Exeter Times, 1901-5-2, Page 5IRON NORER, PERTH All the News 01 interot to 'Dina Readers Happening in time 69untle8 Huron Tr, Dulmage, formerly a Wiug. ana died at his home in Garde, Mr., Dutra age had. Another. paroly tie stroke. One day last week, a cow helongiug to Patrick. Gibbons, of East Wawa. - wish, gave birth to three calves. The three were living at the time of birtia, hut two have since died., James MeGiP, died at his home in ialintoe, on Sunday morning last in his 74th year. On Saturday, 13th inst. Mr. McGill was assisting in $oruework, and fell from a wagon and brake his back. Mr. S. A. Moffattof Varna met with VenY ainfal accident the other evens mg, pulping mangols, he got the ends taken off three fingers on his left band. one a them being cut as far a.s the bone. A. .A. Sohrenk WAS down at Ste absent; on business last week. He sedd that Mr. Contine had just got beck from Chicago, a.cconapanied by eaveral capitalists, who intended to in. Test $50,000 in the village. For urty ease of nervousness, sleep- lessness,. week stomach indigestion, tbaieepsta, try. Carter's Little Nerve riUs. Relief ts sures The only. nerve /medicine for the price in market. ll.fat and Mrs Donald McTavish were fasideets of Chilton once upon a time? Nr. McTavish earrylog an the bus- nees of blackernith Uwe. They now live in Lorahae, Illinois, and wt11 on Nay 2nd celebrate their golden wed- ding. Mr. James. R• oss has decided to move his family to Chieno and leaves in a few days, Mr. Ross is one of the old. ea. natives of Huron. He WAS born on the London Road, Stanley, aixty-• three years ago. lila brother, who m ea e into this world two yeurs itre• - viausly, Was the first white child born in that township. On literality afternoon, Margttret illarkson, beloved wife of Chas. Hew elersop, of the Bluevale road, died at Menge of 75 years. Decease& along with her husband, settled in Morris township many years ago and were among the first settlers anti had we siden on -the farm on which she died el= she Bret canes into the town. ship While charging the ascetylene gas generators in Mr. 33, B. Gunn's store, Seaforth, on Saturday night, Messrs. Tames Purcell and Ernest:Miirray had quite au exciting experience. They bad a light with them, antt some es- caping gas caught fire and blazed up in thew faces. Ine. Purcell mune off with a few slight burns, hat Mr. Murray's face was badly burned. Fortimately there WAS not more gas, as they would undoubtedly have been seriously and perhaps permanently tnjured. The case of imported stuallpox, about which there has been so much discussion, left Clinton before sunrise Inst Friday morning and is now at bottle in London township. The case WAS not a severe one and the young Woman, who was the victim, got over it easily. The affair bas been fin- ancially a serious one for Mr. Peter Cantelon, whose•house has been quar- antined for the past three weeks, dur- ing which time be and his family have been "dead to the world." It was while the young woman from London township was visiting at Dlr. Centel- on's that it was discovertel she had smallpox. The annual v • ry meeting of St. Paul's church. ekton, was held on April .9. The • den's, sexton's and vestroy accole . ere submitted and passed, sub'. audit at a subse- -ducat meet!) s-eet finances of the year made ; 1 showing, stipend and all curr, oences having -been paid, a balaia. assets were found to be on hate ,r. D. Brethour was -appointed lee elegate to the Synod. Mr. John 1. sell, Winchelsea was appointed . man's warden, and Mr. Willie reef,' inson for the people. Captain Pen vas elected vestry -clerk and . nd II. Robison and John Davis. len. Messrs. Wil- liam Turns s f. Davis, Biddulph, were'selectse it the accounts el the Ladies' ns t Building Com - ▪ Me. Thete !..e home of Mr. T Wiley on f, April lath, at the age of 4 and 10 mon ths, Jane M. Pane et Of the late Wil- liam McNa.u, who preceeded her to the spirit 1. 42 yestrs ago. The deceased- we born in .- Carlton Place, county , , anark, and carnet° Stanley 56 year ego. She returned to her home some time after but in three year she came t� the Bayfield Road as the wife of. Mr. William 'MONaught- en. .They settled- on the farm now owned by Mr.: Roland • -.1efackenzie„ Mrs. IsIcNanglo n kept thefarm for sortie years aft e 'ler husband's death but finally dip '401 of it and went to live with her Ilse,: ter, Mrs. r.r. Wiley •of Parr Line, -urvies her, togeth- er with her son .4 dliatn of Methuen, Manitoba as. 