Exeter Times, 1901-5-2, Page 3eet,
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a.
harmless substitute fe.r Castor Oils Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium*
roiorpleine nor oti4er Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty •years' nee by 16/iPilons QC
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish.
nes& Cas(oria, cures Diarrheea and WindColic, Castoria
relieves Weetleing Trouble, ,eleree Constipation ana
Flatulency. Castor ia assimilates the Roods Pegulates
the Stonteeelt and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
pauaceetc-The Mother's Friend.
4reaserhe is aa exedlent medicine for
sahltdren. Minims repeetedly teal me
of its pod effect upon *lair caUdren."
Pa. O. Wawa, 44r4c;14,4Van.
" CaSt9r4 Sa well adapted to chleare
that 1xeconimend it tie Superior to :my pia-
ecription anewn to
ef, Aaenea. Ilreatern,
Our Ottawa LPtter.
OTTAWA, 30th April.
Withal the last few weeks there
has been au agitation te to away
with Ilausard and for a year or two
there buSleeen an attempt -to 'its; presS
the ReOple With the idea that what
was wanted at Otteeta wasa bulei-
:lees parliament arid aot, “tielleee-
talkee." What is tile meitoing Of. tile
Veoed parliament but a place were
people speak? The only speaketig
which eau take place there is speaking
either in -the interests Of the. pnonlie or
Which presses to be in thine iatereet.
Any roan who knows whatis gelog sae
would say whae is Ileeded Is eleetre
speaking of thexight kind, Red it&
opposition's talk is of the eight.: Isipd.
Oidy by speech, by cralciene by
attack, by ceipplaiut on the part. or
the opposite:ea es any email put on OX.
trevAg_anee PO corruption -and" thia
gorb irovN1 have bait its linke taken
away ana its Strength and peater
a pressure destroyed if there Isere. Po
Hansard, because the newspapers :de
net profess to eport all that takes
1 plaCe in the House.
The Perliamentary week Witteh
closed on Saturday wornin.g as the
minute hand turned the half -way
house to two o'clock WAS all OTentrIll
2141ci.p'atba414 r i4t
raAtivailmoolecaAAne A sphsitareirtarect Oaten%
vie:stew •4Q16. 4142140 is of iblastreedroar4
idabaleura•hleattesantandaiderietes. ithasirgeorodoleln
OA We nEnesrarina anal. ZailibtaLtaisruilorarizerisoiRbie
isrseillsgenieliske,Smaderal onee. aped fermata cOek
Vile license hoard for West Huron, 14 bee, weble a whit leilawn
at adjourned meeting greeted dent *if Ca anion. diVii 9 mhimily
]icence to Mr. Ben. &whs. of Ooder- (MY "Taillike A POI 21. et Ieleele
ich, m *king a new licence in Met Webb u as u' 8() years of epee
t own.
Children Cry for
NY • shandsomoopen
Niond IVadeir„'Arneri.
al= Layer narersoit
for ashlar only 2 deg.
rattagai Otant b. Pea
Modes 10e.speclage. 'Loeb pub&
ace cantatas esplesillilmIxto ta onto
le) os t trscran C v.rletlos,gall antord.
an,yrh000u rib; retuinkhlik taosawoketalio tni tacu!
in iihnirertisemera nava IOU Annuli Um Soots.
lithen,teitaratliessoney.arsinegostraniaseare ttaUe
, or your WOOa% % imam %Villa -to Say, a a the moan Ss
atolls Mot. Seed/Supply Co., Toruu to
1 feel better this morning, thank
you. I took a Laxa-Liver Pill last
might and it worked like a charni—
headache and biliousness are all
I've heard many ladies say they
tvoulan't be without Laxa-Liver
.Pills—they're such an easy pill to
pie, do not gripe or sicken, and
Lire constipatiou dyspepsia, sour
$toinaeli, coated tongtte, bstl breath
And all stomach analivar
fonefit Derived
from Using
:Milburn's Pills
:For Nervousness.
Sept. a8th, moo.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
- Dear Sirs -I wish to let you know of
the benefit I have derived by using your
I am a widow with a family to support,
and have to work hard, which is very
trying on my nerves.
At night I was unable to sleep for hours
after going to bed, and it seemed as if
every nerve in my body was on the go.
