Exeter Times, 1901-10-10, Page 1' ",33.433 Alimuniamacominsumealw. URON & MIDDLESEX .C+AZETT TwENTY-NINTa YE --No. 11, BRRONIS8 1 AT H. Bishop •tR So 33,...."3,33333.3333”3333,N. T.ABLE awl POCKET CUTLERY, GENUINE HUDSON APPLE P.4 PLATFORM SCALES, WASHING MACHINES, CHURNS GRA IT EWARE, Etc. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSD,A.Y MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1901. RS, illh1 Wm OT Kann GONing & 116atillg $t W' A large Stock of Second-hand Coal and Wood Hater. , _ opu ar. ii Goods p - . i We an going ti.rvo pApers far the balance of his year for 20 4..!, ' centre. One of these is TiteeTsereeerou 4 ft B. Meow.. e , know the value of that. The other ts • tbe Weekly Sun, acknowledged to be Is the best article far ChoPPet,1 the best farm, home told merk.et paper akin, chilblains, chafing, sunburd, ana in Canada, WI yoor Mende of this eczema' and is also excellene for use :slyer, If they want to see a, sample of after shaving, try it and he convinced. aer paper hem subseribing Ask them For sale only, by WILLIS POWELL. to drop us a card giving their name FOR DAseiDRUFF, • falling hair and address and we will send one ; if and all scalp troubles, use our Rose i they wrtnt a sample copy of The in a Shampoo. You'll be delighted with B1 card addressed to Weekly $un, Toron- its effects. to, asking for oue will secure what is For fine Toilet Soaps, PerfumerY 7 asked for. Get your friends to sub. aed Cosmetics, see Willis Powell ; he !Scribe now, ea the sooner they come in can mit you. Satisfaction guaranteed., the mere papers they will get for the WILLIS POWELL !money. Send remittance to Tiles Travelling Agent, Exeter. Timue olucc. ese Centralia. littrOntialo . — M, °barite Deplan, who has been i Wenotero BELLS. --- On Thursday station agent at Denfield for the lest i last the home of Frank Blatelaord -sixteen )mars,, has been transferred to i was the scene of a_pleavant event, Centralia as agent there to succeed 0. - when his daughter, selaggie F., wets W. Vail. Before leaving Centralia I united la the holy bonds. cr inatra Mrs. Vail was presented with a carto mony with William H. Wood, of tile ing set, and Miss Jones with a dessert / same place. • spoon. , Anderson EMMEN, LMt3111 YARD. Largo sleek of Lumber-pino and. bernlock, 170,000 iota hemlock lumber for barns. etc., also shingles. laths and ceder pOste Prices eeasoualole.-JAS WILLIS, Yard ; iiinst side of Mai st. Ban. -Mss Ellie Wight, of Bow- roanville, is visiting her mutt, Mrs. Jeffery Pearn, and at Je II. Robin- sons. -Neil Malloy came home on Wednesday from St, Joseph's Hos- pita], London. much improved in health. -Mr. Oliver has been engaged to teach 'until Christmas in the town - line school in Miss Gordon's place. - Mrs, Pougo, of Buffalo, who has spent the summer mOnths as the guest of H Mrs. Jas. i.thet, returned h-otrie on Saturday. She was accompanied by Miss Eliza,Robertson. McGillivray SellooL RnPonT.-Honor Rollfor S. S. N. I, McGillivray, for the month of September IV, Ma Neil ; IV, Mona O'Reilly •and Clara Glavin,. equal .;&. III, Martha Lewis, Ida Dale, Lucy Cotter; Jr, 111, Willie Miller; Sr. If, Edna bale, Edith Dale, equal; Mid II, ,Murray Neil, Lottie Welsh, Andrew Flynn, Garnet Flynn; Jr. II, Edna Lewis ; Sr. Pt. II, May ; Jr. Pt. 11. Leo Thompson, WiTlfeThormison ;Pt. 1, Alfred Miller, Harold Miller, Luvern Shaddock. Alev A. PienteE. " 'reaier. Exeter hilianlelpel • Connell met pursuant_ to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, Oct. 4th. Ab- sent,. Councillors Armstrong and Muir. Minutes of previous meeting read 4.bci. confirmed. Luvr.0T-Muta.--That the following accounts be passedand orders drawn on treasurer for sante : Q. Baskerville, balance -breaking stone, $10.50 ; Sheere, Service as night watch, Dyer & Howard fire, $1.00 ; Tremolo° & Stiell„,electrie 1.ight to Oct. 1st, $83.28; Hy. Parsons. street watering to Oct. 1st, $4.0.00 ; Frank , Wright, repairing fire engine eta.., $1.00 ; S. , Handford, labor, $5,10 ; Thos. Welsh, 112.65 ; (.co.. A:tltinson, 55.70 ; Walter 'West- ` cott, $0.12 ; N. Bellwood $2.37 ; Atkin- son 4, Handtord, part payment on gravel, $100.00. Carried. Levett-fauir--That council adjourn 'LO n:iset et call of Reeve. Carried, • Council met at calrol-reeve at -Town on October:Sth. All present. MAs of previous meeting read and confirmed. 