Exeter Times, 1901-8-22, Page 7''.:,..:•,„;oo.:f,•':"eae,.e.h..e.eaeee,aefee.aeeee...eefeeseeee,.eeeeaeeeeeeeaeeaee.e..eeeeeaeahoeeeeaeehaahb
11, I
"The untimely
End .of
sneeph nein%
e.„As fox Meggett, ilereffetherecl ebithe
self s1div19 togehhehe
faonfbis lifxiiiiating"pesition. tried to
bluster an&bully the mazi who stood,
over him.,
"What Wye hte'ean,ber, etrikiag me ?"
he said ; "I'Ve.ltalCa• mind to--"
"No you have not," said the
()thee. coolly. ''You haven't the
iplack to face a man. Don't square
atette, Drop it at•lteneel, or rn
(h'u•Qf h'ott.” „
The new comer spoke so shaeply
syethrhes or .eliei=feel'e'G juSt a week afteethe bank rob- acid looked so eleterehieed that Meg-,
CHAPTERS„-Sectirities vanish. from beree the. 'Waidos gave one of their gitihe heart sank within him.
the strong -room of Oaudelent. Dandy
Med 'Waldo, bankers. Mr, Venice of
Seotlaud Yard. is ealled in to solve
the mystery. There are two keys
to the streng-room-ooe held by Mr.
Waldo, partner. the other by Mr.
Suttees chief cashier, h'hiS latter
has two children. Bob and Jose -
Plane, Pfe, reproaehes BGb who 1$
an extravagant subaltern with as-
pirations to the hand of Helena.
*Waldofor baying coasumed his sis-
tee's dowry to pay his gambling
debts, Surteee is sueeeeteci of the
The entertainments given by th
Waldos were as Var1.011S as they
were irequelA, ThOSO in the London
bous.o svc' Uu4tege/aerally to Lon-
don Needsthe great people. or
that best imitation of the with
whom the ambitious Waldos loved to
be associated,.
illtt besides these higheciass go.titer-
ings there were others. the scene of
which was the suburban villa a.
Kew ; an overgrown cottage. still
called the Rooliery, but greatly en-
larged anti beautified, with a tine
garden -parties at Eerie 'Who the deuee are you ?" stem -
W. aud, Miss Surtees were among' /leered the assistant/cashier-
the guests, for as yet no rumor of "A gentleman, wide!), is more thaii
the charge which hung ever tbee you are !"
eashier had travelled beyond thel "I'm as good as you 1"heetorted
hank. , 1.' Meggitt. ''-, '
Mr. Surtees sat, silent and:. eina, erni don't kiss young tritelies---I be
happy, under the trees ; Joseithinei erdur parden." Ile col.renteel himself
beside him, equally sad, reflecting! and raised his hat to JOS'ephine. '''X
her father's mood, without knowing I don't try to hiss young ladies
why. i against their will,"
To them came Meggitt, who had' 'How can I thauk, pen- sufficient-`
arrived late, and asked efiss Sur-' ly ?" Josephine now Paned ceutage
tees to dance. to say. her eyes filling with tears
She declined. rather abruptly. land a bright flesh crimeoping her
lila AleggItte s ate() was Quelled. , he as she thought ot the inclig- The Duke of
and Josephine iikou las manner less uity from which he Wad saved here
than ever that afternoon. 1 "Who are you. I tepeat ?" said
"Nonsense 1" said her father.!Meggitt, with a fresh show of as,- , 11-111108 AND LINWTFN
eacial world, .7rare, long ids investiga-
0 il....1
Yon must not sie bere 41h1Ung: surance• "I insist upon Satigac- was "ten(led the. great Public. i
. , crimes of the day, He often thought
all 0,na York lead in, to Mary L
' It me.'" ' i tiian."
"I'm tired, father. I'd rather nett` "My Beane is Sir Richard Daunt. 44 44QUbt W" e'll' a""mtetlr'a l're--1,IltE:ERA:NDT, DIR11,0ITESI.Tx011. Dire
I aw addreire the Albeater. ehee where s•""4:41""' Ult." Ile efluld net' the 11'4-
Yolt have not danced at all! tetia or any of your Mends will findiehee' ,l'llflltelleetea .,9n, 9.2 7.p,ng 4.4e4t; ,
e -et. La t. be deoled, illeggitt." i m., Vary much at ye:4r service. Now, rPr',17,11.70:tirEk''.149 7.r''''''14,4tes "P'
daughter's disliee to the assistaat- egiis Introe is hlee:gitt. 'nue cried grNs they . all 14:XeW PtIll 111 Sc""1 Rival Reginie3ats - in Orle
when altogether at fault. Ily di.ea, War .moe. clowi la. v. t T
re tel o o a
Ala Surteee did not share Ids; pray. who aro you ?"
e4;hhier- Just now, indeed. ha aneme'elosephine. in the most eapaemetue laud. 'Vaal ; knew hire, and, it must,
ea anxious to coneniate mkt 'ice') ' Ants toms. "He is a elerietir $e'rtte- he eeraesSed, cdtea-' laughed at. Mel' As was .0.teleueed by rennet
friends with M. Percy Illeggitad
There," geld Meggitt, "hahtne Your ' :tAilltiellg:Sulltiaet sbnaanikl'huelairderafiTRIhiS14tellOenr: tor5o144:t'I'lla "1-1 4415 iVietiat'l there ; "Mr' l riot. `'"' 8111)1714,111Te' ''.11glanf'1' sc)/(11Qrs
aged purent, and come eloug." ' duet." Paelee'aMettg theet. That astute de- have theft' diflereaces. But the pub -
Fight to a Fihishe Illetween /11111441.