, , I had a smothering, choking sensaiiipa,
and had to spriag out of bed to catch nay
Milburn's Heart and Nerve rills have
chine me so muck good that I Cal won -
reeled them highly to way person affileted
, ten heart and nerve trouales Like I wee. i
Yours With retituele I
Wei. Rem&
oua Oold Inns. se
aria:tater nun
...051: 15 parasol/ or
ee the ea therms% eerie.
ths. 4/shooters assist ins
ash otheare% awl worn{ rat.
werttaatiols, aellekent,
terntbe mow:, euilittle teas.
111111.Solleld. Pearled lUng
elf loasabaiou.nuadir}7
ot la sr elretUsegi bor. Write today'. Abet veldt.
hut Mt1113. Aut. Seca Sunnis Co.,2Sorenta. Can.
ontreal Grocer
in Trouble
; With his Back and Kidneys,
' but at last found relief
in Doan's Pills.
: Mr. P. Gaillemette, under date a An.
otilth, 1901, writes:
Dear Sine -For ten years 1 enffered from
pains across my back, both sides and be-
tween my shoulders. In fact at times I
was doubled up with pain, and my urine
was highly colored. 1 saw- Doan's Pills
advertised, so procured four boxes and must
say they have effected a complete mire. I
owe my present good health to Doane: Pills
and cannot reeminend them too highly to
..any.e,nd all 'mitering krom backache and
kidney troubles.
Little Liver Pills.
Mist Sear Signature of
Fac-Shasile Wrapper Below.
Tara melon dila. as oasy,
to take as sugar.
4ICK Oiltikkee01%.
TUE FALL OF reenruSa
Is the heading of au article in the
Evening News, of Toronto, which
commented, on the striking circime-
stauce that the Blogreplay portraie
of the Premier Wad hissed from ;di
parts of the Theatre here. It was a
most unusual thing, How le it to he
ccourated for? Nicholas Flood Davin,
he author et the Article, assigns two
Ruses for it. First Laurier'a own
xtraordinary "levity of opinion,'" 50
that it Is irapossiple to know vrbere lw
at. Secondly, the deeds of leis
lends and colleagues which be amn-
ions and for which be is therefere
seousible.---the sharp and ebeely transs
actions; Conee circular to the census
officers.; lus circular to the !Riot* a
the parish ; the circular of the ROSS
teeeernment inviting fraud ad per-
jury in order to get atthe politics 'of
lads from sixteen to twenty-one;
WaWs eontract with, the Oleavieue
company; defiance of all the
eafe,guards of the publio pnrse; the
violence that the Government meaue
o strike at electoral freedom by
ogging electoral machinery I the in-
fficiency of the Department, of Agri -
Whim; the extrAvagance of WWII in
pending vast sums on immigration
o reward heelers bringiug in Doukho-
hors; Tarteei 418114.5W of workmen to
the number of eie to replace them, as
he admitted, by partisans; All thin
and more has brought the aaveru-
ment into ill odour.
On Wednesday v. Northrup of
Hastings, moved to refer the Nipiss-
mg election steal to the Committee of
privileges and election and was voted
down by 9t to 51„ The election act
Provides that excepting Algoma All
the elections in Ontario at general
election shall take place on the liallde
day. The nomination was on the
3list of October. On that day the Ice -
turning officer together with his
clerk hid theraselvee so that no no-
minatiou could take place. Mr.
Mock was at the place Appointed
with his friends to make hie deposit
and put in hie nomination papers.
But no returning officer was to be
Meanwhile the returning officers
had made trips to Ottawa end saw
the Secretary of State who told him
first to go on and hold the election on
the old liats of 1808, On the 20th the
memorandum for an order in Conn-
cil wee passed instructing the sheriffs
of Algoma to prepare new voters' lists.
The newspapers show that the fourth
ministers could not have signed the
memorandum as they were far from
Ottawa at the tiine-On the 10th of
was issued on the 10th of November.
The Solicitor -General admitted there
was no precedent for such a thing -
there was no law or constitution e for
ite And if the conduct of the Govern-
ment is to form a precedent. there is
no limit to the tampering of an un-
scrupulous Governmeat with elections
and tho time when they shall be held
can be juggled with to any extent.
