Exeter Times, 1901-5-2, Page 1ter
TWENTY-EIGIUTli ,r. Pr' AR --NO, 38.
Bishop 74 Son
Hardware, Etc,
o1ler ,
D. i3
� >
anor aa
ate et 7or0 in teislt Dentists. ta,h
Bar�--3 '
eetTaetecl vat uur#paor bast effects. Othea has fia s to spend thesunder
a Petty'sBlock,e s31. At Zarich exen:erer daughter, Mrs. Johnston, of Bur-
i £a1o. -Miss MageieNorris has return -
PI 0-, m io er a
u er art . o errs Public, o,. 4 t' cd to her home after speeding' a
15 tondaY.00ramencing 1►fav3Qth,
G d $ th i d I� t 1? bli e; nvexai
cer, Com ase n Fir Insurance Agent, and
Just Arrive
Car Portland Cement,
Car Coil Spring Wire
Barb and
Woven Steel Wire
Poultry Wetting, all sizes.
Prices Right.
iota*. Insurer et Marriage Licenses. LCEa1 documents coup e o 'wee s n ea or . - ss
R 1 HOP..
carefully drown at r+4 susiable: rajas,.oaaey Myrtle Hodgins, of Hensen, was visits
to loan on ,real estate at low rates of interest i erg„ eat the home of Mr. and Mrs, J.
Otocc at the Post Mee, Remelt
•t rth
B ofPickard, se=�,o
VAS in the village this week, -MIs,
Robt. Patterson, Jr.. is vtsitiaxg friends
in Exeter, -The brickwork'"of T. J.
Berry's new barn is completed. ---A
crowd of young folks, from Zurich at -
Berry. a.
Deet -mood
A. Seltery, Dentiist, will visit I.1asbwood. ort
T err. AlAy tla, toipract}ce Dent. vy
.tat all its branches.
Routleilgo vcieriaary Surgeon. Alt di
Locals .
evthe idle
Beverley & toG
ea a Hateton of
-peter a vfor the Q House a ra 'e ti
cher al d
r n
Opera fr
o£ a 'O
of •e „ Opera Com-
any ta•night, (Thttireday.) 1 This is an
i is
event; t:x r• Digi err i I lu 1 t•'r-
t, t,t n y n i sc a
ekes. The company numbers 20 pea-
ple, comprising some of•tlte very best
operatic`talent on the stage, and a. well
di°filled cliorus of carefully selectsd and
trained voices. They present Stahl's
famous, coolie opera "Said sPasha"
which hes met with such phenorneu-
al success in all larger cities of Can-
ada. and lithe United States;
. resignation of Rev. W. Graham, nose
of Doruorio Since that time ti
a a3 thea ioa
charge e b s seen ups -i ad i �n
incident tochurch � t
nerd nt a eli zt. rah u t actor,
but it. is but right to sad- that, it is not
entirely ti t r i
the falai c £ he people here
n p
but the blame partly treiongslita the
Presbytery id' Huron who were fruit.,
1essiy engaged in sche?nnes galore for
re -arranging the fields of augmented
charges. Now. however, e e have
been left its we were and the. people
' at ttte aforesaid meeting' gave a, unani-
mous e::ll to Rev. John itieeNcil, who,
we understand, bias accepted :end the
ndu.ticae is fixedr. for Thursday, lith of
s- • Mays -316s IoaFowlie, alto has been
tended the League meeting to the y -eases otdonaesti.animals treated. ail ealts Exeter Public Sehooi Report :tit with .in€leaurnaitory ,11euntatisni, as
iltethodtst souses,on Sunday eveinng, dial orni !r et , promptly attendee.
John1leirraLtr, o£ 1Vinghain, sura of OntAri°, Progressing'slowly towards recovery.
