Exeter Times, 1901-8-15, Page 1_TIVENTY-NLNITH YEAR—NO I.
Just What You Now Wan
- To protect your cattle and horses from beingtortuEed
with Flies.
Portland Cement
'Moral(' Cement
Machine Oils
Lace Leather
Belting, E.
Preserving Kettles
diStiOp 45i SOri
For the next 30 days we
will sell large cedar fence post
and wire at the very lowest
price. Also all kinds of lum-
ber, shingles, house furnish -
lugs complete and coal at
0 *worthy's
Yard east of G. T. it.'5tation
Wm, Anderson, late proprietor ot
the Metropolitan House, has leased
the Arlidgton Hotel in Stratford and
nssumed the managership of that
;splendid hostelry on, August lst.
Gordon Manns, who is in the
'employ of Messrs. McDonell Brothers,
Herman, had the misfortune this
week, while operating the large shears
Lor cutting tin, to cut: the top oif the
Remand liner of his left hand.
A farmer of the Portage branch of
the Canadian Northern, near White
Plains, has coenpleted the cutting of
bis crop, consisting of 2,700 acres of
the finest quality of wheat, and esti-
estates his yield at about 25 bushels to
the acre, or a total of 07,500 bushels.
He will commence threshing this
There are many form of nervotis
,debility in men that yield to the use
. of Carter's iron Pills. Those who are
•troubled with nervous weakness, night
sweats, etc., should try them.
The &railer figure of Mr. G. D. Gil-
christ, of Clinton, "crossed the bar"
Orillonday afternoon after an illness
of several weeks duration. He was
borne on June 23rd, 1818, in Helms- I
dale, Sutherlandshire, Scotland, and %
when eight years of age accompanied!
his parents to Canada. In the early
.sixties he came to Clinton of which he
;remained a continuous resident up to
the last. •
, Dyspepsia in its worst forms will
yield to th.A.• .use ofs Carter's Little
Nerve. Pillse*Aided by;o9arter's Little
Liver Pills:- They not only relieve
present distress but strengthen the
stomach and digestive apparatus.
Much and deep regret is felt in Staffa,
, on account of the death of Miss Kate
:Norris, fourth:, daughter of Mr. and
33sirs. Joseph -Wakes. She was a most
prtimising and estimable young lady
and was str Universal favorite with all
• who knew her. The sad event.occurr-
. ed on:Friday last. Until a few weeks
ago deceased was enjoying good health
but a cold contraeted some time ago
ended her earthly ca,reer, at the early
• a s of 20 years and 4 months.
Reports that Gerald Sifton; in jail
at London, charged with the murder
, of his father, was in a, melancholy
mood, are incorrect. Instead, as the
tithe for his -trial approaches, he grows
more eager for it. He is said to be
, confident of acquittal and is corre-
, spondingly cheerful. Sifton has spent
a great deal of time in reading. He
keeps fully abreast of the current news
and finds ample timefor a fuller ac-
• quaintance with standard authors,
He • has reed complete editions of
• Thackeray's workst,and also of Dickens
and has devoured a year's collection pf
• the,Review of-Reafeews, besides a lob of -
miscellaneous, literature.
Smart Weed and Belladonna, cam-
. bind with the other ingredients used
in the best porous plasters, make !Dex-
• ter's S. W. &. B. Backache Plasters
the i best in the market: Price 25 cents.
The gentleman referred to in the
following notice, which we take from
the Forest Free Press of the lst
was a brother ofthe late Mr. James
Dallas, of Tuckersmith, and Was
known to many in this vicinity. It
says: "On Sunday, July 21st, John
Dallas, one of the oldest residents of
Bosanquet and a man highly esteem-
ed by all, departed this life at the age
70 •years. Deceasecl was born in
Perthshire, Scotland, in 1831, and with
his parents moved to Canada in 1813,
settling on a bush farm in North
Easthope, Perth porinty, travelling
through the woods from Hamilton,
with oxen, then the only means of
transporta,tion. At 18years of age
deceased •learned telegraphy, and ob-
tained a situation at Acton. Soule
years later, in 1868, he came to Thed-
ford, and was employed as telegraph
operator and switehman oti the Grand
Tronk. Railway . mat year he mar -
1 ried Catharine Aucierson, who prede-
ceased IsItn eight years ago. After
three years service on the Grand
• Trunk Railway! Thedford, be was
trotasferred to Forest as nigbt opera-
tor. holding that position during the
years of tiw rebellion. Shortly after
• this he gave tip that line of occupa-
tion for farnung„ mai settle(' on the
farm in Bosanquet, where he died.
