Exeter Times, 1901-4-18, Page 37 To & gpipar4 for zach Uefxa.. because under All circumstances shine in that? Is there. not pleas� euS4. qVirldivid4al sV4, t wo a17 -that? Far� -es, can, ))o nd, leaving the shawls oil the see- -ad the p or n. is RV4k,TVr with QV,Ch lien a Q 9 i14 I ef. P4 and fl� r the fWdL wceopVout, er t ,t.b�n boiSterbus F, t kf- BEST R%-. fs,noc am AQ H I FV r cold to cool. but Pot r give 1 i$P4 97CF44% pary tQ, bring u, lQck up. HAT REVGIONIS 11WAYa ABE WAYS K R and rs. which are oterpal rapture in the higbent profit. At t�ha Maine FX' 50 tq'6'0 de&r Sk ca distillation. porill -Pzof 6F Pi1�'kASANTNF_SbP' aroun )o ding the whole evening ell We KAN-0 9� "I to V, , t _P lu I're end 4 Station, sion of_tli'elm'eather and f IjFk the discus it great deal of the ICO 49" E4kr pk I And and Afay h4 .Food, r;,6eiared From coiealis JDateo,.A*;X Orted out 260 A in Apology for trea;d1lig, pn un 3 shjrm�ql the Dible, ano�px our rla_,� ed Barred I. Wliitet. considerable tes lAK, Of ir 'bout it,, lite I an In cor- a oequen, a ns O Uerpote, y ITY L eftr i, te- ZeQ, the -at, in tjjis,.P�Jl 14 0.11yer" Wya ell ' its .5oujaduassl FA.Y j�7 ,, - . I that,.Arp - Size and shape a . ur 0 UNSHINE QF VIRIST11W " - two sign of jig t ndot And IM f r o the outh" AV Ur xilllm VVI and -som r In has ciroborat to'come �Jo ge6 lip sal use e coipaixx6l, ftnd I itilat, ftishod, t wri or ),Ie' ure, d goIu0-_,LNLQUAd with an t.S ne goes out from a, cancer t right after rie. dr:� -,9 ssibje. Of the WO each toultr. eet -he about nothing until paug, IF;44r4p oig 1c, he 39 laid l4ter Is no Indi"tion Ora i'DPW adof is Wvcd,�, erW 4Wn A' C9,01; 4 V.QO40* ette, reult,overV aa -I ao Vun- Ilakers of the 0, goilig od and 1�00 0U - the collation i% spryo or boforq,Alic� q X4 S Ored ia OVS r cli.qprA, bogiiis, b4a 4", There is hardly any, food Axcept Ah 100 each. Of thq 126� Ply��; when eggs 0 "'to ill of back again into pa�16i to ro- better, poxicort. tlia-a thxt !'I. or more' Jioa it the Other circkvu�_ 174 sICh is So cslaid 100 UniVerSA 1*0 the weather, a no then At tho aless thaa, 100. of the 56 g�,,jambar is no AQ on y I$ 50 or aDd even for a, very rid. � -,% brek , x Ian leto hour to joys ai rojig4pp 4r*.,ilx IWyAndot, line laid 'if -er And padded wh on A0 -here fplose going At ct where, t)at� sjlice� lkis gr ter "410 Toke sh(*)Nj, 4fi& fhoj&�gs timd assuril�s., have here oujX,4t�h fl 3't 49to q, ail Six ot the, , 16worldly 4; .f I"the. no'St, %v _y mas r Isoveg less than 3,00. them that, in that, first beg A orQ L t Br4li. .0 laid 100 or mQrO 4 IMS IWV; haO fj "J ' nd IporcePtible difference-, in the lfre0- WaS Art tV hingLon, eternal, orchestra, We'shall, * gg,a r -as laid thus I. forth . 4(ijight �. (ft diet, six loss than 100. Three of eggs Dr. T41ma e.sets fql oircalov, hlia, -Vowmdg, igh e the lrpnt. Steps, tW� 04 oftber -6the i tho, 5 fq 4. A il�k, 36, 37 444 eg eggs. and b storod in, this POSIA019 f v i I 3 eligion as an, eAl ,dov",u off will atch S 01rWtz . - * I .tpaong all but Pe4P:- re llcctlyely oard pceWW nyktp,PPIV0Rgj the door th, tile 4.qtrA5PomfrS* thO g0ologI00, laid 2QQ or over each, the bigh- br4m Or in hilogophen eWyalloot a4d if tha board, or the bra% geq..01111peple, to try jpower; A' .'�S Of PlMsAutueSs, that eggs frolA Acm b OArer by 4 cova onk, w , "" -X . "t being ,208 for v, 'i T for this importanPl- Of 'at'ja to 01 Mon �bwe`fronl Itbo'- Ile reason covere �vay are wix �emk 6es ipi lt� wa$ notkeable country to spend ou'r dh Affilrd t4 adjoqra 44-. vpry sim th% pAckillg madi. to r ss wJ21ch laid the greatest num. of blanketor Yell Aletya aq: Invyk 91, POW* ben ki be"d Roidg.AQ X- r.AQVA,. 