Exeter Times, 1901-5-2, Page 89 1 ARBOR DAA —Arbor Da.y GaSliwhich } was established by the O.itario Gov- , in 1835, \vitt be celebrated by the public school children on I1'iidauy 9 of t lti.• week. The o leo is to dev- elop the love fol tree, the improve- went of school grounds by the plant- . uirn of flower bells, and In otherwise interest children in nature stunts, !Produce. One 'rice Only your p. Watts New BIGt ses, Stylish Blouses, Bargain Blouses. We put - through a Blouse deal last week that will enable us to give you the newest and most stylish Blouses at prices very much. in your favor. These Blouses come in Print, Gingham, Chambray, Derntty, Mercerized Muslins, and Lappet Muslins, Some with em- broidery yokes, insertions, peique yokes, embroidery trimmed and braid trimmed, new and dainty styles ---$z.25 and $i.00 Blouses for 75c; $1, so Blouses for $l:.00. READY - TO Q WEAR SKIRTS= Skirts that are perfect in style, perfect in Tailoring, 3 > and values the best. Ladles' Lustreil:irts Ladies' Black and Navy aall- soda , wool serge Skirts, good I`ttt- 04.4U , lug, e ,tra wearing quality, al li •mg, velvet hound Lulne: ‘.:stylish .Black and Navy all -wool Serge Skirts. trintre3 wits tn, ; cloth, strapping and buttons, This garment lianas most gracei'ia1,y shad is a leader at Muslins New and Dainty. s a going to be a Muslin season, and we are prepared as never before All the new and stylish effects in pretty new designs. ?in7iit} - -' and � an G , Organdies, Lappet Muslins, sltns Mercerized 341�atslins. Plain black, fancy black, and black and white Muslins. WALL PAPERS T4ais is the best Wall 1'<ipsr season we Have ever had, which means that our styles and values must he satisfying. s ytwg. A. STI3WART THiz. MART. To Have h : Best Goods is what the business twin owes hiru- salt It is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be vitthcrs tl ing cl area pest and con- atan uently always the best. We liapo in stock everything in the *atior. ery Line -newest in. Note; Paiper. A Complete Line off J:ardineres, English and German Deco V atsrs, French China, Limoge :and Japanese Ware, ted FANO."( GOODS OF ALL :DESCRIP- TIONS. *JOHN GRIGG, EXETER. t INSURANCE. For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Ritmo, Watches* Clocks:. Jewelry,", Spectacles, etc R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. BE THOROUGHLY PREPARED FDR BUSINESS, Cep trAl cfnir edoai t STRATFORD, ONT. Much of your future success depends upon the thorough preparation you receive, therefore be careful when you are selecting a school. No two schools are alike, The excellent reputation that our College enjoys, the large patronage we receive, the splendid suc- cess our students have in seeming and Bolding situations, indicates that our school is one of tlge very best, in the Dominion. Writif for our beautiful catalogue in which you will find full particulars concerning our College. If you want the best in liminess education you can get it Bete. Students can eater at any time.. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prit ci pal. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be Ieft not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. WANTED.—Good general servant. no washing or ironing. Good wages. rRNEST ELLIOT, Write, giving references and experi- ence to Mrs, Pope, 53 Ridout st., Lon- .Agen for the ` esrears bssunasce COM- don. saaastr, of Toronto ; also for tho .Pacitsax FIRE NEURANCE COMPANY, of London, England; and kt,TAANCE INSURANCE COURANT. Of Eng THURSDAY, MAY 2N -D, 1901. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. H. M. Poussette, of Sarnia, was in town Wednesday. Miss Eliza Oke is confined to her _bed through illness. Pretty faces, pleasant voices, pleas- ing music, band concert May 24th. W. Pickard and daughters of Sea - forth, visited friends here this week. Mrs. Mellott has recovered from her Serious illness the result of poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dyer Hurdon were Additional Locals on lst page. The season for speckled trout opens to -day (Thursday), Natty, new style Grey Felt Hats for $1.25 at the R. Pickard Co's. You can get the most up-to-date Millinery at the R. Pickard Co's. Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks spent Tuesday visiting their daughter, Mrs. Vivian, of Mitchell.