Exeter Times, 1901-4-18, Page 4The Molsons ank
,S0IARISF.Il13ia BY PARLIA wr,.18,50:,
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Eteeter Branch 1
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Amemie!mnomak nownimirmaveareauscat
Calendar far April, 1901.
easo - '7 14 21 28
MAW 18 15 22 29
neer 2 9 16 23 30
isnsuxes . 8 10 2t
4 11 18 nit
• 12 19 26
D 6 13 20 27
'NOIR 0.
Y. API-111.18TH, 1901
tinsel Colaen, a young man front
whole in Montreal, is puzzling
to toed' doetors. 1Ie can expand
is cheet sixteen inches with apple
t ertse, aud contract his stomach
elve incites. He is giving a series
xhibitioneLlt the hostntal.
Nicholas Flood Davin in the Toron-
to Nevre telie of a threatening turn in
the Cook scandal Which is malting Sir
Richard Cartwright feel serious as he
rtuninates over tell-tale letters that be
eaid to have written. The Liberal
papers may also soon have cause to be
sorry tor the slurs they hastily cast,
n the memory pt the tate M. C.
von, Tile latter has a son. and
avin Vane relates the veports as
s state of mind t
".A.sveek ago I said the Cook. char-
aeopterdized Sir Richard Cart-
ght's position, He is said to feel,
Ina certainly:looks very serions just
He bad, I am assured, a long
"Xi011S interview with the Salim-
eneral to -day arad subsequently
Sir Louis Davies respeetiug the
ers which, menace him for Thtws
y, It seems the reenters that the
te jion, M. C. Cameron's son will go
the witness box and produce
aging letters of Sir Richard Cart
ht to his father is no delusive
no. It was contrary to a wise and
iderate proverb, and unkmd and
enerous to say that I. C. Cameron
veld have kept the money if it had
en given biro. No man could testify
better or face a frowning party more
idably than in vindicattng the tra-
il mentery of a t ather.'
Has Bottom and Sides Kloked
Out of it hY a U. S, Judge.
1 crease in the sessional indem-
fronts81.000 to $1,500 has been
de1niteiy decided upon. Negotiations
begun some days ago between
epresentatives of the two parties.
y Government supporter is said. to
ledged to the increase, and only
r three on the Opposition side a
ouse svill oppose it. A. Liberal
cus is to be held on Tuesday next,
hen details will be settled. A meas-
ure authorizingethe increase will be
'introduced -Wiling the present session,
•and will declare the $1,500 indemnity
in force from the beginning of the new
Attempt te Stab zoo leauger-Vereter
Vresitient of Wormer 'Orange b'reb
Stte Is XU anTells Commandoes
• to Surrender Immetuately-xn-
vaders Badly Defeated -Nine-
ty Beera vetted.
New . Orlee.ns, La.,April 14.-
jiidge Parlauge in the Boiteel States
Superior Court on Saturday hooded
down decision dismissing suit for
injunction brouglit by Boer repree
ntetives with a view to prevent-
ing the. Iltipment of mules and hOrees
Out of New Orleans to the British
army in South Africa.
Judge Parlauge bolds that the
transactions betweeu eitizees of the
lioited States and the British Gov-
ernment Were conducted under the
order of private citizensnip, mad thee.
One courts had absolutely no juris.
nictiou to interfere. The horse§ and
Mules, the court sin, were bougla in
neutral territory.
Sedge Parlenge contiumes: nif the
eomplainants could 1)e heard to as -
et here • rights personal to them-
eelves in the treety invaded, -anti see-
ing the mules and /tenses itivolved in.
this case, and tomtit on of: hvar, all
o whicle is disputed by the defend-
ants. it would become necessary to
determine whether the Wilted States
intended by tile declaration a the
treaty (of Washington. May 3. 1871)
to subvert the well-established prin-
ciple of internatiouel. law that .the
private citizens of .a. neutral nation
eau lawfully sell supplies to belliger-
A. correspondent of the "Church
Times" calls attention to some odd
The remarkable manner in whieb
the numbere, and multiplies of 9, as
well as the number, 19, are associated
with the life and death of Her Majesty
-Queen Victoria, may be demonstrated
as follows -
L Twice 9, or 18, was the age of her
Majesty when she came to the throne.
2. Seven times 9, or 03, wai the
number of years of her reign.
3. Nine times 6, or 81, was the ntun
ber of years of her life.
4. Twice 9, or 18, completed years of
the 19th century had elapsed at her
Majesty's birth.
