Exeter Times, 1901-10-10, Page 4SEC Oen/tine R1TY. 5 Carters Little Liver Pills, Must Beat Siaetatura of Soo 0 Wrapper ifelerie Very ;male e to take as engem. "REA .011E CARTERSFen FOR' 4-Th4LS%, ITTLE RIR IlLIOUSTIEtt. E F131 TORPID tram CONSTIPATIO. PILL FON 8,41„1:1W SKIN. TliECOMPI.EX10$ 1;v•rire-11'41711.4A214-7 Guag SPEA GOOD WORD. Rev, Dr. Talmage Tells flow You May Be Happy. A despatch from eliashington says; -Rev. Dr. Talmage preached frout the followilag. teezie-Acts xxviii. tel'he -barbarous people Showed us ati little kindness." liege we are -on the Island of Mal- . anether nameor eleata. rins which has always been an important commercial centre. he- lonaing at different times to Phoe- nicia, to fireeee, to Rome, to Ar- abia. to Spate. to leranee, :low be- longing to lerglioni. Tee area of the isiend is about 100 agleam Miles. It , is in the atediterranean sea and of and la aaswer to prayer,"and then to he sedulously ceitivated Fall the neture with re perfume ricer and. mom pungent than mignonette and. ae if you 'put a, tuft of 'that 'aromatic beitudy. behitid the clock' on ,the mantel or in some corner where nobody can nee it. you find people ,:wateingbout your room lOoleing, !this way and that, _and you -ask. •tliern. "What am you loolthig for ?" and they answer. "'Where is that .fievirer ?" so if one has in Ids soul this infinite sweeteesa of disposition its perfume will weeho. everything. Still further, I must- speak a kind - steno eierity ot atmospneze that ness at word. When you meet any Monet Aetna, 130 utiles away, cen ' one. do you say a plleasant thing or - be -dietinetly zeen- The he:end is an unpleasaut ? Do you tell him of meinoraliie tiecaitse the 'agreeable things- you have heard Nuggets of Melte for a long white oboe; him or the disagreeable? Mee 're'e-1 there b•it latest famous be- hetearee you does b feel better --mese of the apestaiie shipwreek. ellite 'or besiorteree vessel on wletee, Pant saii-i DOES Ili' FEEL WORSE. eti hive "laid to" on the eineboard trice. and .the wend wes blending Oh. Vat power •of the tongue for east-northeest, enie tie viessel drifeothe production of heppinc,ss or wise PrObehly iedie tied a half on 'ere' ! OW Would think from the home site ettezele et witat is now • way the toogue eaged in we might calleeli St. Poet's Bay, Practical ;take the hint tliat it was a dita- - s%ItA0E-3 1!117e latien op the itibie ac- gerous !tower. Fiest it is -chanted to vomit end decided beeenni commathe back pare a tho amulet by eerie- . !mese' tie place of tee seipwreek. :muscles. Then it is surrounded by Dui tie ielane. wheel has so rough tteetli of the lower Jew, eo nany et. is for the most part a gar- :ivory ba*s. and then by tho teeth of ' 'jou. freits a profttsion.the upper jaw. more ivory bars. , . •. tinet es wen tie eow. The iinest or- :With the power of compreasion and tioat idtv.:•$ grow -them -arrest. And yet. notwithstanding FOR 4.41 tirel hie ,coniteulee 'these four imprisezunents or limitee, crawied up tite eeac-h. eaturatiel tions. how many -Wee no hiut rea tine hungry from long abstioence :gard to the dangerous power or ',Itch Nervousness, SI essness, Ner- from feed arid "FIE /fl "f of h-qey riieratteei.tei it in Pead'a Then, out de of all. are the two lips vous Prostration ossof Energy, Brain Pag, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Loss of l'aeraory, Melancholia, lawlessness, After Meets of La Grippe, Palpitation of the Heart. Anaemia, eeneral Debility, and all troubles arising from a =- down system. They will build you tip, ernalte rich d blood and give you vim and energy. Price, soz... per box, or three boxes for $1.45, at drug- gists, or will he sent on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn Toronto, Out, Cresswell, March 28, 190L The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs, --I write to say that 1 have usedBurdock Blood Bitters with excellent results. Last spring my daughter got all run down and was very thin and weak: Her face was covered with red spots and a large boil formed on her cheek. I procured 2 bottles of B.B.B., and by the time she had finished them the spots and boil disappeared and she has got strong and fleshy again. I consider B.B.B. the best blood medicin.e known. MRS. I. DAVIDSON. HER sTirt3LATio".