'There are many tains "of nervous -debility in men that yield to the use of Caater% fren,Pille„ ,Thase whoeire troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, etc., shonMetry them. WHEN THE BABY CRIES .AT NIGHT there is a cause for it. Perhaps it le gas on the stomach, may be cramps or diarrhoea Don't loose sleep, antici- pate such contingencies by always keeping handy it bottle of Poison's, Neryiline. Just se few drops in water -given inwardly, the rut) the little eines stomach with a sraall quantity of Nerviline, and perfect reat is assured for the night for both mother and baby. You may not, need Nerviline Often, but when you do need it you reed it badly. Get a 25e. bottle to- day. - Perth 'The funeral of the leteMrs. Voek, of 13roadhagen, took place on Tuesday afternoon And was hugely attended. She was 78 years old and yery highly esteemed. Mr, Charles Milner, of Salem, met with a serious accident the other day. One of his cattle struck him on the back with its foot so severely AS to cause injury to some of tile internal orgaus. Messrs. Crozier and Sinclair, bar- bers, St. Marys, who have been in par- tnership for the past six years, have dissolved. The businesswill be con. thaued by Mr. Croziers while Mr. Sin- clair geese into business across the street. Palpitation of the hearts nervous- ness, tretublings, nervous headache, eolel halide andfeet, pain in the back, and other forms a weakness ave re- lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexime Four young men, Messrs. Charles Querengeseer, jr., Marto Anastein, Charles Jacob an Ernest I3ennewies, jr, left areadleagen over a week ago for the Sault, but. the first, two return- ed In a couple of days. They left for the purpose of thane carpenter work, but found the supply of carpenters greater thee the demand and. wages were consequently very tow. Ur, J. A. Joheson'sjeweiry store. at Atwood, was broki en nto Wednesday night end robbed of over three hundr- ed dollars worth of watches, tonne. and other jewelry, and over twente dollitre in cash. ,No clue. The rob. hers gained admission by pryiug open the front door. The safe evident- ( not locked by Mr. JohnsonWhen ei0S, „g for the night. Mr. Mills, of St. T11011114e, has been Paying a. visit to his mother, who lives in Blanshard totruthip, and returned home yesterday. Mr. NiUS is 77 years old, while las mother has At- tained this greet age of 113 years De- spite her advanced age. her son found that she was in good health, and had passed through the winter well. Nr. Mills formerly resided in Glanworth. Mrs, Alfred Smith died at her home in the West 'Ward, St. Mary% Satur- day, April 20. aged 35 years, 11 mouths and 23 days. The deceased lady had been in poor health for ev. eted years and had been conaned to ber room since January last Alts, Smith was a. daughter of .11r. cunt Mrs, Robert Bell, of St. IVarys. Mr. and Mn. Smith bad no faruily and Mrs. Sruith's parents lived with them. Mrs. Smith was a member of St. James church, . The St. Marys Baptist church con- gregation bare decided to build A new chorch and 1111,V0 purcbasett a, lot on Cburch street, adjoining Mr. Long's property. It is probable that the new building may not be put up this year, but the site has been secured. The present Haptiet, church building situ- ated on Queen street, west ward, is not lrne enough to accomodate the congregation and besides that most of the members of the denominations live in the east end of the town. It would take $2,000 or $5,500 to make the neeeesary improveniedts and addi. tions to the old church and the con- gregation think that. it would be better to build a new -church. The congregational is a growing one. Midd tesex An open switch cost a life at. Park- hill Monday. Fireman, Gilbert Grie- ves, r. young employe from Sarnia. Tura.el, inet instant death. His cub partner, Engineer Martin, also of the Tunnel, was badly hurt, but will re - corer, The condition .af the switch was not nottced until all possibility of averting the disnster the, followed hod vanished. The train was travell- ing at, a rapid rate, and tbe locornotive, as it, left the treas. bounded over the lieu end then carevued into the ditch. As the monster turned on its side, cars -about a dozen of them -piled upon and about it. The wreck was complete., several of the cars being smashed. Fireleali Grieves was caught between ths.. engine and tender andins life crushed slut. The engineer Was taken out as speedily as could be, and was foetid, fortunately, to have escaped dangei•ons injury, Four hours were required to clear C.e line of wreckage. Weak, nervous or delicate men and women, whether overworked mentally or physically, will find nothing to Null Milburn's Res.rt and Nerve Pills for restoring their Width and build- ing up their syetern. tionkr 4`Craft must be veiled, but truth goes nalted."