Exeter Times, 1901-8-15, Page 8T EXETER TMIES Reg, Elliott, of Norwich, is visiting £tttwa Rash £tnv `Thos. Maker of _ Q_ - _ 1. octan, visited m Snell first week, . Miss Cora McPbereon is sisitirg friends in London, Ai. $as.tings is spending this week at the Pan American.. Alen, I'urdu es returned :from br=ief visit to Manitoba, Miss Edith Turner; of Moray, is Visiting Miss Lily Robison, London Road. FMrs. Wes. 1,Velsh and daughter; Z iota, left Tuesday to visit friends in London. David Jacques, Agent, Exeter, for the Lonlon Mutual Fire Insurance Qonxpany, London, GJISfi Oft PRODUGE fIND ONE i'ft(GE.. Hiro You Goinca fIwal From /tome.? We' can supply You with Trunks, Valises or Telescopes at prices much below regular values. Cash and one prices is what does it. Solid metal covered Trunks, good strong locks, well made. The most complete range we have ever shown, r 85, 2 25, 250,e75,300,325,35o,and 400. Ne”, square canvas covered Trunks, solid brass locks, iron cor- ners, up-to-date in every detail, 3 25, 3 50, 3 65 and up to 6 25. Gladstone Valises, the new chocolate shade, brass lacks and trimmings, solid iron frames, a very useful piece of travelling furni- ture,225,240,34Q,375,3g0, Club Bags, tan or chocolate shades, brass locks and trimmings, correct travelling compartions,r r5, 1225, I 35, T 75, 2 Q0,2 25, 2 50, 3 00, 3 5O, Canvass Telescopes, leather corners, well straped, useful, con- venient and easy priced, 45, 65, 75, 95, 1 to, 125, 150. Win You Travel You Walt Gooiort.. There is no breaking in required if you wear KING QU°ALIT Y shoes. We have all that's new in King quality shoesfor men and women. If you have never worn the King shoes ask your neigh- bor "hat he thinks about tbe;m. They are good lookers, good wearers and good for comfort, try a pair. Your money back if you are not satisfied. That's all. STEWfiRT fiv Stores close 0.80, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted sat ."-- #fir Miss Millie Martin has returned after a month's visit with friends in' Dorcbester.ant London. The rural schools open on Monday i next, those in towns and incorporated villager, tivca.treeks later. • Mr. Jaffray and daughter, Miss MMaytne, of T,uonto, are the guests of Mrs, Johns for a few days, Mrs, Nutt. of Port Rope, who leis been visiting fur two weeks at S. Mar- tine, has rrturueo to her hone. The rntF*•ior of the girlkton Metho- dist enure % is to be repainted. Con tractors see advertisement in another column. Wm. Anderson, hate of the Metropo- i titan, Exeter, has leased the Arlington , hotel uguinst 1stStra. , tford, and took possession A Miss Mabel Hall and Miss Lydia Van alstine are visiting' Mrs. Alfred Sbeere and other friends in Exeter : and vicinity. Pan AMorioaa visitors and good ac• ;s c,linwodations at Fuito i?s, (formerly net of Fax char. Ushorne,) 3130 iichigan, Li- e blocks from depots-: eter Morrison of Chiselburst, is he Exeter Ickard Co.1yjjN We have anumber gaudies, Piques, Qin han regardless of cost. .It, Wi lien..a•i, of remnants of Muslims, Lawns, Or - Is, NV., c', , Etc , which we will clear Il repay you to inspect them. h 'THE MART. : Weddirig Rir A'S' I . 1 ; To Have the Best Goods is what the business man owes him- self. It is this business policy of ours evltich induces us to claim to b *Ito rhe, cle pest and eon- sequently Fs1way 1_11_9o hest. ,d We have in stock everything in Effie Statiorery Line—newest in Note Paper. A Correp etc Line of Jardineres, eoglish and German Decorated Vases, French China Linioge and Japanese Ware, FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP- TIONS. • JOHN GRIGG, EXETER, INSURANCE. ::t R.NEST ELLIOT, . ,Ten for the WBsri N Asst nexce eon - yang, of Toronto ; also for the P wsazz Fins stems cs Oorareere, of London England nd and e:xeeres I*rsvaAxa>x Contest, of Eng i TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente: accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15rer, 