12�oxlo r 'at % cool, and quiet place is QVailaI at egg's gener 0P begotten , on, wkw� ar -JA -Q9 days W49A a Ora 04 ally averaged smaller *no To Leti me to YPQV -the next. wQrld,. b4n� .q.0unfj tile Wild C tegun the ry best will be, done evenings? Size ill those that oil, not pr, daughter? Ali 11broor, ithe 841(mges Q� an ' the 'I'liocaverilng over is erealivor Pik oz woAbatj, 4h e- due% so MAIny., an1� to prevegi,A, evo 31%v have kU0Vn bile theWWki itAs I* up, The ego, from ell, to keep t hem, War=, bVt ers Wh $garatU4.. an _0PPCkrtun";' prepared front them, - e4 would . thoso 11 IbeLtQr ich Increases evaporation -gt# _,seg0leA :,far- as,T. laying longest a -Ad best, raught, wh A: Oa tk4l: XA- wise tol�, YOU io futor 'yoUt boay; i tli coo sti[grig ily tlxf cos so ,be� top. her brow was 0099 ter aA I Ad 7) jy fertile Add strong of the allid con tents and ealarge., tho. Iler voice WwL mind ta 1glo' Pies, in gW. work. but beyond .,Were not, near $4 we A4 This process � wallf uy�, text, Cmo tq at the, cll3so bf, from the Ilew which had air chamber, wety. ; that I muSt"gWe Inyvelf-to S?-Viox- Xauch As possible. AVO at -Y!� ays -Avg., vayrn ot. Je. wilb-i'llas n p .5014 This ralsei to ro.tArd as, Ana. Jaid More, mQderatOlY. Ilred t, preserve sllgk� It herk.-pb�tjw; gr of tgf6l Ipwing:tbat in one, �OaV en40s 0-i A�5e Ve"I her or Pot whera, 'it i IiR1.r4J4gioIV?-._TDQ t;y�ou t ditkil Who re Italia 'to ot etqwt)r we -will .oateh it. 411. ob, r, still thi� mer eggs for winter he Igggs. A re gathered indiSCril rat methods for doing s4 cal, avady tas -1; take Who obwrv,4tory. tu,wW --�,faff the and , Jar,. 4kro save the go& 5et. & ror pro trQm sea are from 90M4, hoiise7 tat monlik, tportloA of ilia Chicks rA smear sw4y.,nitronom 0 ct upon - AAo Irom s1lifu �y Dr" d" tb bu�tor, add in Franco th prokl4ced - D, Ory, sipatea, ih, t A I I%,- 04 t�jjscop, u� bv�,suppr- k th6,.t Are the poore*t layers. Wrier Wt Ialive oil in which I; frolui Wk visijoal. And it tbare,,bo sola, to in-Aher, eav t (knuffier'le" natural in regilrd to, AA AnWaent�, iietio. their eggs as a rule being the Most similarly use, Till lived or melt -or oft.. 0 cocke eswax !,A of$$( lest q, ou);, Cgoiced for , , be ., I , tite and yigorous. ou4ful I The. latter IS tb@� bet ;.�hk�m Ti) the -*3 one of 00. ter of the t1*1 ed from the leaves OW r ncid. otlwra N4 0 - - a, You! will aoil�a Pr14CJPJV ona.strok .0 bel4s 14'. ur a of tbe� Will you 16 t h ry brief and pl '6je, by Lo eggs a year ythe butter "' n statement tled ;ca�tena g e t4 -Another .r- .,bode essc* v job the i VAde trp'rest box or ii tho vggs, in raw §Mlt. Padlzed tight A go 0 Lwodiwo ;& 'd round over I All a One OT lite r4w, n for boifing. lip ..40 from thq'Jowi , good, agul * inhab I'll ing you are back -agin, Qmd!ldl 14 t is Iwo w4 * tMe" Ulaw youv XM.3145 . - :gther wAv th averga :yearly Qg -k Increased 4!�, little as 40 aiClung upw 4, gel lip one� 114's1k O*Vnit_ var qq� .in; ;Field C '4 past hJui?,too we shall bava'AD tho, en each per lien, the IRCOMt, Ot AX.r eight =04ths- le((e ta 11 W V11h eyn I gJ ill tiq, II methods a an lid' b 11W but certain ge;.WrA1­rU1e3. 01- Que 40 well Anall. 1 SIR Q Ms Of to them V kl1__.A% yeathe 110CU will be 9rc, cr Icereft- ;ThIstialot 1,Gad-wItbQ.uV hgAnd evapor;N at 4 mot ,her Only' f4ght I95 It was old before . TAVTO I41_'Al_14o.MAA -IM" All our Sim Tes the born. lon-. liClien gk?tto,be j - % getio.0oril tlro (77 Plan I% to pack them TA X* b �l p! house to lvh go. nl�, am the world lasbr$ghteVi -will ba nothin ,,to be fr1gblt#4W­1 ?driala QgL tbo� dQ;4gh po It brine, this tb* sarsapalkillas wero lildi be 0- Aro yory eager to goithAr :PQl- A40t a DQW,#. Alt Aru.