5. Four times 9, or 36, completed
• years of the 19 h century bad elapsed
at her acces 'on to the tbrone.
he te Queen had issue 0 chil-
th t • •
-Pew Majesty was born in thel9th
year of the 19th century, and she can
to the throne in the /9th year of bet
• age.
8. Tbe numerals which express 1319.
the year of her birth, when added to-
gether, matte 19.
9. Thenurnerals expressing 1837, th• e
year of her accession, when added tc
gether -make 19r
1f1 999,eomp1eted years had at her
death elapsed since the death of he
celebrated ancestor King Alfred tht
Great, who died 2ntli October, 901. 0
centuries of the Christian era had ex-
• pired at her death, and 19 centuries
_had just ended at the death of Queel.
Ari()Melva of War °Mee Says "Surely •
Canadian lieef Is British." •
_ L.--
London, April 15, -Canadian cir- 1
dea in Loodoxt are considerably ex- Abandon Manchuria or Fight
creiseci over the official anumince- Says Ito Through Earl LL
went that the 'War Office has decided
to exclude ail but British beet from
the supplies of fresh meat to be pur-
chased for the army. occupation of Chows, Northern.. V1.4)1'1110
The question was put to au official
of the War Office ae to how this
would affect Canada. He besite.ted to
pronounce au. °pinkie until a ease in
point should arise, but pointed out
that the announcement reads that
"contracts shall be confined to Brie.
'sh meat in future."
The comment a one ofOcial, high
in the serviee, but speaking erica:,
cially, was: hSurely Canadian meat
is British."
is almost impossible to sup-
poeo. o. priori, thee the United States
would have done so. and would have
thus provided for the most 'serioue
fetid extensive derangemeut of and in -
Junk' to the eotanterce of our eitizens.
wheuever two or more oreign na-
tions should go to war. and would
seem that there is nothing in the
treaty, especielly wile» its history
and purports ere considered, which
would warrant that the United
States insisted upon iuserting there.
it new principle of international
law front which the greatest damege
might result to lite emumerce of the
country. and which was absolutely
ditiorent front and antagonistic to
the rule ;and policy which the Cov-
e:sonata of this country has hereto -
tore strenuously and inveriably fol -
"The principle that neutral citizens
may lawfully sell to belligerents has
long since been settled in this coun-
try by the highest judicial mithori.
Xx-BresIeent Stores Advice.
Bloemfouteito April 14. -It is re-
ported that the health of former
r5resident Stun has broken down. /t
ale() said that he has advised all
oers on commando to surrender 'me
ined iat ely.
nfartimus Thetinis Steyn is ex --
president of ttie Orange Free State.
He is 51 years of Age. and was born
in Orange Free State. He received
Ins e(lUeation at Bloemfontein and
in Holland. Afterwards he was call-
ed to the English bar tlimer Tem-
lOe) and praetised law 111 Bloemfon-
tein. lin won honor in his proles -
Seen, aad was raised to the bench.
In 18116 he became President. of I he
Orange Free State. lie has been in-
timately connected with the Trans-
vaal war, and it was his defection of
the Orange Free State that has nug-
raented the lassie in South Africa.
Invaders Badly Defeated.
- John Bleat ung, who bas been jailed
in Mason, Ohio, suspected of smashing
Itis aged wife's head so tbat sbe died
He is worth $100.000.
• ne special to the Detroit Tribunt
from • Mackinaw City says : Th.
tearner Pentland was the first boat t4
pass the Straits of Mackinaw for the
eason of 1001.
rancis R. Fenn, catedikettneMfa
'Ono and studento'lhilisdale, ha
V owned unsie.,le'Veland, Ohio, the
las been husband of Ella Len-,
itb1,--near1y three tnonths.
- _dank of Scotland denies a)
Age of the forging of their bank
3 by the alleged forgers, John A-
z and Emil Moberg, now in ens
ody in ,New York, and say that no
eounterfeit notes of tbeir own 18Suwt..
aoe coine to their notice.
even physicians are suing the Col-
e 'of Physicians and Surgeons for
,000 damages 10 eaei cae, etannni,.
tthey were refused diplomas
tieing physicians in this province
•eiughthey passt,q1 their final exlna
tiOn. The colleo.e, ;alit h °titles al
that the phut -a -as did not pea,
tr eXaminat ion for admiesion.
New York, April 15.-A .Cape Town
despatch to The Sun says: Midland
farmers assert that 90 Boers were
killed in the recent engagement at
BOND TO succgnn.