1 t was decided. to fureish Cob-. bledtelt with water until further notice.. Evans-.Arrustrongt-That council ad- journ to Friday, Oct, lfith, at 8 o'c.,loc1K GEo. H. RT.SETT, Clerk. John McWilliams, who resigned M teacher oE school section No. 10, Steplien, io ccept, a betepr position R s teacher of the Chiselhurst school, was agreeably siirprised by the schol- ars rind trestees meeting at the school 11me 'T h msdarY, wium he was present- ed wi 3 Ito add ress, accompanied by two beautiful chairs, signed on behalf .of the scholers and trustees by- Misses jenny Haeter and Carrie Mr. and Mrs. McWilliatns have many warm friends in that section,and their bet vvi5bes go with them to their' home 1.,•41111.1.11 Whalen Buanoe,- Martin McLaughlan has had. a well drilled by Messrs. Slack and secured a good supply of water at about 250 feet -James Lempshire is getting home material for a new barn to replace the one burned. -jabez Mill. son took advantage of the excursion to Detroit CM Saturday, to visit his broth- er, near Windsor for a few days: - Wm. Morley urrived home from the Northwest on Tlaursday evening. Usborne Council. Council met at Township Hall Oct. 5tit. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read approved and signed by the reeve. By-law No.4 legalizing the levying of rates was passed signed awl sealed. The Collector'e securities were ap- proved and his bond accepted when signed and sealed m the presence of clerk,the Accounts amounting to $70.35 were passed and orders issued in payment. Council then adjourned to meet Nov. at one o'clock. Moramy. Ole rk. .t.-- Mt. Cannel g :Ge STAXBURY, B. As EXtETelft ONT *--s • Law OftlXis. Private Funds to Loan. Preeno.-- The Picnic held on the parish grounds of the R. Or church, .„, here 013 Tuesday, was a success. The . `. weather. was fine and the attendance in such attractiveness to the satisfac- I tion and pomp of so largo gatherings. prize wasnven by Lla Gillum, for hat -- public favor. The first evening tire i large. The chairman,Fratik Coughlin. , mid we can assure mit ,performed the duties admirably. Se Cobbledick ----v- a cordial welcome upon his return at. or ing sold the mo,t, tickets, and she was awarded a large doll. The second even - 1 evil voting contests took place, eanong sem, future date. on monthly deer. ing the coneest was among the yming I which one for the most popular young noon the annual musieal and literary ladies for the possession of a heanti- emao of the parish, Was one by James I - entertainment was held in above ineu- ful gold -valet). This Wad won by i Hannan, jr., of Shipka. who was pre- armed church. 1314;4, terse and point- Mary Bedard; the next ones to her, !sented with a bicycle. A box of cigars 1 . II . - • . 1 I,' • , d I P -, • „JoHN WHITE tie Itimue ; Jr. /1, may Co ollec, Oft133cenawaStee,..._P7r, IL,. Irireyastaslisu ehatbaxn i, win. j.. Elliott has haaot, tile norat , had also kicked him in the head, W'yr.41:tezumter asve°13rdeulauvP06111BletstiTgeuitblt°eatli" of S. S. No. 6, Ilreborne, for the month Jehes• Nels°e e°eltice' 3 Sr " 1r' (1°r.' 4a rteotgloYe drretswnesb4t!terert=raWterasteessleafte°e''se. i'',4)yduaey:r,ohe.natju4g4eleoS 441. samelin . L l' r ;IL, . ()tile rA4M° na i gt °e4dri To is 17: tThbeerahlt3rase$ebeawpapseeletnatgly- of September is as fOUOWS : 1r, Zara. Jr. IV,, Flossie Foxed?, Wilfred lesurer of f.farrtess, Licenses. Legel documents ` -0.1 Ti ' 4. . 'gig '.. . ' PI) S " ' den Waddell. Everett Skinner, Hat, to Alinecs, Alice Biirryhill ; Sr, Ier, Ile, mendayseeremenciere mAveatie Delbridge, May Jones, Cecil Careree; SeROOTen.E.PORT.