Exeter Times, 1901-9-12, Page 6NIESIBEN NoKINLEY Declared at First That He Was Not Hurt Much. auffalis, Sept. G. -President, Me1ize- e3;/ was shot twice by an assassin as he stood in the Temple of Music at 'tthe Parefinierica.n Exposition at 4 .o'cleek thie afternoon. The shots •rwere fired by Fred Nhentan, alias teen, Ceolgosz, of Detroit, who said afterward that be was an Anercliist, and- luta outs, done his duty. The PRESIDENT WILL.LIVE. ButYale,- N. Ye, Sept. 9. -The news from President McKinley to -day is good taws throughout. it is not merely negative good news like that of yesterday when there was good, news because there was no bad news. It is possible good news -a story of distinct improvement in the patient's condition over yesterday. His temperature at this writing is over a degree lower than it was eveu this morning, when at one time it went up to 102.8, as einnpared with 10 the President was assisted to a. '2 Yesterday. lt is now 101. The MARKET8 OF' THWORLDIitIe ieng.E 7A,do., new, Friees Of Cattle, C11e333, O1ai1, See .112 the Leading Mankets., Toronto, September 10. -Wheat - The local niarket is. without feature. Sales of old white and red to millers at 071 to 68e low freights, while ex- porters quote at 6.6c middle. New white for export, 65e; N. 1 spring on Midland tiSac, Manitoba wheats red, 74;o; No 1 white, 75e. Corn -rheum : No 2 yellow, 60;e; No. 3 do., 591e ,• No. 2 yellow, 60;e ; No. 8 do., 59;e; No. 2 corn, 59c No. 3 do., 59e. Oats -Quiet and only steady : Nt 2 white, 88e ; No. 8 do., 87•e ; No. 2 mixed, 3640 ; No. 3 do, 36e. Barley -Western of- fered at 57 to •62c. ; No. 2, 50e. Canal freights -Steady. Detroit, ki'Iept. le. -Wheat -Closed, No. 1 white, ?1e. cash ; No 2 red, 711e, cash and Sept. ; 721, Oct.: quiet; No. 1 hard sold at afiee to 88.4 t. 1UL lJis face was Nt.ry w u -e, u pulse is slower and the resph•ation and No. :2 at 80; to 81e. grinding in St. Louis, Me., Sept. 10.--Wheat- he made no outcry,. and sank back :dower and easter. In a word it is a transit. For Toronto and west 2c with one hand holding his abdomen, • Closed. Gate cash ; Sept. ; marked improvement, warrantim lower. ' • strolls hopes for a favorable issue. His eyes were .open, and he was • And • right here a word should be clearly conscious of all that had,. • said about the bulletins the physi- cians are sending out from the sick ident Millburn's• face. and gasped. ansi n . Ile 1ookedup into e. - • f ea Oats -The market was quiet to- Pee.atilwankee $ept 10 -Wheat day at unchanged prices. New No. 2 ;see, • • • - white and mixed sold for export at • ;(7710eles : No. NNeoithleet1SL°61.tehetlesile' eV. 83e middle freight. Old quoted lo- •-s . .., to 7 ec. Coin -Dee., oSie. room. 1A.tr some reason past fathom- cally at 35 to '36e. • , Oats -Steady , No. a white, 86A- t eateuiptel assassination. took place "Cortelyou." The President's secre- Me the 1t.nort hes been circulated Pees -Trade quiet and prices Min. 37e. eely wise. be that theY WOVe not truthful; that No. ..., sold at 0Se north and west e 0 an the presence of 0.000 people, who , tatty hent over him. eCortelyou." - - - *e - * Toledo, 0., lead crowded into the Temple of said the President. they were theiberately eolot•ed with and at 70c on 'Midland. , h and Sept. 72ec; Dec.. 73:2e. Sept. 10. -Wheat -No. eiltasie, mei while 10,-000 others • careful about her, dou't let lice ;optimism. that the President's condi- Barleee-The market is firm, with - ,,,,,,, „e Corn -No, 2 Septe, 56e; Dee 50te 2 cas Stood outside tlw Temple waiting for ' know." tion was much worse tban they hull- sates of No 2 et 47e No ft ,e. ye -No sales. f i • - ex“" ''''''` Oats -Cash, 36 R • • a Armee to enter and •Shktke hands Moved ki., ai paroxysm he writhed . - - • - • - - - • • cateo. All this is nonsense. The 46e and No. 3 at 45e, all middle seed-I:time, $5.70 Clover with the President. to the left, and then his eyes fell on stories discrediting the bulletins do a freights. The nrst, leillet struck the sternum- the prostrate forna of the tvould-be . .. -grave inittstice to the conscientious . Corn -The market is steady to -day, physicians who have the tremendous 'with sales of No. 2 Canadian yellow the right, and traveed beneath the! bleettly and helpless beneath the responsibility upon them and they iat 54e, and of mixed at 58c west. • CATTLE MARKEp. skin to a point direetly below theblows of the guards. likewise tire uniust to the tloYern-, American is wareinae at. 59 to 60e, on Toronto, Sept. 10.