1901, Locals. DG6Id1 a lbs. best selected raisins for 25 Best wooden clothes pins per doz. of Fine uncolored Japan teaper lb 25 Cava sardines per tin 05 Fine imported catsup per bottle 15 2 bottles Brae mixed pickles for 25 ottt e ham and veal !oar per tin dirt's prize relish p&M'r'bottle $5 C'ross (S0 litackweli's infixed pickles 35 Cl;arlc'es chipped smoked beef 17 Fancy raisin biseuh. per lb. j Wedr SP061dIS, Rows print blouses, all sizes Boys cottonade knickers Boys brownie overalls Boys all wool sweaters lBQVs leather belts 35 35 35 75 25 radvertisxng his faro in Hibbert for A 11 So e. It contains 190 acres, awl is a, 6 ' osier 61 di t.class property. See 'advertise- nt, Dyer Hurdon, together ..with ri.! ` lite ladies' Idle ribbed, fast black cotton b ry of his birthday au Monallg Ladies' O(a 'i t cashmere iltlSta for It goes }ciktiaut saying? th;xt f Ladies fast talk cotton Bose, special iter of friends celenra,ted the ani I } ' ;l" } it i xrs� 1 Watcl es, CIOcict , lli lrt, Jcwee ey. `-.-pectace eine Etc dna, O ti spent an enaoya.hle night, Men's regular' i2 a cotton sox, 1 for 'tiers. Rent, of Toronto. who haas been Men's cashmere hose regular 40e, the };nest of lien sister -in -lair, firs. J Rawitshaw, leaves for her boons this Thursday) morning. accoinps,nied by «....r, R. HICKS f Watch Repairing a Specialty, Miss ,Muir has returned home from Grand Bend. Mrs. Joyce, of Toronto, is visiting r„ Saxon Fitton, Good pasturage for cows, apply to he R. Pickard. Co. Ed, Powell, who has been visiting here, left on Monday for Denver, here st�e Kent, w, Of Mrs tg3n,is ,)dawksha w. upgraSarn� occupy Rev.3. Ayers hurchnx Sunday. Mrs. A. McTavish, of London, visiting at her old home here, tinder the parental roof, Will Milyard, of Toronto, is spend- ing a short time here with his parents, Rev. R. and Mrs. Milyard, E. J. Spackman's delivery horse ran away on Tuesday, getting beyond the control of the boy, and broke the wag- gon considerably, returnedRobb. Sanders assn summer's outinAIL Coma g Grand Bend. They report, a pleasant time and their health much Ianproved The cement sidewalk on the west • e of Main st. has been completed, and the contractors are now engaged ,making six cement crossings site Main- st. from east to west. Bayfield Id ng decided that all cows must be shutupbetween een the hours of 8 p, m. anda aa. mand have instructed the constable Ito impound all cattle running at large during these hours, Rep. S, J. Allan, of London, preach- ed in James-st. church on Sunday, and r Edward Sanders, son of the his many old friends were pleased .to late again have an opportunity of hearing Richard Sanders, who has been a resin him. . Mr. Allan's sermons are as eta dent of .Elo for some gears, and who Anent and impressive as ever: was a cabinet-maker by trade, died at • An- a that place on Tuesday, after a protract Messrs. David Mid and Geor g ed illness, of tuberculosis. 11e tel res a dersonare in Hamilton this week, de- widow � -- legates of the local Court at the High Court I. 0. F., while Messrs. E. S. Spackman, W. Johns and J. H. Grieve are Fon Saul CHEAP,— A butcher de- j Grand Loge of Oddfellowin a similar s. Guelat the ph. livery cart, nearly new. Apply to L. ( James Bonthron, who resides with Da'3z, Exeter. his daughter, Mrs. R. 11. Collins, on APPRENTxcEs Wan -En. --To Iearn Thursday last celebrated the 88th an- dress making, apply to Miss Tom, over nive.rsary of his birth. Besides other Carling Bros. Store. meneliers of the . family, there were Mr. and mrs. Som W. _rrTED,- A good, .smart boy i tames Bonthron,resent from a of Toronto to and Mrs.' with fair education, wanted. to learn A. Ross, of 3fontana. Mr. 13ait the printing business, Apply at her niece, Miss Vers, :FI•aav'--- - - If you are suffering from defective eye sight call and see In.of T. P. Smith sat Iiawkshaw's Commercial hotel, Exeter, Friday or Saturday, August 