Exeter Times, 1901-5-30, Page 1URO N &M1DDL ESEX Z l'�TT E ig 'i'ENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—NO. 42. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAX 30, 1901.. ishop Z Son Hardware, Etc, f3tt'iigimme ciagm t esseseeseeese5 eaeesaafea a eesieatteaeeeseaeoss SCREEN DWINDOWS- ,4,46.4444444.44,0414,0404 '.>�11,O - SCREEN �►i� IDO ' -- 444.,4..... MILK -,, A -o "ti S 'CREAM OANS COAL OIL STOVES TURNIP 3 E ED HUNGARIAN SEED RAPE SEED LAWN GRASS EVishop 4R. Sort Ha fill11 pp ttia6ti'6 Sloe Vincent, Geo. Eacrett and Jos. Senior, together with a number of boys who • gave a drill, provideda splendid pro- ; gram.. SexSmith A dainty, attractive, well formed foot, requires a. dainty, neat, tasty shoe. You supply the pretty foot, we'll supply the shoe. If yonr foot is not as pretty and • graceful as you desire, well furnish you a. shoe that will look graceful and ft perfectly. fl. GoodSioe for Summer Wear, R. H. SWEET'S. Treble's Old Stand. Dashwood ..........— EXETER IX MISER YARD. ',Argo stock of Lumber—pine anti 'hernia*, *Mei* feet of hemlock Witmer for barns, etc., also shingles. lathe and cedar posts. Prices reasonable.—JAS 11711.1.I$, kart.:I+.astable of , Male at. , Butner. --Miss Kate Chapman visit- ed at James O'Brien's on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Seines Gould -visited friends at Thedford and vicinity on the 24th. -- Roger Northcott recently sold his arise- ! ing horse, to T. Berry. of Ileusall,-Mr. and Mrs. A. V ikdfond were at St. 1 Joseph one day last week. -The Misses Ross of Exeter visited at T. N. North- cott's one day lately. -F. Essay has purchased a tine driving horse. -los. Daune and wife of She.ron were in Y this vicinity visiting friends on Sun- day.-- 0. H. Russell is home from Tor- onto on vacation. --Don't forget the grand jubilee picnic to the Send next i week everybody welcome both young ' and old. JOIiw WRITE & SONS Hiensal I 1-I urcat . . The population of fiensall is 825. The population M Brussels is DK a The new Rattenbury st (lhurclr, decrease f 6e. ' e le i r .A, Se11erF, L, D. s„ D, 7), .,Honor Gratin- } ase o U. n one yea Fate otToronto CTniversity, Dentists, Teeth or on is to be completed on the lath extracted without 'pain or bad effects. °Mee o in Petty's Block, Hensall. .M Zurich every THE The big flour relit at Blyth, recently ( Decernher, g destroyed by fire, itis said will not be M-arkf fe o f T. W. Palu,er, formerly of Hensall, • rebuilt. MZvnda§,commeueinz Mav31/t1. has disposed of his stock: of tweeds, .n . Mr. Vin Capp has purchased the G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Coni:eyen- cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance A<•ent, and Insurer of Marriage Licenses, Legal iocumonts carefully drawn at reasonable rates, Money Mee at threel Pat Of ice He sautes of interest" BRIEFS. --bliss Mary ,Humestou re- Londesboro, to S. Gidley, of Blyths residence of John. Millson, on Gederich 1 " street, Seaforth. A few days of winter yet and we htrs, ,Tames Mc turehie, of Blyth, want to reduce our Muter goods be underwent an operation for appendi- 4 fore Spring Stock arrives. A game of lacrosse was played on Friday, in Mitchell, between Mitchell and St, Mary's resulting in favor of St. Mary's 3 to I. All cases of weak or lave back, backache, rheumatism, will find relief catis on Saturday, and since she is do. ing splendidly, o n A. ae son, sots o George turned home recently from St. Marys hA J k f E and London, where she has been visit- by wear ing one of Garters Smart ing friends fora couple of weeks. -Geo Peed and Belladonna 13ackaebe k'Iats-' aackson, of Eg atiell be, has passed Mc>awen, M. P., has returned Lome tern. Price 25 eta. Try there, Society examination before the Gawk. LA -DIES' UNDER SKIRTtS Society at Toronto. We have received a very choice utile of from Ott .we Saturday evening, the Afrnnal