But in the history of Parliament or
for that matter in the history of
human degradation there never was
such an exhibition as Blair made last
week Something like ten or more
days before, on the 9th of April he
asked for $500,000 to pay for rails to
be manufactured by the Clergue com-
pany. He stated he had made a con-
tract for 25,000 tons of rails at p2.6o
ton for this year, and, had an arrange-
ment for 25,000 for each year for four
years at the market price in England
-ou the 10th he brought down a
draft of the contract. He stated when
laying it on the table that his Deputy
told him the Clergue people had not
returned the contract executed, and
that they said to him "Telegraph to
have them return it executed. The
contract was found to be an absolute
contract for five years without any
provision for the approval of Parlia-
ment. The contract was shown to be
an improvident contract, as it was
made in a falling market; one month
-a suspicious thing before the election,
and $7 a ton being lost therefore on
the first 25,000, while as regards the
succeeding feur years the company
could choose its own time to fix the
current rate in Vngland. Mr. Blair
did not appear in the House for going
on three weeks. Then what did he do?
He says there was no contract, that
the contract had never been seen by
him! Never read by- him A con-
, tract for $4,000,000 The Government
forced bim to come ' forward and
make this bare faced statement and
then. they backed up the falsehood.
which I attended could leave no
doubt on any mind, but that Cook
spoke the truth when he said he was
offered Senatorship for $10,000 and
did not get it because he refused to be
bled -Sir Richard was put in the box
and could remember nothing, could
not, remember when he met Cameron's
Son within a fortnight and could not
remenaber whether this hopeful youth
was to get a billet which yet is the
ease, nevertheless letters of Cameron
were found to make the conclusion
plain, and as Mr. Marsh said the eva;
deuce incriminated net only 5 -ix
g.ieuard but . •the premier binaSeit
The appearance of that Matt Fr:e.Ston
in the witness box was some think anr-
•,0Yer, Europe and, flood the country •
2,01, a pd this i'S, „130,e. •cm,v au: Siftott gives
$3,000 a year and eXpenses to galavant
with Doulthohors and Italiana,
On Tnesday a great deal of time
WAS.,___. giver. to Lihour, First yon had
the alleyfield strike and later on yctt
had $ACKItl Tates in the Labbur
Graxette„ .When. • tbe - Government as
Mr. Re Rorden. 1)&00; out was pass-
ing Its fair wages clause resolution
'Mr. Nicholas. Flood. Davin, urged it
:they were sincere to put it in the form
of a bill and thus make it obltgatoree.
But that was net tisane and therefore
we Rod it is not. working • as satisfac-
tory as was expected. The criticism
of the vote showed that there is a
great deal of money spent on the
Gazette and that it is not kept • as
clear a politicM bias as it elueald, he,
- . IMIteeNee tea ezapEa.
On Tuesdey. when Mr. Oleic :made
his turn about race transformation act,
Mr, )3ortlen, the leader a the ePP )-
sitiott vindleAteel his choice foe. leader.
•Ile held ',jr. Blair out. Then, when
tbe rretnier came forward to tier to
Prove that there was II9 OgatraCt ler
:Rye years and read the order in Mlle -
ail Whiele prOaides for sect) a contract
and in face makes a contract, tbe
leader of -the opposition pot lean too !I
on the Wase and when Mr, Fielding
was rash enough to .tpiote a law ease
to peeve that a contract - with a,
fleyerrienent may he repuditited by Par-
ilantent„ Mr Borden showed that in
that case there was freed and proved !,
abundantly that where there are holm, !
on the pert of the contractor,
Parliament will not repudiate conteace :
With a Ooternment mien though it he ;
improvident, Hence the incompe-;
tepee or worse of the action of the '
government. The way Mr. Borden !
Diet the fare:POO Olen me the tainise
teried side and gave a .good, account a
them WAS both strong and neat, And j.
demonstrated that the opposition have
found an effective leader, a leader too, ,
.whose skirts are free front the in trig. f
nes and. follies, and coteries of the
PICISL TfIR OFeears ellearelialla.
All of Friday was givenup to the
Census Circutara the fraudelent cir-
ciders 102 commissioners geld they;
had not Seen, and the Answer ot the i
teethe others were equally fishy. In
regard to the .eircular to the parish
priests in Quebec, it was ehowie that
.only to French speaking prieets was
the circular sent asking them to fiend '
Mr. Cote the names of than who had
end rated to the United States. leir. 1
Barker read an article from Le Soleil,
the organ of the Liberal party, point. '
ing out thee the larger the popuation
of Qiiebec could be made .ont to he,
the smaller the representation in the
Rouse of Commons from the other •
.pfavluces. The lamest excuse was
given for the word "Confidential!' be. i
Ing on the circulars. The object, ae '
Mr. Barker said, was only too pia in.
right taeorganiza aketheemaieufacteia-
Plan to Fight the J. P. Morgan
meeting Held in Pittsburg I'velianiner7 I
to. Mammoth Convention in Chiertgo
About JUIY 1 -Secret Movement It
Pathered by Many the Dig Xabor
ireaders-Preshient GoloPers Of ^Oa
Anserimui redo rat ion 4 gaiOst iiciente.