-To-aay's re- el IA id pie Tie' *world baltet pen- The President raised his right hand - • • •ho • . : ..• • 1 to tzlckIiele firmer ceipts at the western cattle yards some market is with ' Ir. the President s chest. deflected to +assassin. aa. . .an lay on o ; $5•05 ; Dee., $5.67 etealeit the abdomen. Only a super- ' red with his own blood. anti placed ' UL (E. • ettlei weetej lees caused hy the nest ! it on the shoulditr Of hi'S sliave control of what shall or' Rye-Theecheary.. shun izot go out to the publie from sales at 51c middle freights. , c.41uding 1,100 cattle, 1,800 sheep and bullet. end niellin five minutes efter "Let 310 00e 111Ert him." lie gasped. ' were 68 carloads of live stock, in. limbs, 600 hogs, 50 calves and 20 :the pkyszekaLl; reached the rresid,,tit. ,, at.,,et s,2,,e, tmek, ilt the ehaEe. while the sick room. The bullethis iestiedi Duckttheat-Male•et dull, with pri- ! mileb cows. it Lad hee:t rettaol-ed. The second the s;-rnards cerried \5. 22 out Of WS by the President's physicians are. so ices purely nominal. bullet wes riot found. An opertition isigitt. • far as it is humanly possible, aa ma,: Flour -The market is quiet. Nine - export ,4. T:r,ade was fait- and the market fee - curate stutement of his exact eondi-: tv, per cent. patents sold for iteas leethernied 'ale the President at ; Au azabultince from the Exposition • • • t ' than. Senator Hanna and Vice -Pres- • in bbls. at S'..1.90 middle freights. • `mines's. V' • ' who came telt of the tehoice straight toilers. in bbls., Re-' • p.u.s t chtuaged ;at from $4.25 to $5 per ewt. •• ; q • , n the Linergeney Hospital MI the• lex- i .osette nes sE11111111 Ilk( 0.0.11.t. .1. E. „. : , peeinien greueds at 6 o'clothe by 3and ti President. still .o l' ! Went Roosevelt, ,, Milbtien house- together this after- Cally and for Lower Provinces. In'. re.;t7,:70: P. M-amit. Pr. 30/in Par- .,:sar.tt. urea the stretcher. Butcher cattle is worth from $3.75 leentee. EE1Eki Pr. 11. 212 Mynter. 'the Secretery Corteiyou end Mr, Mil- '' 11"tle both srol--, oarlIcstlY ill insane.. to k3t-1•30. Manitoba patents. 34 in",; to s.j.:.24.4. pee cwt. for good to choice, -• • • - - prowl of the reporte casting suspi-; begs. and strong bakers' 33•75. ; 1 . 1 • • • r e reeadetet eta:eat:et %yes ore.", inn NUt.16 111.1 Ell o. 22122. the let!.12se. has Lot found. P1 1211't.,2. 'twain Mel in lane initattae fetter the eion on the bulletins'. Senator 11 212' • Oatmeal-Ma2 kel. is unchanged; cav . , tuta•s were "2 21 the incision wits eltootieg the Preshfifeit wee; ;swan,- na- in Pitrtieulart was vigorous 112 lots tit 33,90 la bags. and 31 in ]"10,4situn and 0,02,amon Stilff Was dull. 1 who denouncing us false theee rimairs. wood. Broken lots. Toronto, 3rne! s'hueic.ers. mills and feeders are .4 quotably ursehangett. gewed up, azei 745 te'cloeit the - leg the arrival of SIEllgeous, Mr:Iberia president of the tie:0; of the city, and by special BY CZ01-00SZ. ',Per hbl• extra. Millfeed-The market is quiet. with I "Sheel) und lambs are aaehauged at Presideet wee: removed the home ,Iliatt been ettarnicefed fitan till see•; CONCESSION 1 I ain ate Auftrehist. I do not. supply limited, as welt as the e -the prices quoted below. Expoe:f•on fet iht1,tware Arenne anti ;train from Niagara. Palle There was a demand to-dity for l'erry Street. The doetors stated 121 I The. Presittitnt come:teed conscious , tort 111 1121 . ter the 01 t:r4t1on thut tnee were land coil:versed with Mr. Cortelyon ermiwut • My With in this govern- Gold- Lopefel. 222 31 while the wountli fuel Milbura on hist wey to tile !meat was lhetleevell 2e- 1 11232 2. ,celz.4e1 2222 ti4e. ,,,ecorol shot wog sea- !!lifelaza.e. . mate whom 1 heard, teettee leetinhe ieue. it WV:IS 22."4 2242'- 1*1 2 1 ton f.,01Ty.lite said. to haw ; ill New Yoi'k a few Ye:21'S 1,,q:(1i. and 1.'he itiata who tint the slatoting wits• t Ism the cause of trouble to the , $eized immethately by the ileteetite'2. ofetrett no reeistatice. and 11.2. arst " Three Otto:eel:es free- fourd eepitee refused 1-3, give uny informatzent , eitea with the Presidott, tiret. thee about itimeeif, Later he •seitt his the teavs should be itepe frenn Ids name tees Fred ',Ci0212:3ra that he wets %%fie thet the asseesee es else tele ealee to 11+1f- siened Lot Iterwed ; 02;4 third, falo fI 2233 *2, (423% a wee% eges. Ile „rfer:41, iLitt die' tragedy neight hurt WO'. lhaiiee ;et N.. 1-025 Ilroatinety.• tea Itlepoeithou. He gale hi,. octateetiele 1)lee.2-;. 