to Ridgetown tvhere lit, has secured a situation in a furni- ture factory. They were esteemed citizens of Exeter. George Baker, an employe of the Waikerville Enrniture Factory, and a former resident of Exeter, had the in- dx.finger of his right hand taken off with a buzz planer the other day. Several other fingers were badly in- (1001)1 again. , An official report iseued shows that the British easualties ia South Africa from the beginning of the war to Sept. 30, were 518 officers and 0 623 men killed in action, and ffi 1,520 ocers and 28,032 rnen wounded.; 305 officers and 0,177 men are classified as missing or prisoners, of whom 851 offi.cers and 8,471 men have either been released or have escaped, The deaths from disease and accidents nrunbevect 10,733, 11 the best stock raisers use Eng - h Slarek Food for calves and 5 flUng 2 ig., because they find that, it paye to se it. Sold by C. Lutz. Ladies' 4)xforrels Worth $1.40 foi:,.$115. " $1.75 for $1.40. " $2.00 for ..31..50. " $2.25 for $1.75. "*. Eases 4$-XfOrdS Sizes 8 to10. $1.00 for 80c, $1.2O for '1.05. mends it. Let us' shoW you a tine line of Worsted and -Tweed Stlittrigs, and Overcoatings. We Iedideovor to do at all times the very finest .woric.at oces a \Vey down, W. Taman Grieve ' oid stand • , opposite post office. Also sortie -Nomen's buttoned • re- duce(' prices. • hese goods are all new ;Ind op -to - date. No old styles. All' this year's goodsCc'll. • :tattle; Sectetro -a lEettegetiti.„ Rernena her 01e place. .H» 6WEET, Tt.c.ble's old stand 04,