Exeter Times, 1901-8-29, Page 1TWENTY-NINTH YEAR—NO HURON (Y.4. MIDDL 1f'.8 GAZ FITT E . ust What You Now Wa EXETER, ONT. WHITE ea SONS TME PERFECT CURE To protect -your cattle and horses from being tortured with Flies, Portland Cement Thorald Cement Machine Oils Lace Leather Belting, Etc. Pr serving Ketties 3ishop S GA.NADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1901. HainSalt Uurodae iaayfield / n F A. Sellery, D, S., reD,Sellenor Grade- *, WEDDING Bau.s.-00 Wednesday egeotl'oreete Universitie Dermas. Teeth afternoon, at the reseeeekee o John, extracted without_eain or hen effects. Office in Pettees Meek. elensa11. At Zurich even' Diatehford. 6." 4ewil'ta• lieas311! iMeneaeseetionencine MaYattli. the iaterestiog ceremony G. J. Sutlaerland, Notary Performed I g Oenveyan- made Frank Dc'Irn* 8". °t '1.°14° 4cer, ecteleessionee. Eire Jeseranee Ae.ene end 4Down, and Miss Minnie Dunn, claugh. Isserer or Marriage Licenees. Legal deemelentA ter of Mrs. jolart 1latelifor(1, neau and 1 . ceretaily drawn at reaecese le ra.. tole= on real estate al. low rates et intereet. Office at the VO4Oille404.1130.1 ; BeoZES.-41r. Hellen Jacobi, of this ; villae, who has very.: euccessfully car- !'rieclon a harness, business here for a, number of yeare, and who is one of on hardest, working tradesmen, dude t it, neceesary, on acceunt of III health. to advertise his leasineee for Sale, and Gran. 'el i intent/a, in the near futures geing oot. .. 0 Manitoba in the luteeests. of laie . Bis. -Mss Mc regor, of Green - L heeitia-W. J. Doherty was ill Lon- ' way, is the seeee a 2eviv. (R,..) oar. '.(3tart, last week odlciating. at a* Mace eriere.-;ar$, Jim Pollock:, of .Corhett, rite --Miss Mary McEwan. who WAS C accompanied by. her sister, Miss Enema .gagell as milliner in St. Catharines, p Baker, paesed through here on their season, was home the put Week I way 'front Mayfield, on Fridays -Miss ela-nr, and Mr. D,INIesdlpkte, II Tillie Brener, ,accompanied bY her of lencoe, were here last, week Visit-lbrother Maurice, left on Mondale to wife. There were a number of guests present, Wends of the contracting parties. The you pg- couple left on the evening train, Wednesday, for the Pan American to spend their honey- moon. 1 g ing ,the Messrs. MOEwan, Mrs* Me' Visit fele-it:1e in Wallt,grville.-Mst and Allows's brother. -The Eogine of the ters, Sas, Pollock, oi anIhett- were the i electric light plant bee hem repaired, t enei, after 0, week's setniedarkness, the • o tem is again in operation. -Mies. rilson, of 'West Superior, who was V(' visiting her brothers. Meesrs. m. and John Caldwill, left last week r Detroit and 'Stew York. where she , will visit friends. She is acconspani- i Greenslade rwho has been in Buffalo I ed. lay Miss Bernice Caldsville-Gee. , . , Seaforth. Centralia teePS --- The oldest residen 33eunos.- James as left this sveele for the Colorado gold mines, after passing thelast couple of months at. hornee-Mies Nell King, who has spent the past couple of yes at Vcrinnipeeee. isthe guest of leer sister, Mrs. D. Harrison. -Mrs. Montgomery, after an abseece of thirteen year*. is home from. Texas- visitiog hee mother. Mrs, Parker. -The dates of the Stan- ley Brandi Ageicultural Society's ex- hilaition are fixed for Thursday and Friday, October 3r4 an44th. 1 Resseldate ..—........... Bgnzrs.-0. Shellenberger, et Rns- seldale hotel, is the happy possessor of a bouncing baby boy. We are pleased the family have the sympathy o communieer in their bereavement. Bethany 1Se Taa-Maegneo.