1 avast Cleat 2110 pm 3e:2-232 111*4 ,.431 cs,:s u441: in Pe- ten ehett pessed exec,- the Expose.. '•teeti erestiele with ein•teet 12 credible. t reit. • -ed. ,12.4 t11 CTE.AVE1 E0'0104,1 tltt gr,,,,e; 023221 22 ewe:32.e1 :lay , t; %steel v.•;1 •tehe, Ti 2 hElva d '2T.1 1 Li. .$11.U3L1141:e re.711•41faiity t o the 11...1o1. t isle divided ;itesef ieto tn.";: parte,: tee modems pia !tetra tie, eataiitiou af the rivet- Itittet ;fret to catch or every rumor tifet lame, fleet. 1110, 1.144912EE11. the *9t14'2' coatieein alai 4' Certain it is tied! if tie, officiate had not wed remarkable !teligencts "a tiddler Niemau tint of . • tie: WEty of the crowd, he would have ;tees, litobleel and beeten to death. - PRFSIliENT MeKINLEY. The reception to the President this afternoon ewes One to which the gen- eral public had leen uzvited. Presi- •dent John O. Millburn, of the Expo- eition, had intreduced the President to the great crowd in the Temple, and wen, women and ebildren mine forward for a peremeti greeting. Among those in line WEIN Nieman, whose left hand was wrapped in a handkerchief. Folded in 0 hantiker- thief was a 32scalibre Derringer. A little girl was led up by her father, and tize President shook hands with her. As she passel along to the right the President looked after her smilingly and waved his hard in a pleasant adieu. Next in line came the aseassin. As the Presitteet terned to the right egain. l•ringing the right hand about in the clutraeteristic tett Pude with which he tritends it while receiving. Nieman Garnet out both his hands, brushed aside the Prmdent's exteret- ed hand, and brought the revolver hidden in the handkerchief up against the Presi22ent's storeach. At tlie eame instant he pulled the trigger. BOERS SURPRISED. of coal. • ed. hut nothieg was found upon hint "Irk. i ant onlY one of the great Potatoes -The market Is unclutegect Lotter's Commando Surrendered to charkg yoflos. who repre‘a, t . • 4.• p . • . qtioted at $13.5'0 to .514 Wetit, and ; guml vcal calves' jNno clue...Re in 31121011 cows. hurts at $37 we22t. Ton lots sell +5.13-50 anti shorts et Si.3.53 lislre tl0 Cliallg(-1 1101-01= The best price for "singers" is 7.1c here ne per lb, thick fat and light hogs are with whom I have since enee me. II0(13 AND r11(1V1S1ONS. A WOltil WIC per Ile Dreeeed flogs are quiet to -day at Hogs to tacit the top price must $0 to 89.40. Hog products in good he of prime quality, and scale not be - 5 324 firm, with 5111411 sup- ! low 100 nor above 200 lbs. e - Piles. We quete:-Bacen, long clear, ; Following is- the rauge of quota - 5224 case lots. 11 Site pork, mess, t tions: - 520 to $20.50; do, ehort cut. 821.50. • Cattle. e4.60 $5.00 Senoltee Meets -Hams, 14 to 1.1Se; "Shippere. tee* cwt 11 to 11 e. !Paitehere. ord. to good :1.5241 4411105 4.95 4.60 bre:eldest lez.con, 15 to 16e: rolls," Doe light 120; necks, 15 to lette, awl shoulders Butchers, choice- Lard-Pe:Mind goed itnd PriCe:4: Buts:hers. inferior... .... 2.75 3.25 hem. Gm:war:tete! Fare- in 50411 tubs Sheep and Lames. 13.1e. eeile, 11e, anal tierces, lle. !Clioiee ewes, rer cwt... 3.40 3.110 nuicilmrs• sheep. each_ 2.ilo 3,00 PAIRY-MA11KETS. Lambs. encl... 2.50 3.25 respohdenee. 1 lueievt. thet atte. emu wen+ aseepte the Presidency is 0 foe to the /Arun -eon people. Ile I epre- eents only tees class t.f tee oyeeee, sors. I did my testy. 1 ma seine that Mr. MeKieley lets sneered. I imerele ed. to kih fate. awl I Oesret Ceti I dial not seeeetel. I hope thee no 4,-•^! 2E,113 InEt.,',121+2!- 1 EltE'; ret,1101:00 aesetesin PereanalIy I heal :IttIe to gain ae tetailt E et The shot Oita 1 :eel/ !AA*, 1•;eieet of ell •••hiati I iateeded to MO the rresiihne iljo VO2 1 <ea SI,OeS. Agates* hlr. liaKiehty tie a 04.12E 1 •::§1,11101 1011',0 !Et* f.,*.:110E. 1 14.2tie taint ties tieet e. VOt.!1.1 ii,1.22, diel teet wish to itelict self:Seine iveou (064111y. 1411E 10 0 Iv, ate .1 hal f ale n1,1: perpoee I could not etataider Calm learleet Is steady. Arer- thitge strictly tine meets with a ready tsaht fee Ifteal trade. other grades aro dec.-me:eating. 'Me quote.-litrietly mesh de:tress. 170! emends, 14 to 15e Cetherse to 3.310. I say agent I del ten ass:1.sta- l's-hlarket !steady. 11'e quote: - eh, the man. iteentied to Mu 1110 stetetly new leh?. teeseby . gathered). President. theatre- I believed it ve, uld " 13 to 11e; t manatee fresh candled tl 7 Is) d 11 t levee a good 1.21,2•01, upon this coningt stale 111 to 12e. secon s. • , and upon ell mankind. mese- ar tet IS u . quo I T.111F.11"lhe LYNCH HIM. : I will ete• say whether Etilly0114? had; --Finest ite 91c; seconds itfc. N1(11010 101-1 been carried into a knowi'llgo of my rim1,. This' CI M 1 Ilticits. per cwt 2 50 Milkers and Calves. •! Calves. eatt Hogs....21:14 Cows. each • CI " 1 te: •wt 121 : ilint•ybloititess,,11P0t1;• (3.60 Sows. 6.75 3.50 to:g*ss., 1Peel; 0.00 8.410 45.00 10.00 7.26 •••m••••.4...