Exeter Times, 1901-8-22, Page 4TEE EXETER TIMES The.1-, is'n MaA PAP,TJT&MENTM., NO Millijast ti[RT i Ipuireetirebkv fxst:aresvenro triecus edj'inthaeTilteesryiralLut TA MACADAM PAVING, S ',Sank e icII orap!etely enveloped Mayor Olegees .1 ilea roe eeteenenee, Pele up, cap — 4,2,500„000 building, end had already spread to ° thernanity and oheaanese it Beeerve Fund. — emote the adjousing one beloneirig to John 0. 4.111";$ BLIelOT„ ESQ., fill tilO fiCIV4 01 intorost to . firearm the balauee f the rosy of ' 0 Uttrailtc):aSi:al:clinugal'a paveraeat Bee Otare„Mcetreaa, Clegg. By the beraie efforts of the After years of experiment the cttel warehoeses was soYeds of was also the ! that for excellence, durability peal GE,NnRA.1,11ANApER . advanced to ir„oed farmers on their Tuns fleatiors tiapponinn Button 4. Fessaut chair factory, which } cheapness Is commentied for e.xaminae wile one or mere endeeeer at e per, '4 was in imminent, danger- Mayor tion to those in care of similar , aeuraii. Pll tlie86 Gountios olegaa loss will be heavy, as he had veork, elsewhere. The possibility of Exeter Draacitt - . 1 no insurance on. is bending, and the rape every laweul day from ion. ia, a'S p. iu i good Ven roads lms oantstrraetaer an The contents were only partially covered, cznorksiceilighes , , i The indirect loss will also be severe, as s4vrilIt13.A.Y.'s, lea, re. to 1 p. m. e , t i-Nron the new wheat is just beginning to i tests extending ever e number el i Rat, Arscott and family left Wing- come on the ruarls.et, 4. 0., Cleges Years on business streets peove Urea , ; reireneraree et issteeest allowed on derail% ' and his insoze i tarred macadam makes not Only 4 DIO.-eateN et CA1114/2ZG-, N. le IlleRDON. barn on Wednesday for Halifax, where loss will be about 3800, "1.4.`"Tel''s• "14•'''.4913''t they intend to reside. ance $400 he the Anglo-Arnericae. ismeoth and solid roadway, but on Xx,e';er. Dee..eezle'ra I that can be kept in perfect repair at oar Payne, wingham, has been -word was received by friends on i ; very ill during the past weels, and is Saturday last, of the death of etre, i „enc'elin,a1 expense' The first cost fix s- - ; Ca-Der:dr:sr for August, 1 901. ', scarcely expected to recover. James Broadfoot, sr., of Brig End, ;4'llr'CLint"°11' where limestelle is Abliati- Sleseheer e le le o5.! C. 11. Broadfoot of Settforth, expects Tueis.ersraith, elm Broaafoot died at ant and near at hand, is from 70 eci TvEen.eas . , 6 is 20. 27 , her for New We're°, there to remain Mustard, at Talmage. Kansas, on wt. engineer estimates the cost of repair - James !86 cents per square Teed, a.nel the 5 12 jo. 26 to leave _about the middle of Septette- the residence of her son -ea -law, WzaSel-aerfaT... . 7 1-4 el 28 for the winter, day, August 2nd. she had attained i lag on heavy traffic streets at less Fisene.Y...... . „ 2 9 id 20 i visiting her brother, Conrad Zaffe. She had resided with her is the good age of 8$ years and 0 months, v than one cent per yard a, year, whiff, daughter in •asphalt costs over three cents. Tito Tseeeasreele, , „„ 1 e 15 22 .2isi ; Mrs. Wee Webb, of Heewatin, 84.Trienleee.. ..... 3 3.0 1.7 21 es : the Goshen, Stanley, and her father Kansas ever since 1897„ She bad only addition of tar renders the reaelara% .........„--,,,,—.,......-- • who lives near the Greed Bend. been ill a very short time. When bee inspervious to water, frost -proof us •Will Staaletoa, left last weea for daughter, Mrs. John Robb, of Tucker- i saluter mad prevents mud and dust 4 10 vi, A I - e itg; t: out beeiness as titetchant tailor. Mr. mother and other friends. 'C' • Stapieten has livea it. Goderich for e ; Landeshcro where he intende opening smith, who has been visiting her , in summer. It is easily repaired and about a month ago. the old lady was avoiding much wearing of the sur same ' does not require scraping, them some years, then enjoying good health, and was ' thee. James Jamieson, an old and respect. talking about taking another trip to' One block of tar macadam laid .