BatEne.-Mr. and Mrs, M. Elford
and family spent a. few day e the past
week holidaying at Grand Bend park
and •enjoying the breezes of the lake.-
. Johns and wife and faintly spent
Saturday and Sunday at Mrs John's
iteine at Kippen.--Mrs. Bennett, of
Fernhill. spent a few do,ya with frtends
, in . the village. --Mrs, John Hind has
been confined to her bedfor a few:days
with heart trouble. --Thos. Veal, the
village mayor goes limping around
Ithese days with, a lame leg. -0. Coates
has been confined to the house the
past few days butt is better again. -
Geo. Miners, of Exeter, spent Sunday
tinder the parental roof.
Barnas.-Miss Jennie Clement, of
Detroit, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J.
111cPberson -O. Hohn returned home
last lefonday from visiting his daugh-
tea Mrs, Couch. -Miss J. right and
her sister, Mrs. Sivioright, of Petrolea,
visited their sister, Mrs. R, S. Aitken
last week. -Joseph Foster and wife of
Varna, visited a number of their old
friends in this vicinity last week. -
D. McGregor and family, of Detroit
are visiting ae J. MeGregor's.-Mrs.
Lerxtol of Ailsa. Craig, visited her
cousin, Mrs. W. T. Wilson, last Sat-
urday. -hiss Della Baird, and her sis-
ter and brother, of Parkhill,. visited
Misses Alice and Carrie Wilson, last
week, and picniced with the Methodist
church choir at the Bend. -Mr. Wm.
Wicbert of Parkhill, visited his bro-
ther Henry and other friends here last
Sunday. -Mrs. Essler and her daugh-
ter. Zillah, of Chicago. visited Mr. R.
blektishiz' t eek. There -is • to - be a
literareocoocert kettle Boston Metho-
dist church, Tuesday evening. Aug. 20.
-MisaLaura ,Thebaudea,n, gra,duate of
nesln,a went a with the' .choir,
send other local talent, made me a very
interesting entertain meot.---elies Billie
'Wilson has gone to Sarnia to visit her
brothers Charles and John. -A large
number in this vicinity will be pleased
to hear that the Corbett Butter Co.
sold their last month's butter at 18k
cents per pound. -Mr. Smith, the On-
tario expert butter inspector, pro-
nounced the lintter first-class
HensaIl Dashwood
• t
IF D. a.,nortor ar4
ate of Toronto University Dentists Te
due Bainae.-Farraers in this viFinity
Wok h y all s arvesting.-
,T. The young people of the village picnics
ed at. Grand Bend last Friday. All
report having heti a go id. tihne-John
ad Kibler, of Cavalier. D„ is visiting
friends and relatives in the village.-
"' MiSS 000.Z. of Milverton,h, visiting at
her uncle s, Mr. J. G. Goetz„- Mies
Sophia Clark, of Detror it. is home foa
e- few svveks hplidaye. Miss Flossie
1 extracted without_paiu or bo,d effects. 0111
in Petty's Block. nensall. At Zurich eve
hfonday„cornmencine May3Oth.
J. SutheFla,nd, Notary Public, Convey
Isskirer of 3a cried; Lieens,. Legal ocameate
carefully drawn at reasonable Wes.. gen
°Mee at the Post Mice, Bewail
BRIESS.--Tife anweal picnic of Ca
- nsuraneo Aent, a N.
to loan on real estate at low ratesof intones
we S. S. was held at Grand Bend .
Tuesday. A. pleasant day was spe
: by all, -The .annual picnic of the Met
I ()dist 8. S. le being . held at the ea..
1.0sca f'0410,7 (luireday.).----Mr. Ea
airier- a member of the Macdonald,
'quartette, of Lentlou, was in town. last
' week with a viesa to making arrange.