Kouse of Bishops of .Churen of England
Meets in Montreal.
3ftn4t Become International Instead, of
Solely llossiate-41.0 mikados _Govern-
ment Determined to pain ea a Crlele
In the .rni, Reett-otte guieg es Certain.
Beene nest Show neer geed.
London, April 1.6... --Japan lies tee
sued an ultimetton to China that
Russia must be :ejected from Alan-
cheritt, the alternates.* being that
occupation ot that Province •.shall
become ioternetional instead of sole-
ly Museovite.
While directed to. Emperor InWallg
Su, through Li Hoeg Ohnng, the 111-
timatuta is uneleuletetily 'meant for
St. Petersburg. It is the serving of
Montreal, April lane -The House of notice on the Czar that he most
inisbops of tbe Church et Etagiand 14
Canada will meet bere to -day for the•
purpose of diseharging the most Im-
portant iunetion that falls to its lot,
the election of a ,chief. who is domi-
atecl by the lietropolitao.
The Archnisleop of Ontario. the
Most Rev. Pr. Weis, resigned at the
elose• of the century, and hie sticcess-
or is to be chosen by the house.
It is understoed Vett the bisbops
are untinimens in their determine.-
. o elect the ltt. Rev. The Bond,
ilte Bishop of 'Montreal, and the sen -
ter member of the 'lexica of Bishops,
to the vacant :position.
. .
INottg,i,St; Z.XPOISMS.
Trads returns for the Niue Mouths
March. 31.
Ottawa. April 14. - Can-
ada's engregate %tele on the
basis of goods entered for
eonsumpt ion aud exports. exclu-
sive of coin and bullion, continues 10
exhibit u, substantial growth. For
the nine months ended March 01 the
;Aggregate trade •exceeded that for it
intiler period in the previous liscal
tea' tee $1.7.10n.1470. This inerenSe
WAti entirely in exports. as the im-
ports for the nine months show a
falling off of $6$3,762. There was
it decline of $1.015.5141 in the ina
ports of nutiable goods. but the im-
ports of free goods increased by
$331,8n1„ thus making the net in-
erease as sealed above.
Twenty C;Itt:e. cremated.
Port Stanley, Ont., April
serious fire occurred at the farm of
abandon Marichoria. or Iit.
'The wording of the ultimatum do ta?cil.1;:ese r:ger4eronen;,-4 eirfeetteeecueercieottioye
full credit to the reputation of of raising the cheques after they had
Marquis Ito as the Dim:leek of tile been insseee by the ledgerkeepers at
Orient. Beneatla the flowery lan-
guage is coucealed the mailed Ast. etaheeeutewso, wl)hainkchillagreinsnotwituitni.°tusite. hanrPdhse
First presented as a. pennon. Ja-,
of the local police, bear evidence of
pates del:llama is laaw e°4e14evi 41 having come in contact with Some
words et commend. powerful chernicals. widen it is be-
•:windler Operates Successfully
• at Two Toronto Banks.
Canadian, Beak of commerce mut purer-
lal 112.474 ilehhen of Amounts .Aggre.,
cause tae.sae by a Clever Raising
ef ChenneS of Small Benomina•
tions- What tee notice Have
te ere. on.
Torouto. April 15.-Cousiderable
excitement wes oecasioned in police
circles late on Saeurday night, when,
it become known that two Toronto
banes hem bean victimized to the ex-
tent of $5,245 by a slick individual,
of whom little is known eNcept that
he went by the name of G. A. Win-
s significant that Lt Hung ileved the nate used aitc.ring thekt.
Chang. ardent special pleader for face value. "lite robberies are the
1-Ws$1"" Sbmk1 be eb°Seu as the14°- most extensive that have been perpe-
dium tor transmitting the ultimo:- trate d in Toronto for some time. and
junt, and especially so wile°- '1' 43 the local detectives are of the open-
cousitlered time Julian sent her Aret
Message to Notalig $u through rriOcci bit
ethsaot tieleuclelleassnfully111,17 Wis°ralc?il theclevee
Citing. It is shrewdly conjectured s-windler ;tad not by any 'swells new
ltere that Earl Li's nrst message ye- a the bet:duos,
terday. after the receipt et the tent- slues it similar robbery bus teken,
matinee went to the Czar Instead of niece in Toronto steady go yeses
to his own. nominal sovereign.