- AUGrsT '22tin. 103- ed reeident of BrseeeSeld leaves this see her friends In Huron, Mrs, Broad- , more then a year ago on a. busines0 . month fc,r itakota. where he has a sen foot's maiden name was Janet Mona- i street where there is heavy teem -dug COMMENTS, - soul two daughters reelaing. He will son. She was a daughter of Captain'. shows no perceptible wear toeday. In ' mealy, there in futare. Morrison. of Desert, Scetlaral. She I, residential streets these pevemente It is te greats a, treat France its this Simon Surerne, Zurich, has pin- come to Canada in 1.9'.IS, and was mar- `, have been in use eight years without year eltert at. 1,1,hc.,,,c to the extent of ' chased his father's.farin. for which he d to her late husband on bee arrivalt any repairs, and ere still in goad 20,1'etat'asa lisahele. Sonic thee ago Paid SUMS This is a tine farm, close at New York. They cause direct to condition. The success of this Mos it was exaeeted that the French crop to the village, arid we wish him sue- _AIt ron county, and settled on Brig i thee of row:smelting depends on care would be large. End Farm, now occupied by W. G. i in its eNeCatiOn, as in the case of all Broatlfoot, and he continued to reside ; composite wore of this eilaractqr there until the death of her Ivits,i!ande ', and for the information of those fte- some thirteen years ago. She wares ; terested the substance of ann i ter - a family of 5evi-ll sons and four (laugh` i view with the 'engineer of publid tem ; worts, B. O. Barrow, covering de- tails of the processes in use therel * • * The luerseeor sugar beet plots f the Provireeel Ververpment was . cess wale his purchase. ;) In Clinton, on Wedneedayafternoon I last. Miss Minnie C. Irwin daughter : of Mr. and Mrs. R. Irwin, was married to Norman McL., Fair of that town, by Hilton lees e cat:, He prvuouneed the ... Rev. Mr, Hatigton Of Ler:de:A:ore . satiate of leet ecronnils the best he All eases of weak or lame back, had even. Be ilesteueted samples to ' backache, rheumatism, will fled re - be forwa44101 les 'Te-erouto to If e lelaced' lief by .wearing ere et Carter's Smatt on exit:art:cm et the Toronto lexhibae Weed aril Belladonna Backeete Pins - teen. tele. Price :lac. Try them. There died at hie Lorne in •Grandin, eenan tea. ' North Datede. en August 2nd, James 64 c't °Iia5gc'w W Itcre weil heewn ie Wittgbaut• whether ' • • ' ' a " , - the other dey te consider • Deceased wee 40 veers of nee ; his eters eltereiti et: taken en net for the .. frieeee Leo,. Ovk7e, wiclia c f bil.:i death removal ef the :•••,41trietions effectirg with deepeseetee, el.)aai''" 'c"! -Vi''' i'.:' w"'s ""''imc"51Y . A pretty IlVIVR weihling tech phree Ftrct13; ''':•ttl': IC" rs'alr:icti‘'ns wert' 14C‘ a the lieree et the I rieleaStarents, Mr, serger neeeeseey, anti engirt to he re- : and ssre Asiteue Tworeele "mew% at meet il., • Jaigle. rove on Mineeley lest. It was • 0 0 the netierios:e et Miss Lizzie to Ake. The nee !imager Empress rtea.'', Lewis. ai Wit-Lallaut• (deli. left two toraieen marks tSaitteetitti, , Maeter Witte Weir, eon of Mr. W. nceleas ter seiete if Friedricheof. It Wehs ef the BeYfiehl read, bed the is uuderieeee that Friedticheef and raisfetteue to ;Sep em,41 on Sunda contents. iss:41a the Doweger Empress' ; evenireg, frei,rg en his elbow, with i Crentetg teeele neve hem left to • the result tlest the emelt hew of ins Pelacese Adesirlaus of Scho.umburee ; Wrist Was lietert. Lipp tPriaeeee Victoria, second '. Mrs. Robert Weir, of .Turnberry, daughter 41 .the Dowager, with a passed away eariy en Tuesday morn- peoviso that the estates will revert to... rug. 131h hist., at the age of fittr-five. serinee lessee-, the Dowager's second. ince:teed had not been m coed health Son. .. for nearly a year, and recently a .growth appeared on her aeek, which st • a , , .