-The School report V ... t4 ot Toronto vniversity,Dentiste, Teeth is Rey. Mr. ICe°Oulara.aslipar'a°InfeLd7odeet!b°");. carrying him with them. Re feu with iea--Ae.pete,t4de wieltreu. tie-P:4mb' -17. bleefleans-ce 4eDefiel4 " Joulua Weido, of Hey, disposed of Ids one 1?g- over the whiffletree artd his eer, Commissioner, Fire Itts-nreetee Ageet. and . john Patten, of Grand Bend, moved 4 fPe9nleti°n brteiown4sofdlerna'sggceloathtgngiseltub: 0. J. Gutberlene, Notary Public, Conveyan-1 ese.etne &Getters'. L. De, S., Tel.).6"..13enor Grade- °- 44 -,44 -44,4 - farm to Mr. Sylvanus Witmer for ;, body in trone of the wheel, in which . - nee I they tried to run away; be evidently pulled the team over toward the fetsee wheet SOnle of the barrels elid forward: 1 ppci. .e ad: ir; ; ;t:QE:xe°,:s;1 :5:1 .4ac eto BAfzGAINS, Wellington Skinner, Nettie Carapbell; which wee considerably etre and /petals- a his store. Sr. Pt- II, Lobs Godbolt„ Jack KI -son, this week acting as judge of horses-, at i'. hair or lot 51. BaYgeld cone eweriell ed, coroner, sham was scanntooed, D Iaeura Wood ; Jr. ree II Clarenee the Chatham tam Mr, Berry is one i' tosvnehiP, 40 acres. from Mrs. Arthur but au not deem an inquest necessary, i cumA Aelert Greet $SWAR.V. Care elon, paying therefore about DeceaeO was 80, years of age, ora,s woe Ile Creery, Lille. Heywood, Alice Berry- of the best jtulges of itorees in Canala. .' t E. E. Heels, 1 -efte"ers' of Hensall have signed an zigeeement d . t 11- 80,500 _ aoge of dinner and tee 131 eepected by everybotlys and 'e t. , --1114:e sklaWalk e(mItr'act" liav° cM1- ' .c -'v„ 0,1% oug who tecently etild his owu t a endow and eine child, he baseeg only to 4 ph ted the wAlk an the north elde of 4 have the syropathy of the erstire C e al - ef y 0 11 C jw° aTt 3:1:13:°:::::e depaaeloe: PY:sr° : tEe- an:b4: ve 3:3 1: :::: farm, in Wot Wawanoela hae boAligitt been married five year4 ago, ta a den- a t II 3 Coultie, Pearl Johns, , ubert Jones. King etreet, end aro well on their way , down the otber elde•-The merchants wee on the London road, near Beal/dbl. ,', gbter ot Robtrt, Reyes of Stanley. and moves thereto in a. few 'days. It F The grief stricken widow atad parents ; Peter Gardiner, 1,,, , . j -ii, 0 ilvie end miss Jennie lien, „. to elm Omit. respective business Is 107 acres an (.°s tul * .a...e.r...V.I.Ve 1 . . ' I. a', 7 pieces At 7.45 eaeli evenine* of the ,' 'AZY friend, look here! Yon know how :onunity. hbolinl,doscii utonleylaemisacesrmal'oeurey tgiseweinilllet v,- tin, uancepo r tile erdozie a'.11,•4 gutlwtuo ii 7741111%r/1yd tithe4rtvvotitszeleyrnairiti.otnvifrfeig bwanninidt i cireoff ie Ivan awe,. sex. . 4 . t tar :)1;3.1gA,,r try wur rhsg 11, it at a* °v.* y 1 (litrteollfelirt week at the Parsonage in teuf:sr/Imb:ventibegsp4zglklear.f:kiii bcfra,tey noiet$, tar re rotne her. now wity not he .eir a , . avers hes sold 51 pees to 1 visiting at his horoe in Loudon this The jeer's homestead on the Malt- i eeerSaf) , 4na fITY 43. e't )71s5"rt fQr . y . . i week. -Miss Grant, of Thornyhurst, Is "slim been rented by Jos It ; John :This, i;odgson, (g keantivray, tuea ,Piert:,,,..,-6 D5tE.71;tkw4:Teelfree e Commercial.- Rev. Alr. Doherty Is Ellnwille land concession, Godericb. towns ip, r ZAr.F.. Miclogn, widow .0: .0,40 Liu tx ];1,pir.r$,....,Mr; Down, oe Beteee e vieiting her Oster; Aire- liendersen,-- Jerv19 "Peete te IlleIT ta .tal.11€7 in e*.ieeettrieellayi-sit ased Se yes,' ee 1 who is studying for the ministi7, l`Alre. T. Murdock and. 3.irs. B., Rennie ° th° Q°111%e of a oOttPlo of weeks. visitiog at his borne near LJ 1.01100 afternoon Rev. Mr. 'Tauter sPoke to .:oue year a.usignagfarolnin rBernayoliveluidg. heelpes:VI t: teAaIrtitulaitufioeylile:brrs1:61:1411941:::: 1:112.naedc°:A alevitiiihts:ra7sWeiaeuielass:coesre454411::::::el'eallne4- use Ana eira jowl %johns, jr, spent tbe women. in the Presbyterian church ' out and t eupied the nide 0 ay Morning left. Toesaay morning for Buffalo to at- ; ma; co-Pne.r.s. i'laet.-Rev. Hiles spent the past week tend the Pao -American. -On Sunday pensetlewribete't Trnottriallsb%rn, taubottt ili Ji3ottanutitrI5.31Pr3estelr'.7'1,altisonfaTrnip.. 4°forNira „ paosee, BCoa Oi , irattee4in aPv1;IdtaaurtgftP1.44,7 a, =era . !Sonde the guests of her parents at :And Rev, Mr. Crossley to the men in l,BaTneld, he havlug bought a reeelebee :.aGtithehnorm.ggt.11(;,.,,uonfivLerosnlitd;u3,34,riotraa nwtaoe, lii IA lWaS°.t.