°0- Snell has eeturned from visiting
among trientis in Exeter.- is Loretta.
Morlock is visitiug relatives in Credi-
ton. -Jr. Wall, of Bailees who is
engaged evith II. Guenther, moved to
towu last week. Three drunks. were
arrested, on Monday for disorderly
conduct on the streets.- D. Shafer's
ments for a series of eutertainmen
• hare during the winter montlia-T
.Misses Youngblut are in Blyth an
Auburn spending a few weeks wi
relatives and friends, -Fred MeTe
goat left on Tuesday for Cariboo.lefan
! where he intende teaching schoo
' Mr. MeTaggare holds a 'certificate f
High Scheel teaeher and ehould mak
his mark in the prairie province. --
j. Berry is having his new sale an
exchange stables palate(' white. -Ale
Mcsforan who bas been at Luckno
and Paisley visiting relative$ has r
turned to Hensel!, anti is visiting' b
!sister, Mn. James White. --Urs. 'Wl
•son, of West Superior. (nee Miss Sara
CaldiviU, is here with her young son
visiting her brothere, relatives an
• Menthe -T., Iiiturdock ha; Item hammy
'ing the front of his livery stable, an
intends having it repainted, e- Miss
Doan, of Zurich, was hi the village 0
Monday renewing acquaintances.
Mrs, F. W. Tong, accompanied by he
four children, of Rochester, N. 17.. 1
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Wright. - Mrs. N. McLaughlin,
Gorrie, accompanied by two children,
s ids° visiting her parents, Mr. and
Me. Wright, --Quite a number left
this station for the West Monday
among whom we learned of r
e. Craig, and son. William, of this
village; Edward Middleton and daugh-
ter, Miss Elsie, of Hay ; Alex. Forest
and Chat:, Currie, of Hay; Al. Wright -
man, Geo. Dalyrample.-G, C. Petty
left, Tnesday morning to attend the
Pan-American. Jas. Gilchrist is en-
gaged in the shop during his absence.
-Edgar W11118, of Winnipeg, is visit-
ing his parents at Rodgerville.-0,
McDonell and wife are visiting Mre.
McDonell's parents in Forest. -Jos.
Ellis and daughter, Miss Mottle, re-
turned Saturday evening from their
Itrip to the Soca-Mrs. A. Murdock has
rettnned from visiting f •i nd t Owen
Sotind.-Chas. Cook, wife and child, of
IChicago, are here visiting Mr.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook. -
Mr. Spence, of London, preached in
St. Paul's church on Sunday, Mr.
Doherty preaching for Mr. Spence.
new honee is nearly completed.
Chia 1 St
Basse'seaVrauk. Coleman now wears
-Anse Mary and Annie Stewart, of 1
1 Toxonto, and Miss Tessa Stewart, of ' THE
st. Marys, spent Wednesday with
1 Awriterliacsati:1-veejkosghtensllaialligne
house from Manateehe Friday, last-- spent Sinsday with Miss Maud. Fletah
a snolino face, -Miss Anuee Const dead, in the vdtage.--Ansr,s Etta
.. arket I) pot
Foaleritteniht:LItiessiet,te aaoyc,1wIcitohtieeeiterisroEwil:
shed a quilt that contains 700 patches. lwith Mr. J. Taylor.
-John 1‘'orrest, who recently sold his a
Mrs. Norman Patterson has )ust fin-, ea -lea Robert, seease spent suntiag
farm on the Goshen. Line th the Mc- Mrs. Seintiel Heinen, of meadvine
Clineby Bros., has botaght, the farm Pen».. le her brother, 1-1,
belonging to Arm Currie for Ffiggine, esseeree„
t $0 MO
D. D. I who has been principa
of the Lueknow Public School for th
soxstrilth. past 17 years, has accepted a positim
with the Canadian Order of Foresters
IEFea-aellarlee NOrtlicott ent vette. of ;ogle:ewe owne
• n the harvest, excursion to 'ho North f the speedy Canadian peeer, liaraid
j t, last week, we wish hint a safe ' It 2.03, has refiesed $4,tte.) for tie.
return -We e sO t t erae. amid H. Isas never Jost a
John MeMatiou. sr.. continues to be heat or a. r tee a 4 • I '
We b tve this week played all our
prints on the counter and will sell all
yesta, ehort sleeves, elar
) for ene.,
oto'el skit e at lowest,
zee goads and niu s at
✓ pri 2$
cPtriAti ;lel sirn
We have
goods for the sun
new goods.