\.7. That there are still people, unia- tallier with the telephone is proved "by the recent experience of a certain Wan. Pe wished to have telephonic con- nection between his house and a new ore built for his son's summer resi- dence. The best route took the wire over the cottage of an old lady, to -whoni he had applied for permission to make -the slight use of her roof that was necessary. The old lady gave her consent but made a firm stipulation at the same time. I'm willing you should run wires over my roof and hitch 'eel wherever you see fit, she said, pleasantly, pro- vided you don't use 'em after nine o'clock at night. That's my bed- time, and I'm a. light sleeper at best, and the noise of folks talking over- head would be sure to keep no awake. Children Ory for A BREATII. An nir trust will be the next thing I suppose. Graciousl Now, that would be enough to take one's breath away! 182 books have taken their titles :trora Shakespeare's' works, 40 of ehern from Ilaitalet. London's daily and weekly papers are 20 per centmore in number than those of Ireland combined. For Intatts and. Ohi. dreP. The faii simile aimiatere of °0 te le.4:1:7;aieeleeei ;toegue, and the results are lacera- , ouLLI,31 9.nr., /10,41. time, scarifieation n4 demnation, e'lliere are those if they know a good t:te islanders. though (-ailed lbasbn•... „thing about you and a bad Oblige antes twat:lee they Could not tipeaie will mention the bed thing twit act eietaigi, folio ie doeia to the as though they had never tward lite wzed unforturetes- Everea good tiling. Nowthere are two "titiree, had goite to the notiom cif the eidee to alinost every wade char- detip„ area tee, barefooted. haredieteileil gicter. mad we have the Choke cid • eliestle took sh4Ys; utIV ia overhaitliiig the virtue or- the viee. iiijqppiezieie heepitaiity, int:, can greet Paid end the ship's ".Zlv tee& eerie tee shifies ereve a- Crew ea they e03210 up the head% of ;envie. ott Melia enia eroutol a, hoe .AIMM with the words, "What a sor. .7iwn drylag tee:nee:toes entt with the re looking set von Are- ! How little - ore -Amelia the neer:dere veil offer eof nevigatien you must /mow to run them, -AA they go into Goverti-lou theso reeks 1 Didn't you know -- mese geartece for three dere to rea better elitui to put out, on the Medi- a -net -etre Pubilire tite ruler. invitiode terranean this wintry month el It .. a:the:Mit lie had severe sick- ,was not much of a. ship anyhow. ov nes ie the hintee ot the Ume ij would not hate gone to pieces a iier deft with a dangeneeis 'soon as that. Well, what, do you a. for 01W monits they stayed rrant ? We have hard enough work ire the island wideliing for a ship ;to make a liviog for ourselves with - end patting the lei•,,pitalitige of the -out having thrust On us 276 Inge ' :whim eto 7,..ee teen But it 3ul1ns. Not so said the Maltese. ,dinvd tho tat tiatitl:',lrily. mei :1 think they %led, "Como in t Sit vectirden for till the nnea of :down by the fire and warm your - :time and eternity to Zetiii and 110:4r velves. Glad that yeet all got off renard to the initabieants of Mal- „with your lives. • te, "The harbaroes people showeill ttAitge youtisEity AT Holm us no little itheltuise," lebeititasti; 'What a great word on are welcome to ail we have until some ship comes in sight ;end teat is, 0 tank! a red iong a, tinv.whim the apocalyptic you- resume your voyage. Hero. let ae gel used to wastire to me put a bandago on your forehead, nfic,i3NPU ten • leezeugui. the eremite, the jeeedit for that is an ugly gush you got oi that ntindgetio, w„t.d. it is a from the floating timbers. And here . favorite tlifJe Word, aad it is -early, is a. loan 'with a broken arni : we launched in the hooli of Genesis, have a doctor Come to attend eitit:tt up in the book 4,i Joshua, OM this fracture." And, though Mr e:iliraeeti in the book 1)1 ftuth, more tittee mouths the Liminess went on. utt bond 0 samieg, crowned ,we have little more than this brief • in the book of Peaitne and entbrozred ,rceerd ; "The 'barbarous peopi,e plac,„ in the New Testa.. sio.wtt us no li ...le kindness. .inent. Ii.intlue:eit A word im more I erthermore, them is kindness of than / expect it wilt netiou. That Is what Joseph show - cd to his o . e •, beathers. " la WRESTLE ME DOWN. :le what, David showed to Mephibos- lieerre I get through with it, et is heth 'for his fathee Jonathan's ealie. , strong pummel to throw an archan-•Thal. I t v Onesiphorus sheaved to gel. itill be well Tor ne todPaul in the Roman penitentiary. • Bet , w Kindness to all 1 Surely it ought i stand around it and warm ourselves ts, glow as raw and his miow ,not to be a difficult grace to culti- • voyagers Stood around the fire on. Ivate when we see towering above the the leeand ot Malin, where the Mine,centuries such an example that one tese made there-eel:me immortal th glimpse of it ought to melt and truestorm all nations. Kindness my text. by the way they treated ; their victims of the spa. "The bar- brie:gat oar Lord from heaven. , earoes peepie showed us no 'Rue Kindness to miscreants, kindness to " persecv tors, kindness to the crippled „kindness. I All definitions of that and the blind and the cataleptic and Kind:Kies! the /climes and tho drop:Meal and multipoteut word break down half the demoniacal characterized him. all way. You sny it. is clemency, be - the way and on the cross, kindness nig:lite-. generosity; it is made up of to the bandits suffering on the side good wishes; it an expression of and kindness to the - ' beuencence; it, is e contribution to O"- him, exicu- the happiness of others. Some ontioners while yet they pushed teee spear and hammered the spikes and else says, "Why, I can give you a howled the blasphemies. All the definition of kindness; it is sunshine f the soul; it, is alrcction" e, i„1. stories of the John Howards and the blorence Nightingales and the Grace • it is a climacteric grace; it is the .Dariings and the Ida Lewises pale combination of all graces; •it is com- before this transeendenteexiimple of passim; it is the perfection of gentle him. whose birth and life and death •ou through? You have manliness aud womanliness." Aro ei• ei.made a "ioe dead failure in your definition. It THE GREATEST STORY cannot be defined, but we all know that the world -ever heard and tee what it is for wo have felt its power, Some ofou may have t it a na theme of the mightiest hosanthat Paul felt on some coast of rock Ye -8 teavea ever lifted. Yea, the very kindness that allowed both hands to as the ship went to pieces, but: more . d t the el • t 1 Inc cross with that crueltlmbcr o! thump, of os have again and ev'- en solne awful stress -Of life had either from thump, noiv stretches doWn. from the earth or heaven hands stretched -out skies those same bands filled with ever existed at all, not until thou will we understand what. Nehemial cells "the great kindness," and Isaiah calls "tlie everlasting hind* nese" of God. WORKING ITS OWN' MIRE-. • The AcInielway" Waisanee at Agri- • cultaxel Fairs* The days of the Ontario Agricul- tural Pair "Midway," as now con - (Meted, are numbered. The =thing Criticisam delivered last. year by the • Farmers' Advocate and other wale- eultural and rural papers,. Produced a marked improvement in the Toron- to RXhibitiorn and the exposure, this yearbefore the Board, of the Lon - dole Midway, by Rev. Robert John - steel and Mr. Adam Beck of that city, • is likely to alter the regretta- ble conditions- for three seore Preva- lent at the Western Ontario Expcsi- tion. Billie a:itch-en and young people are pressingly invited to attend sech Places. and their presence secured by weans of school holidays and low ad- miseion fees. the least that eon be expected is that all side shows per- mitted shall be free froin vicious lea - tut -es. A good spice of fun of clean nature,. cannot be obieeted to, • and ought, to serve as a sauce for the more stable articles of mental diet •provided by tile various exhibits. But when fup degenerates into simple tristine=s It is thner to virfl a Irdt and Dr. Johnston and Mr. Peeb de - terve the thanks of the parents et London and vicinity for their person- -1, investigation and felrless denim- eiatien of the evils that. to within the last two days of the close of the Loinlon Exhibition, drew large crowds of moo a31.1 boys to their lacivioes performances. Br. Johnston. who is one of Lon - doe's most. Itonored Presbytertag a' 'eters. saki bet the Bo rt1°- is not in the English language to