-Xls�k to �ears* vl;ukef It k;Vnftb t lukewarm. aThe�y use it ex- xwtv;� A*% ligion, got be W than khis t 4��Qilt. herq, Qur old CUTISUM); legs 4A4.. the mixtum jerk in p, long b4l, ;Vicci 1lidimtIonils 0 rouria US.' Jm� should Vo done lit, 1% clusiyoly for Tood for their, YQUO9, of age, I had only ten doctri Jrlolds will trooll, XeeP flult Ayer's, Pill$ aid tUe'AQ,I And riliSing became rather hard; and the VU14 not the advice of, lJJ* religion. alic oly, I alll- dyiug perfect; it Ayorls Sarsapa- one. of �Yoor sick. f4Q,nds goes Ap froo AS PP65iblAN UOM J)ltat 91 ft§IY W9444 grA For eggh to ]DO flon 4 75 of.. age, And_tbcre� ij . only �-]Ail who cannot uliderst"d a joke htid* of perceptibly s 2v,. of The substitute for V , A nv� 0 Xf . 011e Ad elongtu rilla. TheyCU6 billous- I 1�.Iviw. "d thmt , iers,-0, 6-1110 solith of, 9 equally,aoratg(r b' ill gg,ther it in their pollen bask- kept any of time. 101vilvart opq 11i that or who pre V -Q-rel ,34 b Ill Do doubt, th4t 11to N�A pre- tho world the advice AO. a-swMaont, w=-; IM4 Nc#1 do'�, ijob 5ee� hh4 for . long,while. yeast. t 4ho, there �s Is 03- .1 bar. solution conl- WO the gggq from thek, growing a S with as much 4raostuesS As r, 011rist, dium. is a. ;', to' save'sin *And so I IMVO�UQ- at'a, this MW YQU uleet, and. t#e Llttol;�Inil4t 0 s, W. ed A. the advice , bp_ihar. uguly.auixed regul#r Pollen frain gower 4"ve tiers."' ancl Af er aw of at c6rtMilk 40 :yftr4 =( �ou plado _tbe studyw-of Oad'a .� word world in a Are' 41 Almo� �iait and Cream mo the Ter Amrt %tiat 11 its brightness and, der the ey! Alth tilo nour And water, gorgover, .. It is ery profitable for both b ekeeper t world. I jar - tlio Wderin ullysOlf Piftrent v tue beA itiml CIU04 14 tut and the a. oodrTilla mvea ray 'aud inii MY d �s thq_,prcaeAA;Q_Q1 QXYgeA Aida, t110 fruit grower and the W ,, eternal, what qe. gooci n IS tine, 4 =5110,yoar $4m] watw' Alle the time of lie 4W -rexit proportion$,, -of thij V Apo -the CrutCU b -4s bt-e y All P;VCta of the Weather t-flift slake lite wbell. I ArO too) )t0yearsago. ekaracter Of God 4314 ore I growth Of the YeQ IS nge Am zovex necessry o to tilde of �routiq Illen thatT ft y6u 11ardly $go, to,.tho %jr. blooming of fruit tree.% The bees cipp, 1-f As follows 110.aili;l, lor aa so ella without yoar =ediclues.l ,rid that it I, no14oligh should be gxpo and While At wark,, *Ad theu pour the relt jo Part my S. voing -nothin Ini. VOU Hotprj,X Q, roSllts �tre got the I4d.rop. Q) WWI ,1Wow,Jp . I - A , V Lpth thin lons Of water �,.other q0AUtit.,; WAK tag. Too lit Jqrtilize the DIOSsOMS bY on) upon *no paul4dundo, 00 ATARd'-and' sWbNkut H heLaead 4% �­Tftst lcamiun U,Wclet. blit V, 1 4in proporti -en In ctiff,4111i d1i another. tuore gioat, t rill of courst yiqld badly xaa -pollen from, one blossom to d Su9QX. If = 4*'VQ am 4013 One urieat� dact-.Iae that wan. IS OL at quicklime, then 4d4l t9A AIA41 Almighty AS, - wwant;�-eyf4 pounds at goo �...Islnner , i been ftiling thO�b iivi �ind lelat, bUt too is t 0141 alidift tfie; %Is 'how , of $pit And two ounves at 4 I � log pg about and V6 little aunces d Divine Saviour tXe,;,= 01 jrtti;c. Stir a illtervalA Ar V4 U WAX - lon " � I - flo tt �Ms so comlaou And dan- tAntion to, colony, of bees from Q ,NOW. 1 'a of four "IV 1got, this Qlastioitr, I nevor jolic at the most I ^Ad jeAvo to tMRr wgetlatr for flild wh�re the ellAitian Lo's o1w sat- faAIIL% in bread IS eAVIIIISS ly spring until the honey barvet yi. 14W 0470; then pour 09 tbelear li- 'Of Ane M "' adTMabe caused in the fir, 00V Aw. V should. in 0, fair honey Sea And irabod the egg In it CA plave lovt-d ones 4 by the use