• 1 eteee with moderate receipts. Large lots , n s . except a letter relating' to lodgin4. E ieute of Anarchists bound tog i 6.75 4.00 2.00 illE H18 11 1,.E1111 THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER.- -- ateresting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and Asserted for Easy Reading, CANADA. The Nova Scotia Legislature has been dissolved. General election Oct- ober 2. VICTORIOUS CANADIANS. •••••••••••••• Defeated the All-Amerlean Team at Seagirt, A despatch from NOW 'York says :- The Canadian and American riflemen. had a long sessioa on Thursday on the State rifle z•anges theagirt, N.J., in the contest for the Ameri- can Centennial Palma Trophy, em- blematic of the world's champions and the Canadians won by ai margin of 28 points, the anal score being : Canada, 1.522; America, 4124 The Utmost good -fellowship prevailed during the match, which WAS very close up to the last stage. Two of the members of the Ulster Rifle Association oi Belfast, Ireland, W. T. Braithwaite and Thomas Robertson, acted as coaches for the The Premier will accompany the Dominion representalaves. and the Royal party on the trip across the:Americans had General B. W. SPea- London postofilee returns for Aug- ;.the"e :o°1111:litr7sreolfirlelsleenteepdntesbty. eathi: ;ed for the use of the uational arm of attend - Stratford hue carried a, 820,000 de:cele.....with s"le °1 ilis allicers' (.. ontment. beneure by-law to pay off the Stoat- : ' ing to them in a similar •capacity. ing debt. . ust show a. revenue of $5,400, an in- li teams' C3'01250 over August, 1900. i duel between the American Krag and so that it teas practically a - ;the English Lee -Enfield weapons. Building permits in Hamilton last Tlit; Canadians used orthoscopie month reached $36,00o, an increasehsights, while the Americans had the of 817,000 over Augtist, 1900. . . . • sex vice sights. Lieut- Leizar of A spark from the thresher caused Illashington, D.C., made the highest, the •destruction of 30 tons of hay i collective aud best iudividttal E-coro on (leo. 'McAuley's 1.01.104 near Wield- Oii alc match, which was shqt in It is understood 'that the nuke of iyards. Eat% of the teams of eight. eti.ree stages, 800, 900 and 1.000 Peg. Cornwall and York will enjoy two Inteu hint fifteen shuts at each nr ;these distances. :days' chicken shooting in Manitoba ou his return, journey from the coast..1,711s2132 a Work is about to be contmenced In Nationel Guard of New , ,oe the nem front the lst. Troop of n the ereCtion in Cite' Mil Square. 'match WaS :410t over the 200 und Jersey. Title • 1 Ottawa, of the chilth.en's monument 500 yard 1.1 • • 1, ;.• . • 11 21. an. memory of the soldiers who fell in 2.ee tietweee the Besee wee nee the South Africa. !Pennsylvania squadron, each having The total attendauee at. the Royal ;a t•otal of 205. But as the Jen:0y hclilitary College. Ringeton, mintbers iriflemen had the better ag.gregitte and the largest. number in the his-;Permsylvaniane had to take second tory of the eollege. iplace. Squadron A of New York • It is stated that Meesrs. Alackersiur„,,u"t` w,ith 284. and Troop It zzie and :Mann. who haw the contrace fel Iliarylluel fourth+ with 38th :for building 200 miles of railway in ; In the Sehutzen nuetelt at the 200 'Nova Scotia, will thee their roils Intrcl ranges* U. th Hioluun has the front the Dondideu Iron and steel top ecorts of 216 out. of a. possible .19, an increase of 20 over Iast year, ecore over the lower range the . Company. irse.trietednwtitie Gonna. ring target, and 1 , abandoned entranne-by to latite- f jog.sheyttociltulleititan1;117lifitilelh%.1PD°otorriLti.113;t1:reeti The Moutreal authoriti I a !„ Coritwell i 11 0 Vit(111.11111.1nitrisiti;f- i!!" 110551"140Y' tleac11 iiitrui 13 ) ". ;:21250 rwehi4,10eitssstatttltab)rlybiltalruhte.dril:11(arY. pay , lenge snatch aft 1:01141 (21311(.1:11"011s(2.4"111.1:1:: n the City $ American target. The special eital- ;reception to the D It . yards, between teams of eight men """w" City (%;a122011 has given tha;•each. for tile 1:18It'r Mile A`4,0014-, 1 lake id' York to ilerricade certain 'New Jersey Rine Aesociation, will "leave pewee daring the -east oy the -lion of leesest, teehteee, alai the ' t'1'.ittr1;t7es. naltuittii(elirintItli4s;%Ist121102‘11.4:4111nek''4 ttel beTlir fol1111gow4idrit;4111,..dat11s1u1i;=°;(*1,7 .the! ;Interests of the public sefety. Canatliati-Ameriean match 2- 1,1RP:11:12 BRITAIN. 