-The anniversary of Bethany Methodist church, Thaniee Road, Sunday and Monday proved a decided success. On Sunday special sermons weie preached by Rev. An- dersou, of Kiritton, who delivered splendid. discourea On slontley the tea -meeting was held, when a splendid. tea wee eerved by the Jodie?, after, which a, platform ineetiog was held. Addresses weve delivered by Revs. Steen's. G. Siewitt.of Hensel!, and Hiles of Bib:ovine also etr. johns. Rev. mr. Waddell occuped the chair, The Kirkton quartette farinsheel. theneusia Proceeds of anniversary and social on THE Market Depot CUT PRICES We h we this week placed all our . prints OD the coitriter and will -.sell. all AT OT Ladies' veets, short sleeves, regtIar price 20c, 2 for Ladies" colored loarest prices., • - • • • AR sumsr e goods end muslios at to report inother and son doing well,- Tuesday evenuag =minted to $100, ut, mum, Richard Selves, blackeinith at Gowrie, has deeided to go into farming and has bought the Fronds farm on the boisude Fullarton .01,1,4.14 We hav maned Beonsee-Mise Lena FrAlltelS. W110 goats for 1 amerys.hNet.wiceierekFhiseellermtottenztderlIoT4befftice taegilt the Bethel school fog the ew ocas. bo s who wenb west, hue Secured 'eta last, ye, hie securea a more lucrative OALITAND SEE OL'R GASOLENE situanou in the Fingal school. aud atioos at a good figure. Alex. Elliott , •getting $3 per day working et his eleFadvAsaefo4rertelieeerke,tthlrlsti wthereeke.-e-h.telerp. Rwiecrie.- Oueste of Rev, mid Mrs. Oarriere, on traide,---Reht. Bothwell, of Hickeon, ried to death by doge, last Sunday Sondaee last -The recital given by and Stev7art Murray, of Avooton,were wgew119 a.Tthtenthailleuldeanwldcihni1;1114y4YephpigrehctialevAd5 ilvals;tehliffettlwleel:kg, rall4P4reht8 ii°7-' 4 few tuhigehelte'ge1.-1%eutn.rie°1otrilronw4 c'elniLdirr, owns Dils„ _ by all, Zion egicFa.-Uiss Stnaete of Toronto, for Several months. returned to Hen- the rato very taucli.-1 number or afro has left to visit friends in NiTood. as a laborea.,-,T. Banshee& threeher erorrow spent a, few da,ys last week 'visiting Mende in tratedSten.-Istissl :wane WIleon went to roroato oa monday. -Mr. Andrew Woods has hies Beaws.....rbe farmer appreciated, who hes bee° the guest of eres, Rat. ed wiih Brown Se Reaera, our masons, W laid the . try their torture there. They arrived w°ed. MarY Robeetson. of Centraba, gceater part of last week, hat is now t4 0 BRIZiere-On ThursdiW blot. while eall, last week. -Urs. Seeds, of Strath. our youug men left for the West, to staakr-Uisses TAY I -larding, of Lin- wIth e s* wasuP n district, in the person of Jean George rilvirton was ridino one or his ;roy, Is visiting her parents,. I. .-fl aghee WO. re ct o g p s •and Annie Robertson, of Guelph. have 41)) it azaia• • the law roustau enies the ;squill Ore W Atm. Riellard Welsb.-Ur. and Mrs. lige and all bave secured werk.-mrs. returned to take cizarge or their schools =awl Laird, has passed away at the leinl, the fall upon the goofed tweaks, i Wiley or Varna we Peaxson of London a form t s relieve on Friday, * *•• rest ea after spending their vace,tion at home. adrapeed, age int 107 years, 9 monthe ing one of his rthe,-We kern thet 4visiti21g Mra. Lentrale.-Francis Rae.1 tehere*0 tre,„ uerlug targeltAutallsreea' We are sorry to report tbeit Wilbur P. I and 23 daye. The deceased was ae John Colwill is to become a. resident of I or Derineld, spent Ssinday at his home -Nor'st'eets 's g°e's4 4‘41 a. 4" Sperling is quite with tpyliold fever. :native of Ireland. Exeter in the near future. 'Wm. -Mrs. Thos. Cameron, returned -aro' sellierthe Ileen has spent a week s Mary Sutherland, of Toronto, L. week Imo the Bend. --The la Exeter* auleag frieRcis'-'311ss spending her vacation at home. - Farquhar. =env groaria..• Balutte.- Idaetee James Gardiner bee gone to Manitoba to make a home for himself. We wish James great eneeess durin his stay in Maultoba. , Miss Jessie :imitate is engaged as i ment. rim case however. has been teacher in the sehool in section No. 2, appealed, and Barry' will be given Mrs. Robert Monteith and daughter, another chance in a higher court. and her daughter, dirs. Marto% of of Manitoba, are visiting relatives in , se- A Brandon, Mao.. and her two claddren this vicinity. Ernest McNichol bas are visiting Mrs, Timothy Pepper, With a. coat of paint. We wonder Bittore.