of cheap ljours, poor iA log ou $20 wort, of e , 011'r Above Ilt oflAers. is tile vt thousand self doniaiq. TI0 thOr h(-.jjtb In a ell 604 ir closely V,40 possible, keeping alwa anded ,to urreoder io hich cautiot absorb 0.11 thO Ixoney. with 4 good colollyr left 'With Well 'Covered with ljq�itd. .n.1 MO. f IV00M. tian, Is ot demt " v to -0 Into When you' moet'thi, A iar a IVater .6piht. But fol� t1it'DwIng Open anything tliat lq"Wpqh� L changed'you Will b put into tile dough or, to plouty, at boey to carry It over Uu should alwivs Th Wbut does"ik ivip ,tbvi , other way. bY th% us* tit the next season. xe liquid 0OWMAIM110 lltox Diva at tq Wilat I loil� t*)j e �� will be so much 01 required, pro- ng. We are denim % df, All tIllI I ljjjs�? , dvo hinispit �tjie rell -Anil at too Much aer 1h,pro -to 'It is natural far bees to SWUXM 'to All UP 43 nortii i ' ) 11­� aPortion luilih",R the ��Pul- � lie pi 'thout storing Any great QuOutlt)r goss ba Used, it is Important to StQlr4 Ir 9n or, CQje�StW CAV to 501 ilonIl,1,by,t0Q little, Qr, by � too Vt. f must or treAt, 'the eggs the '4WO 4-`lly 4#y; NW6 **As 'o.celd to 111row 11y A p, While cohstruttilig 00tI 'kp' r religion' �Iud to close i , Pe _O -.0.901 Vomq out and I poor yeast, � or �by. 411SUC104% kncad- of surplus honey' L So tbat Wet* So_ laid, if they, ar4) fertile eggs. But gbral into Oal I 5. hhwiplf :� -the @fe ell , Ildron. j�jih their jog, rising,.or baking- I I -TV .4, ebutrol swarming, it e wish 41 ir saturII the, shutters 4ad to 'pull down the i lid flcn�f )OF, iif . tessloll. of It avy 1me op. are is no doubt at 411, and it bets c I �le doiles- himself., - , POPULI Ied one - of , R. The belt w4i to till Qjind' is only through here %Arniso-Ral of govem theI, 6re large Ci Wk.,, boon proved by wany QkXperimelitz IT* '14 ilia youngest hit arly collsidet the light' d, stible of goods.. heil 40 this I-, to keep tile colony f1t oru, *Xbun D. Mattu L 0acir, tL prowshIM"bf � k1119.4 and Pf`ielsts" k at 0.11 tim" darin the that tortlo 1414 UY 4, belt wit* f - and iv cre�lci Mo slon and f&rdwafo, 00haut; stream.,. Tile religion ntyy 0, A �J�wed. it . rolls ttliclf 140 sppjiQ.d keep coniderably bol­� ot!Mio, Lord hlmsolt�thO 910ric% of Joviar'.Aa il-ptopo%sioll.' but'lfo ft.wk and not talk 40.,Mt, Orbout t1le slf danials 1#113PS1 whith giv the 6ney urplus seutsu Christ I%' Mull W1 juices �Very, little eh4lkolilk� to roo when thtLy becolne ter than 'fertile *UeS. _15t]), 'yet%r, Ilia Adoscl and imut,terablo: T Wber_ of thm 0hrl$tiall, emourbin 9 In. It is rl� to �oj, c- ilid 4 b(*l crowded they take a notion in 4ra Ig 0 quarto tn r is o�Q. Ill tjle. Cbristhtn life jilao are it, 1.41 Wller6! is to riag woud&141, as a. In thv-AArorld" *our %I�4lioeuwood? Where V iq,yonr 14amatimos brem6aier a6trOubl- awarm. inile is, �omdtlihlg Vs Vt. vlaasanbi )lit JNVcSt;' :L2 colonies of one WaS Sown III the X-00t4q,_ shj�tteied throo elbi, bitl� in this lifilu�qo this, V"Hor i aTO wa, t1stick" -- .", I_ , Uuret Whoro, is yl I It there are 0. j� known ar. For 10 or The seed an In 811011 calle.S. broad Ivill need pel: ars' worth house the middles of I&nd- boxes. foundations, su- ansplanted 16' Abbo?" A-AdVicy 1411illy-erY lituy" bread. haps tell doll his liver, and who a kre.lit, deid 011-411L "Therol,fire M(i gra:v(S 11, or four days old takes, on 4 $ surplus It eii't ono luna. 64 to their arLd. tin Afteir having been tr, then listen,foi thV*,to11itk$C tit t1w,olil lypit bro%ja color and Wpecullo& otc., on hand read for imme-. or three times to insure good* stor 1ham,gow dep t this so% ado odor. pore , Tho-trol,lble, appearst Imssla raft on 016 81�ibws. heariv. th(% old, diat.o use. To neglect having theSO;, plallts, they wero Planted cut! tore ilia INIrQst an( t1i'a bri, liteA i%itd '16 ttxlgll?