., Poor shoes must be highly finished to veil - defective materidl, but good shoes nee a /lop feat to be seen in their natural leathers. - The cost of abnormal finish is put into 'unusual ' service anct vatuez by the ' Makers (through their price on the sok) in. -- "The Slater Shoe" WOO; E. J. SPACEMAN, Sole Lcical Agent. _ Buggies - Cluggies J. F. Russell ..SV:m::0A to annuttot:e to the public t1,9: hv ha :I for sale a. layge assortment of se...st•Oloes Buggies, including SQUe.i71-41 Bpx BUGGIES, MIE-Aft0S a.nd PHAETON'S up-to-date. The rigs are of the 1 &lest best workmanship and p.-fleel, GET MY PRICES BEFOR9. YOU BUY. and S. Ernn delivered the espective heal' "wraitl' doze • • • ' • * a11 Evangelical Association, -Can - da, Cc nferenCe, The S'Ith annexe! Conference of the Evangelical Association in Canada, convened in Berlin, Ontario, at 9. on Thursday, April 18th. Bishop Horn, president of tbe conference, ad. dressed the members in bis usual, in spiring way, and conducted the open- ing denotional services, The .alinis.. tenet Brethren had been arriving on all trains since Monday morning, and although confereuce was not fully in gassier; until Thursday, yet the earlier part of the week afforded many inter- esting features. The program of theets dayeincluclednon annua.1 businees ineetine of the Dea- coness society." the president, Rev, L. Lotig, P. E., in the chair. Tuesday, April 10th :The examina- tion of jainior preachers. Evening : addresses on the subjects, eEduca- • tiou" and "Temperance," by Revs. J. . Crepletctiniv,eits.ud E. Burn, Sete nres, Wednesday, 2 p. Meeting of tbe Missionary Society of the °Anode 00n. fereuee, Rev, J, Truthaell preeidieg. Wednesday evening ; Andress,"The necessity of mi missionary work n our vonfereuce." by Bev. D. Irkeola, P. E•, Stratford ; address, "The Nortinvesa as a Mission Field for our conference," , by Rev. W. E. Beese, Winnipeg. On Thursday morning, then,the first conference eession WAS held. MI the sendoris were opened by devotional t'a'i flees. Oa Thursday afternoon Or. Bowsby, mayor of Berlin, was in- troduced, rind addreesed the conference, in hearty words of welcome. The speaker dwelt particularly opon church distinctions in the town, and express- , ed the wish that numerous denotnina- , tional dieiston$ might be united. and . that all might work harmoniously foe : the spiritual welfare of the citizens. L. J. Breithaupt, t1. P, P., and repre• aentatire of the Board of Trustees of the Berliu congregation was also In.., troduced and in %veli ehosen words , welcomed the conference. He molted the last conference held in Berlin. which was 12 years ago. The firs. 1, • thumb of the Evangelical Aesociation in Canada. was built, In Berlin in the year 1813, The work a the church has grown and prospered uudee Owl's direetioo, so that within a. few years elitireltes were erected in verities „ plIteee, In 1$00 it became receseau to , build on a larger scale in 'Berlin. and , in 1703 the present magnificent edifice was erected for the glory of God. Thursday evening was devoted to the interests of the Deavonese work. Ledirua• High. Deaconess, Town. - to, spoke very touchingly and int -H pressively of the merits and impute tanee of her branch of work. "Jeans, . who went about, doing good" was her , first ideal and pattern ler work of tbis • kind. The Deaconess showed a re. niarkahly noblr and courageous spirit for furthur effort in her departnient. Bishop Horn followed with a short ad, (trees on the same subject. Among other thoughts expressed he dwelt up- on the helplessness of man at his en- trance upon the voyage of life, and his dependence upon others for sym- pathy and help. -"love thy neighbor as thyself" is the law that must goy.. era the succeesful life. Every mem- , oer of the body has its own place and must do its own work; so we as "mein. hers one of another" to fulfil the law of God, shall 'do good to one another as we have opportunity. Silver and gold we may not have, but love must, impel us to deeds which may reaeh the hearts; of our fellowmen and win them for the Master. These remarks' of the Bishop were followed by the