Exeter Times, 1901-5-2, Page 4T E EXT413. T.L.W111 The Mo.lsons Bank .ORARTERelle BY PARLe AM1, nen Paid UP Capital - 32,500.000 lineerve Feed V2.050,000 Read Offlece Meatreal. nalieRn MA,JOT, GEEBRAI. MANAMA aavanced to good la.rraera " their. fraril DOW with one or more endorser at / per esinte Per ammo, .3ceter Branch Open every lawall day from 10 a. re. to 3 p.m SATVieDAY8, 10 a. m, to 1 p. re. urrenerates of interest allowed on dePents. DICKSON & CARLING, N. D. ReiRDON; SOAIerronS. HANA0Eit .2eth.nee clar f0 BefenaitY„,., TOBSDAY. .... Wrelelenelater... April, 1901. 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 SO 3 10 17 21 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 20 0 13 20 27 TRURSDAY, MAY 2Nre 1901 NOTES AND CONAIENTS, 'There are already eel miles a elec. tric railways in Canada, a.n1 almost be- fore people know it the electric roads Neill have as great a mileage as the steam railways. 1 • • • F. P. Fish, the new, preeident a the American Bell Telephone Compute-, is reported to receive a salary of 010,000 per annum, which looks ae if the "wile bilaineSS were a. money-maker. • * That rumor about the G. T. R., Cs ' I.R. and R. Se 0. Nay. companies arnalwrnatin,,,, will put a dampexter on pets a various ambitious times to secure the entry of a rival iallway. * • The reg z'1 a Bruce passed into the world beyond a few months :ego but an appointment has already been , inade to the vaeauese hi the person • of Mee Dante, of the Kincardine Report, cr. The reg4itrarsizip oe, Huron has now been vacant for years and is still' being, dangled befine the expectaut eyes of.a halt (Weep applivants. • • • The expenditures a New Yotii._city for iono amounted to .$13e,efie.Oete and this is a fair yeatly average. Of thie sum 87.2„000.00 was derived from taxa - lion, and the rest from the sale of bends and miscellaneous sources. Duriug the year the bonded intlebtee- 310S$ Increased by $85,000,000, or thir- teen millions more than the year's taxes. . The net bonded debt is new $277,017,111). • • Afv. Sam. Grigg, the well known vangeliet and ex -hotel -keeper. is ,t -e- on the warpath a'gainst the -unite cigarette. Be believee 'e blighting- effect of the vigar- 1,geeater by all odds there is Just now he is asking lepaelers to pubeieh n,arnings ae4nts in the matter. The young Ofitae he says, do not appear to real - lee what t hey nre doing until the ruin is wrought. and attempts at rescue are in vain. In Buffalo. Sup:, Bull is eetaking especial steps to enforce the View regarding the sale a cigarettes. ,STAR -CHAMBER I NQU EST. caaries white •er Brantford, According to Axialyst Ellis, Died. 'From Stryeli- nine--D4voloprnent$ Expected. rantford, April 27. - Charles teeitirelIeff of strychnine. The an- alyst's report amply bears out the rhagnosis of Dr. J. A. Marquis, the ysielart called in before the Do- i -rani= analyist, Toronto, to whom be stomach of deceased was sent, as made his report to the coroner, k. Heath. The coroner read the report of the jury Thursday night. kt states that, judging from the symptoms observed by the =Weal man who attended the deceased just trior to death, a seareh was made Thr strychnine. The contents of the itoraa,ela revealed the presence of strychnine in sufficient quantities to tease death. eeeThis facta,with the percentage and sielesea je dmical information, is the of the Dominion analyist's „-fe"-Op-ert. The inquest continues to be held in secret. At Thursday night's inquest the jury took matters in iheir own hands a little, and, as the coroner commericeel to sum up the case, told int -they were not through hearing pVidence. It was clear from the an- alyistes report that deceased Lad de- lved from strychnine poisoning, but bather by accident, self-edministraa on or otherwise they had not ard. They thought some evidence have been led faong that The Attorney -General's Department ilaed to give Mit any information the matter and refused t o s ane. - the publication of Analyist report. The general opiheon •that sbme serious developments TAN OUT OP THE RACE. clitoris]. of ',The Commoner" Srates Bis Plans. n aTeb April 27. -In the editorial of to -day's Cora - under the head !.