30 and 31. Consultation free, For diarrhoea, dysentery, etc. in hildren or adults. use Aromatic Blackbermy, or Wild Strawberry Compound. Both remedies are safe and reliable. Sold. at Lutz's d rug Store. Defective sight restored, mis-fittin glasses properly replaced, and satisfac- tion guaranteed by T, P. Smith, Opti- cian. Consultation free at'Conmereial hotel, Exeter, on Friday and Saturday August 30 and 31. • For form 111, mathematical scholar- ship, at the Collegiate Institute there were J. ritt, of Eeight xeter vas thed Edwin who obtained nn average of 89 per cent, winning the Peter Adamson scholarship. A serious accident occurred on Thursday last to Miss Ida McSpadden, of Winthrop, while driving to a berry patch. The horse,:which was rather a spirited one, became frightened at ootalit" SlioGSpe6idIs Ladies' low leather Slippers, e'astic fronts, low eel, very comfortable, special Men' patent leather bas, special Specials in children shoes at 50, 75, $1.00. Ladies' Oxfords at S; , ,$1.00, 1.25 and $1.50. i In this 1>ize we never carried a. larger nor better. stock than we, .lu at he present time, lie have a number of ,boy, ,suits Which sve would like to ,;l . , a e<al and ill order to do so will cut the price in two, Suits that fiver do do I Come and see their ca' show them, 1 $4.00 for $,2.00, $3,00 for X1:,00.. n if you don't buy, trouble to Men's suits of the very best style and. qua it . at prices that will suit you. prices . 041.44,. We bare also? %i lot of women's shoes. that we a xious t4? dispose of tilled wlIl Fat the price in two in these as well. GiV5 U5 191 OfILL CARLINU 'Furniture Empor 25 - During hot weather we are inclined to look o r " t coolest spot and most comfortable cent••. possible. We would suggest when you °•c sig ,kali: comfort and can get .the ;a<�l't!r at small cost ''yon would be wise to 30 ��. Pickard Co Direct Importers. Mrs. Geo. Rill is seriously ill. I Mr. Ballantyne. of Downie, father of ea, leyudinan is spending a she, t fames Ballantyne, of Usborne, died in Mrs. Beaman of London, visitr,l a.t I Misses Edna and Rohy Davidson are W. S. Reaman s this. week. I visiting their cousins in London and John Crooks, of Clinton spent the Port Stanley, timetown, last week. some new ditch across the read and Past week visiting friends in town, John Sweitzer has purchased an in- aaft away, throwing. rossss McSpadden ! . Dr. Rollins and C, H. Sanders, were l terest in the flax mill at Crediton p visiting the Pan American this week. land will move theresriortly, , from the rig ad ne now lies under:t the doctor's care. AS aan E Mr, and Mrs.l3nllock, of Toront 'visited their cousin, Mrs. A. Ilastingsj The voters'list for Usborne was' Feidri.v_ first posted up on the 30th of July i vette and liveraa reegulatorn useirDixLmach le Liver Pills, saki by C. Lute 25e aper b re are four palling soli -divisions. Mrs. Thos. lliarton, �vlio has been i o''' There are 8#(3 names on the list. Of !foe e sonic time i5 noir able to laic" Ira Andreas, -of Exeter, has bought these 615 shot The are entitled to vote at both' t drives. out Meller s store, at Cromarty, and parliamentary and municipal ele2tions1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gregory, of firsr,will rake pdases,icin about September 148 at municipal elections only and 77 3 Brantford• are spenclin a•i here with friends. -ass Florence Connolly, daughter of at parliamentary elections only, f g short ort attic �I. Town - There are 48 female voters and 394 Miss Israel, who was the County Councillor, or tiodericli eligible to serve as jurors, Sweet,guest in shin, visited frirn:is in town on S:rttir= j � Miss Ethel left far her home in chap.. Seaforth on Saturday. For a. delightful hair dressing and to TzsiES office. W,& NTnzi,—A' good general servant; or woman capable as a working house- keeper. Write P. 0, Box 691, Sarnia,. Ont. or apply at this oface. Moergy Founre-A