4 Calutditins-Lieut. Ross, 185 ; .: Capt. R. .L Davidson, 2119 : Pte. ;ill:T.112;s. Illet1tV (11:1111,1tesr Eln11(111111Ectli'lbst*Er$ 1211(1.114;(,),yse... i 1(3,tegly'. 11-7,° 11gitvildlt,140,;1,141121.11181. ItItSt;, "" . Stuart, ette ; Voittresergt. St:edifiers, !(1111te'ing. lealward luts 'appointed a coin- •118.5922; . Lieut. Rol,ert son, 189 ; t otall, ;mission to Investigate Prot. 'such's! Americans -Major Yemen 377 ; . . . . 4.1.111.,•1••••• .tuterculosis theory. • Lieut. Shaw. 122 : Lieut. Leisette, A dultedoierefor Lord Stiliehury 203 : ljeat. :len. 195 ; Lieut. Cook- ' spoken of in connection with the cor- son, 188 ; Cept, Merlin, 175 !! (*nation honors. Springsteed, 189 ; Capt. %% late - mole, 182 total, 1,494. VEGETABLE KITCHENS. A. maidservant in 1.01111011. eliarged with theft from her be:tress. etnit- ' side ro0112 ot the north-weet eorner the autlioriti4..s of this comits.y 121101113CE, nutted suicide lei :ttettlIoning lamp8. of the Tempie. 'There he VMS se.:41•011- 0111st 1010W UM 110E, 1000 111 EMS- the British. !On Allterkan syndicate, has sheered! -re ey washed the weed fame h:s yew under soleuni malt to eeeompuee a of good stock are quoted at 60 to 65 A ties +loch fro 1 ne Toue I 12 t.'22,! - -1 st2:‘ s' ! Piccadilly Tube Railroad, which - , ,- eshcont.t.01 of the priejected 1114.111114(111. Ontal aSketi 1.int WilO he was Etrld why i work and to beteg about '610 ipsults cents per -buena, and jobbing pricee„ 75 to 80c. . rho tietails of the light in which ...., -- , ,• ., 1 he ; elves Juni complete control of Lon - that surely must mune. trineet et- 'telt he had tried to kilt the President. ; Lott or's commando was cap ten t t , d „i.e. „ ,,,iel , • hfie made no answer at first. but ! M:Y , plans were all ettrefully laid. - Dried Apples -The market contin- 'fluidly neve the mane of Nieman. ' I had fitiltel on other oceneione. but !lieu dull, with no offerings, and prise e°1- .hleollell ileve just been received ' ...- - """ ' lwre. li uppears that Col. Scobell 'me aPPolnitnent of tiir Eselyr, ces are purely nofninal. , '-11 22.218 Drown -haired. arid was dress -;11•31 would have at public receptioe 2 ITops-There is a. quiet trade, with shIrPrisell hotter, W110 11E1(1 Wagered ' Weed to command the eecond army 111 OP e011E1*(‘ Of 0 basin surrounded ! coaps marks the inaugut•ation of a " ielie is of niediuta height. '11100111 1211411 I heard thet President eleKin- stereos steady at -14: to 2Ce. "ed ni Ow ordinary clothes of a me- !knew that fortune had thrown my , Honey -Market is steady at 9 to be ridges, The Boers occupied two a('W army scheme. The poet, of ad- - • 'ehaeic. Lie onered ao expittnation i oPPortullitY ill nth chiSh . . . 9:c. Comes, $1.50 to $1.75 per doz, kraals and a shed. into which the , hi tent -general which he vacates, and • wl • I will b ! • le ,1 f * • •-• ',An:trete:et. und had done his duty. ; decided t hut I would attempt to kill , or; 1" s 11( 221" '42 ( Beans -The market is steady with • t 1 $1 80 The eilPe Aleunted Rifles undp(t)shie. ZtIttntiete)11.bYxnaty110.1.1011211gle1;lesbsy0(140(112eeereanitrICaelli: of the deed except that lie was an ; Boot pit rushed%%tem A detail of Exposition 90 11 2'. 1.5 t•he President while he 11110 in Buffalo. ti mg. in °mai s oe . Ninth Laneths surrounded the ly-Kenny. A carriage nets eunimoned. South lean Kelmeitiell. and for the last I t_c1.2$1.00, and handpicked, $2.10 to tie 15. thin completely. emit for, and company of soldiers. ;Therefore 1 came to the Pon-Axperi- '' of the sptten had been three days I have Plaltued carefulelv !with sales of toi I 1 li d t, Hay. 11811:d -The market is steady, were ..red at daylight, stampeded the The first Britieh volleys, which 'UNITED S'TAl'ES. .roped off. The crowd tore out the ;nee. atteek upon hint. leith the :le 810. 