Ceseribe the horrible lewdnesit and ineliserieably filthy suggestiveness of tin groesiy immoral perfortnauves Whitt we witnessed. It was an atro- cious oetrage oti deceireee and we would ask on behalf of the eitizena of Loielon, not that the objectionew features be e"spunged. for there is nothing in the chows which is not tkeeticwible, but. that the Iloard should rid itself tit these shows, root awl breath - "In the city hail, on the streets, Mae In the hospitals and at the reit- read Mations." continued Dr. John. *-these performames are, I U11- erS t 4-• pi neipa !conversation toeday, I hope it is I not true that features which wee ex - eluded from Toronto and Buffalo fairs have been remitted ta. flourish the Western Fair, but I have heard that ono attraction hero was not allowed at. Buffalo. "I do not, wish to pose as a rot - nor of the morals of the Western Fair Board. but I bare sufficient eon - fide= in you gentlemen to believe that, the immorality was unknown to you, and that you will take steps to put e. stop to it." Dr. Johnston stated that be was not speaking of an exhibition which might be considered Immoral from a peritanical standpoint, and which sonie might consider perfectly clean. "the shows I speak of," be said, "contain nothing- but wbat is degrad- ing. You lucre to go back to the days of ancient Romo to find any- thing to equal theta for Iii.scivious- floss.'" "I would aelvocele that the Fair Board hereafter appoint persons in whose judgmeot they 'lave confidence, to me that nothing objectionable is allowed. to ran, anti I hope that the Fair will be uept above even suspi- ellonliTtid.certainly above anything liuno CONFIDENCE IN THE BOARD. Dr. Johnston's confidence in the Fair Board was justified in that they disclaimed knowledge of tho immor- alities presented by the sido shows and proznptly ordered three of them off the grounds, for breach of con- traet. Greater care will be exercised in the future. The Board has had its eyes opened as to what may be °erected when low theatres are al- lowed to run. Lticking any real abil- ity or merit, they depend for their custom on an appeal to the bestial side of human nature. We may expect next year to find the London Midway rightly censored and therefore free leom inner -tent Performances, to which "men only" are invited. Referring to the above the London News says (in part) editorially: - 'The side show attractions which were in operation at the Western Fair during the past week were ithe most disgraceful ever presented in London, perhaps in Ontario. There should be no place in e large agri- cultural and industrial exhibition for any of those theatrical side show attractions. The Fair Board points to the fact that the amusement fea- tures are patronized. But tho Fair Board has for years been catering to a specialty loving class, and it would be unusual if they did not se- cure them. GLASGOW EXHIBITION. The Glasgow Exhibition should be a model for exhibitions in Canada. inhere is not a Midway nor a side show, nee a sign of a fake is to be seen. Yee this fair has been one of the most successful that -the world has ever known. The Westeen Fair Board is open to criticism for permitting the perforni- ances to. which special objections were mode. The Fair Board was re- sponsible ,for -the morality of the ex- hibitions given. But it is said • "they did not lanow.'' But they should have known. If one of the buildongs had been defectiye, had fallen and hijured many people, the •Board would ham been held responsible. It is to be boped that the authori- ties will see to it that no theatrical side shows are on the grounds next year, ancl that if they areolot prepar- ed to eliminate all the specialty fea- tures they will curtail them to such an extent as to make them the trim- ming and not the body of the exhibi- tion. --(Mrs.) Emma Waterson, Ont. Prov. -Prcee Supt. in ledC.T.U. Childrpri Cry for 8T*RAJ 1 which "showed us no little kind - nese." There is kindness of, disposition, kindness of woril, hindnets of act, and there is Jesus Christ, the im- personation of all of them. Kind- ness! You cannot afloat it. • You -cannot play it as a part. • YOU CANNOT ENACT IT. By the grace of God you must have it inside of you, an everlasting balm for all our