� im: about the middle *1 lifily. I PlAnt0t April S.—According to tile ibe t�ftk %radilint `136119* I)i 411 2* t1rc., pp -1 IL 'Ar Vlt be iLused by ilia collinlOn POWAO *111 be A. loss of fullv ten t-i'lles their Opip 'is alil iAe�xl)licat owhich cost. This is no high estimate -of Some the latter part of April and It liap cillus, a. minute- JTjiIn&0 "i'urn' 1), . - orgAnisin r At ter thb the$r toll lidt, rtbr St Moviburg go)rrospoWdont'of The sul 1:11leriS 14 the They only Strike lit) a. Fil- t the loss at all, and, it may double' its we,y into he mixterials—,of heppened there was no frost to k1A eles, Vir, Vladi rld. but (,',Oil'$ dMIgIlter jinpori:, du, '.'Jett our wo I less­vibman vory, chime, t6WO to twWr. ealt SUa Ives, the baking and,,,,- this. It will PaNI to give th; Lces,� tem. but 5A 0, general t tug it beQii rallied ou'all AMA -Vrive her room., the dough, sury is liqrk,. 1, an 1fi1jIfjt�j6t5s Anck"consecratp Vo- to gate, a.4 � the�y rillg* out,*, how I until after tbo mIddJ* aild Alt growing in the broad, ciluses it, to, ptoper attention. Allid it) learn better to wait a coniplete, jnvalld.,, . -They hungtr n mare, Poll liar gecompose. The best, safeguards are t do it if You keep them- of May. For the tomato patch I r j-110 L thralig_ t lLbat the broad in a cool Place and lacted a south slope bordering on X6 I,.,. Lo neither ShMI tha" -e thicst, ,tiny U14 to L I ttild InaKe th t zLS intich, as can be con- StrAnga of Poi),mo I small lake. The apors arising fro There Is 4, OCJO#� light on them'nor aliY'lleat, for bake ollbv rooni, . , I,- 0 I .1. 0 incom"' OVY r Po011ik- Plan 0. the Lanib Which is in the lui i3t sumed Nvithial w das;.br -two. A remarkable action for libel Is, the lake during frosty nights. tond to I In* .6 -t tile throne slid1l, Nad'Alionl7td"llving, i% peciallY - in pending before a Paris court. VA. zu, 00,11* theory 6f"r(Aiglon fi�; one, 'There is it too Not infrequently, keep the frost from collecting on -UL6 wilorO to lives cu, the OA'R�Wc; 441. damp wo%ther; viold -f ers ago a rich wine grower, J1*9 plants, and consequently an earli&� Illirdl know 1210,11Y klit their eyes. ,qutsida ob oven ' In the inside , Of married a' widow, each of ,Fgt�. i4ille N Crop is for JJIL-re art, O �Awtiv 1�11 toars irc secured, which will bringu high Prite. lillvtt ruh uVan Inv soul. I is Ibread. Mld, i 11kcryeast, is; r- minute contracting p�imrtios having at 3 In eong Very little fertilizer was used 5,_yexrs to ,) "oil that (or seeds), are rL-ady a son. A mothei ever -y. departillot, _,r4tu ation plant, lwbosra ePmvs vif-A t ltoutw riloating a:boUt*,av6rywhelk6 in'the, air, The man's son conceived v. violent hille and f 'A'gp' is, W the ground wh I,;krA1 - it J�tckuld-.o 1c comprised thre e her and t1le floor In the still Stic, i�mlly, lr,�ady to Settle -down: and grow'wher`� Ilatred tigainst, his st Pmot fourths , of an acra of timb r so aoon in lio-r ilund. her son, avinS been cultivated only to. 14 and on his father's death lid Lover complained ever thoy find a miilolst, tp. ilaDJAhPJ` '��o aftenpr r from�o.four i1jps thaIL;94.