°Waeeakignio-rAlertsolitt;„ NAVITrreeWel;t3 Lein ' athia7111tnlake' 613et,;,,ttePs4inettsettiv:40F"':d1,11//eg 1 tb11(4icels. ard Jennings, whet had beenliv- ' aecidentally ehot himself at, hie 10.1-1g.', J P Roes* ; accepted a situation ae assistant clerk the m,"euing there wee a, large tuass .',1_116.coet. Joh:. .1:s4aatitt,cf,la)rrtkAtsbilpli Ifit%:s 111.1s,uillatigleidawstohuiniet fe,se i,soore, 1 with her brother, Ira, -who runs a, Meeting in tbe rink, A grec.tt army ' eem 11 411.als he. t se ,, leavee four children, two ill' VC:E"))1 general store in that village es-Xle IL , Celei,Stut fel,Inn; 3,0itlisiti..1.1,!ce_tovIstittl,wd.f7lennias., tc:noutylhAtihmeAtaltuft,rozsaormaremvacIletrtlianctrtl: 4ittme IA erg:st e;Igaall tuoeljreoriltknaellistitili,ebsitkur,11, v.e.13,n7.4,ed, Kw was a taster of Arta. Spicer, has beets at Guelpb the le week remotiening nude plastering th in town tkki wel,;:-....ii,.. c.ntii)M3 es , neigultails,,00a of 8,30Zi, and tikes yes- ter'e Iron Pill% eke cannot, he foe theY11 Et pleara.n4:.:c!eutt: olitnitla interest bailee of S. Peart, formerly of Zion. Zonich, was In town onSeittlay.--Sand see3310°,2u t‘e,ventereee I e t make liter "fi,,,e1 and aet like a, different u to many St. 'Marys people. took. pleee ;Vies E 'Mitchell, of Centralia, spent a Jaekson, of Rtplee, formerly of Hen- I 111 t°e sPr'43g 4e- •e3t4i'intolons, et 1 eeit'senn t'S they au sly and their hits- '. in loronto on Wednesday, '.1 p1 21 couple at days ertth her sister, eers, sail. called Olt 13' 3.1111 here last week. 1 'Verna, plartted three email yatatoete ' bands -sly eu too 1 11 when Miss Kittywpartlett, d an.cdtter of S. Andrew.-Wdli awn Skinner had a lee sees en eis way to. efeccii his se:4er. ‘J and got a Yield which consisted of a i ev. . . 7, owar.l. B. A., of ,,,Tolin barttetr, swi., co:nee:Dr-Iry ploughing bee on nett. las,t, and about in„hewesiouss raie ceeeeretei 1 merreeite ti 133. '4 of tubers that weighed 14 ,i Thorndale, bee accepted the zattor- 1 St. Alerye. was nuited in 3d 'I' tie 'Xi acres of soillwas tuened 03. *r to Jessica 6021 Or Robt. B. AlcLean, of ' lbe, Mr, Fitzeintteone having made 14 I slap of the parish of ARtehell, (effereil 1 niltoo,,o 'U.S t. of St. Thomas, Herbert, of Biddialple started on Mon- Kip/nil...miss Evaprowniegef neater ',settimee. and getting on en average a to him by tbe Bishop ell 111 *31 at the 'Ont. tlay to haul milk to the Winebeleea. spent sunday with atm a A. meDons pound from each, or at therate of 5d i rectalest of the v'e.stry of Mitchell. Arr. ', It %bete be rae,lie, a former pupil ot Butter Filetory., The patrons on his elle-Jttmes McMordie, srho is icarnina pounds from otie. the St. 1' 1L'3 Vallegiate lostitatte 13 13 diViStOU beconiing somewhat dissetise operating at Hyde Park, ‘,MS ill tOWIli ' ThO aeath or !qr. EfeY rock, took (13ticttbeestileet.tas.n te°atieyar itt:e,"" bi9;:dietingeisbed himself at the recent i fled with the results obteined else- this '.‚.*.*.l --'*!r Ilene Coolik id visit. PLIce at his home near St. 'Joseph, last A (inlet wedding was celebrated on exam-% of Alanitobe College, winning witereeespseep 4 among james es it, is tug relattves and frient s in Detroit. week. He has been in declining health Wedeesday eveniug last at the home 'i the John Relph King, scholarship for rniik the Wincheisea factory wants, Misses 1'! 131(1 and Thud, who have for the Past siX numths end Ins death of Ali\ George Westiman, Granton, 1 grenei•al proficieney in first year Theo!. and to the companies credit be itsaid been visiting their cousin, Arm, Rohe, '33.1.',33(1(3unexPected, although few when his daughter. ti *ti was united !ogy. This sehohl,rship is earned at they have paid big prices to the pat- Jarrot, retuelled to Toronto (111Wee- einee to reAlize the end was en near. in Marriage with Alr. Harry Ward, of i eteeett, rons the pest season.