formal tonseeration of Miss High, as Deaconess. The ministerial chow very effectively rendered "Take my life and let it be consecrated into Thee," IL eery appropriate selection for the occasion: On Friday the conference engtheaged I in its regular sessions. In e noon the Educational interests of tbe church were represented hy Rev. II. 3. Eiekhoefer, M, Pb. B.IPresident of 1.1 r No t C II Napierville, Ill. The speaker was very earnest and powerful in his address, showing that education has always been and is still the highest need of man. At.3 p. ne Bishop Horn, being required to leave for Chicago to attend the funeral of out senior Bishop, E. E. Esehert the message of whose death came like a shock to our conference. Resolutions of sympathy mad condol- ence to the bereaved family were pass. ed by this body and sent with Bishop 1 Horn, Prof.. S, L. timbach of Union I Institute, Napierville, 311., was elected chairrhan until the Bishop's re -1 t ern. The evening of this day was de- voted to a. general Y. P. A. rally." Tee Y. P. Alliancers of the neighbor- ing Evangelical churches, and also the Young People's Societies of the differ- reau churches in Berlin were well repre seated. Be-. I. M. Moyer, of Pelham Centre, as chairman of the roily, liestrtili welcomed tbe visiting socie- ties and by way of introduction to the tvork of the church in this department said, "Tne Y. P. A. of Canada, has now 33 bra.uches and atotal member- ship of 1700. • The societies during the yeas: reised $550.00 foe Miseions at home and in the loveign fields. This is vele- encouraging, but the organize - thin is capable of still better work. The speaker tben introduced Prof. S. L, Limbach, who lectured on 'The art or, soul -winning." The past century bee been One of remarkable progress.. Not only &teen. here been greet strides with respect to inventions and dis- cpreries, lettethere.‘hae A180 pro. . gress' 'the 'tirotto cifs" the .Christiam church whieli is the salvation' of souls through the' grime of. Jesus Christ The pastlias been a Missionary een- ury. During the last decade the young people of the Evangelical have becoine more and more alive to responsibility. In 1891 at the general' conferenee held at Indianapolis, Inde the Y. P. A. branch of church work was established • and in the"'e years it has .grovvn to a . Monday evening. April 15th , weather, was good. 1 Conference Sauday was a day of 1 blessing and soul tefreshment, At 9 • a, m. the Sunday School was held. 1 1 -Jesus Christ as a Saviotio" to a large At 10 o'clock Prof. 5. L. Umbach . preen:lied n, very eloquent sermon upon Ico ogrega tion. The orclination Berme was to have been eached this morro hag but as the Bishop had not yet re- turned this 1,viis postponed until the evening. ',the afternoon was devoted to the Nlisaionaren cense. Rev. T. 0, Meckel, cor. see. of the Missionary 'society addressed tho meeting upon the impedance of the work in tbe Ostnada conference timid. Tbe needs of the Northwest were patticularly , urged and t he spirit, of the meeting seetned to move in sympathy with ' that vase neer territoey. The MI's- ' sionariea now,,, laboring in the N. W., ' and other members and friends of the ' central who are 'living theie are very urgent ie their appeals that we send , more workers into the harvest. May ' God give to t he Evangelical association ' a stye si..t 'meet aud a courageous mind as elm is enteriog the doer to useful- nees in our eetualian-Northwest. "In int ou there is strength." and in a wean ef heart, hand and purse.prayee, work and ineene, our conference may look forward toward a migbi y devedep. inent of her forces in this part, of God's vineyard, At this service the hand- some sum of $450.00 was raised for the Miseissnary came itt our confer- entle On Sunday et ening leisliep tient preached the ordination sermon Using ite a hod. t Con :J. it "For we are cielaborere 190 her with God." Tide o ;Le an inspiring and heart, uplifting disemirse vs which a reporter cannot, do jestier by simply- culling here and there the weighty thoughie. Every a oisl tees lei et with foraefol meaning Red hest a heart. reaching viten. Gni graut that We b . not only hearere lint rasa "doers of the word." The ordina- tion service teloweil in width Revs W. Vininerine a. H. L. Merrier, F. B. Meyer and O. ti. kla111110.11 Were ordain- ed to Lila titite•e of Deacon. Rey. S. M. iIitueli, W. Es Deese, J. W. Bean end E. M. (Lechler wore ordained as Eldeure'.