>o�ort xozr.. lilts i3ertte Brown is et
txzl ,-R kessts, rAlkert Master aoci s present
Jatites rte:eras; town be a -letter slaeuir,-' terra des os d of their ,l iv- Room, [c i AND Ii' --Grass A" T'r 'y r very ill ars aL res"i➢t of saver,Ll cc+tat: els-
par, a few clays here. -The census 'Tiernan p e r
enumerators for South Huron have
trig horses for tne South A.fracan nt:rr-
coutnleted then labors, awl a return ket.-Rev. riorlock attended the east-
has been made to Ottawa, -On Mon- ferenee of tile Evangelical Association
dray whilefal C Petty seas leading cr1
which was held cit Berlin last week.
i i Ile is •again atatiune.1 in Dashwood
beef to the slaughter the 0,110,11
Market Qect
A few days of winter yet and re
want to reduce our winter goods be
fore Spring Stock arrives..
We bare received as very choice line
za: all colors, •iib +riled ruffle,
tnd stylish,
R:abinson, ll abet Jennison, Arima. 131;;r;ions.--Dr, Woods, who his for the t We keep always itis stock a large
tis Herbert Gregory, Russel Fraynae, past decade, braved the storms meld. attd well selected stock of •
FredSao' et flora .lel hereon ; O1 ss exit to a. residence oa the breek; hanks t
O. Winnie Carling, Percy Hooper, of furan aerobe, andandwho bee hitherto " FRESH n,„ OttiF.IiII± .
Winnie Howard, Doily Dickson, No. had no one to share the I >y ;arr.3 H:ts
user " on mil 3tl Av aLtt n7 a rows o£ "tree frost" has nt last clime to
stepped cru utez of his feet, Iareaking tt ,lit otli,e 1' day w.i:ie Chas. Tiealeula n S, J. A. Bovis e s ti 1 single lt'a�s cal esg
small 4onte,�.I. E, McDonell has in surae engaged Working'the Itiatter in j. RQn11� 0 peztchers, file Fanclea, n thatn Full Irises of
London, )buttery, on hueiness,-R. - o ! Hoot III, --Sr, IV, Paat&ort8, Ss r•o4 the belt mode, of lif, "'"1"'"'
In ly last creek hos fritter*kat to shaLrar ry
the factory he had the misfortune
tc rLt A. and I A.RDWARF,I.
;Smellier anal daughter, errs, Thee -ow, of loose the ends of two of his finger y 1 D d Al " 13'40..7 1l T t g
Trip; ea), were in the village on Mauday Gardiner, Vera, Cobblediek. Olive a}rsan cif 3lss Ilatcitzan of I?nham,
s. Cit i ave: son, ....vtu Trne ,t? iia his Mahle ra wife of Ills chol. a in the Oyt;ters Fres1L Daily.
visiting Mrs. O. A. MoDonell, -On ' - , Qnance ; Jr, IV, hazel Brotvtting,Ver.L we juin tire genital tlectoess host of Ali loners of Farm .Produce token as
Tuea3ay morning A. Shortt, an cin- IRowe, Aldewin Evans, (;eta, f mance, triendseitt offering him and his exr'elI- i Cash.
ployee of W. Welsh's planing naillenet • BtriUirs,---Vile are sorry to rel oet 1 Etna Dose, meal,) George jones,Edna ens bride our sincere congratulations
with :. serious accident. He was en-
gaged salving pIatuk with a circular
sem, and while removing a portion of
the board it fell upon the revolvtug
ser dl U k 't1 art
ew an was t elven ae . with
L .i gee
. force. striking Mr. Shorn on the side
IBALD BIS- inflicting a bac, wound, theserioasness
of which it is not yet known. He is
confined to his bed in consequence. -T-
D. Urquhart was le Winghani on Tues-
day. -Miss Lawson, of Auburn, is
hila, visiting Miss 'koungblut,-»- A large'
number from our village attended the
funeral of the late Archibd Bishop.
Ile was math esteemed "alay large
circle of friends. It watt_Sble largest',
funeral ever witnessed in itis section.
•--'4. nuinbt'r from here els,' attended'
the funeral of the late 31r+c. 'Hawkins.