— The very latest musical selection under preparation for band concert on the eve of May 24th. It begins to dawn on people that octors are not half quick enough to ecognizelsmallpox when they see it. Messrs. Ellis & gain, of Detroit, for- merly of Seaforth, are negotiating for the taking over of the Wolper House in Berlin, but the matter has not yet in Hensall. calling on friends on Friday, been closed. Quarterly services will be held in Why - When ? Where ? Band : aures St. church next Sunday. The concert May 24th, Opera House, Official Board will meet for transac- Exeter. ,+ ;'tion of business on Friday evening of 'a -The R. Pickard Co. have just open- ext week. ed up thousands of yards of new wash; W. J. Paisley, of Clinton, was in goods' a town yesterday, acting as valuator in Jno McCurdy, the genial postmaster the sale of Nlr. Anderson's hotel furni- of Kirkton, was shaking hands with ture to Mr. Merner, the new lessee of old friends in town on Wednesday. the Metropolitan. Mr. J. P. Ross attended the annual A cure for Dandruff. -Dandruff is, meeting of the Confederation Life In- enemy of luxuriant hair. It makes the surance. Co. in Toronto, this week. scalp unhealthy and nd causes the hair to lifts. Ross accompanied biro, fall out. Lutz's Imperial Hair Tonic Rev. 0. W. Brown was in Mitchell . keeps the scalp clean and healthy ' and n Thursday and preached to the positively cures Dandruff. It feeds the oung preachers of the hair, stops from f #t Methodist P aping out, makes hurch,; who - had just receivedthe hair 'grdw thick and .fJ their Lu z, beautiful. ortif a, ea, Lutz's Impericd Hair Tonic is not a dye. Contains no ,,,,J.Urquhart, Milliner, town' lead Lutz'sz oStore.. ri Monday ; received the sad'oW� Only 50e a bottle at ' Drug intelh- It i giaxtce of the' death of hQr Youngest s Pleasing tose'ethat.the process y g tp occas brothel, in - New York, He was of alganhng up backyards ' ,. . $2 ,> ..from the ars of.a a and died winter's accumulation yrs • age, ,in the 'hospital. ton of rubbish ;:is his' friends having hot known he well under way in Exeter,and i Was tis to ok the newsbe hoped -this wil w his death came as a P tcontinue he to authoritiesan real 'shock. As he `aIle fromextent that the work of the d some in oriy. contagious disease the re i B the ardtru willsbe a mere ma ns were:formality, -Back: axd ,not brought home. ' e extend rubbish, such k -c etc., is our . ekes, aere tin cans,broken: one synxpathy to WO Urquhart uhatrt 4n . dishes, ie c1. • not necessarily ix her sad beunsanitary, yea e iter menti." v y,but it to sightly,un- and itis well to have it d�c+ reg s Fon, S e.r:� .- Seton of black' e ed & y and glet everybody bod t tit inoxca eggs. apply T. Pxtale7ts, Exeter. summer looking spick and eclaypan, e Pawie Ot Ilex 1 nunr:-.- Merchants and eg„ dealers are of the opinion that prices for hen frith will not likely be so high this $nutut r• •a\ (bee have Leen for t wo y e %ars past Tie old country dealers who bad cow r toted for garage quantitiee 1`,an:adl an eggs lona money i:a ltl'rl, :acrd are t wing to begin the new coolur;y by entl av,aa•ir-g to get tine business on s prafiiahhh h ata is again, gond Are not tt .t ing tato) good figures at the outset tit's 4. ivion, About nine cents a dozen wail Prob- ably be the z tiling price for the early summer. WILL I3E A RoLtU_ya M av e-;li be :a both).. ty thFs year. • will t, • made •a periai,tnent lr., alloy bs' c1.ett of rarli.antent. In pit once of lois nrorrike nn:aale tryst, av,'t-L- .,n f•a,. ply to Mr. W. McLean, Sir Wilfred f, airier, at the opening of the Howie this afternoon, arose and said 1 bat slap (levet-mama was right. be doing in assuaging that it is the gener.ro not the imanivaunts wish of the people of (',uniule, that the 241 la of May, which e R. Pickard Co. Exeter 0 eli�Sar�.. String 8p11119 0001111011$01100410111000111100000411.55 •s••QsSQS •$st Ss•0111s•ss0 for . nspeThousands. of Dollars' worth of new Spring Goods ready tetion Bia Foroase or Wash fames Importations - Carling Bros. invite their friends to see their new Our Mr. R. E. Pickard when in Toronto last week was for- tunate enough to run across a big snap in Prints. WAS A BIGn • F � — T� . T >. ts. THE LOT NE R.L\NING AWAY UP IN HE THOUSANDS OF YARDS, But having two large stores to sell our goods in gimes us an immense dvantage buying over the ordinary dealer, and quantity never sticks us p1' :rd vided the price is right, These goods are now on our count- ers ready for yoilr inspection. all They . are good patterns, wide. widths, and well ranted perfectly fast calors and splendid heavy weight. e make one price for the lot, and its a bargain— This is the month to buy staples. We have the best value in the trade, as we sell our Prints, White -Colored Ginghams and Flannelettes at old prices. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4.