-J. G. Jones and fesuilv re- placing the brick. and other materiel a Rahn D:nney and wife are ' Toronto and Buffalo fa.irs. Nelson Sheere or Exeter. has seeured a situation as tailor in, Stymie. Rey Etinsou has si.4eured a situation Stephen woods of ore. paeo toeugoogb„ win Sarah Betteu paid a tlyiug visit to her Miss Feazer. of Port 'Turmas who was EthAVille conducted service here on 0 8 r e( a * • s ' r Reale abet, e several weeks, has gone to Fullerton Mise Ros ruling. of Pittsburg., Pa Willia,ra Bar 11 of late -0 J Sutherlaud is attend Andrew atellen„ has been round er otltions this week. -Mr. Sunrise% TA au, fusPL ,!1 rt 1:F ledies of the af, S. met last week in NVM, EXettne for some weeks, is at pre - guilty and sentenceil to life imprison. of Ilea% is taking change of :dr. Ell- i..143 s °heft"' aP "4"; t rt(Z the basement of the church and quilt- n vng friends in Seafoith. od's harbor alum during his illness, stounes* ot rtraosee* e'cPee e' ed severrslhandsome quilts. These are Ihere died in Ellice on Sat *waxy -Mrs. Hotson, of Killarney, Alan., nduct the service on Sundey at 7 P. intended to be sent to the missions in evening, ma rattrick meeloskey, a. re- Kirkt"' click 10 attenaanee• the Northwest. The ladies deserve soected resident of that Township. lie was 49 years of age and hed lived in Ellice for many years. Miss Helen Camobell, of Kincardine, was recently inerried to Alfred Robin- son, of Toronto formerly editor and roprietor of tilleAyr Recorder. W. . Lever, of England, sent else Robin - $111,01.10 as a. wedding preseut. At, the Conservative Convention held at Stratford, Wednesday. Ald. John O. Monteith, of Stratford, WAS unanimously enosen as the Conserve- tive eatididate to contest. North Perth in the cosnin,g provincial elections. as clerk in the etore of E. J. Spa.ekirein reoret to team that she has been quite sister at Ilderton, Alberts Andrew of the guest of Mise Jennie Anderson for Ieengdon, N. D., for the Murder oe ing Ihe Toronto and Pan American no Ico° g • 1. - h eel 1 't S , and Exeter to visit frieuds.- The who has been vl9ithlfi' Mrs. Balke been renewing his house Inour vMage - Winchelsea Atrs.Rotson's sister.- Thos Welsh, is Elimville M.E••• What it means. on his lot on Oxford st. foe the elec. tustate,-Mrs, Fenton and Miss An- rned home from Grand 3n , on tion of a dwellinge-M. Ellwood lias nie Halls, or leondon, spent, a fpw days Ionday.-P. W. Brown, of Centralia, beena 1 ogeZ:nilleats. xbeetleintiererteeirvBeila oerihtheerte3atteh. Lumley. spent solidly anger the parental ro.or. aat_ty,,tiee oiV niliZung itelluparsetvevege_k, deitiug relatives after attending tile _ I -Miss Edith Wiggins, af Godectch, funeral of Mss Sarah 11111'.--.1.1r. and ' .A.dain Switzer, at, Isis home in Wetask village tbe. past week Visiting frie d. strgett fItaniniTatiy ge"ghiei elle °off 13' 1. Switzer moved BRIBPS.-N4s: A., Cole has gone on. spent a few days of tins week the Miss Hewkshaw, of Lucan, wee ineth: credit, for the amount of work. they are doing. -Several from this neigh- borhood attended the Sunday seevices at Motherwell, conducted by Rev. S. Goforth, of Ronan. 2.•emo an extended visit to her nephews Mr. guest or Miss Ella Robinson.-istie Irreinh; lilainhsehtanr4 te3Ile far west, about George Dow* tte Bulgetowhe-ge Ah" Peter Gardiner returned frorie Scot- --Our band was invited on FridaT ter, Mrs. Heywoce1,-Wm. Skinoer ' a yeer and a half ago. along vsith his dereon Is building &cement sde•-Fred land, on Monday, and reports a fate ening to attend asocial at Mr. Mld- purchased a iine black horse from ; s, ;so s Hunkin has the contract, while Wan, trip. A number trout here attended dietonta ou the road between Clinton John Heenan -la of Seephen, to melte up : , iNsiiii111)1.2 llieell"Pill. filrhesot ter Kerslake bas the contract for Paul and Bayfield, and gave a number of two teams. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Row- othoe. lie leaves o wire end family to selections which were lunch enjoyed. entre and Miss Zeta Stodre,.w. sligit'l mortro his death, In,. Switzer was a James Bevecley, of Exeter, was ia the Sunday the gueste of their s.istera gs. i brother of mesas. Reuben. wwiene. village part of lase week making some D. Hodgsop, of Freewill. -.No seeeice I and Henry Switzer, of Blanshard, and improvements to the interior of the was held ig the church on Sunday i I was highly esteemed. dwelling occupied by Mrs. Sheffer.- evening, owing to the anniversary ser- , Midge's, on the Mimes Ro.arl. -.rhos. Ellerington was quite ill for soine days with iniltunmation of the kidneys. - the tea meeting at Bethany, on Mon- day evening. -Mr. As Bell, of Visnock, gave us a call on Saturday evenieg.- Miss Ethel Godbolt is visiting friends aliss Maggie Slavin. of iLotidon, and. la London this week. :Miss Kate Slavin, of Exeter, were re- newing old acquaintances in this viola- — sity last weela-Miss Ire Dickson, of Cronearty Seeforth, is holidaying with relatives Z .on the houndary.-Tohn Boltaa has Barnee.--jes. Hyslop intends racy - left to begin the apple patittng seaso0. ing his family to Toronto next week, John is r.an old haled at, the business wherehe haspurchased a general stock „and well up in the work. and business in the residential part of •••••11.1..••••••••••• the atty.-Misses McLaren are enter - Dashwood taining lady' visitors. Mr. Doupe, nterchaut of 'Woodbana was in tbo drunsese-Rey. Moriock and wife lefe village an Mondays -Mrs. Gerry leaves on Wednes lay last for a trip among this week to join her husband at Port their friend. While away they in- Huron, when they will take a trip to tend visiting the Pan-Aanerican, - the Pan-Arnerican. Simon Miller and Moses Miller who was at one time one wife are this week viewing the sights of Dashwood boys,butis now employed at the Pan -American. -Ira A,ndrews in a western city, came home on his intends moving his family to the 'wedding trip Wednesday last, having lage on Monday next„ -Mrs. Mins. of Married Miss Mills, of Stratford, who ' Middleville, Lanark County, who has was at one time a, teacher in our pub- been visiting her sister, Mrs. W, Dow, Ile school. We extend to the young couple our congretulations.-Mr. and Mrs. Granger, of Sarnia, are spendh3g et few days with Mrs. Granger's people here, Miss Foster has returned home from Detroit. -Win Zimmer spent the past week taking in the Pan -Ameri- can. -Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and daughter, Jennie, are expected home from the old country this week, -S. Rennie, of Zurich, was in the village coming from Dalhousie and settling Saturday. on the farm now owned by Mrs. John sr., and other friends left Tuesday for horne.-F, Re Hamilton was in Lon- don for the pest week attending his father, who is seriously ill. -Word arrived here Monday evening that John Hamilton, father of F. R.Ilairni- ton. and a former resident- of this vi- cinity passed away on Monday in Lon - day at the advanced age of Si deceas- ed was one of the pioneers of ilibbert, ••—."'-'""-^a •.