London Read, on TUesda3.-- Geo. 31c -
Ewen. M, P., was home from Ottawa.
over Stteatiay.-•Mrs. Holden, of Clin-
ton, as visiting her niece. Mrs F.Mar-
shall.-Miss Addie Sutton, of St.
Thome?. has been engaged as milliner
with C. F. Arnold. -=The council are
of an imp-
the adoptionp
roved system of watertvorke, and a
committee has been appointed to visit
several towns on a tour of inspection,
--T. J. Berry last week disposed of a
five year old shire stallion to Iron.
Thos. Greenway. of Manitoba.
rio>'^solsa Beide.---Last week we
Suddenly Stricken Do
Miff a^ *►,a sa�,a�a
U � .
Thirty pair of Oxfords, iu black and
tan, at: 60c and 5 per pair.
Ladies' laced :Led button Shoes at $1.
Boys' Oxfords at Sac per pair,
Allair ofd will
. i cleared out
stock i be
at greatlyreduced prices. Ask to see
them and get. some keys for the Parlor
Sudden theshock d by
acafes soc • receive =
1 the public, when, on Friday, Aped
l pith, It wase learned that ArchibaldBishop, of Ushorne, late Al. P. I'., for
(aonth Huron, bad been suddenly
strickenwith paralysis while alarm in
hie buggy, driving from. Brumfield,
3 z', Bishop was ever alive to the pub -
q s ia13 trier
is interest, especially l
1 A F
to rho faarmkiag community, ti,41. had
attended the spring show at Bruce -
held, on Friday, April 10th, apparent-
ly in the enjoyment good health.
H SWEET his way home be Was seized
•r er with paralysis, one side only becoming
aPlecsed. but he could not spear:,
Trebles Old Stand.
Grand Bend
BUMPS. -Mrs. Gill's house will aeon
tae completed and will make a. very
SVhen his borne was reached, a dis-
tance of about: 1:: miles he had driven
:alone, his body had become quite rigid
and It was with much difficulty that
he was removed front the buggy. He
remained conscious until Wednesday,
when he received another stroke, which
comfortable home. -Mr. tnd Mrs. W totally paralyzed his body, in which
A. Mollard, left here on Monday for condition ho remained until death
their home in Grand Marais, Mich.-- gave him a happy release on Thursday
Quito a number from around here evening April2.zth.
attended Quarterly meeting which The late Mr. Bishop was a native of
was held in the Boston Methodist
church on Sunday. -Mr. W. B. Ol,-
yer aur census taker for this division
went to Ailsa Craig on Wednesday to
hand in his papers. --Mr. Td, Bos-
senberry has traded off his driving
horse Black Jack to his brother
Edinburgh, Scotland, and was born at
that place, on September 6th, 1b20.
In the year 1810, having the ambition
of all shrewd young men, Mr. Bishop'
emigrated to Canada, and for years
resided in Outerio County Learning
of the fertile soil in Ontario West, he
Ed. for a pacing colt, -Messrs. Hata- came to Usbnrne township in 1851, and
-ton's are refitting up there saw mill took up the lot on which lie had since
with a new engine and carriage which lived, and upon which he died. He
will make a, complete ring. -On Sa- married Miss Janet, second daughter
turday night last to couple of dogs
owned by R. Adair and Z. Dinar -
dine worried fifteen sheep and
eight lambs of Mr Peter Disjardine.
-Mr. Willson and family of Exeter
are moving into Mrackman's din-
ing hall this week, where they will re-
main for the summer. -Work has
been commenced on the ten new cot-
tages in Maple Grove park. -Rev. Mr.
Baird sold the cottage to Mr. Quarrie
of Grand Rapids, Mich. -Mr. Brenner
is erecting a wind mill by means of
which he can supply his -house as well
;as his stables with plenty of*fresh
water. -There is some talk of a Toron-
to Co. erecting a large summer hotel
•in the park. -We are pleased to see
Miss Maud Statton is able to resume
her duties again.