-Wne, Coultice 10. SCI - Rev, me. Blatchford, uf • lieYroek Was a YOnillg Mtn inst in the sante place. The eereniony Was 1 josvpit It qbinsort. of Blausharil, leel is eeretinly a. hustler, for he is draw- Thavnesville, formerly of Hensel], wa114 prime of lire, he was born neae St performed by Rev. J. E. Itchier's, in , hie left leg brolsen just above the ankle ing the sand this fall for the erection here last week ettencting the wedding , eseph, and lived in the neighborhood tile presence of only immediate rola- one day last week. Itis horses became of his barn nextstunnier. of hie oelec,„ Aggie is., elan,i,.,hter or p1.11 his Iwo. ire leavea. widosv and two tives. The bride has been orgenist of ., unmsenterable seeele he wee drivinee , Frank Blatchford. of Hero:elate. to I ‘111 Wren*. the Methodist church, in Gannon, fee ° down a lull on tbs.' Cunt, awl Mr. 'tot)- ! W, II. Wood. of the same place. He ' .41- turetIPS ef th° DeenerY ef Uuren le few yectrs, and has filled tite pa- ' in In ,iumped ofr .1.3. the , , ,1 leis Credit:onalso visitea hie friends in Hensam_e - ae held in St. Thomas church, Sea- ion very elliciently. -7-- :ars. $wan iind daughter. miss Ella. fettle on Weeneedity of !met week. A. VPv,y happy and interesting event 1 fi0ogreIrl...'" Ilr')ki'll a."411.*1141'7' ' ''': ''t 41411'31 BRIEF8.-F, Setgner and wife were who have beets in "It 1)1.1 for Ei0111L4 Re V. Rural -Dean Hod ins, Jenrtings took place on Wednesdays Sept. 21. at i The marriage teek piave at op?, tu Stratford the past week attendtng titne. returned home last week. -On and eleguillen, wall A essre. Metcalf the home of tbe bride's father, Wmhome ef the liride'e 3) 1,1314 on Wed- eln' Climson. were appointed a, mis- Fraser, Weet Meelillivray, whe11 his i nestles? evening, of Miss 11 3.31 J. 0 il- Henry Sweitzer is attending the 1.-' fl win address the Fciltevnair societies in '3(3) 1'. committee. Each clergymen is only daughter,. Janet wets uaitiel hi ; lia .1:tughier, or 51.1. jtts. Gillia of American. He 3.3.111 33.. eetsent about a the rink at threP d'clook, 3. 311. in the to arrange for a 1131'.',11) 31.3.3. meeting maeriage to John T. Dixon,of Maguire, iTherndele, to Afr. itugh la Delve ell, a week. -The Hay Fire InsurenCO Co. Directors held a meeting here on Sae the rink. --ML'S, Hayes of Toronto and evening. a mass meeting wiii he hem in 1 in his own p*trish. The iwetugenuent by Rev. IL Alyward, of Parkhill. The prostelealle and p 311(13 3. young farmer for the Bishop's visit wits left with the beide was very beceiningly attiretl in of Darehester, and a son of Mrs. Afar- turday, And aditested time claims for miss Lon Gibson, or Godeeich, visited Rural Dean. brown ladiescloth and geranium *silk i garet Donnell', of Littleton. fire raosed by lightning. They also friends, bere last weele-Hugh eteDon- erre. el, A. MeMurchy, eldest (laugh- blouse. 'rile eervives of bridsenteid i Hebert Atte:I)..son. of Downie. met decided to make en assessment this ald bas put a. fine foinefoot cement ter °t the late Mr. A. Jamieson, of 321,nd groomsman were dispensed with. with a very p tinful accident on Fridaer year of 5 per cent,- tVe regret to len \Valk from his gate to the house, -10. Lotie nshorow e hWi o ts atteuding to .Miss Wriglat, of Weet eletrillivray. i le.a. Ire ha.i iorCri 01.13.,. .1 running 11031011 the serious illness of Jacob Rase of Toronto, former.; t• of Exeter, her motlit.r, :nal 'who was also taken 1 cousin of the bride, played rite ArPti. Mr. Bernard's ensilage cuttiv. Sorue- Either, postmaster, who bas been con- led the staging in Carmel church last ill during the hitter's illuess, did nob ding march., Attemg the swum useful ; Ohio lapel got ten of order, and he had fined to his room for some, daye, TiTe Sunday. -sties Eaume, of Zurich is lung survive her, passing away on SO.- and beautisul :elite received by the 'i gone ,I,„lerneat h the table to fix it, hope for bis speedy recovery and that visiting 11 313.1 brotheete E. Rennie. - tualay laet. Andrew Jamieson only bride. MIS 4 t hand:Aiwa dinner tett fnan , whe,. hie east sieeve got caught in the we may again soon eee bis bright got back. from the burial or his mother the Lieury Presbyteretn Church, of ; geltrir.g. zoul 117.:4 4:1'DI below the elbow ((3 101u1011(_ behind the wicket-etrs. ki rkton on Friday, when his sister pitssed away 1031314.11 she was IL \'''Llaed member. : Was badly Manglpti before Ile coati11 be next day, and on Monday be accone i Gnests were . present from London, i relieved. Winortelsea, • fiennall Hetron THE ; Pt Ella Veal, RaY Fletcher, Annie ; Jr. pt, Almeda, ab eePle 4.1141.0MIIMN the funeral of tars. Seigner's sister.