• Currie. -A number of the members of Thames Road 1 the congregation met Tuesday after- - noon of last week to clean and fix up DEA.TEC OF CITAS. MONTEITEL-On6 inside and outside of the manse, in ex- hy one the sturdy pioneers of this sec- ectation that the call to the Rev. Mr. Lion are pessing away to swell the majority beyond. This week we re- cord the death Of Charles Monteith, which occurred on Thursday, Aug. • Mad. Deceesed was born in Glasgow. tiie 1827 and at the age of 8 In e year years, together with his three bro- thers, came to Canada,. They settled in Lanark County, where they remain - „ed a few years. Then -coming west the three brothers took up farms each ,on the Thames Road, on which they ,have since lived. In the year 188o, Mr. Monteith married Ellen, eldest , daughter of David Miller, who still survives biro. together with one Son ,and one daughter, William, and Mrs. "Sohn He was a presby- terian, and, politics a liberal. Deceits- , ed was a man of high intellectual at- tainments, but being of an unostenta- . times nature, declined many offers , of public office. Happy was the late • Mr. Monteith, in that he had the confi- dence and esteem of the community in vvhich he lived, happy are his ' family in that they can cherish this as an abiding naemory. His brothers „ George and Robert are still residing , on their respective homesteads. To those who mourn the loss of one be- loved, The Tiefs,join a large circle , of friends in extending heartfelt sym- pathy. The funeral on Friday was very largely attended.- Mr. Monteith had been in poor health for about a year, but a paralytic stroke sustained -two weeks ago resulted in terminat- ing his earthly career. R. E. Pickard and wife leave to -day for the Pat -American: The Misses Carling are visiting the • Industrial and Pan-eierneeican Expose ' tions. We learn that Kellerman ;Bros, of Dashwood inteed opening ta, general store in Exeter north. ' ' xanston will he accepted. - Thos. Stacey keeps very poorly. ing obtained 1st class in English,. and Ji 2nd elass in French and German; and also secured 1st class in. honor his- tory and geography and 2nd class in mathematics and physics. -The neatly Miss hO i Io re - T. Murdock ha.s hied his livery barn vices at Bethany appointruent.-The g much ill:creed by a coat or paint.- Laides' Aid bad a quilting bee on Tues- I St, Marys. Rev. G. . Long and. fatuity have e•e- day afternoon in the basement of the , --- turned. from Grand Bend, where they church. They are sending five quilts • BnInTei. -Mrs. Jos. Billings is ViSit- ing her daughter, M rs. Ceara Toronto • had spent some weeks. -Our public to the Deaconess' home for distribu- school re -opens on Sept. 3, after the don amongst the Missionaries. - A : who is on the sick list. -Ma C. Free - long midsummer vacation, with the large number from here attended the man and wife and daughter, accom- old stair of teachers,- The Ingram tea meeting on Monday evening and I eanied by Miss B. Carter and Miss K. property, including two stores and a report a splendid time. 0. Rice, are making a trip through offered for sale on Saturday. the Muskoita, lakes. -The heavy ram was not sold, the offerings being be- which fell Monday night did con - low the reserve bid. - Mrs. «- '• sidernale damage in town. *Messrs, A. aa.1•1110•••••., Shipka Steacey is improving nicely. -Mrs. Loff1 & Co., are perhaps the G. snsotnty, B. A., EXETER ONT • Lew Offices. Pr1vate Funds to Loan. the property formerly owned by the tiering, a. student of Huron College, to Alex. Lang. of Downie, for $2,200. day. -David Cantelon, of Clinton, was heaviest sufferers, their stock being feammie continues quite ill. - Miss damaged to the extent ofseveral hun- Doan, of Zurich, was in the village dred dollars. --B. G. Stowers, has sold Monday visiting feiends.-M Melt - late Isaac Ferris. consisting of 13 acres preacbed in St. Paul's church an Sun - Charlton it: Keddy would inform -erester Frances Howerd, second son in the village on Monday.