anye Thilegs "II 0 'on 'to Interest
ehe Minds of Auld Seetia's sure to prove fatal: uelees hiMeediatt
Ag:0::IND$. .
e a. • , , .t. e
89,Eltite4 ry0.*. no are 4
Amcmg the Ilestractive If
elle, Seepent.
a .s.
steps are taken to nullify the effects
of the venom., and not even then i0
ed, luleddeefeenechiem4sTrocisaarteloepus. have forms safety' htesured. MereeVer, as these
obras frequently enter li01,1See and
General, Tea twittolt . gardens in seae•eh. tee., GAM, saice,,,,
-,sliot ithe'''Gfiesgo'h1 Illf.oy4t - Brigade ehjahas and pig0Attik Ur aucksSarr'i
this month. foonr tIttme rrahlu abgnag as at,: s 4bethemeo.p.stantly,
Duinfermline has resolved to try
A Public muse on the Gotheriburg `1":"I• Aa' eY a little an•Lnaal warkt3
',SYSteM. off much of this danger. This ani -
There were 1,608 death in Paisley ,ISrolatlt"4°,071.9eseefifeda ePgattte"a„ 14/rtt
last year, a death rate of 20.r.) per hates these huge poisonotue serpents
1,000- . „ 6%,,,,-, .- • and doea vet hesitate to attack theen.
Glasgow' is;eheeied intle 4he, bkhie on sight. Moreover, strange though
that Lord Roberts may visit the ex- it may appear, the little mongoose
t hibition.
l• The widening of Chine Brae bridge
is •one oe the Dort Glaegew proposed
improvements. -
ti, tete 'neve 6.0,11 persona hendd lot, erehe iee Dundee last
resideat tn. Dumbarton,' has reaehed „ recingoese leaped into the air and.
5 -ear,. an,inereose of 1.230. „
ifs hutittreath bireadeen. t, graeped the cobra's, upper jaw Yrith
have decided to remove all cusbionsi cobra betrayed great uneasiness and
from tramway ears.
Mr. Aleet Ewing', tong a respected' escape. Suddeely. like a, flaela the
Tatt Temperaace party hi Leithi '
The Ilttudee '1'raneway Committee see41.ed l'ItterlY fl.'
1/4 ItS teeth held on to it like grim
, different tor sem° time wherea$ the
.evideatly would have been glad. to
have entered on the "war path". with
yiger and enthusiasla. Round and. round tbe two whirled, .
, , but the. utonose did not relaX itS
The Olasgets. Seiteel Boatel nartansata aerially they fmnit on tile
deeidea to supply s,peetaelee to Itild-eground eamatetea and a tatice wee
declared wbicit lasted for a feve ram-
almost invariably kiiis ite monstrous
mongoese awe ccebra were receath
ly plaeed togetber in a large box,
and an. Angle-a:Wien. °Mead who
,photograplind; them deecrines the •
ren with defective eyesitelit.
Afusselbergh authorities
;aline -Maga in nultt.: In. are not Often ae trunted wit ' ., ,
old garden running down to the arhi"hhinu reluelantlY took his arm' "I don't care that fur your fath- teCtive. sa'rf .1//S , „ . cl * - • 13, the decided to go on with new tuunienp l'he second roma). then began. aud
reeeri Here on tehhe or sour smear, and they went oft together. Meggitt ' er .1" replied ele,ggitt. itinaideatin, 'rating the acquaintaeee of .finenda :f_u.ets thentgu • they geuerany magi, bout:hop at a cost of 46,000.
one sooaer oe la..ter. very brier it was., for again the mon-
(Wye' therlug the season the Weenies danced well. although in rather a' "My ereent at waido.s is as good in ,every elase, and he counteu It no ,a, ge to mak Tbree thousand five hawked "Buraigoose, lettpaig iuto the air, caught
cleared oft their Minor obligations : , lierld 1,te-le. and Josephine loved. nay. better then his. Your father,' small. prlyilea•e to be allowed to cane 'S. uch.was toe epee, .with the , Fort
, ghers of the Queerte, balm beau enenthe cobretaby the apper jaw, awl
repaid the kindnesees of early years' waltzing' She allue'F't forgot, her iudeed l Why your father is uo eat-. sometime:kiat theenAlbaby and 7have, Ocalieret atinty whicx cocurrea rolled in OleenOW for 21(le shooting '' then, aS a' terrier' shakes a mtr it
from Peolde they could now patron-
.fl .1:1. to lier partner in her heen ter than Et-"
clutt,;letthISet4lieDarti Dalizetel ,;some monthe beck. The AlUnster
shook. the eerpent uutil there' was Wee -
fee. and did fresh kindnesses on enjoyment oi the music and the Sir Richard. Daunt caught Meg- a.