Mrs. K. T. Rance left Olin- i all colons, with corded ruffle. New session having closed. -- Mrs. John t.,n on Saturday Por their trip to the J E Swartz Iliac disposed of I.ia�' hotel b Wingha to Sas nae stylish+ Latta, of 'London, was in the eninge Bald country £or several mouthR. lar, usiness in ng ut, during the past week renewing ac- Rance is Capt. of the Exeter Co. of Broadway, of Toronto, and wilt devote himself to the carriage business. Councillor Archibald McGregor, of War keep always in stock a large MciPllop, is seriously ill, eotfer•rnll 1and well selected stock of from an affection of the head, which. has necessitated an intxieate surgical ,FRESU GR.QQRRUF . operation. James (ween, of Hay Township, is Putting an addition to his barn and Full lines of had a raising the first part of this 1 CHINA and IIARUWA'ktE. week. This will give hien, a One conis pleted barn. All kinds. of l; arm Produce taken ars We tender our sympathy to Mr. M. flash Y, McLean, of Tile Expositor, ill hie i RQ alas severe bereavement, having suffered the loss of a son and brother in to short apace of tuneC+ >;Iltxtvilie rich. .• la'alpitation of tki, heart, nervous- continuing g th Tuesday f A. gustliltit andBn*i:Fs, .The entertainment Risen continuin ,ill the end of August oat clue news, tremblings, nervous headache, rnerchants of Beyfreld have agreed to h the Ladies Aid Societyon the even- cold hands and feet, pain in the back.. close l:ilei, stores at seveq o c lock each i hof thei,'4 thinst„ was;rcnouneed by - Tuesday and l3'ridsty "'ening' .. and other Carter's Iron f Icon Pills, kness amade Mrs. Wm. Watson, died at. het. nh.�nee seine to Ile fire best ever Rive n ely filled specially for the blood, nerves and , tta. Hallett on Thursday re during to t a nditUe arch ecce rel was ted. illy a She Rats a great suffered Ia cowplexian, t �£ rheumatism. A htrs.l varied selection of .riuGic, dialogues, o those pleasing evens loo �: au p aye quaintances,-Mrs, Hunieston return- roignteers. ed house the past week trove Closet- The Clinton New Era says that G. f buret, inhere she had been spending a i)+ McTaggart, of that town, has pur- week with her sister•in-law. :ell's. clamed a fine team of five Year old Thos. hicks, --•On Thur8day evening ,drivers They put their horses in bar- May 23rd, I1.,)*ld pew, o£ liaironda>le, ness sang, around Clinton. was united in marriage to miss Cath- Mrs. •Nei, Watson, of the boundary, erine Folbek, eldest daughter of David , Huilett, wlio hes been very ill for a Fcllick, of this village, The brides- number of weeks. passed away on maaid';vas Miss Aggie Kerr. while the Thursday morning. a victim. to that groom was supported by George x'' 1- painful. disease rheumatism. lick, brother of the bride, The cue- A. happy event took place at the molly was performed by Itev. G. resideruce of Jos. Brown, Bayfield. on Jewitt at the residence, of the bride s Wednesday, May I5. when his second parents, in the presence of the frlends daughter", Miss Bertha, was united in of the contracting parties. We Join marriage to Walker Murray, of their ruany friends in extending con- gratulations. Owing to the continued illness of the bride's sister,llliss Jennie, she will remain a.t her fatherrs horse for the present, -Miss Vanhorn, of London, spent the 21t "i. May with her lather, Mrs, W. Sbillinglsl,w, of near Chiselhurst, and was in the village re- newing acquaintances also. -•- ;Olins Wrigley, of London, bas been spend- ing the past week with .. Ir. and Mrs, Chas.:lleAllistc.