purse containing enjoys exceptionally for his years, and it is tegwi h of lahhost of friends that • he may continue to share the pleasures of life until many such anniversaries have passed: , Merchants complain strongly of a filthy' practice of some young men of. spitting tobacco juice on their clean a small sum of money found on Thames show windows. The sight is most re - R ad on. August 1st. Owner can have pewee; and ought to turn the offend- same by applying to Moses GArdiner, offend- ers pale. If 'the young men who are t behaviour, would Exeter. ' guilty of this vile hesit Miss MaymeQWhite, of Brandon, Mas., is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. ,Talin White. The family intend moving to Ottawa after Sept. 1st. Miss Gussie Rolland leaves for Guelph and"Toronto on Monday next after which she goes to Wallaceburg to take ,a situ::ation as milliner. Miss Addie Holland, who for some time bas beena; nurse.at Niagara rails, and who is visiting her parents here, leaves shortly for C3ookuville, (Mo.,) University, where_ she will study for a M. D. Mr. McNally, of Blyth; recently se- cured a patent - on a machine' he 'in- vented for making cement blocks for building purposes. If it is a success he.. intends disposing, of his wagon shop in Blyth and pushing the rights of his: machine. < Miss T. White • Ieft yesterday for Montreal, where she will join the Canadian' Press Association in their excursion through the martime pro- vinces. The trip will cover nearly 3,500 miles and will occupy two weeks, the act, they ewould rsurely e desist They should . leave more respect .:for themselves, and `take a 'pride in keep- ing the streets neat and clean. The Merchants spend much time in dress- ing and cleaning their windows, to give the streets a nice.appearance, "and` should not be discouraged in this man- ner'. Crown Attorney Lewis' return of cases tried at the county judge's crimi- nal court for the half year of` 1901, shows that nine prisoners were tried of whom all but one was convicted. The crimes were; shooting with intent, house -breaking, aggravated assault, theft and false pretences. One was sent to the penitentiary at Kingston, the balance to the Central prison and common jail, with the exception of one whose sentence was suspended. The sentences range from three •:years -in the penitentiary and two years, less a day, in the Central prison, down to three months in the common jail, at hard labor, Digory Braund advertises a number of vehicles for sale in this issue, cheap, The recent Etre cramps him for •room, Mr. a. dnd Mrsr B t .pO'Neil down thet on elieve dandruff. itching of the scant, Lawrance to Montreal: nd promote tree gro�vtli of the Bair, try Imperial' Ram tonic, sold b Lnrz :;nom ha.. bottle. y Cl, John nicienes, who has been eng. , ed. in the dairy business for a numb Bert Ross returned to London oil favour. 50e per bottle.' 'Sold by C. His remains veill lie nrouglat th Exeter femily to seryive- 'of years has given it Up. George Heaton has triaged J. P. Roes' Bend. Monday after a weekni oeting at the roe. The deznand.for English Stock Food - The Orangemen of Wingbarn.adver- Ma Montgomery Patrick has rented oxs of the Exeten cemetery . . it. Sold by 0, Lutz. 1 i Q,A. 'AND I P 1 our Rattan chairs, prices llaiigitig from *2.00 upwards. Also complete stook in all lines, in latest designs. Intending purchaser will find it to their advantage all on us before purchasing to elsewhere, Westera Leridon 44440400444,440•44.44,44•4=444444,4.4444 440441•44 Funeral Directors. OPERA 5IOUS: BLOC) . Bei rley & Heston List of Fall lairs. fall Term Opens Sept. rdv Industrial, Toronto,Sept-544 Central , Stephen ....a rr_,,..._.. Aug.Arrg�>a Sept,r7 � �:_... Northern Ansa, Crai Soeiety, Exeter Kept 10 17 3 Never before in the history of our 7 'college have our graduates been so 'remarkably- successful in securing ex - 2 :Lenient situations