- Sunday afternoon, the Evangelists 'deer/ Either. wife of oer af• P. I'.. is Bulnete -- The Methodist Sunday .. . . 0, , , 4 4 t. 4 4 visiting friends in Michigan.- F. L. School will from now on commence at interineut. mulled the remains to Klienburg fole( Exeter, el:Is-ewe t.".end hoye Buffalo, ;. Brine:ley anal Lieury. • Seigner, who has conducted a herd- 2,39 re nheinstead of 9 o'clock. as for- A happy event was that which was 1: were and. tinware business here for merlys- The ladies of the Methodist Perth witneesed by a large number of invited , Art and Seauty Combined. some time, has decided to move to Derham and engage in a similar bust- church nest on Sept. tlard, and origa-, ed friends and relativee on Teesday, 1 D. MeOull;;011 ,;nd finally, of Kan- ' ,.. — nized a Ladies' Aid (9 city The MI- lb? Ss, f 0 ,s her, • t• the honae of sea ebara, x. D.. intend sta•LAUng flee v.in The llenkm,..,. on 1); 11)331)3!. Dye seat officers were electrel :-Presi- .t o .. o , a, nese. He will hold a clearing sale foe lowing , some weelts.-A number from here it dent. Mee Win. Switzer ; Fice•Prese don road, Tuekersmith, the onesion , Mr. William Jeffrey lets jest sold inis . . ane 1 l 'to Paste:lie .Gives Pleasure %MI P11)iit.- and Mrs. John Cielevford. of the Len- ;tet in St. MarYs. tended the Catholic picnic at Mt. Car- . etre. R. reereer ; seeretary. set, ; farm of lee mew. lot 1, UM!. 3, paw- i . e.,_ Mrs. B. being the marriage of their younes. mel oil Tnesday.-Geo. Holtztuttu, sre ,, 1. Shier ; Trieteurer, Mrs.- W. it, Carr. is vielting his sons and daughters in i, daughter,. Nii:=4. Nellie, to Janws,c'B., !nie, to Mr. .7 i'. Pezike, ei Wallitee. .‘,./.re ,u , ,,,, .e, .„ -,,,, .. . „ - -- . --re--- - * son of R. B. MeT.0.01, of that township. I ler zile sum et 6.1,o )z). 1%0 lest -Sister (II., It. swim tne Michigan. He will. remain there all 1 , St j oseph Mr. McLean is au exemphtry young I W. K. McLeod, who rune a cream. 1 " snianufacturem a splsedid Netriety a • winter man and one much respected in the • tlIt. Diala,41d nVe Mat ;did Hug Pat- ery at Venneek Londoe to -v sh* - • &mutt or ST. PEren,'s Onnettont- ' Ontnteer ANsavBuseny.--Sunday last The parishioners of Si. Peter's :church, was a red letter day in the Methodist t under the guidance of their worthy church -of this place it being the 0c- I pastor, Father Peturhomine,deoided easion of the Chureh Anniversary Ser- vices. Rev. George Cobbledick, M. B. A., of Parkhill was the preacher both evenings. Two very large and enthusiastic congregations greeted the Rev. gentleman. The services were of each evening crowded the hall, 'were o high.crder ; eloquence, forcefulness pleasantly entertained, Thu main and power characterised the address. features of the evening' were the cou- Seldom has the truth been presented test' i vh" e 110 't to make a bazaar to liquidate the debt, of the church. Everyone interested thernselvee in the noble undertaking, and on Sept. 21, 25 and 23, :the bazaar was held. The naniereue visitors who was won by Mack, Cluetain ; a book "Triumphant" by no Ttowland ra. book "Livingstone's travels through 'Africa," by P. Brehan. The contest for the gold headed cane did not take place, Mr. Sherritt felling to appear, which. Was a disappointment to the large crowd The Coughlin, orchestra furnished mask for the occasion. The dancing platform was well patronized. Proceeds $250. The success of the aEa,ir is mainly due to Rey. Father Tiernan and his able assistants. John A. Tuckey died Tuesday at his lesidenrn , lot 29, con. 4, London town- ship. The funeral takes place from the above named place on Thursday at 2 o'clock, services at 1.30 p. m. Mr. Dan Mara's team became fright- ened at some sheep • on the road on Sunday last as he tvas returning from church in Biddulph. The team eats avvay throwing Mrs. Mara an aged lady out:. hrcaldn,,,c, her arm aud dis- locating her shoulder. A. very painful accident betel Rich- ard Hodgins the oth.er afternoon. While engaged in securing butter- nnts ou Roht McLeod's farm on the second concession of Bicidelph, he