• is supposed to have caused her death. The retest s I tee aslv hing TQCOVett • The tesheeeeo of Hugh elequarrie, of (rem thee cerrtetvil with Farmers.' Myth, was the scene of a happy event lustitute wrist throughout the pro- oe esseeiseeday lasts when his young.. vinte Wixtad 1,,CP111, to indicate that tire,',: est daughter, Annie, was meted in apple crop it: she. province. would be t the holy Leas of wedlock, by Rev. . mu& larger than estimated by the Mr. McLean, to A. M. Babb, formerly Apple Sieerete Assoeirreicn. The: of myth, but now one of Teeswater's shippers rut the crop at e5 per cent. , prosperous young business men. of an MTV:W. the reports of sone ,,- W. B. Rae. IN -Ingham bas entered .estimates put it as bigh as 70 per rept. , the matrimonial estate. :The happy of last years &rep. Peaches are a* -e, event took place en Wednesday of last reported as snowing up :Letter every week. The bride is miss Maggie Dar. week. :. her, of Thorojea, dud the interesting * • • ceremony was redo:zed by Rev, : John Kay, at the residence of the As a testae ug investigation orderi SI '. bride's mother in Moretti, by the Onturio Government into the , Louis Efeyd, X. C., issued it Writ at :quality of various sorts of wheat for . Osgoode halt Toronto, en Thursday, this :province, the experts declare that, on helutif of Jere McDougall, af the best fall whe4is are Turi'eY 1'01 ' Spadine. avenue, Toronto, claireing yielding ler7.0 pounds of bread fer le0 ': smog) damages from Donald orassick pounds of n°"r' "nd littvirg F'5 l'er ( and Eliza Grassick, of Stanley town - cent, quality ef a ?mil*Scott, ..sh-e. ip The plaintiff fonnerly resided yield 148.2, (plenty e0 ; Mi.thigan amber .in this comaty, and she claims the de - yield 147.0„ quality 63.0.. In 11141.q Indents have said things about her - wheat, Fife. with ayield of 154.s. anu ,. hellcadleSa ; will prove interesting and inetruee , Mr. Joseph Grant, near Grunion, , tire. Either stone or cement curie - has purchased part of Mr. John `, jug should be placed before begin; Brown's farm near' Giautort.4uing to roadway. Cement costa i Mr. George Foreman. of Weston. re- i there :it) cents per lineal foot and ie cently, a resident of Grantors. died at , six inches thick and 20 ieches in the tainily reeiderce in Weston on ; depth and laid on broken otone er. Aug. 12th. The parents and brother e gravel. Corners are rounded, aad and sister have the sympathy of i on iron plate imbedded for protece,' many Weeds in this another sore 1 time On business streets stone is 1 dew:meet. ,, preferable. W. elatheeon, ef blear-, has brought :‘ An essential in roadmalcing is le to light an old flint -leek musket which ; hard and compact foundation, whicle been hidden away in a farm house can be secured only by the liberal in McGillivray for nearly fifty -years. I use of heavy rollers (12 to 3.6 tonst The gun Was picked up from the battle- .4, Real by Mr. Janes, a r. E. Loyalis-,d camber while the base is being prepared. Th$ grade au should be SO dee. Weed as to carry water off the sure, Laos quickly, and ell earth above thil the service of Miss hinnue Bottert11, or subgrade should be removed so as ter Mitchell, as teacher for the fall term. , conform to its level -12 inches be - She lute been highly recommended. hould be thoroughly rolled low the natural surface—which s s The trustees received about thirty plicants for the school. aril grade s' and soft spots filled with stone. 