When, therefore. Mr. Fashe met Sir ;Fusillera were 1301110Wilat agft "ed s'Aittedeltdo IsuedoYttue =Tor ertay xko loft
1.1teir own accouate movement. gitt ronkliTy by the Collar. and° -atehard, oee Stinday afterglow:a ----.-.-- .a.enrenufved from Vortsmoatli
A frequent. guest. at New , was • ' ' ' Cr14'31--*
, be came out of -Air. Surtees. bouse Broothurea Ana 43 sumo artillery_ greategreat-grandeleild, a boy of , ultIlivgeootsluto eissotabtoolsoltxo.i.l.tinl%oscalkdciotullle.
. I
ou .1•.e, stunn.a. cried Mee.- si ook 1
...etoicanetber word Taite yourei ou Chiswitle the deteettye. al -,men. were stationed there, with wham. about' 12 1949.th•
eeerey eieeeritt qtood wei w•th Ott. with a gee!: for breath as theyi
• • a I" t 11 11'
The new gasholder In ex^ the cobra s poison than =ail la; t110
jars.Ivaldo. who much appreetoto etoppe: ut mid out the rest sof ofc,teleeetine eto you heel: what, though lie only l'A1SC US 0 4 no us iers were uot an the friend -
1 •lotow."?-e0 ." baronet, resolved to pay a, -it to litat terms, they hi in. what ',tensions at CO:Abridge were apcited!berairedth
his greasy. sycophantic deference " , Idlers eall. "a, etrike tart " Three eat the 3 -9th ult. The cost Of the to kill it ila:d the cobra& has in ita
rt ef a gr ulnae suffices
and. str: b ' held eYei eVrce."'ell Meggitt muttered some uninte
111fle Kty, to aw.er s hundred panes ot glees were broken. ezetenSiOeS 1MS heenteeth lielf a gramme or more. The
unapeeen, hut quite undieeuised. ibie the
bats. It is au more proof againee
the Albany the very nest day.
(To Be Continued).
besides other damage te property!! One Edinburgh clergyman la of :mongoose, however, knows this well.
liaviour with hina-quite cordial, not „In it wos hy the rapid donee.
aorta Miss Surtees." stag Sir Richard ' -lopinion that it will be impossible to for it is against these Yea
. . .
to say affectionate. -Let's efel meg have some flee'''. turning towards her. "we WIRT:" ,ren , All oaurts to subdtte the tuMUlt get "o. good Christian to take charge! teeth that its first attaek. 'Is is
1.-hte d93. tlhe had 199" Mr" Ile. -4- he cried. tueleing her anal under ,. his join your kienele. 1 OugISCietieted !ably directed.
!proved futile mail a very largo pie- of the utuseum on Sundays."
Worn Iiie Eugland by irRt ;rout a eeighboring fort was re- , The Edinboro school Board a . When it leaps into., the eir ah .,
git"°1"4"ff Pgainst l'Im d"rwaY Qt own. aad leading her WV tthnost by haps. to introdtice nevelt. biftW Yital
the drawing -room where they deuced foreo. XAMSOXS in 1814.
have just heard my name." quisitleaed- Theugh the ri°t /VAS U. exhibiting a • collection of photo- grills the cobra :bettheeilmr the' "man
wife wos always on her best be- ae s, an
for her glowieg aeauty. heighteaed. "Now. if you will accept my esef and, limbs. '
noons, and ... ie. 1 el h It a ,• h most eerious affair no dangerous per -
him, quite playfully. t teat aer go ay to my fat ler. "hly father is her,. ant. lati tol Tbet custom o wear ng mountae grap us rating n re ornate
I 'II t • i f om stored there le seatterect and ren -
the after bed • 1 ie
Jtaephine tieelared. -I want no re-' ITe will like to thank you in diti ilet prevail in. Franee uatil the tory and industrial schools in Scot- (loretl useless. When the fight takes
S.0=1 inturies were inflicted.
"What, air. Meggitt .• doing no- , .
e. rtstenth. reign of Louis PhiliPPe, when it bee Sometimes the origin, of. the likes
thing I declare 'idle of vou. person for your chivalry." and dislikes .existing betweem regi- Mayo in open ground the mengoose
we'll 'Alm 'mu' ley' the way.' ' I e6phier- e were sparkling; „; cattle litgaitorir Ina% whole TV
.....no -and so many pretty girls wonting you the..., he went on coo.lide t.Z,4 Cupar-leife awl Dundee are atzlog-
meats can be treeett, though it is. a
partners." u 3.' her whole face Itt wtth °the grata-I:mina a. :mg zut tlious ac gerhee.ds over an aceount for 1'0,
-the fact is rather on the scoop" tinie she ma, en wali no for . nele. w.ft*„ worn by hussars aft0r the peace) illnz:,e1T thq. IMUIF CaSeS „Igo_ Dimdee tok„ the le= oe
Meggitt iutetle a theatrical sort of
to -y. lle re been baying lends tins And enmes have.
bow with his heels closed. suell a first time Sir itiellard re/1.117.0a or 1815, and it was not until the -1-4' • a fire engine om tut emergereey.
h. sld
"1 tun at your orders, Airs. 117aldo, bit, of fun. There were hay a dozefe what n aeautiad he haa ba. dose of the Crimean War thaa Eng-
us. - ecethie Maa, and Billy lem
tsliera ewed., lush civilians, as well as English sot_ been hea/1
ded deem roe surites end
ch a co.e The Edinburgh ladles who are bent
and Joe Ilorroeke, and a lot mere.; wore bail. ou the siderable nuMber of year$ that evert1:011. securing arliamentarY silftrage
'far rather dance with You," "I shall be charmed to be pre- dlarS in general, thersoldiers themselves tlo not know i coimuuned •togeth y
er !Mel and took
The great lady by no means took We all Illet as we were leaving' the, seated to ;Our father," be said. lin. • "'a enure. hand and that it is the animal's om .