%, "I In baforek us;- Vto rdoticable xeccused his stepmother and her sor- years. Tile varieties producing jars themselves. Thw-110st P 11"blAa e-tv there? They do, onfUl of cand4t vil cares-idar .,anythIng k' but - Go& nZY1 '%Ainy. to prottet bread from .4hCra is & poisoning the old man. VIdes were planted in rows 5 lee child, 1*1 all getting It. Spa to -'4 dcrst�liid fioavel-,t and eternal brotherh4rodt, 1110 keeli it, in a dr.V4 air -tight box. - were accordingly arrested and kept Lpart and 3 feet in the row. 3)wAXt I this sunshine." Wolild God t1wt, t presen .1 -aft -t "11 -Ark t '-ft 'Alat �111lake the crapir he -doorbell. Your But all thesb faults' See insignift- id. prison for two. -mouths, and their Champion was planted ax4 feet. on I '16ved ones the best variety I day 1,31lig y-fdrIttheir cant compared, to 'the dreild of all innocence was not established finally consider this a v Sri. alainin I . at t1t4t"Pe 'tin, Verla, &L, goSpe g3ollthe'. tit 3'. and its wl,gpl! lire, c-%pjAPAti(5'W.hT11creJ4s a buiL­1 dl' - CO -It' --l. Possibly' the vest-' *Uatil nearly a year Afterward. rat crop and have grown it f(& nm ndd-,mbrosi I bakers,, sour�broiid; gone 1,Iness man 6`0, Lowell M4tatf' U . �;$ojs in -,which the bread was m4d6 . lit the meantime the son of the do- From tbre* Aa oil, JSaaCL e. - watts the past six years. liadA2ai! � , who has lost hiS 1 1 of fourths of an Acre I sold $169.91!,z li*st 1, -, *1tly-., 01 il before he lost Give,ft, y76ur, best- t 'JOSr" cref hot thoroughly cleaned'after:thd ceased had obtained a. judgment sunshihi, I'm Christian Wie L fortune. The ckplc to set aside all bequests otat L.n*ot' know of ere 20 celestial. �Ot,llging And Sol -do und6sirable, bac- the Court worth, of tomatoes, and the t anything viore IN fokund 6164 W -I' - ur his father. penso Was $39,6s, leaving a profit 0 than the Ati thOiMere %that What -Is. thb Use -01 fy0stP011ing 0 ' ,tfrfa, got into the dough ftom*them. Made to them by SO Ll 1)" - Brackett, in GOLD funnialterg of sIoV.#1;Wh6.,wook aftet, -he Imt$ ,-his 11'1eile tiny lartg&?- 11c,t it"begitt,' pr perhaps the yL%agrt'contindd an The woman and her son are Suimm $130.34,—A. AmerIC4# *Aow, and whoSOONV& a;1h&rp D�t iindue proportion of these bacteria, to recover $40,000 damages for libel, Agriculturist. tlil4um -it, hAth a -Were fouild only ill lid false imprisonment. Itag**, if fortune* �411 thb!italtPtage$� y6u too Bolt( V RinrJefT fifiger..2 Thh wbW be Oif the latter' trumplet" iovilim. bid -W it alild, Vhoso-;-' _ud -b �'i Keep Limewater on to fore, '- iflifica �&gAn 11V6 'jormal quanthies, possibly theYeast Use Weeder$ on FarIns. lien wosd- Othitt bulluess' b &S' givb sr a' and -was, quickly Aix- d ina* TA el b(t 'EV Nt,�h '-an -AligliLlY Itt, hiln being easy aiDthers ';!,all Itt)olr' fr th ir-' over nj -0 itself -was weak spldrt� 4- They. Vi' Limeater, Ij�6061 dowwthOk iIalisted. The troublema be duo to I do not believe that Many , should be ­bk", ' diapason. They- crowd to prepare t vu, 0. ive, tli� `I; pttsied.' down e W L, 'fiall leg, orallcolom %is this Iwill tnedmine th h -r -caval- the dough was �alldwed '6rs calk afford to be without a horse- Pens i5 'takIvertisementaus, ye Jor. biv. Undti, dis- i a Us W in eye To nia ills fr6ilbies wore- .Air, spir the fact;th,at ous old. vmra the Seeds. Sell thmn- Thtfir ;dfiiflot -Tong after mixing, the Weeder on the farm- It I e d ry h ell that doft-i 3jfsJ:rt6VcAed` ­&& 00 It 'place 9, piece of uaslacked lime tbt ln�� , Z . tba'Sitilibmth. SUP- lZe Of allL egg in an earthen vessO aall'T I ��Oellsttllneascd`workint,' and the daii;, ill they-Ilre starting. 'will. rind. st when fIA 01 in fielity0n.aive %illy k. tiler��'k Wlis !