That Japan has determined to pre- hove elapsed, 41141 When, the reports
werreceived on Saturday night the
cipitate a crisis in the far east is e
zmn to doubt. That , detectives 'Tore surprised to learn
w no longer ope
while openly acting independeatly, that any Person was bold enough to
resort to the old method of banic
site has been promised support by robbery.
other powers, Great Britain ailloOni According to the information in
them, Is more titan probable.
, the possession a the police, the man
One "1111-g is e"t41°- Russia. 11111st struck this city last Thursday. and
now 'FIP`i‘v Ilex' hand. .1314t" Cart 4° went et once to the head offices of
longer hide her purposes behind tile tee
assertion that she must retain lwr Imperial Bank. at the corner of
troops in 1%nm:hurls. to preserve or- Leader Ione and Wellington street
and the Bank of Commerce at, Jar -
der and protect tier interests. Inter- tutu awe Kf...g. streets, where he epee..
national aid in so doing is now offer- ed eeenens eeetoo Is at botb places,
ed her. That she will reject it is Al
He gave the nen .• of 0. A. Winton
foregone conclusion. Therefore, 0. at each institution, and said he bad
clash seems inevitable.
Japan's •assurance to China that jtrist ecOze from St. John, N. B.. to
to manage the Ontario
all the nations regard the latter as
a “friendly power's is interpreted branch of the busines.s of the Welland
Vale Cycle Co.,
with offices at /0
here as tut Oriental intimation to
Russia that she herself is not wet- West King street. No further gees-
sidered. in that category, as far as tions were usked of the man because
he had every appearance of being
Mr. Albert Goodhue, about half it . apart le eoneernect.
mile north of this place. at 8.30 : ltaselau 31arluee llaealled. filI that he represented lumself to be.
Be turned up at the office of the
o'clock yesterday nerniiig,. ---`a
II'1 sonw, London, April 10.-Aceording' to a Imperial Bank about 1.1 o'clocit last
unknown way lire startee. and in a • despatch to The Daily Express from Thursday morning, and after open -
short thee his entire barns and out- Tokio, cloned yesterday, the detneh- ing the account handed in ten ilve..
buildings were in ashes. The Are meta, of Russian Marines -stationed dollar bills, which wt•re placed to bus
Wris discovered by Mr. Goodhue in at Nu. San Pilo have been recalled, . credit. At the Bank of Commerce
the ciente stable, but as the win11 owing to Japanese representations. the same day he deposited $20, and
was blowing strong and the lire had i "l'he Chinese Imperial Court, on Friday banded in $50 more, inalte
such headway, 20 head of fat eattle
' through the Chinese Minister at Mg in all $70 to his credit at that
were burned before any could be Tokio, has thanked Japan tor as- institution. Later in the day, howe
got out, Mr. Goodhue was fortunate heting China to resist the Mae,- ever, he turned up again at the Beak
o get all his horses out, with the , n'n"
exception of a fine yearling eolt, , eturiall convention," says the Shang- of Commerce and presented a. -cheque
hal correspondent of The Standard, for $10: which he cashed. The with -
which he had recently purchased. In „
and bas asked for Japanese aid drama' of this amount, the police
the barns, of which a new addition •aad support in any future main- say, was the first 1110Ve ill the game,
of 40 feet had just been completed , „miry.... as the man made it a point to
last night, were his farm implements. ° be -
a ' come acquainted with the paying-
wagons, buggies, rte., and over
eIXSTniteolls DAT -POISON. teller, so that he would not be ask -
Unman(' bushels of corn. all of •
*which 'were destroyed. , Strange Bosun of an Inquest Ikt l'Ort
Bair and 4valp Torn Olt Arthur, Out,
1 Port Arthur, April 16. -The in -
Winnipeg, April 15. -Annie Fraser, quest to inquire into the death of
a. little girl of 11 years, was ad- :
, racie Prevost, the 4 -year-old child.
mined to tht• hosoital on. Saturday. : who died at her parents' home on
While 811e WaS engaged turning a
cream separator in the milk house, ' April 3, has disclosed an unexpected
• result. According to the evidence ad -
her hair was caught by a revolving
shaft and gradually twisted round. duced, the child became ill, and when
No one was at hand to render her a physician was called in he found'
aid. The ent ire skin of the head on , it to be suffering from convulsions,
which the hair grows was wrenched and detected a. strong smell of oleo -
from the scalp. and she was after- hol. On Sunday, the -day preceding
wards found free from . the machine. . the child's death, Isfaxirae Prevost,
Saturday a. long and critical oper- the father, and Frank Duval, were
ation commenced, Io,eting seven days, in tile house alone with the two
during the whole of which tiine the , children.