`A Bit Per - Wiliam J. Bryan States giderrible frankness his fu - hens and policies, intimating 10 Will aot again be a. can.di- the presidency, but, as an , will have something to say ho shall be the nominee. not planning for another nomination,' ' he says. ero I would not be editing a 11 I ever become a candidate it will be because it seems j far the advancement of the ios to which I adhere, and not seem probable." 1.P. MONTE 1,111[81 MOVE FirsVrA4" FO-11'mni"fils* t enture in Canada to Printed in Indian Tongue. Ottawa, April 29. -The" AtohaWks of Canada and Note York State are "Trust" Former Starts an At- to have a newspaper. It will be edit - lento Shipping Dombine. ed by Charles A.. Cookaa full-blood- ed Idiom eraployed in the Departnient rivet $tep In the Consolidation Taicen.133" the Purchase of the Leyland Line of Steamers, Represeating the Largest Tonnage in the World -,,This Xs Tanta,, tnonnt to Ito Atealgatutotten With the Atlantic Transport Mine. Loudon, April 3Q. -.e first step in the direction of the consolidation of some of the biggest Transatlantic shipping interests bas been accom- plished by the purchase by 3. Pier - Pont Morgan and Company of the :Leyland Line of staliners. A. deposit ou the purchase money has been paid,. The Leyland line of steamers at present operates between Liverpool and Boston and Liverpool and New York. Some time ago negotiations for the coresolidation of the Leyland and the Atlantic Transport Com - pane's interests fell through, owiag to a. dif1erence of opinion regarding how the stock, should .be Issued. Jibe fleet of the Leyland Line is now com- posed of ei5 steamers, and has con- tracts for several others now under way. The purchase of the Leyland Litte is tantamount to its consolidee time with the Atlantic Transport Line. Tile Leyland ofeeials in confirming the sale said aa o10cia1 statement would be issued to -day. It is an- nounced that the sleareholders will receive Z14 lOs for eacb. 410 share. The Leyland Line, whose fleets will thus pass into the control of Aineri- CanS, is one of Great Britain's great- est shipping institutions, and the re- sult of the, consolidation will be steamship company with the largest tonnage in the world. Divert Trade to Boston, Quebec, April 30.-Expectatious width Quebec has had of a great betna as a. result of the combeg here of the Leyland Line of steamers, have been generally Spoiled by a, no- tialeation that Pierpont forgan boa got centrol of this line of steamers. It le feared that this will mean di- verting trade newt thie port to Bos- ton or Ni"A" York. SIM/WING 1X/S LIAND. WItat James J. 11111 L'xpects Soon to .1.ttala Spokane, Wavle, April 30. - The Spokesman Review prints the follow- ing ilespeeeh from the president of the Great Northern Railway: We expect to connect with Cana- dian line at 'boundary, and have con- eleCeien, with Republic and Kettle River districts in operation this fall. (Signed). James J. 11111. BASEBALL, Eastern League, DIondur. eettileilo 2, Toronto 3. Providence 7, Syracuse 3, Rochester 7, Montreal, 5. Worcester 8, Hartford 7. :National League, :iionday. Pittsburg 14, $t. Louis 12. Chicago 9, Cincinnati 6. Philadelphia 11. New York 13. Brooklyn 8, Boston 12. American League. Monday. Chicago 2, Detroit a. Philadelphia 8, Boston 5. Washington 5, Baltimore02. Cleveland 4, Milwaukee 3. • Lieut. Carstairs Wounded. London, April 30. -Information received here from Uromi, West Ae- rial, and dated eiferch 25, is to the effect that the punitive eamedition, under Major lIeneker, composed of 250 men, being attacked in force. Up to the date of the report, Major Herteker's command had had 32 cas- ualties. rieut. Carstairs of the Ca- nadian Militia had been slightly wounded. He was the only white of- ficer injueegea, Rev. E. W. Panton, Moderator. Stratford, Ont., April 80. -The an- nual convention of the Synod of Hamilton and London met in Knox Church here last evening. Rev. Gus- tavus Munro, D.D., of Riclgetown, the retiring moderator, preached last evening, after which his sueces- sor was appointed in the person of Rev. E. W. Penton of Stratford. Japan Building a Fortress. Berlin April 30. -The St. Peters- burg correspondent of The Cologne Gazette says it is announced from Tokio that the harbor of Matsurnai, capital of the Island of Yesso, oppo- site