wounds, forgiveness for all our crimes, rescue for all our seridoms. a And while we take this matchless kindness from God may it be found that we have uttered our last bitter word, written our last cutting para- graph, done our last retaliatory ac- tion, felt our last revengeful heart throb. , And it would not be a bad epitaph for any' of us if, by • the grace of Cod, from this time forth, summer, or, rather, a combination of June and October, the geniality ee"-s we lived suele beneficent lives that the tombstone's chisel could appro- the one and the tonie of the otherprottely eut upon the plaixi slab that I1. cannot dwell with arrogance or marks our ,•raiire a suggestian from spite, or revenge or mAt alevolence. the text, "He Showed us no little its first appearance in *the soul all kindness." But no t until the last these Axnalekites and Gergishitcs, lend child of Clod has got ashore from Hittites and Jebusites must quit, the ,earthly sthrms that drove him and quit forever -every man well, on Lae rocks like MediteiTanean Thi- every woman well, every child well, roclydons, not uutil all the thrones every bird well, every horse well, ev- of heaven are mounted, and iill .the ery dog well, every cat well. Give this conquerors crowned, and all the spirit, full swing, and you would harps and trempets, and organs of have no more need of 'eocieties for heaven are thrummed or blown or prevention of cruelty to animalsno so.unded and the ramiomed of all more need of protective sewing , climes and riga; are in full chorus man's associations, and it woula ender the iubeant swing of angelic dull every sword until it would not baton, and we Shall for thousands of cut skin deep, and unwheel every years have seen the river from under battery till it, could not roll, and the throne rolling into the "sea 01 make gunpowder of no mare use in glees mingled with Inc -inc this -the world except for rock blasting at world we not,/ inhient shall be so far or Pyrotechnic celebration.. Rind in the ritst teat offly e „lotto., ,,, 01 'less is a spirit divin.ely implanted Gelettial memory can recall that( ' t • • THE S. S. LESSON INTERNAoToI-OTIT..,41310 LESSON. Text of the 1,0-rSs.on, gen. 2:.,xxix, 20, te xig1.5. Golden Text, gem xxxix, 21. 20, 21. "Ele was there in the pri- sore but the Lord Was with Joseph" The last lesson left Joseph a slave in the house of Potipluir in Egypt, but verse 2 of tide chapter sae's, ""Ilie Lord WAS with Joseph, and he was a prosperous uuul." He seems by the grac.0 of Cod to liave risen above all MS eircumstaneen, young though be was, and -trying though they were, and .to have deterniitzed that (loll should be glorified in him (Phil. 1, 20). Potipliar saw that the Lord was with him and made • all that he did prosper. This is splen- did testimony and might, by the grace of, God, be true of every be- liever (compare chapter xxvi, 28). Then notice Potipbar's Unbounded confidence in bine Ide put all that • he had in •Joeeph's limat and left it there witliceet a care (see in verses 4 to 6 the expression "all that he had four times). Let us without hesitation place ell that we are and have in the halals of our Lord Je- sus and leave all there with the full assurance that He will see to it (Ps. P• of the widow and the, boy who each gaivo all to Him (Luke xxi. 4 John vi. 11), The adversary cannot stand such righteousy overI circunistences. and 110 IS permitted • to humiliate Joseph yet Joon,- so • under a: base, false accusation Jo- • seph is •cast into prison, bet being • • nocent the Lord is with bim and lightens Ids affliction soinewhee by gising him ta,VOr in the sight of the !Teepee of the prison Rut it was hard foe him, for a, time, for it, is ' wrttiten that, they hurt his feet with fetters, he was laid hi irons until the thee that his word Mine, the word of the Lord tried him (Ps. el.-. i 18. 19)• We may imagine the adver- t Sary suggesting that now alt his visions and dreiame had coin() to ;taught, for he would never get out of this y risen, yet we doubt not that his mind was staid upon ‘Te- , bovah, and he had victory by faith. '1 22. 