bar. We, lattl a magnum. of the 'boy,. "But, Miss Surtees, might I suggest" Shortly after the moustache cause hoW they originated. There is no I A, 'soy mac
betterevicienee Or this ' latter pc- A vegetarian who Vital hi," t;Weet-, wantlerial agility. and nothireg else
this plereettatry amiss ; but *laid, ulte", and we went hit° the Claiety
with a gratified smirk- for which we went odd men. --it is a. delicate inatter,,I loeow. you' into favor Malang gentlemen Ilorace
ulia.tity than in the" strong 'aversion , heart la Glasgow boause site eer- which saveel it Vora being pOtherz;:a ,
"I never dance how. I tun too frb341 will forgive rate I'm stirea..but 'why Mayhew, was paseing atarough ea
that exists. betWeert the King's Onra sisted in eating beef, has bad to pay by its dangerous adversary.
hhtc begau to toss nuns for sove- star anything about what has occur- English country town, tend was Im-
re:gas, and the game weut retina., red ? Affairs of that kind had best mediately noted and folloared by a and Royal Irish Rifles.. Neither regi- ! 2:10 as solatium for a vivisected
• be burled in o v on.
gir hut.. he witted. tehothohly. ..1 wood o e
emetimes stops, and. nmoing a
short distance, eats some grass or
bobs, after which it renews the com-
bat, Some persona have claimed.
that it eats only ehose, plaits which
are antidote against Amison. Close
obeervers, however. maintain that it
eats whatever plants are nearest at
Didn't give over till half past ahree. bit I " ..., samtt• 'army of children, who pointed remit knows wheuee tame nor I heart.
1!.0h 1 Airs. 'Waldo why, they talse
what the cause1 yet the fact I:ern:11as Palmellington keeps step with the
yoa for Captaiu Wingspur's sister. that's what matie me so late;;Ontl so enut perhaps tir„ Meggitt will tell to his lip and called out derisive -
(..\She rapped the insinuating. dog on thirsty now." his own version."'
'e knuckles with her feu. Theee coaree confeesions increased'
'Thauk you, sir; as a reward for Josephine's disgust. She looked Loot
Meggitt will say, nothing, /
that I will introduce you :to 0ne of mond hopouelloy,. while Meggitt Sir
sure, and if he does-
over kis champagne,. seeking' Sir Richard's face grew black.
the prettiest girls here -Miss Surtees -
0. i . 01 "Artt,yn't- I 'tell Bob ' ?" pleaded
9 li'll 1 19 Josephine.
he might, escape from her partner.
ex:11,st class moor the uotrnor , "Bob: ?" the interrogatid
always gives, Te does at' 'wed:rather abrupt ie Had soille.relloas al-
- always he 7 To riots. anti zw , this: ,:aately thneighteto -be atilfeclaBob by
take," this very eharmieg gift ?", •
'Come, if you please,' said Jose-
' ' ' "Yes ; my brother Boa. Ha.% in
phine, with a toss of her head and a Itli,e,01.111,9 1th at 'Aidershot."_ . ,
stamp of her foot. your brother," Sir Richard
't',, .'i hear to part with you. My` Was ralialiad' "No ; I don't Wait
,11'q• S .1. q 1 , i'd even tell your brother."
Lau' . And so' it Was scittled. ff"hus 'the
your !lir. Surtees' dieughteee-unless
you know her aireatly • ?"
"I ought to; but I don't," lie said,
and he was led off, nothing loth.
Josepthie's reception of Meggitt
WaS not encouraging. Ile was not: at
all to ber taste : she disniked his
appearance at find. sight, and his
maneer did not please her.
Meggitt, vain and selasatisfied
though he was, saw this, and tried. 5c e
to impress her with a sense of his '
have auother dance first.
importance. hif you won't take me to nnr lathe
"You have heard of me, I dare eh at once 111 leave you'tted.ge
say, Miss Surtees ?" he said, a - s he alone."
passed his hands conceitedly thah
rough•o. nca.
well, it's not worth .-
his rather sparse straw-coloured renew over. come along. ; which
locks. way?"
"I cannot say that. I have," le
*-- The grounds at the Rookery were
plied Josephine,. simply and coldly. spacious, and Meggitt, flushed and
"1 thought, perhaps, your father excited though he was, knew • them
4 or your brother might have mention- evell-bar better thaa Josephine. The
ed my name. 1 ani a, colleague of
your father's, you know."
"Oh, are you in the beak. ?"
'Certainly ; assistant -cashier. I
' have been very fortunate, you see.".
-e------- "Yes ?" Josephine's remark the
plied thee she knee/every little about
the bank.
"It ,only took me eleven years to
get he billet. Now, your father Was
fourteen, and six nmee before he 'be-
came heed. Now, I mean to be cash-
ier long, before that."