They were both drinai.
Ja.nserivilie. It is said this is the
a. •. • 1
• '
most crushing blow the Boer bread- head will h'held in contact with and
ers have yet received.
Attempt to stab Mr. Kruger. •
Paris, April 15.-(5.40 a.m.) -
L'Estafetta publishes a, report that
an attempt was naa.de to stab Mr.
73u.bonie Not Inereaslup..
Cape Town, April 14. -There is no
incretse in the progress bf the bu-
bonic plague laere, although there is
an average of five cases daily. Since
the outbreak,' 392 cases have been
officially reported, of which 153 have
proved fatal.
New Gnus Vor &maim.
living animal, mini a portion of the the amn, igri.
skin of the latter is engrafted on the Site became drunk and about 9
deneded scalp. o'clock, the mother, who had been to
church, returned, and took the child,
t •
without comment, upstairs.
Kingston, Jamaica, April 15. -
The British War Office has decided to
strengthen the fortificetions of Ja-
maica. Quick firing guns of the lat-
est pattern are being sent out, in
addition to the heavy guns recently
placed in the forts about Port Roy-
The disappearance of yellow fever
from Port Royal is officially an-
The direct fruit line to Bristol is
now in full swing and the fruit is
finding ready sale in England.
Accident on the New Bridge.
Ottawa, April 15. -The first acci-
dent on the new hater -Provincial
bridge , occurred yesterday afternoon.
The ,,,„in,„„which, A. Lahaise,
1;ittWe manufacturehis WifC,
. The Aarterean Army Scandal. •
' The jury, atter considering the col -
Manila , April 15. -The trial of dence, 'returned- a verdict that tho
Sergeant Memson, the first of the child came to her death by poison,
commissary cases. began with the . accidentally, ,
startling disclosures expected. Two j .
witnesses testified that quantities of i TAPS moan TICE WIRE.
flour were taken from a Government 1 -
warehouse aad sold by three com- ; The report that an attempt hail t
missary sergeants and two others, been made to assassinate Mr. Krug -
who divided the proceeds. Finnick, er is denied from Amsterdam.
proprietor of an American 'baker,y, Dr. Nausha, a Japanese bacteri-
was incriminated, and other business ologist of note, says rats are the.
tnen were involved. The extent of greatest propagators of contagtous
the illegal sales has not been ascer- diseases.
tained. The telegraph companies are again
handling Chicago Board of Trade
Toronto Boys Arrested. quotations after several months of
London, Ont., April 15. -James interruption.
Malone and John Carroll, two young' The Rev. Dr. Robert Ritchie of St.
Torolito lads, were arrested Friday James' Church, Philadelphia., has
afternoon by Detectives Nickle and been selected by the Duke of New-
fErgoieultotano, charged with stealing money meth as editor of The Church Re -
grocery store of Mrs. Pugh, view, the American edition of The
corner of Dufferin avenue and On- English Church 'Review.
tario street, the other day. When
captured the pair had money am- King Edward and Gen. Von Moltke.,
ounting to $4.75. At the polled
London April 16 -King Eeenn'e
court Sat urd ay morning the boys
were remandecl until the leth inst. - . -
nephew of the fon:net:hit:A( marshal
:yesterday' recTels.ve;94pd Gen,'V°P,crilt---1
o co,
router May Come to Canada. . p- Marlborough
la43and”.L. Lieut
, Halifax, N. S., Awe ,tiefree Sile:Jtary --:.-- elle German officers were
headquarters here „1,...ei,:ielcd- mtriiii•-rffilcoMpanied by a sergeant wearing
munieation frow.rr j... -1 s t the new German field° service uni-
were drivg, came to grief '
in‘%1:','..:::.=/, 51,_ia7...„„V,,Ze ' t'fia the name of Gen- form sent' by Emperor William for
the horse becoming unma.nagea n6King Edward's inspection. The uni-
411 •Buller had been meationed in
the sight of. a construction train, conn. nectiow4th the appointmentform differs little from the usual col -
Mrs. Lahaise was probably, fatally , commander-in-chief of the Imperia:1 °Inca equipment. The knapsack and
'hurt. The bridge was crowded withforcee in 13ritish North America. , other paraphernalia are so arranged
sightseers at the time, and scotee that their weight falls entirely upon
. ' ' re. the wearer's back, •and the whole
had a miraculous escape from injuryTo Be tinder Surgeon's RIG
- eptipment can be released whenever
Antwerp, April 15, -Dowager -
required by unclasping a single
No Work and no 'Money.