+ of the Purr Ilse. --- The 24th Ma, was quietly observed to town, a number of the citizens going to Exeter races. -Miss Rose Young - blot who is engaged as milliner at .Asyar,, visited her parents here during the past week. --Miss Le Touzel wars in Goderich the past week visiting ber parents. Site returned Monday to restive her duties as teacher in the public school. -The Hensall Degree team of the 1. O. O. T'., have received an invitation front their sister lodge in Exeter, to visit them towards the end. of next month, and assist in con- ferring degrees. -J. Macarthur has purchased a flue driver frotn D. 13e11, of the township of Hay. -Mrs. A. Tay- lor, of Exeter, was here on Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. Wan. Bc11,. Mrs.Sohn n Mc- nd.Jar oissoill.-Mr.a. wh Gerva, of Clinton, were in the village ou MoudaT visiting at Jae.Sutherlands. -Misses Emily and Jennie Welsh. of London, spent the holidays under the narerltal:ropf.-Mrs, F. Rae was in Longwood last . reek visiting her. brother-in-laiv, Air. Rae, who is ser- iously ill. --James McMordie, who is attending Business College in London, was in town the past week renewing acquaintances. --The Council have un- der consideration a system of water i works, the particulars of which they will lay before the property owners at a public meeting to be called shortly. It will be intended for fire protection only, and is estimated to cost $9,000. -The anniversary tea -meeting held in tho Methodist church on the dvening. of May 24th, was not as largely attend- ed as is usual, owing to the unfavor- able state of the weather. coupled with the fact that many of the community were from home spending the day else- where. The attendance, hoNs ever, was very fair, and the tea was much enjoy- ed by all present. The ladies as usual had prepared the very best viands. After ample justice had been done the supper, the literary and musical pare Zurich j G. ST AN11uRY, B. A., EXETER ONT. • Law Maces. Private Funds to Loan. BR•TEFs,- John Deiebert, Jr., has been seriously ill the past week, --P. Lamonte visited the Pau -American i Exposition the past week. -Etta, sec - au - , the and d ghter of upas Hartleib r.A. Sellery, Dentist, will visit Dashwood. on. 1 other day broke her left arm above Tuesday. hi 7th to raetice Dentistry the wrist, by falling from a bicycle. l In all its branches. P She was learning to ride. -The death Routledge,Voterinaey Surgeon. die (Ds- of Mrs. (Rev.) 0. S. Finkbeiner took se •eases of domostto animals treated all calls lata on Tuesday May 21st, aged 34 -0n o onight, 'promptly attended. Dashwood, years, following accouchment after a • .. - + few days illness. The infant daughter 24TR MAY IN EXETER, -The weather lived but one day. Deceased was on Friday last, May 24th, was cold born in Hamilton. to which city the and disagreeable, and militated some- remains were taken on Thursday for in - what against the success of the cele- terment. Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner bration of "Victoria Day," A first- class program had been prepared, and everything augured well for a success- ful day's sports. The attendance was fairly large, and the program was carried out as advertised, but the com- fort of visitors was anything but de- sirable -the weather -being intensely .cold and accompanied by a. strong wind. In the morning the Trade's and calithumpian procession was the first ou the list. This consisted of the Exeter band followed by several trade's representations, a burlesque •of Dan Godfrey's band, under the leadership of .Mr. H. Gidley, as :well as a number of very good character .calithumpians, all forming a pageant equal to the best street parade given by a travelling circus. The•procession was ably marshalled by John Thomp- son. The ist prize in the trade's com- petition was awarded to W. 11. Levett .