"In my bather's . pla.ce. ! • sin-
cenaly hope you won't," said, Jose-
phine, heartilh... ;','What is to bee
eome of him ?" •
ilkor,;011, evell, there MaSt be MoVement
-.9meetOitis and all 'that: • Perhaps
he'll beecteutatner. Waido's case
is a prececleht, -arid Mt.. Dandy: is
getting velar
It'seheeriblee to "be avaiting • for,
dead 3.1-,Latl*S:slioes.'' That's . the worei
or the army; Boh `says.'
"Bob'e -"briethee'HI knoW,
IC -now hini intimately hcapieal chap,
Bob !" • -
"It'p odd that. he ehaverementiohe
, „ „
your ne,nee 1." el. . •
"Doesn't he ? Wolfe 'Oad, see-
ing that I've been dchve'te.:AiderShht
to dine Witle,hien..timeS out 'of. Mind;
and he's °rept}, eciiihed, with see ; .T
world soOkert2, of
valey-the dragoons, ]'a;dined • :at
their mess, too. Youe: bielthee'S
in the enfitete?. :•I •slibeld -Oder; the,
, cavalry if I were, in the service"
"Nd Cho thee '11; *bald het, yea. best"'
replied Miss Sartees, with a tiege pi
-irony hern•e'roie,. thaVhcras.taite
lost upeeeher. Meggitt.. ,
The ci:OckiViinb.i.n.& thi hinpeopite
iously begun 'Oh not progress vet.?
Yi3t • I>ei;d'-,A./.116dgiii;:' paid'
Miss Suttees a gi.,ette felhaV of attem:
• thin whefhevee, ,he,,gete; ,theechance.
leis devotion might have won upon
a sillier ,,,gite„ it Inerelaeleerdefied
path he took to the spot where they
had left Mr. Surtees was by no
means the most, direct. It was more
shady, he said, but he omitted to
add that it was more secludea and
"Are we going right?" asked Jose"
phine soon, rather nervously. ,• • •
"I can't say, he. sure. I° believe
NVe1r0 lost ourselves. Anyhow; let's
sit down a bit, and rest.?' -.
"No, no. • I 'won't stay here. ' I
shall leave you unless you •come. on
at once."
"Do sit down ; please do ;" and as
he spoke he laid his hand upon her
arm.. "I want to tallato you. I've
such a lot to say. even't, to. tell
you that, by Jove, you're but and
out the prettiest girl ----h4• '
•• "Air.: Meggitt I" Josephine''s ',eyes
"I sWear it --the. prettiest, sWeeteets,
most charinieg girl 1 know."
• "1 shall listen no .
"Oh, 'co'me ; 5ou are hard-hearted..
What makes you so shy ?" She, hace
indignantly 'reeented histouching
her ; but as she ineved away he fole
lowed her close. "MY swbeLes.t, cletesr
est pet," he began, and suddenly
threw his arm, round her waist. • .
"ITo-W dare you !" Cried josehhine,
striving. eagerly; madly, butler• hhe
inoment unsacceesfully, to evade his
hayeone. kiss, 1 SWeare."'
ed 'almost An her ;ear.•
elp ! help ! Bob _I Bob!
.d natural to her to Pall., reeh.
rether, although he' waSh Mire§
aeqbaintance, begun under circenne
stances likely to elpea it quickly,
was further aderateed by the pos-
session of a very delicate Secret
Josephine at the end of the day
felt that in spite- of Meggitt's insult
she had never enjoyed the garden -
party more. The fact was Sir Rich-
ard never left her side, and before
they parted had obtained peeraissioli
to call at Chiswick--tb be introduc-
ed to I3ob.
Sir Rithard Daunt,the rescuer oe
Miss Surtees from 'the too demon:,
strative: attentioesoe Arr. eleggitt,
:was a young baronet of geed estate,
:Well known in London society, Be
weut everyWhere, knew everybody,
,and was just '•the sort of Man that
'the Waldos liked to have eaestantly
ert.! the house.. They Ind inet him a
year or :L. -we before in Switzerland.
Within it week, Mrs. 'Waldo had
anented Sir llicatiad as .4Mb: of -the
famelye and Clara.• teld hina felt
, as if she had knothe him fee years.
Sir .Richard, on.lii8' I;Ot,Orh'td 'Eng-
land, rather tie -bided the 'Thaldos ;
belt, hef ,eatacl not ;qeite:sefese ale in-
vita,eiwee--heece ;his : presenee. , at
,Icew oti the occaeihn aleeaelyereaorde
,ed„.When Itliara Waldo eaw. .withe. it
jaundieed,,jealous. .eye the ;attention.
he paid Mise Stirteeee.• • : e,:i. •
She' would, enever have., tiled hedi
she ,known as.well'as..clia
his best iviendse With-theme:he .was
.about, tis-.wEiry; widsealwalte52 and
d -head; any Marceiti 'thee'
'13y, thirtylbe,thad gained.,a, yeey•witle.
experience of life, had seen es.mtiole
as, moste,and, ,peehaps. dOee ,morei
It was '6Setreterelinarh-lieW,:s,013: pear
pie foui.d.' .0 ut iao.tiitltWRf Ri Chard,
"Telseuet's. iadviee, and Whate,efeinebeeh
'tame torIim9ij. He was,con-.
eulted cotietafeels, ;aped ;in. the, meet.