Vladivostock, is being trans- formed into a naval port. The work is being carried out with all speed, and is already almost completed. liread Riots in Galicia. Lemberg, Galicia, April 30. -- A riotous mob of the city unemployed yesterday raided the bread booths at the market place shouting, "Give us bread or work." The mob paraded the streets, breaking shop windows. Troops finally arrived and 'dispersed the rioters. ' of Indian Affairs at Ottaeva. Some time ago Cooke begau pub- lisaing The Onleweonwe, a semi-week- ly magazine, printed in the Mohawk laeiguage„ and it wee so sacceseful that he has decided to turn it into a newspaper, the list of its kind IA Canada and the second in AlileriCa. a There are other Indian publicaeions, not newspapers, but the majority of them are issued by missionary so- cieties and they are edited by white men. The Cherokee Advocate, pub-, lisheO iz. 'adieux Territory, is the only other Indian newspaper in. North America. CARNEGIE WORIC.eD FOR RIR. Later Was U. 5, Conant tO Duniferniline at steel Oagnate's suggestion. New York, April :Ie. -James Doug- las Reid, known to telegraphers as "the father of the telegraph," died yesterday afternoon at his residence UL this city. Ile had been ill for many weeks. James neugiee field was horn et Edin." burgh, Scotland, 'March 2•,.:1, 1$19, and came to Ameriea to 1$34. ITIs enteanee Into the telegrephie service was In 1845, when be assistecl In the orgauleation 01 the At- lantic awl Oltio Telegraph Contemn- for the construction et a series et lines eon- reetleg Plilladeiphia. Pittsburg, narrate, Detroit, Cinclauatt, et. Louis and NeW OrleaUft, the Mint extensive series project. ea et tiutt time. In 1581 be was imeolatea tutted :Oates consul to Dun- 1'ern:1114e, Seetienti, thru tee influence or Aufirew Carnegie, who as a boy bad sera, ea as tnessenger stud telegraph operatoe under Mr. held tit Pittsburg. lae gulsked this oftice In 181I., A 1111.14:DX11 AT wurranol„Trm Beilka Chased. Illenk W1*b an Ax, and Latter Shot Pursuer Pead. Wiunipeg, April 29ia-A murder took place Saturday at Wititeraouth. 00 =Hes east of Winnipeg, mo prin. cipals in the affair aro foreign grants, 3. W. Bien% and Adolpli ltedka. farmers, have beezi on bad terms for some time. Bleak was crossing Itedka's property, when the latter attacked idea *with an axe. Bleak, in defence, shot hint, dead, aud then took the train for Ulna - peg aud surrendered to the authori- ties. Louis MaeBeth, a. butcher, dropped dead Saturday night. A. case of smallpox was talwa from a C. P. R. train at Revelstoke. TAS 1'n031 T1111 WITVE. 11.•=01.•.••• The water in the Ohio at Cinein- nati was just beloW the danger lino on Sunday. A. gang of negroes broke into thd house of Hiram McMillan, a white man, near Oliphant, Pa., and killed the Man anti brutally ravieleed his wife. The people are iaturiated, and Pease has been organize'd anti ii searching for the murderers. Messrs. Sire of New York Lave made a contract with M. Rigo, the Hungarian violinist, vrho was sup, posed to We've died in. Cairo, bat/ wild; together with the Princess ,. Chimay, was lately ditecenered. Rigo will be accompanied by the Prineese, but she will not appetti upon the stage. William 3. Archer, aged 85 years, was so terribly burned in a, fire -width occurred at his home, 97 Brunswick avenue, Toronto, Satur- day night, that he died shortly af- terwards in the Emergency Hospital.; Mr. Areher lived: with his grand- daughter, Mrs. Jennie Warner, and of late had not been. able to .get about, owing to paralysis, from which he had long been a sufferer. WEIIRING DOWN Ill BuE . Every Rail Will lie in'PlaCe Fee Ma irar, 6[RhigN8 imD fiERc[ FIGHT n Gialor.Gows snow NEARLY BEADY. [ ) mal °petting on Ray tit. 1 Glasgow, April 29. -There were Kitchener °Keeps Up the great local congratulations yester- day over the announceMent that nat a eiegle nail will remain undriven when, the Interaational Eiehibitioa opens an May 2. The preparations are So far comp late that the manage-. bleat this week invited, a large party of heated and foreign newspaper men to inspect the show, which is certainly the best of the eneendary exleibitious that aa,ve been given in. Europe in the last half century, la the feret place noneesseatiale