, O•
The Methodist church at Clinton, is
an authorized fact as the contract for
,the foundation, has been let, the work
;to be completed ready for the brick-
., ea la by July.
of the late Robert Doig, of Usborne, in
the year 1802. They worked assidu-
ously, and loyally. took part in the
pioneer work of clearing the farm in
the Pith concession, and as a result of
their frugality, -Mr, Bishop had the
happy e'onsolatzon of bunting that
his fwere sil1 +x'•lR ,.:rvided for, -
happy, and i^•,l,r} a,i go. .,•d to battle
with the et i.
There were f• w" meat nore widely
known, or more universally respected
in the Huron tract than deceased,
Besides being an industrious farther,
Mr. Bishop had held almost all the
offices in the gift of the public.
In 1862 he entered municipal politics,
and was given a seat at the -Board of
Usborne Council. In 1863 he was
elected reeve of the township, which
position he most creditably filled until
1874, during the years 1873 and 1874
being warden of the county of Huron.
Possessing at, clear, intelligent insight,
Mr. Bishop was urged to enter politics,
and in 1873 entered the Legislature as
Liberal representative for South Huron
which riding he continued to repre-
sent until 1894, when he retired. Dur-
ing his career in parliament, deceased,
although a staunch supporter of his
party, was popular with both sides of
the house, and had many warm friends
in the rank and file of the Conserva-
tive- party. -:
Deceased was ' a metnber of the
Thames Road. Presbyterian church
since its inception, and for years an
Eider, and was always identified with
any•work for the advancement of the
church. He was a teacher in the Sun-
day school, and if at home, was at his
post, and it is said he never missed a
Sunday but he was with his class.
The surviving members of the fam-
ily are his widow, and five daughters
as follows • -Mrs. Thomas Cameron,
Mrs. Henry Anderson, Mrs. John
Bo.wcliffe, Mrs, J. Morgan, all of Us -
borne, also Miss Victoria at home.
• The funeral took place on Saturday
afternoon from .his late residence.
There was a large attendance of friends
at' the house, while the vehicles in the
cortege numbered over 230. The ser
that Wm, J. Laing, .or con. 12. le seri-1eollice, May Wood, Flossie Taylor. ' and gond wishes fortheir prosperityously ilL-9rtrs, Win. Elliott, of Milli'Mary Murray, Fred Hooper. No. can .;lard happiness, and we extend tozlrs.
iltformerly on, hilt forrly a resident of thin roll •19. Average att.'42.
1Woods a hearty ttrirorne tt+ l.rtiuty,
place who has spent the winter with
Mrs, A. Roy. returned to her home
last week, ---Mr. Alex. Rap and daugh-
ter .Annie intend visii Ing the Old a Bawden, Elmore Senior, Frankie
OountrY soon and attending the Gies- / isnight ; Jr, Ili, Florrie Anderson.
otwra. Breezy Baaettc'kd.
Room I V,•'- Sr. 111. Netts Frayne,
'=rover Bissett, Fred Trevethick,Jamie
E a z tout• -Another of our rest- Y
}tow EX xp s t , - Anat Day 4� eery, Ada I£eltanti, Habit Mo-
dents has gone to the west to seek as Ealy, fro. on roll 48, Ave,. rattend-
location for establishing himself in ante no.
business. This tune it is Wm, J. Mel-
ville. tinsmith and manufaaeturer of i ,, ,
sac -telene gas 1 iaebinee. He should a 'Rave a, Sr, III, Bon, :' . est roux B1UPI r, -Linea growing tve,.athel'
�' t; I1aLrvey Gzr,rdinea, dui. A,msttoug, , .
do well out there, as at a aw told coal Charlie Lang, Anee Rowerd, Ley this, Now ei the time to precut von
oil is 40 cents a gallon. ere pine- early potatoes and get; your r•.ixden
S p Acheson. Doily Davidson, Earley S
Blain There bas been a great,
-�^ �• i deal of sickness in this locality of late,
Mrs, John Smith is down with neural -
Creditor). gia of the howele.-Airs. ,J Penhals
- - - is also sick,--- Irs, 't'G , Sweet is serious. -
o 'r
1 111.-Thef M , at
Mrs. S. C, ?route died on Sunday
aged one week. -Miss Jennie I►forrisl;
paid Sodom, as tieing visit let week.