. Just the thing for wartil weather.
Dliferent prices.
All kinds of Farm Produce taken in
exchange for goode.
o " 4 RotallS.
• pooely.-Eddie Gould has purchased a one of the fastest horses on the eon
wheel. -Quite number aroand here ! tinent,
finished harveet last week. -Mr. and f Word evas received in $t Marys
Mrs. C. .A.Idworth received, word last ' of the death at Brooklyn, N. Y., of
week that their KM Richard, of Los 1 Rev. W, W. Clark, uncle of Mr. John
Angeles, Cala has taken unto himeelf Reades The deeeased was
a sistfe in that ea His many friende iet minister, and was 'well !mown in
here join in svls success.- Weetern Ontario.
efossin Our. new teacher has limy- Goderich town council Isite granted a
ed his household goods etea into frauchise to the Huron, Bi nee and
house which he rented from Mr. R. •Middlesex Electric wy, aria ether
Northcott. -Chris. Campbell left for •neunicipelities are befog vieited. The
the Northavest, last week,
he constructed between Goilerich and
I first section of the proptaea road will
altrage$,-,TohnZPutralealher and familY that seetion will be completed and
wonrrx•••••••....,F0 Diingannon. anti it ie vonfidently ex-
, peeted that wdri a year from date
are visiting friends in Plattsville.- rtmning on eehedide time,
Nortnant Buchanau is spending his holt Mr, Reinert If twthorne, of Earearil-
days at horae.-EttlairaelFaUSLIs 1.•ery ville, create:I one aseee eed half of
U%'. with but Might hope of recoverea !oate on Ftill iv aa erre earesa
-Miss Tillie Faust is home from Mil- Sirepsoo, isf baiind the
‘1.-Ivrerlb°Ini *anIllsiliatitiligittehreseslebeurt t3.
G4treugbubst.hasnlrierttiirneet'cledhirnnee.--frMonvna• v°etialerer tir itullretilkorung.°unraeshIg
ant visit with friends in Milvertors. and tam mrs, oimpemos age ei
t I f
BTUS:ere. -Mrs. raggart,of Exeter,
is visiting relatives in this neighbor -1
hoott-Itrs. 5. Stark, who hati noon
know, ante to no artinnit
very 111 recently, ie. we are pleesed to
Fdtzgerald ietende erecting :e hand-
some brick residence on the site of his
former dwellmg, which was burned re- ,
cently. - Alex. Stewart. win, was
knocked from a lotid as it was entering
the barn a. short time ago. and serimes.
Iy injured, ly
George Virren, a former resident, has
been ill for name tinta, We are sorry 4
to know that she is not improving, '
Gibb. son-in-law of Mr. gra:write a
his tented Mie (WS faxen, and in-
" tends ere -ting -new dwelling:a-On „
Idoudiev last, Joh Whiteman, met
with what might have mewed a very
serious accident. NVItile ploughing in ,,
' the field with r, spieited team of colts, I
{ the doubletree broke, causing the
horses to start. He was jerked over 4
the plow and dragged Ow some dia. „
tame, but fortunately Ile was only
slightly injured.
EXE'rEft 8Eft. YARD.
Lame Stock Of Lumber -pine and hemlock,
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns. ate.,
also shizigles, laths and codu posts. Prices
reasonable.—.TAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of
Main st.
Percy Baker, son of Wm. Baker, of
Centralia, formerly of Stephen town-
ship, who has been residing in the
Northwest for a few years, was mar-
ried an July 24th, to Miss Ellen Tar-
gett, daughter of H. Targett, of Morse,
Assn. „ by Rev. Mr. Goard, of Maple
Creek. We join his many friends here
in wishing Mr. Baker and his young
bride every happiness.