Pittsbarg. April 29,---Ilefitle the idea
of fOrxrdag 031'2 I)* labor anion
evit1e",2.900.040 members by commit -
dating all the mamas in the United
Statee, a Preliminary meeting was
held iniglets or Labor 1101 litre
me Saturday.
The object, is to put lobor in a
position to rosist attacks by combiu-
ations of capital like J. P. aforgan'a
billion -dollar steel trust. It is pro-
posed to form the big nuion at a.
conveation to be aeld in Chicago
about July a.
Among the Pittsburg leaders who
attended Saturday's meeting were
ratienet reeeedeet I._Ill. Thomivi a p
the Pattein itaairs. Nittional Pres-
edent Simon Berne et the eeindowe
Glees Workees, NativonaI PitiMint
John Ifeephr. el we age C..eass
teeters, Vetional Wesitlent
Sheffer of" the Iroe end Steel Week: -
ere. And Secretery J. W. Pryle of
the Striietural Irian Workers.
lender may as Secret Movement,
te you ever contracted any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the v
pasou ides been eradicated front the system. at thugs you. see aternft* symptom,
but rive in hope ,s no serious results will follow. Te you aoy of the following
oirmSto. Ms? Sore throat, racers on the tongue or irt tn.*, m_olitb, hair falling Out,ech.
tag pa.ns itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches on tuenodY, eyea reel aaa smert,
dyspee-ule storulch, sexual wep..kness--indicationa of toe secondary etega, newt
trust to 1.2C1F. Pant ruin your system with the old fogy tr4aturent-mwqr7 and
potas13.7wh5ch poly suppresses Om symptoms for a time only i0 break oat again wh ett
happy in domestic life. Don't let quacks experiment on yon. OUrNEW METHOD
TREATlYiAbiT is goomnteed to cure you. Our guareenteess are eeeteleed
boo& bcoAda
have been, already eared,tw oor NEW hiRTECOD
bY that t.he disease will neverirreRtEurnA 14TasionTsalondr Twocfr240p47teieaurtes,
and no return of the disease. No experiment, no eislaanet a "Retch up," eta wale
tive cure. The Worst cases solicited.
OU st TOM. rafFearletfaXe leleEdalteleMetele will cure Tont aria make a Inez
1 .7(9u. Under its iolluence the brain becomes active, the blood purihed so that
nil imuldes. blotobea and ulcers disappear; the nerves become atroug as steel, so
hat nervousness 'bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright,
the face full and Mear, energy returusto the body, and The moral, physical, and sex.
ual systems me 111vigorate4; .alldrainsegase-no rnom Vital,'WaSta AVM use system.
'2'.'1 various organs become natural:and manly. you feet etomeest a, amie aud sieow
marriage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially
agd free of charge. Don't let onacke and fakirs rob yoa of your herd-eareea
deners. Slt4 Miele Cleaa You- OR NO PAT.
t MI &BUM DW4AS$S, and all 415c9Pe5 peenaer a) men and weracm cures riarage
I teed.
f HABER! Are yen a victim? ga-ve you lost hope/ Are you gootemplathig
. marriage? Ras your blood been. lisseased? Rave you any week-
s nesse Our New Weald Treaenteat wile eureyent. Consultation
feeee„, No matter wbe has treater/yen, write for an honest opinion r ree af Charge.