---The land has dried once more awl
seeding bas beton resumed.
ed to report; that Mrs. Wan Pridhaiu Browning, Beattie Martin - Jr III attended 4:o.. Yes, and by than Wee",
is improving. ---Mr. J. Bair has bought se hi.: Weer Wikiie B•isseleemeree now a:: they time to not oast) .Ca'. r 1i 4
- G P y ( ,. tare •� lv A:
wort; there, liar intends moving; sack. the cellar and rrzta.,s r• .all ..1K. ay-
1f^ideniaa. No. on ra)kl #3. .. t•, 37.
down at an early date. -Le. Grippe is i re. E. wAraIJ\n, mg matter. It. am t.F salve YOU :a large
stili: on its rounds. The victims this i
ROOM 'VL --Sr, Il, M illakins. G doctor's or itnds'rtukrr's bilk later on.
tt ic. are Miss Alahlo Treason and David. Sweitzer, E Vas er, N Hatter, r Mar- -Another intpartant anti itoe , +r;te a
W a.
o a" .task ai aaa . a t ti-
l. n e t ol. la a en L t
tin, I a.vwe, (F°• Lang, T. Aaxios. equal].) , c � l; la
'" , I) Stewart, 0 Hern Jr. II, E Smith, It efts Lit. 'vicea. Wesley Kerr, Lite a.f
u I)aavidson, E Davis, G Bennett, 11 Dow, armsley ought, out the old and es -
Ns,. Bradt, J Manson. 1.1Toclgert, Ya, tablisited gene:al store business of J.
a house to St. Marys tntl has ..eeured sum, equal,' Arthur Cann, Eazzut:r . the beck yar,I, hat fila L a„ la • . an
13aiui;�3,--C. Either purchased a fine on yolk i1. Aver. cast, fall Futter & Son, they P, O• rt ria,,, • It.
driver from Wellington Fee. The' le. D. pr,I'.a-L1' ; T illii+r is our oldest hu-.iue y-. :u 4i .10.1
peace paid was $110.--S. Basaenberry Roos VTI,F-•Sr, II, Loris 13irnt:y, retires from this stand verging %%Rh
purchased Mrs. Roinhardt's house sand a Clarence Bolder ; Jr, II, Garvey : hill] ihti respect and eoufide'nce ,af ilia
lot for $310. -Mine host of the Coaiz- ;Acheson, nary DavisSe. pt. It, entire couunatttity. We welctm .%t..
xnercial put'an electric fight under his y Annie Lang, Myrtle Aanicep ; Mid.Kerr to watt? midst erre+n trail l;ti �pe;Lk
drive sited which snakes r ►tete an lux-
' Pt. II, Baa Heideman, Willie Haat- for him a. liberal shave of neh1ie Pate
pravement to the place. --hers M�ie1'-i.ter • .Tr. I' 11 none. No. on roll 03. renege. -Rev. .I. ti. Litt, '. fleet
made mention of the limpid' liranclt er, who has been tending liar at the i t"1r, at . -;, , returned to his work here on Friday
of the ,41olsons bank, moving into the Dominion house for the past year, is fi S J. Ilatyi;. Inst, anti occupied his lie.11rit a,;t tiuet-
hzuidsonie new building erected e.- again at his traria as coatnrtker, and I= ,i III -Sr.--1I Ise Leanne ail- day. Conference has snitlonid hint
press{y for it 11.W. O. DaLyis, aaud is worhin t in lliertler's tailorin de- Most V . here for another year and IA a fru... it
l t; g ward, free �V'alsaza c i►fid II, genu: oz. s
which is a credit to the village, and. a
description of tvhiehf will be interest-
in to our readers. The building is a
two storey brick with stone basement,
with air turritt rising up front the sec-
ond storey snrtuounted by a flag ole,
while beautiful plate glass windows
and a balcony add to the street ap-
pearance. The main doors tare of
veneerer, oak with, plate glass panels
in which the hours of opening and
closingare cut in the glass, while the
matin indow sign is executed in gold
letters. At the entrance of the bank.