are se; completely eliminated that the ellew can be thoroughly' inspected and becomes a pleasure inetead of a task. Secondly, the magnificent Fine Arts Building contains the best col- lection of 13ritisbevened pictures ever assembled under any roof except tne tVat421AeralenUaicn liaerY. Tetexhibits are -very creditable, but are limited and Prac- tically confined to macbinery and tools. Tae Glasgow people are won- dering how,Buffalo's preparatious for the Pan-American Exhibition will comPare with theirs. Lord Dogged Pursuit. lEnemy IS at Times 'Very Active -Two Trains Wore Lioralied., and es Prince of Wales Light Rorsomen *ore Cap. tavola-Plat:4er „Bakes a Good Raul - Boers Again Invade th4 Richmond District. Cape Colony. LOACICA1, April 29. -Lord Kitchener continues the process of 'wearing down tiot Boers, wb,o, however, are very active in the Xerooustad c dis- trict, where they recently derailed two trains and also captured, e.fter severe fight, 25 men of the Prince of Wales' Light Horse, whom they strip- ped of their aorses and accoutre- ments and then liberaten. Col. Plumeres iorce captured a laager of 45 men, including tile no- torious Transvaal' State Engineer, hfuenielc, who planned the destruc- tion of the Johannesburg mines hi the spring of la,st year, and his fath- er, who was formerly landrost at Boksburg. Mr. Cummings, who is visiting Durban on behalf al the Canadian Governmeat, is faverably impressed with the trading possibilitie,e between Cada and Natal. 0 BORES CAPB COLO:tiYi, The Invades Rave App.ared Again tit litehinena District, Cape Town, April 28. - The Boer invaders have appeared again in the Richmond district et Cape ColODY, Among the prisoners captured in a dglit ttt lioneynest Kloof, which. re- sulted in a eomplete defeat ,,for the Boers, was a. cousin ,W Mr. Sauer, 00 former Commissioner of Vublio, Works. The Treason Court is sitting at Dordrecht for the trial of minor cases of Cape rebels. Only one out of a, batch. of 40 eases was defended. All those convicted were disfranchised for five years. At a meeting of the Diamond Fields branches of the South Atri- al), League to -day, at which, Cecil Rhodes and Gen. Brabant were pres- ent, it was resolved to urge on the home Government the importance of making English the meditun of in- tructioa in the Transvaal atid Orange River Colony. It was as- serted that this was for the best in- terests of the eintelaspeakiug colon- ists. Sir Alfred Milner, the Govern - r of the Transvaal and Orange Riv- er Colony, replied that this subject was receiving Lis earnest considera- tion. Kruger Ray Come In June. London, April 29.-A despatch from Amsterdam announces that Mr. Kruger will start for the United States at the beginning of June. liurt la a Runaway Aceldpt. Whitby, April 9.9. -On Saturday af- ternoon a runaway itacident occurred near the machine shops of Maier Ilarper & Son. Mr. Dent, science teacher at the Collegiate, was driv- iukoN norALTY ExuucErr, • Canadian Government Decides to :Hair Unly rivo Per Coat, Waseingtou, April 29. -Consul - General Bittinger, at Montreal, re- ports to the State Department that the Canadian. Governmeut ha* decid- ed to reduce the royalty on gold rnimtl in the 1.rukon, from 10 to ri per cent. The rush to the Yukon and Alaskan gold fields for the sea" $011 llas begun, and will be continued, says the Consul -General. Alreedy over a thousand Challis have been re. corded near Clear Creek, n branch of the Stewart River, which runs MO the Yukon, where important oew Clods -are reported. Adam. Laidlaw pead. ilaznilton. April 29.-A most re- spected citizen. Adam Laidlaw, died about a o'clock yesterday =ruing, after a long illness, be having star- fered for some thue from locomotor ataxia, The deceased was born at leedrule, Roxburgehire, Scotland, on Afarels 18, 1833, and came to Ham- ilton in 1855. He was associated with various business enterprises from 1866 to 1891. The deceased was a, proutiuent Liberal, and emetic- cessfully contested the Hamilton eon- stituency with William Doran in the Dominion election of 1891. Geo. Collo& Got Avray. Manila, April 28.