'deeleate and confillentiar affairshX•I;id,
Seltind knowledge of law -foe law was
;really_ his ;profession -and his logidal
mineemedef.hie oihnioes 111-
a 1 a. In thie, why „lee name tp,
lee:Ow aegreat ideal, ticia. More theh.
neyeeohe who elpeleeeh tit his quiete
'.'shehleng face, With the steady,
'thetightfal eyes, Ivo -ale -have seppos-
' lintipir Richard washashratihent as
';Was, wellehefeemed. Ihe kept lhe,
.,4eerets: tee hihaVeit,' Waves keen 'bn-
.joymena to use a.,REtytigal.
ties, and he elf,teOfehetheeleunself to
hthe umeherelling orthese,.edeal 1.11.5r$1
Tlie. ta,ste,0w. cm him, how,
ever, and he Was notesatiefied With
the conquest of problems in his owe
ore's n�, one within heal...Mee:
maepete" went on the beute, exUlt-
ingly. "Yoe shall pay the eel -Mite',
eiryour obstinaeSe" .
He stooped ' °ear toWeeid. t.e-hrxi-
'ig, bleshiaig 'faee„ and 'inoti
euchies aetually bet -Lena& 1165.' ,
When he felt a tight,:earepi'dg'idg(..i.gi',..;
l'ar, and: in aeotlibr :thifeihe"'heeam,"
Sneed. his length on the gintinct.• '
jesephine ; WaS -tau
finehed and indignant, ta•i•ealiee,,eele,
at once that -:1tid oPeueee60.,.:: Ale he;
know WO.S that epee° ,041,0 ,hedFd614,1-
ed her; reeeued her „frone Meta, Vet'
rage aeainst her pereeruter p-reer
J osepeinhe inereag- dominated above gratitude for such
ed her cijslilcs,
timeljr succour.,
"He's got whiskers under his
snout 1 Ire's got whiskers =der his
For'a, long time: the moustache waS
the subject of raillery, even atter it
was becoming eomMon, and the fa-
mous caricaturist, Leech,' printed in
Punch a picture of twee old-fashioned
women, who, when they were spoken
to by betualed railway guards, fell
tat their keees end cried out I
"Take all we have gentlemen, but
spare our lives 5"
Why is that we never discover
our lucky star uatil the moment of
its eclipse?
,It is never quite possible to get at
a women's way, because it is invar-
iably the other way,
laa,ppiness is but a Mood; more' or
that whenever these are stationed march of civilization. 'rhe first bit -
tog -ethereal any part •" of•the world. liarcl table ever installed in the 10dd Theags Whiele are Sometimes
there is certain to be a. town was formally inaugurated the Put In Them.
Attthoretiee at the War 'Otto are .1) Govan presented sented 6. Mrs. ' many eases a prospective bride
Is uot satisfied with orderisag a wed -
well aware of this, and therefore ex-
ertise discretion, , in 'keeping
theln apart. ah 1-888, :however, a, la-
mentable, mistake. eceitired, ;and the
hostile Rifles were both sent to Gib-
• • th
ding cake in e. orthodoX manner,'"
with his portrait in oils and a gold says a leading manufacturer of such
bracelet set 'with sapphires and dice- artiaos. ,'but after she bas stated
Dalbeattie MA lost c.M • her errand, she presents, a slip of
laud, paper, on which areepriated or 4.1:rite
rawer, one -arriving three months ina-rk in it large tree which stood' in ten the clirectiors for making her
after tother.: When they had been Maxwell street end braved the pet cake. -
"As a rule, this recipe is an heir -
bora. The chances alga., that her
mother's cake, anti her grandmother's
cake, and so. on, have:been' mixed
with just that quantity of sugar and
butter and eggs, and she tt.enuts, me
to follow it. . • .
"I don't often resfiect her wishes.
I can tell straight off whether a car -
tale combination...of ingredients is
going to produce a. eredttable result;
axid: if I ani convinced that it isn't,
just, substitute r one of my own
tried and trusty, recipes. The brida.
and her folks Seltiom know the dif-
ferenee. ; and even if they do. eind
together aboue four days a crisis storms or a century, It was hewn
came, and a thousand men indulged doWn on the 1.0th ult.
in a riot. Rodger & Co., Port Glasgow, haere
They staged with beltsaand sticks,
and as the eagagement progressed,
'made additions to their equipment
with pokers, fire-shovelsillea, and,
even bayoneta. However. '. no dead
were fouled after the eonillet,'thougle
over a hundred men. were take.n. to
hospital. ; and the town looked a$
though it had been eackett, 'Topre-
received an order from the Anglo,.
American Oil Compauy of London
and NeY York for it fOur -masted
steel sailing ship.
Ex-lictilie Sohn Andrews, of Pais-
ley, has lived wider five British. soY-
ereigns. He was born. an the 18th
of June, 1815, the very day the bat -
less consoled by the hank =coupe. vent a repetition of •'the pheureence
tle of Waterloo was fought. ,
Our greatest concern is not always the general issued an ordeee confining Harvey's Yoker Distillery, Limited,
for those who leave us, but for how all troops to barracke'e but, despite
has fallee. on evil. times. This cam -
Much. th.ey leave us. this proclamation, herve .:fib'eleck the PauY, which- was floated on glowing'
prospectus promises has this year
du -kt, nia.de a loss •of
Auchternitiohty'has anedern 'Sam-
son, Ile lifted fjeiir gates 'off their
hingee and left them lying, in the
roadway. He ,did, it for time belt had
to pay 30s for the caper, '
'rarbolton Literary Society ' have
presehted B
Rev. Mr. iggins,- Who has
been president for 17 'years; with a
Walkihg etiek and' hall' bareaheter,
and'et, gold brae-0ot to Mrs. 'Higgins.