The tax rate of Clinton is 22 mills
on the dollar.
Mrs. Mains, of HiIlsgreen, left last
week for Manitoba to visit friends,
The date of the Zurich fair has been
fixed for Wednesday and Thursday,
Sept. nth and 19th,
Miss Bagshaw and Miss Victoria,
Bagshaw. Stephen, are visiting a.t
their sister's, Mrs. S. Sample, Fuller-
Kmpen Davie, a stallion owned by
D. McFarlane, of Shakespeare, and
valued at $2,500, died the other day
from muco enteritis.
A standard price has been arrived at
or those riding a bicycle on the side-
walk in St. Marys. It is $3.75 for
each offence.
II. M. Moir, of St. Marys, has been
appointed superintend of aseencies for
he county of Perth foe the Central
Life Insurance Co.
At a special meeting of the directors
of the United Gas and Oil Compa,ny
of Windsor, last week, it was decided
to stop the exportation of natural gas
to Detroit, on or about August 15th.
The voters' list for the township Of
Hay was first posted up on July 3Ist.
There are eight polling sub -divisions.
There are 1,059 names on the list. Of
hese 906 are entitled to vote at both
arliamentary and municipal elec-
ions ;115 at municipal elections only
rid 38 at parlimentary elections only.
here are 43 female voters and 49,0
ho are eligible to serve as jurors.
At the last meeting of the Hay
council the fallowing rates • were
struck for the current year : County
rate 1 140 mills, township rate ° 1 5-10
mills, general school rate 1 3-10 rnills
special school rates S. S. No. 2 .$100,
S. S. No 10 $270, S. S. No. 11 $250, U.
S. S. No, 13$12750, S. S. No. 3. $200,
S. S. No, 6 $90, S. S. No. 7 $650, U. S.
No. 9 $169.60, U. S. S. No 16 $325, S.
S. No. 8 $150, S. SeNo 4 $150, S. S. No.
12 5201, U. S. S. No. 1 $9880,U. S. S:
No. 15 $87.63, S. S. No. 11 $110, U. Sep
S. S. No. 1 $208.90.
Zurich police village rate, I mill.
Council will Meet again on Monday,
the 2tid September at 1 o'clock,
s .0
Good health is impossible without regular ac
tion of the 13bwels. Ltexii-Liver Pills regulate
the bowels, cure constipation, dyspepsia.
biliousness, sick Imadache and all affections of
the orgains of digestion. Price 25' conts, All
druggisPic nig the nose is a common symptom'of
Stephen f
The case of Buchanan vs. Stephen
school trustees had a bearing in the
single court at Osgoode Hall, Toronto,
on Tuesday, before Mr. Justice Mc- t
Mahan The counsel actin for plain-
tiff, a ratepayer and one o the trus-
tees of school section No. 7, in the
township of Stephen, moved to con-
tinue an injunction granted by the
local judge at London, restraining the
defendants, the school board of the
section and the two remammz trus-
1 tees from removing the school house
foul the school site, and to commit
the defendants, the two school truss t
tees, and one Sherritt, the contractor p
for the removal of the school house,
for disobedience of the injunction.
Upon the motion to Continue the in-
junction •the plaintiffs contended
that. the school board was never
properly organized ; that all the pro-
ceedings of the trustees were irregu-
lar, and that they had 40 power to
order the removal of the school house
and the sale of the old site and pur-
chase of the new ,one. Judgment re-
served, Norman Buchanan is the
prosecuting trustee, while Peter Me -
Kenzie, Wm. Sherritt, and. Miclaael
Finkbeiner are the trustees being pro-
ceeded aga,hast. The affair it creating
quite a sensation in the neighboshood.
The trustees must, under an order
of the court, replace on the old site
the sohool they sought to move to
another:lot in the same concession.
Then the eight to remove it will be de-
termined at the trial at London. Four
lawyers argued. the case, Three of
the trustees narrowly escaped pro-
eeedings for commital to jail for violat-
ion of the injunction against removing
the school..