%loailiw 0 there were three fieeeiOne of erinferenee sieVefiettry to the cote- ph-timt 411 lite issisiness in hand. At 9 p. 11*. the eh L4ratan announced that (Hoy ono i hint.; restrinied and that the mon, isstereetisig awl et the same time the moetinipsrtasit ef al. Before stating wh tt this would be, the Bis- hop, nit hehOlr Or the morel epee again hpartily tirteet4.41 11 e conkrenve for their warisi welt.. rue ar4d kindly enter- toininent, during the week, Ginat poise ie Rim. to ilto adierol.t organirte tietts uf i he Berlin mingle gsitnin fot their Ise wry en operation ill the work of the conference, spevial erg dit being due to the eboir foe their sereteis and ineitirsetimi in song. Iteretip,),, the stationing committee's repave Was Mid after which the conrcratu a ad jammed to meet, again at Cliesley. Dd. t min. on the 3tel Thursday in 11,pr41, 10112. The uteetingwas Irti In a rinsing pi:ayer by the Bishop and dismissed. with the benediction. Reported hy E. S. MovER. THE MARKETS. 4.44••••••• Eng Decrease in the Visible Supply el Moat -Itraottonal Declitio in Ca- bins -Utast Quotations. efonday Evening, April 29. In 44verpool tteday wheet nature) elosod Mil to red Per crystal lower than on Satur; 4ay. and -maize options closed led to WI letter. Chicago wheat futures to -44y eeeileed 1.3ec to fafie per bushel. July eora declined rec. THE VISIBLE; sunrsor. 16sts scompared with tai wog ago the le upply or wilesnaila and the United States has decreased 1,51 . leetlah,e18; that of cern has decreased 2,; • - 011537,000liebleil,taitt3,tliat of oats has Increased wheztt relenaP At? nat121 :111'41I ut t it te together with that afloat to Voreere, 01,395.000 bushels, against 95,06%000 bush- els a week ago and 92,560,000 bushels n year ago. LEA.,prso ••vrre IT • It ,latX Following aro the closing quotations at important wheat centres to -day Cash. May. July. Chicago ...S. . SO 7214 $0 UK New York ...... . 0 80e4, 0 79 Milwaukee .. 0.75ii% o iii TolailDetroit, . (t)t 7/5711 : bye Detroit, white . . 0 77le Duluth, No. 1..* Minneapolis, Duluth, ort he No 1 r. 0 _737 0 74nt 0 7enb hard • 0 75%, • Northern .. 0 78 0 T4M, • e naterISH m Attlee; rie Liverpool -Close -Wheat spot quiet' No. 1 standard eat, re 3d; Walla, 61; 1d; No. 2 red winter, 6s 1(1 to 63 11,1d; No. 1 North- ern, spring, 5s lld to 6s 8d; futures quiet; May, 5s 11(1; July, ea lleed. Spot cern, quiet; mixed American, old and new, 43 54,1 to 4s 5F4d; futures, quiet; May, nom- inal; Juin 44 054d; Sept., 4s OM. Fleur, 18s to 10s 8d. London -Close -Wheat, cargoes arrived off coast since last report, 1; waiting at outports for sale. 1; wheat, on musette, steady, but feeling is quieter; cargoes about No. 1 Oat., Iron, passage, 30s, paid, net; 'Walla, Iron, April, 30s, paid net; iron, passage, 300 3d, paid; La Plata, pessege. 30s, pald. Maize, on passage, firm but net aetire; pareeist mixed Ainerioen, steam, Aerit, 20s Wed, paid; steam. Daspage, 209 4.1V1 paid; steam, 3lay, 19s msed paid; icedra, May, 20a, paid. Gate, parcels Am- erican No. 2 clipped, mixed, passage, 15s Sd, paid. Maize, spot Axnelican, mixed. 21s 3d, new. Flour, spot Minn., 243. Antwerp -Close --Wheat, spot firm; No. 2 red winter, 171,4f. Parts--Close--Wheat, steady; April, 19! 25e; May and Aug., 19f 60e. Flour, steady; April, 24! rt5e; May and Aug., 24! 60e. Mark Lane -Close -Foreign and Deep* wheat ftrm at an advance of ekti. American Maize, firm with a fair Irusineee; Dantiblau then at an advance of ad. Am- erican flour firm with a fair bas4ness, 611 higher; English. firm, 6(1 higher. Tonoecro -T. 1.A .v1:,,NYOK A ttiCET. total mead,. 'hip of about 35,000. The speaker effectively inapressed the posi sibilities of soul saving work sonong this noble body of young people, -rie Wheat, white. bush. .. " red, bueh. " fife; bush. . goose, bush' • Bens •bush. gre,' bush. , .. .. Irmt, 0..3, Duo . ....... . . Buckwheat, besh. . TORortTo VA. R31 0 701A .. 0 efl ..- • 643( . 05 .. 0 51.1e, 1 20', 140 . 050 . „S. retoietrozi that winneth souls is wise.' whotesale. Saturday was given to the regular May, baled, car lets tori. 90 to 11875 sessions. The devotional service of EWOW, baled, ear lois, „ten. 5 so 0 00 the afternoon was somewlial exeended r ..... s...- 014 a 1ft ▪ 03440 to serve as a inqinorial service for our Rigor, creamery, boxes"....: 0 ee ....... 4 Rev. D. Yenni, Revs. J. Limbach , 1 honored Bishop. E. E. Eseber, and utter. Creamery, lb. ren; 0 13 R J Butter bakers' tub 0 12 1 eeseep r lb. ...,.. e,.... , .. 