-5as. W. of airs. Lewis A. Halyard, of Toronto, the public that they have opened a, Johnston, carriage naaker here, hes had the misfortune to fall while play - sold his property to Sohn Jackson, of ing and breaking his arra in two plac- Hay Township. -Miss Higgins, of Lon- es. -George 'enwrap, aged GO years, don, who has been visiting Mrs. W. 0. died at bis residence, South ward, Davis, has returned to London. -Mr. Tuesday,. The funeral took place on Mcgoran and. sister, Mrs. JOS. White. Wednesda.y. . Mrs. R. Bonthron aryl children, visited Mr. end Mrs. F. W. Raton, of St - St. Joseph on Saturday. -W. J. Miller Marys, who are holidaying in the is building it new carriage shop, 40 x 75 Maritime provinces were on the Mari - feet, two stories high. The building time express train which was wrecked will be all cement, and will be a sub - recently, near saoncton, N. B. They stantial and handsome structure. - were not injured, Miss A. E. McEwen, (daughter of John McEwen, of Han) is to be congratu- Boarns.-The Flax Co. have nearly finished threshing for this season. - Miss Teressa, McIntyre left on Satur- day for Detroit where she has secured aeposition.-Miss Eva Portice, of Sar - ma is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Holt.-Shie Holt, who has been work- ing in Sarnia for a, short time, is home for a few days. -Miss Either. of Zurich, and Miss Kreh. of Stratford, were the guests of Mrs. Wing on Monday. - The ratepayers of school section No. 47, met at the scimol house on Saturday and voted on a new site for the school which resulted in a majority of 10 for the new site. -Mrs. Wm. Holt, sr., spent a few days last, week with friends in Sarnia, and Port Huron. - One of those pleasant events which sel dorn takes place in Shipka, took place last Wednesday, it being the marriage of Sohn Deitrich to Miss Emma Kraft. We are glad to see John setting a good example, and welcome his bride to our midst. NOW boys follow John's example. -If you want fresh groceries at a low price try j. D. Hannan, he always has a -fresh stock. lated and deserves much praise and zurion credit on the result of the recent ex- ----- anainations. In modern languages she Dreaseow COURT. -Judge Doyle pre - stood second for 2nd class honors, hay- sided at the sittings of the Division Court held here on Tuesday when a small but important list of cases was disposed of. The two chief cases were those of Kochems vs. Raelnie and Broderick & Martin vs. Rennie, which took up most of the day. Judgment was entered in each case for the plaintiffs for their share of the lumber in dispute vrith a set-off in each case for cutting, each party to pay his own costs. J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, for plaintiffs, J. T. &arrow, E. C., Gode- rich for defendants. BRIEFS. -J. J. Merrier who left some months ago for Alberta to engage in ranching has disposed of his stock and we learn will return to Zurich. -Wil - item Bender has purchased the con- fectionery stock of Mrs. D. Gottschalk and will run the business at the old stand, having purchased the buildinee from gr. Kestle. Mrs. Gottschalk left this week for Bad Axe, Mich. - The Ray 13ranch Agricultural Society will hold their aimual show here on September 181h and 1903. -We are sorry to hear that John Deichert, sr,, is ort the sick list, but hope soon to see him around again. -The annual Child- ren's Day was held on Sunday, in the Evangeliciil church. In the forenocn there was preaching and in the after- noon and eveuing addresses, recite tions and music by. the children. A vete?. interesting program was render- ed. --•Mess Carrie Greb, of. Detroit. is home with her parents. -Rev. Thomas Finkbeiner, after a week's visit with his brother, here, Rev. C. Finkheiner, left last 'week for Crude. re and from thence he goes to his hcene ui Elkhart, Indiana.