-Cuptain Wilson °base, with a detachment of the 21st Infantry, on April 26, surprised the carap ot the insurgent Gen. Carnes at Dugol, situated nine, miles east of Cavinti, in the Province of La. Guna. Cailles was at his eiunp at the time of the American attack, but managed to escape. Captain Chase's force ceen 1 tared. his adjutant -general, five other ot his staff officers, 14 men, 20 rifles, a, large aniount of anuetunitiOn ane stores and all the papers and person, al effects of the Philippine general. 1 • .. Awarded 810,000 Damages. ing with Mass Copeland, an Ontario Vancoover, April 29. -Mrs- MarY Ladies' College teacher, when lus : sane Bigger, who was tunong the ' horse took fright and ran into a tree, passengers rescued from a Watery completely destroying the buggy and grave in the Point Ellice bridge throwing the occupante out with ter - 1 street car disaster in Victoria in rifle force. 11896, was on Friday awarded, $10, - Miss Copelaud was carried on a ; 000 damages for shock to leer ner- stretcher to the College and is se- rvous. system. Her. husband and four verely brusied. the top and back of the head. Dr. Mr. Dent was terribly wounded in i two of the children being drowned. I childten Were on. the car with her, 1 I Her Iwsi,and is suing for 350,000 McGillivray was ,called in to both damages and 81.0,000 for the loss of eases, and it will be a few days be- , each hild. fore it can be seen clearly how seri_, c ous their injuries are. • ANew Steel Co. Lauding Waiter Taylor and his ' New Y ale A *I 20 W d coines daughter were also thrown otit of , . from Philadelphia, that the new their buggy during the afternoon, • Cardinal Ferrate. Succeeds. and Taylor had three ribs brokene steel company,- to include English. Rome, April 29. -The Petria state that Cardinal Rampolla has resigned the office of Papal Secretary of State and that he will be succeeded by Car- dinal Ferrate, Prefect of the Coa- t" 1 dul ence and Sacred Relies. Cardinal Rampolla. was Nuncio at Madrid when he was appointed in in 1887 by Leo XIIL•Secretary of State to succeed Cardinal Jacaco- bini. He was previously Charge d'Affairs at- Madrid, then Secretary of the Propaganda for Oriental Af- fairs and next Secretary of the Con- gregation of Extraordinary Ecclesi- astical Affaires. He is a Sicilian by birth. Rtuitem. Has His' Notice. Constantinople, April 29. -The Criminal Court allows an additional period of 10 days for the surrender of Rustem Pasha, the former secee- tary of the Turkish, Legation at Washington, to take his trial for publishing revolutionary articleS. If he does not give himself up , he will be declared a rebel, lose his civil rights mad las property will be conhscatede " Verdict of Acquittal. Omaha, Neb., April 29. --The jury in • the case of James Callahan, ac- cused of ltidnapping Dddie Cudahy, returned a verdict of acquittal. Fire, Deattr and Destruction. Pittsburg, Pa., April 30.-Fiee at streets, Southside, yes iday, cost one life, a property loss estimated at 5226,000, consumed 'Over a dozen buildings and rendered a score of families boneless. Fireman Grieves Killed. , Parkhill, Ont., April 30.-A west- bound freight ran into an open Switch at Parkhill yeeterdity after- noon. Fireman Grieves was ,killed and Engineer Martin badly h:ort,.. About 10 cars were piled up. , , A Jack the Hipper Caught. Ludwigshafen (Baden), April 30. - The notorions "Jack the Ripper," who has assatated and mutilated here recently 18 women, harSi been. ' caught red-handed by two detectives, ati ired as woman. Callahan was rearrested on two ad- ditional counts, but it is -doubtful if the State will press them. Aged Woman Charged Willis. Arson. Charlottetwon, P. E. 1., April 29. -Flora. McKinnon, aged 70 years, was arrested on Saturday evening on a warrant ettarging her with 'burn- ing a barn, muchinery and stock be- lonj,ing to 'Murdoch McKinnon of Heatherdale. l'riest's !Aptly round. Mont,rcal, April 29. -The body of the, 'missing Ttiest, Rev. Mr. Joly of Ste Emilie Parish, has been found 'day, and fell, ifracturing his slcull, when a squall struck the boat, cans - in. the litke, whore he disappeared, auxi it looks like a caso of suicide. china H. Has a Radical. San Francisco, Cal, April 29. -It is stated in railroad • eirdes that President Hays of the Southern Paci- fic is about to inaugurate a. radical change in the manageine.nt of the sys- tem. He