had the misfortune to fell from ft tree breaking both wrists, After 11 pain- ful journey of five tildes to Lucan he had the injured members set, and is now progressing favorably. The deaLli °enured on Thursday last of Gordon, youngest, son of Tilos, Abbott of Biddulph %god two years and two motiths. f'ilarke, VCIallace, a prominent and hatinentiai Orangeman, a man widely - known in Canada, died a t, 11 hem ie. Woodbridge, on 'Ttiesciev, tr,te 0, few weeks' 111110,s. - • 'VC Wiles end le Bicesenenl, wore also Cobleedick, of Parkhill ; Ir or ock, 'I 1 • ' awarded reeonmensations for their Dashwond ; Anderson, of Kirkton ; labors. The greatest contest; was that Parkhill ; to the delight, of the of the cendidates fee tha. ownership of immense audience present. Never "§ a geld headed cane. The aspivants the exeellent enoir of -this Chnreh ren- . for 1110 cane were N. ()entire :fade 0. Bissonuette, Conservative, and F,, Hes:, neininee of South Harm), Liberal. Each hada box to Collect the g,ifts of ills numerous supporters,. The Voting lasted for half an hem', and after counting, the money it vvas found that - N, Cantin 'had $203, O. Bissonnette had SI02, and P. Hess, $07, so. the eane remained with the prmunter or the city. The etlier two received suit.: able gi rte.; short speeches -were deliver- bY each: The drawing a the prizes took place the first and seCond even - inn-, the gold watclegoing to Charles Liiporte, While the other prizes oreuq- bn.t inferior, wave distribot- ed wither and :thither ; clueing each evening leeture wes given. by the parisli jprieets Father ho 3.3 me. taking he tapies "A trip frame Ottawa through the British Isles to Rome" and "Abird's eke View of the Hely land,." • The lectures Were interspets: ed with eeprednetions of places, pass- ed, and Were Vtry interesting: derrn1 better service, nor has it ever been beard. to greater advantage, and its efforts were thoroughly appeociat- ed. The trustees had asked for a Thank -offering of $125, and during the evening the pastor annonneed that the proceeds, thongb ineomplete, - had already exceeded the amouut asked for. On .hearing Such a gratifying re- port, the vast -assembly "arose and sang the Doxology. Thus closed what is universally regarded. the most snc- cessful anniversary,sersiiCk: in bile his- tory of thiS church. ' 119,6, The revival' et the agitaticm for the union of Newfoundhuld Etlld Canada suggestS the one great difficulty in the way -the dispute between Great Brit - 133.0 and France as to the right of fish,- eririen belonging. to that republic to the nse of the foreshoies of the island. Once that knotty question is fairly ells - posed of WO believe Nevvfoundland township, and his bride is one of the most popular and highly thought of yoning ladies in the community ; for nemy years she has aeted as organist where her serviers were appreciated. person. in the Presbyterian church at kiln -len, feet, cannot feel and act like a well ' x ') ' - ' " " " ' 7" ' " X L'' n't 10W 3.3.13(3.4' I1013 Pills clualize f tPittlen'aill7coinorSetiusigit0enrier:e a ttilyies Tali.; Mrs. and Mee McLean will reside near the -circulation, ;sanative nervousness Kippen in the future. and give strength and reet. '' ; VIM IttAkt, 4L tfltrilbozn,-3 and -valueble rt v On Tuesday evening, about 0 o'clock Mrs. Itithl, of 04? *.r Stratford,' died. 3/.11t fet'",' s'ilz. s--avel:,‘" (103) 01110031t stock - lightning struck the fine bank itirn on Wednesday 1-tst •cf Cholera, Misr- ' e"- w,ruill'i,.‘11.1'.' pWi e ict 11 1,- it:, lc; (S.Z.1',8(lirs:f1,!tlir:t,',Wocitiast:/ belonging to D,tysid Schnell, Goshen bus'. She was tertY 7*' t4 of age and t - ,, , line, about a mile smith of Znrieh, and tn-tnn. ,nnn,r.n•--t=nn=n--.- -------- - - . one day rez•ently had :';1,1 pounds terns now so 3)'.3. 13' These zieW. de- pehin: ren(e)tt.11: t:11. )11 le.:(1,a, 1 ill:al:, :$1..41,1111,1 iirotl.;:ty't1:11rietteitipi:Itittt.tpi:tis;,tiii a tin esditzbeexez es, • 1 41 41 411 41 • x4.141444nanea...