*(J(f1Mde. ", hats W -whirl ' w of rapid, idexpensiv S AIves a cultivation. Pld- light. ero teria'Which dkow beat iw sl ft' 1 ess. tfe�acid, such lnw� t breaks -the crust &!ter ri 'rite - , , . . I Of Cleat, today. Thp,seakinilrsep, Lp ivol us bat and pour over it one quart �6-soedsb - until"W" a d`- 'to Se edittii 60rL Lraigh!ter- is o,jI I I - th ains, a -ad cold Water. Allow it to stand 06 fq*, ifis-orien -P -,:,jo 1,: LV dope Aus�, JtJd J`dodf fes Ifilk u�s­ti:ftbr-ulebhollo 'for�Lienta 'Ott does it ft 4i at A rapid rate. It gives t � 10 Passel In the baftalfi!Ali *Of occ� ae Chd L fail the d -1, 4 a:,! letting the roots 11 I hours, then Alter through blottIDL I tig th?ji hats Ir lica W, 0V . n- - *00k, ievef IM61 shas 'cetised, hacl g6t the'uPP& rface cultive-tiork ecting the sediment. Put pi - , ­- t "it C ,JLf'nono of' the -sheriff scLldp ii% Ott ,ae 9"'lau I Mird, as 1,� He' n, CIS, buld� t!N& these - i I - the ground paper, rej V% n I my'l, t'hingg ar(V*f�t falilt, be undisturbed. It keeps - it into a clean bottle, Cork, alI4 [ Itig, hiis 44 �',srf6re 6tUihlt3v'V& ftelt Tile Ahe taidesirable ha��a level., It is especially good for cut L owere 11, that are coming 'come loose soil its acts very energetically 40,y "Vent. (own pas. joys to us. I NSW from the flour 'itself Such c -9t§ ting out the little ridge in the, row e plants. In er put. jai# set 4 saghiny doo,�.�, 00MV, -very between th fill of limewat Mon,16 I keep in a dark Cool Place, on water 14 4wrld oliable baker§ use &lAi&, Un- work, is ideal. In a tou, JWS LUTE T ege is are fortunately I her soil It a tO"Poon X.bw, while, tile.. world gocrl� awY Such awdY in, 4AJ�'y6� Many r r the & cupful of water or Milk almost Ot� �fja* J*-brid - a"WidbkoyYt�' 'aer the iblp�ession'that it'd-bes good.'is even worse needed right. aftel �htiy:. Pap-? i�t,kfl iiaan,� jylAld ^he '.b in, linanwar hav6!'Iouliff the tirely qestroys any deleterious SUP,- dtxp 4ayj-;. ] bA, besides produt- �ujtivator that has cut out 6spoonful in -,h On of C&ist, c6mes i Come in all. ye disciples of thJfthc&, .�nd. 8e harin, ance -there. A tea c. afige, :t11Vf?;1P*SA the i�101191 -1 , * th�e row. st exe lient remeo h ..2, 1. Land 1'138ir�diiij�-fegt' O'f thl a, broad wihoige nutritive 'value is' middles and slightly ridged YOU are Sick, u. LO464Ago q4i�_ Lo 11im and says: bide flil kV, div- -no t great as indicate, It is a xnoney-s er in culti atio cupful of milk is an e O� Q children wht: cogAizinff, YQ, )SO dlgestidj�k oqj Rprifl- tvenly gladnes is f or delicat bet CIO, y also very boia mejo Ad, 1wirint d see it is biAieyp juriolls used on time, It It is ciples of wol amt-wemeut, an &.to*be 'reall 'put it must be tf,' I t, -V(;U Ar is weak -none andA SO. & bereave 0 ment that may I IV, r:�,' S.4 I I , — , tors It' one f4in imple often i3i cases of acidity of the StomaCh'L iaTaiw. , the stage w tke dfg6stiVe sy§ PM and must�:be j4y. � -t - I ..' - I oultet_, a week, voracious 0 way to Your. tra, tiona'ble work. Test e -burning� wofds- Die to kda as, an 0 ba a PIXY its Cost in S _1 ut �so-a Otind il, . .1 I I no unpleasant taste to UO 1. inst have it. to laidven CA, *5107 . I . I , this yourself.—Alva Agee idu Is in The gives b; --liho, lklj-,tranos the s, milk or other article of food in whiQk 1,always walk on he -an a a j ' . 6rning e- t pect9eittlar'., ant. si.Artuy side of where this ls�� a is ofte1i useii I pr oCkMan. I Aft, the street and for that reason J § , -d�jl in sin, for S6a' it is used. w'a 1, . I c,t� I .1 one The' joy's f owole veut.s,ouring, tln-ii, as it d4es not eS I _&It out n�'th,6,) 116n �& Prey o have &oss�d Oleriridtb ChtAtiall -b add WA -5 _�Adost Te[ to of r6i;,rro _01%, * X f nounlaulark Nvolves. . , tl�wl P cafi'hard]y,b6,caI ed ��n Economy.' 'not, falon ex�, sub, 9 , * 7*' '" , ., Ilike their mod go. -��do "Idulteraiit' IV ..,is.50metimes ncces� Aextraordinarily hard winter has AnL exchange reports the saying y1c, of in, t �Is', -t a y: made the umaio,n wolves very y who must be one ver� -Fidg, I life %%U .',trul]a1?0vAht;0 Ro bo better. %1 1 .