÷÷÷++++++++++++++++++++++ All Departments are Crowded With .New Goods This .Month. ++++++++++++++++++++++:--:- ::• +++++44-1-1.14+++++++++++++++ •4-1-F•1••k•is+++++•4••i•++,F,•II•+++ New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Skirtings, New hat White Wear, New Ties, New h _. _ _... .. �Shirts, New v Tweeds, New Hats—all newest shades and styles. h ul so long been observed its a nations al bolidaay, should continue. .as in the el- We have just opened up some of the LATESTA111:IR We h ICAN never had a finer elgn of Qateer. Victoria, to be sag c twitted in the facture. St?:aFim Tai 131RPS.•--Ytaw that t birds are referniug to u, for the so flier, ave wish to say as word to t hays, some of whom aro to fond shooting at them with guns and eat }mita. The lairds are very useful kitting insects which are injurious vegetation. ,, , e,.,et.atidan,. and it is to the interest alt that they should not be destroy or given away, to say nothing t►f t. cruelty of killing them, it is unla fur to shoot, destroy, catch, injure, attempt so to do, any wild or nati bird other than hawks, crows, bias birds and Engiisrt sparrows, and tete is a fine (or, default of payment, i Prisonnaent) for violation of the la Destruction of the nests of birds is, pr bibittd also under the same penalt We hope there will be no occasion repeat • this warning. So n cuLA„stll s COXING}, is stat that utero is shortly to he a very ni teriai change in the policy of the Ed catidanal I eparttnent with respect county wotlel schools and in son other respects. The changes will something in line as follows; '1 h time will be extended to eight month the fees will be increased and the to chef's' certificates will be made val for five instead of for three year The legislative grants to rural shoo will be graded according to whethe the school section employs a first e Gond or third class teacher. In thi way it is hoped to decrease gradual' the number of third-class eertiflcat and. consequently the number of sou ty model schools necessary to give tit third-class training. After a while, is thought, the county model school will train the second class teaehera tit Normal schools will train the firs: class teachers and the Norm=al Co leg will train university graduates fo high school work. S. ;a. Atixrvt ts:4.ty.-The anniver- u v of etre Sunday school of Main -s(. Methodist church, on Sunday and fondlay, was a very marked euecess. he sermons on Sunday by the Rev. R, falyard, pastor, were very :instructive. nci impressive. In the morning the ah vice was more especially for the iildren, who were sealed in the c•en-. re of the church, and in the after- onn at the mass meeting of the child - n, teachers and friends. a very:in- resting'"programme was carried out, e primary classes conducting the nging, the motion songs by the fa:ant class being very fine. On ondav evening the children of the fool were entertained to their an-. mal tea, after which they delightful.' entertained the large audience pre- nt with fancy drills, club swinging, citations and chorouses. In each rticular number was evidenced the refill training given and time spent those who had the several classes charge. In would be hard to say uich of the numbers was best, each e as rendered bringing forth loud plause. Great credit is due Ales: roes H. Hoopet•„and J. Blatchford, the training of the little girls from e infant classes, who pleased every: e tvith their pretty doll drill and tion songs ; to Mrs. Munroe for her rk in connectitn with the class of ys in club swinging, and Mrs. A, rd, whose class of boys gave a very e chorus. Also the Misses Rusk, bus, and McCallum for the very fine nd and tambourine drills and rches by the girls. The proceeds minted to nearly 550. ii6rJ6dn Jdsli 000Is Nov6itll b'ALL PAPER. NOVELTIES IN WASH FABRICS, which we imported direct , spect on, he from the Agents of the Mills in Detroit. They are TIME NAT - We,' 'TEST AND MOST UP-TO.DATE LINES of these If you want fair' dealing, honest ,. foods see 3' prices and: nQ hum- or have ever shown, and as we purchased them at Mill prices` you can bugging, I;o to la be assurred that the prices are fight. selection. We invite your to of ed be NV, ve i* - re nt,) w. o - y. to ed aa - 1t to to 1 a a- id s,. Is e- 8 y es n- it 8 e 11 a ;.c 01 n re to th si in se n ly se re pa ca by in wl on ap da in th on 0 wo bo Fo fin Jo wa ma am Why ? Opera House to -night.