will form a. cabinet of ad- visors, to be composed of the heeds of practically all the principal 'de- p-artments of the road, with the sine gle exception of the law department Fire at Dominion Steel Works. Sydney, C. D., April .29. -Two tanks of the Dominion Iron and Steee Company, , and their Contents about 300;000 gallons of coal tar, were destroyed on Saturday morn- ing. The fire, which is supposed tb have caught from a locomotive spark, was an extremely fierce , one while it heated. The lase is fully cov- ered by insuraace. WaF' Ilailoon for Wan I . I.onclon, .April 29. -Dr. Barton's war ballooe, which, it .is said, the .War Office proposes to buy, has le platform and machinery .suspended cigar shape. The balloou can be star -ed in any direction. Dr. Bate ton hopes ey the and of. summer to float his 1 alloon. exed carry three per- soonuus re.ttte:he rate of 1ff• or 18 miles an h %rriyals at Quebec. hour,. AP' ril 29. -"The iiret grain .... i shipmcnt of the season via Hawkes- bury commenced to arrive in Que. bee Saturday morningit consists of the trifst inAalnient. of 160 cars for the SS. inegian of the Leyland Line. The shipment is ta be drawn in about eigh.t trains of 20 to 2a cars , Lobster pisberm,ao Drowned. each. i, Port Ilawkesbury, C. 13., April 29. , 1 ile Dzinger°13a 1:',"1"3. reel -A. young man name'd McDonald Ifelifaa N - S April 29. - Luke front Creignishe was drowned Satur- Drysdale, 40 years of age, slipped onday -011 Low Point. He was in a lob- .,....,,,. peel on the streetSatuy- stet'sniack, two miles' off shore, and Canadian interests, which has been ratherd fi 'tel. hinted at itt the papers for3 several months past, is organizing under the name of the International Steel Iron & Pipe Co. It is to have a capital of 550,000,- 000. It is proposed to build steel mills on both sides of the "Soo" Canal, to have a capacity of 600,- 000 tons. No.. Regiment at Quebec. Quebec April 49 -It has • been practically decided at lte.adquarters to organize a new regiment of eight companies out of the remains of the 70th and 81st Regiments, Champlain and. Portneut County corps, with headquarters at St. Anne de La Per- ade, in which case Major J. A. Rous- seau, M. P. for Champlain County, will be the .coannanding officer. . Mute Evidence of Wreelc. • Charlottetwon, P. E. I., 'April 29. -Five hundred seal pelts dri fteds ashore at Summerside on Saturday evening, at Curtain. Island, and 200 at St. Eleanor's Island. They aro probably skins belonging to one of the Newfoundland sealers. A' lot of wreckage also dell ea. among whiah was a brass rail, stet -tames deck, plank and ;:i ibm „ • ' Members iiivitect.to Quebec: Ottawa, Aaril 29. --An invitation has been exteneled by the I-Iarbor Commissioners of Quebec to members of Paeliarnent to visit the Ancient eapetal on Saturday, May 11. A special- train will be run front Otta- wa to Quebec onethat date, a',nd it is expected that many of the M.P.'s will take in the trip. • -Open on ;•itinda.3.-s,- Buititicie A-pril 29, -The Can will -be open on Sundays, front 1 p.nt, to p.m. Places of amuse - meat will be closed, e°11'clitiall is sgri°".riebacing 11. fibil sink bef"e any ilelP cenicordia Last 13oat of C4.7.th011 St. John, N. B., April 2,9 parliantent to Close Slay 20. sailiag tid the steamer Coneordia f••)1 Ottawa, April 29. -The expeettt- Glasgow On Saturday night OloSed tion now is that the House of Com_ the winter port business here for chc mons will conclude business abut peason„ kray 2(i.„ Attacked Chinese by the Great Wall on Tuesday .Last.. Chinese L•ost Flags and Old. Pashitined Gans-Ere:mit General, Intends to Re. turn to rao wing rik-marausling Ras Increased-A.nother Account of the Eight Gives Chieese orient For Raying Made a Strong Resistance, Berlin,, April 29.