The smart, mien of the earth are next •day the rifles Were: at it ;age
those who kaow how to ,work °them .vie le
0,nget the credit -for themselves. efforts to quell' the fight were 1.180-'
The extreme penalty for bigamy is less:- INilten it had continued, inter -
the plurality of mothers-in-latawineh
it necessitates.
The stoihns on. the Sea. of Matri-
mony' are sad enough, but most,giels
find it sadder to miss the last boat
• We waste a lot of time trying,' t�
Convince ourselves that we have done
right' when we knee* very wellthat
e h. -menet -he '1 • "
:If you do' not 'believe that a' fool %verde killed ia aptune, the trephy
pan asit more questions than a Wisq was left on ,the deiU, and .picked,
Man tale aliewer, ,ask the fellow you by one of the 87th after the hghting
was oyer. Nevertheless,, the
have. just run .aground. • ' •
; A. seeptie Wk man who believes in Irish Fueiliers st1,1 spert the. Eagee
'neither doetorsehor lawyerfi-eso long hottoe eeo.. event' ; and the
as..he is enjoying goodalatalth and: 'Colditreegas still:continue .to ,shoue
mittently for a• week, the -Royal
Irish were dispatched to "Eopt., 7
.. The feud between the.-Colddtream
qleards and :the; let'Royal Irish Fa -
'shiers Old 87th) dates back to the
battle of B.arossa, ;and. is due to• .the
capture of a French theegle othe that.
occasion. The Guards assert that
tnee bi their men firsteheenme poseese.
sed of the flag, -but, be beingeaftere,
his debtors .are :few. an,
'whenever theY haPPen. te.pasafne9
y .:
the dislihed r eeginfene , s, • .7
' "WII0 NICR.IDD THE: 1.11,RD ?V'
• 1 , .
,s: tLief.t.sattiavramluziler tywo, :wiietteile, igeipriesatienolyci, ,...w.iTt110%. c,killirteilific.,staiRlicecia ' blig'a'taVig'i,!.1,tillis,aloi:,
reinOnstratea 'With. ,131,1, their,.; inclul- one -Pentad -.With: a•,fte,g, .t.hough'..toe; _ea
emitmothea fax playing- bareheaded diehrent par eihelar . ; ..The.,:' i'3)06oliing
'the sure of he Coloues'e'evasete beePPeibenaed.
....• Ite:le will he haleheil, Se. .hediY, said, one day; , at haileralteei, areeefeeihtlete.,
`she, tO them finellee eleeh;„pebale,„ ;wile, Rifle- lerigacid-eketheel tide:lief,' poeeett '. ei,':
think. you : at e. black eepidehne, .t,' ,. flagarh•theit'stteenefiecle ehs i:t;heteeh'
tier' w hieeing . had little effect how- m, isecl to; be !a dbilieWilaiPWeakliiiiialliel
ever, °and elle, gaye up trying to keep- on thisoccasioe, the ltifles were or -
their' hUit;S, Pa. -,,,,`,,,e, el!: ., . e :. .;,.. ; , . • ,... dot ed to attend. f ; laneleeethui s Littoir:tii6.
, ' • 'o Ao .• day 'She seat , them tameneigh-. ealoure • Pi anotheil: hiegienenteeAfter
. . .
berie te steeeteerasee.dietant;ta..eitalee epmeadiecessicen,and.itesistatione ''..thef.
'tante enquiries ecnteereeteg, aewasher-eholomes of.: the rBraOleeniatele ;tvereabb-,
eeheeilah, , efesee„Senitle,„ tha,neighbar, coeted by the ettehentiererehouplee 'o1.
ire etittesfa0h, ,M1.5.003,i-,:,them, ."fer, the. COnehitaiest' aficheopip&.ibe,nd teen the
children ;01:,11,.X0:,,,BlAc11s-„Ailio;1iyed. "13eiga‘fle'g.'btiV17O,Ok51% Wh011riAtiikparelde
in anc.)thee, eteeet riear hy .'„," --' ' Wes ' 'ON'Or, L'thhl, ealenel •"61,:ethe'5rifellileii
Yok1 'nee' the :litele,Blahle .,heleilciren Brigade, •deeltherid. Witheeeniteiripte.tfee
56e4,r5;cht 'iihohl Shh!ash.,ed.: . , , -' .", hetaihhoetOuple 451, ,b6Q)altles,Ititi..11.V6
. 0-11.,..in6,7,,c-einee the. clehern' h.t," resp*Onse, menhahd his band as an escort to
- _ ,
efeehe Ili ceder . Only ,saph.irned. ' ,anothee. rogameart's ,coloureesenteaded.