23. "Wliateoever they did there lie WaS the doer of it." As in Potipliarie house so In the prison all, things were placed under hint. The keeper of the Klima looked not to anything. for it was evident that ' the Lord woe with him and Made all that be did to prosper. Circure- ettinces do not always indleate prosperity or otherwise. It is the pres- ence and blessing of God that con- stitute true prosperity; Daniel was prosperous in the lions' den. and his friends in the ,flery furnace : Da- vid was more prosperous than Saul the king, even though be fled from him, for God was with him. Every step in the life of Joseph and of David was a step to a throne, and It is with the believer, for the overcomer is promised a seat with • Christ on His throne (Rev. itt,. 21). The cross is the way to the crown. xl, 1-4. Pharaoh's chief butler and batter suddenly fiail themselves with Joseph in the prison, arid he serves them while they Oontinue there for a season. Like our Lord Jesus, Jo- seph Is not only numbered with transgressors and has things laid to his 'charge that he knew not, but hp is also an illustration of minister- ing unto others rather than being ministered unto (Ise.. 1111, 12 ; xxxe, 11; Math. xx, 28). The offence of these *ricers brought them not only imprisonment, but, the pos- aibility of death. If our Lord was strict to mark iniquity, who could • stand ? But He is the Lord God, merciful and gracious, forgiving ini- quity, transgression and sin, though He will by no means clear the guil- ty- who refuse to turn to Him (Ex xxxiv, 6, 7). 5-7. One raorniug Joseph finds those two prisoners very unhappy and manifesting it so plainly in their faces that he asked them, "Wherefore look ye so sadly to- day ?" We think of the Lord's ques- tion to tho two who walked to Em- maus, "What manner of communica- tions are these that ye have one to another as ye walk and are sad ? " (Luke xxiv, 17). But their sadness was due to their unbelief. One day the king noticed that Nehemiah was sad (Neh. le 1-5), but his sadness was due to his sorrow because •of the desolation of the -holy city Je- rusalem. The fellowship of Christ's sufferings will bring as much sor- row, but in the midst of all wo may rejoice in the Lorci, as sorrowful yet always rejoicing (II. Cor, vi, 10). 8, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me them, 1 pray you." They were sad beide-use of their dreams, which they had each dreamed he the moo° night and • which they- could not understand. They had forgotten their dreams and retained only a sort of troubled re- membrance, like Nebuchadnezzar, but, though they could not tell each one his dream, they feared lest -no one could explain the dreams. Jo- • seph"saying, "Interpretations • be- long to God; tell your dream ;to me," -was equal to saying, "I, am acquainted with God," or I am here for God," • or •"God is with me." See" chapter xli, 16, and also Dan. ii, 18, 28. What a blessed thing to he so intimate with God, to walk with }Inn hi such commem- imi ! Yet that is the 'privilege of a child of God ale Cor. vi, 16-18; John idv, 23; Delia axle:V..10n 9-15. They told their dreams to Joseph, and he interpreted them, 'and •it came to pass according .to the interpeetation., the chief butler was restored to his butlerehip again, and the chief baker was hanged (verses- 21, 22). The butler told his dream first, and when the baker saw •thatthe • interpretation was good he also told his dream, ,and Joseph was faithful in his interpretation, though it foreboded no good to the baker. The servant of God must de - elate: judgment and .Mercy with equal faithfulness. It is not for him to withhold anything' for fear of hurting people's feelinge. See the faithfulness of Samuel, when but a child, in declaring the whole message to Eli (I. Serie iii, 17, 18). How touching the entreaty of, Joseph to ileum MUM melee Pile 191101 1 ell OP lee: Plena ra 411111i. AVegeliibieicparationforAs- similatlag tbacalandriegula- Otilte shsantBow1sof wels I WI SEE THAT TIM FAG -SIMILE SIGNATURE •••• Promotespigestionglicerful- tees andfiest,Centains neither OptuaMorphiae /Soil "Mine °Tic. 2k4;3graivravi2ZmraR ack`' Abataiwa Remici4 0614 Aree4 • rosiOt ineigga.relete ieiteeireae gee_ .laterosiao cereeeenwerTm Apetrect Remedy for cousiipa- lion, Sour Stosiach,Dierrttoce, woms,ccavuisferts,Fever$slt- nes$ azglIfOss SLUR XaC $411.4e $igrifitgre QJ 4e0.44`74-77; 917-114. IS