% A. Q. Bobier was in Ingersoll ester - day. Lovely new American novelties in wash fabrics at the R. Pickard Co's: Mrs. T, W. Iiawkshaw and daugh- ter, are visiting at John Hawkshaw's, Messrs. McDonell & Bawden, last week, while at Toronto Show, sold three stallions. Dr. Sweet is improving the appear- ance of his residence by the addition of a bay window. Messrs. Bert Ross ;and Hector Monroe, of London, spent Sinday with friends in town. John Fuke, of Chicago,was home last week attending the funeral of his late sister, Miss Polly Fuke. Miss, Polly Fake, whom it was men- tioned last week had sustained a third stroke of paralysis, died , Wednesday night. P. McTaggart, :London: road, had a -raising on Saturday, when his large barn was placed inposition for a brick bank stable.' • Hon. Thos Greenway,. who has been visiting here for the past week,"pur- chased: 'b •s everal head of thorobred. r The fifty -acre farm a m belonging: to the late Edward Stuart, of Usborne, who died a few weeks ago, was Bold on Fridaylast r y to George stook. stock for his fame At a meetingof "the -'co s ;.: n ervativea of, West Huron, on Thursday last, , s the no ' muttiation of Joseph Beck, as candi- date to oppose e J. T. P Garr P Garro ve, a , w e ratified. Opera hyu ? House to -night. ht. PEI I ORGANDIE M QID 1ft ;1' . a. 1U in all new. colorings, .a beaut iful fabric, and a snap for in DARROW-DIMITIES, in stripe effects, all new colorings. a re.allylovely line for l2rl2 HEEt , B,I.TISE, in new shades tf Reds, Blues, Helios, etc. in lovely scroll effects, elegant value at ORGANDIE SUPERT3E Muslin in beautiful blendings of color- ings, with Rose buds beauti- fully worked in snaking the ef- fect very fetching its alt new shades, Special at KORAI PQOEI in the new aQl"r hello and green shades, with black and white lace stripe over net effect, This is the novelty of the season, and wakes as �oc beautiful gown, per yard Wall Papers We have thein at all prices and as we purchased them direct from the manufacturers for Spot Cash, and showing best possible values, we shall be pleased to show you our stock. its Good Frail Gunn Sends !or Vi 5U BOYS W1 8f -t SUITS FOR SUMMER, We have them from 75c. to $1.50 per suit. They are new and natty, being of American manufacture. It will pay you to see Churn now. Of RFBT8 & OURTf IN3. Union Carpets purchased direct from the Manufacturers for Spot Cash, at 25, 35, 40, 45, and 5o cents are great values. Lace Curtains, imported direct from Great Britain, at 5o, 75, $i-oo $1.25, I.5o, 1.75, 2,00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00 and a3.5o, are all genuine bargains and money -savers. OUR MI[i,I14ERY Department IS UP - TO - DflTE. DRESS GOODS & SILKS. BLACK DRESS GOODS are having a great run, and we are showing all the latest wears and makes at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75e, 51.00, 51.25, and 51.50 per yard. We can please you in a black dress sure. HAVING IMPORTED our Silks dir- ect from France, England and Japan we are showing some extraordinary values, as well as the latest novel- ties. Prices range from 50c per yd. t 0 52.50. • - We invite you to inspect our stock at any time, e Pay Highest Prices for 'Farm Produce. oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefeee®60000 00t•00stltoo000011000e0s00est19* THE R. Pickard Co. Direct importers. W. Melville, who has conducted the manufacture of acetylene gas ma- chines in Exeter for some time has gone to British Columbia to engage in a similar business. One night last week some attempted to burglarize the the residence of John Cudruore, Mr.1Cudmore heard the bedroom window being lifted and while getting his gun the would-be burglar scaled the back fence. The improvements in the Exeter Union Burial Grounds arse being push- ed along and already the cemetery be= gins to present a better appearance. It is to be hoped that the public ronerally will lend a`helping hand by a,n:rking their personal contributions to ,ally of the directors, or the care- t ei' of the cemetery, who will give 1' per receipts foi*the same. It must 1.,,. obvious to all interested that in otdcr to continue the work the neces- sary means must bero sided a P v , n d t is hardly fair to expect .the directors to make a personal canvas for sub seriptions. If each person interested would kindly hand in such amounts as the felt able j' to contribute, it' would simplifythethe work of the directors greatly. The farmersof Ha Y_.. y, we are. r infomed, haek kindly consented to. make a bee to draw sir face'I sol for topdressing and levelling llin in the'.. g cemetery. This soil is much needed in fact -is indispensibie for 'making: good work. Why could not the far- mers of Stephen and Usborne do like- wise. & large