'III An unfortunate accident occurred foundation must be compost, n. soil , near (mouton last week. The bank i bed of storm not less than Six in barn and outbuildings, together with di ca in thickness. If the soil is of ce the season's crops, and also some togs; spnria nature, large, flat stones axe' and poultry, were consumed by fire onpreferred. All interstices should be the farm of John Fulton. The fire is li filled with small stone and gravel supposed to have originated front welt rolled in. Over this a coating qf arks from the. engine of Knowles 1 gravel should be rolled hard an aI t.es.1 who were threshing on the then a layer of ter -saturated stori farm at the time, and who wing to not exceeding two inches in diamele.; Lire rapidity of the lire, were unable to era These. stones before being mix save their separator. The farm is with boiling tar (10 to 12 imperiar owned by Wne Brown, who is work. gallons to the cubic yard) must bd Perth plates, until all moisture is expemar sun or by exposure on heated? lleal`e thoroughly dried, either in the sane; nig -with David Crawford. The Maxwell works, St. Maze's, in- After thorough roiling atiotiis mprovemeets stratum or tarred stone of the same tend making extensive i to their plant, this fall. dimensions and thickness is addefl'il Mr. Albert Dennison, of Souris, rolled and covered with a layo.. of Manitoba, arrived atVarnet, on Wed- gravel and quarry chips, also izi4.t. nesday to visit for a couple of weess with tar, one inch in thickaiess, to with relatives and. old friends in this rolled down from three-fottrthe neighborhool. one-half an inch. A top dresemg 'We have to record this week the screenings is then added, and if death of Mrs. R. Weir, who died at light color is desired it may be , lien borne on the 0th concession of tained by adding a cement. Most d$ - Turnherry, on Monday, August 12th, the stone used there is macha at the age of 55 years. crushed. Illanshasd Township's rate on all the taxable 'property in the municipality nail -sestina* Arrangement. is two mills on the dollars, and a fur- At stores where candy is sold. .ene ther rate of two and seven -tenth mills can buy for a few cents the light on the dollar is levied for township but large, wooden pails in Sr broken candy and certain gracTei Mr. Onslow Crich has been appoint_ purposes for the year 1901. chocolates are shipped from the faca ed caretaker of Clinton cemetery tory. These pails make a:college' vice Mn, R. Reynolds resigned. and who goes to London to reside. Chief - Welsh will ring the early bell and per- form other duties of night watchman. Palpitation of the heart, nervous- ness, treroblihgs, nervous headache, ' cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are re- lieved by Carter s Iron Pills, made specially for the blood nerves and complexion. Miss Cora Ingram, eldest daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingram, lot 12, eon. 0, Gore of Downie, passed away Monday at the age of 19 years, 5 months and 21 days. She had been sick since spring, but her immediate decease was not expected. Rev. R. Whiting, of Mitchell, has received a unanimous call to Askin Street church in South London, , at a Il li I salary of $1,200. The trustee board of the Mitchell Methodist church have , unanimously asked him to stay a NEST Pildid AX OLD PAIL. . fourth year, and haye raised his salary hens' nests when hung from two by $100. hooks in the manner shown in the The St Marys Collegiate Institute cut. . board have engaged a fifth master on Such nests can be taken out of the teaching staff rendered Vacant by doors, emptied and cleaned in a mo - There were twenty-six applications joints, as mint, and haring no corners or open Growth becomes do boxes, there is no place the resignation of ben se eDugan. for the position. Mr. W. Morrison, for vermin to hide about them. This B. A., of Georgetown, was selected at is a special pdint in favor of the use vigorous •and all dan- a, salary of $o). of such pails as nests, for :the or, druff is remoVed.. Noble Johnston, of Blaushard, WAS