& Co. who had three rigs in the. con- test, representing the several branches -of their business the second prize was awarded to R. H. Sweet, the. en- terprising boot and shoe and harness ;merchant, who had a large waggon well loaded with his wares ; the third •prize to P. Bawden, bricklayer, who= was engaged building a miniature - brick house on the waggon. In the •calithumpian contest the north end coon band took ist, T. Jeckell, barber shop, while the Godfrey band were given a special. For best dressed clown, Dyer Hurdon.won 1st, Russel 'Southcott 2nd, The best character bi- cyclist was Miss Ida Cottrill who was' awarded a. special, Herb Walters, .int,. Lorne Cann, 2nd, Geo. Miners, 3rd. A lacrosse match, Clinton vs. Exeter resulting in favor of Clinton by 4to 2. In the afternoon the horse races -came off with the following results:-. 2.50 -class trot—Levina Wilkes (J. Reid,' London). 1, ; Kid McCoy (Habry Wing, Shipka). 2 ; Medium Jack (A. -O'Neil, Lucas), 3; Brown Chief (J. W. • Horton, Aylmer) 4. Time, 2.54, 2,50, 2.50. 2.30 trot—Mollie H. (D. McLarty & Son, Si. Marys), 1 Roy-Goldust`(R. Reason, Stratford) , 2 ; Pat (T. F. Hod- gins, Denfield),- 3. Time,' 2,50, 2.46, 2.50, 2.49,2.50d�. 2.20 trot—Alma (R. T. Carbert, Tees- water), 1 ; Eric R. (J. W. Horton, Ayl- mer), 2, Time, 2.36, 2,30, . 2.33, 2,391, 2.43. n Track very heavy owing' to heavy .rainthe nig ht before. In the evening .t.hera.. �a,a 1k..irivtasal cunr._i�t nu.lot thew.itipiceNthe land.' Mies G. Slarihury, elocutionist of 13ay �ield. ; �Viss LTicks, wiiss Ida Johus, M. batt been residents of Zurich just one year. -Why do our merchants not adopt the early closing of their respec- tive stores ? The Zurich horses did not fare air well at Exeter reces this year as last. There was some pretty fast company. -There was no service in the Evangelical ch"Ptrch on Sunday owing to the absence of the pastor. - Ernest Gies, who is one of our best and most enterprising farmers, and who is noted as a breeder of good sheep, has a leicester yearling lamb which has wool 16 inches long and of the finest quality. 41,14444.4.* One f 1 t took 'pas year :from r a;uma a f d l by the children.. The place at Walnut t H 11, the ; band and five small children are left to proceed u i beautiful .. ' s which was only a collection; mourn ler ass, res►dencd of D. Nichol, Hallett. on Aver pretty aveddin took lease i amounting to .about $1a,ilil --lair. S. Wednesday, when his second lough-' at the residence of Mr. henry (�r,a ter. Ellis, of the Ellis Fe Patterson cement ter. Mary. was united in the holy Tn„kerstnith on "51,Fednesda.y, leis bridge builders, send file makers of St, bonds of matrimony to J. G. CuinIng. 22nd when his youngest daughter, MlivYs is in the village after making of Whitewood, .Ossa., in the presence Miss Charlotte. was united in mat,., TIi more large file fair the township. of about 110 guests, ridge to ll'. Frank Flewes. They .ars practical kpt v in their line of raisingaof V. Bradford, eon. O, Alii We are sorry to learn of the serious, business of G t kept very rather-sn- lett, q Monday, which has Porton- Illness of Mr. John .ri.iiehesori, been Box. law of Mr.. James Eaarle, spent al' view sails not proved as serious as was at bore. McKillop. He his be n c n clays visiting in the village. --•Mi•. and first expected. While engaged at the fined to bed for about two weeks and riv 1e. T. Halls of brvalerieh, silent the on adcoune of his advanced age. being , raising. oro,fell Thomas Little, who liven near ' years nld sleight hopes are entertain -1 pint week with 111x. Halla p' mit' f,ondesboro, fell horn the top and was Miss Edith i'Qiggens, nP eiaaierich, ed for his: recovery. thereby rendered uneonscio"s fora On Friday forenoon last, a lean cin+ spent tl.e luolida. J at Ftliri.villo and while. Malloy, riloyed by .R r. Mills, who resides neaare tit� G2 th nt Mr. odtlahn iu. •- iohns rr• (peas On Frith� May iOth, Jeno KibinIlarlock, in Iiullett township, pad an , relict of the late Thon.as +eedii:lt he experience he will not soon forget. t Andrew and sister,. atura, of Gonatsance of Walton, died. at the home of her He had been. using sa land railer find went a few days visiting relatives stud daughter, in Toronto, ]n her ^aitb g afrientis, Chas le+ivin�; on Monday' year. She had been poorly for drove Mute the barn. He then un- for Coderkclt to earl: for l'. TR Hall hitched the horses from. it 'ted by back into a mow alongside the barn , nines Mill, `v ise.. env ]q health, but Crediton. Bn.xnFs.