quantity of soil could be advantageously used. The direc- tors still hope that the townships of Stephen and Hay will follow the good' example of Osborne, and make a small grant to this Union Burial Ground in which they are all interested as muni- cipalities. We do not see how in honor they can finally refuse so to do. The Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. are sending mite boxes to all the , lod- ges of Canada. The local lodges have received theirs. The money deposite:l in these boxes is to be used for the erection -of a poor house for alcl • and infirmed Oddfellows, The I. 0. O. F. have had this before them for "some time and they now hope to raise portion of the necessaryfunds in thiss way. Wordas received w eived here on ',Thies-„ day, of the death of Mrs. Rigney and child, of Granton, which occurred 't ho previous day, after a brief illness. The child was fifteen months old. Mr, and Mrs; r Ri ne. wee ±or g y mex resi- dents of Exeter, Mr. Rigney ne. having g y avin g been em ployed as harness .'maker for the late John Treble.: ...a `Th' elates latest things in; Men's ` neckwear e . us ed a to en a tthe e R. Pickard Co's,. �. he R. Pickard Co. for 12 and I5c'' ,runts for 10c. io CARLING BROS. Furniture � + Emporium The Economy Store Call and be convinced that the above statement is correct. Many bargains still left in FANCY GOODS, also Parlor Suites, Bedroom Sets, • Sideboards, Tables, Couches, etc,, of the GIDLEY Stock, Underiaaainn a Specialtij. Beverley & Huston, Remember the stand. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. THE ITTJ3W ST01RJ3. 01119.11. Dry Goods ... .and. . .. Groceries. The Spring Season is at hand, and you will always find season- able goods at the New Store. We call your attention to our stock of Lace Curtains, which are all new and the very latest patterns in the trade—prices from 35c to $5.00 per pair. --CURTAIN POLIIES. ^ . The new oak finish, with brass or wood trimmings, complete for 25c each. See our Blind Shades at 45c. Art Muslins, Art Sateens and Cretonnes- the very newest ; also a pretty range of Floor Oil Moths, V1 nate Spreads and Table Covers . These goods are selling -- readily and we have had to repeat several lines. To the Ladies - . Don't fail to see our new Spring Corset A very special line of New Style, Short Waist D. & A. Corset At 5oc. ; also the New D. & A. Straight Front, Erect Form, Kid •pitting Corset at $I.00, and many other lines from •5oc and upwaeaA call solicited to in- spect our stock. Remember our Groceries. They e the best we can buy— cheap adulterated goods at all. lIighest prices paid for produce, FIRST STORE NoR-rti P. 0. Messrs. Bawden & McDonald, ;ca - tured several first prizes for their stallions at the. Toronto aiorse Show. The Exeter lacrosse club was re -or- ganized for the season on Friday even-. ing: The attendance was large ,,and meeting enthusiastic. It was decided to enter the league as existed last year if satisfactory arrangements can be made: The following officers` were elected ; Hon. Pres. W. G. Bi sett ; Hon. Vice -Pres Zi4 . `• „ 13. Levitt : fres:. N. D, !turdon ;1st. t. Vice -Pres., S. G, Stanbury.2ad Vic - . e 1'tes:, R. Knight ; 3rd Vice -Pres, J. Davisi; Sec-T'reas:, W. J 7Heaman ; Capt., " W. J. I shave n zatvk- w Coln. Mac. F. n e ,i3. Iiooper,. k. Snell and J.` C•irieves, i4fessrs:Iduz- don and Stanburywere delegated to ait noon the councili1 to securethe osfu ta l coa t r ibut io n. Arra n em e n ta are ing Perfected fortieopening oamehe morning of the twenty-fourth a�'?s W. D. veto.,' ,ate Mrs. Hawkins, wife of George Howe•- kips, of the London road, north of Exeter, died on'Sunday, and the. 're mains were interre d in the Exeter` cemetery on Tuesday. Deceased was in her 74th year, and although of ,a very retiring ticif; .Ppsi ' on, was known and respected by y a large circle of Mr. Will T,a of St. Marys, y, has been most unfYforortunate un thestate of his health this last year of, his Univer- sity,' as tresult sit ,' y largely the �-result0 f a.,neglect- ed broken nose, obtained in football ootbah years ago. Ire , g leas had, to.undergo operations fon hi g P ears, eyes, nose and throat. Unfo:.ttina tele the nose 'svgs. again br ok g `o e u u not long- since. He is now under the doctor's care, who has. just preformed tb ree hoperations, tions upon is throat. lie willbe not omti P vel a 1 bet to say until 'next 1 at' October er whe- ther Mr. Taylor `will be able to use hie. voice in the active ministry, butit hoped he will. The very latest things iii black Dress Goods at the R, Pickard Co's.