dinary nest. is -usually, a breeding on board the ill-fated 'steamer, "Islam- place for these troubleSorne pests. It always restores der", when it went down off Douglas 'color to gray or faded Island lest week. The steamer ws s hair. . Retain y o ur one of the 0. P. Res best transpotte A Good, Itrood tow. tion boats. and plied between Skag- A good brood sow should be large, youth; don't look old, nary and Victoriajon Yukon. It struck long and deep bodied and wide, With on iceberg and sank- in sixteen win_ plenty of room for a litter. The before your time. utes. There were nearly 200 pessen- head should be of medium size, neat gers on board, of whom 100 were and erten, and have an intelligent • Moon bottle. All druggists. saved. , look, with nose eliort and %tire nicely "I have used your- Mir, Vigor 2,5 Miss Ida Steele, eeegeLee of Di., drooping' and _tar` avert. The ldgs now for about years and I have fond it splendid and satisfactory Last summer, while sewing, She swal- from The grotind, also shoplel they bt..i. sti''itight, symmetrical all tell the same story. - If any- Steele, V. S., Stratford, has had an in- ought .'0 in every Way, 1 boljoye, I bay.e teresting experience with a needle. and long ,enough to carry the uddet, hundreds di'. my friends, and 'they recommended this "lair vegoreto loved a, needle, and, not feeling any stand on the see e of the. body—that „ body wants thb best kinder a liair after-eilects, paid no further attention is, not be dished inward ei- stand 0 than just as stronly 'ES I Vigor rshali certainly recommend to the episode. Last Sunday week, dope together. 1,,Todium-reixed bone that they get a bottlegof Ayer's the young lady noticed a pimple on is generally the best. A Liege lien:xi, which was workine- its war out On are necoss'ery, eeboye all; a quiet liajr-Yoiif frr81.11'. E. H2LA.MILT027, 11,449 the Doctor. one of her knees -which on examinee girth is very essential, being' itldi- -07, 26, 1898, istorwielecit Y. tine, disclosed the eye of a needle, cativo of well:efevelepell lungs yhies,11 bong extracted the needle Was fresh disposifean is prefetrcd. Let„ a s4 n oW Ti yOli don't obtain all the ,Denents and, bright, looking as though it had be nervous, fretful and bark ' at 17 you d eon's 'fiant the use of the n'Vigo , . ns'il. r. eyer be -en used. How it could pees everybody who conees near hie einil , 'Dn. J. 0.1A0vreYEnit: vult° 010 Door boutAddrese, , . ,. I, i ' sitiss, . through tire body and appear in the : the peobabili-tiee are thae the, p ge s se knee, without injuring the lady, is it win be wild- and *trill tic, haltidhf Lei' esilltoteeeeeereAfitesee-eoretieWee''..., f teeterler. .I'red 0.....S.ibl.ey,_ _ _ derogatory to her character. quality of 1(0 : erlute Russian. yield Mr. Searle, of Clinton, has been 110.0 quality eaa. Thickest yield,, carrying his arm in a sling for several 140.0 : quality. 77,3. days, the result of dislocating his • A ./ shoulder without knowing it. For The population of Canade accord- several weeks his shoulder has troubl- to the census of 1901, is 5,3glaSe3, ap cd him, and he attributed it to increase of liK6144 in the ten years. rheumatism, but it got so bad that he The population of Canada in 1891 was' consulted a doctor on Friday, who 4,833, 4."