0 memorial tt dresses. Sat ui (*sly even- Turkeya, per lb. ,........ 0 1%3 .. . ing the Rev. G. P. traist PI seehed a cDhulcekkile,npes r rerialr air...-. . - 0 4a 'feel th." The attendance at tills scr ID reit:led tteorir,s1,1j'ea2e . i o. i ; ; 'Del: Laxative Bream ;mine ,„,,,„,,, Iwo Dom, sont own a .t .00,...... that coma a cold in one 44 c,e cr, April mi. .._ .. _ , , Gert vice, in spite of the inclernency of the erre ..... ....„ IN Ude atgamture is on every box of the genuine , noWerf el ser it the subject le,f, . .0 • .. • .. e . . 11. • Ira king s .atti r That is Scrotnia, No (Home 14 Older. • No diSeese is really responsible ter a larger mortality. Consamption eoranionly Its eitterowth, Tbere is no eaettee for neglecting it, It makee Its presence known by so many oleos, well as glandular Pullers, catapeoua eruptiens. inflamed eyelids, sore ears, rick.. ets, catarrh, wasting and general clebility. children et J. W. McGinn, Woodstock, Ont., had. scrofula sores so hoe they COnld not atteoci school for these months. When different kinds of medicines ban been used to no purpose whatever, these sufferers Were cured, =cording to Mr. McGinn's vo;untary testimenian by Tod'; Sarsaparilla whin, eve. effected the most wonderful, rale- ti ned peraliarleat etiree of acrofele iu old and eoling, TOIIQNTO AX)) wi)OL. No. green ... . . 001,4 to $, No., 2 green 0 OZ44 • .• • aide*. No. I :teen steers0 07 N. 2. green steers0 06 litdeS, eared ec 4014 Calftskirm, No. 1 0 07 0 OS Calfaklies, No. 2 0 00 0 07 Begeons (deities), each 0 50 0 03 Sheepsalue, fresh ..... 0 90_ 1 GU Tallow. reielered 0 05 0.4 Wel, deice 0 sa 0 14 Wee!. 1111w4shetl. fleece 0 1.15 0 00 Weel, palled, Never II 0 18 Wool, polled. extra .. . .. 0 20 t) 21 IrON1R8,44. JAYE SWOON. atoutreal, stern S0. -The receipts of lire stock at ttie East End Abattoir tide morns Ing wore S,10 newt of cattle, 700 calves, 26 snoop ane tni lambs. Tao demasitt wee paid ana paces welt malutnined. Cattle, choice, sold at from 41e,,c 50 per lb.; good void from fle to inn per lb.; lower gred_eo Inere 2ine to ante per lb. Celvee were sole from en. to en eacti, Sbeep Invited Vora 4e to lie per let, Laraba 'were Sold from 4e to Se Per lb. rlogs brought trout .le to 're per lb. EAST BUFFALO earreaS antenT. East Dudek), aprIt 2e.-Cattle-Ofterinee 1/0 Made; medium -weight butchere abOtit Itle timer. and Utast, bsUdYs buivhere teatly., Canasta cattle zold teem 33.25 to 5e.50. reesit cows null spriagers et tel, Quality etrielgte. Vet cows 0144 betters were In geed, demand and sold atrougeri neeep and Lambs-Ofterinee, 220 losee. but* oe, caolee lamb* wile $5, one or twa buueliee swains; at $3.10; elseice to extrn linbt eiltleed linabx were quotable at to $5.10; gooa to choice. $1.73 to SS; eJsoiee to extra. beavy clipped Unita, eatia to $4,90; wool lambs. 35.23 to $3.0. StmeP and Yearlings, $4, to $4,30. Seeerat leads Were lett 'Deer at the clew. Nnav xonet CATTLE MAR.KETe. New 'York, April 2th-lleeetereatecetpte, 491S: demand fair; steers steady; belln teady; cows 'arra to see Metier; .65 to 45.75t cows And stage. $4.50 to .13; boll& #3.50 lo $4.30; COWS.: *2-41.3 to 4; exports, none; toloorrow. 150 caste: and 3100 quarters ot beef. Calres-Reeelpts. 0084; actlre; steady to 230 off: Tee% MOO tO $0; tops. 1,123: little calves, $3 to 53.30. Sheep and Lambs-ltecelpt& b2,73; &Ion prices week: wooled elleen. Si to 451 ella- ped do.. 53.73 to 34.00;. clsolce do.. 34.73; "WOOlgt1 lambs. ;3,30 to ;3.87,16; ellpped deo, $4.02101 to $3.33e denied culla, $4; ;Matra lambs!, $2.50 to ;3 each. Ilogs-Reeelpts, 12,572; lower At $(1.03 to ettae. enICAGO LINE STOCK. Chlengo, Aprli 2.9.--eattle-Itecelpte, 000, lacItullag 400 TeggOS: gO011 to Prime ateers. 44.05 to $5.00; poor to medium, $3.85 to $1.00; stockers end feeders steady, 82.73 to $4,83; eon's, $2.70 to $4.50; heifers, $2.73 to $4.S0; cruisers etrady to firm. $2.10 to $2.65; hulls, 42.73 to $4.40; estres steady. SA to $5.23; Texas tril steers. $4.23 to $3.4a: do., grass steers, p.m) to $4; bulls, $2.75 to $3.4,13. Themenceelpts, 47,000; mixed Mal butch- ers'. $3.05 to .$5.8716; good to eholte, hewer. $3.73 to $5.00; rough. heavY, Vane to $3.1351 Telisl3 to v -L82%..; bulk of stales, $e,eele t 8");.‘, Sheep-zitereints. 11t.000; good to ebolee evetitere., $4.50 to e4.75; lair to eholce, mix- ed, $4.20 to $4.5,1; Western sheet). $4.40 to $4.75; Yeerlings. $4.50 to 44.00; native lambs, $4.50 to e5.30e Western lembs, $4.73 to am Exeter. MAY isre 1001, .vlittht egr .....4,... el 41 0$ . . 