*444.40444440.444.4.4.4.x.e.4•40.441.94 in less than an hour the hem, drivine ' es -r. onr money refunded if pareha.se unsatisfactory. shed and the contents of the barn were ha ashes. Me Schnell savtel his horses the cattle and a few pigs, at the tisk 01 1111) °en life,ets he was eeveral times nearly overcome with the beat and smoke. The last herse saved bed its inane and head scorched by the intense heat and about 20 p1)had 10 130 left to perish in the flames. Ail of this sea- t -1011'5 crop WaS the barn, and the total loss is estimated at over 82.000. The ineurance WAS 7. on buildings $700, and on contents, $060, all -in the Hay re n su ran cc Co. II, should gratifyiug to Otnadi Ins to know that a horse from our pro- vince is capable of more than holding his own in one of the fastest races on one of the fastest tracks in the world, writt?s correspondent from Newport, Ind. Harold He bred. and raised in Blenheini, and owned. in Winghantn Ont., went in the 2.07 pace, Sep 30_, at Terre Ha,ute, Ind., and won in Ora straight heitts ; time, 2,o6L, 2.143/4 and r3 IP BM Le, STOVES An REVES kA 03AnEgb , rim We nee aeonts for 13170K'S &oyes A fell line of new patterns in stove and B,A. PP Y THOLTEIHT 11! )30$ boaxds I.Vceit'ed. oni 75e. up We are nlways pleased to show our nnttnnt stock, reremesse ese 4•44.1.....1.saorr..741•711=4,-.1.6.211ta.r=14...1.4C=.4.4.11a4. STOVE' PIPIE MEMEL (.2''''1,yilichli$,.?';" 001i11 A good houselteeper. delights in ha\-- Rubber Packing CROWN Polish in little le. -1 and tins, ; ing bre pipe shine ELECTRIC Uoil 'Mix:king 2% sheet es Packmg 2.01. lie NN'as never once headed, and well. and Oderless Himmel do it, zued do it j1 (B:lieuiltdiltiejfictlitttlesz,ttr,qttion.g no urging, was )ieceessary. On the _ ,,.._ . , , NA, leoleeale pewee to the Threshers contrary, he WAS held. in check at the ,,, e. 1 MAO, 01.,,,,..444an.,52411.17 x ve -,.,44344,44, .4.,434*.r.*,}"444,4444 close or evevy heat, In the last tvvo HT.351-.1 .-.... Ye) 1 heats all six. horses were under the AND wire in better tient 2,07. The fact that lie went a fall mile in 2.02 before the race was well known, and caused ser- A94' 10 IN Ye eral sporting men to declare their readiness to back liim againet any 'horse in the woeld. Mr. Proctor, (Har- old's driver) proved himself the peer of any in the circuit, and if the Cauedien would be joined to the Coe federation, seminary the bazaar MIS It grand sue- horse is pushed at Memphis, where he with all the tights and privileges that cess and. pleased everybody, The is Oater8d for next week, he will in all belong to it province of tills great nas tate, inside of twelve months. cleat'peofits are $10504 which is about probability go fast enough to shut - l sufficient to blot out tile debt on the himself out of all PAN'S bulmatched M's. Vim. McVettie died -ab her 1101110 at, Sault ,$te Marie recently. The church. ones tile nomine- year, A shock ine fatal accident it. teened family foerri erly lived tttAvonbank but PUTNA.M'S CORN 11IXTRAOTOR near Loft's corner, 13antie1d roall, God, moved to New Ontario a number of .Doesn't lay a man up . for a week erich township,. one day last week, years ago. The' deceased lat'iy lia.d hut quietly and surely goes on doing whereby Thomas Elliott, second son been in failing health for several yenre• 34'z L'-", ir'.<. nn'l .1 V.-.."-yi 14, ; 1-,I, 0 , ,,' f'n,, , ; (,,, t1,1r,: E1110.1!-, lo,4 11.: 1'7'. "flew and visited- 133') 133'3 1 w(1 \''Ir's AZ- -3' :'I' ;0.3 1,- ' ' ' "°- '1' 1 '- -1111'3. '! " '.'33-"-1 1- .,.'r- '''''' 3"1' •1 ' 1°3 '4. ''S .113 111,, 1,,,,,.,,r i. -3-..,1i,,12: llo, 11,,,I 1,„ , l',., ,tv ef s 1 nt, (eye- 1,. (l),- sow , 33;133 •3 , N. 1 3 3 1 3 0' \A 3, 333 it. i ' 3 1.I3',"'3I'. 13 '33 11'3,133330 3111-'10113rI.3 A 11111- .1 ,la.,,, aro+I ,..0.2.,?r,11‘., tlf 'I I Lrr-rj`l- '1`.'ilf`l) 7,111 la, tit' W.AS till Vi.111,4 a tn I t , tly in' nee 1 hildren, ft te.-tem, .aivi cp,.., fl.mil Pot ri.l?ti•-• t'N.t.'Opt to tho 1..0,1.10 of ccdpk, To Oliotoo, kvio-n :130 bit ill '11 4.10,eglil 04. .A.1 111 111'31..',4". I 11,-lo.,t1th oi; tho nigh 11(,it-o 01 oke irraeri.'t I \Vet li;tve tlie very best 1)110 31(1 13.11(1 our stock is liettvyt tr •1400.144.414 'We are .iloW delivering the „genuine '..::era,nt.ou, at the same prieeas other boa]. . . —drollotr-ri-seavOnammianwer,cact r and Ooal - 173TE