-You may be able to wear your straw hat or muslin waistby rst of July if weather takes a sudden change to- warmer.—Council met on on Monday East and transacted routine. business. They also are favorably im- pressed with the idea of a township Civic Holiday to be held about June 21st, with a monster picnic at Grand Bend. Particulars. later. Talk it up. -C. Zwicker, sr., of London, is visiting his sons here this week. It seems natural to see him around. -Fish are very plentiful on our market square this season. Two or three pedlars a day is a common occurrence. Just as cheap as pork anyway. -Rev. Milyard and H. Huston, of Exeter, paid our village a flying visit on Tuesday least, -G, Trott, photographer, is doing quite a business this week. Give him a cal]. -Ed. Kestle is all" smiles this week—another boy.—The weather was very disagreeable on Friday last, hence many of our citizens did nbt have'' as good a time on 24th as they' anticipated.-Early closing is to be an assured fact in .our village 'for two nights a week, Monday and Thurday, after June ist. Who will be the first to ,break the arrangement ? Guess. -John Voelker' is having a summer kitchen built. This adds to the ap- pearance as well as•convenience of his residence. -Miss Wilson spent Sunday at her home in Goderich.-A splendid literary program was "rendered in the Methodist church last Tues. even- ing, under the auspices of the Epworth ,Karn . of- the vMoisons :. bank has ur- League.: It consisted of. solos,choruses,, chased a handsome black driving horse from Postmaster•Christie, of Exeter.— RR,: W. 1l'alton is visiting'friends. in Br. Gies."r six weeks during the paint winter with hand it around and shoved it i who is at home with. his father' :1 Ir. +r re we sol to resided in t J $ 11 ho w y u n' Sheformerly Sieves to vnship,re- i port not gainln,- floor. Unfortunately he had not J. Hudson Armstrong, D. D. S. of moved the lines from the roller seat, gradually getting se tr m. They have Belding, Michigan. and Miss Nellie, also engaged a nurse troni Goderich to and they got fast to the implement in _ e of far - daughter of Rev. J. Galloway, were some way, and as it was down rade attend haul f uite a number teamed, on Wednesday of hist week the roller' ran back drawing the horses ,mere of Usborne township were at St. at the bonier of the brides parents, inMarson Saturday last for fart. .with it. As soon as the horses got stn the thin boards which formed the floor mac inere of the Maxwell manufac- of the mow, they broke through .and Lire. They report the Maxwell deli - got therewith their hind guar- ver) the largest ever :ram in any town. got stack e teams taking part in the tern below and their heads above the About 1#n. g floor. In this perilous position they had to remain until assistance was procured from the neighbors, and after a great deal of ticklish work they were got through the floor and into the stable below, and were liberat- ed iu that way. Dresden, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Arm- strong are both forme. Seaforthites. The friends of Mr. John Fitzgerald, of Hibbert, will regret to learn that his dwelling was destroyed by fire on Tuesday afternoon, while he was from home attending the funeral of the late Mr. Thomas I. Hicks. Mr. Fitzgerald was in. Hensall when he learned of the fate of his dwelling. A very bad accident happened to Thos. Deans, of Wingbam, on Wed- nesday afternoon last. Mr. Deans was gathering eggs for Chas. Gillespie and in coming down a hill he dropped his whip. He stopped his horses at the foot of the hill and went back for the whip. In the meantime the horses