there is a neat vestibule, which opens
into the main banking office, which is
elegantly fitted with the most modern.
bank furniture and furnishings. The
counter is of oak, S shaped, and sair-
mounted by a very handsome railing
and netting of solid copper. The
counter as well as the desks for the.
patrons of the bank, display very fine
workmanship, as indeed does the
wood work throughout. The vault is
a massive well built one, lined with
partment.-A. very' pretty wedding iia t - Jr, TI, I aLtie Gnlikns, Kathleen : nzny rte t.pla,asant awl pre eperoes
took prerace in town 1Vrdnest3aLy*even-1 e 't , Clarence yell? for 11101 and, his pt.OIPie.` with
j Stewart , (,l,Lrence Pickard. No. on
in at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred roll el. Aver. att. 53, whom he is deservedly premiere -R.
WV aitwer when Miss Lizzie Ruby of B. s. Resler;, Baker and staff have hr'gnn active
operations on our new Fn•.' Hall. --R.
Itirktorz a E. Walker ime started his bureher
_ cart en the road again and is ,;nese gree
i)caiz;ra.--Miss Effie Cornish left for to supply this community net:c eit,uc+i
Anderson on Tuesday to spend the fresh .cats, at lowest Borrie' ties
ea -
summer with errs. Thos Ribes, -Mr. Miss Williams is in Lnmlon tiro_ wi ek
Will Fletcher of Haarniota, Man., arrzv- . owing to the death of het sister's
child there. --Rey, Jas. ,Ituv or 13. D
Zurieh and Mr. Ben. Holtztnann of
Elkton, Mich.. were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. C. S. Fink-
beiner. Miss Maggie Iialtrmann, sis-
ter of the groom acted as bride's maid
and Mr, Emanuel Faust supported the
groom. The bride was given away-lt1* ed front on 4veanesaaL east to s enu
her brother in-law, Mr. Fredcrrcic the asumtmer for the laenelit ofp Itis ' preacliedaanniversatyserelves at aort:h-
Witov. and the wedding march was health. -The sed news reached blit. •wood on Louisville rarcint 11N1 l' C taa.t-
the cel ceremony
Addle r tl wadvests Aster
sat Joseph Brooks here ou Tuesday that halm. claast Bringers, � lti a tt a,ric ,tt'z
down toe sumptuous wedding dinner her another had died in London. Her Was wood c tl red '. hn I''' r' FAii 1l'c'`
reared by Mrs. Wh twee, -The nets- remains were brought home to Wood- e��eltinl;.-F. l�itist; ctisaftYrtiati i, herr';
ly married couple Elkton
left Tuesday for hake 00 Wednesday�nd tl{e interment fitted up an elegant ice cream parlor
cateet to the wants of hie many ens-
Mitchell Elimville merited on onr brick -yards this week.
Eames.- Mrs. le. H. Thompson is Beunes.-The warm weather for the ne.-"-ss-.=--
president, and Mrs, Ilannala secretary
steel, and nicely fitted with the re-
quirements for books, documents and of the new Ladies' Aid of Trinity
be church. -Mr. John Phinnamore, who
papers. In the vault is also to
foam' one of the most modern and was goii% to Nova Scotia, has decided
best fire and, burglar-proof safes in to remain in town as there is no place
use by the Molsons bank, which is a like the old town that he has lived in
gem of beauty Ind towex of strength. so long. -The Council are advertising
The ceiling is of steel, tastefully paint- for a constable and night watchman.
ed which lends a rich appearance to The hours are 4 p. m. to 7 a. xn. and
the office. The fdoor is covered with the salary $350 and the extras. -13e -
inlaid linoleum in imitation of tile. tween young preachers and old pre -
The manager's room adjoining is a achers we have had to keep good this
large, well -lighted and cheerful apart_ week. The Board of Examiners met
inent, and. like the main office is nicely
furnished and the floor carpeted. At
the rear of the building is the care-
taker's room, from which access is
found to the basement and furnace.