-- Emanuel Faust aged 17 years, who has :been ill for Woodham. OBITUARY. -Again we have to re- cord the death of one of our old set- tlers. On Wednesday August 21st,1901- Joseph V. Peglar, of Woodham, de- parted this life after a long and pain- ful illness of ever 7 months. Deceased was born at Uorsham Wiltshire, Eng., on June 22nd., 1834 and removed with his parents, when but a youth, to Swansea, Wales, where he resided un- til smxietitne after his marriage to Elizabeth Muxworthy, of Devonshire, Eng., when they removed to England and from there came to Canada in 1889. For five years he carried on a brick and tile manufactory, on the 10th concession 9f Blansherd, from whence he remoyed to the Base line, Blanshard, near Woodham, where he also conducted a Week and tile yard until his decease, he leaves to maarn his loss it WirlOw and two daughters, Mrs. Jno. Garrett, of. Highgate, and Mrs. Richard Camm, of Usborne. The funeral services were conducted at his late residence by the Rev. Jno. Hart, oUVVoodlaitin, assisted by the Rev, Anderson, Kiriston, and Rev. Tiles. E. Sawyer, of Teeswater. His remains were followecl to the Kirkton cemetery by a large concourse of friends who came to pay their last tribute of respectlo one,. a kind and affectionate husband and loving father. Mrs. Peeler receives the sympathy of the entire community in her sad bereavement. Athletes, DiCyclists _and others should al- ways,Ircep Ilagyarcl's Yellow Oil on hand. Nothing like it for stiffness and soreness of the muscles,sprains, bruises, cuts, ete. A (demi preparaBon, will not stain clothing, Price 25 cents. friends of anua ra g, W A cently went to Manitoba, will be sorry to learn that she is at present sick in Mooseja,w with typhoid fever we trust she may soon recover. -Misses Mande and Ruby Horton left for Tor- onto this week, the former to attend Normal College, the latter to attend the Millinery openings. --A Mr. Foster of St. Thorna.s has been engaged by''W R. Hodgins, as bartender. Crediton. BRIEFS, -Mrs. Jos. Edwards, is re- ported seriously ill with lung trouble. We hope for her speedy recovery. - Matthew Morlock, sr.. returned on Monday last from his visit with friends in Michigan. -Rev. John Hart, of Wopdharn, and Rev. S. Anderson, of Kirkton, made a passing call with Dr. Rivets and Rey. Knowles, on Monday': and Tuesday, respectively. They are botla looking hale and. hearty -Aubrey Baker, accompanied. by Misses Beaver and IVIorlock, excurted to Detroit, on Saturday last, and re- turned on Monday evening reporting a fine time. -Monday next is Labor Day. Where are you going to spend the holiday? Better stay in the vil- lage and witness the professional game of base ball between our local team and the Ailsa Craig Bentleys. A fast game is expected. -0. Trick is putting down a good well near his new residence. -Threshing and pick- ing elderberries seems to be the order of the day. Kirkton EXETER LUMBER YARD. Large stock of Lumber -pine and hemlock, 170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc., also shingles. laths and Cedar posts. Prices reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of Main st. Borees.-Miss Mabel Gelalla,n, is on an extended visit witlr feiends in Tor- onto, Niagara and Sb, Oatherines.- Norman Armstrong. of St. Marys, spent Sunday the guest of Miss Esther Brethour.-Miss • Baker spent Sunday with Miss Lou Shier. -Miss Thompson of St. Marys, is holidaying with Edgar Taylor. Miss Lizzie Shier is spending a few weeks holidays with friends in Linwood. -- Miss Stewart and Miss Brown and Mr. Bain, of St. Marys, spent Sunday the guests of Miss E. A. Fletcher. Miss Ida and Esther Breth- our spent Thursday the guests of Miss Mary McKerriane-Perry Doupe and Clifford Shier spent Sunday at Grand Bend, - Miss Tesea, Stewart, dress- maker, returned home after spend- ing it month's holidays with friends in St. Marys, Goderich, Dungannon and Toronto. -Edward Clark spent Sunday with N. T. Fletcher. -Miss Edith Ste- wart and Miss Lydia Pletcher are holi- daying with Mrs. le, EL Tufts, of London, is holidaying with Mise Phoebe Tufts at present. -- Mrs. Robeet Tufts returned to het SZON Just the thing for warm weather. Differeot prices. All kinds or Farm Produce taken be imbauge for geode. 