01-5 ( yore a '....7. T b 1 • • • eeei is* ,. .. ;hem .1 *111131012 holding the ropes, ,talibre revolver '1 hod Tinictisect fre-i and car lots. at $8.50 to $9. itational congressmen. $ um 110W eensus Te.Xtie gilts three , 14.12 2', market is quiet,. Car their escape Was impossible. took re- 1 Elleabeth Hunt, of Brooklyn, . polo staadiug near by on the Es- i about- my right hand so that the3 "'Its' . - Seeds -There is a litti on track, $5 to $5.50 a ton. e eience eem_ turned the British fire. Then the . NMyrs. fuge in the shed, from which they re- . . . has 'tett attained her one hun- • end carried the ropes to the flea tquently in wrapping my handkerehies , voices, and a start was made for 1, taken to be my thumb. $7.25 per bush, and No. 2 at 80 to four points on their shed at distances deed and iirst year. of from 50 to 400 yards. Every The Upholsterers' Union of New ' one of the entrances of the Temple, 1 1 aue not sorry for whet 1 heeel$6.75. Red clover is easier at $5.135 :Soldiers and police beat back the Idorte. Why should 1 be ? I have to $5.75 per bush. planed 2. ,Nle.t.1.1( 1. C 11C( a (.( 111 El ,1 "Lynch him," cried a hundred ;while its in' in; No. 1 is quoted at $6.75 to • protruding 11111hede 11111;111 be BLitt:4i sonetnti a et corner of the Boer position was well - York city has made a demand for searched for three-quarters of an the eight-hotir work day. ' crowd. Guerds and people were :been simply lin agent in the accent-- home when a white flag was hoisted. A etrike of 1.7,000 skilled workiug- %mingling. shouting and fighting. iplishment of a work which I hope! In this confusion, Nieman. still : will succeed. Of rouree. I know ; bleeding. his clothes torn and scarce- that as it is new constitnted. the ly able to walk. was led out by (..(v.r.(3rnirient possesses the ponce to capt, games le vane's", deer 01 p0111832, and I know that the great I the Exposition detectives, Come' majority are still too ignorant, to mandant Robinson, and a squad of nPpreciate that I have struck a I secret service men. Nieman was 'blow fol. liberty. thrown into a carriage and. three , I shall be denounced. and I will !detectives jumped in with him. Capt.. he punished. but will take my 'ir-ailttly jumped on the driver's seat punishment. no Metter in what form I :and lashed the horses into a gal- it, may come, like a inan. The first bullet entered too high for .10P. the purpose of the assassain, who ; The crowd burst into a roar of had tired again as soon as his finger rage. "Murderer ! Assassin ! Lynch could move the trigger. !hang him !" they yelled. Men CAPE RACE LIGHT. THE STREET MARKET. Receipts of graie were smaller to- day, Mheat-etteady, 4.00 bush of old red and white soiling. at 73c. and new at 61 to 68e, 100 bush of spring at 71o, and 80n bush of goose at 67i to 68c. Barley -Firm, 600 bush selling at 49 to 53c. Oats -Also firm, 600 busli selling at 41c. for old, elle. at 37e to 381 for new. Rye sold at 512c for one load. Hay - Dull two loads selling at e10 to $11 a ton. No str.a.w. Dressed Ilogs--$9 to 50.40. Following is the range tionsIvli ea On receiving the first shot Presi- . sprang at the horses and clutched Is 55 Feet Lower Than Was SuP- dent McKinley lifted himself on 112s '422. the whirling wheels of the Car- posed. t.' -white... toes with something of a gasp. his : riagef Niemen buddled back in the Wheat red movement. caused the second shot to ' corner, concealed between two de- A despatch front Ottawa says a- Wheat, new, ,:teetives. "The rope 1 !" the rope !" In a report to the Minister of Ma- Wheat. spring•.. .. white enter juet below the navel. With the' second shot the President doubled yelled the crews, and they startod rine and Fisheries Mr. Anderson, slightly forward, and then sank ; forward all in one grand fight. the Chief Engineer of the department, Wheat, goose..... . . President. in his arms, and President :take a murderer's life. Ruce, says he found by actual level - Oats, old Oats, new back. Detective Geary caught the ; soldiers to save and the citizens to WIle. 11E18 just returned front Cape Millburn helped to support him. I Soldiers fought a way clear, at ing, that the light is advertised as'Barley. i by the infuriated thousands. the • water mark than it. actually is. Pea.s 1131312.1 FD ASSASSIN' TO FLOOR. ' the heads of the horses, and pursued being 55 feet higber above high- uye It had all happened hi an inatant. Hay, old per ton.. j carriage whirled across the Esplah- Ibis reduces its horizon two miles, el' Almost beente the noise of the se -1 ade, the hot•ses at- full gallop, across and maY Intee beert one cause 1 ay. new, per tor cond shot sounded, Nieman was seiz- er Straw, per 'ton... .„ !the Triumphal Causeway, and van- ' complaint. One of the lenses was ed by S. R. Ireland, a 'United States , !ished through the Lincoln- Parkway ;found to be a. little tea of focus. • Secret Service man, who stood di -2 gate, gabeeting dotal Delaware 1 .To remove any ea • I , ; complaint of quota - 50.73 $0.00 . .. 