Mt, Will, Westaway, of Toronto,
reruns in children. Mothers wlio pspect
spent Sunday withbis sister', Mr. Oil- m
hail. child is troubled with wormq she., d no,
in-s.,er Dr. 1.4eVs Pleasant Worm Syron"-
tis -11rnple s.tee and otre•ttull, Price
F d 21 ceul
op. grip. IN.*,
The Masons are working on the addle
tion to the R. R, church, and when it
is completed will znake quite an Ina
proveraent-lifrs. Link and daughter,
te PAL is somewhat remorfeableo
,Bot ?Elm „ShnPl'm s111,7'i she Mise Phsrree (I tap:later of Mr. and
have oomat anotiier are :MU 0, Witt. :ars, ,j3.33e4 pierce, formerly one. or
A telegrain was reeeived be Clinton 0
of a cl
t!, 11
ACellsenvia--3ir. .1; P. Brine, Sea-
fortb. bad a narrow escape from very
injury on Monday afterrioen.
I Ile waa driving from Seaforth to lier-
puttee", ared when his baggy collided
with another buggy paha in the
oppasite alba:glom Mr. Brine was
• titrawn fano leis buggy and lit, on the
peanut on the oppesith side of the
ehlewalk. He was rendered nineen-
seione by the fall, but no banee wera
broken or no serious injuriee
n .
of Creditor), silent Monday visiting at from Chitaveo on Tneedav stating that made her final vowe In Loretta,
MOSt popular young. ladies in Dub -
C. Eilber's,-.0 Koehler left for the J. W. Cook:hed died that IV "6/5. )4thbey, Toronto. on Tuesday of hist
IS selling letTative Herbs.
Northwest, this week. -John Dolma pital fin consumptives in that week. 1/0? nmne in religion is sister
The deceased WM about forty a.eare ot Gemstone
Bionatee-George Howard and Ralph
LOrri 1 ey .
- age and was 4 SOU Or the late Adam tins a tt, s i: at it sank hams. in the
Cook, of Goderieh townshila After . Tuekereauta disteiet was burnt to the
Drysdale have returned from thew
uppe • on aliVIICO in the West of Omit a.' graung an Friday. et was tete late -
this pare on 'Tuesday to enter the bar- j O. STA:MST:1SY, 11, A.. BXETIM, ONT. se y .
r lake trip. --The following left
parently in the last Stftgc4 14 eonsuniP". whom the loss will he a SeriOUS one,
ore of ears he retired last fall, ap- petty of Sirs. McLaren, a widows to
tion lint held his OWO during the Ns"' Some of the crops were heing rnt into
ter and had somewhat imiwoved when i the barn by means of the hay fork.
with lila evife and child he retnrned to i when a pulley became overheated and
Chicago in the spring. i drotmed a spa.rk into the grain, which
A farmer who was a reaident of i eureset he tinder.
Blanshaed for over forty yeare, hut
who has lived at Cheeley for some
time. met with it sad death on Monday
Aug 'Ala rhot.:. Bugg, the gentleman
awes o make s Law Offices. Private Funds to Loan.
prospective observation AV11.11, purchase
or home-steading• in view e• Wm, Kyle, ' 131nEFS•—"Mi89 Maggie Megneen* of
Jos. Hood, George Adair, Joseph Butt, Lumley school has been successful in
Tpthltir:o.111.s.aeor jSerin,anit, e(1.41)etxt.. 1%DlocuMgulartsite, Oxamis., apmatessnilamgathioenr. also zSrasehteoorl
Essser, Faighniaer, Joseph mains taking hitlbon
ockio, the r m
and. mother, Hugh Acheson and addl.'
tional members from other stations D3hImPle left nu Tuesd'W 1"t The
Around bere,_wol. mat arrived fr om1 lefamatba, where he has gone to visit
g" in queetion, hearing a disawbanee
Toronto to visit veitli relatives and his brothers, also Ma. Thomas Ellerin
friends,- joins meNewin leaves any I ton, ie., to make a home for himself
Hamilton as the representative of the 1 the vie west. -Ma R. W. Giigan, wl
r. 0. FY • of Kippen Court to the High / had his ankle dislocat•ed a few wee
Court wbhich meets in that city.-1,Vm. ' ago t is improving nicely. -Miss Ola
Bennington, nephew of Thos. Dinsdrde, !Crawford, of Brussels, is the guest of
is paying the family t.visit. He looks I her eousias, the misses Fulton and
well and is prospering in Cleveland,- lelenn, of the boundary. She is ac -
John McMartie, while fixing a sheaf companted by her friend, Miss: Forbes.