Chargea. reaSonable, itaratra fres.-'11e Golden Monitor" iillnstratedl anDiseasesof
men oDmeases of Women"' °Wise W*ea Ot Siii." "Yexiceeetet SteketaheeadQiedeh"
a -lee -eat Free sealed. _
leo medicine eent te, 0. no name se neees or envelopes. Everyildn
Confide:die!, Question 1is ead Cost of Treatment FREE for Home Cure
148 SHEL.Y ST.
rresiOeut Thonta.s 5n opeutps the ,
meeting, ettid thet for ;mule tblie
there bad been meter way a Searet
1110Ve5o9t to bring all the trees un- '
Ions together aral that, while it I,
Atiarted witk the oblect of merely
ameigitroatieg the allied metal
trAtice. it had ROW gone further, a.uil
artisan awl ordinery )aborcr he'd
come to the COUChiniiiil that nothing
In the weyeef organization was im-
possible. Tke example tor consolida-
lien, he isaid, had been fureithed by
J. Pierpout Alorgan„
Mr. Thomas said delegate" reere-
sviting 200,000 tredes untemieta-
nuiehletiets. iron moulders. boiler
makers, ship builders, electrical work-.
tars, blacksmiths, patterxmalters, core
makers, brass fiuishere, metal polish- ,
lens and :stove soongera-liad already ,
been chosen to the Chicago coriven-
Ile added that recently the build-
ing trades had twee organized
Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Buffalo, Rochester, Nor York Doo -
trait, San Pranciscoi '
waukce., Scranton and Havelord.
eaid These ro.des, o
the movement, Labor. Mr. Thonaas '
declared, could be brought under 11
one heed that would, if present
plans were auccessful, be operated ou
the ,ealue principle as the combines.
Shafrer Payers Restriction. -
National l'resident Shaffer said bo
favored on big. organization with
one federal head, but lie did not
think it shouiii go outside of the in-
dustries controlled by the United
States Steel Corporation. Ire said
• the workingmen had NO as paucle
njured his Spine While Lifting, and
the Doctors Told Him He Would
Never Full Recover -But He is Once
More Free from the Trouble.
From the Brockville Recorder.
In the western section of Leeds
county there is no man better known
than Charles II. Wilcox. Re has re-
sided in the vicinity of McIntosh Mills ,
for years, and during much of the
time has conducted a very successful
saw -milling business. AU of Mr. Wil- ;
cox's neighbors know that he was a I
great sufferer for years from a lame
back, and most of them know that
this affliction has now happily passed •
away. Mr. Wilcox says be owes this ,
happy release from pain to Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, and those who know
him will not for an instant question:
the sincerity of his statement. He
gives the story of his suffering and
subsequent cure in the following state-
ment :-"One day while working in
the mill, and engaged en lifting lumber
I had the neisfortnne to severely
wrench my back. I was so badly in. ,
jured that I had to be carried home,
and for six months I was practically
unable to move, and suffered great
torture. The doctor told me that I I
had injured my spine and that I would it
.never fully recover from its • efiects.
At last I was able to go ;Ilion t again,
but was far from being the man 1 had
been before. For years I suffered al-
most continually from pains in the
back, and was unable to lift any heavy
weight, At times the pain was so bad
that I was unable to work at all, andl
I was often confined to tbe house for
days at.a time. During this time I )
was treated by four differenb doctors!
but their treatment did not seem to do,
me any good. They told me that ow-
ing to tbe injury to my spine my back
would alwaysebe weak. Seeing that
the doctors were unable to here, me,
and havingread of the many cures re-
sultingfrom the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Fills, I decided to give them a
trial, and procured a supply. Very
soon I could see that they were reliev-
mg me a little and this encouraged me
to continue their use. In all I took
about ten boxes and when they were
finished my back was as , strong as
ever. The pains that had racked my
body for so many years had entirely
disappeared, my back felt as strong as
before the injury. It is now two
years since I discontiaued the use of
the pills and in all that time I have
not had an ache or pain, so that I cau
safely say that my cure is permanent.
I would advise all similar sufferers to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for know-
ing what they have done for me, I am
confident that they cannot be less suc-
cessful in other Caps."
These pills are §old by all dehlers in
medieine or may be had by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $150 by
addressing the Dr. W imams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont. Do not take
any substitute or any other remedy
alleged to be "just LIS 00a."
crs to combine, and for their perscm-
al protection, as well as for the pro-
tectioxt of their fellowman, they
should become identified with the
President Samuel acimpers of the
American Federation. of Leber, Gen-
eral Master Workman John N. Par-
sons of the Knights of Labor, and
tbe heads of the other great la-
bor organizations in the -United
States and Canada, will be invited
lo the Chicago convention.
Gampere Against the Scheme.