the. preeious :fleets; to. the seithitatleolg
Why, ("l'i.eMetl.l,EwT?..:Pai7eGt1°•ieFeinIaTttier.:,;i't-h'''..‘t,tt'el°11a.11.1CaLs1:::a3,4°::r6in.Pliill:i.ittl't.d,7t'ijeils'illISd-t.64inlicenlilltclletitle°Ifi:inililed.tt370C:'
"c.`, here, ... • -.,.; Li :
40 „writes ,'-'1,17,i)';:e,°!tle:401')21,,%ritptioe'o't,c'1..dcl:11'0,;li'd'I'''''g.'•It'va:t':d'-',
mo.it?.?.., ABM.:...liq.;77s,..00,a;.pnir Iiiiali.c.1?, il i
21,7,4; that „lee 1,0 ;.9.R•g14&''' f 9reme ; cad" kls-
., ..
re o in , With; tlieht';;' el teen , : rohke;.lhis"
'92;s:C41.i's,X hi?ulte..°11:ehn3d:v76r..3- cl.*'Y' '-';' :'' I ' '
, ,.,,..r4at,„s 0,.., re..e.i(5,11, for ,,....,,,e, ILI . ,e, :, , --:ghat-I:idea ha? nd hehtteebareleeslY . photograph in his 'ild'u''i).1f2i:k ','Inilen4,..4.11..''fIT,1'...'''F4e. ' .1sw).'etilidilelli!l'aFtrila:1,-_;i e'sciL°1.bti•icsis.t'ttalli'llec. c'a6bii-les1:6'aia:.t'ssl'ilf:;i111:1:LlaealiClc"it
fax mine, ' Watchmen, ,
Seine. of:the Greatest. Conflicts, Of
• .yeedern. Times. '
:bo'113'lleiesi,teobsittioodr• ' tHwnacit. .monnly, xe.cio.:Ltzter.4,
artiarntb tperiat idr with,11.40:iuw.a.htptehrbat;:lei.acanAitidi:tiit.,htie,asz.athee7dati;atf.41),.
,Waterloe,,,wae,:be bath sanse the
eostlieet in henrectir. titith :Since the 'Clithe-tfieti; Bea the
prithtically,,iefeetaiie, .3i:heti'', the Wet' 'Me:nate: hand," :ought to have . :beelt
'whiele;;emeedeierathe,:ielowniall ; -of 'Na-- ebtmd nhbre than seventeen..million.
,pol &on.' chelehet .hast less than five nnssince Christ was born in. Beth-
dialfemielieheeliyesewithin rhetile, 5.1.dheiree _bate as a ,m,atter of iaet wo
teen hearsee Diming thiprziod"Gfe'it slviul have. to .weet h11t2.6Yer 5,year,
leritain's nalfienaeedebt eveeifio'heasecli terer'e the"flieSt of minutes
,by. 860 tenee00ee!nhillionS, hei-h-A1,1;.'"Of ts coinpleted. WIlen the twentieth
cour4sd. thee fehtseorohehem.te,ee oure 0 innod on h6 wet la he
j&t increased proportionately: " 1'11.1111001- 01 1111111.1i,69 whi4h had elapsh
leatelext.ih.refeeportiotewolild'ebniee-•the' hedsinee the • -beginning of -the year,
kAhlergeah 01171,1 'NOT Whidl isibechalj.,S1i A wtv 00..S.M0000 • tIvai4 we §liciat
Ipne of thaleloodiest .:;enh;teeortlei '5.00,,,1,--.'d,Ot1elird„Cp. 7 the '" thr31.1Sajn.E.,Th,
0,00- mert were killed on the side oreentite • t1::b,L14',1id.r'end -19,02„,
the Gonf.eh,eruteeeftericl the NO.rtle: Josef •eseeeeihiyoa prefer to have it So, tine • "
1280,000,, The „. GQst ..,./erieherhejOneiat chock ;:eNiilletick the eix-
'5;;:°(;)'11`;r0lii:216611 7,1,)yth714:1''::
collies:7141a Peaeco-G enemaWar of
"•70 el; and "7e: an W1210h,"'FrO,11CO, IOSty• •'‘ ,
165 000 .neen. and ,..L.Gerenateehe,60e00,0e ./
i ]BENfl1 It hArif
'hi. I:24"AI) °S1r, 5' 011 0 \VO a:8 01:7`.11,
lhecoet ' - '• •CP
,1?•,n),,ttle of,, modern times
oteapig duringwhich .80-,000ufen:, j:1:011
, ehh, ;fteete eyhtlihee,,e-eiteri, fd se
;hit med- ; • -rider "
. a ,',C1 a
it out, the cake is so good that tl
do not grumble.
"Another. pecallaeity about my
, weddieg cakes is the odd things I
Isometimes have to .put in them.
Evererbody is used td .the' euetora of '
!mixing rings, thimbles, and gold
- hearts with wedding eake ; 'but gold
or silver eoins are frequently slipped
in, and g are supposed to bring- pros-
petity to the gatsts avito get thena
Miniature, tiny china dolls,. craei-
flees, and small pieces of 'jewellery
are also, used in it wedding cake. A,
four-leaf drover' of enamel_ is polittlar,
as it is believed to being good luck.
• „
e, cdvagsi:hT0p..n.,0d vox
The01051. acleaneae-n e /.t4e0D9112e
0210: D,rti.r(d. As if
, are t:H.6 Hawaiians. 91 Per tie.i..sheeleee ;not 01101.1gh 10 mal c. one,
c'ehe ban read and write; and of marvel, a boy froze the anice e1ave.1-
6,327 landownere and farmers in the led in the cab w1iiO aiuL11C VAS
islands. 1,717 are Hawaiians:. Duck-.