(1, an increase of 508,429 in the told him there was a dislocation. It ten years. The number of families in was neceesaxy to put him under the MI is 1,013,211. In 1891 the number infueace of chloroform in order to get was 991,043. The number of dwellings it into place. has increased from 877,536,to 1,008,025. Master Allan alcBurney of the 10th The most important, showing of the ; con., E. Wawanosh, had what may census is the increase in the Population be called a narrow escape on Saturday of Quebec, 139.439. The Population of last while baresting at John Bee - Ontario increased only 53,057. British crofts. A. bundle was being drawn in - Columba, increased 01,827; Manitoba, to the mow when the trip rope became 03,958; New Brunswick, 9,830, and fastened to his foot carrying him up a Nova Scotia, 8,120, The Northwest number of feet then immediately fall - Territories increased 78,201. lag into the empty rack then unto the o • • floor in an unsensible condition and several ribs broken. If you are entitled to vote at the Whitechurcb creamery was totally next Provincial election, see that your destroyed by fire Friday night. Fire name is on the voters' list; for the Pro- is thought to have originated in the vincial elections will certainly be held furnace room. Two hundred and ten on the list that is to be revised before boxes butter were saved, which had the judge. In general terms any male been stored in cold storage at Wing - person is entitled to be entered as a ham building. Machinery and con- tents are valued at $3,500 ; partly cov- ered by insurance,amounting to $1,500. Total loss estimated, at $2,000. There are 105 shareholders and about 400 patrons. *Myles Scott, of near Lakelet, in Howick, met with a very painful, if not a fatal accident, on Wednesday forenoon of last week, by having the handle of a bay fork -run into the lower part of his bowels. He was sitt- ing on a, beam in the barn and having the tines of the fork resting on the floor with the handle in his hands, and wanting to get down he jumped uellig the fork as a prop which in some way slipped and entering the bowel, passed upward several inches. Mise Beckett, a respected youug lady of Wingham. has lost her reason, and is now an inmate of the London Asylum, The young lady is only 23 years of age, and tor the past two eguipped with signals which will be years has taught a class in St, Paul's • displayed on the sides. They will be Junday school there. Three months as conspicuous as possible, so that they ago she came under the influence of a can be read at a considerable distanceiDowielte preacher and attended his from the highways. Mail carriers whit meetings regularly, She was led to receive their. weether predictions for the day before they start on their routes in the morning, and will put rip the proper signals on both sides of their carts. - alter the Americans had retreated, Tito Trustees of Union S. S. No, 17, Stephen, McGillivray, have eireured manhood suffrage voter for elections for tne Legislative Assembly in a town, village or township, who is a British subject by birth or naturalize- tiois, has resided within the Province for twelve months previous to the day for making complaints to the county Judge, that is 30 days after the list has been pested, is a resident of the muni- cipality and who will be twenty-one years of age within 30 days from the date fixed for the hearing of appeals to the county Judge. , • Farmers wile live along the line of rural free delivery mail routes are to have the advantage of the United States weather bureau's forecasts of the weather. All they will have -to do will be watch the mail cart as it goes by. Arrangements are being made by the Post Office Department and the weather bureau to have the mail carts Then and NQW; in days ion g ago (krz the six- ties you know), when Or went walking she held her skirts so What would she soy if she saw girls to -day with s airts (*itched so tight- ly they l loo k this War Mount Forest Council has decided to purchase the electric plant (tweed and operated by Messrs, Corley & Col - line, The 'price agreed on, is $10,000. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak etomach, indigestion, dyspepsia. try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in the market. There was sixteen drunks in the Owen Sound police court last week, and a thousand gallons of beer distil), °eared. Why send missionaries to China The principal fraternal organizations of the United States and Canada- have a membership of 0,723,010. The Odds fellows have 1,025,073 members, arid there are about 896,830 Free Masons. The report of the Gritrel Secretary of the Orange Sovereign Greed Lodge, of British America shows the net In- crease in members to be 3000 for the past year, The total active member- ship Is 00,000, Mary the four-year-old daughter of Mn. and Mrs. George Warriner, Strat- ford, went out to play with her older 1 sister, She returned a short, time after enveloped in flames which caus- ed her deatie Florence, Mary's play- mate, is aged five years and has al- ways bad a peculiar fascination for matches, seldom losing an opportunity to obtain them. She stood on a chair and extracted a number of matches from a box on the wall, Then in corn - pony with Mary she repaired to the back yard to use them. The little nes collected a, considerable quantity of old. paper that was lying around and. put it in their father's wagon, which stood just back of the house. Climbing in, the oldest sister set the paper on fire, and innocent of the re- sults, threw some of that Which had begun to blaze over her younger sister. 'The poor little tot's clothes immedia- tely caught fire, anti with childish in- stinct she sought for her mother. Her screams as she climbed frantically from the wagon and ran into the house were the first intimation that Mrs. Warriner, wino was lulling the baby to sleep, had of the accident, She put the baby down and started for the door. Just then poor little Mires, entered, her clothing from the waist up in flames, as also was her hair. The mother had sufficient presence of mind to snatch a mat from the floor a.no roll the little one in it. This action with the assistance of a pail of water, had the desired, effect, but not before Mary had been badly burned. Doctors were summoned but their efforts were unavailing, L, Cameron, of. Andesson..threshed eleven and a'balf acres of fall wheat, a hutidred beehele of oats' and a hundred bushels of barley in three and a half wareinmses at the G. T. R. station be - hours, • ine• burned How the fire started will eeze=e,,,,,eseree.e.zeeeeeerevegetietesee, ' • . belleve,that she was instructing her Sabbath sehocil pupils in a false , doe - trine; and; in place of doing them gcoct sire was, direct -mg them on a downward path. The trouble worried her to the extent that she went • in- sane, • The most extensive fire Wingliam has known for' eome years occurred early on Tuesday morning, two- ,large "Uppers all gone." "Now, here are the uppers of these shoes all gone to pieces. The soles are as good as ever, apparently. They ought to be, because I've only worn them a few weeks. But I wonder why the uppers broke out so badly." The reason why the uppers of some shoes wear out quickly is that the soles are made so stiff they pull the uppers all to 11••••••••141 pieces. When you wear 'Sovereign" shoes you get the Flexi- ble Welt sole that wears as long as the upper and does not pull your shoe to pieces. Easy,comfortablewear, perfect fit, beautiful finish. Men's or women's $3.00, $3, so and $4.00. See that they are stamped "SOVEREIGN SHOE." TO BREAK UP A COLD all you require is a glass of hot water, a little sugar, and about thirty drops of Poison's Nerviline. Take it real hot, and in the morning you will wake up without a cold. When de- pressed or tired try Nerviline ; it will tone you up better than stimulants, Nerviline wards off all sickness and keeps people well. Large bottle 25c. 7""e4C7fpeoz. — • Wealth 1 of hair 1..4.- indeed„..„: especial - i >, ly to at"- k.,• .• ‘''EAL 6 woman., Every*,other 4 physical attraction is 1 p 1 secondary to it. We have a book we will gladly send you that 44 tells pig how to care ..lj for the. hair. " If your hair is t thin or los-, ing its luster, L" get — too FOR SALE BY 11, . SWEET, EXETER. 