--Qount von Wel- dersee reports, under Pekin date of 27111, as fellows: Colonel noremeister, commanding the 4th Infautty and two companies of moutetain artillery, attaeleed the eAey April 23 by the Great Wall, ten • kilometres south of Shan -Hale Kwan, and forced theni to retire with beavy losses into Shan S. We lost four wounded and captured four flap and foar -old-fashioned guns, General' Voyeen intimates that he intends to aVacuate tbe neighborhoed of Siloam Ting and return to 13aq Ting Fn. Ills extreme outposts re-. main at Sin Lei. I arn keePing force at Ansuling Pass. wha fleid marshal also reports that marauding has increased near Ha. Si Wu Rod AraTu, awl that junks used as transports between these places have been attacked. Lieut. -Col. Ara- stadt bas been sent irom Tien Teta to the disturbed district in com- mend of a eamposite columu. • A 1111,1F41MiT ACCOUNT.. nbialt Shows That the Cltineso rut LTV Slrenx Ilesistancn, Pekin, April 26. - The report oe Gm Mettler, received bore from Suo Teu, differs from the other reportsl concerning the German -French PX", pedition previously received. Gen. Mettler's moon shows that the Ohi-• nese troops did not leave the pro- vince until they were forced to do sot Tile entire brigade, coreariended by Gen. Mettler, xnet the enemy on April, 23, end inflicted immense losses upou them The report did. not give this loss. The GerillaTIS had oue cace. and. three soldiers killed. and 28 soldiers wounded. The Chinese were forced to leave the province, and were fully demoralized. The French authorities stated that the Chinese had crossed the border of the pro- vince on April 19, in %Odell case they must have subsequently returned. Li Hung Chang says it is impossible to believe that Gen. Lui Wang Ting would. 110.V0 so flagrantly disobeyed his orders, and anxiously awaits the Chinese report of the encounter re- ferred to by Gen. Mettler. lame Chang. natures Cans. Li Ming Chang paid retura calls to the different legations Saturday. Nine Chinamen will be executed to- morrow in the American district for highway robbery and violence. The men, in question were tried and sen- tenced according to Chinese law,. but they are the first of such sentences ,,eo be anproved of by Gen. Olutffee. Gen. Gaselee, the British command- er, the officers of his staff and the entire British contingent; gave a farewell entertainment to the Ameri- can officers last night. All officers who were not actually on duty' were peesent, and the. tamest enthusaisea prevailed. Speeobes were made by Gen. Gaselee and Gen. Chaffee only. It is said at German headquarters that the briga.de of Gon. Mettler is returning to Pao Ting Fu. TheEnd :Ottheilltp,r . ine,y not be in sight, but one of the' biggest demonstrations ever held in Western Ontario will lake place at tParkhill,. May 24th, Twelve large committees are Meet- ing every night making arrangements to entertain everybody -young and old -a whole day and night of pleas- ure. Fraternity will be one of thee leading features of the day. 4.11 Societies will he largely represented. Leading mea from all parts of Canada will be present on behalf cif the differ- ent Societies. Uniformed Drill Corps, Cantons, Ermanipments, Corainandryst Big prizes for beet turnopte, hest drill, ete.. eta. Athletic Clainee, Trials of eRcree70:1 nship, Lacrosse, Baseball.- Football, Bicycle Races, Trick Riding,: te Parkhill Old Boys are Willing home. What a time well have, School children will have a big day.. In fact, all roads are sloping towardtend I am instructed, on be- half a the Mayor and citizens of Park- hill to invite all the people of Egeterr and surrounding country to spend Aroar 21th in Parkhill. 'rho; ItclotAli IS yovIrs for tIie 40toy. %.1 1-1 1.-,aughto11, See'y Citizens COrae GERMANS KILLED BE CAII$111,AX,S. 'Millionaire and His Secretary Eurdered and the Latter Eaten. Sydney, N. S. W., April 29. -Herr Mercke, a German millionaire,who was cruising ,in his yacht, and Herr Caro, his private secretaryi were re- cently murdered by natives of the- is- land of New Britain, off the north- east coast of Pappau. Herr- Caro's body was eaten. . Berlin, April 20. -.Emperor has ordered Capt. Passchew of the German second-class cruiser. Hasa' to acommand i. punitive expedition from China to avenge the murder of Herr etercke. Popo Speaks to Journalists. London, April. 29.