The second, storey is fitted for dwelling
rooms, witb a specially fine room at
the front opening to a balcony. The
building is heated by hot air and
brilliantly lighted with electric chan-
deliers. The brick work was done by
R. Oudmore and staff, the wood work
T da and the oun men have
been welting what they know ever
since until Thursday evening when the
successful candidates received their
certificetes. On Wednesday evening
Rev. J. Philip, of St. Thomas, gave a
fine address on what, a sermon should
he how it should be delivered and the
preparation of the sermon. All the
ministers of the Conference should
ha,ve beard it so es to Iprofit by it.
There would.be great improvement in
by W. Welsh, mainly assisted. by the pu , t er p c
Rich Wright, the painting which adds anees if they did. On Thursday even -
were, given by
so much to the appearance of the log good addresses
building was the handl-work of J. Revs. J. R. Gundy, of Strathroy, and
Steacy and his assistant, G. Small- O. W. Brown of Exeter. -Miss Eliza-
acombe. The steel ceiling and roofing beth Robb died on Tuesday evening. '
were furnished by McArthur, and
while the plans were prepared by Mr.
Matthews, architect, of London, many
changes and the general coinpleteness
of the whole is largely due to F. E.
Mon, the popular manager of the
bank, who may be said to have super-
intended the work throughout, and
under whose zeal and efficiency the
Molsons baukare largely indebted for
the successfal business they have car-
ried on in Petty's block during the
past few yeavs, and which no doubt
will be ever iocreasing in the new
at the house was conducted by Rev. p
S. Henderson, of Hensel' and his pas-
tor, Rev. C. Fletcher, of Thames Road
church, each speaking in terms of
warm tribute of the fine qualities of
the deceased, after which the remains
were taken to the Rodgerville cenae-
tery for interment.
The pallbearers were Messrs. R. B.
Thos. M, Case, Jas. Hackney, Alex.
Duncan, and James Monteith, all of
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All
druggsts refund the money if it, Nils 0, cure,
Is Putuam's Painless Corn Extractor,
I crowned by years of success, regal be-
! cause unapproached and unapproach-
able, holding sway in this continent
owing to its superiority, Putnam's
Painless Corn and Wart Extractor.
Sold by all druggists. or sent by mail
on receipt Or25 Cent&
She is a sister of Mr. James Robb, of
Stratford. She lived with her sister
in Mitchell for several y ears and had
been suffering fc,r some time, and last
Stinday had an operation performed.
The 'fimeral takes place on Thursday
to Knox church eetrietersa-Mr. Wil-
liam Stacey and Miss Baker were nine,
lied at Fellartou on Wednesd.ay. Af-
ter the ceremony the wedding party
drove to Mitchell to take tlie tnem to
past week has Icatised vegetation to ser Your money refunded if p
spring up very rapidly and the trees
and shrubs are now looking quite
green. -The township's new road ma ,
chine is being worked. to its full ca-
pacity those days, and it is needless to
say it is making an excellent job of
our roads under the management a
Wm Polen, of Parquhar.-Fred Miners
left on Saturday last to commence !
work again for the summer as a car- ,
penter with Mr, McKenzie, of Clinton,
with whom he worked last season. -
Miss Jennie Hails returned last week
from Goderich where she had been
spending the past winter with her
aunt Mrs. S. P. Halls. -We are plate -
ed to be able to report that James
Halls who has been confined to the I
house tha past 5 months is slowly im- I
proving and able to walk ontside ort
the verandah. May he still continue
to itnprove is the ardent wish of his
many friends. -Mrs. Miller, of Exeter,
spent Suuday the guest of Mrs. Jos.
and Mrs. R. T. Johns
an d family spent Sunday the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Andrews. -The bicycl-
ists wear a, broad smile now owing to
the grand shape the roads are for
wheeling since the road machine has
commenced work, so its an ill wind
that don't blow good for some one. -R.