immediately .on leaving. college as during the present 9 year. If you have a. diploma tom S. Huron, Seaforth Sept 24,2 Fullarton-Logan, Mitchell Sept 2in2, Great North-western, Gode- 'West Nissonri, Thorndale Oct Blyth and Morris, Blyth Oct. 8 - Czar Rollins is visiting friends Mr. 0. Powell is home from Cole bus, Ohio. Wilbur Cedmore, of Harold, is vis ing under the parental root William Sweet, of Detroit, spe part of Net week vieiting frie»de our college you need. no "political pall" ;„ or influential friends to help you to success. You ean stand on your own merits and will surely advance to the n' front. Our courses of study are com- plete, systematic... valuable—the best it= in Canada to -day, Catalogue free. in for interment. The young man waS highly respected butt: here and in I grain warehouse at the station, and Elora, from Grand Bend. Miss .f. Millar have returned hom ' distance are iiow sending in orders for,/ v7.1 pure. eiase grafi] on the market. Miest 0. Sweet, Miss a Prior an , rapidly incrdas ng. farmers froin .b ;Training school, Toronto, preached at both services in Caven Presbyterian church, on Sunday last. Rev. S. 3. ADM, in Jaines-st. church. tise an excursion to Detroit on Satur- his farm. on the 7th concessio.n of respectfully request that all those Miss Me tin ing. of Pittsbuia-, Penn., day, Aug. 24tb, via Sarnia. It will in- clude ell the stations, from Kincatdine Messrs. Keddy & Charlton have the to contribute to the fund for improve - n mg and Mae W. Balkwill, , ave in any , house. It is good . for nuni or to inippen, the return fare from the machinery installed for., their pump merit would kindly- hand in the sawn .i a and Mrs. Rich. Boskin and fain- II" nnatynl, cures cuts, ' bpr ps,,' bruises, • st. Relieves pain, reduces sweliing,,,imays August 26th.. Two gold claaihs will be Mrs. Fountain returned to her home section No. 6, Tuckersmith, wrote at Mrs Win. Treble. arid daughter, station agents or see posters 'for fuller Mrs. Thorne, of Los Angeles, Cal. ; Robb, stood forth among those who i Mrs, Mabel Muir and the Misses 1 ' Tuckersinith, to Mr. Samuel Laidlaw. having subscribed and those inte d• is visiting lier cousins Ray Fanson, latter point `bmng $1.75. Returning factory, and this eveek stetted opera- to one of the directors. ily, of Kirkton, spent Sunday with , serail ,stajoiats, etc. Price 2.0 cents. the train will leave Sarnia at 10 p. ti°nS, Five of the pnpils in tlie school in. Itr. and Mrs. Wile Treble. given as a prize to the best looking in Toronto on reriday after a pleasant the recent enteance exarninations, and .Mrs, }toilger Crockee, visited Airs. I particulars.. , who is visiting her father ' ' , William The body of Miss Mary McCarthy Drew i ' I took honors. !Robertson, of Ottawa, spent a few I , n tends taking a trip to the Old i Mrs. Wm.. Davidson iteeorn • days visiting the Misses Brown, Exeter coupla single or married. This wil be visit with her niece, Mrs. T. B. Oar- i they an the- last excursion of the season. Ask ling. • took honors. One of these, Miss Ella week. passed, while two of the . five Rich. Hoskin, in Kirkton nut or la,:t I of Godericia wan found Sunday On the 0ountey shortly. Nord beach about twa miles from she har- bor. It is evident that she drowned herself on Sunday morning, the 1th inst. the day she left home, as the body shows signs of having been in the water several days, She left no mes- sage. She had been in low spirits for some time and was receiving medical treatment for nervousness. The fun- eral on Monday was very largely at- tended. • e 1 bane returned home after a plea Comnoig SENsn.—The follow- ant visit with friends - in Exeter • an ing from the Lueknow Sentinel evill Grdnicl Bend.