� 1 ..,;V. _\ ($-- , Vct, Il 11b JifgihVS�,Ud 1 "liar Souls Plains e e of roartee - ?,- I, is afallbbss, a small ay it do n`*;�4e`rt6­1Lft, D me - . I I 'de- bold, and hey The nut.riti4e ad many cases are reported menta, bett=r, do .9, value 'of brt. Little LiVer rluioOl Christian plet' 't cilgreidal coin- ��Of single persons being attacked and those. ' unwise 1!.104 Rend's,vpt only on I -Ile sttfithinb� 1/thla X4.�% _4, t ljx� of more than is meet. call natural to e- 141,:IS "., e tice, live ou;1:,Whon,iby--' You:`kTiOW 61.1"S'Iness" men, ON by them. lft&! .4,t the sup on 'I S table h at-kt to have'clied.,Jhsve grap'll'In- i�1'6 Tile mer everlastlngl-silli,� -pos w . 1. k1lown PLPIIS t t6, to hundTSrs "'Oti cattle and shecki. its,:turn,. eaten a piece of Pie the hol, 1ya-o-d,,aoJi.tIiJu6d alid persons M seems �.q depend,JarVdl-04: gone into the in tMit 11� f -In i wheV 'the,i(d6cor 'lr6im I n4 or 0 oz- aSPOO11fLI1S­Pf If I - t. j- ness'.af Ryo_,bixrIey.,aud. ts V soldiers afternoon. asked hig gilt to have been dead T e remmu Of five idfautr' SaW tt-Ley Ott 6nd� 0 9avQ it t 6if SS can" less, g, utqn were found in tile snw toiether, all ther. one In that teli vears. Divery' day of th inm line of 1?XIsino mO '�tl e poor follows be -10 ,n6nq,' tind therefore. s�heat, that was left of th bft� an tr� ders,�. Laljil;1 Ifiol ing their feet V rdiicisco. -)�as tho e. a a q �r er QT physjolbg�! '151A the -ki,4 . Their bloody bay.. PMrs. Rich." 'Ih'- its". lu ds, the I Wrapper r3elow. anktonly -Y, ere* str'uggie for' "Did you thank her?" of nYorl -1as 11*1 - I I � 1161[11� � I sum. It anets told of a., ft e "d- hal �nost'nutrlment or. a given had this stiPeNlMtil�Vl vivacity A tq�lispckbff u �,,qf lIq1JJ d gi, f -01 tile various kinds 'No'in; I thought, 'she woul &Ad that e h on that in- osgible tb�at life. mel� an 9 OZ7 SLZA1321 cud iisleftsy bei` 9ct§tcI_ TA, t 1,.C�i 'pip, ef Dof wheat $1 -those Pontairkll�g Part',' To Cure a Child of stuttering. other piece, and I was goin It, ed"th6re are en,,,,,L A pint of I a=. to talw Voltume tJje',brv'L'a­_ent1re wheat, P��d',gra-� thank her all at once." lidowo. - istiau,,Peoplo� in 17, one poild4j." Of Ut ;I U , A quart of sifted, 6,6 1-1 - The child that stutters mu 2 Ohl ,terpt"L,,,: 4�911 - 0 st beL . I- � -P vi ri of:. floW L and persistentiy Too r Avrl cot FOR 1pur—,4.tArnfsh the b OY. it ly, patiently 0, rijobi or., 0 J9,.;X 7hite gent 11' the -la L fo �,61 Ser tters, tl e,% DUMP& Some Ames seeiiIs t4l,-VA, TE 0 001, ddlice, of life d orrectec avor in thO CAN 1, stopped when he begins to flour,, but,tlley,prg. see Pi6i r pf'.41p� W0,S for liesitate. diade to fill, n `f it lkn,d ruid Ilibrc� 0, more., diges.-tible protein, as�. .add thliX Anglo -Russia rivalry for Asi ITTLt bright strokes U r -i"As -ey gay deep, ii aalialation, bably do np.t.viel the lungs With Which side do you f tlieftpl�r-�kti�*L,,i�,,.il�fYtI 0# cup af`,,bPttor,: supPosed'� It di you" ,i ci bile poild�c.��r seems Sa�fo to air by fluence?" Fa thoaght.' a, t as we know for a given to pronounc Can RVER p pher �ftieult 'syllable -1, I av a answered FO wol, di,� ar y� tfiat cipberl, it, Me, that, as f 9. . I I th�n il-t."any mere yt h. , all _., A. solid pint until lie can do, so,oasily andSMOOt Tell t Iof, chapped aie, amount of rhodey yields gy IL Hung Chang. F, gay at ith theJ ly. If this, course is, pursued unde- , , , , , lit, ast ac,t,�,al.nourisbniont�w il 0:ud noteu It1V Tell e�g e PpAlAq­ 7VP the m fvr& iL$ ION are rnv3-,- incaning, he gets, 0110,191 best� vIatingly dingredients �u� -the e an in g� to is f or PC P Pori�; A dagh Of te, t r T