Washington, April 20.-1'resident
GOmpers of the American Federation
of Labor, gave out the folloevirig
statement regarding the Pittsburg
project 1, or the organization of a
Central Labor Union:
"It seems to nee that it is -useless
to attempt the formation of a new
general organization of labor, for,
as a matter of fact, never in the his-
tory of labor has there been such a
union of the workers as there is o -
day under the banner of the Ameri-
can Federation of Labor, Anything
that the organized workers can do,
can be done most, effectually through
the already equipped Anaerican. Fed-
eration of Labor. It is simply a
question whether :the members and
organization will it so."
FOR A NINE 1101:11t DAT.
A. Hundred Thousand Machinists May
Strike*on may 20.
New York, April 29. -One hundred
tho-usand machinists throughout the
United States may strike on May 20
Tor a nine -hour day.
Notice to all machinery manufact-
urers in the country was sent out ley
the International Association of Ma-
chinists yesterday, to the effect that
100,000 machinists will demand a
nine -hour work day on May 1. The
employers will be given until May
20 to make known their intentions.
An. arbitration ageeement,oxisis be-
tween the National Metal Trades As-
sociation. of Einplayere and the In-
ternational Aseoelettion 'of Machin-
ists, referring all griataaces to a
permaieent Board of Arbitration.
The Metal Trades Aasaciation of
Employers has nearly iticty thousand
workinen, and it is believed that
there will he no strike among these.
More than ninety thousand other
11111011 and n on -u ti ion machinists have
no , arbitration agreements with their
employers, and strikes are expected
19 all shops ancl factories in which
the denia.red for a nine -hour day is
not granttd
M111 (ratter instant iy
nsilinim.1,6sote ol\. A
frthe 1)etril2
Most highly respected mill men in
the cOunty, was instantly killed In
his mill on Saturday atternpOlio. ,
was sawing lardwood -timber. wheel
tho saw caught the .
100 pounds, whjhliad4t hew flea
eft, hurling it back with intrrilIC
the edge strikiug c-eas
he fell dead. Ile .
W. lead
leoto It mar to Italie Peary cow Sae
The Meeetien Ali to 'edict/ter It as to
raise dairy cows to eell is efteu teased
end discussed, says L. W. Liglity In
National Stovisunan, but much. depends
on the stock a man raises and tile r.ale
be has for his byproducts. Were I to
11.ell my shim:atilt 1 could get only 8
e ents per 100 potuule. I can plate eon-
aiderable lowland bay that Is a little
rough and coarse and has practically
no market value, as it Is not salable,
but young stock thrives ou it
Looking over my accounts. I find the
*est about as follows the first year;
Value at call when drer;ted.... ...
14 cwt., afamaiii.; at Se ... .•,...•., 4
itLIZ diAjaa ••••••••••••1 *** ** •••••••••••••10,1••, 2
Ifay aareieele ••••••••••••OR•••• o .... 4040411•••••• $
0/1111 o•• .......... ale .... . •114••11 ..... •••••••••
• ••••••••• 000000 •••••••••••• oo *4 00000 • oo •*141$
When about a year old, the heifer Is
served, and for tile next nine months it
costs just about half as much as it
costs um to feed a COW one year, or $15,
Tbus It costs me $2$ to produce a
heifer with a, cnIf at its side. I doubt
If they can be raised much cheaper in
Ms pert or the country.
If sold at this time, there would be
very little or 110 profit, Indeed, but if
we have the right class of stools the
heifer from now on will pay its way
and some prolit besides, My heifers
frequent17,Preduce,;100, pounds or more
ilutter tifelirst $.erir.. 1 havellieln tweAti
bred to start with. I feed and train
them into good dairy cows, awl when
or 5 years old I find no trouble to sell
them at from .$43 to se05. Ordinary
scrubs at from $25 to $35 would bring
us no profit, but rather loss, but dairy
COWS in the true sense of the term are
lways ready sale at good Prices. Rav-
ing done this kind of work for some
years, my COWS have won for them-
selves a reputation, and very frequent-
ly 1 have customers who keep but one
or two cows for family use and are
Nettling to pay for guarlinteed stock.
I keep a careful record of all my
cows, and my monthly milk sheets
show just bow much milk each cow
gave. 2 have a Babcock tester, and. if
the customer wishes It I make a test
right before his eyes. The very best I
always keep for my own -use and to
breed from.
This makes me a profitable market
for some unmarketableajeaa" and gives
me a profitable outlet for toy skim -
milk. Under certain conditions it is
more profitable to buy than to raise,
but that makes a market for those who
are favorably situated to raise them.
The conclusion is that it pays to raise
good stock under certain conditions.