T. 3-ohns and John Johns were in Lon-
don on Tuesday and brought back a
load of goods on the return. trip, -A
team of horses belong to joshua Johns
concluded they could move at a little
faster gait, so tried it on Monday fore-
noon, -and before tlaey could be cap-
tured they ran about a mile south of
the village. Fortunately the horses"
were not hitched to anything.
-William Ryan went for a boat ride on
on ThavIly. 47:1"
'Ogle limale. or ilibb.-31.
AiLTZMANN- Itt,1317 -At Zurich, on
Benjamin IT1)1 :mum. of Eitaen, Mich,. to
Mini Lizzie Raby, of Zurieb.
bald W. Billion. age ina yeareee moths. an
Miss Polly Puke, In her year.
Ann Case. wife of, tieorge Illavlitin lio•
This is to certify that, I have used
English Stock Foed, manufactnred by
C. Lutz, Druggist. Exeter, for .caivea,
tench cows and pige. and in all casea
have found it most satisfactory. The
hives have grown faster and done\
letter firm ever before ; t milch
cows have improved in condition. The
ow of milk has lucreased 20 percent.
and is of greater richness ; the young-
nigs have done better on English Stock
Food than ever knew them do before, •
English Stock Food is a most excellent'
nd valuable article and should be
used by all stock raisers. It is cheap
as compared with other foods.
rice 14 lbs. 431.00.
the river catt, Wednesday. The boat
uPsalt and- nr. -RY'an got Oat it. the
water. The only hymn he ctiuld
think of at the time was "Pull for the
Shore." -Thursday atternoon wedd-
ing took place when Miss Mary Hock-
ing, daughter of Mr. John Hocking,
was married to Mr. Blackburn, of
Chatham. Rev. EL, Whiting Perform-
ed the eeremOny, the intimate friends
of the bride being present. Miss
Hocking hits been living at Chatham
fior some time, and Mr. Blackburn ia
fo be congratulated on getting such a
the young lady for a wife.
The May meeting of the Methodist
Large stook o Lumber -tine and shemlock, churches of the ,ExeLer District, will
170,00e feet of hemlock itiat or for 1.)ElallSi„ ote,
be held in Main st, church Exeter on
also shingles. laths and cedar posts. rice -
S ILL S Y d Last side of 15th and 16th a May.
' MUMPS.- Mr. John Pollock has gone
to* Manitoba to engage in fishing in
Lake Winnipeg where he spent last
year. --Mr. H. Johnstone had an-
other sorrowful journey to Hanover
on Thursdasr of last 'week when he
took the remains of his iufatst child to
be interred beside its mother who
passed away a, little over a week ago.
-A largely attended nseethig ;was ors
held in St. Andrew's Pr'esbyteria.n keen , Screen Windows, Screen Wire Cloth, Po
ehurch Thursday afternoon -for the Netting, Lawn Mowers, Sprayers, Herbage= and Prnners.
purpose of considering tbe matter of
a call to a minister, R,ev. MT. Sewers a 132
of Brucefield, modevttor, „presiding.
Itis novv nearly two years since this
charge became vacant theough the
Prilla Trili108
Garden making requires garden
teloIs, and spring hot se cleaning and
Garden Rho iioum IVO"'
mc6liallt69s TOMS
We have the biggest and most corn-
( plete stock of up-to-date tools and etc .
If there is anything you want in this
line yo u should come here. You'll
find it.
The newest thing in step l d-
ders to be seen at our store.
ty-three beautiful tints.
Nit) R
The new wall finish, bczrt,
and brightens the borne, in