4 64 ,q4., 3. Bar ..v 4,, *a 42 1,rot.; ... • • 0 GO '4' 65 Butter.. - -. 1.1 o. 13 egere - •• • .. 11 •tr 10 Tereeye .. .. e en 8 1 111,401114 Z.101. .. '1 • SV ore .4.pleas „Pork live w, ight. • . - 5 +.0 5 .. 5 to 5 lu 7 16 to 17 e 31141) to WO TilEls it (JOG ISTS ARE BUSY, ------ Drugsnste evert great tlemend for the new 25 petIl. s'Z,' rotst titetZone. 810 1,0-, toy, ;ale, alines, cleared 1,111 ths.ir es. e, y, f-scpittitt Alit. re pal Hot' 4144 rrti 14 rr I am by -t 1u feet that it eiver. better reilisfaction than troy et h- er renwily on I be mar ice t. Di lig,g1h1 s eey that Catarehozone is the only re- rieely hat really does ellre Brom.: CI us a rigi Atithiiiii. t releives gitiel,:y. is pleasant and convenient to isee, sled gnarrinteed to cure, or your mit)iwy track. Iteaders suffering front itt itahle Cane rh. e strengly advised to try cal- eerheeene ; it, never fails to cure even Irtiret, gsses. Slie. Jetties Gardieer of the fourth toeceesion of West Luther, about five 1. on; Al thur village, died el, her houie 10A, 55.Pl.k, it is claimed, hy sheer in-glect, -end much indignation has betel expressed. Indeed, so inuch that the facts have been placed in the hands at County ()yawn Attoruey .Peterson, who has oidered an investi- gation to be made by High Constable Merewet her. The facts, according to the Guelph ;Mercury, appears to I* as follows: About, twelye days before her death Airs. James Gaediner gave birth to a child, there being neither nurse nor docter present. The mother, sled consequence, was not property at tend- ed to, and she was quite in. but as the family nelonged to a sect, of some kind which is averse to employing doctors, no medical man was sent for, and the mother died of septic poisoning, -lease ing a family of seven email chiltiren. it is said that she expressed a desire to have a doctor called in a few nights before. her death, and that her 'hus- band proinised to secure one next morning if :she then insisted. Next morning Wm. Gardiner, brother of the husband, and whp was, a sort of pteacher among the sect, called, and on. being requested agreed to, get a doctor, but it is alleged, made the eCpplation that the horse must, take the right road through God's direc- tions. Be started on the tripe but the horse turned off the reed into A place he had been tn She behit of going to, and the doctor *as not procured, Subsequently the oor woman died in great agony • 14 r London, H Ungen and 13ruCc. Gouse Inenten- t;- Passenger. London. depart-. ..... 8.15 4, 41, 4 40r,24. Centralia .... 5.18 50 Exeter.. Bensaii Melva , ....... 9.14 0.15 0 fia Biniceilea . ' . - 0.1i' 42- )0.1.5 0.55 1110 8,00 Passenger 0(3&.1t., 8.15 r. Ciiiaton • Wingbain, arWve... Goma %mew-- wingliale, depart ,„, Clinten Ki Kensall Smtherlontl Noes Co ARE PREPARED TO PCB0HASE ELM --AND F.ITHER STANDING OR IN THE LOGS. APPIY to E. Kessel, FOREAfAX, EXRTEE Ort', 7.47 4.23 BraceneYa ..... .. . .... . 8a 449 8.15 4.e7 &es' 502 Exeter 8.35 5.14 Ceetralia Leinteri.arrire... SAO 525 137 6.1? i .... . MONEY TO LOAN, anent upon farm or village property at lawe$t We ha,vennlimited privete foods for insea- m .tes of interest, • - DICKSON & CARLLNG xe er Rader. IrIONE7 TO LOAN. • Wore a Jaree antouat of pdrate loan on farm and viliageproperties at low rates of interest. , F. W. Obanniald. A2E1;40.414 narrister Molest. Exeter. 11171-J. IL RIVERP„. M. 8. TORONTO UM VE11$1TY. litt AL Tait:My 1..frn !Ter Otliee-Cralltoo, Oat, i . rat° WNING M. ih„ M. C., t .1'. h. ;., rdnuto %%atop fa. Um- cerattx 5 /tett 41;.$ rokodeuce. ..4A 141Nra. Ines, Exeter, ••••••••• I.EtiAl., DICKSON & BurriMerieSolicitore. Notaries. Conveyancers, Congmn.j arv, nolleiters for timeivisons Dank. Ete. Mcney toneell at lowest rates ot interests OFFWEnesMAIN STiLEET. EXETER, I 111.1te0,13. A. L. it. PICUSOX GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott,4S.: Gladman) krri$ter, Solicitor, Natal Mk Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest FFICE MAIN STREET EXETER .44,"•0 DENTAb 'ne ELNSMAN. L. IL 8. AND l' -..,4* DR .4,.1t. RIN$3,1.41lN. L. 0' la re D. .8.K.Henor Gradr.atte' ef Tercet* nativeness Deotist. Teeth extracted without pain or find After streets. (wee in Fan. sores Meta. West ado a Main omen Exeter A.ANDEti8ON, (1) DB.NTIST. 4.