-A special from Roma, says the Pope in receiving" a deputation of French and Belgian iournalists, spoke at length upon the anti-Christian 'spirit prevailing in many, countries, against which he hoped Christian journalists would ef- fectively, battle.. He profoundly re- gretted that Many teepees, conspicu- ous for their intellectual strength, were so disassociated from religious ideals, and he prayed they would awaken to their responsibility to God and humanity in this respect. Veteran Sioldier Disappears. Chatham., Ont., April 29. co Where is John 0.Phee.2 He has been absent front his home for two weeks. John - °Piece is a veterau soldier of the re- bellion;of 1837 and ,the lounian Raid of 18'66. Two we6ks ago yesterday -he left his home in Cedar Springs alid came to, Chatham, and called. at , the' offire of Lieitt.-Col. Rankin. He was arotincl the city during the day, het selee thin hes rot been seea by his relatives. Some persons think he May have met with foul play. A Nteel Co. Pinot llurned Latrobe, Penn., April 29. -Last night the entire tipple, engine house and boiler house of the Dorothy Coal and Coke plant' of the American Steel and Wire Company was a smouldering mass of ruins, and it is -rumored that either four .or . six lictinershave lost their lives. The loss is estimated at $1.50.000; fully insured. tierbert SPencer 81. ,iNeW York, April 29. Herbert Spencer, whose 'health is most feeble', spent his 81st birthday at Brighton on Saturday virtually in solitude. Ilis autcanograinty Iles received, its firtektouelees, but he is Unable to do any eiteeanned work, or even converse with visitdhse Prance is Uneasy, Landoll. April 87. -On the Nowa foundiand question The Libre Peet role of Paris yesterday said the notei already issued by the British Gov.; ernment is conciliatory enough, but seeing how often the British have doe liberately embittered this questione France cannot he otherwise than wee easy until tlie ultimate outcome the fresh negotiations. Tao Inalaccueuel Convention, London, April 27. -Premier 3304 of Newfoundland has requested GA British Government to secure thle ratification of the Bond -Dial= Con* vention, and. err. Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary,, bas notified Mt Road that he has taken the matt elin, and haft conmunticated with Calle °Ala. Sir liuis Ashmead-Bartiett Pined. London, April 27. -Sir Ellis Ash' mead -Bartlett, M.P., was summoner to appear at a Police Court yeSter- day for assaulting a lawyer's clerk; who had endeavored to serve Woe with a, bankruptcy notice for ,e482. As the result, of the caSe Sir was fined ten shillings. Shot An the Spina Brockville, April 27.-I1etrold Ma - joie a 16 -year-old lad of Prescott, was out rifle shooting with two °tit? er boys in the woods,' when one 04 his companions fell, discharging gun. The bullet lodged. in Alajorli back, near the spine. and he may sheet of Persia Dying. ' BerlIn," April 27.a -The Cologne Gar. zette's St. Petereburg correspondent telegraphs that the condition of they Shall of Persia is becoming wars, His liver- aucl kidney affections awe difficulty of respiration are assuming more acute forms. Col. Dent at Listowia. Listowel, Ont., April 27. - 04 Dent, Arnim. Gore and Dr. Irreser; president Royal Victoria Veterinarn College, London, Eage. arrived rre Toronto yesterday and purchased horses for shipment to South rica. an Three Committed. . Toronto, April 27. -Rutledge, Rieo aud Jones appeared before Magi - trate Denison yesterday and were' committed for trial on the charge of attempting to enter the Standard; Bank in Parkdale in May, last. • FOR 'OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD ANA], WELL-TRAIST 11E1A0DV.-Mrs.. Wiuslow's'Soothing Syrup has been tired for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their' children while ivethin . with. perfect sum. It soothes the child. sof ns the gums. at.. yr, al pain, cures wind colic, mulls the best remedy for Dia/Three. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottie. Its yalue is incalculable. Be euro and ask for lV•Ps inslow's dSoothir.T Syrup and take no other kin. Illl. rroffl YOqr fi01116 Dcalcr; Our goods are the best that money can buy. Our, prices are as low as the low- est. Our terms are of the: • tnost liberal kind, ' kVe are one of yourselves. These are good reasons why we claim your patron- age. We have always on hand', Pianos, Organs, Sewing Ma.' chines, Sewng Machine' -Needles„ Oils and Repairs; .also Violins, Guitars, Mander- lins, ),3anjos, Sheet and l3ook Music, Song and ,MuS'ic Folios, Music Teachers Sup -- plies, etc. A Cali Solicited.