—London Free Press. apply to Exeter and xuany other towns as well as to Lucknow. It says: "Drivers should exercise a little more caution in driving. across the grano- lithic crossings. Horses stumble and fall owing to the reekless• ma,nner ial which they are driven. It is not necessary to wait until a horse breaks its neck before a little ordinary judg- ment is exercised." If a horse slips or stumbles on a crossing it is almost in- variably the fault of the driver and not the crossing, It is often the case when a crossing is reached and the horse slacks up to get over it safely the driver will give the animal a cut with the whip, causing it to jump Y. and the footing being insecure, the Rev. 0. W. Brown, a former young natural result is a slip or a stumble on Londoner, preached at the Harniltou the part of the horse which is fraught Road Methodist Church yesterday. with danger.of injury. In such cases Mr. Brown is one of the cleverest the horse has a deal more sense than among the preachers of the London the driver. I y her son, Harry, left on Monday - Mrs. W. E, Saylor has returned to I of last week to visit Fir s son, her home .in Sarnia after a. pleasant Ratmon, in Saginaw, Mich., fOr a few visit with her mother, Mrs. AL Arm. , days. 'She will go from there to strong, Thames Road. i Mancelonn Afich„ to visit her sons, Miss Morrison, sister of Mrs. Coward , ' Imison and Alvin. - Elirnville, left yesterday (Wednesday) ! A meeting of the Womens, Auxi 1 - for Medicine Hat to resume her duties levy Institute, of South Huron, will be as teacher in that place, i held in No. 1 school hoese. Tiackee- Miss Marguerite Locke and Mar'or Isaiah, oti Friday, AuFmst 10 13, rt, _ o clock p, rn. and to, which a cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies, Mrs. Shosenberg and twO children, after an extended'. visit hete with her. Father, Win. Ra,wkshaw, left on Mon- day for their'new home in Landon. F6B THE WST. -- The following persons left this station oil Menchtn and Teesclay for ,Manitonae -Albert The large number of teacherS going ja,s. Randall, Exeter ; Geo. O'Brien, season will have a tendency to create f to the Northwest from Ontario this lc sHasnYciecsG,eEox. eStearu.ders, 3tephen ; Robb. a greater demand _for teabhers, and consequently raise the salaries. A PAMons Sonoon.— The Central mooleaskey, of Hilo, Ha_ 3.3usiness College, of Stratford, Ont., waiiau Island, who minis a large coiree is one of the best commercial schools and sugar plantation there, and who is I.of Canada to -day. Over a dozen busi- on a visit among his friends in Huron inees, colleges have lately applied to sPeet Saturday with his friencl, J. G.' this college for commercial teachers St d , many as three applications have been received in one day. W, Elliott, the Principal of the college has reason to be proud of the excellent reputation his school enjoys. A beautiful cabalog•ue is mailed fr interested in getting a. business Eli Siielf And son Arthur, and Alber Ford -left on Monday evening fo North Dakota,. The members of. the 'Exeter, bam 13 enieece iit Grand "Bend on. Friday la ', Tney report having epent a A substitution. for Dee God feee's han wbo took so aCti ye 4, part in the 24t r nay celebration en:elide, very iv In "street, Tuesday morning aboet Thousand Students Have received their commercial and short- hand training in these schools Colleges in London, Toronto, Hamil- ton, Ottawa, Sarnia, Berlin, Gait, St. Cathatines. New term opens Septem- bet? 3rd. For general information write to the' Forest Gitll 131181f1688 60118(16 LONDON, ONT. W, WrISTE4VELT;"Prineipal. Ai -whew.. it's 4 Suit for a eormal occasion or just for biesiness or for out- le ing, it ought to be well nrtade and ' 1 , ought to fit, We do it that way. The fit will be perfect ; the making 'will be excellent ; the clothes will be ' a credit. to us and to you. Note Tile Prices. Black worsted suits worth $22,00 for Fa,licy worsted suite worth $20,00 fon Scotch tweed suits worth $'20.0D for Canada Tweed suits 'worth $18.00 for 814.00. Come in and look through the stock, be.pleased to ineet you.