London, April 1.5. -The correspon-
dent The Daily Chronicle at Rome
says that the emigration /.i.f Italians
to Canada lately has been consider-
able. The Italian Consul at Mont
real telegraphs that there is a large
number of iininigrants there, without
work and without resources, and he
aSks the II alien Covontrent to take
steps to prevent such u exocLis in
the future. E
Queen mma, 'who has been sea.i.
iy illM'un
'for some Ue, is about .to - buckle'
King Edward expresSed Warms aP-
'erge' an operation for the. removal •
proval of the uniform. He made Gen.
of an internal tumorft is said the
Von Moltke a Knight Commander of
royalplaysicians •at The Hague think
the Royal Victorian Order, and Lt.
the operation will not be at' ended
Bsedoin a Commander of the same
with 'much danger.
About 10 per cont. of the re ding
is &Me in the Province of ',ate
The kl Creftge will be aboia, 15 cr•
con *1 . I. than i.t .1 7ear. Weatl,c1
c mid i are 41.1., r osb e.
Ron. Mr. Blair rearie.
Ottawa April 16. -Hon. A. G.
131air is in poor health, end will like -
go ewah for a week to recuperate.
ed to be identified before receiving
the cash in return for the large
cheque he intended to present the fol-
lowing day.
At the Imperinl Bank the man bed
but one transaction, that of the first
deposit, and took the chances of
httving to become itlentified. The rob-
beries were conutittecl between 12
and 1 o'clock on Saturday, when
the banking institutions were crowd-
ed with representatives of firms, who
were arranging for the pay-
ment of their --employes.
The bank officials were so
engrossed with the work that they
did not notice anything wrong, and
paid the amount of the cheques in
the usual way. The man is believed
to have visited the Imperial Bank
first about 11 o'clock, aud then re-
turned with the raised cheque. a. little
after the noon hour. The man pre-
sented a cheque for $10 to the ledger -
keeper, and had it. duly certified.
When this was accomplished, it is
believed he went out to some place
where he would not 'be seen, *and
with the use of two kinds of chemi-
cals rubbed out the amount ten dol-
lars, and inserted two thousaud, four
hundred and nfty-five dollars. This
done, he returned to tae bank and
handed it to the paying teller, who
gave him the aanount of the cheq,ue.
The amount was made up of 24 3100
..bills, one $50 and one 35 bill.
From. the Imperial Bank the man
is believed to have. gone to the Bank
,of Commerce, and to hive written
out it cheque for $20 in full view of
the ledgerkeeper of the savings de-
partment, where he had his account.
The cheque was duly marked by the
official and han.ded back to the cus-
tomer. The latter then, it 4 .
left the in.qiieup tv,.> ,rstn ab . notlong- 1.1/1,tin
Wi,tat.-1-f°7:- `1„
0(13),,eaultvonic a short time
Warren Bess left for Hamilton Men -
day. , . •
W. Snell was in Clinton yesterday,
on -hosinese, • - •
Mese- Eedes of Wtogitam is a. gnest
et J. I. Orieves. ,
Claris, Luker is building a new resi-
dence in Exeter North. •
• Hon. Thomes Greenway is expected.
to visit friends here this week. ,
Willis Powell; was in London end
Se. Time:me 011. business last week.
Mrs. E, Jones hasreturned. from
visiting her son in McGillivray.
Mr. and Mrs, John Specimen have
moved to Grand Park for the sum-
Miss Ada 'Treble left last week to
resume her position in a store at Dor-
John Breland, will have bis h.ouse-
hold effects moved here from Brant-
ford this week.
W. Anderson is about to dispose Of
his ]ease of the eletropolitan to a, Mr.
Mettler, of Blake.
The .adjourned vestry meeting of the
Trivia Alemorial chateh will be held
ou Monday evening next.
Fred Ilawkettata and Willi= West
leave today, (Thursday.) for Loudon,
where theeeltave teemed eitatetiorie,
The travelling Shootinggellery, and
the attendants, who wmtered here,
left on their .surunter tour, Monday,
W. Page, manager of the Battier
ereamery. is suffering from rheum -
tient, His place ie taken by T. Willie.
The anniversary services of the S.
S. of Main at. ehurch will take piece
one week from Sundey and Monday.