ON VIZ WRAPPER OF EMU BOTTLE OF mmunzawmarocamogmipowwwcwoonsang ihatorie pat lip in creaeho Irettles only. I* eotseolditt bulk. Don't Allow auycao to sell on enetWas 018er 04 the. leen or promise that it io "juges geed" size "will amine awry Tor- postun ka`Bee tbit you got 1:1-lefieT-0-t-I-Ji. Thotat- t! tf b roma a ether Medical 'i1zi 111 th lia eatabnabed repntation kr cadre, on, and Werataire that Dm 11. joj. VW: Now Alottiotl Tweet - :Int, silaceacred anti po.rfected br =hetet Spachatoto, hen brought loen neelnees eed comfort Is nun:nu:dm of hnaita. With X/ yeara experience In Mc almentof the:o d1143.1Np they con guarantee to Cure or l'io esty-Zuties. fouto. Niorveaa Debility, tlypnilis, Vorleocoie, iitricturoo Clout, Secret 1)ratn.. Ur:potency, mexuat ttnet Mental Tirt7auxac150. Kid- ney and Bluddcr Pleocusc th INN!: guarantee:1 are backed, by Bsak Bands. IFEe Von may havei oecret &Me tbrouRhtlia arine-that's the re:Non you feel tired rattle the raorninc. Von Arki aot rested, year kidneys :Nita, yen feel_ despondent ad have no Ambition. Don't let y04 r Lilo IliuSei be dralaed away. T)r,. 1, i If. en eratetze tO Comber no Pay. Syphlltr 16 tho irourgo of inanklad. et :nee r.ot hex crime to Lave It. for it may- taberttecl, bqt it lea crime to allow it to remain lie the system. 1.41ko father - liken. 1101;40 ot Mercurystud Potasla treatment. Dra, it. k h.poa id:N.1y core the worst cease or no Pay. ICOCELE 6TIIICTUAS The New Mcithod '',7eronenacant cart:a tkese diacame. eaten, aud sorely. No pain -no ell L'earInv-o o datentl en frombroin ono. Den' t risk operatton and rein your sexual °ranee. The stricture tisesele alnerbed zuutusu never return. Dri. E. guarantee Cures. Kid ,yrs et T1add Don't neglect your Irldners. Your aching haelt treile the tale. Don't let Doctors experiment on you. Drs. E. St IC. can cure yottif yen are not beyond huraan ald. They guarantee to Cure o: No Pay. CUIZES G17.3.RANTIIRD. NO CURE NO PA-tr. Conettelteetiou :erne. Hooka neat Fyne, (union.) Write for Question 1131nesic for XI -oge Trcrthzsont. Everything Confident:int. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 143 SHELBY STREeo; DIZTROIT, MCA . eattra at; -DNIONEY F;Lia CURIE BACKACHE LAME BACK RHEUMATISM DIABETES BRIGHTS DIGEAS2 DIZZINESS AND 4'13. KIDNEY b. URINARY filiSEASED Atie CURED ov DONit MRS. L STREVESI Edgetes Land- ing, N.B., writes on Jan. rS, /9oi "In the fall of 1899 I was troubled with a severe pain in the back. I could scarcely get up out of a cliair and it gave Inc great pain to move about. I took one box- of Doan's Kidney Pills and was completely cured. I have not been troubled -'s.tiftr.91K1,...WitTOPAMP-awntAIRT=9! with it since." • tbe •chief butler, "Think en me when It shall be well with thee, and show kindness, I pray thee, unto ale," ate. (verses 11, 15.) • I -Te did not cease to feel the wrong that was done to him, he did not forget his poor old father from whom he bad been stolen, nor the home from which Inc had been so cruelly snatch- ed away, and probably it was a daily conflict to rise above these things and do his work with a quiet, mind' How sad to read in verse 28, "Yet did not the chief butler remem- ber Joseph but foreat him." It makes one think of the poor wise man who delivered a city, yet no one remembered that same poor man (Eccl, ix, 14, 15)i + - Children Oil for C ST IA REMOVING EXTRAORDINARY. A_ stone house has just been re - Moved. from Newcastle to Sharon FOR Martha, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pain in the Stomach AND ALL Summer Complaints. ITS EFFECTS AI E MARVELLOUS.' IT ACTS LigiE A CHASM. stgLazp ALmosT IINSTMITANEOUS. Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable, Effectual. Every Rouse ..should have it. N, Ask your Druggist for it. Tale no other, pg -.1Son LIMM124=332=0WEEMIZMUM.I.M,ENSOMMYRAWr.,...,o'CAV7.^,M2.../V!. both in Peansylvania, u elistalice of twenty miles, the owner, Mr. Steven- son, having decided to more Ida house, which hag Cost him $100,000. A contractor -undertook the job for $25,000. The polished ha rdw o o fittings' wore carefully removed, and then the stone blocks were numbered, talcen down, and loaded on cart. Tho $ h3o0, housewashaad. re -erected at Sron, n the total cost it set clown, at about