0.78 0.00 red and 0.64 0.68 0.71 0.00 0.67e 0.68 0.41 0.00 0.37, 0.38 0.49 0.53 0.68 0.69 0.52 0.00 13.00 13.50 10.00 11.00 9.00 10.00 8.• reetly opposite the Preetdent. Ire-! avenue until police headquarters was about the fog alt.,* 10 he suggests - land hurled the man to the floor, reached. !dividing up the single blast of ten and, es he fell, a negro waiter named Thousands left the Exposition , seconds into two blasts of five sec - John Harper leaped upon him, Sol- grounds, and learning that the as- , onds each. Col. Anderson proposes diers of the 'United States Art; 1 tory, 1sassin had been taken to police head- to experiment to see whether better detailed at the t•eceptions sprang uPe I quarters, followed there, willing to , i•esults ctui be got from one shape on them, and Nieman wa,e surrounded! 2do violent. justice if the President or size of whistle bell than another. by a staled of Exposition police and '3 . 3 'Secret, Seta -ice detectives. Deteetive Thallagher grabbed Nirenan's ' right band, tore awe:, the hanfikeithief, and stiiied the revolver. The artil- lery men, swine- 'he revolver in Gal- lagher's hand. rushed ea him, and handled him rather roughly. Mean - 'while 'Ireland and the negro held the assassin, endeavoring to shield him • troin. the, attacks of the infuriated artillerymen; and the blowe of the polite -epee's clubs. • - As eveeing came on the numbers I .• ••••••=•••=.=01,a• triranafterna grew so that the multitudes blocked all the streets in the vicinity of po- lice headquarters, ten thousand ask- ing- One another, "Is the Presiden, still alive ?" All efforts of the po- lice to disperse the crowds ware -vain and futile. The roar of conversa- tion in this mass of people pene- trated even to the cell where Nie- man lay. Now and then the crowd would surge over to one of the Supperted by' Th 1,, Genry fled newspaper bulletin boards, and 12.2 2. Mill -Mini, end $tirrounded cheer wildly when the statement was Secretnry George. B. Cortelyou, flashed out that hope wits entertain- , and half 42 dozen Iexpeeition officials, ed. KILLED BY A ROCK. Assistant Superintendent Duehesney of the C. P. R. A despatch from Vancouver says.: Assistant Super in tee ri ent Ducbesney of the , was accidentally kill- ed to -day by a rock falling on him at same point a few miles east of here. Mr. Duchesney was considered a remarkably clever railway man and was also, sometlimg of an ex- ; pierce.. He recently discovered the 1Yohe valley pear Field, B.C. Dresseo hogs... ..... 0.00 I3utter in lb. rolls... .... 0.17 Butter, 'creamery... ..,... 0.21 Chickens, per pair....... 0.50 Ducks, per pair...........0.60 Turkeye, per 11).. ..... 0.12 Eggs, new ..... 0.16 Eggs, held, per doz... ,.. 0.12 Apples. barrel-. ... 2.00 Potatoes, new. busliel.t. 0.60 Tomatoes, basket 0.15 Beef, forequarters 4.50 Beef, hindquarters • 8.00 Beef, medium, carcase6.50 13eef, tholize. 7.00 Lamb, yearling... 6.50 Lamb, spring... „. 77:5500 Mutton. Veal, choice. . 5.50 Duluth, Sept. '10.---Wheat-Cash, No. 1 hard, 70Sc; No 1 Northern, 680; No 2 Northern, 652c; Sept., 681e; Oct., 68;4 c; Dec. 69c; May, 73e. Onts-85; to '34.ec. Corn - Nominal. Buffet°, N.Y. Sept. 10. -Flour - Firm, no clereand. .1Yheat-Spring, 9.40 0.22 0.26 0,75 0.85 0.18 0.17 0.14 2.50 0.75 0.20 5.50 9.00 7.25 7.75 7.00 8.50 6.50 8.25 Nevertheless the Boers continued fir- Men in the packine trades through- ing, and a private of the Lancers, out. the country ise'threatened. who galloped forward to ready° the surrender. was shot twenty yards from the shed. The firing then ceas- ed, as Commandant Lotter came from shelter and surrendered. The shed presented a terrible spectacle. The dead and wounded were lying in all cosi Lions. Col. Scobell's disposition of hi14. force was admirable and he outman," oeuvred Commandant Loteer com- pletely. THE ROYAL JOURNEY. Arrangements by the C. P. R. About Completed. A despatch from Montreal says :- The officials of the Canadian Pacific have about completed their arrange- ments for operating the royal train to the Pacific, and back. It will be ren in 12(0 sections, the first of eight and •the second of nine cars. It will take aborit 46 engines to r•un the train there and back. At etteh of the 23 divisions it Will be in charge of the divisional superin- tendents, Mr. Robillard being the first to take bold .01 it between Que- bec and Montreal. It. is not known whetber Mr. 811aughnessy will accompany tbe royal party yet, but if he deee not. it probable either Mr. Tait, Man- ager of transportation. or Mr.. W. R. Baker, assistant to the second-- viee-president, will take charge of the trip. A ;special electrician, as wall • as speeitil operators; -win lee on board, and a specially selected staff of Cooks, welters, etc. KITCHIVER TO REMAIN. "1 am authorized to state," says the Pretoria correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, "that Lord Kit- chener is not gohig home, but will finish the task assigazed him here. •Oen.