0.-141+444,444-44,4404,1144+4444•+0-ea4-4•444-44•4444,1444'-ebVete-fla -It 14 * Thie laing of Ranges, “Bucit's napp7 Thought'. .15,,• te-44 ITt, cls took Money, H1144, to perfect The Happy 41 Thought Range, and it's , the Range that ardent l copiers have taken their r ea cue from. : .: : : : : * 4— * es Bappy Thought Ranges l• are made in 6 different sizes and 72 different styles. They have all t. 0... the latest practical improve- * seerreser oeseee te . ee 4s, + ments such as the Corrugated es; ,., t. Oven, Transparent Oven Doors, • 0. 1.7eobstruetehle Oren Damper 1 and a Titer -met System of Oven + Ventilation, sTs 150,000 Canadian Cools* + e,..eecommencl Them. sero0.0' g• • Write for illustrated pamphlet. • 4- 4. . Atanufactured by • • 4. • • The Wm. Buck $tove Co., Ititnited, Brantford. soixi BY W. 3. HEAMA1\.T, EXETER. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Sept. 5th to 14th, 1901. Entries Close Sept. 4th. ITC, 'A home exposition of genuine merit—New exhibits and leading attractions, —Lockhait's performing Elephants—The Three Graces and "Torn Tom" the baby elephant and many other specialties of a high order—Grand. Fireworks display, including representation of "Fall of China" and "Taking - of Pekin." Special tiains over all lines each evening atter fireworks. Fox - prize lists, programmes, etc., apply to LT. -COL S\. M. GARTSHORE, President. S. A.. WELLES, Secretary. The ieeult of the census' will ire to cat dean the Maritime Provinces' rem esettation in Pailianient by four and Ontario's by five. Manitoba will likely get three more members, the North-west thtce, end British Colum- bia one, which would reduce the present Faille ine nt ary ente.sen ta- tives fiat 213 to 211. The census of 1891 cduced it fi ern 215 to 213.'a PU IMAM'S PA1NLES.$ COBN AND WA RT EMU BA CT OR , Is the telly remedy that positively cures t oi n arid 'nails -without pain in tenty-forir toms. Ask your drug- gist abeut.it, be Las sold it for a -long time. Club any ch uggist who offers von a substitute for P,utnam's Pain - lees Col Exti act or,. Be knows it Is the 1 tat ; ynn will o if you try it. Poe kneee. sideeehe, swelling of the feet, snd ankles. puffing mai( r eyis, frcqutnt thirsa scn n ty, clot.cly, thick, highly colored urine, Ircquenr. urinationn but fling sensation when tit ine ting, m Any of. hv)„ e aboe sot cans lead to nrighes esa,c. din het cc, etc, Dooll.s Kidney Pills are a sure cure for ail kidney diseases. -( Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARIESS OIL Unequalled by any other. Renderosuht arwdatleera. Ahprepared.ther soft.,soft.,EK"sepe :Les aybulled Rl rys o An excellent preservative. 'ea Reducep cott of y,our harness, Never burlap the leather; its/ Efficiency is increaeed. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking.' a L Es 'sold in all LocalitieS litaradaotteredbr oil comparue CLEARING SALE —or— • HEAVY WAG ONS,T1111BE SPRING' WAGONS; LIGHT. ONE HORSE WAGONS, CARTS, BOB SLEIGHS, SECOND HAND BUGGIES, BARROWS, For want of room since the fire - bargains will be given. Those wanting rigs male and see. for yourselves. JOBBING AND REPAIRING DONE AS- T.TSVAL. D. BRAURI ITORONTO EXHIBITION !locust 26 to SootembOr 7,1)1 PREMITJMS $65,000 ATTRACTIONS 65,000 .01,111111911.11011.013161 Naval and Miliitary Displays Daily BRIIIIANT SPECTACLES Bombardment of Taku Forts by International Borces Greatest Live Stock Shcw on the Con- tinent, All Our Country's Resources Novel and High Class Entertainment Features MILITARY TAT00,- AtlGt. ST 27111 trx,Waracioacurcesu GreneReanion of Cematilau Old Poys and Old College Students, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd Redueed Rates .All Lizies of TPA V 01 .A.Nl.I1IEW ser lea, P.11„C:. T .8 • STIJL, 1,resident TOFRONTCD