lifting attachment. fell from the track t -Mr. Ellis, of Hampton, and his bro.
to the floor. At first it looked serious ' tiler, from Scotland, have returned
is no inter. l home from a visit to Mrs. Thos. Cann,
but the dactor says there
nal hsjury and be will be around as 19f this place. -Mrs. Thomas Cudenore
usual in a day or two.--Tohn Shervitt, 1 is a sufferer frone rheumatism, and
Al. P. of North Middlesex, was iu Kip- Me- Cualnine with a slight attack of
eczema, at present, Their many
in in connection: with his sister's Mrs.
friends hope for their speedy recovery.
Mains, departure to the Northwest,
taking a farewell. The family of Mrs. .
Mains are principally itOthe West and I3Icidul ph
she has gone to :Tend her remaining
days among them. --
Among the marriage licenses issued
a at Detroit on Monday was this one :-
_-. "Robt. Alway, aged Z). Liman, Onts to
Mary Smith, :35, Rodney, Ont."
Chas. Foster, an old resident of Sar-
nia, in an attempted to stop a rim -
in his stables, and finding that his berees -OF-
l were vestlese, went in to quirt theft:.
KS trying to soothe them. OOP of Boots and .noes
ea them lun ' i t
and caught the unfortunate m us in ' Jr the balance elJuly and
the pit of the stomach. He lay on the ,
floor of the stable till hisegroans were , August.
beard end be was canned into the
house where he died. The late Mr.
Bugg married a :daughter a ma As I intend to clean out all the old
Haines, Woodletni. .tad was well 'stock of Boote via Slimes before the
out Blanshard and St-. Marye.
known and highly esteam through -
will SoLlInSLIbtl:111? kAlls aStIbthletlgwite-
i lar price from now till Sept 10.
Women's and Misses laced and but-
toned shoes, regular 8200.and 8450
fokVStaltn.theln'b and Misses oxfords, saga-
lar 81.25 for 50e.
HEAVY WAGONS.TFIREE SPRING / Women's oxfords, regular 51,50 for
WAGONS, atletai IS ONE M./Paz E 71e.
For want of room since the fire
bargains will be given.
Those wanting rigs come and iee
for yourselves. ,
Ammo- AND anaantreai DOXE As
BitIEVS. Senn Brown visited
friends in Plattsville this vveek.-Chas.
Zwicker and wife leave.next week for away team, was thrown down and
the Pan American. - Walter B, run over Monday afternoon,this
Durnart, traveller for 0. E. Hoffman, wheels pasting over his neck, killing
Berlin, spent Sunday tlae gnest of S. him instantly. He was a former rest -
Brown. -The M. E. church S. S. picnic dent of Granton. -
will be held at Grand Bend on Friday. The death occurred Monday of Mrs.
-W. Fritz and wife spent Sunday at Helen M. Twiss, of New York, at the
Grand Bend. -Albert Zwicker spent residence of her sister, Mrs. Wm.
Sunday at Lucatn.-Sarn'l Eilber and Flannery, of Empress avenue; West
wife visited friends in Znrich this London, with whom she had been
week. -Oh, for a good rain to lay the visiting for about three months. On
dust on Main street 1 It is badly need- her arrival at London Mrs. Twiss was
ed. -Miss Livingston, of Blyth, a for- in apparently good health, but con -
riser milliner here is speeding a few treated pneumonia, from the effects of
days this week with friends in :the which she died. Deceased was the
village. We are glad to see her again. wife of James M. Twiss, of New York,
-The new fire hall is completed and and leaves a family of four children.
the engine and hose cart were safely She was the third daughter of Robert
stored in it last Monday evening. and Ala,ry Keefe, of Biddulph, and was
We have a fine buildings good ma- in her 43rd year. The funeral will be
chinery to cope with fire but what held this Thursday morning to S!,.