‘ Lyttelton• twill replace Gen. Hildyard, who is &rein -le -to leave." 1V. S.Stratton, whose wealth is estimateh at 525,000,000, marched in the Labor Day parade at Colorado Springs. At Granite, Oklahoma, a gusher of oil has been struck at a. depth of 300 feet. The discovery has created -great excitement. Henry Bronson committed suicide at Salt Lake City ou account of poverty. Then it was learned 'he was heir to seven millions in Nor- way. Father A. F. Goetz, who was pas-. tor of the Roman Catholic church at' Lees Summit, Mo., has broken his priestly vows and married his -house- j'teerre * rlsteamer Homer has arrived at San Francisco from -One In -Medoff Is- lands with 22,672 sealskins, a. large 'amber of foxskins, and a quantity of ,whalebone. Charles W. '.Painter, a member Of the City Council of Richmond, Va., and one of the best known business men has recovered his eyesight, by Christian Science, after a blindness of 28 years. GENERAL.- • 1.1 Hung Chang's health is rapidly foaling. • Verne is totallyblind at Arniens, France. Germany's Wine crop will be eras- eally lar•ge this year. ' Parliementary Government is to be introduced into Icelend. *Turkish' hvigarals have captured an American' women missionary. Mit s .hsabella Thoburn, founder of the Lai liagh School, and of the Lueknow Women's College, is dead at Lucknew. • Miss Mai•garot Crawford, clatighter of a British 'India °Mead, was killed in the Swiss 'Mountains, and -her sister was found wanderieg in a half demented Condition where- she lied fled from the accident. Established for Children of London'S Slums. A despatch from London says 'se Four huge Ititceens• established to supply vegetitilite food to the child- ren of the slums, were ceremoniously opeeed on Thursday, sevt.ral titled people speakinr.; at the election. leach of these Ititeeens 12111 3221(3(0 600 gatlIons of eoup und will dis- tribute also a vast quantity of bread and currant cake. Poe one penny a. child gets a can of soup 0.11d 31, generous allowance el' bread and cake. the whole being reckoned sufficient to appettee the healthiest appetite for twenty-four hours It is expected that the ex- ample of the children will tend to win the parents' to a vegetarian diet, and thus mitigate the carnality and interaperance of the shuns. WILL. BE GREAT DISPLAY. Illumination of Parliament Build- ings at Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa says: - The electrical illuminations on the Parliament Buildings promise to transcend those of the Pan-Ameri- can. Wednesday night the first test was made ef the new lights, a por- tion of Victoria Tower being lit up, A prominent officer of the Public Works Department stated that he be- lieved that there was not the slight- est exaggeration when it was stated that the world had never had an electrical display to equal that which it was proposed to give here during the Royal visit. It, has been sug- gested to the Minister of .Agriculture that an arch of agricultural products be erected at the corner of Bank 'and see„,.., Wellington Streets, and it is thought -e0, -h - that Mr. Fisher may act on the sug- gestion. WESTERN LAND SALES. Values Have Risen and Number or Sales Increased.. A despatch from Winnipeg says: - Returns from the large !la.nd corn - banks for August show a great in - Crease in sales. Values' have risen slightly, and a better grade finds ready sale. 1Par11:1 property .310W in dem,and is sold at $6 to '58 per adre, and high watered land i8 most fre- quently Chosen. The reason for this is the increase of enterprise in the mixed farming line, anh as the coun- try 'eests,settled the price of land continues to advance. • The sales of the C,P.R. land deh pai•tment here totaled 5,071,782 acres at 5165,871.16, against 13,217,-' 850 acres at 5108,430.78 last year. The Canada North-West Land Com- pany's sales totaled, 7,100 acres at $40,500, against 58,000 acres at 582,000 last year. TIlci Russian ice-breaeing eteeenea• Yerinak has abandoned its attempt ' to reach the North •Pole.