Mrs. Piper, who bas been ill for some
time, will have to undeego an opera-
tion as soon as leer ethength will per-
School re -opened on Monday with
t'he old staff of teachers, but with it
CO27 UtIItth llieFellSefl attendance of
We have 16 04 good authority that
the olsons bank will move up town
this spring. They have about closed
4 deal for it valuable piece of property.
A. report was cirettlated in 'town on
Wednesday that Rev. rather Tiernan.
.of Mt. Cermet. had expired in his bed
• Monday eveuing. and Was found deed
Tuesdas .Morning.
Mrs, Tints. Spell, who recently un-
derwent an operation in the City hos-
pital, London, returned betne Tues-
day. It will be some time before she•
is able to get. around,
Last week the TIMM advocated the
watering of Main st..from Huron st.
ta station st. The suggestion has been
acted upon, and tenders are now be-
ingeasited, for watering the street in
above limit, The comfort to citizens
along' Main st, and pedestrians who
use -the walks wilt he tnexpreesible,
014 Crediton, on Sunday. April litb,
wife of Alf, J. Clare:, of it son.
RING -la Stephen, on Newby, April lab,
wife of ghee cf a son.
etenme-VINCENTanst James St. Parsonage,
Exeter. on Wednesday. AprIt 10th, byllev.
0, we Brown, %D., Mr. Franklin Mama
to Miss Mary Vtneent, both of Stephen tp,
A.NOFORD.-In London, on Seturclar..Arell
13.1001.at Victoria Hospital, Susan thug.
fool, of Grantee.
-The breath of the pines is tbe breath of life
Lo the consumptive. Norway Pine Syrup con-
tains the pine virtues and cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, hoarseness, and all throat and lung
troueles, whicb, if not attended to. Iced to
Weak, nervous or dello:de men mid women,
whether overworked mentally or peysically;
will find nothing to equal Millman Heart and,
Nerve Pills for restoring their bealth and bend.
tateup their system.
Used internally lanyard's Yellow 011 cures
Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Quinsy, Pala in the
Chest, Group. etc. 'Used externally cures
Ithoutnation, stiff Joints, Contracted Cords,
Sprains, Strains, Burns, Scalds, Onto end Bites
of Insects.
For Infants and Children.
it 08
St. Marys
S. S. Colsweenstre—The Perth Son.-
dav Sebool con.vention opened Friday
morning with a devotional services
conducted by the Rev. T. A. COsgrOne.
At the conclusion of the service the.
reports of the various schools through.
out the county were read. They
clearly showed. that througliout the
county of perth it great interest is
being taken in the Sunday sclecen
work. The aueuel report of the'
seeretary.trea.surer, Mr. Isaac Horde
of Mitchell, showed that the Perth
Association had beld conventions for
thirty-three years, an unique record.
No department of work was malting
greater progress in the new century
than were the Sunday Schools. Thio
was easily seen "when we consider
that every weele 1000,000 teanhers and
over 20,000,000 scholars are studying
the word of Ood, and in our own
country, 15,000 study the International
Lesson every week. In the Methodist
8, 8. in St. Marys 736 comprise the
membership and the Methodist S. Se
in Mitchell counts 800 in all depart.
ments from the 40 on the Cradle Boli'
to the 3001n the Home Department,
taking care of them from the time
they are horn till they die." Cen-
tiniung, the report, said that the Sun-
day School teaching_ of to -day is a
great deal better than in years gsne-
by but their is still room for itnprove-
ment as it great many teachers do not
think of the great responsibility of
their task. Financially the associa-
tiou was not in debt, said the report.
The collections at the last coavention
amounted to 829.09 and f•-• expeoses.
to $25.40, leaving a bah. e of 83.6$1
The foliolving are the otidcets for next
ear; President, Mr. L Rice, Str
us; ist vice president, Rev. G. A.
Mackenzie, Stratford; 2ad. vice-presi,
dent, Mr. S. it. Stuart, Mitchell;
vice president. Mr. J. Walsh, Tralees
4th 'sue president, Mr. T. L. Hamilton.
laistowel; eecretary-treasurer, Mr. I.