••••=•••••••• Horror Geaduateotthe Toronto Univereity. and Royal College et Deulni Surgeonti of Ontario. All bridge work, Crowns, at 4 Flat* work domain the neatest eossible Manner. A harmless amestbelle for painless extraction. Thostriatest attention given.to the _prescrvat- ou of the natural teeth. Office in Dickson 6: Carling'e Meek. Exeter. untario. h. =WARY. en nent & ennent 1..X3C11:14 Graduate of the Ontario Vort-einary Offer -tine dcor sctzili tI Tolva Hall. • P • • ." :•'4.0 •'" "4.‘ Farmer's Attention We heYe procured a Car load el THOMAS PHOSPHATE POWDER Whicls is the beet fertilizer on the market. J. Cobbledick &S011, TWEEDS At Cos 1 Price FOR TIIB =CT 1i DAYS. A. good Assortment ALSO HEAVY PANTiNGS AT cos'r, ant to clear these lines ut cute VV, JOHNS, MCI TteliCst* BROWNING'S tote Oguarters For Dyspepsia. Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Eldney Mixtme Sciatica Remedy Sampitrilla Cough Mixt nee Cholera and Diarrimeit Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations you will be astonished at their o onde Col ful healing and curing properties, 1 A Full line et Patent Mediciees on a WATIDIALOO MUTUAL 11.1".nl 2311tshtiVollAtat°410' 3. HEAD OFF/C- WATERLOO, ONT 1 11.5 eotsitokteY 114s inert over Neent e -ti .17:4lez7°egttitle4gllIlIlilo, et, t1iiro mit;ofloor 1 den .14.0 Pee Slorolmn,lios Alit 4.tile:07te:4 other 4leseritItioas of / n meek meters y. Ittfenaing it1Surer3 hart ili 04.11(11 04 men rin eon the Pretniunt Note rI tole -yen . Durilisr tire vast tett yearn t h is touttlany hos ' iV;E:241:1Alts,"N. 0.100.00 aonsistirie of Cask s VV. BR.OWNIN0 nto. 57,190 Policies. 50401(1141property to the ! azi wit el $4),32,i1.8; ;arid lasses alone In lhul. tiorernment beeoritand tireemasses- sed%ilium Notes oil band mut in force. a Dominion Laboratonst .11 AI eh$, el .1e, l•resident; t; el. Tenon eeerriary ; 3. 1. III outs, Dist beter. CUA.S. /3E1 1., Agent for Exeter and ricinity. hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PHE NOTE LOST. Clothing The publio are hereby cautioned against buy- ing or negotiating for a note made by Fred Glanville, in favor of John Voelher, date NOT. Stb, 1900, for 535.00, at eleven months.as the same has been hist and; wament stopped. JOR(34) HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. A choice brick house situated on Sirocoo Exeter, containing ample rooms for ordinary family, garden and stable, and all necessary conveniences in, connection, every thing in goon condition. For further particulars, apply to A. 1100PER, CLINTON. or Times °FMB. TO BLACKSMITHS. A first-class Blacksmith Shop, well equipped, with sett of public weigh scales in connection. First-class business guaranteed to right man. Terms moderate. Also farm to rent. 100aores. Apply to L. MACTAGGART, Exeter North, Ray P.O. - A CV.:OD INVESTMENT. .Main street, is 70x55 feet, three storeys, and contains four stores, offices and halls, all leased. This is the best business stand in town. The dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains le rooms, is admirably adapted for it boarding house. The property must be disposed of. Terms easy, apply to B. L. Fanson, Exeter, Ont. pROPRETIES FOR SALE BY TENDER. Jn'tho ot Emcee, Ont. Tenders will berecin ad by the undersigned up to the 1st, of of April, 9901, south half of lot No. 9. from xittin to Willie. at., known as Hamlites store prop- er y. 355. 361, 382 Elizebetn st., near McCal- lum's emery, No. 63,64, ete Andrew et., No. 65 has frame dwelling, 7 rooms, will take one ibir&cash balance in payments et 5 per cent. For further particulars and terms ()isn't() apply to owner. The highest or any tender not yp T. 'W. HeatLIN Brookkolm, P. 0., Out. For Infants and Children, The foe+ tlbIlut algarittio Of 46144 13 45 seer valests !QUESTION Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of jolcAtion, though when you are abl.4Nt-sio. avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene-. tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in livice and selling at the old prices Nice suits for $1.4 in fancy i worsted suiting, We show a big range at moderate prices in Scocch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as I sorted stock. Prices to slv all. A. large stock of the lat- est goods yeti corder sing,t from€0.0 up. - GIVE US A CALL and se what we ean do for von. J. 11. Grieve N ERCI EA Ng.' 11,0 $111111WIA. ...106511:414 ,ILIke /tete Poi 'Preis from -Defter 31079 Deresehtlii one of :elle * ciblpowners and grain eXPoreers hes cemmittaa geticide shooting hinenelf. Rib alleged lie, ties are .5,000,000 francs. The afro hcis caused intense excitement at Da elittresfi nd in Erada) into prurcipte ipnrt ot Roumania. Children Cry tor