3 P Ross1. Locals. Mr and Mrs, A. g. Babler on Wed- nesday returned home from the Old Country. They had a delightful voy- age and a pIeaeaut DWISION COURT,- fliviiion Court was held here on Weliaesday, Judge Doyle presiding, The docket was not heavy. Nesbit Za vs. Grieve, action on an accouut. Dismissell with costs. J. G. Stenbery for. deft. Pickard vs. Eacrett action on an ac. mat and counterclaim for damages. Judgment for pint with coete. G. Stanbnry fur Off defa in person. Heywood vs, Hogg re Shier, a warn- isbee case was decided in favor of pia F. W. Gladinan for pill. t Shier ap- peered in person. Jacques vs. Alex- auder, an action ou a note, defence of infancy and no value. Judgment for plff. for value of note and the watch, in question to be tested by a jeweller who is to report at next Court, money to be paid into Court in meantime, E. W. Gladman for deft., 3. G. Staubury for plir. Follis vs. Gower action on note. Transferred to Creditor. Court. F. W. Gladman for r* ” a. Ir. Dickson, for deft. CORN TEMPER GLERRING Sfibg you heard of Puteena's Peinless Corn oots and Shoes and Wart Extractor? Cares quickly and paincomplain lessly ; othersmake For the balance ofJulv and men swear -the ladies -not ' so with Putnam's. All druggists sell August. Putnam's or it am be sent by N. 0. Poison in Co., T:ingstore Out., to any address in Canada and United States, on receipt, of 25 cents. Just as trying to the nerves as tem- per excited by other causes, Heveree B NEW STEN Ump 1/11P1Mral..4•61:06•D s steam pump factory in the premises north of Town Hall, Exeter, and are prepared to supply all kinds of pumps and fittings, alsoplumbing water teaks and troughs, or anything in the line of woodwork at close prices. Repair- ing of any description carefully and done. t • CALL. AND • Chadten & Keddy. As I intend to clean out all the old , stock of Boots aud Shoes before the end of my business year, Sept. 10thove will sell all the old stock at t the regu- lar price frain IIONV till Sept 10. Women's and Misses laced and but- toned shoes, regular $2.00 and $2,50 for $1.00. Women's and Mistas oxfords, regu- lar $1.25 for 50c. Women's oxfords, regular $L50 for rro• Men's and Boys oxfords $1.50, for 75c. Men's and Boys plow :shoes 03e. Also a full tine of new goods at, prices to suit, harness, rugs, whipaetc, Reitifilill PrOellY 1111011000 10. Gall anct SG 6 Our Goods. R. 1-1, 8WEET, Treble's old stand, nalamoa........smeSatamerra.ORTMIMON.ser•Mbielmg an Your money -refunded if purchase unsatisfaetory. NAILS SCREWS HINGES ROLLERS LATCHES STALL FIXTURES At very special prices to builders. immurynne- raw BUTTS GLA.SS STAYS • TRA.OK BOLTS We have Sayler's Celebrated Portland Carload in to day SAMSON'S OWE N SOUND PORTLAND AND Queermion. Get our prices op tlie best cements roatorfteeture. Charcoal in stock. • -..,........,•••••••••r*, tiss...Ot,,,..Seacusnracilawmervorsencascvasrntineram.thart,r.crava.c. linrni. in Tinnrinn sc'tii• c'),,n;rncr, ":rn 0 time. (1''"1 rM Siin 11 AV. his re- ti An A „,,,ps ti E 1 iveeks linlirle ve 0.•ir,i1 l'i,..-...ti1--. in .t.:Id Iti.1,.1, 11.!1,1...-2- iolorr,lirt 1 h,,, E,-),Iszolj. . .11.11t11)(1 the VillrO•E, —Niii4 10c9..inahl nr r.,„1 ;,,e,,,,,t,..ry ,,,, Tin.,,i,c,-., (I, '0.'4' WI P. 4 ' • Alf. Coffin is visiting friends in St. Thatoes Ito td is litiliclaying with efee, tiiie eete the l'A 11 ••t‘ (1i cleal n, il.• i•n:-. LP ' • Mich Sa•rnuel Switzer.a highiv 1,spee,,-.,d young ttlati, alld 17-3 R