Hord, Mitchell. The next, convention.
will be held in the town of Mitchell -
and will be in %Mien with the Chris-
tian Endeavor Society of the County.-
-The death of Elder Thomas, infant
son of Thomas and Levina Conley,
aged 7 years, occurred yesterday. -
Hannah, Ford, an old resident. of Har-
rington, died on Thureday. lith
ha her 70th year,--Titursday evening
Mr, 11. Dickson entertained the em-
nloyes of the A. Beattie a: Co. firm at
his residence. A very pleasant even-
ing Was Spent by all, some thirty int
number.-Tbe committee of the On.
zens Musical Society met last evening
in the Council chamber for the pur-
pose of discussing ways aud means of
organizing it new band. A report was
brought m from the St. Marys °mixes.
tra, an organization having several.
band instruments in their possession,
'Tbe organization refuse to join in tbe
movement, unless the committee pur-
chase their instruments, glie present
financial outlook. does not warrant the
committee entertaining such a proposal'
and as it result they have concluded to
let thc4 whole matter drop for the
present at least. -Mr. Walsh, who
was taken to Toronto last Friday for
treatment for his eyes, is reported to
be progressing very favorably. An
t,peration was to bare been performed
yesterday and the doctors had hopes
that by the end of this week his eye-
sight would be restored. Riehard
Nolan, who bas for some months con-
ducted it barber shop in town and tvho
was reporthd Ill last week, was Sunday
locked up in the cells. Far S011iCtiMe
his mind has been ming away and
Sunday morning while at church he
became insane, and, after being re-
moved from the church, he went home
and later in the day the chief took him
to tb e cells. He underwent treatment
for the stone trouble some years ago.
and it was thought that a pennanent
cure had been affected, 1 ut it is now
the intention of bis Needs to have,.
him taken to London for further treat-
ment. -Mat. O'Brien. who has for the'
past month been n3ore or less confined
to the house, has taken a tern for the
worse and his recovery is greatly dis-
paired of. Be was around a day or sce
last week and his friends were hopeful,
that a care would be effected but the'
doctor has now no hopes for a re-
"Praise the sea but
keep on land."
Admire window
shoes — that's what
they wdre made for.
But keep on wear-
ing the shoe you know
to be "as goorg-ii
looks."—$3.50, $5.00.
"The Slater Shoe"
_ itootlyeariYortir ti
• ,„
J. 8 PACIal AN, sole Local Agent.
.e •e6Ted for ,,,S20 changed to
2,900. The cheque • was in due
course presented • to Paying Teller '
Kelly, who gave in return 29 $100
"bills, The man then departed.
The robbery at the Imperial. Bank
was not discovered till between 7
and 8 o'clock, and it would not have
been found Out for several days had
not the clerks been working after
hours preparing for the semi-month-
tbe 15th. When the fraud was found The rigs ate of the latest style, best
ly balance, Which is always made on
out the officials communicated with ,k or k a111,11 p anti perfect finish.
the' Detective Department, and De-
mo., u ion o a e an es iga, -
tective Black was sent down to the
F. Russell
F Russell
Tureiwfdrm.o4v• a'oliuggies
wishes to annottnee to • the public
the t be has for sale a large assortment
of First -Class Buggies, including
All day yesterday the whole detec- Russell
for the man 'Ivho robbed the banking INV
tive force Was out scouring the citY
institutions, but as yet no arrest has Two Doors Sohn.) Town Hall.
been made. Bank officials say he is Exeter, April ma,
about 25 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7
inches in height, and of fair com-
plexion. He wore .f.,t'light fedora hat
and dark sacque sult.'
This signature is on every box of theigenuine
W. J. Little, of LucknoW, has been „
appointed Clerk cf the Bruce County Laxative Brottio.Quinaie Tablets '
Division port. the -remedy that elyes a cold In ono day
To cure rheumatism, and all the'
time you suffer dreadfully, why don't
you get a bottle of Poison's Nervine
and try that? Rub it into your stiff'
joints, sore arms. lame back, bent
shoulders -wherever the pain is. Nei vie
line has cured plenty of people in this
way, and that ought to be proof
enough that it will cure you too. It is
an 'unusually strong liniment that.
cures rheumatism in unusually quick
time. Best household liniment known,
26 cts.
Nil FrOifi
Our goods are the best
that money can buy. . Our.
prices are as low as the low-
est. Our terms are of. the
mbst liberal kind.
• We are one of yourSalves.
• These are good reasons,
• why we claim your patron-
We have always on hand' "
• Pianos, Organs, Snwing Ma-
chines, Sewing Machine- •
Needles, Oils and Repairs;
• also Violins, Guitars, Mandoe
• lins, Banjos, Sheet and Book'
• Music, Song and Music'
Folios, Music Teachers Sup --
plies, etc.
A Call Solicited.