Poor scrub stock never pays.
age WAS eonsldered a ialrJypod cove
bet the cow that does not produce 89(1
pouude of butter per year now is hard.
ly considered up to date. This has
been brought about by organization%
by breediug and by studying the prob-
lem and Mailing out bow the milking
nbiUty ot the machine could be de-
lIoneensade Koureiss.
COVII Milk shoul4 be diluted
eue-third Its volume of water and two
teaspoonfele of white sugar added per
quart of liquid. A email portion of WS
Is rubbed lute a paste, whieli is thea
placed la strong bottles and allowed to
Ferment. After a few days, durioN
which the bottles should be repeatedly;
sbakep, a beverage of great value in
cases of digestive disturbance as well
as of excellent palatabilltr for a
• healtby person is produced. Especial
cere must be used in corking the bete
flee tightly, and It IS eater, owing to
the great pressures produced by the
fermentation, to wrap the bottles ill et
heavy cloth before shaking them.
Dairy Evolution.
The latest development in the dairy
Industry and one that has attracted
the most attention probably is dairy
bacteriology, says D. W. Willson of
Illinois In The American Agriculturist
It is only a few years since that the
study of bacteriology has been suffi-
ciently scientific- to reach milk and its
production. Today we find that the
man who is up In his business is the
dairyman who fully understands bac-
teria, where tbey eotne from, how they
go and how to determine the good from
tbe bad. The man who has the best
knowledge along that line is the man
who Is best fitted to carry on dairying
scientifically and exactly and to guar-
antee that his product will be al-
ways uniform provided his milk or the
raw product has been delivered to him
in the proper shape.
Marketing dairy products has been
almost entirely revolutionized within
the last 25 years. The methods ot
transportation have improved, and the
methods of packing, packages and han-
dling in every way have been so rad-
ically changed that the handler of but-
ter of 25 years ago would hardly be
able to understand or appreciate wbat
has been accomplished unless he had
grown up, as It were, with the improv-
ed methods.
We must bave the dairy type, con-
formation of the cow to the business
for which she is designed. We look
upoa the cow now as simply a machine
through which be products of tho
farm are passed and from which we re-
ceive the milk in its perfect Qonditi on.
The cow that would produce 100 ot
200`Vounds of butter per year 60 years
Illinois/ Standard of Create.
In Illiuois the lave declares thet
ereara must contaln 12 per cent of but-
ter fat. Most of the cream sent in by
farmers contains about 25 per ceet.
This enables dealers to buy creanz at
GO cents n gallon. add an equal quant).
ty of milk or water to it and then sup-
ply it to buyers at 40 cents a
seys tht. Chieegoeeeerie Thoeuelez
eifeziotheeelhetrearctIntractilie, hti•
east, or they would reduce it one -I
und then askidouble the pries. tin it
or aboui 31/ Cents 11 ouart
Th Visit Uri Wand.
• LOhiltill, April 27.-A despateh (.4
The I .en en 'hilly ldiI from 51.•
Petersburg says that the Cear and
Czarina will privately visit Eng/and-
and Lcumion dtiring the coming sea-
son. They will attend the Glasgow
Ilevelt in Algiers.
Algiers, April 27. -Tho natives
broke out in revolt. yesterday near
the town of Milianan IIS Oren Pro-
vince. The deputy administrator of'
the provin a and some native horse-
men are ',ported as prisoners with
the rebels.
rive Hen Buried Alive..
Springfield, Mo., April 27.---at0ae-
bud mine at Aurora, caved in yester-
day, and buried five men at a depth
of 110 feet. It, may be a. month 'be-
fore their bodies can be reached.
Jerked of His Head.
Clayton, N. M., April 27. -Thos.
E. ICetchum, alias "Black Jack,"
the train robber, was hanged at
1.31 p. in. The rope beolce, butlite
fall jerked Xeectium's hea0...efte
OLISMPOIriMSDOW,T.... ows.—ae 141tos..1-.
Unusual uestion !
If your 5 digestion needs
rest—whatever else may
true—you can get it fro
Liver Oil.
Whatever else it may '6
it is a vacation for stomacli.
partly for bowels.
It feeds you a little Av"
any work at all by thz stom
That little may be enudg
set your whole body
again; for it helpyou
than it feeds you.
n you bave set tried it send for frenel
agreeable taste w11 ,.iirprise you.
60o. and $ Leo ; all druggd