about the water supply? Is it suf- Patrick's church, Ronaan. Line, Bid -
fidget P -Some of our farming coin- dulph.
inunity seem to forget that our mer-
chants have mutually agreed to close K rkton
their stores on Monday and Thursday . --
evenipgs at 7.30 p. ne. Let nobody in- BRIEFS.—Mr. Will Diamond and
tentionally forget this fact but rather family, of St. Marys are spending a
assist the inerchants tO keep their con- weeks holidays with friends in the
tract of early clesing.-Rev. Geo. village. -A na robes from here left for
Rivers, B. A., and nephews of Ravens- the lake, on Monday, they are as
wood are visiting with D. Rivers, follows:- Messrs. Frank Melville, and
this week. -Out public school re Miss Irene Robinson, Miss Bella Barr,
opens- on Monday next, Miss Dow, of Miss Ida and Esther Breth.our, Mr.
Mitchell. will have charge of Miss and Mrs. Harvey Robinson, Mrs.
Eraser's room. Principal Bloomfield Robert Robinson and Mrs Archie
is. to be • heartily congratulated upon Rp:binson.—Mr. Best Taylor, og Cleves
the splendid record' his pupils luxe rand, is spending his holidays at, his
made in ,tha receut 'departmental hoMe he. -Miss Raebel Kirk is im-
exams. Nine candidates wrbte at en- proving nicsey,---Miss Goetz and Miss
trance and all Were successful. Five
wrote forleaving and all passed. This
is a record that cannot be surpassed
and is equalled by few if any in the
county..-Remeinber the Meth. S. S.
picnic to Grand Bend, on Friday next.
Busses have been engaged to accomo-
date every body who desires to go. --
Mrs. It Lernpore andsEzra left Mon-
day last for Manitoba.—Everett, the,
8 year old son of Fred Heists under-
went an operation on his foot on Fri-
day last, aad is doing nicely. --Quarter-
ly Meeting services were held in tile
Methchurch last Sunday, and proved
very interesting and profitable. There
was the largest attendance in the his-
tory of the church, and many have
expressed the thought that it was the
best meeting' of the kind they ever
attended, The church was again
crowded at the evening service. The
business inopting.' WrOliell` (in .Onclay
afternoon :141:1 fllian'ces were in
Beker of Linwood are spending a
couple of weeks holidays with Miss
L. Shier. -N. T. Fletcher aid S. E.
Elliott, spent Sunday at Winchelsea.
--Quite a numhee from here left for
Manitoba, on Tuesday. Their riaines
are as follows: -Mrs. Frank Anderson,
Mrs. J. 0. Tstfts, John L. Kiek, E. J.
Davis, .EI. Jones, R. J. Davis, Robert
Fletcher, Charles TtittS and Rheuben
Shier, sr. —Miss Mabel Sawyer, of
Winebeisea, is spending:a couple of
weelss holidays with friends ie the
village. -Mr. John McGregor spent
Thursday evenitig with Thos. Tufts. -
Mr. Edwin AL I. Clark, Whichesen,
and Mr. Coo. Eccelson and Charles
Clark, London, spent SL.i11'» ening
with friends in the yillage.—Mi,6. Vera
:Hazelwood is holidaying with her
cousin, Miss Mary E. Doupc.—Miss Al-
varia Thompson, of St. Marys, who
spent the p,1=f, hr- weeks visitine•
her ,...,n„,11111‘1, r, \ 31 ••
1,twilod to her h e1 0,,
Men's and Boys oxfords 51.50, for
alert's a.nd Boys plow shoes 98e.
Also it fell line of new goads at
prices to suit, harness, rugs, whips,ete.
• Repolriiid Promptly Allootlal lo,
Call arra sec Oar Goods.
R. f -i. 8WEET.
Treble's old stand,
em• Yoar money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory.
Thiti Le- go
Saylor's Celebrated
American Portland Cement
The 0 on Sound Samson.
The highest grade of Qan-
adian Portland Cement manu-
factured and
10611StOil fillard[1116
Is easily the best in native ceinen.ts. Inferior cements
cost as much. Oar cements are the best We, can 1)11y, aud
our prices are right.
,_, _,
At V'MoNesol c Pk.