had got somewhat oil the road and Mr. Deans was steadying one side of the rig, when the wagon upset, piling the egg boxes on top of him. The "result was that one of his legs was broken and he was otherwise bruised. of the program was entered upon. Ad- The death of Thomas Hicks, of dresses were delivered by the Revd's Chiselhurst, took place on May 1Sth, A. L. Russell, of Seaforth, and G. H. at the age of 06 years and five months. Long, Hensall. The choir also assisted Deceased came from Cornwall, Eng - by a number of fine selections, but yet land, when a young man and had not in their full`strength, owing to the lived here ever since. He was an un - absence out- several of the members, assuming man and took no part in they added much to the even ing's en- public affairs, and when the last call tertainment. Miss Centelon also gave came, which we all have to answer, he a very interesting and humorous read- *as prepared to go. The funeral ing, while, as chairman, the Rev. G. took place on Tuesday to the Roger - Jewitt left nothing to be desired in ville cemetery. He leaves behind a that line. -Mrs. Geo. Baldwin, of Sea- wife and one son to mourn the loss of forth (nee Miss E. Steinbach,) accom- a loving husband and father. panied by her young daughter, visited friends in the village the past few days —J. F. W. Paterson has recently erect a neat in good. n ed and finished g shape, and roomy stable.—Mr. and Mrs. T. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Murdock,` visited_ Mr. and Mrs. Hoover, of Clintou, on Sunday.—Thos. Bell, of Beeton, who has been visiting his mother, Nrs. W. Bell, who is ill, returned home on Sat- urday. --Mies Brown, of Egmondville, was here this week_ 'visiting Miss Katie Robertson. -J. E, MoDonell was in Toronto,the past week combining bust ness with pleasure.—Mrs. Wm, Gor- don, of Brumfield was in Hensall on The dispute as to what is known as the„blind line, running between the farms of John and W F, Crich, of the 2nd concession, and John T. of the Huron road, Tuckersmith, has been amicably settled. This has hung fire for some time back, and Engineers McKenna, of Dublin. and Farncomb, of London, were both employed two years ago, but the matter was not finally settled until a week ago, . when au agreement was finally made, ac - f Weatherall, Al Goderich. .I+ cepting a decision of E procession. M. A. t3rethour of Kirk - ton, the agent has been doing abust- ling business and it also speaks highly for the Maxwell Brun for turning out at first class line of. machinery. -Mr. Frank Halls, of Chicago, arrived home ou Monday to visit his father and the rest of the family.. Miss Henderson. of Montreal, sister of Rev. John Henderson, of Staffa, !VALUABLE ADVICE TO RUED'- Ont., and Rev. W. Henderson, of Fern- MATICS.ham, Quebee, has been. elected dele- gate to the Montreal conference, which meets shortly at Pembroke, by the Eat meat sparingly, and take very Waterloo district meeting, Miss Hen- little sugar. Avoid damp feet, drink Berson, who has been a local preacher water abundantly, and always rely on Polson s Nerviline as an absolute re - for some years, has the honor of being Never of rheumatic pains. Being five the second lady so elected as yet in times stronger than other remedies, Canada. Should the young lady at- its power over pain is simply beyond tend the conference much interest will belief. Buy a large 25 cent bottle to - be excited in the matter of her taking day, test it, and see if it is not so. her seat amongst the ministerial a Poison's Neryiline always cures rheu- lay brethren as this privilege has not matism. been granted any lady in a Canadian annual conference. -Com. For any case of nervousness, sleep- TO CURE A CO DIN ONE D3Y. lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. .8.11 dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve druggists refund the money if it tails to euro, Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve 25. E. W. Grove's signature's on each bottle. medicine for the price in market. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.2** +F+ .e +1+ as' Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. +1+ +,4 F IAt 'Lilaccewepha the palatial resi- * ' btnday renewing acquaintances. - deuce of Mr. and Mrs. W. Doherty,+ � Mr. Russell. of'• St. Marys, recently a Clinton' was an informal scene but a : + student of Knox College, but who has very interesting event on Wednesday, ,g: been licensed to preach, preached quite acceptably in Carmel ,church on Sunday last. Mr. Russell gives pro- mise of becoming a -very clever minis- ter.—W. R. Hodgin's has decided. .to take over his hotel at the expiration of Mr. Cantelon's lease which expires in July. Mr. Cantelon may go to Clin- ton, where he is negotiating for a lease of the Clarendon. Since coming. to Hensall about a year ago, Mr. Can- telon has made many friends by his affable -manner both as a citizen and May 22nd, at 12.80 o'clock, and the pretty, quiet home wedding took place when their daughter, Miss Lena M. Louise; became the wife. of Dr. G. Ernest Holmes, dentist, of Clinton. The father of the groom, Rev. J. W. Holmes,' formerly of i-tattenbury street church', 'how the popular pas- tor of London Askin street Methodist church, officiated at the ceremony, assisted by Rev. W. G. Howson, of town. Her sister, Miss Ethel, ` was bridesmaid ;'J. H. Holmes, a brother landlord, and the travelling public of the groom, of London, performed and others are sorry to learn of his the duties as groomsman. After the leaving. -The interior of several of usual wedding dinner and congrat- the rooms of the Commercial hotel Mations, extended the young couple have been repapered.-Miss. McHugh, left on the 2.551). m, train for Mon - who: on -who,. has .been. in London "this week treat and other points. for a 'trip. visiting friends has returned-accom- The :gifts comprised some very, valu- panied by her younger sister. -F. E. able as well as -useful articles. Only the immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties were present to wit- ness the ceremony, among whom might be mentioned Rev. and Mrs+ ,l+ 7 17, Tlnin- of T.ti.i;loai Miss Lotti,. 1 1l' , . T ii+sT.n., ace I' is, , `)i. -. aieut .t, 11 nettle. `� recitations &c. There is abundant , of splendid talent in our village that is hard to surpass in many Iarger places. -There. is talk -of the "Mrirv,g•i- r01111e eo•uina; ti, n,ir viii tg( ,ii tin.5:,..5•h- It.viriI7 materialiy eti.-trt the results “1. RUN o� UWN •n and noi�vou. KV Adamantine prepar- ed paints, prepared ared es- y� p p peoially for floor work, guaranted to stand the hard wear. a floor paint is subject to. v CEMENT. If you want the best results use , pp pp ll $ is ppj� � 19 �a111o� s Po rtlan� and n UUIi� Walls, Floors, Troughs, Etc., built with these cements last forever. The P, int Season We are well prepared for it. The Elephant and Jewell amts are the highest quality of ready mixed paints for inside or outside work. �e� U• A LO For refreshening and brightening the walls and . +i. �+ ceilings of your home,use nothing.but. - lural . 23 shades and tints. + +.11+ 4 .1. I_JeII E . +1+ y Ha r dware. i ++++++++++,++++++++++++,3r. +44.3.1,yo++++++.I1.+.1 +++++ `,++ 1' et t.eri e-, Miss f.11aa.� h+ I wis run cloy e, HO got ,u boli. es , of London. V. taitd sill's, 11 ,lines � file Cowing exatnin<ttinnti' n^chars>chool oP ltilbtirn'slIet�it and.Nervtl Pills, dna flies after .Ji.me Hili, at wr hes to sav th'et they were of great value to+ study so veli. Better not encout.ige 1 _ P 5T Loudon. east Clinton, will be }tLhome.g, if it entre here as the children c•ennot proved of groat bon[ib to iue. 1Y[y`mbcher also their borne pn li.attenbury street, •N ' ler• ILLIF.$, ion , it to come until vacation. ` it